sem Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Wed, 13 Sep 2023 17:34:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sem Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Main Advantages Of Content Analysis Sat, 02 Sep 2023 13:30:31 +0000 Content is alive. Attractive photos, witty texts, stirring videos – it’s hard to imagine how a well-performing website can do without them. The common thing is that such content is usually complex to produce, distribute and evaluate. Even once content has been created, after a while, it mainly just gathers dust in various departmental data […]

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Content is alive. Attractive photos, witty texts, stirring videos – it’s hard to imagine how a well-performing website can do without them. The common thing is that such content is usually complex to produce, distribute and evaluate. Even once content has been created, after a while, it mainly just gathers dust in various departmental data silos. The result: outdated or incorrect range, as well as unused potential that, in the worst case, nobody knows about anymore.
In our magazine article, you will learn how to become the boss of your content again with the help of regular content analysis and which practical methods you can use for this yourself.

What Is Content Analysis?

A content analysis takes stock of existing content. The entire content (text, images, videos, etc.) available to a company is considered. That objective content analysis must be carried out. Depending on the project, it can make sense, for example, to subject only a sub-area of ​​content (e.g. only the functional content of a website such as button texts, hover texts, etc.) to a revision. The operational and strategic objectives should always be known before a content analysis. Monitoring and action planning can sometimes be part of the content analysis. This also shows that the scope of content analysis can vary greatly.

Why Is Content Helpful In Analysis?

There are many reasons for content analysis. Whether it’s a website, online shop or corporate blog – a content analysis provides a comprehensive insight into existing content. It helps to recognize your potential and to optimize existing marketing strategies.

The following reasons can speak in favour of content analysis:

  • Re(launch) of a website, an online shop or an internal system
  • The desire for a repositioning of the content
  • Need for update and process determination
  • SEO optimization and conversion rate increase
  • Strengthen your online reputation

Is That Content, or Can It Go Away?

A (regular) content analysis, therefore, helps to ensure the quality of your content over the long term and to determine a targeted content requirement over a long time. This avoids so-called “thin content” (i.e., shallow content) and permanently pleases search engines.

What Methods Are There?

Content analysis can vary significantly in scope. Depending on the company’s objectives, there are different methods and formats with which a content analysis can be implemented in a target-oriented manner.

A so-called content audit is often the method of choice here. Content strategists and SEO specialists work hand in hand here and create an overview of the existing content in an inventory.

The following aspects should not be ignored:

  • content type
  • Persona relevance
  • links
  • Prioritization & Tonality
  • content format
  • Text elements (word count, character count, keywords)
  • Optimization potential
  • Timeliness
  • legibility
  • content quality
  • location

All content is on the table, checked and evaluated in a content audit. Existing duplicate content comes to light here, as does content that needs to be updated or more relevant. At the same time, the potential for content recycling and curation opens up, making long-term content planning much more accessible. The aim is to generate a reliable, cross-departmental overview of the content and check the performance. The focus here is also on questions about target group orientation, search engine optimization, topicality and the quality of the existing content. It makes sense to cluster your content accordingly, for example, through well-founded content mapping.

Even if little or no content is available, for example, at the beginning of creating a new website or online shop, it makes sense to conduct a content analysis. This usually contains the character of a recommendation, which is made based on the concept and in close cooperation with the design ideas. If, for example, the website is planned with a clear visual focus, although the budget required for image material is not available, a problem arises at the latest when the content is entered. It makes sense to work out the need as precisely as possible in advance, for example, in the context of a content workshop, and to record it accordingly.

Avoid Mistakes And Recognize Opportunities.

Optimizing your own content production and content offering is a permanent task. However, the priorities that are set can vary greatly. For example, the focus can be on a stakeholder analysis, which is essential to how the target group reacts to the content offered. Depending on the scope, a brand analysis, which deals with whether the topics the company is promoting fit its brand, or a company analysis, which investigates whether in-house expectations are being met, can also be included as a focus.

The Content Is Good, And Everything Is Good.

Strong content is playing an increasingly important role in terms of external appearance. It is, therefore, a clear advantage if this is known, up-to-date and consistent. A content analysis offers a valuable starting point for this, as it makes the content visible and usable in the long term. In addition to significant time savings in content production, for example, through content recycling or content curation, it leads to more stringent processes in terms of time, also concerning your workflows. Content analysis can be pretty time-consuming, depending on the company. However, this should not put you off, as the long-term benefits outweigh the initial additional effort.

Also Read: Developing A Content Strategy: Helpful Tips To Get You Started

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Why Your Business Should Hire Professional SEO Services Sat, 05 Mar 2022 08:09:49 +0000 53% of website traffic comes from organic search. It can be quite difficult to rank organically, which means your website may not be getting very many views. One way that you can improve your organic rankings and grow your business is by using SEO services. Do you want to learn more about why it is […]

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53% of website traffic comes from organic search. It can be quite difficult to rank organically, which means your website may not be getting very many views. One way that you can improve your organic rankings and grow your business is by using SEO services.

Do you want to learn more about why it is necessary to hire professional SEO services for your business?

Keep reading this article to learn more about the biggest benefits of hiring an SEO company.

More Experienced

One of the most important reasons to hire professional SEO services is that they are more experienced in the industry! If you try to do your own SEO, it will often be based on your guesswork.

In many cases, you can actually damage your site rather than help it. However, SEO companies have the right knowledge and experience to help you make important changes for your website.

Because SEO companies have more experience in the industry, they are also able to stay on top of trends. SEO is constantly changing, so businesses need to evolve to continually benefit from SEO.

Rather than spending all of your time researching these trends, you can hire an SEO company that will stay on top of them for you. If the algorithm changes, you can be confident that your SEO company will be able to handle these unexpected changes efficiently.

Provide Better Results

Because SEO companies are much more experienced, they will provide your company with better results than you could provide on your own. Even if you do a lot of research about SEO best practices, you will not be able to gain the same amount of success.

A professional SEO company can quickly evaluate your company and create a customized plan to help you reach your business goals.

SEO companies also do a great job of tracking your progress. This way, you can actually measure your results and find ways to adjust your SEO strategy to get the best results.

Creates Brand Awareness

Another great benefit of hiring an SEO company is that it will help you create more brand awareness. When you prioritize SEO, you will see your rankings increase, which makes your brand more visible on the search results page.

When people look for products or services, they typically only pay attention to brands that are on the first page of Google. This is because these businesses seem more credible and reliable.

By improving your rankings, you can see more visibility, more conversions, and more engagement with your customers.

Improve Your Website

Similarly, SEO services will help you improve the overall quality of your website. There are many SEO best practices that you need to follow which will improve the user experience on your website and help you reach your marketing goals.

If you want to see results and find ways to improve your website content, design, and more, it is best to work with a professional SEO company.

Focus on Running Your Company

When you outsource your SEO services, it allows you to focus on other aspects of running your company. SEO takes a lot of time. As a business owner, you will not have several extra hours each week to optimize your website, write content, build links, or anything else to improve your SEO.

Plus, you may not be as knowledgeable as an SEO agency. Instead of trying to learn everything you need to know on your own, you can hire professionals to take care of your SEO. This will allow you to focus on what you do best!

This way, you will be able to take some stress off your plate and feel confident that you will still get great results.

Provide Other Services

When you hire an SEO company, they can provide much more for your business. Most SEO services offer full-service marketing services as well. These businesses offer everything you need to improve your digital presence, including content creation, advertising, and even website development.

When you hire a full-service SEO company, you will be able to pick and choose the SEO services that you need for your business.

You can also create a customized SEO strategy to meet the specific needs of your business and to help you meet your goals.

Finally, SEO companies will often offer bundled packages for companies. This way, you can save money on your SEO by combining it with website design, inbound marketing, and other services that they offer.

Saves Time and Money

Finally, hiring an SEO agency will help you save time and money for your business! Often, companies avoid hiring an SEO agency because they are trying to cut costs for their business.

However, SEO can be seen as an investment for your company. It will often result in increased profits. This is because your company will have more visibility, more conversions, and you can find new customers!

It is also cheaper to outsource your SEO services than it would be to hire an SEO manager to work full-time at your business.

Plus, hiring an SEO company will save you time, which will increase your productivity and profits. This is because professional companies have access to all the resources and knowledge they need to help you develop your business.

Also Read: 10 Tips To Improve Your SEO Content Writing Skills

Looking for Affordable SEO Services? 

Hiring a local SEO company is a great way to improve each aspect of your business. It will save you time and money, and will provide you with better results!

Do you want to learn more about the benefits of using local SEO services for your business? We can help! Our website features articles about business, marketing, social media, and more.

Check out our articles today to learn more about how marketing and SEO services can help you grow your business.

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11 Powerful Tactics For Writing Clickable Headlines Sat, 11 Dec 2021 12:22:16 +0000 You will be surprised, but statistically, 8 out of 10 people read headlines, only two of them open the link itself. This is why it is so important to put in a lot of effort to create a headline that can grab the attention of your audience and induce them to take action, whether it […]

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You will be surprised, but statistically, 8 out of 10 people read headlines, only two of them open the link itself. This is why it is so important to put in a lot of effort to create a headline that can grab the attention of your audience and induce them to take action, whether it is clicking on an ad, signing up for a newsletter, watching a video, clicking from the SERP, or reading a post.

A headline is one of the strongest leverages to attract people to a website or landing page. Split testing the headlines allows you to see a difference of 20%, 50%, and even 500%. 

In this article, you will find 11 simple techniques for writing clickable headlines.

Choose Words That Evoke Strong Emotions.

Words with emotional marketing value are words that evoke emotion in potential buyers.

According to the Advanced Marketing Institute, most professional copywriters use 30-40% of words with emotional marketing value in their headlines, while the titles of the best in the business have 50-75% of those words.

CoSchedule decided to do a headline performance study to see if high emotional marketing value correlates with article popularity. As a result, it was found that articles with a large number of shares in social networks (over 1000) had a higher rate than less popular articles.

Emotions affect people. They involve them and force them to act.

Write Multiple Headings For Each Page.

Creativity is like a muscle: it takes a lot of practice and getting out of your comfort zone to develop it.

Coming up with several headlines for each ad, article, or pop-up, you activate your brain, especially those areas responsible for creativity. Searching for different approaches and ideas will help you find new opportunities to attract your audience, and A / C testing will help you choose the best ones.

Gradually, your titles will get better and better.

Include Numbers

Conductor’s research found that the most popular headlines are those that include numbers:
Why are people attracted to such headlines?

Numbers give a link specificity: the user gets a clearer idea of ​​the content of where it leads.

In addition, a joint study by Outbrain and Hubspot found that headlines with odd numbers receive 20% more clicks than headlines with even numbers.

Use Brackets ()

Research by Outbrain and Hubspot found that headlines containing brackets get 38% more clicks.

Here are some ideas on how you can use parentheses in your titles:

Bonus Mention: Mentioning a free bonus may encourage some people to click on the headline, especially if your bonus seems valuable to them:

  • Initial Draft: 7 Steps to Writing Viral Content
  • Revised Draft: 7 Steps to Writing Viral Content (Free Checklist)

Add real data

  • Initial Draft: How I Started My Ecommerce Business
  • Modified Version: How I Started My Ecommerce Business (and Made Over $ 100,000 in One Year)

Instill curiosity: This is another tactic used to get people to click on your headline. The only condition: the reader should enjoy viewing your material.

Use A Dash (-) and a Colon (:)

Dashes and colons, like parentheses, can also improve the clickability of headlines. An Outbrain study found that headlines that include energy generated 9% more clicks.

Here are some ways you can include a dash in your title:

Short terms with the keyword (keyword) at the beginning of the header. This tactic will work for you if you are using specific keywords for SEO purposes.

Example: SEO Myths: 5 Common SEO Misconceptions

A short introductory phrase. You can use a brief essential word to make your headline more interesting.

Example: Breaking news: A tiger escaped from the zoo

Clarification at the end. You can also add a short phrase at the end of the title.

Example: How My Bank Account Was Hacked – The Complete Story

The dash and colon allow you to add more information to the title, making it more attractive to potential readers. 

Interrogative Construction

According to research published in Social Influence Journal, interrogative headlines get 50-350% more clicks on Twitter than regular headlines.
Headings in an interrogative form often make the reader curious and want to know the answer to the question.

Create an Information Gap

The curiosity gap is a powerful copywriting technique that provides just enough information to make readers curious and want to click on a headline. This technique helped Copyhackers increase the number of clicks on Mad Mimi’s SEP page by 927%.
This technique should be used with caution: avoid writing clickbait headlines. Readers need to feel that the article they read has satisfied their curiosity. Otherwise, you may lose the trust of your audience.

Negative Headlines

Here’s an example of a headline written in positive and negative terms:

Typical headline: 5 tactics marketers use for SEO
“Positive” Headline: 5 Powerful Techniques Marketers Can Use To Increase SEO Traffic
Negative headline: 5 common marketer mistakes that lead to SEO failures
In a study of over 65,000 headlines, Outbrain found that “negative” headlines received 30% more clicks than regular headlines. Another interesting finding was that “positive” headlines received 29% fewer clicks.

So why do “negative” headlines work better than “positive” ones?

This is most likely because authors very often overuse “positive” titles and specific keywords like “free” and “best.” In addition, their success is because many people are more focused on avoiding any negative experience than on achieving positive results.

Rewrite Subheadings at Least Once

If you want to master writing effective headlines even faster while improving the quality of your articles, then make it a rule to rewrite your subheadings at least once.

Before reading any text, most people “scan” it with their eyes. Interesting subheadings can convince them to delay and click on a link.

Emphasis On Clarity

With the vast amount of content we have on the Internet today, it’s no surprise that people appreciate clarity in headlines. They want to know precisely what they will receive by clicking on the link. Frequently, marketers try to be creative and come up with headlines that stand out or even shock. However, sometimes the best option is to write a simple, straightforward headline.


Writing headlines is a skill that takes time to master. If your goal is to get more ad clicks, video views, or newsletter signups, start creating multiple headlines and even subheadings for each of your campaigns.

Despite the research data presented here, remember that there is no one perfect heading formula.

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SEO Mistakes That Firms Often Make On Their Websites Mon, 06 Dec 2021 07:04:21 +0000 SEO means Search Engine Optimization: the need to optimize the contents of our organization’s website so that it appears in the top positions when carrying out a specific search in the different search engines. It is necessary to invest time and effort in improving the contents. When developing an SEO positioning strategy, we must consider […]

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SEO means Search Engine Optimization: the need to optimize the contents of our organization’s website so that it appears in the top positions when carrying out a specific search in the different search engines. It is necessary to invest time and effort in improving the contents. When developing an SEO positioning strategy, we must consider the design of our publications (text, images, videos, labels, bold, italics, internal and external links, etc.).

It is interesting to know the most frequent SEO mistakes that are made, generally, due to ignorance or neglect:

  • Lack of professionalism: Leaving SEO positioning in the hands of a friend or relative is a severe SEO mistake. As in other subjects, SEO will require prior knowledge that only experts (community managers and media agencies) will master perfectly. Making a good investment on time will bring us more benefits than costs in the long run.
  • Choosing keywords: An error SEO will use words generalized key and chosen by competition. You have to be more specific and look for creative content.
  • Link with marketing: Both departments ( SEO and marketing ) cannot be independent but will work hand in hand in the day-to-day running of the firm. In this way, the keywords used must go hand in hand with the advertising and marketing campaigns that are developed.
  • Links: Obviously, external links to exciting content are essential, but internal links. Although we should not abuse them, neglecting them will be a big SEO mistake. However, we must avoid illegal techniques like link building (creating artificial links).
  • Link quality: To optimize a website, we cannot make the SEO mistake of using any link. We must be more precise and improve this quality as much as possible.
  • Content: You cannot make the SEO mistake of neglecting web content, providing just what users are looking for. It is essential to think well about the titles, the keywords. Google has determined that effective SEO positioning will be quality texts starting at 1,000 words with the latest updates. Subsequently, it will be necessary to carry out dissemination work through social networks or other means.
  • Design: It is a big SEO mistake not to bet on the insertion of images and videos and h1, h2, bold or italic text formats. In the difference lies the success. However, we cannot make the SEO mistake of using excessive flash content, as it will be more difficult for search engines to index.
  • Statistics: It is essential to pay attention to statistics, examining where the traffic comes from to our website, the most used keywords, or the most read texts. Failure to carry out these studies will make it difficult for us to make decisions a posteriori and, therefore, a significant SEO error. The content must be original, exciting, and own (not copied from other web portals).
  • The term of the results: Many times, companies make the SEO mistake of considering that their investment in research and strategies will pay off in a short period. However, you must be patient and wait until it is time to see our website among the first entries of the search engines.
  • Content update: Although it is a common SEO mistake, it is almost apparent. The organization must update its website constantly, eliminating visits to the competitor’s portal. It will be ongoing work to improve SEO positioning, optimizing the texts of the news section and the blogs.

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Search Engine Optimization – These Factors You Should Know Thu, 28 Oct 2021 07:07:43 +0000 This is how our SEO expert describes the topic of search engine optimization. And if you start to deal with the topic, it quickly becomes clear: He is right! As soon as you think there is nothing left to optimize, Google changes its algorithm and the associated ranking factors again. In the following article, we […]

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This is how our SEO expert describes the topic of search engine optimization. And if you start to deal with the topic, it quickly becomes clear: He is right! As soon as you think there is nothing left to optimize, Google changes its algorithm and the associated ranking factors again. In the following article, we explain the basic technical aspects on and outside of your website.

The Most Important On-Page Criteria (What You Should Optimize on Your Website)

The first question in search engine optimization should be: Does Google even index my website? If not, it cannot be found by Google. The following tips can make things easier for Google:

  • Sitemap.txt: This file is a kind of table of contents for your website for Google.
  • Robots.txt: This text file is used by Google as an instruction on which pages should be crawled. Important: Link it to the Sitemap.xml.
  • Meta Robots: Here, you can define which pages should be indexed by Google and which should not 
  • Google Search Console: This free Google tool helps you keep an eye on important key figures for your website. Here you can also see, for example, which Google is already crawling subpages.

If Google already indexes your website, check it, including all subpages, for the following criteria:

Page Title

The page title appears when you move the mouse over the tab of your browser.

  • The page title should be between 55-60 characters. Caution: The decisive factor is not the number of characters but the pixel width (the page title).
  • The page title is ultimately important for SEO. Relevant terms should be in front (e.g., the important keyword, the brand name in the back).
  • Tip: Every single page needs an individual page title!


Google uses the Description for the search results. The Description is not a ranking factor, but of course, triggers the click incentive for the user.

  • The Description should be around 139 characters (one SMS) long.
  • Complete the Description with emojis, calls to action, and important keywords
  • Tip: Every single page needs an individual descriptive text!

Page Structure

A good page structure makes it easier for the search engine to recognize what your website is about or what topic you are an expert on.

  • Use H1, H2, and H3 headings to define whether they are main headings or subheadings.
  • Every page needs an H1 – this heading tells not only your reader but, above all, the search engines what this page is about.
  • In the future, users will talk to their devices more and more. This is also the reason why FAQ areas are again rated very positively by Google. What this means for you is that you formulate headings as the user asks their question, for example, “What are the most common SEO mistakes?”
  • Tip: Page title + Description + H1 should be in a coherent context.


Visitors to your website expect texts. But the crawler also needs texts to understand what your website is about.

  • Use bold letters, bullets, and, as mentioned, headings and sub-headings to structure your text.
  • What about a text that can be opened? This function is pleasant for the reader because he is not overwhelmed by the content. However, you are also forcing him to interact (he has to open the text). However, from a technical point of view, the crawler cannot open the text and, therefore, has difficulties optimally capturing your content from an SEO point of view. Therefore use it sparingly.
  • Tip: The text/code ratio also plays a role. WordPress themes, in particular, have many, sometimes unnecessary, plugins that not only affect your loading time but also reduce their text/code ratio with unnecessary source code. So take a close look at which plugins are loaded and which you need. A good value is around 25% text.


If you use the right terms on your website, you are more likely to find your topics on Google. Ask yourself the following:

  • Which terms and words do your customers use? Companies and customers do not always speak the same language!
  • There is no upper limit to the keywords used on a website, but the ratio of keywords to content has to be right. The more content your website has, the more keywords you can, of course, put on it.
  • Make sure, however, that your website does not become too broad in terms of content to use more keywords. The rule here is class before mass!
  • The following rule applies one relevant keyword per subpage.
  • Tip: Google also recognizes synonyms. So you don’t always have to use the same terms. On the contrary: Google rates too high a keyword density negatively (“keyword stuffing”).


They not only reinforce the statements of your texts, but pictures are also a visual anchor for your readers and loosen up your texts. The search engine cannot see your images, but image SEO plays an increasingly important role in invisibility.

  • The number of images: A website with images is generally perceived positively by Google because it is more pleasant for the visitor than a pure text desert.
  • Use metadata such as alt attributes and alternative texts: this data is important for the search engine and visually impaired people to understand what is shown in an image.
  • Filename: You can optimize your images when you save an image on your PC. Use important keywords for the file name if you like several, which you can separate with hyphens.
  • Tip: Pay attention to the size of your pictures! Images, in particular, are often the cause of poor loading times. With open-source programs such as Gimp, you can compress the image size without losing quality.


  • Technically, Google does not understand the content of your videos. However, it is crucial that users like to watch videos and that videos can increase the length of stay of your visitors. Conversely, this reduces your bounce rate. Google understands these signals and rates them positively.
  • Tip: Host your videos on YouTube or Vimeo so as not to affect the loading time of your website, and then embed the videos on your website.

User Experience

An important criterion that Google uses to evaluate your website is related to the user experience. Google rates them primarily based on the following points:

  • Pagespeed: how fast is your website? You can test it here.
  • Core Web Vitals: They consist of three values ​​with which your users’ experience with the website is measured. The three values ​​are LCP, FID, and CLS.
  • Mobile-Friendly: How mobile-friendly is your website? You should take a critical look at older websites in particular.

Also Read: Important Points To Improve The SEO Of Your Blog

Offpage Optimization (What You Need To Optimize Outside Of Your Website)


Backlinks are links from other websites that link to your website. Search engines perceive these links as a kind of “recommendation,” depending on which website these links came from.

  • When building backlinks, watch out for slow, normal behavior. Avoid links from link farms or bought backlinks. The sudden growth of links has an unnatural effect on Google and is punished. Backlink building is, therefore, a very long-term thing.
  • Check your backlinks regularly, as there are also toxic links that can negatively affect the ranking of your website.
  • Tip: Make sure that links come from different domains and that the links do not only lead to your home page. At best, they refer to various subpages (so-called deep links).

Social Signals

  • Use social media to increase the reach of your website. Unfortunately, Google does not reveal to what extent these social signals are included in the ranking.
  • However, the fact is that more and more content from social networks is shown in search results. Recently, tweets from Twitter have even been indexed by Google again.
  • Use the Open Graph on your website: This is used to share your content on social media as easily and optimally as possible. For example, Facebook automatically pulls the stored preview image + the defined teaser text when specifying a website link.
  • Tip: Use the Facebook Debugger to test the preview of your links.

Optimizing SEO Ranking – What Are The Next Steps?

Have you now viewed your website critically and reworked a few things? Well! Because all of these factors have an impact on your ranking. But how do you proceed now?

  • Our tip: Examine your website and find out which ranking positions your website already holds.
  • Identify subpages that have already made it into the top 10. This gives you a good indication of where “low-hanging fruits” might be lurking because it is often easier to get a page that is already well-ranked on page 1 than to optimize a page without a ranking from the beginning.
  • Make sure that ranked pages are also relevant to you (pages you want to be found). Unfortunately, experience shows that desire and reality do not always match.
  • Tip: If you are not found for your relevant keywords, the only thing that helps is building up content and observing the criteria mentioned above.

Also Read: How Good Quality Content Is Vital For SEO Ranking?

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Important Steps To Get Started With Online Marketing Fri, 13 Aug 2021 14:03:31 +0000 So That SMEs Can Quickly Reach Their Customers Online. The first steps in unfamiliar areas always seem the hardest to us. But to all small and local companies that ask us whether it is worthwhile for them to be active online, we answer clearly and unequivocally: yes! And there is no doubt: it is neither […]

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So That SMEs Can Quickly Reach Their Customers Online.

The first steps in unfamiliar areas always seem the hardest to us. But to all small and local companies that ask us whether it is worthwhile for them to be active online, we answer clearly and unequivocally: yes! And there is no doubt: it is neither generally nor in the course of advancing digitization or the findings from the corona pandemic about reducing or even abolishing the presence and availability on site. But on the contrary. It’s about creating additional accessibility that supports you in preparation for your work on-site and your chances for the growth of your business to enlarge sustainably.

After all, the Internet is used by 89 percent of users to search specifically for information about services or goods. How can I use that as an SME for my success? What options do I have online, and how can I put them into practice? The most important thing is to get the best out of basic measures with the first steps that build on each other in a meaningful way, with which you are guaranteed not to go wrong, and success is achieved after a short time. It is also essential to know which goals are to be completed and what suits your company. So let’s say your business is starting from scratch when it comes to online marketing: Here are the basic steps to get you started.

It’s all in The Mix: Digital Presence, Findability, Reputation and Knowledge

1: Create a Digital Presence

The important things first. To market your offer online successfully, you need a central location where precisely that can be found for interested parties 24 hours a day, seven days a week: this place is your website! This must be optimized for mobile use, technically flawless, and user-friendly works. This also depends on the content with which you position yourself as an expert in your field. Here you can, for example, present your service portfolio in detail and communicate with your visitors as required. You can offer the content and answers to essential questions that interest your target group and present concrete solutions to their problems with your services and products. Here visitors can always find the latest campaigns, special offers, or promotions. And you put yourself in a position to react flexibly at any time: be it the communication of changed opening times, new contact channels, or job offers.

See your website as a stage of its own, on which you can present your willingness to provide service and expand your corporate image right from the start. After all, you want to turn your visitors into customers, address applicants who are willing to change, or win new business partners. Your website also forms the best basis for further online marketing measures and your presence on other channels. Additional tip: You can also use the option of company entries in the most important online directories, such as Google My Business. Service companies, craftsmen, and shops, in particular, ensure that interested parties who are currently looking for your service on the Internet also receive the most up-to-date and, therefore, correct contact details for your company and, of course, the direct link. To your new website!

2: Ensure Findability

For your website to be found, it is advisable to advertise where your target group is looking for services or products: in the most crucial search engines. Your gaze immediately falls on the search results that are higher up. Search engine advertising for your offer on Google and Bing helps you appear like a company with an ad in precisely this area, attract attention, and set yourself apart from your competition. This is how you can draw the attention of potential customers or applicants using any (and even a tiny budget) regionally or nationally and forward them directly to your website!

3: Inspire Confidence

Think about your behavior when you find out about new products, services, or products. We are most likely to trust their quality when others have already tested them and found them good. There is nothing you can do to promote your expertise more than with good reviews from satisfied customers. In particular, the ratings and reviews on Google (especially in the Google My Business profile mentioned above ) are highly relevant and help more users make decisions for or against hiring a company. So ask your customers in direct contact or online to rate you online in your directory entries.

Also Read: Qualities And Skills Of The Business Administrator

4: Build Knowledge

The first steps have been taken, and you are curious how you can proceed or optimize your existing measures? So that you can keep track of other simple advertising options on the Internet, a guide tailored to small and medium-sized companies would be advisable. But where do you get this information from without “Googling” for hours, ultimately getting bogged down in an infinite number of online articles with English “marketing blah blah” and in the end without fundamental knowledge? The answer: A specialist who has many years of experience looking after small and medium-sized companies in all industries, knows their needs and speaks the same language. Use, for example, free white papers, video instructions or live webinars,

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The Main Mistakes When Advertising On Google Thu, 12 Aug 2021 12:35:55 +0000 Google is the search engine with the most significant impact in the world, and, in addition, it has the largest advertising platform worldwide: Google Ads (formerly known as Adwords). Although it has relatively simple usability to allow inexperienced users to use it, it requires specific knowledge to get the most out of it. No company […]

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Google is the search engine with the most significant impact in the world, and, in addition, it has the largest advertising platform worldwide: Google Ads (formerly known as Adwords). Although it has relatively simple usability to allow inexperienced users to use it, it requires specific knowledge to get the most out of it. No company or website that wants to be successful today can do without this tool.
Does this mean that Google Ads is a foolproof advertising tool? No. Partly because so many advertisers make avoidable mistakes like the ones we’re going to see next.

Don’t Put Yourself in The Hands of an Expert Agency.

The best way to optimize campaigns is to delegate to an expert agency in Google Ads, so it would be interesting to hire the services of a company with the Google Partner certification since these marketing agencies have the guarantee and recognition of Google itself.

Not Measuring Results

The results of traditional advertising, which appears in the written press, television, radio, billboards, etc., cannot be measured precisely; However, SEM campaigns can obtain much more reliable data on the number of visits, views, purchases …

Analyzing metrics such as cost per click (CPC), keyword quality level, cost per acquisition (CPA) is the only way to optimize your advertising campaigns and obtain better results.

We Are Not Using the Right Keywords.

The keywords are critical to position well in the search engines, both paid and organic results. These words are what potential customers enter in search engines when they are looking for something specific and are, therefore, the shortest way for your ads to reach a more significant number of people. Use those that have to do with your sector using the different possible matches, and focus on getting, not web traffic, but conversions.

Talk About The Characteristics of The Product Instead of The Advantages.

Consumers are not usually interested in the characteristics of a product, especially if they do not dominate the sector to which that product belongs. Features are, in most cases, abstract concepts that do not say anything to buyers, but what they do want to know is what the product can do for them. They want to know if the product is going to solve the problem that afflicts them. So he talks about the benefits of the product, not its features.

Skip Calls To Action

The best way to get your audience to do what you want is to ask them directly. Include a call to action (CTA), a call to action, in your ads to direct your audience and achieve better results.

The world of online marketing is evolving a lot, which forces you to be original and use original calls to action and invite Internet users to click on them. For this reason, avoid hackneyed “buy now” or “click here” style formulas.

Don’t Link To an Optimized Landing Page.

An online ad is an unbeatable opportunity to lead Internet users to your products. With a couple of clicks, the audience can end up on your sale page, which means that the purchase is very close to closing. For this reason, you need to be very precise with the link’s landing page.

Avoid taking the customer to your home page and ensure that the link directs the audience to the product you are advertising. This will simplify the process and put the sale on a platter. Otherwise, you are wasting great potential.


In short, like all digital marketing recruitment channels, Google Ads offers great possibilities that, well used, can help your business to attract customers and sales with adequate profitability. This requires, however, technical knowledge that can be achieved, either through learning (Google offers much information to create and optimize advertising campaigns) or outsourcing management to specialized agencies.


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Digitalization – The New Digital Jobs Thu, 24 Jun 2021 05:09:04 +0000 When we wrote this article about the new digital jobs, we were thinking about the digital skills that much of the working-age population has yet to develop. However, now that we have developed it, we have realized that not everything refers to new skills but that in many traditional jobs, the tools have varied. The […]

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When we wrote this article about the new digital jobs, we were thinking about the digital skills that much of the working-age population has yet to develop.

However, now that we have developed it, we have realized that not everything refers to new skills but that in many traditional jobs, the tools have varied. The same skills must be executed in different ways … Are you curious? Follow me and see if I can satisfy her. I promise you a description of the positions and some juicy links so that you can develop that knowledge.

New Jobs Linked To Digitization.

It is evident that with the level of inclusion of the Internet in our daily and work-life, there are conditions that did not exist before. As a consequence, new jobs have been developed, and our mission is to show you… and also offer you training solutions if you want to develop your professional career towards these digital paths.

New Jobs Linked To Social Media Strategy.

With the advent of social networks, our lives have undergone certain changes, such as the loss of privacy or certain disorders that many people suffer from not controlling their exposure times in these applications. However, they have brought many advantages, and we have very powerful communication tools in the palm of our hand. Of course, they also affect companies, which have discovered a way to be closer to consumers, both with advertising techniques and in a more natural way. In any case, it is easy to collect information on tastes, reactions to new launches, and in general, market studies are easier and more direct.

Community Manager

He is in charge of connecting the brand and its followers on social networks daily. You must plan and publish the content to be shared, respond to commercial questions in the messaging services, and comment on the publications, generating maximum possible interaction.

Social Media Strategist

Their functions are not day-to-day but rather plan to be used in the brand’s strategy and propose general action tactics in the chosen social media.

Paid Media Manager

It is a figure that is becoming more and more important. Social media for companies offer payment options, that is, advertisements and promoted publications, and this figure is in charge of optimizing these campaigns.

New Jobs Linked To Electronic Commerce.

Ecommerce Manager

He is in charge of ensuring everything works in the online store; he must have expert knowledge about the CMS with which the store is implemented (wordpress, PrestaShop, Magento, etc.) and handle all the catalogue and commercial information of the company.

SEO Specialist

Search engine positioning is essential for the online store to be found by potential buyers. Both at the level of internal factors of the page and the contents created and the way of communicating the characteristics of the product, the SEO specialist must optimize these aspects to achieve consistency and efficiency in the indexing of the web.

SEM Specialist

SEO factors are free, as they are worked through configurable, technical and copywriting aspects. The SEM factors have to do with the means of payment in search engines. Ads on multiple platforms, forms and with different objectives require a figure similar to that of the paid media manager (they usually converge on the same person)

User Experience Specialist

It is a technical profile that optimizes the processes and components of the web so that the buyer has the best possible perception of the online store and, at the same time, meets the criteria set by search engines.

Data Analyst

All the activity of an online store is reflected in the statistics. Accesses, traffic sources or most viewed pages are just the simplest examples; a good data analyst will draw the appropriate conclusions so that the previous profiles optimize their actions to the maximum.

New Jobs Linked to Business Intelligence.

Business Intelligence

You must know the fundamentals of data warehouses, data mining processes, technical aspects of servers, and analytical skills to make valid queries and reports for decision-making in the company.

Business Intelligence Project Architect

The key to a project is its management, correct planning, and visualization and consultation tools. This position should focus on the implementation of all the necessary functions.


New Digital Skills Linked to Labour Market Situations.


The self-employed have a lot of merit for launching themselves and creating their companies. In its management, the digital component takes more and more strength, both due to the advantages of optimizing time and the lower cost of digital management.


Sometimes we are unemployed, for structural reasons, due to market disruption or simply because we need to change our professional course; in those cases, new technologies provide a different way of entering the labour market again.

As you can see, it is not difficult to adapt to what the new digital jobs demand; you have to be clear if you opt for a new job or need to polish your knowledge to use new functionalities and methodologies based on digitization. At FEMA, we love to help, and if you have questions, you have to comment on this post, and we will be happy to guide you, or, if you need it, we organize an information session. We are at your disposal to advance your professional career!

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7 Tips for Starting and Running a Blog Wed, 09 Jun 2021 14:48:32 +0000 Starting your own blog can be extremely fun, fulfilling, and even financially lucrative if you know what to do. However, there is definitely a lot of competition out there when it comes to blogs—there are believed to be over 500 million blogs on the internet! If you want to run a successful blog, you will […]

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Starting your own blog can be extremely fun, fulfilling, and even financially lucrative if you know what to do. However, there is definitely a lot of competition out there when it comes to blogs—there are believed to be over 500 million blogs on the internet! If you want to run a successful blog, you will need to stand out from the rest of the pack. Here are seven tips for starting and running a blog that brings in readers.

Choose Your Niche and Audience

While some blogs can cover a broad topic such as “entertainment”, these usually tend to be the biggest blogs with the most funding. Think Buzzfeed for the entertainment/pop culture niche, Pitchfork for music, and TMZ for celebrity gossip. It is extremely hard to compete with these, so why not opt for a more specific niche and audience. For example, instead of just writing about “music”, why not write about a particular genre of music from a particular part of the world—e.g., your local jazz scene? This means less competition and a direct link to your audience. Of course, make sure you know a lot about your chosen niche!

Define the Purpose of Your Blog

Blogs exist for a variety of purposes—some educate people on specific technical skills, some start conversations about societal topics, and others just make people laugh. Broadly speaking, your blog will likely have one of two purposes; to draw in traffic and attention to a business you are running in order to gain customers or to share your writing for its own sake (although many of these blogs also make money through on-site ads). Defining your blog’s purpose helps you stay focused.

Find Your Own Writing Style

If you are running a blog for business purposes, make sure that the writing style and tone of voice matches your brand persona. If you are writing to entertain, you may want to go for a more personal and informal style. Choosing a writing style should also factor in the topic you are writing about.

Choose a Blogging Platform

Although you can design your own site from scratch, many web hosting services such as WordPress and Wix also offer website-building tools which can make this task much easier. Do some research into the different web hosting options before you sign up for anything.

Don’t Neglect SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is the process of incorporating certain keywords into written website text in order for the site to appear higher on Search Engine Results Pages (or SERPS). You can learn this skill yourself through online tutorials or outsource your SEO to a dedicated SEO agency Birmingham.

Research Before You Write

Before writing anything, always make sure that you do the research on your chosen topic. Making mistakes can negatively affect your reputation as a blogger or even get you into legal trouble if you make inaccurate claims about people!

Network with Other Bloggers

Getting traffic to your blog usually involves the assistance of other bloggers. Internet users often find new blogs through word-of-mouth or from established bloggers sharing them on social media. You can even try out affiliate marketing or guest blogging.

Also Read: This Is How You Fix The Problem When There Is No Internet Despite WiFi

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A Beginners Guide on Finding the Most Suitable Enterprise SEO Agency Fri, 16 Apr 2021 16:48:54 +0000 Utah is one of the largest states in the US. Despite being one of the least densely populated states, it still has one of the country’s most diversified economies. Aside from the tourism sector, which draws plenty of visitors to enjoy the state’s popular national parks like Canyonlands and Arches, industries like mining, transportation, and […]

The post A Beginners Guide on Finding the Most Suitable Enterprise SEO Agency appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Utah is one of the largest states in the US. Despite being one of the least densely populated states, it still has one of the country’s most diversified economies. Aside from the tourism sector, which draws plenty of visitors to enjoy the state’s popular national parks like Canyonlands and Arches, industries like mining, transportation, and information technology thrive well in the area.  

Due to its thriving economy, the state’s competition forces businesses to exert more efforts to stand out against the others. One of the first things they often do is look for a reliable Utah-based SEO agency that can help create effective SEO strategies. 

But looking for a qualified SEO agency may be more complicated than it seems, especially if you are running a large enterprise. Here is some information that you must keep in mind when searching for the best enterprise SEO agency that can provide everything you need to compete in the booming Utah market. 

Working With Enterprise SEO Agencies: Everything You Need to Know

One of the major factors to make an enterprise SEO agency provide your company with the best services is to understand what to expect from them as soon as you start your contract. 

Knowing what to expect will not only allow you to distinguish which SEO strategies will work for your company and which ones will not, but it will also let you pave the way for better chances to succeed in the long run. 

Your prospective SEO agency must know how to draft a business case with your company. It should include all the SEO tools that you may need to implement your plans. It will allow you to be more organized as you move forward with the agency. 

Where to Look for When Choosing an Enterprise SEO Agency?

There are different ways to look for the best enterprise SEO agency in your area. First, you must make a list of prospective agencies that can work for you.

To generate a list, you may attend several SEO conferences to build your network within the SEO industry. You may interact with various agencies by going to various booths and talking to the agencies’ representatives to discuss your needs. These events also allow you to talk to other attendees to ask for recommendations.

If you have no time to go to these conferences, you may take your search online or ask for help on Facebook Groups.

How to Manage Your SEO Agency

Once you find your ideal Utah-based SEO agency, you need to have a continuous communication flow with the agency to have a fuss-free interaction. 

You need to give them access to the information necessary to do the work faster. It is also important to have a contract with the agency to have a written agreement about what they should do for your business within your agreed time. 

You must also come up with a detailed roadmap of all the deliverables that the agency must accomplish for your company. It will help you track the progress of your SEO strategies to ensure that they will not miss the deadline. 

It is also crucial to show your support to your SEO provider. It will ensure that you will have a stress-free working relationship, and thus you can achieve your company’s goals on time.  

Also Read: The Best Providers To Set Up An Online Business

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