technology Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Wed, 18 Oct 2023 07:35:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 technology Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 The Challenge of Connecting With Humans 2.0 Thu, 26 May 2022 07:20:34 +0000 The evolution of technology, and consequently, our enormous dependence on it on a day-to-day basis, has meant that we need it to live and survive. In this line, the concept of transhumanism is not new: a human 2.0 version of our nature improved thanks to technology. The trans human would be a human transitioning towards […]

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The evolution of technology, and consequently, our enormous dependence on it on a day-to-day basis, has meant that we need it to live and survive. In this line, the concept of transhumanism is not new: a human 2.0 version of our nature improved thanks to technology. The trans human would be a human transitioning towards the posthuman, with improved and increased physical, intellectual and psychological capacities compared to a “conventional human.” This scenario, which seems like science fiction, is getting closer and more common.

From the point of view of marketing and communication, each person is becoming a medium and a message—a real revolution. In Sweden, for example, there are already thousands of people with chips implanted with their contactless credit cards, house keys, etc. It is a reality to such an extent that in December of last year, COVID passport implants increased, despite their current low validity.

But the implants are not only linked to transactions of this new humanity. an artist, is the first transhuman recognized as a cyborg by the British Government. They accepted that he appears in his passport photo with the antenna he has implanted in his skull and connected directly to his brain, which he considers just another organ. It allows you to receive messages, images, and calls connected to satellites and access the internet.

Technology is becoming the driver of expanded and hybrid identities. And it’s a big change in our industry. The power of the relationships between brands and people would have immediate feedback based on the various sources of information implanted in the body. Perhaps the next KPIs will be emotions, sensations, and biological feedback based on stimuli.

The field in which the brands will play will be more complex, fragmented, and intuitive, thanks to the evident evolution of artificial intelligence. In her latest trends paper, Amy Webb, CEO of the Future Today Institute, focused on AI in its survey and surveillance role, data decentralization, web3, and synthetic biology: “Artificial Intelligence permanently alters our perception of reality. Today there are algorithms that, given the slogan, can infer and write a text with content and tone impossible to differentiate from the human pen.

And it is that artificial intelligence can already recognize us by our heartbeat and know how we feel at that moment. What application could it have for brands?

The power of neo-people advances further, and the improvement in augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality continue. But it is Diminished Reality that is currently improving its accuracy. A tool will allow people to cancel images or sounds that they do not want to see in real-time. Are we facing roadblocks in real life? The transhuman is acquiring powers that could calmly eliminate our marks, not with an AdBlock but with a new technological filter to see reality.

With this evolution, the relationship between brands and people becomes even more complex. The field of communication is increasingly crossed by technology as a central element for connection. People evolve not only in their demands, but in the context that leads them to incorporate into their lives a level of technological sophistication never seen before in humanity.

Are we facing the big step from mass communication to intuitive communication? Is the posthuman future possible for humanity? What role will brands have for this new humanity? Will it be the brands that enable technology to learn more about their consumers?

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When Do Business Systems Need To Be Supplemented With Planning Systems? Fri, 12 Nov 2021 08:24:08 +0000 The advantages of an integrated business system for managing the company’s products are great: Better calculation and management of material requirements (BOM) Traceability and control of all warehouses and warehouses in the same system Optimization of how different resources are used But business systems are often substandard for a particular, specific need in the manufacturing […]

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The advantages of an integrated business system for managing the company’s products are great:

  • Better calculation and management of material requirements (BOM)
  • Traceability and control of all warehouses and warehouses in the same system
  • Optimization of how different resources are used

But business systems are often substandard for a particular, specific need in the manufacturing process

  • Management of production planning.

Some smaller companies may live with this fact and, for example, plan their entire production in Excel or on a whiteboard. But many companies today have such a complex planning process that it is simply not possible to plan in this way. 

Business systems are good at handling ongoing operations and various production activities when they happen. But many business systems lack good support and functionality to quickly and efficiently assist production planners in their decision-making. 

This is when production planners start using Excel for their production planning alongside the business system. When these Excel spreadsheets become too large and complicated, it’s time to review the possibilities for more advanced production planning.

What Makes Planning Systems

A planning system supports complex planning processes and integrates the results of planning with your business system. With advanced planning and resource scheduling features, a planning system can consider several different parameters and optimize your production in minutes. For example:

  • Find bottlenecks in your production 
  • Quickly get new delivery dates for new customer orders based on your capacity.

How Can Planning Systems Streamline Your Production

In your production line, a machine suddenly breaks down. This directly affects ongoing work, other orders, promised delivery dates, and last but not least, customer satisfaction in the long run. Or that you get an emergency order from your most important customer, where several thousand units are to be manufactured. How do you place that order in today’s manufacturing planning, with the least possible impact on other manufacturing orders?

The question is difficult because it requires a quick and total overview of:

  • Material capacity (items in BOM and article structures in stock) – resource capacity (how much the machines can handle at the moment)
  • Available production staff
  • Information and status of all existing sales orders, production orders, and purchase orders.

If you can handle this easily through various menus and functions in your business system, you do not need to improve your production planning with a planning system.

But if you need to extract this information from your business system, which will then be entered into several Excel spreadsheets to do a production planning that takes hours to calculate…

Then it would help if you considered whether it is not time to get a planning system.

Integrate Planning Systems With Business Systems

Integrating planning systems with business systems is easier than you first think. The important thing in this context is your company’s data model with information and data about your production, articles, and deliveries.

This data model from your business system contains the information the planning system needs about, for example:  

Employees’ qualifications and training to work with specific machines

  • shifts, holidays, and vacations
  • Warehouses, warehouses, warehouse levels
  • Lead times for different jobs
  • Time and resources for machine changes
  • Alternative resources (switch between several machines that can perform the same task)
  • Packaging

If you can retrieve this type of information from your business system, integration is easy.

Summary – When a Production Planning System is Needed

If today you can easily generate production plans in your business system, without advanced calculations in standalone spreadsheets in Excel, you do not need a system for production planning. 

But if you:

  • Extract information from your business system 
  • Which is entered and calculated in independent Excel calculations where the production plan is created
  • Where the calculated production planning is registered in the business system

Also Read: 7 Marketing Tips for E-Businesses

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The Next Big Thing In Workplace Management Software Mon, 25 Oct 2021 17:48:34 +0000 The workforce demands more and companies globally are ever in search of technologies and software which can help them stay at par with the fast-changing work culture. While workplace management systems have been at play since more than a decade, their popularity post-COVID has skyrocketed like never before. Nearly all the organisations, even the ones […]

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The workforce demands more and companies globally are ever in search of technologies and software which can help them stay at par with the fast-changing work culture. While workplace management systems have been at play since more than a decade, their popularity post-COVID has skyrocketed like never before. Nearly all the organisations, even the ones who thought were good without such systems in place, are putting in more efforts to learn about such tools and incorporating them at their facilities for an enhanced work environment.
With multiple software and platforms to choose from, it becomes imperative for companies to stay updated with the changing trends which hold immense power over the changing landscape. Here are the top areas that will shape the emergence of the next big thing in the Workplace Management software and help organisations create an engaged and interactive workplace.

Supporting Remote

Working remotely has enabled all kinds and types of organisations to gain a different perspective on the workforce and the way of working in the past 2 years. It is estimated that as Gen-Z enters the workforce, by 20230 there will be a 30% increase in remote work. Therefore, tech and platforms that will support remote ways of working are not going away anytime soon because apparently work-from-home is going to stay even after the pandemic wipes out.

In fact, most companies have applauded the hybrid workforce. Technologies in workplace management software that support hybrid workspace like Office desk Booking software enabling employees to book their seats in advance when they visit offices is a testament to the accepted notion of remote working, making it easy for the employers to accommodate the workforce in facilities without any hassle. Software adopting cloud technology to offer greater accessibility and flexibility in workspace is an obvious indication of the shifting work culture.

Employee Wellness and Flexibility

The current workplace is focussing on employee wellness more than ever and rightfully so, employee well-being and a flexible work environment is going to be the top priority for companies. Especially with the newer workforce who really values work culture and mental well-being over big salaries, the need to keep employees contented and engaged is the next big challenge. Reports prove that employees who are less engaged or do not feel empowered are not likely to put in extra effort in their work, which can directly affect the productivity of the organisation in the long run.

Workplace management software, being the saviour of employees, makes it easy for them to perform day-to-day activities and focus more on relevant work and this trait is only going to improve in the upcoming era. With technologies aimed at lessening the burden of employees like visitor management software to the tools that help address their woes promptly like IT Help Desks, employee wellness and satisfaction is going to be the centre of all workplace innovations without affecting the productivity of businesses.

Analytical Approach

The adoption of technologies that rely on data and statistics for providing results is already a norm in companies but its usage is more likely to go up in the coming decade. Most companies still believe that their data is wasted, in other terms remains unutilized by the employees for any purpose. Data-driven decision making is certainly going to be a game changer in the coming years because the hustle with obsolete data-record ways like pen-paper and excel is real.

For instance, with AI-powered devices and machines something as common as Asset Management Software is being seen in a new light backed by relevant information and deep insights. Such analytics-driven software is directly helping companies to make better decisions in procuring and managing thousands of assets successfully. It comes as no surprise that organisations can make decisions 5X faster with data analytics at hand and therefore, it is not wrong to assume that the market will be brimming with Big Data and Analytical devices for all the good reasons.

Also Read: Tips To Gain Visitors Confidence In Your Online Shop

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What Will Change When 5G Becomes The Standard? Wed, 13 Oct 2021 16:09:28 +0000 5G – A Revolution We live in a time and world that is increasingly dominated by technology. Day-to-day life without access to any aspect of the electronic devices and the worldwide link is in principle neither imaginable nor feasible. And development is progressing rapidly. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have been important topics in the […]

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5G – A Revolution

We live in a time and world that is increasingly dominated by technology. Day-to-day life without access to any aspect of the electronic devices and the worldwide link is in principle neither imaginable nor feasible. And development is progressing rapidly. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have been important topics in the recent past, but also big data and cybersecurity are rarely missing in the technology news. In mobile communications standards, 5G is the topic of the hour and is hotly debated. Initially falsely and unnecessarily labeled as harmful by skeptics, the tension about the future, standardized implementation is now high.

The network is gradually expanding, and large telecommunications companies can offer their customers ever-better network coverage. These are the first steps towards a new standard that will shortly replace the fastest connection LTE or 4G. Many modern devices such as smartphones or tablets are already able to use 5G, which lays the foundation for end consumers. It will take some time, however, before the 5G standard is implemented across the board.

In theory, users surf the 4G network at up to 1000 megabits per second, which can only be achieved in the best case and is not feasible in practice. Fifty megabits per second is a much more realistic speed with 4G and is sufficient in everyday use. The third generation of the mobile radio standard (3G) has existed since 2000, and the further development of HSDPA + has also been available since 2006. The maximum speed, in theory, was 42 megabits per second.

The leap from the third to the fourth generation was accordingly noticeable but not exorbitantly high. The upcoming development towards 5G, on the other hand, should mean enormous growth and thus be significantly faster. Up to 10 gigabits per second should be possible, even if so far, these are only estimates since the ultimate speed has yet to be shown. Nonetheless, there will be a major upheaval that can open up entirely new possibilities for our digital world. Find out what these are and how life will change when 5G becomes the actual standard here.

5G And Mobile Devices

Anyone in a large crowd, such as at major events, will notice that the services of the mobile phone providers can quickly become overloaded. Calls or the use of high-speed Internet are then a real problem, simply because many devices dial into the same network. With the fifth generation, that will be a thing of the past, as the focus is on an enormously robust and high-bandwidth connection that should enable a wirelessly connected society. That means data transfer in real-time and with low latency. Therefore, smartphones will be able to maintain a fast and reliable connection to all Internet-based services, which means that even very demanding apps will no longer be a problem.

This will have a significant impact, especially in the entertainment sector. The high-resolution live broadcast of events in real-time can be made available to a broad masses and thus offer completely new options in entertainment. Gaming will also evolve accordingly. In complex games, hundreds of players can compete against each other smoothly and across platforms. This development can already be observed, but it will become much more sophisticated and complex.
Due to the trend towards cloud-based processing of data, the importance of your hardware is also fading into the background. Thanks to the strong connection to the cloud, energy-intensive processes can be outsourced entirely, and the broad masses of high-performance devices have even more options. Accordingly, offers of unlimited data volume will be found more frequently in the future, as it is simply easier for providers to deliver precisely that to customers.

Also Read: How Will 5G Revolutionize The Cloud & Big Data?

Economy, Storage, Mobility, and Security

The economy will also benefit from the faster network, especially on a global scale. Increased productivity and effectiveness are keywords that will lead to new products and services. Faster data exchange and a secure and solid connection have become more and more critical for companies, especially in the last few months, and teleworking could thus become the perfect standard. For manufacturing companies, 5G opens up a whole new way of dealing with automated processes that can be carried out more reliably than ever before.

In warehousing, robots could do a large part of the work controlled in real-time from the other end of the world. Another advantage is that there is no need for cables, which are still the norm in sorting machines, conveyor belts, and internal communication. The changes in this area are so substantial that the concept of warehousing and department stores could fundamentally change.

The impact of 5G on security will also play an important role. On the one hand, it is about public safety, in which the high bandwidth and high speed can deliver high-resolution video material, for example. Situations can be better recognized and assessed, and the routes of first aiders can be chosen more safely and, for example, adapted to the current traffic. On the other hand, security must also be guaranteed when it comes to mobility. Autonomous driving only works without problems if there is a high-speed connection between the vehicle and the server, which can react in real-time if necessary.

Some exciting areas and topics could experience a real revolution through 5G. High bandwidth and barely noticeable latency will influence our working and private lives. Then it is possible to speak of a linked physical and digital world, the possibilities and potential of which are huge. However, when that is ultimately the case remains to be seen.

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Ways To Improve Customer Service Through Technology Thu, 30 Sep 2021 08:39:04 +0000 You’d think that businesses do not need to be reminded that customer service is one of the most essential aspects of their operations. Customer acquisition and retention become challenging, to say the least, in the absence of excellent customer service. However, many businesses do not invest time or money in their customer service divisions, which […]

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You’d think that businesses do not need to be reminded that customer service is one of the most essential aspects of their operations. Customer acquisition and retention become challenging, to say the least, in the absence of excellent customer service.

However, many businesses do not invest time or money in their customer service divisions, which is a critical mistake. After all, according to research, 78 percent of customers would abandon a purchase if they have a bad experience with customer service.

Businesses must stay up to date and offer easy services to their consumers in order to keep customer service fresh and welcoming. Implementing new technology, for example, is an excellent approach to boost your customer satisfaction. Technology is a costly investment, but if you preserve it and use it to its best potential, you won’t regret it.

Today’s clientele has higher expectations of firms. Customer requests, on the other hand, are not an issue. To attain the degree of success they seek, businesses must adapt and modify their business practices, as well as how they handle consumers.

In short, when people want more from businesses, companies and brands must rise to the occasion to satisfy those demands. The good news is that technology can assist companies in accomplishing this goal. Here are a few ways that successful companies like Time Warner cable customer service adopt in order to interact with their consumers on a deeper level, which makes them one of the best in business.

1. Effective Communication

There is no justification for firms to have bad communication now that we have so many methods to reach clients. The nicest part about having so many different types of technology is that you can engage with consumers through their preferred ways of communication.

For example, the elder generation prefers to communicate by phone calls and email, whilst the younger generation prefers to communicate via text messages. Surprisingly, the majority of consumers prefer to connect via live chat these days. According to 2013 research, 73% of consumers prefer live chat to all other kinds of contact, and technology allows them to do so.

2. Empathy/Compassion

Customer service research has revealed that a lack of empathy is the top reason why clients become irritated with customer support representatives. Consumers believe that salespeople are indifferent and uninterested in their predicament.

Actually, the reps are just carrying out their duties in accordance with their employers’ procedures. Companies may change their rules to allow for empathy and compassion, owing to the power of technology. They may use live chat, SMS messaging, social media, digital marketing, and other tools to encourage more human engagement on the phone and establish a reputation as a caring firm.

3. Accessibility

There is no such thing as 9 to 5 customer service any longer, and those that continue to do so are sure to lag behind. Businesses may now be available at any time, whether through a late-night conversation or social interaction, and those that want to stand out will make use of these services.

Organizations may also be accessible from anywhere, at any time, by leveraging all modes of contact, such as email, forms, numerous social media platforms, chat boxes, 24-hour customer support, and SMS messages. Giving clients the flexibility to contact you whenever and however they want provides a level of independence that not every firm can provide.

4. Customers who are Self-Sufficient

Because many individuals dislike asking for help, promoting self-reliance through technology is a crucial element of providing excellent customer service. Customer service lines are significantly shorter now that consumers may obtain information through various channels. Customers may get a lot of information from businesses with well-functioning websites, including contact information, chat boxes, working hours, store policies, and business descriptions.

This may also help your brand gain credibility by acting as an authority in a specific field. Businesses may teach consumers how to assist themselves through webinars, podcasts, blog posts, and other forms of posted media including videos. 67 percent of clients can now discover answers to their questions on their own thanks to these information sources.

5. The Use of Social Media

Social media is one of the most important technological advancements in business-customer connections. Customers and companies may now interact at any time, without being intrusive, thanks to this jewel. Companies may engage with their consumers in a way that they like, without being too aggressive, by providing webinars, infographics, how-to videos, blog pieces, and more. It allows clients to come to you, which is the most effective method to get and keep customers.

6. Mobile Access that Makes the Job Easier

Information is something that customers desire and require. They want a simple way to get that data and interact with businesses. A mobile app is a fantastic and frequently required tool for organizations. Customers expect mobile applications to deliver information while also allowing them to interact with the app according to their own needs. The mobile applications are fantastic examples of hands-on solutions that users can access and use right away to acquire all that they need for travel. Everything is in one place.

Also Read: The Mix Of Management Strategies That Your Company Needs

7. Accept Accountability for Your Company’s Actions

Every worker makes a blunder. It occurs in every business. Or, it could be a company-wide blunder, misunderstanding, or neglect. Whatever the reason for the occurrence, you must apologize to your client base. Social networking is a great method to immediately apologize. Many businesses utilize social media to address consumer complaints, particularly when such complaints are submitted through the site. Pizza Hut, for example, responds to consumer concerns on social media almost immediately.

8. Provide the Best Technical Support

When your product fails to deliver or an issue emerges as a result of its use, your consumer expects you to fix the problem right away. Even if it’s because they don’t know how to utilize it, they want you to offer excellent service to just repair it. This isn’t always a straightforward answer. In many situations, providing over-the-phone or over-the-internet support services is the first step in resolving a problem like this.

Bottom Line

New technologies and better customer service go hand in hand. Using technology does not negate the necessity for human customer service agents to maintain client connections. This type of one-on-one interaction is more vital than ever, and technology may assist to improve it. Follow the above-mentioned tips to become a successful business and never lose customers again.

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Business Energy Usage: How to Make it Cheaper and Greener Mon, 06 Sep 2021 17:11:17 +0000 In business, there’s always the drive to keep costs low. Making your firm operate with the lowest possible overheads means maximizing your profits and running a streamlined, highly competi-tive company. But in 2021, a new factor is becoming increasingly important for your company’s self-image and reputation among clients and customers: your green credentials. In this […]

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In business, there’s always the drive to keep costs low. Making your firm operate with the lowest possible overheads means maximizing your profits and running a streamlined, highly competi-tive company. But in 2021, a new factor is becoming increasingly important for your company’s self-image and reputation among clients and customers: your green credentials. In this article, we’ll look at how to make your energy use cheaper and greener, saving you cash while impress-ing those who work and trade with you.

Reduce Waste

Clearly, the most effective way to address green concerns and to reduce your energy bills is to ensure you’re wasting as little energy as possible as a business. Now, this can mean many things to different types of business, but as a rule, you can:

  • Ensure machines are switched off when they’re not in use and switch to standby mode quickly
  • Purchase less energy-intensive devices that require less charging and energy use
  • Ensure lights and other energy-guzzling utilities are used responsibly and sparingly
  • Train your employees on how to use less electricity as they go about their day-to-day work

There will also be more tips specific to your company – so brainstorm with your executives about how to continue bringing your energy use down over time.

Reduce Fees

The fees you pay for your energy will likely be arranged on a sliding scale depending on your use. If you use less electricity, you should pay less per month for its use. But there are other ways to reduce these fees. For instance, you can negotiate with your current supplier to bring down your monthly bill. Or, skip the negotiation process by using a business energy price comparison website, which can save you up to 45% on what you’re currently paying.

Meanwhile, you can approach this issue from a different perspective altogether. If you can install solar panels or a wind turbine on the roof of your office or facility, you may, over time, be able to use less electricity from the grid instead of generating a portion of your energy requirements from renewable sources. This, of course, goes some way to boost your green credentials.

Better Suppliers

Some energy suppliers are greener than others and, as we’ve seen with the price comparison website, some are cheaper too. Whether the greenest suppliers are also the cheapest will depend on your local energy market – but it’s clear that, with tariffs and taxes placed on fossil fuel firms and subsidies and incentives offered to renewable energy firms, the cheapest energy supplier will soon be the greenest, too.

You can anticipate this trend by working with a green energy supplier in your locality. Do your research to find those firms taking active steps to go carbon neutral, divesting in fossil fuels to generate their electricity from renewable sources. Your willingness to pay a premium for green energy will endear you to eco-conscious shareholders and customers and will put you ahead of the pack as the energy sector transforms within this decade.

Make your energy use greener and cheaper with these three simple tips.

Also Read: Telecommuting – Metrics And Analytics

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Do You Want To Buy a Drone? Then You Must Follow These Critical Criteria. Sun, 22 Aug 2021 12:13:43 +0000 Drones are becoming more and more critical in the professional environment, but they are also becoming increasingly popular for recreational use. The choice of drones is broad, so it isn’t easy to find a suitable model. This article will find an overview and a few tips on the most important purchase criteria for drones. Types […]

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Drones are becoming more and more critical in the professional environment, but they are also becoming increasingly popular for recreational use. The choice of drones is broad, so it isn’t easy to find a suitable model. This article will find an overview and a few tips on the most important purchase criteria for drones.

Types of Drones

Drones can be divided into different models. Each variant has its advantages and disadvantages, but it also depends on personal taste and the use of the device.


The tricopter is not the most common model on the market. The tricopter has a drive with three propellers. These allow agile maneuvers, and they are generally relatively cheap. However, this also means that the drone has less thrust than the other models, such as the quadocopter or the hexacopter.

This variant makes the device more prone to engine failures and drone crashes. It is therefore not suitable for transporting heavy objects. The camera is also a lot smaller, and the recording quality also has to be reduced here.


The classic model and most frequently represented on the market is the quadcopter. They are stable, fly evenly, and can also transport more significant things. Due to their stable and balanced flight, they can also withstand strong gusts of wind.

Due to the drive with four propellers, this model has many thrusts and can also be equipped with heavier and larger cameras. Aerial photos can sometimes be made with 4K resolution, as long as the camera is not too heavy. Medium to high-priced models falls into this category. This variant is one of the best for beginners and drone pilots with little experience.


The hexacopter is in a class of its own. Anyone who has only flown quadcopters up to now will quickly notice the difference. The powerful thrust drive comes from six propellers, so this model is also popular in the professional sector. This gives the drone more stability and can withstand strong winds. This drone can also be used to carry large loads, such as single-lens reflex cameras. The variant with six propellers is not only a lot more stable but also safer. The drone will remain in the air if two propellers should fail.

Due to the size and the drives, these drones are not as agile as those with fewer propellers. They also need a more powerful motor because they are already heavy.


In terms of performance, the Octocopter can hardly be surpassed. With eight propellers, it can carry large loads and is also very stable. Strong wind or strong gusts of wind do not affect the device. The drone is also very stable, as it remains stable in the air even if three motors fail simultaneously.

Despite a large number of propellers, the drone can easily manage fast and sometimes tight flight maneuvers. To fly the drone well takes a little practice, but the professional drone is all the more fun. One should only consider the heavyweight of the battery, as it can weigh twice as much as others.

Drones Put To The Test: Critical Criteria.

Once you have selected the suitable model, a few more points should be considered before making a purchase. It may also be worth the effort to buy several drones, carry out a drone test and finally send all of them back to the test winner. You should pay particular attention to the following criteria:


It’s easy control also characterizes a high-quality drone. The radio remote control is usually equipped with two joysticks. The left one is responsible for raising and lowering the drone and can be used to control the rotation of the axis. You can make horizontal movements and move the drone forwards, backward, and sideways on the right. The controls should be intuitive and straightforward to use.


The drones have propellers in different drive configurations. Popular are the:

  • H shape
  • X shape
  • + Shape

This is how the arrangement of the rotor blades is shown. The combination of H and X shapes is prevalent and is mainly used in models used for taking photos. So the propellers are not in the picture.

Also Read: The Technologies Behind The Rise Of Robots

Different Intelligent Flight Modes

High-quality drones are usually equipped with one or more intelligent flight modes or flight modes. These are tracking methods. These are the most common and popular modes:

Follow Me

The drone can be aimed at a specific object or person and tracks them. It uses tracking technologies such as GPS signals, altitude meters, and image recognition via cameras.

The drone then follows every movement, making it easy to take pictures while hiking, climbing in the mountains, or cycling from the air without controlling them. A stable GPS signal is essential for this.

Waypoint Mode

Way-Point mode works very similarly to Follow-Me. Only here, the drone flies defined waypoints independently and does not follow anyone. The drone then flies very stably, and the recordings you can take are as sound as wobble-free.

Point of Interest

In this mode, the drone flies in a perfect circle around a specific object. This enables them to take high-quality images and video recordings. This isn’t easy to do manually, and the automatic mode does a lot of work here.


Another good purchase criterion for drones is the quality of the integrated cameras. Here you should make sure that it is an HD or 4K camera. This can deliver excellent recordings. In addition, it should be able to transmit the images live so that the material can be accessed immediately on the tablet or smartphone.

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What Types of Problems Can We Solve With Machine Learning Techniques? Fri, 20 Aug 2021 09:02:34 +0000 Machine learning can be used to address different types of problems. These can be grouped into categories according to the kind of technique with which their resolution is undertaken. This article aims to give you an overview of machine learning paradigms and the types of problems they are commonly used for. Machine Learning Paradigms As […]

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Machine learning can be used to address different types of problems. These can be grouped into categories according to the kind of technique with which their resolution is undertaken.

This article aims to give you an overview of machine learning paradigms and the types of problems they are commonly used for.

Machine Learning Paradigms

As a general rule (there are exceptions), machine learning algorithms build a model representing the knowledge they have been able to extract from the data provided as input. Depending on the additional information supplied to the algorithm, we can differentiate between different paradigms to guide the learning process. Below I briefly describe the best known:

  • Supervised learning. It consists of indicating to the algorithm, as it learns if the output it has generated for a particular case (the prediction) is correct or not. The most common action is for the algorithm to adjust the model it generates each time it is told that it has made a mistake to improve its predictions.
  • Unsupervised learning. The only information that is delivered to the algorithm is the data samples without further details. From these samples, it is possible to analyze the distribution of the values, the similarity or distance between the models, the degree of concurrence of some variables with others, etc. The applications are multiple, as we will see later.
  • Semi-supervised learning. It is a case halfway between the previous two. From the available data set, the correct output is known only for some samples. The algorithm uses them to build an initial model that, later, provides a forecast of the output value for the rest of the pieces. In this way, the model is expanded and adjusted, taking advantage of the available information.
  • Reinforcement learning. The algorithm to which the data is provided is not supplied with the accurate outputs to adjust its model, as is the case in the supervised point. Still, it is awarded a more or less significant prize depending on how well the sequence of actions is carried out. In this way, the behaviour is reinforced towards the objective pursued.

These paradigms allow specific types of problems to be solved and implemented using different tools: the models that represent knowledge. Depending on the chosen model: a tree, a neural network, a set of rules, etc., a specific algorithm will be used to generate and fit it.

Types of Problems in Machine Learning

Machine learning is used to solve a wide range of real-life problems. These problems, or tasks as they are also known, can be categorized into a few types. Although it is not a strict rule, each situation is usually addressed through a specific learning paradigm. For this reason, the most common types of tasks are outlined below according to the paradigm with which it is traditionally approached.

Supervised learning Tasks

There are two fundamental types of problems that are solved by supervised learning, described below. The actual outputs, known in advance for the data, will allow the algorithm to improve its model parameters. Once the teaching or training of the model is completed, it will be able to process new samples and generate the appropriate output without any help.

  • Classification. Each data sample has associated one or more nominal outputs, called class labels, labels, or simply class. To automatically classify, a predictive model is created, to which, by delivering the input variables, it generates the corresponding class labels as output. A classifier can be used to process credit or risky loan applications, differentiate incoming email messages as spam or essential, find out whether or not a person’s face appears in a photograph, etc.
  • Regression. As in the previous case, each sample also has an associated output value, but in this case, it is of an objective type (continuous, not discrete, that is, with possible results within a continuum), so the techniques used to generate the model are usually different from those used for classification. However, the procedure for fitting or training the model is similar: known accurate outputs are used to correct its parameters and improve prediction. With a regression model, it is possible to determine the height of a person based on their sex, age and nationality, or to predict the distance that will be able to travel a transport taking as input variables the weight of the load, the volume of fuel available and the ambient temperature.

Also Read: What Are Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), And Deep Learning (DL)?

Unsupervised Learning Tasks

As indicated above, the types of problems faced with this learning paradigm are characterized because the data samples only have the input variables. There is no way out to predict that can guide algorithms. Therefore, the models generated, if they exist, are not predictive but descriptive. The most common tasks are:

  • Grouping. Analyzing the similarity/dissimilarity of the data samples, for example, calculating the distance they are from each other in the space generated by the values ​​of their variables. Several disjoint groups are created. This technique, also known as clustering, facilitates visual data exploration and can be used as a primary classification method when the required class labels are not available to generate a classifier.
  • Association. The search for associations between specific values ​​of the variables that make up the samples is carried out by looking for the concurrence between them, that is, by counting the times they appear simultaneously. As a result, this type of problem can generate a set of association rules, a technique widely used in all kinds of electronic and physical businesses to arrange their products or recommend them.
  • Variable reduction. By analyzing the distribution of the values ​​of the variables in the set of samples, it is possible to determine which of them provide more information, which is correlated with others and therefore are redundant, or whether it is possible to find an underlying statistical distribution that generates these data, which would simplify its original representation. There are many possible techniques in this type of task, from the selection and extraction of variables to manifold learning, consisting of finding the aforementioned underlying distribution.

Other Types of Learning Tasks

A vast majority of the problems addressed through machine learning fall into the categories listed in the previous two sections. However, there are other types of tasks that require different approaches. An example would be optimization problems in general, of which perhaps the best-known exponent is the travelling salesman. This task consists of finding the shortest itinerary to visit in cities. When n is enormous, the problem becomes unapproachable to the exhaustive search: evaluating all the possible alternatives to determine the best one.

There are many other cases within this category, and the difficulty is usually always the same: the optimal point is not known, so it cannot be known whether a potential solution is more or less good, and the number of possible solutions, or steps to reach them, it is enormous. There are two categories of techniques that are commonly applied to deal with these problems:

  • Bio-inspired algorithms. This group includes genetic algorithms, evolutionary strategies, optimization based on particle systems, etc. All of them start from the same concept: reproduce mechanisms existing in nature such as evolutionary selection in living beings, the behaviour of flocks of birds, colonies of ants, etc. Thanks to them, it is possible to find an acceptable solution to the optimization problem in a reasonable period.
  • Reinforcement learning. This paradigm, described at the beginning of the section, can also be applied to optimization problems, although in recent times, it has gained notoriety for its success in learning to play and win certain games.

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3 Inexpensive Tech Upgrades for Your Home Mon, 26 Jul 2021 16:20:56 +0000 If you’ve lived in your house for a while, it might be time to level up some of your home’s technology that’s become antiquated. Some minor tweaks can make your home feel more livable, and many of these upgrades cost less to operate than their outdated counterparts. If you’re wondering where to start, here are […]

The post 3 Inexpensive Tech Upgrades for Your Home appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

If you’ve lived in your house for a while, it might be time to level up some of your home’s technology that’s become antiquated. Some minor tweaks can make your home feel more livable, and many of these upgrades cost less to operate than their outdated counterparts. If you’re wondering where to start, here are a few things in your home to update that won’t break the bank.

Phone Service

You no longer need to be tied to one of the pricey phone or cable providers in order to have a telephone line in your home. With just a small investment in equipment, you can get free home phone service over your high-speed internet that may include many of the standard features you’re used to such as caller ID, call waiting, voicemail, and more. These services often let you maintain your current phone number, so switching doesn’t mean you’ll have to update all of your existing contacts.


If you haven’t replaced your household bulbs with LED ones, there’s no time like the present. Over the past several years, the cost of LED lighting has been decreasing due to improved manufacturing, so it’s become more affordable than ever to switch over. Compared to incandescent lighting, LEDs use at least 75% less energy and last up to 25 times longer, making them a great investment that can save you money and benefit the environment. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that LED bulbs only emit harsh, white light; they come in many colors, and some can even be programmed to adjust throughout the day.

Smart Systems

Smart speakers, smart thermostats, smart plugs: there is a seemingly endless array of ways in which your home can be programmed to run itself. Although installing all of these options at once might be costly, most home automation systems allow you to start with one or two basic devices and then add more gadgets at a later time. Perhaps start with a hub that will let you manage basic household tasks like remotely turning on your lights or locking your front door, then build from there.
Making just one or two of these changes can give your house an instant tech upgrade without putting too much pressure on your pocketbook. You’ll likely find that your home is a more enjoyable space in which to spend time, and you might end up saving money in the long run.

The post 3 Inexpensive Tech Upgrades for Your Home appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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SASE Introduction For Secure Remote Computing Sun, 25 Jul 2021 06:53:00 +0000 Many companies looked at where companies are on their way to adopting SASE. The study compares countries, industries, and trends. From the results, organizations has now derived recommendations for action to introduce SASE for secure remote computing. According to companies, one thing stands out from the survey results carried out in January 2021: Although IT […]

The post SASE Introduction For Secure Remote Computing appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Many companies looked at where companies are on their way to adopting SASE. The study compares countries, industries, and trends. From the results, organizations has now derived recommendations for action to introduce SASE for secure remote computing.

According to companies, one thing stands out from the survey results carried out in January 2021: Although IT experts claim to know what SASE is, global acceptance in companies lags, especially in the public sector. When asked whether SASE had been introduced across the company’s entire technology stack, only twelve percent said that the philosophy had been fully implemented, and 26 percent did not use SASE at all. This result was a bit surprising, but it may show the genuine question of timing.

If Not Now, Then When?

Most IT teams would know about SASE by now and seriously consider implementing the framework into their network infrastructure strategy. Many are likely trying to find out what exactly that will mean. In addition to the question of what SASE is and how it should be implemented, the question of when it is often ignored.

There is no doubt that companies face far greater pressures to modernize than they would have been without the pandemic. The term SASE has been around since 2019. However, the enormous and unexpected increase in the distributed workforce would have put pressure on IT companies everywhere to look for more practical alternatives for remote access.

Why Do Companies Need SASE?

The time for SASE’s big appearance was perfect. According to Gartner, SASE is the convergence of several existing network and security solutions that organizations may already be using. These include SD-WAN, zero-trust network access or software-defined perimeter solutions, cloud access security brokers (CASB) and Firewall as a service, all of which are now brought together in a single fabric provided from the cloud become.

Gartner is not the only one talking about the transition to a more robust model for security and networks. Forrester coined the term “Zero Trust Edge” (ZTE), which is the same concept as the SASE philosophy, but strongly emphasizes Zero Trust.

Most organizations today still host at least a minimal amount of data and a few applications on their systems, according to experts. However, if you look at the actual workflow of an employee, various Internet and cloud-based services determine the majority of the working day. Access to the primary office or special company data centers is often no longer necessary.

If only 20 percent of an employee’s requirements are “internal,” it makes little sense to force this data through the company’s network infrastructure. This obsolete arrangement adds unnecessary strain and creates further potential bottlenecks, not to mention the added cost of maintaining capacity needs and maintenance.

SASE Building Blocks

A typical SASE framework comprises three essential building blocks: network, security and identity. Not a single provider is an expert in all three areas. The key to a successful implementation is, therefore solutions that complement each other, such as:

  • Networking: SD-WAN,
  • Security: Secure Web Gateway (SWG), Firewall as a Service (FWaaS),
  • Identity and Access: Zero Trust, SDP, Remote Access Enterprise VPN.

Practical Steps

What might a SASE deployment look like for an enterprise? According to experts, it can take up to five years to fully implement SASE. There are several steps along the way, as every company switches from obsolete or obsolete equipment.

In the first year, a company could optimize the existing VPN to be better able to handle mobility and deal with a highly dispersed workforce. The next step could be to consider adopting a cloud strategy to consider integrating a cloud-based VPN in year two.

Slowly, if the IT department can get used to the concept of Zero Trust, additional solutions such as SDP would offer themselves to support more applications and employees. The VPNs are still available but are only needed occasionally and can be switched on or off purely based on guidelines.

It’s Okay To Take Your Time.

The key is avoiding the knee-jerk reactions of the past year and taking the time to design an architecture that genuinely meets the company’s current and future needs, according to experts. This should bring the costs in line with agility and reliability. If that only lasts two or three years in the end, that’s great. But those responsible shouldn’t be surprised if this trip lasts more than four or even five years.

Also Read: VPN, Remote Desktop & Co. – That’s How We Work Today

The post SASE Introduction For Secure Remote Computing appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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