tech Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Thu, 16 Nov 2023 11:02:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 tech Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Tips For Getting Started With Mobile Robotics Tue, 02 May 2023 15:40:08 +0000 The use of mobile robotics offers enormous opportunities for manufacturing companies. At the same time, introducing the technology can be a real challenge. We want to support you with concrete, practical tips. Mobile Robotics: Opportunity And Challenge Do you deal with the topic of mobile robotics? You are not alone there. More and more production […]

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The use of mobile robotics offers enormous opportunities for manufacturing companies. At the same time, introducing the technology can be a real challenge. We want to support you with concrete, practical tips.

Mobile Robotics: Opportunity And Challenge

Do you deal with the topic of mobile robotics? You are not alone there. More and more production managers are currently dedicating themselves to automating their intralogistics. Companies recognize the advantages that this step offers them:

  • Increased productivity and flexibility
  • Error prevention
  • Material traceability
  • More effective use of employees as their most valuable resource

No wonder, then, that mobile robotics is very popular.

Consider The Degree of Flexibility Needed.

The first question regarding mobile robotics is: What solution do I need? The counter-question is: How flexible can it be? The individualization of products and, consequently, the flexibilization of production systems is constantly increasing. Nevertheless, the degree of flexibility that a mobile robotic solution must bring is different in each application. Many mobile robots are on the market – from track-bound models (AGV = Automated Guided Vehicle) to autonomously driving solutions (AMR = Autonomous Mobile Robot).

Autonomous mobile robots generally offer more flexibility than their track-bound relatives. Nevertheless, there are still enough use cases for all models today. When choosing your mobile robotics solution, we recommend an as-is analysis to identify how much flexibility is needed in your factory today and in the future.

Put Your Current Intralogistics Concept To The Test.

In most cases, the first reflex when automating intralogistics is to convert the existing concepts and systems to an automated variant. A mobile robot, therefore, carries out the activities that were previously carried out manually. This can be the right way, but it doesn’t have to be.
The manual execution of intralogistics activities and the use of mobile robotics are two different approaches. An ideal intralogistics concept looks correspondingly different. When discussing the optimal use of mobile robotics, it makes sense not to regard them as simple employee replacements. Mobile robotics is a complementary technology that offers new perspectives – through individual structures, combination with other technologies (e.g., cobots), or interaction in the fleet network.
Therefore, we recommend: Let us show you your options and decide, independently of existing structures, what makes the most sense for your factory.

Perform A Technology-Adapted ROI Calculation.

The ROI can be calculated relatively easily with classic automation – for example, an assembly or test process. The automation saves cycle time X, scrap Y, or complaint costs Z. This, in turn, can be easily converted to the respective component.

However, mobile robotics does not affect a single process but the entire production. As already described, mobile robots do not replace a specific employee in a specific activity but complement the production system as a holistically integrated technology. To determine the benefit, you should therefore think across processes. For example, ask yourself the following questions:

  • On which systems can mobile robotics start as a downstream process?
  • How many transport routes can be saved by mobile robotics every day?
  • How much time is freed up that employees can use to add value?
  • To what extent are the employees’ working conditions (ergonomics) improving?

Some effects can be determined ad hoc (transport routes, transport times, etc.), and others can be seen over the long term (sick days, fluctuation rate, etc.). However, the more relevant factors you include in your calculations, the more precisely you can determine and argue the benefits of mobile robotics for yourself. As you can see, it pays to look at the overall picture.

Think Big But Start Small.

Mobile robotics works across processes. It creates value in your entire production. The long-term goal should be to exploit this value. “Think Big” is a good approach, especially in the conception phase of your project: you think outside the box. They develop alternative intralogistics concepts. Looking at the big picture allows such a strategy development.
In a concrete implementation, however, a reverse approach is recommended: “Start Small.” A hasty start with many robots, models, and providers is extremely difficult to realize – both technically and organizationally, as well as culturally. One must not forget that mobile robotics is a process that means cultural change. Start with 1 mobile robot first, and counteract it. You can learn, pick up your people, and scale based on your insights.
You must rely on a scalable concept right from the start. Even if you start small, a mobile robot rarely comes alone. Functioning fleet management is essential in the medium term.

Also Read: The Technologies Behind The Rise Of Robots

Get Relevant Stakeholders On Board Early And Transparently.

A mobile robotics project will not only find supporters in your company. For your project’s success, taking people with you is important. It’s about transparent communication right from the start. In this way, concerns and misunderstandings can be eliminated. You will also receive valuable input to help you as the project progresses. But who are the relevant stakeholders?

  • Management (C-Level)
  • works for council
  • employees in production

Ultimately, anyone whose work is affected by mobile robotics is interested in your project. Your decisive success factor will be finding and promoting so-called missionaries as technology drivers. At the same time, you should stay in close contact with those stakeholders who are not yet convinced. In this way, you ensure that your entry into mobile robotics is not only a technological success but a cultural one.

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The Hybrid Public? Fri, 27 May 2022 06:35:14 +0000 The new consumer is… an avatar! In reality, the public has been an avatar for many decades. What if not Big Data or the exponential opportunity of a smartphone to turn consumers into sensors in real-time and, on top of that, geolocate them. A hybrid public in a world where the digital and the physical […]

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The new consumer is… an avatar! In reality, the public has been an avatar for many decades. What if not Big Data or the exponential opportunity of a smartphone to turn consumers into sensors in real-time and, on top of that, geolocate them. A hybrid public in a world where the digital and the physical mix so much that they begin to show no limits or borders, neither in business models nor in the global impact and sustainability. 

Even if we don’t know it, we are already an avatar. Not only if we are on social networks, we like to get lost in some massive game or travel to some metaverse to see a concert also because there is a profile of us on the network and in the hands of brands and companies that manage our data. Data that builds what we could call a personal Digital Twin in an automated way.

The Digital Twin concept, very much in vogue metaverse, is a reality that has allowed us to clone ourselves and become an unconscious avatar full of data. Including the long-awaited behavioral data: remember the deployment of Amazon in its behavioral targeting mechanics on the web and with Amazon Go: finally, it obtains behavioral data from the retail public in physical reality.

The need to see this consumer in terms of data has a lot to do with the arrival of Internet 2.0, where the social and personalized component became clear and demanding. In that web 2.0. marketing assumes the reality of a mass interpersonal medium, with the ability to communicate with hundreds of thousands of people but attending to their personalized tastes and contacting by name and surname. Getting quality leads without often knowing what to use certain data for is now a necessity with a real objective: to understand to better connect with the consumer.

Understanding the consumer is more necessary than ever, not only to discover their needs, and unfortunately also their weaknesses, but to be able to form part of their lifestyle, and without prioritizing the interest for the obvious business interest (which must be having it…), if not also assuming care, responsibility for their rights and making them participate in our purpose (the one that gives us meaning beyond exponential profit).

Under the premise of social and cultural capital and the existence of Big Data and our potential avatar, we discovered that the relationship experience must be personalized. It is no longer worth deciding our public with demographic, biological, or class data. In its day, it is here to stay: the lifestyle. It is the key to accessing the new hybrid consumer.

And Lifestyle-Centrism Prevailed

The lifestyle-centric concept, which prevails over the traditional product-centric, user-centric, or brand-centric strategic vision, allows us not to think of generation X but of a spectrum of the public committed to their lifestyle. Life, looking to see if they like sports, if they are a fan of the opera or if they have children, with what that entails. Whether it’s someone from X, Z, Millennials, or the “victims” of the Babyboom.

Attending a lifestyle means assuming a strategy related to the intimate and the human with the community. It is not worth a machine-building an automatic avatar from its collected data without sensitivity. It is about that we can personalize, and we must look with the eyes of those who have a human in front of us like this—design with a human-centric vision.

To undertake human-centric connection and creativity exercises or to propose a human-centered design, it is necessary to assume that the public is divided into layers, like the design of a website or onions. And in total, I have detected six layers, although it is likely that these will increase or merge or evolve.

The Public 6.0

The target audience seems to have six layers. Each person has six layers. Six vertices allow you to aim sensitively and efficiently when you have to innovate or make decisions for the future and count on your attention and trust. We are a person, citizens, consumers, spectators, workers, and avatars.

The first essential is that the target… is a person as is and without further pretensions. He is a person with his fears, insecurities, vocations, strengths, possibilities, and the long etcetera that life provides. For example, when you design intelligent voice devices, you soon come to the need to build a virtual personality. Because it is the personality, especially the voice, the moment we make a relationship construct and imagine who we are talking to, even the terrible biases arise. But that’s what there is. The Metaverse, if we think about it, will be much more effective to the ear than to the eye. But that is another topic.

The second layer of our public is that it is a citizen. Share space and live with other people, seek refuge, have decision-making capacity, and currently even cancel. You have rights but also responsibilities, and your ideas become a differentiating element while being the engine that makes the society in which we live possible.

The third layer is that we are consumers. It is evident that regardless of the political system we live in, consumption is a reality, from necessities such as water and food to the desire to appear to be riding around in a sports car. If we look around, everything is relativized towards consumption.

Within consumption and attending to the trend of the Metaverse and the challenges of marketing departments increasingly in need of attention and brand visibility in search of “love,” we soon realize that an essential layer for our platforms to work, campaigns, and messages are that he is also a spectator. We need to disconnect, that we love to have a good time. 

There is another layer that usually goes unnoticed and that by default is essential in our lifestyle: work, those who can are workers. We spend more time in the office, thinking about work or interacting with colleagues than living experiences with friends or enjoying family. That is why the culture in the company goes beyond making a purpose possible or launching innovation processes. It is also a care and encounter because we talk about talent and collaboration.

And last, but increasingly important, is the final layer in our hybrid reality. We are avatars. Whether we like it or not. We are amazed by the new superpowers, such as ubiquity or multitasking or digital shopping 24/7, just as we are amazed when we discover that we already exist in the virtual-digital even though we don’t know it or don’t want to. There is already a personal digital representation in the form of an avatar that is now open to us so that we can adopt and adapt it. Make it ours and include it in our lifestyle.

There are six layers to facing a more demanding, informed public that asks more than ever for us to get to know them but not spies on them. That calls for a more transparent, collaborative relationship where biased foundations of what we want, desire, or need are not taken for granted.

Suppose we want to design, create or plan and assume a human vision. In that case, I am afraid we will have to start by generating trust, attending to the different layers without isolating them, and, above all, demanding the sensitivity that we ask for ourselves. We need a human-centered communication that allows us to leap to new spaces such as the Metaverse, access audiences unthinkable until now for our brands, or build a real long-term relationship in a hybrid world full of uncertainties. No more, no less.

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Zero Trust – No Blind Trust For More Security Mon, 06 Dec 2021 07:08:23 +0000 With the “Zero Trust” model, it is possible to increase security significantly: The security concept is based on the principle of not trusting devices, users, or services inside or outside your network. In today’s post, we look at how the Zero Trust model works and contrast the advantages with the disadvantages. Zero Trust: Don’t Trust […]

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With the “Zero Trust” model, it is possible to increase security significantly: The security concept is based on the principle of not trusting devices, users, or services inside or outside your network. In today’s post, we look at how the Zero Trust model works and contrast the advantages with the disadvantages.

Zero Trust: Don’t Trust Anyone!

Zero Trust is not a product but rather a technology philosophy, a framework idea that companies can implement. Zero Trust’s philosophy: “Don’t trust anyone blindly” – only verification can create Trust.

Specifically: Where Does Zero Trust Apply?

In this world full of cyber security threats, companies have a lot to cope with: Mobile workplaces such as the home office want to be just as secure as the company’s workplaces, and in both cases, countless devices and applications are used. The zero trust model starts with the fact that requests are not automatically classified as trustworthy even if they come from the company network.

In principle, all elements – all devices, services, users, etc. – are treated precisely the same way as if they came from open and insecure networks: they are initially not trusted. Following the zero trust principle, neither authenticated users nor end devices nor VPN connections are charged – even if they are generally classified as secure because automatic Trust would immensely increase the risk of data leaks – possibly triggered by internal company employees who move through the network without checking and with absolutely no restrictions.

Specifically, the Zero Trust approach means:

  • Network users are authenticated, authorized, and validated in real-time and, if necessary, repeatedly. This serves to ensure the required authorizations. It is not enough to check the identity of the user once.
  • The principle of least privilege applies to the zero trust model: identities are initially given the lowest access level. If further cybersecurity measures are added, movements in the network can be considerably limited using least privilege access.
  • When implementing these zero trust principles, companies must first define assets worth protecting: data and systems, for example, classified as critical. These assets are covered with a comprehensive platform – contrary to the otherwise prevalent assortment of individual solutions built around individual users.

To successfully implement the Zero Trust model, the interaction of various security applications is necessary: ​​In addition to the three points just mentioned, multi-factor authentication, network, and device monitoring, and behavior analysis and automation must also be considered. Nevertheless, the user experience also has to be suitable to not seduce users into compromising security. This tightrope walk can be achieved using IAM (Identity and Access Management) solutions.

Correctly implemented zero trust models are tailored to all behavior patterns and data points representing everyday life in the company network. Zero trust solutions grant or deny access rights based on various parameters, such as time, location, operating system, device type, or firmware version. Special zero trust tools allow advanced protective measures.

To maintain Trust in the zero trust model, a risk analysis is always necessary – before access to IT resources is granted, they must be fully authenticated and authorized, and security checks on devices and applications are also carried out. The risk analysis must include locations, the context of processing, and users. If anomalies are detected during monitoring, these are generally classified as risks and answered with previously defined security measures.

Advantages And disadvantages of Zero Trust

The main advantage of the Zero Trust principle is obvious: By reducing the risk of attacks, cybersecurity improves immensely. This enhances data protection and data security at the same time.

However, practice, which we briefly introduced above with a few points for consideration, shows that Zero Trust is, unfortunately, more of a security philosophy than a new standard in cybersecurity. Any risks and functionalities are difficult to assess in advance, posing unexpected challenges for the company. This may increase the costs for IT security, and the fact that the systems must be constantly monitored and maintained will not result in any reduction of the expenses or effort.

The zero-trust approach is always interesting: Everything in and outside of the company’s network must be verified before Trust; if necessary, also repeated. This curbs unnecessary network movements and thus can immensely improve security. However, the effort required to implement the zero trust principle successfully is not (yet) feasible for the majority of all companies, so it currently makes sense to deal with the protection of identities. If there will be zero trust solutions in the future that can offer user-friendliness in addition to protecting company assets, it is worth taking a closer look.

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How to Incorporate Tech Gadgets into Your Everyday Life? Mon, 15 Nov 2021 20:00:06 +0000 The rapid changes that are happening within the world of technology only suggest that there are so many opportunities that you can take in order to improve your daily functioning. Most of the technological trends that are occurring are quite innovative and exciting to explore. So, in order to help you explore some of the […]

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The rapid changes that are happening within the world of technology only suggest that there are so many opportunities that you can take in order to improve your daily functioning. Most of the technological trends that are occurring are quite innovative and exciting to explore. So, in order to help you explore some of the biggest segments in the world of technology, we have managed to create this guide that will show you how you can really incorporate tech gadgets into your everyday life.

However, before we continue exploring today’s topic of discussion, you will have to make sure that you completely understand that technological advancements have the tendency to change, improve, and adapt in a fast manner. So, trying to keep up with all of the trends might be a little overwhelming. But do not worry, because in this guide, you will get a chance to build a better understanding of the specific categories of your day-to-day life, take a look at your interests, and find corresponding tech gadgets from digitogy that will go hand in hand with your lifestyle.

Having all of this established, it is time that we dive right into this subject of incorporating tech gadgets into your everyday life. So, let’s get started.

Put Your Hobbies In the First Place

When it comes to exploring your day-to-day life, you will get a chance to see that subject of entertainment deserves a fair amount of attention. So, it is the perfect starting point that will help you get into the world of innovative tech gadgets.

In order to begin with this concept, the first thing that you need to do is establish the specific interests and hobbies that you have. To put things simple, if you are a fan of online gaming and you enjoy playing fun and exciting online games, especially casino games at NetBet, then we have the perfect tech gadget for you. Here, you will have to make sure that you have a steady internet connection so that you can enjoy your favourite games without getting interrupted.

To ensure that you have stable internet connection that covers every inch of your home, you will have to find a suitable Wi-Fi Extender. This tech gadget will give you the connection that you deserve so that you do not have to spend your free time in one particular spot trying to get a better connection.

Turn Your Place into a Smart Home

This is another innovative aspect of incorporating tech gadgets that will perfectly go together with your lifestyle. Here, you will get a chance to find so many interesting devices that you are constantly using and make them smart.

Starting from your light bulbs, all the way to the speakers, you can easily make the switch and turn your home into a smart one. With this approach you will get a chance to control your home just by using your smartphone. This will give you a chance to monitor your place even when you are not there. You can easily check if everything is turned off while you are away.

So, start small, take things step-by-step and you will get a chance to build your way to a smart home.

Cut All of the Wires

Stop! Do not go and cut all of the wires that you have in your place. Here, you will get a chance to dive into the wireless world of tech gadgets. Incorporate wireless chargers, PC gadgets, headphones, speakers, and so much more.

With the incorporation of the wireless gadgets you will get a chance to easily manage the unnecessary clutter and enjoy the compatibility of your place.

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Robotic Palletizing takes Automated Systems To a New Level Robotic Sun, 31 Oct 2021 15:02:41 +0000 Many times, you must have noticed those big robotic inventions expediting production work. In this article, we will be running the readers through those devices and how they have been a blessing in the field of production of articles/products for the ultimate consumers. How it expedited various operations Automatic palletizers have, time and again, proved […]

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Many times, you must have noticed those big robotic inventions expediting production work. In this article, we will be running the readers through those devices and how they have been a blessing in the field of production of articles/products for the ultimate consumers.

How it expedited various operations

Automatic palletizers have, time and again, proved and outwitted the conventional ways to increase operations in the field of manufacturing and others. This invention boosted up the production process and is also demanded for being able to adapt to variable needs and products.

Not only has this invention amped up efficiency, but it also lifted a huge burden off of human labour’ chest of loading and unloading(which is done by robotic depalletizer systems pallets. This ultra-modern invention has made workplaces a lot safer than they used to be. 

Inarguably, traditional automated palletizing systems have been a great help to push the targets. However, these systems demanded quite a lot of space within the facility. Additionally, these systems lacked the capability of surmounting and carrying complex tasks and ideas through. 

To be precise, traditional automated palletizing systems proved to be below par when they were faced with the job of palletizing mixed loads or to switch between products in less time. When the investors were faced with the cost and whether it was a great investment, the system somewhere lacked in coming up to scratch.

As time ticked by, the situation demanded palletizing systems that allow for relatively more flexibility, efficiency and readiness to get the tasks to a desirable end. And over here comes into the picture, the robotic palletizing system. Some of the benefits of such robotic palletizing machines are outlined below:

Simple case palletizing

First and the foremost advantage of hugging robotic palletizing machines is that these require limited hardware, thereby making it ideal for robotic palletizing. These do require some kind of intervention like replacing pallets or removing the ones having full loads so the task of human labour isn’t completely on the chopping block. You may need to be constantly on the lookout for infeed conveyors, robots and safety standards. 

Multiple lines can be dealt at the same time

Such robotic palletizers oils the wheels of multi-line palletizing tasks by assuaging the need for intricate upstream accumulation conveyor systems. 

Additionally, graphics-driven software smooths the path for end users to make changes in the pallets after they are content with new SKUs or other trailblazing changes that may have been introduced.

Bag palletizing

The next advantage of such buttressed palletizer systems would be that these can handle and palletize bags upto 20 cycles per minute and they are nearly impervious to limited spaces or unsatisfactory environment (in terms of cleanliness). 

This improved efficiency wasn’t found in the case of traditional palletizing systems. Needless to say, clamshell tooling allows the arms of such robots to lift up the bags without tampering with what is inside of them,thereby banging out straight and square loads.

Pail Palletizing

It wouldn’t be fair to talk about palletizers without addressing this important task which is undertaken by robotic palletizers. These robots possess the efficiency of pail nesting inside the lids of the layer beneath it.  These robotics prove to be quite precise at this specific job.

Mixed, partial or display loads

These complex loads require fourway labels out orientation, several SKUs in one layer or load, quite a few sheets within one load/layer(as mentioned), specific type of dunnage and other detailed specialisation. Though conventional palletizing machines are capable of carrying these loads forth, the robotic palletizing machine does the task without letting too much money slip off your bank account. Such robotic palletizers are cost-effective in this manner.

Final Words

The aforementioned article talks about robotic palletizer systems at length and they have also been contrasted with conventional methods of palletizing loads and unloading. In the later paragraphs, the article tried to put forth different advantages of robotic palletizer and why you must opt for them.

The readers can go through the article if they are conflicted with what they must go for and which one would be most viable and economical without scrimping on the end quality or efficiency.

Also Read: The Technologies Behind The Rise Of Robots

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Why All Companies Should Embrace the Digital Age Thu, 26 Aug 2021 13:23:53 +0000 All businesses, no matter what industry they find themselves in, should be embracing the digital age. Digital transformation is wholly vital to the growth and expansion of your business moving forward, and it could offer plenty of benefits to you. Not only can it increase communication between staff and different teams, but it can also […]

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All businesses, no matter what industry they find themselves in, should be embracing the digital age. Digital transformation is wholly vital to the growth and expansion of your business moving forward, and it could offer plenty of benefits to you. Not only can it increase communication between staff and different teams, but it can also help grow your business. If you still aren’t convinced, here are the top reasons to embrace such a transformation for the good of your company.

Improved Productivity and Efficiency

The overall sense of teamwork and strong bonds between each other, which your employees will be able to develop, will substantially increase, and as a result, your business will benefit from an improved sense of productivity and efficiency.
The entirety of your business model and, specifically, the administration elements of your company will experience a significant organizational overhaul and, once the changes are fully assimilated by your workforce, your employees will appreciate quicker and more efficient working processes altogether.

Access to Latest Innovative Technology

The digitalization of your business will allow you to access the latest in technologies, equipment, and software updates, ensuring you are ahead of your competitors and at the forefront of developments within your specific industry.

Investing in the latest asset management & maintenance software is one of the best decisions you can make for your business. Such innovative software will eliminate the existence of time-consuming paperwork and never-ending challenges with communication.

Upgrades are significantly simpler to implement as you have a practical and functional complete overview of all assets requiring an upgrade. Asset management software also affords businesses a heightened level of simplicity and clarity regarding the adherence to specific legal requirements. 

The Cultivation of a Digital Presence

It is strongly advisable to cultivate and continually review and update a digital presence for your business. A strong digital presence is no longer simply just a good idea, but now almost a necessary key factor in business, and remaining visible online will significantly improve the level of customer engagement you experience as well as giving a powerful first impression. It can afford you the opportunity to properly showcase your products or services.

Active and consistent interaction with existing and potential customers alike is substantially easier when utilizing social media platforms, and the instant response to customer complaints and questions will hold your business in good standing when it comes to matching competitors.  

Increased Customer Service Levels

Digital transformation applied to your entire business model is guaranteed to have a positive impact on the level of customer service you are able to offer. Running a comprehensive and user-friendly website will enable you to provide an area online where potential and existing customers alike are able to ask questions and resolve issues.
The optimization of your website will result in an increased volume of traffic as well as transforming your business into a 24/7 accessible company, instead of customers having to wait for your office to open before being able to contact you.

Also Read: Medical Sensors – The Life Savior Against COVID-19

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Document collaboration instruments you must know about Fri, 06 Aug 2021 16:01:40 +0000 We bet you collaborate on documents in the cloud if not every day, but at least once in a good while. But do you know about all instruments that can make your collaboration richer, more transparent and comfortable? Let’s talk about how to review documents, compare files, find and restore revisions, use comments correctly — […]

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We bet you collaborate on documents in the cloud if not every day, but at least once in a good while. But do you know about all instruments that can make your collaboration richer, more transparent and comfortable?
Let’s talk about how to review documents, compare files, find and restore revisions, use comments correctly — and explore how different collaboration tools work in the most popular online offices.

Real-time co-editing

Real-time co-editing is what we know as the core of document collaboration: you type your text, insert objects, add layouts, and others see it with your name indicating your inputs. But besides this default co-authoring mode, there can be an alternative approach to collaborative editing.

ONLYOFFICE, an online office known for its advanced collaborative toolset, lets you switch from Fast (real-time) to the so-called Strict collaboration mode that is semi-privteate. Instead of showing your inputs to others as you type, it locks the paragraph you are currently working on and only shows the changes when you finish. Others also cannot edit this paragraph, which gives you more comfortable, uninterrupted work.


Commenting is fun unless there are 20 people in your document trying to understand the context of your questions and spot the right issue. Here are some tips on how to use comments correctly.

Use threads. You probably do, but it’s just a reminder to keep your discussions compact and consistent, so not a single comment is overlooked.

Carefully pick the text body. Choosing the right anchor for a comment will help your colleagues understand the context and see exactly which part you are referring too and which you are not.

Be informative. There are many creative ways to express your opinion, but a person on the other end might be struggling to understand what you really suggest. Write better now, write less later.

Mention users. Don’t forget to add mentions: it will be easier for a person to see your comment, and there will be a more solid reason to answer it.

Check compatibility. You never know what software the others are using, so if you are sending (not sharing) a commented text, first open it in some other office app to make sure your comments are still there. Most of the suites universally support them, but you never know what can happen.

Solve comments. Check the comment to let others know not to address this topic anymore once you have made all corrections and answered all the questions. But don’t delete it before the final version is ready so you can get back to this information later.

Delete comments when finalizing. Once the document is ready to be shared with external parties as a final version, don’t forget to delete unnecessary comments not meant to be taken into consideration by them.


Track Changes

If you make revisions in your colleague’s text, it will be helpful for them to understand what you deleted and added.Tracking changes lets others see exactly who added what, to accept or reject them in the final version. This is an essential part of reviewing.

This functionality can speed up the reviewing process whatever the purpose of the document is. It is also a better way to suggest edits rather than comments, when you have a complete sentence or passage to suggest, and not just an idea of it.

Tracking changes not only shows the text inputs. The Track Changes feature in Microsoft Office, for example, indicates how you altered the the text formatting (e.g. changed the font from bold to italic), so even minor edits are always in focus.


It is also easy to preview document with different ways of showing the changes. You can show full markup (simple markup also exists in Office), view the clean document with all changes accepted, or see how the original file looked without suggestions.
One pro sub-feature of Track Changes (you can find this one in Office and ONLYOFFICE) is document comparison. It lets you compare two file versions within a single document and see each difference in content highlighted in Track Changes mode, to review and apply or revert changes before creating the final version out of these two documents.

Version History

Version/Revision History saves all document versions and revisions in a timeline, indicating the authors and dates of each document version. You can browse document versions from the moment of creation and restore any of them in case some content was accidentally lost or simply needs to be revived.


Let’s have a look how Revision History in Google Workspace works. It is lined out like a calendar where you can navigate through months and dates to find the exact round of corrections you want to revert, also knowing their author. You will see these revisions highlighted in the document.

Google allows you to copy any version of the document to a separate file, which can be useful when you send a commercial offer or a presentation to a new client of yours, only changing a few details in the template file.

To keep the versions structured and easy to find, you can rename them according to each round’s additions.

Document chat

Some suites have a built-in chat functionality where you can discuss your work with colleagues live without leaving the editor and being distracted from your work by other messages.
In Zoho Docs, for instance, Zoho Chat works inside the editor just as it does elsewhere in the Zoho apps. There, you can go for personal or group conversations with other suite users to collaborate from a tiny chat client.


However, this chat app is a universal app that technically works outside of your document. In ONLYOFFICE and Google, each document, spreadsheet, and presentation has its own chat only available for people with access to the particular file.
What collaboration tools do you use in your daily tasks? Share your experience in replies.

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What Is Growth Hacking and Its Strategies? Mon, 19 Jul 2021 07:45:28 +0000 In recent times, much has been said about the use of Growth Hacking in the most important startups in the world. This new concept arises within digital marketing and is currently being used by the main Internet businesses in the United States. At the same time, it is being adopted by other companies in the […]

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In recent times, much has been said about the use of Growth Hacking in the most important startups in the world. This new concept arises within digital marketing and is currently being used by the main Internet businesses in the United States. At the same time, it is being adopted by other companies in the rest of the world.

But What is Growth Hacking?

This concept is defined as a combination of curiosity, creativity and analytics that allows the number of users of a startup to grow in a hockey stick. These skills must be carried out by the founder and management team and be within the company’s philosophy (all workers must be aware of this trend in marketing).

Growth Hacking is a different way of looking at a market based on the need to find new ways of marketing to grow a business: it is not about specific techniques or tools.

This way of understanding marketing is the ideal one for startups due to the lack of resources, budget allocated to marketing products and making the brand known to the general public. In addition, it adapts perfectly to the Lean Start-up philosophy that these types of companies usually develop on a day-to-day basis.

The people who develop Growth Hacking strategies have a very specific profile, and that can be divided into three main blocks:

  • They Are Analytical. Those who work on Growth Hacking optimally analyze even the smallest detail, both in their work and professional life. When something fails, they give it a thousand turns until they find the explanation for the error. They are always studying metrics. Even if there is no model, they make it up.
  • They Are Creative People. Inventing marketing actions is not expensive. You have to think about it. Growth hackers have that gift of finding solutions to a specific problem through creativity, focusing on their resources. They are people who, by nature, dare to take risks.
  • They are The kings of “why”. All changes are questioned, whether they are for the better or the worse. They are never left in doubt and, if they have to work harder to understand it, they stay until they find the solution.

How To Do Growth Hacking

Doing viral marketing campaigns through Growth Hacking is simple: in fact, everyone should test themselves to see if they are capable. You have to follow five concrete steps and make sure that each has been completed before moving on to the next one.

1 – Product / Market Fit

This is what is known as the “fit” between the product and the market. When starting a project, the first thing is to see if it will have acceptance in the market in which it will be put on sale. If not, better put the project aside.

It is essential to talk, in the first place, with testers (they are usually found among friends and close people) who say, honestly, whether or not they would buy the product.

It is better to invest in developing a product that can be sold than to devise marketing actions that make the brand known. Not a few have fallen into this trap: investing time, resources and money in marketing actions for a product that had no place, in any way, on the market.

2 – Grow Hack

In the United States, they call, in this way, the search for marketing actions that will position a brand in the market, but in which the product they sell and, above all, its use, have a prominent place.

It can be done if the actions of some markets are taken as a model, through social networks, showing videos of the use of the products on the wall of the followers, for example.

3 – Viralize

Once the marketing action is defined, it is necessary to make it known to the general public. Thousands of activities can be carried out (hence the creativity mentioned in previous paragraphs).

Why did Hotmail grow so much? Simply because it was the first platform to offer a free email account.

In this sense, we can take, as an example, the policy of Dropbox, which began to grow when it offered free space to those who invited friends to create an account; Spotify, after its integration with Facebook; or Airbnb, after its integration with Craigslist.

4 – Build Customer loyalty

We are giving the best after-sales service and working on the web and social media profiles to improve the user experience.

If they get loyal customers, they can become brand preceptors: people trust their friends much more when buying a product than in brand marketing actions.

5 – Back To The Start

Growth Hacking is a living and active entity that must evolve, as do other brands and customers’ needs.

At this point, it is time to analyze the results obtained with the different actions and ask yourself why they have worked and why not. It is necessary to move forward and find new methods to promote the company; if not, there is a risk that the competition will evolve and subtract users from the brand.

Why Start Growth Hacking in a Startup?

As you can see, Growth Hacking is working (and very well) for companies of all kinds. Perhaps the clearest examples are those of film and television, but due to the creative charge of the product.

It is not strange to come across examples of Growth Hacking on the street that are working perfectly for the different brands. And it is that every time, more SMEs are signing up for this promotion trend (without even knowing the term). They copy and adapt to what the big companies are doing and get more than acceptable results.

YouTube and social networks are great allies for those who have a small budget for the marketing and commercialization of the product. Having a channel with followers and profiles that work and that are an updated and two-way communication channel with the users of the products is key to developing these strategies.

The Internet is a perfect tool to raise passion regarding a product or service. Generating expectation is the most recurrent technique for the strategy to succeed. In addition, this process allows discovering new uses and new outlets for the products marketed by a specific brand.

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How Long Have You Not Changed Your Passwords? Mon, 21 Jun 2021 14:08:36 +0000 On the 6th, like every first Thursday in May since 2013, World Passwords Day was celebrated. Its use is still prevalent, even though biometric authentication mechanisms are now also common, whether with fingerprint, facial or iris recognition; not long ago, we even counted the initiative of a world without passwords or passwordless. In an environment […]

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On the 6th, like every first Thursday in May since 2013, World Passwords Day was celebrated. Its use is still prevalent, even though biometric authentication mechanisms are now also common, whether with fingerprint, facial or iris recognition; not long ago, we even counted the initiative of a world without passwords or passwordless.

In an environment of increasing digitization, with the increase in the use of mobile devices or social networks, the gradual and silent emergence of the Internet of things or cloud services, and the use of teleworking and remote access tools motivated by the pandemic arise other models that advocate combining secure access VPN and security services cloud ( SASE for secure access service Edge ) or network zero confidence, but, raise your hand who does not use passwords! For now, it seems we have to continue using them.

What Are Passwords For? Is There An Alternative?

Passwords continue to be the preferred authentication method, that is, to demonstrate that we are who we say we are. For that reason, we have the right to access those services we want to access, be it our social media profile, the backend of our website, our account in a cloud service to share files, our profile in the electronic headquarters of a ministry, the email account, the computer or the current account of our business.

Companies have to manage the identities of the users of the internal and external services they provide. Our system administrators give us the access credentials to the users, to which the permissions that we will have been linked. They are the inseparable couple: “username and password.” If they are to access critical services such as the VPN or the bank account or administrators, we will use the double authentication factor in many cases.

How They Can Be Compromised

With how strong passwords are to access our services, some of them critical for the company; protecting them has to be unquestionable. However, it is certainly not the first time that we forget them; we point them where we should not, we share them, reuse them, leave the default password,

One way to lose them is if they are part of a data leak from a service we use, such as a social network, a free email, a technology provider or a cloud service. A security breach of your systems or an error can result in a “leak” of the user-password databases, sometimes unencrypted or with weak encryption. Try if any of the ones you have used in the past are in a database of those sold on the dark web.

And if they are not in a data breach, it is possible that if your passwords are weak, that is, easy to crack, you know, short and straightforward. Some clever cybercriminal will have tried or will try as soon as he has the slightest chance.

We can also become victims of a phishing attack and enter our credentials in service or page that we believe is legitimate, handing them over to cybercriminals.

Finally, the software and hardware we use are not infallible, and yes, it has vulnerabilities or security flaws that, if not corrected in time, can put our passwords at risk, allowing someone without permission to have access to them, even to change them, leaving us, their rightful owners, without access. Therefore, we insist on auditing and updating.

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How To Make It Difficult For Cybercriminals

We have no choice but to wake up!

  • If you haven’t already, implement a password policy.
  • Train your team with the awareness kit to avoid falling into phishing and smishing scams, as cybercriminals use similar techniques via SMS and on social media.
  • Audit your passwords and implement specific measures that you can find in the Catalog of companies and cybersecurity solutions.
  • Use password managers, as we show you in this video tutorial.

What To Do if I Suspect That I am No Longer The Only One Who Knows My Credentials?

If you still have access to your account, enter and change the password as soon as possible. If not, contact the service provider to block your account, and in any case, report the incident and report if it is a crime, among others, fraud, threats, forgery or if they violate intellectual property.

If your systems have been compromised and you suspect that the databases with access credentials to your services are compromised

You know, the password is a key that we must not lose if we do not want to put the company’s assets at risk.

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What Are The Different HDMI Ports? Mon, 12 Apr 2021 08:33:29 +0000 There are a total of five types of connectors used to connect to HDMI ports, namely HDMI type A, B, C, D, and E. Each of these connectors has different functions. These comprise the regular-sized HDMI connector, mini, and micro HDMI.The standard HDMI connector is the most widely used one for TVs and AV connections. […]

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There are a total of five types of connectors used to connect to HDMI ports, namely HDMI type A, B, C, D, and E. Each of these connectors has different functions. These comprise the regular-sized HDMI connector, mini, and micro HDMI.
The standard HDMI connector is the most widely used one for TVs and AV connections. Other types of connectors are used for various other purposes.
Firstly, the HDMI type A and B were released. After this initial standard was released, others were released to be used for specific purposes and smaller devices.

Different Types Of HDMI Connectors

Different types of HDMI connectors have remained as it is after their initial introduction. This is very important, as it has allowed us to maintain backward comparability with all the HDMI standards coming after the first ones.
Backward comparability is which allows us to connect various different HDMI connector types through smart HDMI switches. These switches allow you to switch between different connector types seamlessly, and also lets you connect one HDMI port to multiple HDMI connectors. Check out Kinivo 550BN, which is the best-selling HDMI Switch.
The standard HDMI connector has 19 pins, and this standard is kept the same in every connector to allow for backward and forward comparability.
Here are all of the HDMI connector types explained.

Type A

This is the first-ever launched HDMI connector and is considered the main standard since then. This connector is still the most common one, and it is usually used on old AV systems, DVD players, TVs, Game consoles, and lots of other equipment. This connector is a bit larger as compared to the rest, and can be used on equipment on which space isn’t an issue.
The standard type A HDMI connector has 19 pins in total. It has enough bandwidth to easily handle SDTV, EDTV, HDTV, UHD, and 4K signals.
So, the type A HDMI connector is one of the most commonly used types of HDMI connectors.

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Type B

Type B HDMI connector was also released alongside the type A connector. This connector is capable of transferring dual DVD-I signals. However, this connector was never widely used in products. That’s because HDMI 1.3 helped in increasing the speed of a single link beyond that of a double link. Another reason why this connector wasn’t widely used is that it is larger as compared to the single link connector. This leaves us with no reason to use this connector.
The type B HDMI connector has 29 pins, and six differential pairs instead of six, as in a single link connector (type A).

Type C

The type C HDMI connector is actually a micro HDMI, as it is smaller as compared to the standard type A HDMI connector. However, this connector still has the same 19 pins as in the type A HDMI connector. In terms of functionality and performance, type C and type A are almost at the same point. But the connector is very small as compared to type A.
The mini HDMI or HDMI type C was introduced alongside HDMI 1.3, as the need for a smaller connector arose due to the wide adaptability of HDMI connectors.
The shape and configuration of the mini HDMI have some changes.
You can actually use a Tube C HDMI in a Type A HDMI port, but you’ll have to use a type C to type A adapter.
These connectors can be seen on most of the portable equipment use carry around these days. For example, this is common on DSLR cameras, sat nav systems, and many other types of modern equipment.

Type D

The Type D HDMI connector has a shape like the micro USB connector. That is also the reason why this connector is known as a micro HDMI. This type of HDMI is very small, and yet it retains the same 19 pins used in HDMI type A, 1.3, and Type C. But just like HDMI type C, the pin pairings are different as compared to Type-A.
Type D, of Micro HDMI, was released alongside HDMI 1.4. This connector was made to make audio and video connectivity possible in smaller devices like mobile phones.

Type E

You won’t see HDMI type E in most of the tech products, as it is mostly meant to be used in vehicles. Type E was also introduced alongside the release of HDMI 1.4 and Type D.
This connector has a locking mechanism that prevents it from vibrating out of the port. There is also a shell present around the connector in order to keep it safe from dust and dirt.
With the help of fire modifications, you can actually use this connector to connect your vehicle with an external item.

Make Vs Female Connectors

  • When it comes to identifying male and female HDMI connectors, you should keep in mind that the female connector is connected to the source of the signal or power, and the male connector is connected to the item receiving the power or signal. That’s because the pins on a female HDMI connector can’t be shorted by an external metallic object. But most of the modern HDMI connectors also save their male sides from short circuits.
  • Female connectors are present on both the sending and receiving device, and a cord having two male connectors, one at either end ends, is used to connect both of the devices.
  • One of the main reasons for this is that both of the devices connected together are usually exchanging data. Even the receiving device has to send some signals back to the sending device. This gives us the perfect reason to have female connectors on every device, and the male connectors on the wire used to connect both of the devices.
  • Although the female connectors are usually recessed into the device’s body, they can still get damaged because of the stress caused by pulling the wire in the wrong way or something else. So, you’ll be shocked to know those female HDMI connectors sell more as compared to male connectors as they are easily broken.
  • Also, if you have a wire with two broken HDMI connectors at either end, the cost of buying a new wire is actually lower as compared to the cost of repairing the broken connectors.

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