blockchain Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Fri, 16 Jun 2023 07:54:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 blockchain Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 What Is Blockchain POS? Fri, 16 Jun 2023 07:50:58 +0000 The Proof-of-Work consensus underlying many crypto projects such as Bitcoin has proven to be a very energy consumption and complicated mechanism, requiring costly equipment and electricity bills. Searching for alternatives to Proof-of-Work, one comes to mind first – the POS system.Proof-of-Stake (PoS) represents a mechanism harnessed within blockchains, endorsing the authentication and fortification of operations. […]

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The Proof-of-Work consensus underlying many crypto projects such as Bitcoin has proven to be a very energy consumption and complicated mechanism, requiring costly equipment and electricity bills. Searching for alternatives to Proof-of-Work, one comes to mind first – the POS system.
Proof-of-Stake (PoS) represents a mechanism harnessed within blockchains, endorsing the authentication and fortification of operations. Within the PoS paradigm, the capacity to check and generate fresh blocks is contingent upon the ownership or stake held by an individual within the network. Instead of miners grappling with intricate math enigmas to append blocks, validators are handpicked to build novel blocks on the basis of their stake in the digital currency.
The term “stake” alludes to the number of assets retained by a network participant. An increased token count translates into a more substantial stake, thereby augmenting the likelihood of being chosen to validate and establish a fresh block.
Validators are typically chosen through a deterministic algorithm, encompassing diverse considerations, such as the token quantity held and the duration of their retention. This system endeavors to incentivize participants to retain their tokens rather than trading or selling them, and the princess itself is called staking crypto.
Now that we have found out, what is Proof-of-Stake, let’s see its features.

Crypto POS Features

Some benefits of blockchain POS:

  • PoS boasts a significant advantage in terms of efficiency when compared to PoW. By eliminating the need for participants to tackle intricate math problems, PoS greatly reduces the waste of power and electricity. As a result, PoS networks are much more cost-effective.
  • PoS is regarded as a means to mitigate the centralization of power often observed in PoW systems. In PoS, validators are chosen depending on the stake they hold, which inherently aligns their interests with the security and prosperity of the network. The prevailing belief is that stakers with a larger stake have more to lose should they engage in malicious activities, as their tokens can be forfeited.
  • PoS systems face their fair share of challenges. One notable concern is the “nothing-at-stake” problem, wherein validators may be inclined to support multiple blockchain forks simultaneously. This has the potential to cause blockchain instability. To address this issue and ensure the network’s security, various mechanisms, including slashing of stakes, are implemented to discourage such behavior.

All in all, POS presents an alternative consensus approach, offering the benefits of power efficiency, decentralization, and expandability when compared to POW.

Also Read: Finding Trouble In Converting Currency Through Currency API

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Blockchain Success – Blockchain Technology On The Rise Fri, 01 Jul 2022 07:53:25 +0000 In the past year, the hype surrounding blockchain technology has increased significantly. The constantly increasing awareness of the blockchain process is due to the high demand in the field of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum & Co. In today’s article we will explain what blockchain technology is all about, give an overview of how it […]

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In the past year, the hype surrounding blockchain technology has increased significantly. The constantly increasing awareness of the blockchain process is due to the high demand in the field of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum & Co. In today’s article we will explain what blockchain technology is all about, give an overview of how it works and explain the history of the technology.

The Opportunity For Trade! Blockchain Opens New Opportunities To The Market

The economic cycle lives on the supply and demand of a respective market. Blockchain technology is particularly suitable for fast-moving markets that have to react quickly and, above all, in good time to changes. The required information is made available to the authorized market participants in the network in a transparent, complete and public manner.

Authorized participants of a blockchain network can see the details about the changes in accounts, transactions of payments, orders and the production of values ​​that are tracked and recorded by a blockchain network. Blockchain technology creates market transparency, trust and opens up new opportunities on the economic market.

History – Blockchain As a Trading Solution on The Internet

Transactions on the Internet are currently carried out on the basis of trust in intermediary authorities or an intermediary person. For example, buyers and providers must trust a payment service, marketplace or bank. The prerequisite here is the certainty that the desired transaction is carried out correctly and properly. However, these mediating positions can attain a position of power due to their central position, exploit this and thus represent their own interests by trying to control desired transactions. This happened in 2010, among other things, when the payment service PayPal blocked the account of the WikiLeaks disclosure platform.

With the development of unwanted third-party influence, the solution of blockchain was developed to make the internet more democratic. One could count the basics of cryptographically secured concatenation of individual blocks among the beginnings towards blockchain as described by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta in 1991, 1996 by Ross J. Anderson and 1998 by Bruce Schneier and John Kelsey.

In 1997, the computer scientist and former law professor Nick Szabo proposed a concrete solution to the topic “Mechanism for a decentralized digital currency”, which he himself called “Bit Gold”. In Szabo’s view, business contracts are based on mutual trust between business partners and on the recognized legal framework, which can be interpreted according to different opinions and can therefore lead to problems. Therefore, according to Szabo, contracts of the future should be software-based and so he developed the first “smart contracts”, an algorithm that automatically checks the legal framework for a purchase or sale to determine whether a rule has been violated and informs both parties accordingly about how to proceed .

A general theory on cryptographically secured concatenations was developed by Stefan Konst in 2000. The roughly developed blockchain concept as a distributed database management system was first described in 2008 under the pseudonym “Satoshi Nakamoto” in the White Paper on Bitcoin. Nakamoto combined established technologies such as peer-2-peer, hashing and encryption and presented a cryptographic method that makes it possible to link data sets irreversibly and in a tamper-proof manner. 

What Is a Blockchain?

As the name suggests, a blockchain is a continuously expandable sequence of data blocks that records transactions in a chronological order in a decentralized data structure (network) in a traceable and unchangeable manner.

This foundation is a shared, unchangeable and therefore tamper-proof database that records all transactions and ensures the tracking of assets (assets) in the network. These assets, or assets named in a blockchain, can be tangible (money, a house, car, or land) or intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, or a trademark). These can be traded practically and traceable in a blockchain network, usually digital currency equivalents such as Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin or Dash.

How Each “Block” Works In a Blockchain

As already explained in the section above, the transactions of the data are stored in the “block”. The stored “block” includes information about the movement of a tangible or intangible asset of information, who, what, when, where, how much and even the state of the asset – like the temperature of a food item can be recorded in a block on a blockchain.

New blocks in a blockchain are created by consensus and attached to the existing chain using cryptographic methods. Each block contains a cryptographically secure hash value (scatter value) of the previous block with the corresponding data.

Hash Value?

“A hash value is a checksum with a fixed length. Hash values ​​are tools that can be thought of as keys that encrypt and decrypt data and messages. The recipient and sender must speak the same language (= deliver the same hash value) so that smooth communication or encryption and decryption is guaranteed.”

Each individual block is linked to the priority block and forms a data chain to prevent possible alteration or manipulation of the information. The information stored in the blocks confirms the exact timing and order of the transactions. Thus, transactions are blocked in an irreversible chain, hence the name.

Each additional block reinforces the verification of the previous block and thus the entire blockchain network. This means that any manipulation of the blockchain is visible, since each block contains the information of the previous one. This immutability is the greatest strength. This eliminates the possibility of tampering by a malicious actor and creates a ledger that you and other network members can trust.

A Closer Look at Key Elements of The Blockchain

The key components of the blockchain technology can be called the distributed ledger technology, the immutable and tamper-proof data set and the smart contracts.

  • The distributed ledger technology used in a blockchain is a decentralized ledger technology, or DLT, and you can think of it in terms of how a journal of accounts works. Therefore, the blockchain is also referred to as the “Internet of Values” (Internet of Values), since it only lists transactions and values, so to speak. Blockchain defines the technical basis for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Co. With the shared ledger, transactions are recorded only once, eliminating the duplication of effort typical of traditional business networks.
  • The unique selling point of the blockchain is the immutable data records : no participant in the blockchain network can change, falsify or correct a transaction after it has been recorded in the common register. In this case, if a transaction record contains an error, a new transaction must be added to correct the error. Both transactions can be viewed by the blockchain participants and are therefore traceable.
  • In the blockchain there is a set of rules (algorithms) called “smart contracts”. This algorithm includes and sets conditions for the transfer of corporate bonds, conditions for payment of travel insurance and much more. As a result, transactions are accelerated and the corresponding action is carried out automatically.

Also Read: Blockchain Importance Is Growing Every Day & Its Benefits For Companies And Countries

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What Are NFT Games? Tue, 29 Mar 2022 15:25:09 +0000 More than two billion people worldwide play video games. It’s an incredibly fun pastime that helps people to decompress and disconnect from the real world for periods of time.But many people argue that this time is wasted. Instead, they could be doing something productive, right? Actually, with a little knowledge, these gamers can get paid […]

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More than two billion people worldwide play video games. It’s an incredibly fun pastime that helps people to decompress and disconnect from the real world for periods of time.
But many people argue that this time is wasted. Instead, they could be doing something productive, right? Actually, with a little knowledge, these gamers can get paid to play video games.
No, not your Xbox games. But crypto and NFT games are the new forms of video gaming, and they enable anyone to start making money just by playing them.
But what exactly are NFTs, and how do these blockchain games work? Keep reading below for answers to all

What Are NFTs?

NFT stands for non-fungible token. It’s a digital asset just like cryptocurrency. It lives on the blockchain, and ownership can be verified in the open, online ledger that tracks all transactions.
But NFTs differ from cryptocurrency in one keyway. Crypto, and regular currencies like dollars or euros, are fungible. They can be swapped like for like. One dollar is the same as any other dollar.
But NFTs are non-fungible, meaning they are too interchangeable. My NFT might be similar to yours, but each one is unique, with a separate token address. So they are more like collectibles such as trading cards or fine art, rather than currencies.
But just like crypto, NFTs can be bought, sold, or traded online with ease. And this new technology is now fueling a new generation of video games.

What Are NFT Games?

In the past, you had to pay upfront before you could play video games. This is known as pay-to-play. 

In recent years, we saw a shift, and major games have embraced the free-to-play model. Games like Fortnite are free to start playing. But the company still makes a lot of money through optional in-game purchases. 

So you can play for free and pay as you go if you’d like to get better items.

But now we see a new model; paid-to-play. Not only are NFT games free to start playing, but you can actually earn money in the game.

All of the in-game assets exist on the blockchain. The in-game currency you earn and spend in the game is actual cryptocurrency. And in-game items that you find or take from other players are NFTs, which can be bought and sold.

Here’s a deeper look at how these work to make you money. 

In-Game Collectible NFTs

Think back to all the old RPGs you used to play. As you progress in the game, defeat, opponents, and complete tasks, you receive new weapons, gear, and objects like potions.

Back then, you could either use these items or not use them. That was it.

But with NFT games, all of the in-game items are actual assets. They are NFTs on the blockchain. That means ownership is tracked.

You can sell these NFTs to other players in the game. Or you can take them out of the game and sell them on the open NFT marketplace, such as OpenSea.

In exchange, you receive cryptocurrency as payment. You can cash out your crypto earnings at any time by transferring them to crypto exchange and swapping for USD or another currency.

Voila, you play video games, earn in-game items, and then sell in-game NFTs to ensure you get paid for your time.

In-Game Currency

Most video games have in-game currencies. Old games typically used something like “gold” or “rupees” as the in-game currency. But it wasn’t real, and it was limited to items in the game.

With NFT games, the in-game currency is real cryptocurrency. Just like NFTs, it exists on the blockchain. You can take your in-game crypto, move it to a cryptocurrency exchange, and sell it for common coins like bitcoin or Ethereum, or for USD and other fiat currencies.

No longer do you need to “waste” hours playing video games earning fake currencies. Now you can earn the real stuff and cash out when you want to.

Alternatively, you can use your crypto to buy better items in the game so that you’re more effective, helping you to ultimately earn more later on. 

Best NFT Games

There are countless NFT RPG games ad other types of games that will allow you to start earning by playing. Here are some of the most popular.

Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity is the most popular NFT game currently available. It has become the Pokemon of NFT gaming. Quite literally, too, since the gameplay is very similar to Pokemon.

Players need to acquire Axies (creatures) to raise, train, and battle other players’ Axies. As your Axies get stronger, you’ll be able to defeat more opponents and capture more Axies in the wild.

These Axies are all individual NFTs. You can earn them in the game, or you can buy them if you want to progress faster. 

And of course, you can sell them. The cost of Axies has gone up quite a bit since the game first launched, due to the high demand for these NFTs.

To create new NFTs and earn more money, players can breed their Axies. But in order to start playing at all, you need to acquire your own Axies. As you progress in the game, you’ll earn Smooth Love Potion (the in-game cryptocurrency) which can be traded on exchanges. 

To start playing, you either need to buy Axies upfront or get a scholarship from another player, where you use their Axies to play.

In parts of the world where the cost of living is much lower than in the US, many players make a full-time living playing this game. It’s common for dedicated players to earn at least a few hundred bucks a month. 

Gods Unchained

If you like Pokemon then Axie Infinity is the game for you. If you like Magic the Gathering, then Gods Unchained is for you.

This is a trading card and battling game that is very similar to Magic the Gathering. 

The goal of the game is to build a deck of powerful cards that will help you to beat your opponents. And of course, each trading card is an individual NFT.

You can earn new cards as you beat opponents. You can buy and sell cards in the game. You’ll also earn the in-game currency, Flux, which can be used to create new cards. 

The game also comes with beautiful animations, helping you to stay engaged as you battle other players with your cards. 


Sorare is a fantasy soccer game that is similar to other types of fantasy sports played by millions. But instead of betting with regular currency (or not betting at all), it’s all based on crypto and NFTs.

You get to build a five-person soccer team using players from the top-ranked clubs around the world. Each player is an NFT. If that player is doing well and is in high demand, then they will be worth more.

You can buy players using cryptocurrency. As you build your team, you’ll earn rewards based on the real-life performance of those players each week.

You can compete in various leagues depending on how confident you are, how competitive you are, and how much you’re willing to invest in the game. 

The Sandbox

The Sandbox somewhat resembles Minecraft. It’s a metaverse-based game. Inside the Sandbox, you can buy virtual land. You can build whatever you want on the land, using items in the form of NFTs.

You can also create your own games and experiences inside the Sandbox. As a result, there are countless games within the Sandbox that you can explore and play.

With this gaming platform, you can come as a spectator, investor, player, or creator. There’s no limit to how you can use the Sandbox to build and earn. 


Illuvium is an open-world-style RPG game based on Ethereum. It’s integrated with Immutable X, which is an additional NFT protocol that makes buying and selling Ethereum based NFTs fast, free, and accessible amidst the rising transaction costs on the actual Ethereum chain.

It’s a popular auto battler game that combines many of the best RPG elements in one game. Explore at your own pace and enjoy the sci-fi worlds, detailed graphics, and endless creatures to capture (in the form of NFTs).

Idle Cyber

Idle Cyber is a defense battle game built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Your goal is to defend your wall against a never-ending onslaught of invaders. 

You get to fight big bosses, making this game feel like many we used to play as kids. Earning crypto and NFTs, selling them, and staking them create multiple earning opportunities in the game.

Battle of the Guardians

The Solana network has been growing rapidly as a direct competitor of Ethereum. We are now seeing more and more games and NFT collections launching on the Solana network due to lower transaction fees and higher speeds.

Battle of the Guardians is an RPG fighting game powered by Unreal Engine. It’s a real-time game, which isn’t common in the NFT space yet. This is one of the games leading the way into true NFT gaming, where we combine modern gaming technology and processing power with NFTs and cryptocurrency. 

NFT Collection Games

There are also a number of games that are either already launched or are in the works, based on existing NFT collections. These brands started out by launching an NFT collection with anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 NFTs.

Selling the NFTs was in a sense a fundraising method. Now they have the funds to build out their own paly-to-earn NFT game from scratch.

Some of these games will be RPGs. Others are very simple games that offer basic tasks to complete in exchange for NFTs and crypto.

Cool Cats is one of the most popular and sought-after NFT collections, containing 10,000 cartoon cats. The team behind the project is currently developing a game that thousands are eagerly waiting for. 

How to Start Playing NFT Games

Want to start earning NFTs, crypto, and money by playing games online? It’s never been easier to get paid to play. No longer do you need to be a professional gamer or a Twitch streamer.

All you need is some crypto to get you started, and a wallet where you can store all of your NFTs. 

You can buy your initial crypto in a few ways. If you have cash laying around, you can visit a local crypto ATM to buy crypto fast, without the hassle.

You can buy big cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. You can also buy Ethereum, which is the platform that many existing crypto tokens are based on, and it’s where most collectible NFTs exist. It’s best to get familiar with Ethereum.

But you can also buy coins like Illuvium. ILV is the native token of Illuvium, the NFT-based game. It’s an RPG, and it’s all based on the Ethereum blockchain.

To get started in the game, it’s best to have the ILV token, which you can learn more about in this article

Setting up a Crypto Wallet

There are many types of crypto wallets available. You can download an app on your phone to store crypto. You can download an app on your computer to do the same. 

You can even buy a physical hard drive, such as a Ledger or Trezor wallet to store your funds offline. But in order to make the most of crypto-based games, you’ll need a browser wallet.

MetaMask is the most popular and most widely accepted browser wallet. It’s free to install on your internet browsers, such as Chrome or Safari. 

With MetaMask in place, you can create a new wallet for your gaming needs. You can transfer crypto and NFTs from this new wallet to any of your permanent wallets and vice versa. 

MetaMask is safe to use for all of your NFT gaming. But it is possible to get hacked by clicking on malicious links. Always practice proper internet hygiene and know how to identify malicious activity.

To better secure your funds, you can use a hardware wallet linked to a MetaMask wallet, to make it nearly impossible for someone to steal your assets. 

NFT Games Are the Future of Gaming

Let’s be clear, not all video gamers are excited to see NFTs invade games. So mass adoption from traditional video games to NFT games hasn’t taken place. Yet. 

But as more and more game developers build real, beautiful, and fun games powered by NFTs, with real earning potential, it’s only a matter of time before this style of gaming completely replaces the old model of gaming.

Looking for more tech news and tips? Check out more of our blog now to continue reading.

Also Read: 4 Ideas To Start A Business In 2022

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The Impact of Blockchain on the Mobile Phone Industry Mon, 07 Feb 2022 11:18:32 +0000 Blockchain technology is starting to make waves in various industries such as real estate, education, banking, healthcare, and the legal sector, and it will continue to do so in the next several years. Its decentralized architecture is geared to transform and disrupt traditional business structures and models. For a long time, blockchain has been synonymous […]

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Blockchain technology is starting to make waves in various industries such as real estate, education, banking, healthcare, and the legal sector, and it will continue to do so in the next several years. Its decentralized architecture is geared to transform and disrupt traditional business structures and models.

For a long time, blockchain has been synonymous with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, to name a few. However, as innovators and entrepreneurs get knee-deep into this next-gen technology’s potential, the real-world benefits of blockchain are revealed, including immutability, speed, and increased security.

Blockchain technology makes it impossible or difficult to hack, cheat, or change a system. This digital ledger of transactions can be distributed and duplicated across the vast network of computers within the blockchain.

The mobile app industry can take advantage of the high level of security, enhanced traceability, and exceptional transparency that only blockchain can bring. It can impact the mobile phone sector’s transaction speed, operational efficiency, and customer service.

Projects built on blockchain shed light on how this technology can maximize the mobile phone’s potential. The 4th Bitcoin SV hackathon winner (bitcoin phone), for example, enables real-time data streaming while propagating Bitcoin transactions. More blockchain innovations can revolutionize how we use the mobile phone to work hard and play harder.

To give you a first-row seat into the future of the mobile phone industry, we’ve rounded up the ways blockchain can impact this crucial sector in business and everyday life.

6 Ways Blockchain Will Transform the Mobile Phone Industry

Businesses are always looking for technological innovations to revitalize and future-proof their operations. Blockchain can be what these enterprises need to usher in a new area of communication and commerce.

1. Blockchain can offer a mobile phone experience to far-flung areas

Even in this technological advancement age, many remote areas have no access to either personal credit systems or bank accounts. The people from these areas may have smartphones but could not transact with businesses and other people online.

Users in these areas who have internet access can obtain loans and make online transactions. They can even transfer money to family and friends without paying expensive bank or transaction fees. Individuals can install mobile wallets to store tokens and coins until needed through blockchain technology.

2. Blockchain can facilitate mobile number portability

The mobile number has become a crucial digital asset and primary identity of today’s consumers. It is a vital tool for business transactions and personal connections. However, due to innovations from Communications Service Providers or CSPs, consumers clamor for the freedom to switch operators.

Blockchain technology can be a platform where consumers can have the flexibility of using another CSP without changing their numbers. It can make Number Portability (NP) possible for users anywhere in the world. Operators can still provide their services while enabling their subscribers to port out to another CSP. Data sharing and financial transactions can happen over a highly secure network.

3. Blockchain can promote the safe and efficient use of roaming networks

Issues within the roaming network, such as slow payment reconciliation, exorbitant fees from clearinghouses, and fraud, cost CSPs billions of dollars every year. Since CSPs do not have complete access to their roaming subscriber’s activities, it’s difficult to trace the trail and origin of these problems.

Blockchain can provide a solution to this billion-dollar dilemma by allowing CSPs to collaborate within a single blockchain Hyperledger Fabric network. It also enables direct data exchange with immutable transactions that use smart contract rules.

Furthermore, blockchain allows CSPs more visibility into their subscribers’ roaming activities. This innovation significantly reduces fraudulent transactions and facilitates rapid payment reconciliation.

4. Blockchain can provide a more secured mobile phone environment

Mobile devices have always been targets for security attacks that compromise valuable digital assets and sensitive personal data. As more individuals and businesses rely on mobile phone use, attackers have become more creative in hacking bank details and corporate data.

Mobile phone companies can create a high level of device security by combining blockchain technology with secure enclaves, known as the “root of trust” (RoT). RoT contains private keys or cryptographic codes that can protect digital transactions. These keys act as a digital signature that validates the user’s identity during messaging, cryptocurrency, or other financial transactions.

5. Blockchain can streamline SLA automation

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a commitment between CSPs and subscribers that outlines the performance parameters that a network service needs to follow. However, there are times when the inefficient monitoring of SLAs results in disputes and service delays.

To prevent glitches in CSPs services, they have started to utilize smart contracts made within the blockchain network. These contracts offer specific conditions and transparent monitoring. They also allow the automation of payments and rebates without the hassle of completing paperwork.

6. Blockchain can make in-app purchases possible for everyone

A considerable percentage of the global population own a smartphone, but not everyone has the means to participate in transactions within the app. In-app purchases usually require credit card payments, a required method that is unavailable to many. Even if users have credit cards, the transactions involved are open to fraud, app store fees, and bank processing fees.

With blockchain technology, users can pay an app store using app coins. This method can eliminate credit card use, thus reducing costs and preventing fraud issues. Users can acquire app coins through a reward system facilitated by the developer. In turn, app developers would also receive a more significant share of the payment from in-app buyers.

Blockchain is the Future of the Mobile Phone Industry

Mobile phones are vital for business, communication, entertainment, and education. It has proven its worth in everyone’s daily life, and it seems like there’s no stopping its presence in the global landscape.

The emergence of blockchain can answer the problems hounding the mobile phone industry. This technology is built on strengthening security and transparency – crucial aspects that can protect the identity and livelihood of mobile phone users. Blockchain can also streamline several vital processes in the mobile industry, an innovation that can revitalize the industry and prepare it for the future.

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Enterprise Blockchain: More Than Just Virtual Currency Thu, 02 Dec 2021 06:51:28 +0000 The Covid-19 pandemic dramatically changed the way the world works is bringing about a new wave of technological revolution as businesses realize the need for scalable business solutions that accommodates our “new normal”. But for a lot of people all over the world, Bitcoin is nothing more than just a digital currency for crypto trading […]

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The Covid-19 pandemic dramatically changed the way the world works is bringing about a new wave of technological revolution as businesses realize the need for scalable business solutions that accommodates our “new normal”.

But for a lot of people all over the world, Bitcoin is nothing more than just a digital currency for crypto trading and investment. In reality, the blockchain behind Bitcoin can do so much more – it can solve crucial problems with data management for large organizations, governments, and businesses.

So, what is enterprise blockchain?

Enterprise blockchain is a public network that serves as a single, universal database accessible to organizations from anywhere in the world. This technology will successfully address current digitization challenges to allow governments and businesses to scale and enhance processes and operations. Enterprise blockchain also sets the stage for the integration of a data economy, the benefits of which include data storage security, data sharing, data integrity, and data incentivizing.

The infographic below details the benefits of enterprise blockchain as well as its various use cases and applications.

Also Read: Blockchain Importance Is Growing Every Day & Its Benefits For Companies And Countries

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The Crypto-Craze: Top Reasons To Consider Buying In Mon, 31 Aug 2020 11:17:00 +0000 The economic situation has been struggling for what seems like an eternity, and while many may consider investing in alternative opportunities a relevant risk, the alluring lucrative aspect of crypto is turning heads. While this could be a result of the technological takeover, you may be wondering if digital currencies are really worth buying into. […]

The post The Crypto-Craze: Top Reasons To Consider Buying In appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

The economic situation has been struggling for what seems like an eternity, and while many may consider investing in alternative opportunities a relevant risk, the alluring lucrative aspect of crypto is turning heads. While this could be a result of the technological takeover, you may be wondering if digital currencies are really worth buying into. If you are not entirely sure, the following top-rated reasons will likely help you conclude.


Bitcoin and other top-rated cryptocurrencies are becoming ideally accessible in all aspects. Whether you are considering buying in to use digital currency as a means of payment, or you are considering trading or investing, your funds will be as accessible as traditional currencies. Along with the surge in crypto popularity, bitcoin ATMs are emerging in numerous locations. You can find a BTC ATM with the help of useful platforms, or even a simple Google search will bring up ATMs near you.

When it comes to investing or trading, transactions are processed incredibly fast, unlike investing in the stock market, you won’t need to wait several days for transaction clearances. There’s no doubt that accessibility is one of the most alluring charms of digital currencies as real-time transactions are no longer an ambitious longing for consumers.

Exceptional Security

Blockchain is the computing system that most cryptocurrencies run on, and when taking into account how extremely secure the technology is, fraud is hardly a concern for crypto users. Transactions are all stored in a public ledger when coins are created; information is then encrypted to legitimize records. Therefore, the currency is decentralized, and you are the sole owner. Banks and even the government are not entitled to any control over the coins.

The extreme security showcased by the blockchain technology means that you won’t have to worry about identity fraud or any other type of fraud. Even though crypto scams are doing the rounds on the internet, purchasing coins from authentic platforms diminishes the chances of theft and fraud altogether.

Be Apart Of The Digital Revolution

There may have been quite a bit of skepticism that followed the emergence of bitcoin, although, digital currencies have since made quite a mark on the economy. With some suggesting that bitcoin and other leading cryptocurrencies are shaping the future of the economy as things move towards a new digital frontier, there is no better time to buy in than now.

If the global popularity of these alternative currencies is not enough to entice you, bitcoin has recently been considered a modern, safe haven which is valued similarly to that of gold by investors. What’s more, the value of these currencies is not directly affected by the condition of the stock market, which means crypto investors are unlikely to experience harsh financial impacts during economic uncertainty and potentially devastating stock market crashes.

Buying into bitcoin and leading digital currencies is fast becoming one of the most popular choices for younger generations who quickly noted the extreme profitability of the currencies.

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What is Business Intelligence & Cloud Computing Sat, 30 May 2020 13:17:00 +0000 Use of company data to facilitate precise decision-making within it by knowing its operation and its strengths and weaknesses, thus supporting business decisions. It has a clear strategic focus and is destined to gain a favorable advantage over competitors. The smart tool uses an information system made up of data extracted from production data, company […]

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Use of company data to facilitate precise decision-making within it by knowing its operation and its strengths and weaknesses, thus supporting business decisions. It has a clear strategic focus and is destined to gain a favorable advantage over competitors.

The smart tool uses an information system made up of data extracted from production data, company information, and economic data. This system is the ETL system (extract, transform, and load) and it works by extracting data from different sources preparing them for loading into a data warehouse. 

In this way, query-based representations are made possible to create a dashboard for reporting.

Examples and more information

BI can put in place both for large companies and for small.

For example, in a clothing store, if we want to build customer loyalty, we must have an adequate analysis of it, such as its marital status, age, geographic location, consumption habits, etc. For this, discount cards or loyalty cards are very effective, where we obtain customer data. 

Also if we apply it to an SME like ReasonWhy, we can study what are the hours where there is the most audience and therefore from there establish working hours and know which day is the most appropriate to have it as a break.

Also Read: Remote Engineering In The Times Of Corona

Cloud Computing

System data storage in the “cloud” (virtual space) to which access a server using the Internet as a communication channel.

It can be accessed from any place and device that has a network connection regardless of the operating system available. Its advantages are connecting anywhere in the world, making the information you need accessible at all times, and reducing the costs of maintaining a physical storage system. Its disadvantages include the need for an Internet connection and the possibility of loss or dissemination of information in the event of an account hack.

Also Read: 5G: Benefits And Applications Of 5G

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Cybersecurity And 5G: These Are The Challenges That Come Wed, 18 Mar 2020 13:42:39 +0000 As technology advances and new frontiers such as the use of Big Data, the Internet of Things or the environment in the Cloud become more widespread, threats also evolve and become more difficult to detect and combat. In the case of 5G technology, the same thing happens. The fundamental or at least most noticeable difference […]

The post Cybersecurity And 5G: These Are The Challenges That Come appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

As technology advances and new frontiers such as the use of Big Data, the Internet of Things or the environment in the Cloud become more widespread, threats also evolve and become more difficult to detect and combat.

In the case of 5G technology, the same thing happens. The fundamental or at least most noticeable difference in performance between current technology and 5G is in speed and latency, with connection speeds between 1 and 10 Gbps with latencies between 1 and 5 ms. These features will allow the global hatching of the IoT, and will also make it easier to develop solutions for 100% autonomous cars, among many other things.

Like all new technology, myths and hoaxes about suspected health risks continue to emerge, but what should really concern us are the threats to data and communication security facing this new network. of communications.

Potential Risks To Which 5G Is Vulnerable

  • Although it may seem trivial, on a fundamental level, 5G is vulnerable to the same potential risks as its precursors. That are risks in areas such as authentication, accessibility, data security, and confidentiality.
  • For the development of 5G, technical specifications have been inherited from the previous networks – 3G and 4G – therefore, the unexploited vulnerabilities of those generations will also be inherited. Network degradation attacks pose a significant risk. It may be possible that if the initial connection phase does not have secure authentication, an attacker could downgrade their target’s network to 4G or 3G, allowing them to exploit existing and unresolved vulnerabilities.
  • There will be new 5G exclusive security challenges. The most immediate of these is the impact of scale on safety. That is, the impact that the emergence of devices that will require authentication to function will have, which will number in the millions and billions in a short time. These devices will have a long lifespan and will need low power security so that they minimize consumption.
  • With 5G, the applications, networks, and services offered by the various manufacturers and developers will also be very diverse. Therefore, it is necessary and mandatory to develop a spectrum of security solutions sufficient to cover possible cases of 5G use. Effectively separating network “sectors” with different levels of security will be one of the challenges to consider.
  • Other known security features, such as encryption, hashing, and secure protocols in virtualized environments, require “extra cost,” that is, excess computing time, memory, bandwidth, or other resources. With 5G technology we have talked about that the speeds and latencies are, respectively, very high and low. Therefore, if we want the applications not to suffer by adding the typical security layers, they must be high-performance, light in terms of those computing and resource needs. And very, very fast.
  • As we see, 5G will bring us new technologies and developments of benefits never seen before, but it will also entail certain security risks that will have to be controlled and mastered before the final deployment of these communication networks. Correctly identifying the risks and threats with the help of Cyber Security Company is essential in this current phase.

Blockchain as a Solution to Protect Wireless Networks and 5G

  • The rise of wireless networks has a lot to do with 5G networks. We have already spoken on several occasions about the importance of this new data network that will change so much the appearance of the cities and that will be the great facilitator of the arrival of autonomous cars.
  • All these new systems and technologies have their enormous advantages and their great challenges, such as security. With the growing trend in cyber attacks we are experiencing, keeping wireless networks and user data secure is a high priority for everyone in the industry.
  • This is where Blockchain comes in. As we know, Blockchain is a technology that makes it possible to have a “book of operations”, or a distributed register, in which the different operations that are carried out in a safe and univocal manner are recorded. This technology allows secure transactions without intermediaries outside the system, and therefore it is a perfect technology to secure wireless networks.
  • In particular, you want to protect the information involved in sessions between users and devices. Cisco filed a patent application last June for a Blockchain platform that could be natively integrated into wireless networks. The purpose: manage data sessions between users and computers.
  • In addition, this Blockchain interface allows supporting “network segments”, so that multiple independent virtual networks can be implemented that run on the same structure, without interference and as if they were the only network present.
  • The use of Blockchain to protect user data is natural since this blockchain ensures that the information entered is immutable, or that changes to the information are fully documented (and that they are only possible by agents authorized).
  • The security of wireless networks is a hot topic, given that the arrival of 5G and its wide range of possible applications (from IoT to autonomous cars and management of intelligent transport systems) will multiply sessions and connections by several orders of magnitude. current.
  • These sessions, needless to say, are crucial for the systems described to work perfectly, efficiently and, above all, in complete safety for the end user. The use of Blockchain in this sense will be more and more frequent in services as widely used as instant messaging applications (WhatsApp or Telegram type), chats and any other sensitive application.

Also Read: Data Governance – What Is Data Governance?

The post Cybersecurity And 5G: These Are The Challenges That Come appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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