applications Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Sat, 23 Jul 2022 10:25:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 applications Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 What Are The Perks Of Using Fitness Applications? Thu, 03 Feb 2022 06:26:16 +0000 In today’s modern world, the perfect body gets the utmost attention. We all want to look great and be the best version of ourselves, and for that, we mainly rely upon gym sessions and crash diets. However, most of us end up prevailing the routine for not more than a week due to hectic work […]

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In today’s modern world, the perfect body gets the utmost attention. We all want to look great and be the best version of ourselves, and for that, we mainly rely upon gym sessions and crash diets. However, most of us end up prevailing the routine for not more than a week due to hectic work schedules. If you are also struggling hard to lose weight, but unable to hit the gym every day, Vingo can help you. Nowadays, we have applications for everything like games, shopping, banking, so why not for fitness? You can just download the fitness application on your device, and keep the track of your health and fitness at your fingertips.

Why Do You Need To Use The Fitness Application?

The fitness application comes with a plethora of benefits.

  • Help to track the progress.

Setting goals is not just enough, you need to keep an eye on them every day to make sure that things are working in your favor. Using the fitness application, you can keep the track of your fitness progress. The fitness application helps to identify whether you are following the right path or not. If everything is working in your favor, you can continue, as you can bring positive changes.

  • Achieve the targeted goals

When you begin to work out, you must set realistic goals. You must have a target on how much weight you want to lose in a specific time window. Using the fitness application, you can set realistic goals and work on them to achieve the targeted outcomes.

  • Stay connected with your friends

Doing indoor exercise can be boring sometimes. Fortunately, if you have the fitness application installed on your device, you can turn your boring running sessions into the most entertaining ones. The fitness application

What Are The Perks of Using Fitness Applications?

will let you connect with peers around the world and join them to achieve the targeted outcomes. You can run on the different routes virtually and cover miles in a day while keeping track of everything.

  • Customize Your Workout

The fitness applications enable users to customize their workout as per their preference. You can choose the customized avatar on the application for the workout session, set the specific goals to achieve as per your comfort and preference to work upon the targeted outcomes. This customization will make your workout session more entertaining, and also provide you necessary guidelines to make the best of your workout.

These are some simple urgent care benefits that come with the fitness application. Now that you are aware of the important health benefits of using the fitness app, go to the application store and get the Vingo app downloaded on your device today. It is recommended to quickly download the application, and start using it at the earliest to get the maximum outcomes. The fitness application will transform your health, make your workout more interesting, and bring the best fitness benefits to the table. So try it today, and see what you can do for your health and fitness every day.

Also Read: Where is Fitness Technology Going?

The post What Are The Perks Of Using Fitness Applications? appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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The Main Advantages Of Using Cloud Computing. Wed, 06 Jan 2021 08:34:59 +0000 Although at first when we hear about “the cloud” we can compare it with the definition of the Internet, it is not like that. The advantages of cloud computing go much further. It is a new model through which the user is allowed to use technology just when it is needed, without the need to […]

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Although at first when we hear about “the cloud” we can compare it with the definition of the Internet, it is not like that. The advantages of cloud computing go much further. It is a new model through which the user is allowed to use technology just when it is needed, without the need to install practically anything on the personal computer. Using the cloud also allows users to pay only for the technology they need at the time they are going to use it.

The beginning of cloud computing research is around 2006. In that year, large corporations such as Google or Amazon began to use the term cloud computing. The new term is used to define the new situation in which people access software, files, and data in general through the web more frequently. Instead of using their desktops.

To know more about cloud computing with Amazon, you can refer to the following article.

Cloud Computing, or cloud computing, comprises a series of technological services that are made available to any user. From anywhere. Virtually unlimited computing and storage power. Allowing to pay only for the use made of the service.

This new approach did not imply the creation of new technologies, but rather makes use of technologies such as the following:

  • Virtualization
  • Physical storage.
  • Storage on the web.
  • Data centers.
  • Software over service (Saas).
  • Web applications.
  • Web operating systems.

The company responsible for the servers will be in charge of their maintenance, of preserving the databases. And solve all the associated aspects: connectivity, monitoring, growth, security, updates, etc.

Also Read: What Is Mean By Edge Computing? Is Edge Computing More Secure Than Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing Actors

The actors or participants in cloud computing are very diverse. The main players who benefit from the advantages of cloud computing are:

  • Suppliers or vendors: they are those who provide the applications and the technology, infrastructure, platforms, and information necessary to carry them out. For example Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud.
  • Supplier Partners: Bring suppliers and customers into contact. Your basic task is to create services for the cloud and offer and support them to customers. For example
  1. Cisco devices: switches, routers, cabling, etc.
  2. HP or IBM servers.
  3. Antivirus applications, antimalware software.
  • Business leaders: they are in charge of evaluating cloud services to contract and implement them in their organizations.
  • End-users: are those who finally use the services offered through the cloud, either for free or by making some type of payment (periodic or punctual).

Examples Of The Use Of Services

Here are some examples of the use of cloud computing services as tools to change habits and models of use of information technologies:

  • Google:  This large corporation has been including more and more complementary applications to its search engine. An example is found in Google Apps. Where Google offers services as varied as email, calendar, calendar, or office software through the cloud. These services are offered for free in their most basic version. Official Google Drive page.
  • Azure Platform:  It is an application development platform through the cloud developed by Microsoft. It offers a set of functionalities as varied as:

                              Windows Azure:  Computing service for applications.

                              Windows Azure Storage:  Non-relational data storage.

                              SQL Azure:  Relational database in the cloud.

                              Windows Azure AppFabric:  Access control service 

  • Amazon Web Services: It began by offering virtual storage and has gone on to create its own AWS (Amazon Web Services) infrastructure through which it offers global computing, database, analysis, application, and deployment services. All these services help companies to manage their information faster and at a lower cost in information technology. AWS official page.

In addition to the general advantages, in the business world, the advantages of cloud computing can be divided into five main groups: operational, economic, for the personnel, for the consumer, and for the provider.

Also Read: What is Business Intelligence & Cloud Computing

Operational Benefits

Operational benefits are those that are produced by the way the company operates, its action protocols, and the processes they carry out.

The main advantages of operational cloud computing that cloud computing can bring are the following:

  • Reduced costs:  The payment of the technology is incremental, so the organization reduces costs in the long term.
  • Growing storage:  The storage capacity in the cloud is much higher than that of a private network.
  • Flexibility:  Applications can be easily tested and deployed.
  • Automation:  Applications are automatically updated so that the organization’s staff can not worry about the expiration of versions and their installation and maintenance.
  • Greater mobility:  Access to the cloud can be done from any location from which an Internet connection is available.
  • Greater productivity:  By not having to worry about updating, maintaining, and improving applications and servers, IT professionals who are on the organization’s staff can dedicate the effort and time saved on other more fundamental tasks.

Economic Benefits

  • Personnel:  One of the great advantages of cloud computing is that hiring them saves time and investment in human resources. Therefore, the company can choose to save costs by dispensing with professionals. And thus improve specialization and productivity. An increase in the work intensity of specialized personnel in IT (information technology) is achieved. These staff will work on fundamental tasks or redeploy staff to other competencies and/or departments.
  • Hardware:  Costs and investments in physical components such as processors, networks, storage devices, and units, etc, are reduced … If more functionalities are needed, just hire them from the corresponding provider.
  • Pay-per-use:  Cloud computing allows the company to pay only for those services it uses at any given time. So that a better estimate of the necessary resources is achieved. This allows a faster correction of excess investment in resources or its lack.
  • Rapid market penetration:  The cloud makes it possible to obtain services and applications adjusted to the business model of any organization more quickly and easily. In this way, a company can more quickly bring its services to the market. Adapting to the needs of the market. Since no new infrastructure is required. Rather, it is only necessary to vary the contracting parameters of cloud computing services.
  • Also Read: Cloud Technology -What Did This Pandemic Teach Us About The Cloud?

Benefits For Staff

  • Even if there is a saving in terms of human resources of IT personnel, that does not mean reducing the headcount. The benefits of cloud computing for the staff of organizations multiply significantly with the use of cloud applications. Characteristics are the great ease of use and the low need for installation and maintenance.
  • This greatly reduces training and learning time for employees who will be using the applications.
  • Furthermore, it is common for applications used in web environments to promote more collaborative and participatory processes. In this line of work, these environments will promote teamwork. They will also promote the generation of incentives for workers.

Benefits For The Consumer

  • They do not require any type of installation. Nor maintenance of the software to use the services, which is one of the greatest advantages of cloud computing.
  • The deployment time is reduced. Since both servers and applications require little implementation time. Contrary to traditional methods.
  • Adherence to the Service Level Agreement or SNA (SLA): This is a written contract between the service provider and its client. In this contract, a certain quality level is set. By adhering to this type of contract, the consumer is guaranteed a minimum quality at all times. For example, if there is an error in the execution of the applications, with the adherence to the SNA the provider will be responsible for the costs and their repair.
  • Consumers will have updated applications at all times. Saving so much time, money, and employee training.

Provider Benefits

  • Operating environment:  The supplier provides its own operating environment. Consequently, you have the ability to manage, control, and optimize your infrastructure.
  • Revenue stream predictability:  Customers pay a minimum subscription fee for the use of services. This facilitates and speeds up the realization of income forecasts in the short and medium-term.
  • Market research:  With the data provided by customers and the use of the different services offered, the provider can carry out market research to better understand their behavior. Keep in mind that the software used by consumers is hosted on the provider’s servers. This makes data analysis easier.
  • Update schedule:  The vendor’s development team can more easily manage and schedule application and bug process management. So that updates, controls, and reviews are carried out continuously every certain period of time.
  • Empowerment of relationship marketing: Another of the great advantages of cloud computing. Thanks to these services, providers can foster and enhance relationships with their customers. This is due to the fact that the subscription payment system facilitates the establishment of relationships more quickly and favors loyalty.

Know More at Top Most Business Opportunities In The Technology Sector

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Guide to a Better Video Editing Fri, 27 Nov 2020 13:13:06 +0000 Video content is receiving a lot of attention and engagement these days. Visual content has been the most popular form of content for years now, but an image is rarely as interesting as a video can be. With the video format becoming more and more popular, the number of people wanting to create their own […]

The post Guide to a Better Video Editing appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Video content is receiving a lot of attention and engagement these days. Visual content has been the most popular form of content for years now, but an image is rarely as interesting as a video can be.

With the video format becoming more and more popular, the number of people wanting to create their own filmed content is increasing as well. Social media platforms like YouTube and TikTok have a lot of influence on society wanting to learn to create videos.

If you are one of those people who would like to get into creating videos but do not have a lot of experience editing them, today we are going to help you out. Below, you will find a guide for better video editing.

Tip #1: Choose Good Music


Music is a very important part of a video because it makes it more lively and helps express the emotion or the video’s entire idea. Adding a sad or confident track to the same video might change the whole concept of the filmed content and deliver a completely different message. 

You can add royalty-free music to your videos, and you won’t have to worry about the copyright. If the format of the song doesn’t work with the video format, look for the best audio converter, and you won’t have to worry about it again. Although, if you want to use a song you like, you can check the copyright policies in Creator Studio, section Music Policies. 

Tip #2: Choose Effective Software

If you are serious about creating and editing videos of your own and even thinking of making it the main source of your income, you need to pick a good video editing software from the beginning. Perform research to make sure you only choose the best software for your needs.

It is important that you pick the right video editing tool from the start because you will be investing your time and money into it. More to it, you will have to learn how to use it, which will require patience

Tip #3: Invest in Fast Gear

One of the most important gear items for a video creator and editor is the computer. Your computer must be fast because you may experience lagging and very slow video editing if you choose to use a powerful video editing software. Moreover, the rendering of a video might take quite a while, and if you do it on a slow computer, it will take even longer.

It is also important to have a trustworthy computer because you will be storing your creations on it. If the computer is not well cared for, one day, it may crash or catch malware from emails that can end in data loss.

Tip #4: Focus on Telling an Engaging Story

Each video tells a story. It is important to always have a goal and make the story great, engaging, and interesting, especially if you are going to upload the video to YouTube and attract more subscribers to your channel.

When you edit the story, adding a few effects will not be enough. You need to remove boring parts that are too long, cut the video, switch the places of the footage, and do what’s in your knowledge to improve the video.

Tip #5: Plan Your Time


If you are serious about learning to edit videos, you will need to plan your time and dedicate quite some of it to learning and doing actual work. Not planning your time is bad because you may never finish editing your video.

More to it, if you are creating the video for social media, either it’s TikTok, YouTube, or any other platform, you need to be consistent with your content. If you want people to follow you and subscribe to your channel, you will need a proper schedule for generating new ideas, filming, and editing the videos.

Tip #6: Edit the Colors of the Video

Color and light are important elements of a video because they can change the emotions and the entire understanding of the video. Also, it can help highlight certain subjects and make the video more dramatic.

Luckily, many video software tools have a variety of color editing options. Some of those programs even have filters you can use on your footage.

Tip #7: Use Keyboard Shortcuts


To make the video editing even more efficient, we recommend you learn and use keyboard shortcuts. It may save just a few seconds at a time, but in the long-term, you will save a lot of time and make your workflow more productive.

Each software has its own shortcuts, and usually, when you go through the menu, you will see the shortcuts written next to different functions and options. If not, you will find the shortcuts on the internet.

Also Read: How To Protect Yourself Against Email Attacks

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How To Know If Your App Is Going To Succeed Sat, 03 Oct 2020 09:28:08 +0000 Many times you download applications that you do not open more than twice due to lack of utility. Therefore, when creating a new one, you have to take into account that the other app creators have failed and what you can do to improve it and that your audience likes it. Today we tell you […]

The post How To Know If Your App Is Going To Succeed appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Many times you download applications that you do not open more than twice due to lack of utility. Therefore, when creating a new one, you have to take into account that the other app creators have failed and what you can do to improve it and that your audience likes it. Today we tell you the key elements that an app must have to achieve success.

Tips for creating a successful app

There are almost two million mobile applications on it. The great offer increases the need to plan the creation, programming, publication, and promotion of an app so that it leaves its mark on the market. To make your app succeed, you must make it functional, original, innovative, and attract users and become viral.

Create expectation

To ensure the success of your app you have to generate anticipation for the launch of your new application. If you succeed, you will make them spread the message and the start of the download will start strongly.

Spend one to two months pre-launch for people to come to you through social media. This time will also allow you to gather proposals and new ideas on how to improve the application before its launch.

To create expectation you must:

  • Generate interest in your target audience. It is very likely that the fact that you are covering one of their needs causes them to need to share the application with the rest of their friends.
  • Spread ideas. When your app is pending launch, interested people will be talking about it. Therefore, from time to time you can cite one of the functionalities that you have not previously explained.
  • Create a database. As your app becomes known in circles and social networks, create a database. Publish a landing page that includes images, videos, and descriptions of the future app and enable an option with which users who wish to can stay informed of all the news. These users will be the possible early adopters to whom you can send emails to keep in touch with them.

Also Read: What Is The SaaS Model

Take care of your user experience

Once the users have installed the application, you have to make sure that the interface meets a series of requirements.

  • The design should not be too overloaded.
  • The contained elements must be well explained.
  • Do not make an application that needs a previous explanation or a manual.
  • It tries that the interface can be visualized without having to read very carefully all the options.
  • Try to switch between screens quickly.

As you are the person who has developed and designed the application, you will consider that its use is very easy. Therefore, ask the opinion of people outside the project and observe how they interact.

Create communities on social networks

All those people who find your application useful in the professional or personal field, will recommend it and talk about it. In this way, you will achieve a community that will get more people to notice it.

Facilitates app evaluation

Until a user installs the app, they cannot rate it since they have not tried it. Normally, visits are only made to the application stores when new ones are to be downloaded and not to evaluate or comment on those already installed. But the ratings are essential to virtualize the applications. For this reason, you should facilitate this process for the user and remind them, since if the comments are positive they can greatly influence the installation of the app by other people.

Make regular updates

Very frequent updates can be negative, but it does not hurt to make them from time to time so that the new features include the contributions made by the users.

Includes support for user care

Any professional app should have a customer service section. Add an address so that the user can send you notifications about bugs or doubts about the application. If you can respond quickly, they will feel satisfied and their desire for recommendation will increase.

Creating an application from scratch is not an easy task, but it is not impossible. To create it, you just have to think about what functionalities would improve the user experience compared to the existing ones.

Also Read: Low Code vs. No-Code: Similarities, Differences & Application Scenarios

The post How To Know If Your App Is Going To Succeed appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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