tech trends Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Mon, 16 Oct 2023 08:16:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 tech trends Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 How To Improve Organizational Performance From Neuro Management? Thu, 18 Aug 2022 11:29:34 +0000 Humans can’t help but feel emotions. In all aspects of life, these appear because it is natural. However, when it comes to the business and organizational environment, these cannot be allowed to affect decision-making and ruin communication, innovation, leadership, and production processes. Neuroscience, the part of science responsible for studying the nervous system, whose center […]

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Humans can’t help but feel emotions. In all aspects of life, these appear because it is natural. However, when it comes to the business and organizational environment, these cannot be allowed to affect decision-making and ruin communication, innovation, leadership, and production processes.

Neuroscience, the part of science responsible for studying the nervous system, whose center is the brain, has already shed light on how to manage emotions by identifying the parts of the brain and their functions.

Once it was determined that the human brain is divided into regions such as the left hemisphere, the right hemisphere, the cortical region, and the limbic region, and clarifying the role that each of these parts plays in human behavior, it was possible to determine how to learn to work with emotions and channel them towards positive results. All this led to emotional intelligence, which focuses on channeling emotions (even the most negative) towards the positive.

The field of study of neuroscience is therefore vast, and it covers a massive range of areas of knowledge since the human brain controls everything a person does: their language, movements, bodily functions, emotions, and much more.

As far as emotions are concerned, neuroscience has already talked about emotional intelligence as a potent tool that only humans can use since it is about managing emotions through their understanding, selection, and learning in such a way that they are used for the benefit and not to the detriment of every aspect of everyday life.

It is not about acting like automatons and suppressing what you feel. Self-knowledge is sought, and when frustration, anger, sadness, or other emotions appear that could harm the workplace, they can be identified, rationalized, and channeled to flow and be used for new motivation or learning.

From these discoveries made by neuroscience, a new concept appears in neuro management, a modality of science that emphasizes examining the brain’s activities in the face of organizational problems.

What Is Neuro Management?

Neuro management, also known by its English term neuro management, is a discipline in charge of studying neurological processes that arise when facing business management decision-making.

So, this field of study determines the brain mechanisms (rational or not) involved in this decision-making. But, it does not only examine who takes them, but it also does so with the entire environment of the organization and the rest of its components, that is, all the people affected.

It does not focus exclusively on the point of view of the decision maker, and it also pays attention to all the professionals with whom it relates and who would be affected by them.

This means it is about training the human brain so that its perception, attention, concentration, memory, and the evolution of intelligence are focused on achieving leadership and overcoming stress-related problems.

It, therefore, focuses on:

  • Organizational performance and decision making derived from neural processes.
  • The development of emotional intelligence at the personal and organizational level.
  • The planning, organization, learning, and leadership of the staff.

Neuro management, therefore, pursues the effectiveness of leaders and, consequently, of the team or work group as a whole by enhancing each person’s performance through the development of brain capacities.

Why Is Neuro Management Important In Companies?

The directors, managers, in short, the bosses in charge of making the decisions in the companies, as well as their employees and all the subordinate personnel who will be influenced or on whom the consequences of these decisions will weigh, will react with a specific emotional charge in front of them.

Those in charge of neuro management are the ones who have the task of knowing how these decisions are going to affect people since they must know each component beforehand. In this way, they can contribute to managing, communicating, and using them in their favor.

These people within the company are prepared with programs or training plans on neuro management so that the environment in the organization positively influences all employees.

Consequently, neuro management improves the work environment of organizations by minimizing the consequences of decision-making, complicated and complex ones, on all of its personnel.

The same study found that employees of a company with a pleasant work environment say the following:

  • All the staff feels more energetic to work.
  • 88% of employees would recommend their friends or relatives to work in it.
  • 76% feel more committed to their work.
  • A significant 74% reported feeling less stress than in other work environments.
  • Half increased their productivity markedly.
  • 50% do not intend to change jobs in the coming years.
  • 40% feel less exhausted at the end of the working day.
  • 29% of workers feel more satisfied with their work and personal life.
  • And 13% decreased their absenteeism due to illness.

What Are The Advantages of Business Neuro Management?

The application of neuro management in companies for the pursuit of leadership and the promotion of a healthy and pleasant work environment brings benefits or positive advantages in the following aspects:

Improve Communication

When a message or idea is communicated, it can be misunderstood, and depending on who receives it in the wrong way, the reactions and consequences can vary. Starting up neuro management, the indicated paths are sought so that communication improves and noise is not created among all the workers when receiving a specific message.

Better Crisis And Stress Management

Employees’ reactions to stressful situations or crises can affect the organizational environment, productivity, creativity, innovation, and motivation. Therefore neuro management contributes to each component of the company exercising leadership in their emotions and the best steps to be calm in difficult times.

By having a positive (or at least non-destructive) response to a stressful or crisis, a faster or better solution to the conflict is achieved.

Strengthens The Confidence of Managers

Only those with a managerial or boss position know that trust when talking to employees is not easily achieved, especially in difficult times. But, if the principles of neuro management are applied, managers will better manage their cognitive and emotional capacities with their workers, and communication will be better; therefore, the organization’s balance will be optimal.

In other words, neuro management consolidates the ability of managers to communicate with their employees because it helps them get to know their work team better.

Increases Worker Motivation

Knowing the organizational environment and what motivates each worker (or the employees as a whole), a reward system can be established that increases their motivation.

Knowing what makes each employee feel better within the organization (knowing them through neuro management) facilitates the ways to keep the motivation alive and, consequently, productivity.

Better Adaptation To Changes

Fear and uncertainty about changes are common in all companies. Still, suppose managers use neuro management and can find out what mechanisms or circumstances make it difficult for employees to accept them. In that case, facing resistance to these changes and overcoming obstacles will be much easier.

In other words, neuro management provides tools so that managers can prepare or train staff for situations of change, not only in short moments but also as a policy that can be put into practice within the global strategies of the institution.

Neuro management And Leadership Training

Neuro management makes it possible to form high-performance workgroups because it focuses all the effort on intelligent decisions that allow goals to be achieved.

Fostering collaboration, communication, empathy, trust, and altruism among workers positively impacts the work environment. Still, leadership is also being created since each employee comes to occupy an important place within the entire team. Gear of the business, and each one is aware of it and their role.

Creating an environment with a tremendous positive charge that moves away from toxic and stressful behaviors fosters the confidence and creativity that eventually reveals leaders within organizations.

Managers trained in neuro management will shape and create a workforce focused on human beings, their motivations, and emotions. They will know how to direct their team toward organizational objectives as a boss.

In other words, you will be promoting the talent of each worker and incorporating it into the goals and objectives. The workgroup will be chosen in this process, and only the best professionals will prevail: the leaders.

Likewise, these leaders will complete the cycle of continuing with optimal internal communication, stress reduction, and the constant promotion of innovation, motivation, and creativity. All this directly impacts the well-being of work groups and, consequently, the productivity and profitability of the company.

Who Should Be Trained in Neuro Management?

This article has talked about what neuro management is, how it benefits a company or business, and how it helps to form successful work teams and potential leaders, but who should be trained in this discipline?

At first, it may be believed that it is something exclusive to bosses, managers, directors, and, perhaps, middle managers, who together with human resources personnel can take study or training programs in this area, but this is not the case.

There are plans for each component of an organization that provides emotional self-management tools to achieve better work and personal performance, but also to be a piece of the assembled machinery that is understood as a company or organization.

Implementing neuro management as a generalized policy is a leap to new management and organizational performance level.

Also Read: Applying Neuromarketing To Your Business or Company

What Is The Future of Neuro Management?

When a company is managed, and correct organizational performance is carried out, comfortable, open work environments are achieved, with a high level of communication that is relaxing for the worker. All this affects the productivity and profitability of the company and optimizes customer relations.

Neuro management is a relatively new discipline, but neuroscience has already been in charge of demonstrating that the management of emotions and what is learned from them has a positive or negative effect according to the emotional intelligence that is put into play.

Now it is the turn of neuro management. Indeed there are companies whose managers hesitate to put the new discipline into practice and wonder if it is worth reorganizing the entire company based on this new learning.

But, as was the case when computers first appeared, many managers disdained them, only to discover, in the end, that they were vital to the productivity and performance of their businesses. The same will happen with neuro management.

Organizations will understand that they cannot be left behind, that they need to comply with specific processes according to the times and, not in vain, many companies are preparing to train their neuro managers or neuro managers, who will assist with their cognitive load all the components of the company to manage their emotions to improve the organizational climate and work performance.

Few companies have embarked on this management and organizational performance adventure, but the results are encouraging enough for others to follow suit.

There is a long way to go, and this is just beginning. Neuro management needs to grow a lot. Indeed, other areas of knowledge will be involved in this discipline in the future.

The neuro managers or neuro managers of today will be the pioneers, as pioneers were a handful of kids in a garage in Silicon Valley playing with circuits that today dominate the tables of all companies and homes in the world.

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Profitability Of A Company – Tips To Increase It Mon, 13 Jun 2022 06:05:12 +0000 Before considering your own business, you should know a company’s profitability and how it works. Making the correct calculations always to obtain the desired results is essential. Simply put, profitability refers to the benefits you can get from an investment. To better understand the concept and know-how to apply it, here you will find everything […]

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Before considering your own business, you should know a company’s profitability and how it works. Making the correct calculations always to obtain the desired results is essential. Simply put, profitability refers to the benefits you can get from an investment.

To better understand the concept and know-how to apply it, here you will find everything you need. It is essential to understand this point both in the field of investment and in business to have the appropriate results.

What Is The Profitability Of a Company? All You Need To Know!

The first question you should ask yourself is what profitability is, and this is the ability of a business to make the most of its resources and generate profits or profits from them, measuring them through financial indicators that evaluate the effectiveness of the administration.

To calculate the company’s profitability, profitability ratios must be used. These mathematical formulas will reveal how the company is doing, its financial projects, investments, and how resources are used.

Types Of Profitability In A Company

To know how to measure a company’s profitability, it is necessary to know the types of profitability you should know. There are two basic types, these are:

Economic Profitability

In this case, you will have the data on the average profit of the business as a result of the investments made. You will have this data employing a percentage; it is obtained in this way: if you have received a return of 20% in a year, you have earned 20 euros for every 200 that you have invested.

Here the results of the development of all the company’s activities will be compared with the investments made to date. 

To know this data, you must use the return on assets formula. For this, you must multiply the profit margin by the rotation of the product or service. In simple terms, it will be the results of the sale of your products by the times they have been sold.

Financial Profit

In this case, you will obtain the results of the benefits received by each of the partners that make up the company, and they will be the results of their investments. It is a way of measuring the ability of the company and its strategies to obtain income from the contributed funds.

To do this, you must use the capital ratio, also known as “Financial profitability” . It will be the relationship between the net profit and the business’s net worth.

Tips To Improve And Increase The Profitability of a Company

If a company’s profitability does not continue to rise, you will not make a profit, and none of your investments will have the desired results. If you notice significant drawbacks in this regard, you should implement the following tips:

Do Not Neglect The Control of Your Expenses.

No company will be profitable if it has more expenses than profits. Once you learn to control your costs, you will enjoy higher profits. To get good results, the secret is to design a monthly flow statement that helps you analyze the most significant expenses of the business and where you can adjust it.

Keep Good Management of Your Inventories.

If you are wondering how to increase a company’s profitability, the secret is also in the inventory. The management of this list must be the best to control so that it does not cause unnecessary expenses.

The inventory comprises two key factors: control and planning. You must know when it is necessary to place orders with the supplier and the indicated quantity to request. Here it is essential to have qualified and prepared personnel to solve any inconvenience at the right time.

Your Best Ally Will Be Technology.

Are you looking for how to interpret the profitability of a company? There are currently many specialized programs in this field where you only have to add some essential data and obtain the desired percentages.

In this way, you streamline the different areas of the business and considerably minimize the margin of error when entering and processing the data. It is also saving by not having to have a lot of staff for this job; without a doubt, it is the best way to calculate a company’s profitability.

Also Read: How Free Wi-Fi Will Boost Your Business Profitability

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Why Introduce The Agile Methodology In Your Company Sun, 13 Feb 2022 06:24:28 +0000 Around the beginning of the 21st century, when people began to speculate about the need to work under less static processes to achieve better results, the Agile methodology was born . The Birth of The Agile Methodology Seventeen software development specialists , who held the position of CEO or project management , met in Snowbird […]

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Around the beginning of the 21st century, when people began to speculate about the need to work under less static processes to achieve better results, the Agile methodology was born .

The Birth of The Agile Methodology

Seventeen software development specialists , who held the position of CEO or project management , met in Snowbird (Utah, USA) and began an interesting debate in which they shared the best practices of each company in project management .

The appearance of this new methodology was a historical fact, insofar as it completely revolutionized traditional methods and the way in which, to date, companies worked. We went from a thought where the working hours of the employees were taken into account in order to assess their productivity —and, consequently, their remuneration— to prioritizing agility and flexibility in the development of projects, always adapting to the needs of the client and focusing on results.

Today, the Agile method is a standard model in multiple international companies due to its great benefits. And not only in the most “technological” field, which is precisely where it emerged, but right now it is applicable to each department, no matter how small. The system is based on 4 fundamental pillars: valuing team members and social relationships above processes and tools, giving priority to the product, collaborating with the client and maintaining a very close, face-to-face and collaborative relationship, and being flexible to never stick to the set plan.


Among its main advantages is versatility , since by adjusting 100% to the needs of the client, the real objectives change; greater commitment between workers because a climate of cooperation is created; speed in deliveries being continuous and planned —with a certain margin—; and increased productivity by responding quickly to any change in priorities.

Values ​​of The Agile methodology

But it must be said that the values ​​on which this methodology is based are inspired by the Agile manifesto, signed by the aforementioned group of software developers, where 12 principles are established:

  • Customer satisfaction. Deliver products and content of value to meet the customer’s needs.
  • Listen to the new requirements. Attend all the suggestions that arise along the way, in order to improve.
  • Weekly deliveries. If we split deliveries, we minimize the risk of error by having feedback .
  • Measure progress. There are indicators that allow us to objectively evaluate our work.
  • Sustainable development. We will guarantee continuity in the project.
  • Close work. Work from anywhere with the best attitude.
  • Conversation. Meeting regularly, ideally in person, will help ensure that our message is communicated as effectively as possible.
  • Motivation and confidence . The work environment in which the project is carried out is paramount.
  • Technical excellence and good design . Submit, without exception, quality work.
  • We will “chop” the tasks until their level of complexity is adequate.
  • Team self-management. We will rule out hierarchies, considering them harmful to the common good.
  • Adaptation to changing circumstances. Avoiding rigidity during the process of a project is vital since the context can change, when unexpected changes arise.

Also Read: The Mix Of Management Strategies That Your Company Needs

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Companies That Use Virtual Reality Are The Companies Of The Future Tue, 25 Jan 2022 07:13:19 +0000 Companies that use virtual reality are revolutionizing the way of understanding the market. In the last year, we have experienced a technological advance impossible to imagine before Covid-19. The so-called IV Industrial Revolution has brought with it changes that were not believed possible in a period of fewer than ten years. Companies are the great […]

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Companies that use virtual reality are revolutionizing the way of understanding the market. In the last year, we have experienced a technological advance impossible to imagine before Covid-19. The so-called IV Industrial Revolution has brought with it changes that were not believed possible in a period of fewer than ten years. Companies are the great transformers, those responsible for integrating new technologies into our daily lives. The virtual replaces the physical in medical centers, schools, offices… and in this context, virtual reality becomes a field to be explored that exponentially multiplies the possibilities of differentiating through innovation.

What Is Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality VR is a technology that takes us to a specific environment with which we can also interact through the use of simulation glasses or helmets. The key to virtual reality is that it gives users the sensation of being immersed in an immersive reality while keeping all five senses active. However, sight and hearing are usually involved with the virtual reality tool. Sometimes additional devices such as gloves or special suits are used to offer different stimuli to intensify the sensation of reality.

Virtual Reality In Companies

Today many companies resort to this, and there are also many virtual reality applications. It is easy to connect this technology with the video game, entertainment, architecture, or engineering sectors, but it is also very present in education, health, the public sector… Bain & Company anticipates a virtual reality adoption rate of 75% by 2023. Logically, the potential of virtual reality does not go unnoticed by companies, which have already normalized its use, favoring the sustainability of their models in very diverse dimensions.

Marketing And The Product Experience

One of the areas of companies that have previously been able to bet on virtual reality is marketing, which discovers in this tool a way of providing the customer with a product experience before purchase. The options are innumerable: product demonstrations (even before it has been manufactured), test simulations of a mobile device or a car… It is possible to offer the customer an almost real experience without any limitation for the first time.

Companies that focus on creating innovative workspaces are aware of the potential of virtual reality as a work tool. An excellent example of this can be found in companies such as Decathlon, which, thanks to virtual reality, allow their customers to get closer to the experience of using their tents in natural contexts: a forest, a mountain lake, a fire crackling next to the store… without leaving the mall. Undoubtedly, it is an added value with a very high return on investment possibilities.

Innovative Communication

Communication becomes innovative and delocalized. In the last year, the video call has been consolidated. Still, virtual reality allows us to go further and organize those same virtual meetings by introducing the participants to a particular virtual environment (it can be related to the subject that will be discussed in the discussion, such for example a visit to a building that is being built, or on the contrary, try to transfer the participants to a different context, for example, nature, to generate a specific climate).

On the other hand, virtual reality offers us the possibility of giving immersive messages: Stanford University, through the Virtual Human Interaction Lab, has carried out several projects in which, through virtual reality, it tries to make users aware of environmental matters. The use of virtual glasses inside a swimming pool allows observing the consequences of man’s action on the seabed. Understanding that our activities impact the bottom of the sea is not the same as seeing it with virtual reality goggles while diving.

Education And Training In Virtual Reality

Likewise, virtual reality is transforming training models in companies, also revealing itself as a tool that facilitates more sustainable formulas. Training to use gives way to new dynamics and intense experiences that reinforce learning, which is why today, this is a model already implemented in the training programs of many companies.

Knowing that our brain can retain 10% of what it reads, 20% of what it hears, and 90% of what it experiences, it is easy to understand the potential of virtual reality. Thanks to it, it is possible to transmit knowledge and interact with it without the need to physically transfer all employees to a particular context or invest in specific materials for each training. It allows us to recreate the use of heavy or dangerous machinery, learn about occupational risks without facing them during the learning process, play work contexts that would otherwise be difficult to access (for example, a surgical intervention…) The possibilities are endless. On the other hand, this model offers an attractive and practical learning environment for the worker, who is more motivated when faced with a new model.

Improved Productivity Thanks To VR

Creativity is the use of virtual reality that has no limits. This has allowed companies like Acciona to revolutionize internal procedures: they use a combination of virtual reality and augmented reality to review and improve the maintenance of their facilities and improve the productivity of their technicians.

Other companies incorporate this tool to simplify and speed up processes in the production phase, such as Volvo. Their engineers use virtual reality in factories to reduce margins of error in the process and improve products.

In short, we are facing a technology capable of digitally transforming companies and their procedures at very different levels. The future undoubtedly passes through technology, and virtual reality also shows us that it will help us progress sustainably. The only limit will be our creativity.

Also Read: Virtual Reality – The Future Of VR In 2022

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Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning In Controlling Are In Advance Fri, 17 Dec 2021 12:34:40 +0000 The Future of Controlling What do I do with artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, and progress through digitization as a controller? – More than you think! Companies worldwide are increasingly feeling the need to integrate new, data-based technologies to remain competitive. The use of these technologies implies far-reaching changes in the company’s internal handling […]

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The Future of Controlling

What do I do with artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, and progress through digitization as a controller? – More than you think!

Companies worldwide are increasingly feeling the need to integrate new, data-based technologies to remain competitive. The use of these technologies implies far-reaching changes in the company’s internal handling of data, affecting control. You can check ProjectPro Machine Learning Projects to learn what kind of machine learning project is used by some biggest companies.

Do not be afraid of these changes, but seize the opportunity and make yourself indispensable for the upcoming transformation. Innovations in the use of data are difficult to implement without support from the specialist area. It is not uncommon for projects to fail due to a lack of a common basis for communication.

If not you as a controller, who is better suited to act as an interface between the department and data science? Their technical expertise is more in demand than ever because they are familiar with business practice and company data.

Actively Helping To Shape Progress

Prepare yourself in good time for future requirements and actively shape your company’s future! A first step in the right direction is to get a realistic picture of the job of a data scientist.

Build Up Knowledge – Assess Benefits

Brush up on your basic statistical knowledge from your school and university days! You can use various options for this:

Print And Online Media To Build Up Basic Knowledge

Numerous print and online media entertainingly convey the basics and largely do without mathematical jargon and complicated formulas. Familiarize yourself with how basic statistical techniques work. So you can have a say when it comes to correlations, regressions, classifications, and clustering methods.

Once you have established a basic understanding, you will soon understand machine learning, neural networks, and artificial intelligence (AI) principles. You will find that this is not rocket science or sheer magic.

Online Courses For Deeper Insights Into Practice

To delve deeper into practice, the Internet has a variety of free or inexpensive online courses available. These offer an easy introduction to coding with Python or R and other data science applications.

You do not have to complete retraining to become a data scientist, and a rough understanding of the instruments and the possibilities is sufficient. In this way, you reduce reservations and better assess the added value of data science. 

Promotion By The Employer

Coping with such a build-up of knowledge in addition to professional and private obligations is undoubtedly a challenge. Here, the employer must be made aware of further training measures. Actively claim your funding. Do not wait until the topic has taken you by surprise and suddenly you are confronted with data scientists as work colleagues.

If this is already the case, treat them with suspicion and interest. They can learn a lot from each other and benefit from them. If your employer offers further training on its initiative, you should take advantage of them. In this way, you do not get sidelined with new developments in the company.

How AI and Machine Learning Can Be Used In Controlling

As soon as you have recognized the potential of data science, you can actively help shape innovations and act as the linchpin for new projects. Machine learning and deep learning in controlling make everyday work easier and relieve you of annoying repetitive tasks.

Time-consuming activities that follow fixed procedures and rules and require a great deal of attention can often be automated relatively easily. Machine learning and AI have proven themselves many times in the finance and accounting departments and the creation of reports and dashboards.

As a controller, you do not have to fear a loss of importance in your job. As an expert, you have an exclusive understanding of the business processes based on the numbers. Combined with your acquired basic understanding of data science, you make yourself indispensable for your company. Only you can deliver solutions where algorithms fail.

In the meantime, you can concentrate on your core task as a controller and provide important impulses for planning and controlling company processes. In this way, you can locate the control part more strongly in control.

It is all the more important to drive change in your own company in these dynamic times. Therefore, the focus of our online conference Digital Finance & Controlling this year is on the successful digitization of the finance sector.

Get to know the DNA of a digital finance area and find out which software can support you in your processes. The event is now available on-demand.
Although algorithms are superior to people when it comes to the systematic processing of large amounts of data, they can only produce meaningful results based on fixed rules and unambiguous data. They are good at recognizing patterns of relationships and deriving rules from them but fail in unforeseen events that do not follow any structure.

The correct classification of such events and the corresponding reaction can only be mastered by actual intelligence. This is where you come into play as a “human in the loop.” Only you have a feel for when algorithms are wrong.

With your knowledge of the limits of technology, you protect your company from consequential decisions made due to blind trust in algorithms. Here, too, control by capable controllers is required.

How Does Machine Learning Work?

Gain a realistic idea of ​​machine learning and its possibilities! Free yourself from exaggerated expectations and gloomy future scenarios from science fiction!

Machine learning is currently the most prominent aspect of the sub-area of ​​computer science dedicated to imitating human behavior: artificial intelligence.

The initial attempt to achieve the set goal by programming complex rules soon reached its limits, as social behavior can only be mapped to a limited extent by static rules. Machine learning takes an innovative way to solve this problem.

With the help of special algorithms, this approach automatically derives rules from data for which results are already available. These rules can, in turn, be used to forecast potential results for data for which they are not yet available (predictive analytics).

Machine learning can therefore be understood as the automated programming of software solutions for data processing:

Also Read: What are Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL)?

What Is Deep Learning?

Deep learning works on the same principle as machine learning, with the difference that data is processed with so-called artificial neural networks. These neural networks extract and compress data into a form that makes it easier and faster for computers to access the information it contains.

The use of neural networks has proven itself in the processing of audiovisual data (speech, image, document, and video recognition) but is not limited to these types of data.

The idea for artificial neural networks for information processing was formulated as early as the late 1940s. Still, it has only been relatively recently that technological progress and the lower prices for high-performance computer processors have made it possible to use this technology cost-effectively.

Neural networks consist of layers of simple, functional units, so-called perceptrons, which receive signals and send out signals when threshold values ​​are exceeded.

To use a neural network to be referred to with the media-relevant term deep learning, there must be at least one additional layer (hidden layer) between an input and an output layer.

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8 Significant Technologies in the Medical Field Wed, 01 Sep 2021 14:21:31 +0000 Recent technological development in health care contributes to a more reliable and advanced approach. The latest technology allows timely treatment for patients, but it also offers an easier way to communicate between facilities. This tactic helps in giving better response time to patient’s needs at an affordable cost.  Moreover, technological advancement offers better adoption of […]

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Recent technological development in health care contributes to a more reliable and advanced approach. The latest technology allows timely treatment for patients, but it also offers an easier way to communicate between facilities. This tactic helps in giving better response time to patient’s needs at an affordable cost. 

Moreover, technological advancement offers better adoption of expertise from all areas leading to eventual solutions. With patients demanding reliable and fast service, there is a high likelihood of more sophisticated technology soon. Keep reading as we take you through some of the newest innovations taking the medical industry by storm. 

1. Artificial cochlea

For years, scientists and engineers have tried to develop an artificial ear for the deaf. One major breakthrough is an artificial cochlea that was first described in 2011 by researchers at MIT’s Media Lab. The device is inserted into the inner ear, where it transforms sound and into electrical impulses. 

The signals are then sent directly to the brain via two possible methods: a thin bundle of electrodes connected to an external amplifier or a pair of wireless headphones. Luckily, the device is very tiny and comfortable to the wearer. 

As a result, most individuals take advantage of its effects leading to an enhanced demand for the device. If you want to make a kill in the industry, become a hearing aid provider. Not only does supplying hearing aids rake in good money, but it also improves the lives of individuals struggling with hearing loss.

2. Robotic Surgery Technology 

The use of robotic surgery is increasing at an alarming rate. These machines can be more accurate with fewer complications in comparison with the traditional procedures. Human factors engineering is used to make sure that surgeries are done as accurately and precisely as possible.

This innovation has lead to an impressive improvement in outcomes for many patients diagnosed with cancer, brain tumors, and heart disease.

3. Virtual Reality 

True VR uses immersive headsets and other hardware to simulate vision, hearing, touch, and movement within a virtual world. Users can be immersed in a virtual world that replaces the real one but remains aware of their actual surroundings and interacts with both.

With VR goggles strapped to your face and headphones blocking out the noise, it’s easy to see how this technology could help make patients less anxious during procedures. Studies show that VR distraction can reduce a patient’s perception of discomfort by up to 50%. As a result, some surgeons have adopted the technology during operations. Also, it is an effective treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), phobias, and other mental health issues.

4. Chatbot 

Chatbots are designed to provide automated, accurate feedback in response to a set of questions. Often people struggling with some conditions like mental health issues have a hard time finding help due to the stigma associated with it.

The program’s flexibility allows psychiatrists and psychologists to adjust the number and type of questions and help patients online. As virtual reality technology matures, therapists might be able to use it with chatbots to treat patients remotely. Chatbots could also provide an opportunity for psychologists to practice therapeutic conversations before having them face-to-face with patients.

5. Computer-aided Diagnosis (CADx)

This approach uses image analysis to aid radiologists in their diagnoses. The components are software typically called “workstations” or “readers” that perform the study and integrate it with existing CT scanners, MRI machines, or stand-alone.

There are two types of CADx approaches – anatomic based and lesion based. Anatomic-based CADx methods analyze images according to the structures they represent. Lesion-based tools look for specific abnormalities usually on a pre-defined list (such as those found in cancer)

6. Medical Imaging  

Current imaging technology allows doctors to get better images inside the victim’s body. The latest innovations include Computed Tomography (CT), which uses X-rays and digital computing. Likewise, the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technology uses MRI scanning devices that work by detecting unique magnetic energy signals.

Another addition is the Positron Emission Tomography (PET), which uses radioactive substances, a camera, and computers to produce body images. These diagnostic tools help doctors make accurate diagnoses resulting in optimal treatment decisions.

7. Tracking Software

Tracking technology helps medics and database personnel to monitor patients during and after surgery quickly. Medics achieve this by recording data from various sources into one system, including video, audio & images.

The recorded data is instantly editable and can be shared between multiple users, all without any difficulty. Due to its ability to share data, it is compatible with various medical devices: MRI, X-ray, endoscope machine & other imaging devices.

8. Anesthesia Machine Diagnostic Software

The software helps to quickly determine the cause of anesthesia machine failure by monitoring several parameters. Apart from diagnosis, there are many useful features in the diagnostic software that avoid severe failures during operation. Some of them include proper measurement of gas concentration, assistance when detecting a leak & automatic switching of the machine.

Furthermore, the software can also record the flow rate, pressure changes, and scavenging performance of the anesthesia machine with high accuracy. The collected data is later stored in a database, making it easier to do data analysis and trend evaluation.

Bottom Line

Improving health and life expectancy should be the ultimate goal in the health care industry. For this reason, embracing modern methods and combining them with social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter can be the beginning of a successful journey. Thankfully, technology improves user experience through early detection and proper management, elevating the entire industry to higher levels.

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Application of Machine Learning in The Company Sun, 29 Aug 2021 18:13:25 +0000 Machine Learning techniques increasingly prove to be helpful in different businesses and sectors. However, applying them in organizations does not consist of developing and training models but also in a series of previous and subsequent steps related to the definition of the use case and the target. The monitoring, once put into production and associated […]

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Machine Learning techniques increasingly prove to be helpful in different businesses and sectors. However, applying them in organizations does not consist of developing and training models but also in a series of previous and subsequent steps related to the definition of the use case and the target. The monitoring, once put into production and associated considerations, with its interpretability and possible biases.

Industrialization, Traceability and Verifiability In Machine Learning

In the first place, it started from the premise that, when implementing Machine Learning models, especially in the banking sector, “we need the models to be traceable, reproducible and verifiable”, as well as industrialized.

This industrialization makes it possible to standardize the processes that usually occur in all Machine Learning projects, to be agile while guaranteeing the three aspects mentioned above and reducing the cost of maintenance of the models.

The expert gave an example: “at the bank, we have to be able to answer why a person was denied a loan, tracing the path from the data to the score issued by the model.” To do this, it is necessary to know which version of the model is in production and what data was used or where the predictions were stored. Several versions of data are usually saved, associated with the models to cover the traceability and reproducibility part. Those are in production at all times.

On the other hand, verifiability is handled by a committee in which different bank areas intervene ( model owner, risks, legal, etc.). The Machine Learning model cannot go into production if the committee does not approve it. In addition, other business decisions are made: decision thresholds, when to launch or when to retrain the model. Check out this Best Machine Learning Course, taught by industry experts who have mastered this domain and have many years of experience in the industry.

Analysis and Design of The Machine Learning Model

As Experts explained, the design and development of a Machine Learning model are governed by a series of requirements: that it be simple, monitorable, interpretable, that it is not biased, that the input variables comply with the regulation and that it is adjusted to the case usage and operational restrictions.

All this means taking into account some aspects and addressing some challenges in the different phases of the process:

  • Definition of the use case in which different areas are involved. Several fundamental questions are answered for the development of the model: what variables and what samples can be used, if there are legal restrictions that limit the use of the model, if the model is going to work in batch mode or real-time, as well as the technology necessary for it.
  • According to the expert, the analysis of the target population is one of the phases that takes the longest. First, it is necessary to decide on which population the model is going to train and which one will be applied, with the possibility that it has not been historically dealt with. Then the availability of variables is studied, and the target is defined, which must be aligned with business and risks in terms of criteria, among other things.
  • Data splitting or data division in the train, test and validation sets. It is decided how to make the cuts (temporarily, grouped or stratified), always keeping in mind that they are compatible.
  • Possible preselection of variables. Although the selection of variables is still made on the training data, it is possible to make a distributed preselection to reduce the volume of data.
  • Model training and predictions. Openbank has its flexible Auto-ML tool to adapt to the variety of use cases that are addressed. Here you have to know how to adjust the parameters to ensure traceability and reproducibility and avoid black boxes.
  • Interpretability, for which they also have their tool. Once the model has been trained, an attempt is made to answer and explain, for example, why a particular score has been assigned to a client. In addition, this same tool can be applied to models that have not been implemented.
  • Monitoring, of two types: the classic one that does business with its KPIs to make a standard follow-up of the improvements in the industry or, from a more technical point of view, aimed at measuring the so-called data shift.
  • Possible biases. According to the expert, they can no longer afford to develop biased models, and she believes that it is necessary to define, from company policy, what type of fairness is to be achieved, using various strategies to maximize profit with restrictions.

As we can see, a Machine Learning project in the company cannot be limited to developing and training a helpful model. It is necessary to attend to a series of considerations before and during the process: for example, that the models fit the objective, but that they can also be generalized to be more efficient or not lose sight of legal or ethical issues.

Also Read: Clarifying The Concepts Of Various Technology Terms – Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Big Data, and Data Science

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Smart Management Software – What Are The Trends of The Future? Sat, 07 Aug 2021 06:53:27 +0000 From the mainframes of the 60s (those computers that took up practically a room) to the cloud of the 21st century, management software has continued to evolve. And along the way, they have been gaining speed, acquiring new features, and becoming much easier to use. With the increasing introduction of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and […]

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From the mainframes of the 60s (those computers that took up practically a room) to the cloud of the 21st century, management software has continued to evolve. And along the way, they have been gaining speed, acquiring new features, and becoming much easier to use.

With the increasing introduction of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing, the new generation of management software promises to be even more intelligent. These systems are going from being simple information processors to becoming trustworthy business assistants to analyze information and offer powerful insights that serve as support for decision-making.

These are some of the things we can expect from smart management software very shortly.

The End of Manual Data Entry

Paper documents evaporate, and everything indicates that manual data entry will follow suit. As automation, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence are integrated into systems, the need for human intervention will be practically nil.

Before, the automation of any process required a human programmer, many lines of code, and liters of coffee. But with the introduction of technologies like robotic process automation (RPA), things are changing rapidly.

Rather than mapping a process step by step, RPA tools, or bots, function as a kind of “peeping Tom.” They discreetly observe user actions (from clicks to data entry), understand the process rules, and then mimic precisely what humans have done. The monotonous and repetitive tasks are ideal candidates for automation through technology.

Invoice Processing, a Practical Case

Vendor invoices come in different formats: paper, Word documents, or PDFs attached to an email. Until now, it was necessary to manually transfer them to the billing system and then verify that there were no discrepancies.

Thanks to the RPA tools, the bots of the intelligent management software can detect new invoices, extract relevant data from each document, record the information in the system and notify suppliers by email. Everything automatically.

Invoice data can be extracted using Optical Character Recognition (OCR), enabling the conversion of text to electronic data. Jasmin is an intelligent management software that uses this technology and allows you to take pictures of expense invoices for automatic recording.

Automation at Its Finest

Process automation is advantageous not only because it reduces the time spent recording data but also because it minimizes the number of errors to which these processes are subjected. And when we add cognitive technologies, like Machine Learning, to the mix, things get interesting.

An example is integrating the email management software using artificial intelligence and natural language processing (NLP). For those less familiar with the term, PLN uses algorithms capable of analyzing and understanding human language.

In the future, thanks to this mix of technology, intelligent management software will be able to scan a user’s inbox to collect multiple requests from customers or suppliers, analyze the details of each message, and understand what action to take next. In addition, the system will also be able to use sentiment analysis (which determines the tone of a text or speech) to decide whether that request should take precedence over the others.

Increasingly Powerful Analytics And Insights

All companies (regardless of size) generate data. Many data. Data on sales, expenses, customers, inventory, among others. And somewhere in the middle of this pile of numbers, you have the answers that can help you develop and grow your business.

The problem is that most of us don’t know what to look for or what to do with the information we find. This is another of the areas where intelligent management software can be beneficial since it can provide us with more powerful analysis tools that allow faster and wiser decisions.

Also Read: The Advantages of Buying a Smart TV With Android

Delve Into Internal Data Analysis

Most of the current software already allows some analysis, such as comparing results month by month or year by year. But using artificial intelligence and advanced analytical techniques, it will be possible to determine, for example, what has been the profitability of a particular customer in the last five years or which customers represent the highest amount of revenue.

Using predictive analytics models, the system will be able to “observe” the sales history and detect customers at risk of leaving the company, predict results or even anticipate demand. Based on this data, the software will send alerts about the customers on which the company must continue betting or about the inventory needs concerning the sales forecast.

Leap “big Data.”

In addition to analyzing the company’s financial data, the management software can integrate analytical tools that allow the crossing of data from different sources. This will enable you to analyze weather forecasts, product or service evaluations, demographic data, among others, and correlate them with the financial data of your business to obtain even more valuable information.

Let’s look at a classic example: the sale of ice cream.

The demand for ice cream can increase up to 50% on hot days, while on gray and rainy days, it can be reduced by 20%. If there is a heatwave in May, likely, the company is not well supplied because the summer season only begins in June.

However, using weather forecasts and analyzing sales data from recent years, the management software can estimate the demand during the next heatwave in spring and recommend an increase in the ice cream stock. The result? More sales and balanced inventory levels.

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3 Inexpensive Tech Upgrades for Your Home Mon, 26 Jul 2021 16:20:56 +0000 If you’ve lived in your house for a while, it might be time to level up some of your home’s technology that’s become antiquated. Some minor tweaks can make your home feel more livable, and many of these upgrades cost less to operate than their outdated counterparts. If you’re wondering where to start, here are […]

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If you’ve lived in your house for a while, it might be time to level up some of your home’s technology that’s become antiquated. Some minor tweaks can make your home feel more livable, and many of these upgrades cost less to operate than their outdated counterparts. If you’re wondering where to start, here are a few things in your home to update that won’t break the bank.

Phone Service

You no longer need to be tied to one of the pricey phone or cable providers in order to have a telephone line in your home. With just a small investment in equipment, you can get free home phone service over your high-speed internet that may include many of the standard features you’re used to such as caller ID, call waiting, voicemail, and more. These services often let you maintain your current phone number, so switching doesn’t mean you’ll have to update all of your existing contacts.


If you haven’t replaced your household bulbs with LED ones, there’s no time like the present. Over the past several years, the cost of LED lighting has been decreasing due to improved manufacturing, so it’s become more affordable than ever to switch over. Compared to incandescent lighting, LEDs use at least 75% less energy and last up to 25 times longer, making them a great investment that can save you money and benefit the environment. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that LED bulbs only emit harsh, white light; they come in many colors, and some can even be programmed to adjust throughout the day.

Smart Systems

Smart speakers, smart thermostats, smart plugs: there is a seemingly endless array of ways in which your home can be programmed to run itself. Although installing all of these options at once might be costly, most home automation systems allow you to start with one or two basic devices and then add more gadgets at a later time. Perhaps start with a hub that will let you manage basic household tasks like remotely turning on your lights or locking your front door, then build from there.
Making just one or two of these changes can give your house an instant tech upgrade without putting too much pressure on your pocketbook. You’ll likely find that your home is a more enjoyable space in which to spend time, and you might end up saving money in the long run.

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Gadget Trends – Applications For Video Surveillance Cameras In B2B [2021] Thu, 01 Apr 2021 08:20:12 +0000 Video cameras as intelligent, AI-supported technologies are proving to be supporters for business and society: Deep AI applications can not only be used for traffic control, but also for organizational tasks in the context of the pandemic. With hyper-automation, the topic of automation will be turned a little further in 2021 – here too, video […]

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Video cameras as intelligent, AI-supported technologies are proving to be supporters for business and society: Deep AI applications can not only be used for traffic control, but also for organizational tasks in the context of the pandemic. With hyper-automation, the topic of automation will be turned a little further in 2021 – here too, video surveillance cameras provide support with essential tasks. Panasonic gives an outlook for 2021.

Current trends in video surveillance

Forward-looking technology

In the future, it will be more and more about predicting behavior and danger points instead of looking for them reactively. Cameras will no longer just be supporters here, but active helpers so that the staff can concentrate on the essentials.

Face recognition and behavioral patterns:

Information about the behavior of people in public spaces is becoming more and more important for infrastructure planning and public safety. A trend that can be summarized under the term “Internet of Behaviors”. Intelligent cameras also play a role in data collection. For example, using face recognition: Panasonic solutions can already reliably identify faces through data comparison, even if people wear sunglasses, headgear or a face mask or were only recorded facing away.

Deep AI

Deep AI applications can be used, for example, by retailers to improve the customer experience, for traffic monitoring in cities, and for intelligent parking systems that detect the load. They also use event organizers or administrators of traffic hubs and motorways to monitor and ensure safety. The modern network surveillance cameras with integrated AI functions are ideally suited for this next generation of intelligent applications in business and society. AI video motion detection (AI-VMD) plays an important role in this. It recognizes whether the objects filmed are people or vehicles and can even differentiate between cars, trucks, motorcycles, and bicycles. It can also be used to prevent break-ins,

Progressive Automation

There is a trend in many companies to automate as many business and IT processes as possible even more. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotic process automation (RPA), and intelligent business software will gain in importance – and grow together even more than before. This trend is also noticeable in the area of ​​surveillance cameras: they are becoming even more clearly optimized solutions that capture and analyze scenarios with significantly less personnel expenditure.

Environmental Protection And Sustainability

On the one hand, more value is being placed on high-quality and fair products that conserve resources thanks to their long service life, but also save money. And on the other hand, AI-enabled cameras can directly help protect the environment, for example when identifying intruders in nature reserves or in certain situations such as dumping garbage, fallen trees or the occurrence of fire.

Pandemic Management:

Deep learning applications, in particular, can be used for organizational tasks in the context of the current pandemic, such as social distancing, hospital occupancy rates, and the wearing of face masks. These are also helpful in hospitals, especially when the staff is overloaded, as it is recognized, for example, when a patient falls and needs help. The AI ​​engine enables alarms to be triggered with greater accuracy than ever based on predefined parameters, for example when events occur differently than expected or deviate from normal. In the future, they can even be linked to audio signals – for example, when a crowd gathers or divides because a bang happens.

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