Technology trends Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Thu, 16 Nov 2023 10:55:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Technology trends Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Keys To Attracting And Retaining Talent From Generation Z Tue, 12 Apr 2022 08:12:53 +0000 Much was said about millennials. It seemed to be a misunderstood population, so various efforts were directed at understanding what they are like and how they behave. However, now, the leading role is being taken by members of Generation Z, or in other words, those born from 1996 to 2012 (this information may vary depending […]

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Much was said about millennials. It seemed to be a misunderstood population, so various efforts were directed at understanding what they are like and how they behave. However, now, the leading role is being taken by members of Generation Z, or in other words, those born from 1996 to 2012 (this information may vary depending on the source of information used), but why have eyes turned to this niche? The reason is straightforward, and they are between the ages of 9 and 25, representing an essential segment of the consumer society and the labor market.

Generation Z has a very marked contrast. They were born in a time of great social and economic optimism, in which things seemed to be taking an encouraging course in all aspects. Still, they had to face the uncertainty and forced changes that the pandemic brought when they were beginning to be part of the productive segment of the nations and shape what their adulthood would be.

This scenario poses a new challenge to Human Resources departments: to create work environments that empathize and generate value for this new Generation, not only for the talent attraction area but also to retain them and build long-term professional relationships.

What Is Known About Generation Z So Far?

Although, in some cases, comparisons can be unpleasant, they are necessary because they allow starting from something already known to configure and understand new concepts or realities, which otherwise can be very complex for understanding.

So, defining Generation Z becomes more accessible when it is done through the comparison with millennials, of which there is already a clear understanding.

  • They process information faster because they are used to constant updates, leading to a shorter attention span.
  • They move fast. Despite having a lower concentration span than millennials, they can quickly switch between tasks and function well in multi-distraction environments.
  • They tend to be less open to advertising and generally more indifferent to offers.
  • They are more attached to their electronic devices. Therefore, they are hyper-connected and have a global character in thought, relationships and interactions. They do not know borders.

These aspects help to have a general vision of Generation Z. Still, it is also essential to understand how they perceive the labor market and their professional expectations to propose a compelling talent attraction and retention strategy. On this subject, the Human Resources company Adecco leaves some critical data:

  • Millennials value stability (34%), while Gen Z emphasizes finding their dream job (32%).
  • Generation Z places more importance on their connections and those of their parents when looking for a job, while millennials are more inclined to online job boards. Also, those born between 1996 and 2012 are 42% more likely to follow their parents’ influence.
  • Unlike millennials, Gen Zers believe their college is excellently preparing them for a career.
  • They need to feel appreciated by brands and companies and that these are true to their core values. Otherwise, they change quickly; they are used to moving at a fast pace.

Other data are also essential to highlight to understand this new group of workers a little better:

  • Members of Generation Z are more likely to learn things on their own, so they always consider taking the most efficient route to achieve their goals. This includes dispensing with traditional higher education and preferring online studies or even being self-taught to quickly enter the labor market.
  • Generation Z was born with the entrepreneurial gene much more dominant; therefore, they want more independent work environments where they can acquire the tools and skills to start their own business.
  • Despite being born into a very social environment, Generation Z seeks differentiation in all walks of life, mainly through the brands they do business with, future employers, etc.
  • They want their profession to be related to their passions and hobbies.

The Most Desired Jobs By Generation Z

With this information, the panorama reveals a little about the jobs, or the type of employment, that members of Generation Z are looking for the most.

To begin with, they must be jobs that allow them to have a positive balance between personal and work. The focus of the Job should be on productivity rather than the number of hours worked. The career plan and leadership are also determining factors when accepting a position. They look for companies where there are leaders or mentors more than bosses.

They have a strong tendency toward collaboration, which is why they value those companies that generate a positive impact on the world, that have volunteers, and where they, through their functions, can also be an agent of change.

Technological startups and companies with new models of business or organization are usually highly sought-after environments by members of Generation Z since they are characterized being places where talents can unleash creativity and which are also very dynamic, agile and flexible, which combines with the restless personality, the non-conformist spirit and the desire to innovate of the majority of those born after 1996.

On the other hand, jobs under pressure, or that require prolonged periods of concentration, or even those where written communication skills are necessary for the preparation of complex texts or reports, tend to be the least desired jobs by members of Generation Z. In fact, according to a study carried out by Job Today, the greatest fear of this Generation is suffering from work stress, they even consider it as an obstacle that can get in the way of their professional life.

Three Tips To Attract Talent From Generation Z

Capturing their attention, retaining it and being interesting enough to generate an action are the main challenges that Human Resources departments face when attracting Gen Z talent.

Get Attention

So, to decipher the first obstacle, it is necessary to be present where they are to capture their attention. Members of Generation Z spend 63% more time on social networks than the rest of the people. Therefore, job offers in traditional channels such as job boards do not seem to be the best option to attract the attention of this audience.

An example of the above is the TikTok video platform, which companies use to attract Generation Z talent through a pilot program called “TikTok Resume”, which people use to search for and apply for a job. Through short videos, this is the perfect opportunity to show and discover true talents and establish a more authentic version of themselves.

Hold Attention

Now the second point is to hold your attention; It has already been established that members of Generation Z tend to be very dynamic, impatient and have very short attention spans. Therefore, making selection processes simplified is key to maintaining interest. Creating intuitive and straightforward job application processes with clear steps and short waiting times will help the person not lose interest in the company.

Be Attractive And Interesting

Lastly, be interesting enough to generate natural attraction. This line can be blurred a bit with benefits that can help retain Gen Z talent, but the truth is that this stage is about making an excellent first impression.

To achieve this, the first thing is to have excellent employer branding. Members of Generation Z will find out about the company. Still, going directly to the source, they will look for the same collaborators and employees to provide them with information that can contrast with the company’s reputation. They will go to their media and investigate until they obtain information that allows them to validate that they manage an organization that is consistent with their values ​​and beliefs.

On the other hand, factors such as labour diversity, technology, attractive offices to work in, having social responsibility activities, and flexibility in processes and structures are some of the elements that make a job offer attractive for a member of the Generation. Z.

Don’t Let Them Go! Keys To Retaining Centennials

Once the first phase of attracting the talent of Generation Z has been overcome comes the second stage, how to avoid falling into a constant rotation crisis, that is, how to retain them, especially when it has already been established that it is a generation marked by movement constant.

Few members of this Generation indeed come to a company to stay there for life, as was seen in the well-known “baby boomers”. However, some incentives can make centennials stay longer in companies.

Flexibility Above All

Dynamism and the ability to adapt are two elements that cannot be lacking in a company that wishes to retain talent from Generation Z. To achieve this, it is necessary to implement an agile and flexible organization. Some of the characteristics that define this type of culture are:

  • Additional days off for achievement of objectives.
  • Flexibility between teleworking and the hybrid model.
  • With flexible hours, employees can decide when they start and end their day, as long as they meet the objectives.
  • Personalized according to the interests and needs of each employee.

A Place To Belong

The company should not be just a place to work. And it must also be a space that provides them with well-being and, why not, happiness. Members of Generation Z prioritize life balance and put their satisfaction above professional success.

Providing a place to belong can ensure that personal wellness, connection and social needs are met, and therefore the decision to move to another job is not made lightly.

A Career Plan

If something is a priority for Generation Z, it is to have a job aligned with their purposes and where they feel that they are doing something that generates a positive impact. Therefore, offering a career plan with a clear education and training route to improve the skills that most interest them and that, in addition, is aligned with their life and professional purpose is a great way to retain them.

No Surprises!

Impatience is one of the characteristics that define the members of Generation Z. In this sense, it is essential to create processes that leave no room for uncertainty. Short projects with clear objectives, where the roles, responsibilities, functions and delivery dates are well defined, will allow them to have adequate management of expectations, which does not generate stress or pressure. This does not mean that there is no room for creativity. On the contrary, it is essential to allow them to bring innovative ideas and experiment.

Together with the millennials, the members of Generation Z will occupy 75% of the workforce on a global scale. This means that global production is in the hands of digital natives and early adopters of technology. Therefore, companies must have a 100% digital mentality to fit in with these new talents.

Human Resources departments are facing a generation that is not afraid of risks. They expect that their employers are also companies willing to take risks and go beyond traditional standards. The challenge is to think outside the box to create an organizational tenure and an employer brand that is disruptive and aligned with what this new workforce demands.

Also Read: Eight Ideas To Improve The Productivity of Your SME

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How Technological Advances Influence Work? Thu, 27 Jan 2022 06:48:29 +0000 A question that we have asked ourselves at some point is how technological advances influence work. With all that it encompasses, the concept of technology has traditionally not been linked in the social sphere to the most positive attributes. In a way, globalization, the internet, networks, etc., have been consolidated for years as a threat. […]

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A question that we have asked ourselves at some point is how technological advances influence work. With all that it encompasses, the concept of technology has traditionally not been linked in the social sphere to the most positive attributes. In a way, globalization, the internet, networks, etc., have been consolidated for years as a threat. Even today, the drawbacks that we give it make us question whether we would like to do without it in our lives.

However, if we make a balance, the balance will likely lean towards the positive side since the advances and advantages it brings us in our day-to-day lives, both personal and work, are enormous. We may not value it, but what business or company, large or small, lacks a computer today? What about phones?

In the 21st century, one of the issues that most concerns us about technology is the replacement of workers by machines and, therefore, the destruction of employment. About a hundred years ago, Keynes was already talking about this phenomenon, referring to it as “technological unemployment.”

Paradoxically, progress and technological advances bring with them new production capacities, which results in the creation of new jobs and new business opportunities. In the same way, by remembering, we can remember the number of hours it used to develop specific tasks in a company: from communication to a creative process. Now, in a matter of minutes, we can start, carry out and finish all this thanks to technology. Therefore, we streamline processes and increase efficiency. It is also essential when using technology to manage human talent. We have also gained from technology when looking for talent since having the opportunity to publish job offers on various digital channels expands our dissemination. A diffusion that, ignoring the internet, could not be compared.

The Cloud Is The Great Revolution In Work.

Among the technologies that have revolutionized the work environment is “the cloud.” This can store large amounts of information, allowing us to access it while saving on hardware and software. Continuing with the Anglo-Saxon terms, we find the “big data” on the same importance scale. It is beneficial for companies to obtain answers to questions that had not even been raised in many cases, in addition to reducing costs and making better and faster decisions. Wireless technology is beneficial, primarily if we work remotely or while traveling. Video, on the other hand, is another great discovery. It is estimated that, in 2021, 70% of internet traffic in Spain will be through videos.

Economically speaking, if we want to be competitive in the market, we will have to make constant investments that, in some cases, can have a high cost. We call them investments, not expenses, because our business needs to be updated. And not only that, but there is also the possibility that our systems or devices will fail, so we will also have to maintain them.

How Technological Advances Influence Work

Workers can find technology a great ally since it offers such positive aspects as constant training, ease of working or even promoting the company’s development in which we work. However, using it can also be distracting. Access to applications, social networks and the excess of online content can lead to procrastination.

In short, it is not easy to measure the impact that technology can have on our professional lives. But if there is something clear, it is here to stay, and we must adapt to it so that it positively affects us. Keep cybersecurity in mind because being behind a screen has its risks, and it is essential to know how to protect ourselves.

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Why is Big Data Merging with the Construction Sector? Tue, 30 Nov 2021 06:52:08 +0000 Like most other industries, the construction industry produces a huge amount of data daily. However, as this mass of information continues to accumulate, everything from blueprints, communications, materials, resources, and pricing, the unstructured nature of this data means it is not easy to locate and access it. Therefore, big data is being leveraged in construction, […]

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Like most other industries, the construction industry produces a huge amount of data daily. However, as this mass of information continues to accumulate, everything from blueprints, communications, materials, resources, and pricing, the unstructured nature of this data means it is not easy to locate and access it. Therefore, big data is being leveraged in construction, to help better manage the mountain of data in repositories.

Simply put, “big data” is a term which refers to large or complex data sets of information that need processing and managed by analytical tools. This data can originate from a diversity of sources, such as cameras, sensors, and log files.

Perhaps a good example of big data being processed is by what can be considered the largest project in the world producing masses of data, the CERN project in Europe. Collecting enormous amounts of data produced by the particle collider, this information is automatically collated and sorted by advanced analytics software and artificial intelligence, syphoning off relevant and “important” information to be analysed by human scientists. Without the use of data analytics, it would be impossible to analyse all this data by humans alone.

Big data in construction

Big data is now being used by the construction industry to maximise efficiency and productivity. With the use of data analytic software tools, large amounts of information can be sorted and extracted from data repositories and made easily accessible to all those that need it, like contractors, architects, engineers, clients, and investors. This can help stop data wastage, like the reported approximate 96% of construction and engineering data that went unused in 2018.

Organising and budgeting

Analytics tools can be useful to construction teams by compiling data from previous and present construction projects and helping them anticipate potential delays as well as conceptualise the project timeline. The data can also be analysed to predict costs for things like materials and equipment hire, factoring in materials price increases like we have seen during the pandemic. This will help project managers better manage costs and prevent them from going over budgetary constraints; it will also help avoid any unanticipated extra costs. 

Design process

The construction industry is increasingly using digital tools like building information modelling (BIM). This allows for real time information and 3-D modelling so that all members of the team can access and input recommendations or changes, something that requires big data to be able to achieve this. Along with the use of AI, these digital tools require big data input to work. These advanced digital models are used as a predictive tool to flag up any potential issues before the construction work on the ground commences, potentially saving time and money. Moreover, any changes made can be relayed to all stakeholders in real time.

Construction work

Project management software is increasingly being used by construction workers to help analyse the mass of data and make better decisions. Once the data is analysed, it can produce automatic alerts sent to team members on potential issues and make necessary changes to schedules, which are then passed for assessment and collaboration. Team members can input data such as recommendations or ideas that can be accessed in real time by all those on the collaborative network.

As well as improving productivity and reducing costs, this software can potentially spot talent in the team as they are given free access to voice their ideas and opinions on project changes. 


Even after the construction phase is completed, the big data collected can be useful to the owners of the newly constructed building as this information can be used in the operation and maintenance of the building. Information gathered, for example, can help guide future renovation work and maintenance workers.
It’s possible that some builders will install and integrate sensors into the building so that things like structural conditions and temperature patterns can be permanently monitored, useful information for keeping a building well maintained and serviced.

Benefits of big data analytics

The benefits to industry from adopting big data are many and these include the following:

  • Better strategic decisions
  • Improved operations
  • Greater customer insight
  • Reducing costs

Building efficiency

Up to 35% of construction costs can be down to material waste and remedying mishaps, something that is only likely to increase with the rising costs of building materials and supply chain issues, like we are currently witnessing. With the use of data analytics, this cost can be mitigated by reducing construction time and material costs, which is achieved by early flagging of potential structural issues before labour and materials have been committed. The likelihood of human errors, therefore, can be reduced.

Environmental impact

It’s common knowledge that the construction sector holds the unenviable reputation of being a major environmental polluter. The production of cement, steel, and other materials is all energy-intensive and emits high levels of carbon. So, any reduction in the environmental impact is very welcomed.

The use of big data can help alleviate this problem by leveraging data from past projects and providing more accurate estimates of the required materials and energy for a future project. This will help mitigate wastage in materials and other precious resources. Not only will this save on wasting materials, but it will also reduce waste going to landfill sites.

Also Read: What Is Big Data? And Why Is It Important?

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Internet of Things [IoT] – Simple Gadget or The Start of a Revolution? Mon, 30 Aug 2021 07:33:26 +0000 The race for connected objects will profoundly change business value chains. A new acronym has invaded our social networks: “IoT” for “Internet of Things” (Internet of Things) and all its variations (“Connected objects,” “Quantified self,” “Internet of Everything,” “Cloud of Things,” “Industrial IoT“…). When we talk about the Internet of Things, the examples that immediately […]

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The race for connected objects will profoundly change business value chains.

A new acronym has invaded our social networks: “IoT” for “Internet of Things” (Internet of Things) and all its variations (“Connected objects,” “Quantified self,” “Internet of Everything,” “Cloud of Things,” “Industrial IoT“…).

When we talk about the Internet of Things, the examples that immediately come to the general public’s mind are usually refrigerators, televisions, or connected street furniture. The reality is more comprehensive. Today there are a host of more or more minor exotic applications: tires, shoes, skis, tennis rackets, scales, light bulbs, WCs, toothbrushes, showerheads, thermostats, wine cellars, cat litter …

On the business side, the objects in question essentially impact their equipment (energy meters, internet boxes, waste containers, rail infrastructure, advertising panels, etc.) and sometimes on employees and customers themselves via the sensors they embed or host.
Even though the Internet of Things may be seen as just a fad at first glance, it would be a mistake to reduce it to that. It is more like an unavoidable phenomenon for two reasons:

1- The Race To Get to Know Business Customers and The Rise of New Practices Among Specific Individuals

Companies have embarked on a vast process of acquainting their customers with the – a priori virtue – to offer them more suitable offers and products. This customer knowledge certainly requires better use of the available tools (contractual and commercial data, customer journey on the web and social networks, cookies, etc.). Still, it can also be developed thanks to the data generated by connected objects: these are Google’s approaches with the takeover of Nest (manufacturer of connected thermostats) or Axa with its connected bracelets offered to 1,000 policyholders. Individuals are not left out. They increasingly appreciate measuring their parameters (health, water consumption in the shower, number of tooth brushings, etc.) to compare themselves, to improve,

These two trends make the meeting between supply and demand more than probable, with a new logic: “Company exchanges playful and desirable object against valuable data.”

2- The Opportunity For Companies To Better Control Their Costs

Beyond this customer knowledge, companies face another challenge: better control of their resources and expenses thanks to connected objects. This is particularly the case in energy, where the generalization of Smart Meters indeed allows the energy ecosystem to imagine and offer new services and for distributors to better understand their networks in real-time and better plan investments, maintenance, and interventions. This is becoming the main lever for the digital transformation of companies because there are very significant sources of gains there.

Don’t Underestimate The Inherent Threats.

While the Internet of Things represents a significant opportunity, we should not lose sight of the fact that it also includes risks, which must be anticipated.

Threat 1: The Security of Goods and People

Having a real-time view of the activity of the inhabitants of a dwelling… It is the dream of every burglar. Penetrating the piloting bodies of thousands of connected devices is becoming a new El Dorado for hackers. Today, the corresponding object is perceived as a gadget by its holder but as a source of information for a malicious organization: it is therefore naturally through these objects that the next significant cyber-attacks will come.

Threat 2: Increasing Complexity, a Source of Industrial Risks

While the technologies seem sufficiently robust to consider industrial deployments, their complexity, mainly linked to the interoperability of different protocols (Bluetooth, low wifi energy, CPL, 4G, etc.), remains a hard point. Standardization initiatives are in their infancy, and it isn’t easy to know which technology to invest in. 

This complexity creates a real divide for individuals, of course, but even more so for companies that already today have great difficulty in controlling all of their equipment and their interdependence. The IoT will generate a higher degree of complexity (thousands of sensors/actuators speaking different languages, risk breakdowns compared to sound old mechanical systems, etc.). Talented resources in Industrial IoT will quickly be insufficient, which is already seen in major Smart Meters deployment projects from digitogy

Greater Porosity Between Products and Services

In the future, service providers (insurers, energy distributors, etc.) will have to extend their business model to upstream equipment. Conversely, hardware manufacturers will have to raise their services thanks to the data they can benefit from. Business value chains will therefore be profoundly modified. However, it is rare for prominent industrialists to have prepared for this revolution. The winners will be those who have anticipated and put in place – in time – new modes of development in digital codes (partnerships, test & learn, open innovation, etc.) and who will have been able to develop their skills in the technical and underlying security.

Also Read: Strategies For The Adoption Of IIoT In Industries

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