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In recent times, much has been said about the use of Growth Hacking in the most important startups in the world. This new concept arises within digital marketing and is currently being used by the main Internet businesses in the United States. At the same time, it is being adopted by other companies in the rest of the world.

But What is Growth Hacking?

This concept is defined as a combination of curiosity, creativity and analytics that allows the number of users of a startup to grow in a hockey stick. These skills must be carried out by the founder and management team and be within the company’s philosophy (all workers must be aware of this trend in marketing).

Growth Hacking is a different way of looking at a market based on the need to find new ways of marketing to grow a business: it is not about specific techniques or tools.

This way of understanding marketing is the ideal one for startups due to the lack of resources, budget allocated to marketing products and making the brand known to the general public. In addition, it adapts perfectly to the Lean Start-up philosophy that these types of companies usually develop on a day-to-day basis.

The people who develop Growth Hacking strategies have a very specific profile, and that can be divided into three main blocks:

  • They Are Analytical. Those who work on Growth Hacking optimally analyze even the smallest detail, both in their work and professional life. When something fails, they give it a thousand turns until they find the explanation for the error. They are always studying metrics. Even if there is no model, they make it up.
  • They Are Creative People. Inventing marketing actions is not expensive. You have to think about it. Growth hackers have that gift of finding solutions to a specific problem through creativity, focusing on their resources. They are people who, by nature, dare to take risks.
  • They are The kings of “why”. All changes are questioned, whether they are for the better or the worse. They are never left in doubt and, if they have to work harder to understand it, they stay until they find the solution.

How To Do Growth Hacking

Doing viral marketing campaigns through Growth Hacking is simple: in fact, everyone should test themselves to see if they are capable. You have to follow five concrete steps and make sure that each has been completed before moving on to the next one.

1 – Product / Market Fit

This is what is known as the “fit” between the product and the market. When starting a project, the first thing is to see if it will have acceptance in the market in which it will be put on sale. If not, better put the project aside.

It is essential to talk, in the first place, with testers (they are usually found among friends and close people) who say, honestly, whether or not they would buy the product.

It is better to invest in developing a product that can be sold than to devise marketing actions that make the brand known. Not a few have fallen into this trap: investing time, resources and money in marketing actions for a product that had no place, in any way, on the market.

2 – Grow Hack

In the United States, they call, in this way, the search for marketing actions that will position a brand in the market, but in which the product they sell and, above all, its use, have a prominent place.

It can be done if the actions of some markets are taken as a model, through social networks, showing videos of the use of the products on the wall of the followers, for example.

3 – Viralize

Once the marketing action is defined, it is necessary to make it known to the general public. Thousands of activities can be carried out (hence the creativity mentioned in previous paragraphs).

Why did Hotmail grow so much? Simply because it was the first platform to offer a free email account.

In this sense, we can take, as an example, the policy of Dropbox, which began to grow when it offered free space to those who invited friends to create an account; Spotify, after its integration with Facebook; or Airbnb, after its integration with Craigslist.

4 – Build Customer loyalty

We are giving the best after-sales service and working on the web and social media profiles to improve the user experience.

If they get loyal customers, they can become brand preceptors: people trust their friends much more when buying a product than in brand marketing actions.

5 – Back To The Start

Growth Hacking is a living and active entity that must evolve, as do other brands and customers’ needs.

At this point, it is time to analyze the results obtained with the different actions and ask yourself why they have worked and why not. It is necessary to move forward and find new methods to promote the company; if not, there is a risk that the competition will evolve and subtract users from the brand.

Why Start Growth Hacking in a Startup?

As you can see, Growth Hacking is working (and very well) for companies of all kinds. Perhaps the clearest examples are those of film and television, but due to the creative charge of the product.

It is not strange to come across examples of Growth Hacking on the street that are working perfectly for the different brands. And it is that every time, more SMEs are signing up for this promotion trend (without even knowing the term). They copy and adapt to what the big companies are doing and get more than acceptable results.

YouTube and social networks are great allies for those who have a small budget for the marketing and commercialization of the product. Having a channel with followers and profiles that work and that are an updated and two-way communication channel with the users of the products is key to developing these strategies.

The Internet is a perfect tool to raise passion regarding a product or service. Generating expectation is the most recurrent technique for the strategy to succeed. In addition, this process allows discovering new uses and new outlets for the products marketed by a specific brand.

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Who Is Legally Responsible For Cybersecurity? https://www.techreviewscorner.com/responsible-for-cybersecurity/ https://www.techreviewscorner.com/responsible-for-cybersecurity/#respond Sat, 20 Jun 2020 09:43:01 +0000 https://www.techreviewscorner.com/?p=797 During the most recent months, we have seen an immense increment in teleworking in all zones, alongside the removal from some video conferencing applications and community-oriented work,, for example, Zoom. This has put the attention of cybersecurity on the telecommuter, and on such applications. Zoom, the video conferencing application we referenced, went from supporting somewhere […]

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During the most recent months, we have seen an immense increment in teleworking in all zones, alongside the removal from some video conferencing applications and community-oriented work,, for example, Zoom.

This has put the attention of cybersecurity on the telecommuter, and on such applications. Zoom, the video conferencing application we referenced, went from supporting somewhere in the range of 10 million meetings every day in December 2019 to in excess of 300 million in April, which gives us an away from ​​the marvel.

During these weeks there has been a ton of discussion about security dangers, both at home or in the remote working environment, just as those related with various application vulnerabilities (and, once more, this is the situation with Zoom). All things considered, whose obligation is it in the field of cybersecurity?

Legitimate risk in cybersecurity

Raising duty regarding security issues is an incredible inquiry, however, the appropriate response is that it depends. It relies upon the relevant enactment, for instance. What number of workers truly comprehend that utilizing an apparatus can cause a security issue? What number are sufficiently prepared in the utilization of the innovation that is being conveyed? In what manner can more robotization be presented?

When there is the quick appropriation of innovation, as occurred during the pandemic, there isn’t in every case enough arrangement about security: it isn’t constantly done to the level legally necessary, as it were, which opens organizations to fines and weights of advertising in the event of an infraction.

Then again, the duty regarding security isn’t satisfactorily tended to in the authoritative documentation, neither with the innovation supplier nor with the representative. When in a rush, the lawful terms may not sufficiently address security dangers, including with regards to obligation, review rights, participation around announcing breaks … Sometimes this implies the hazard is (unreasonably) in the possession of the business.

The administration contract is where the reasonable degree of hazard must be built up for each gathering included. Also, with representatives, preparing and clear IT use approaches should help guarantee more prominent responsibility on your part.

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FORMJACKING: A NEW THREAT TO THE SECURITY OF YOUR ONLINE STORE https://www.techreviewscorner.com/formjacking/ https://www.techreviewscorner.com/formjacking/#respond Sat, 02 May 2020 11:08:12 +0000 https://www.techreviewscorner.com/?p=460 Do you sell on the Internet? Beware of the dangers of Formjacking that could compromise the personal data you store about your customers and jeopardize the security and reputation of your online store. Learn more about this new cybersecurity threat in this post. What is Formjacking When we talk about Formjacking we are referring to […]


Do you sell on the Internet? Beware of the dangers of Formjacking that could compromise the personal data you store about your customers and jeopardize the security and reputation of your online store. Learn more about this new cybersecurity threat in this post.

What is Formjacking

When we talk about Formjacking we are referring to a new threat to cybersecurity that specifically targets e-commerce and that compromises the personal and bank details of online store customers, as well as the reputation and computer security systems of millions of SMEs.

What is Formjacking? According to experts, this new cybersecurity threat is based on the skimming method at ATMs. A fraud based on the cloning of credit cards, in order to make purchases and charges on behalf of another person.

Simply put, Formjacking steals personal data that is stored in online store forms and databases and uses it to make unauthorized purchases on behalf of the owners of the cloned cards. In the worst-case scenario, cybercriminals sell this data on the black market to carry out massive fraud.

What is the impact of Formjackin? In recent months, several security notices have been launched to alert you to the dangers of this new form of cybercrime. In this sense, the security company Symantec has recognized that in the last quarter of 2018 it blocked almost 4 million Formjacking attacks worldwide, coinciding with the Christmas campaign and events such as Black Friday.

The incidence of Formjacking and its rise in recent months is directly related to the growth of Internet purchases.

How Formjacking works

To access the bank details of customers of an online store, cybercriminals infect the payment platforms of web sites with malware and, once this happens, they can take control of the personal data that their customers enter.

In this way, Formjacking has similarities to Phishing, although you do not have to create a false website or URL to obtain the personal data of customers. They take advantage of a page vulnerability and, once they have taken control, they access the forms with the data of the buyers without the need to clone or duplicate the web.

Do you think that Formjacking only affects small online stores? Not much less. Large companies such as British Airways or Ticketmaster have been victims of this type of computer attack and have suffered significant economic losses, in addition to a significant loss of online reputation.

In summary, an attack of this nature works in this way:

  • Cybercriminals introduce malicious JavasScript code into online payment forms, the function of which is to steal all the credit card information from buyers.
  • The client of that website enters the purchase data in the infected form.
  • When the buyer formalizes the purchase through the send button, all the information about the purchase reaches the seller, but the attacker also receives a copy of it.
  • Once cybercriminals have customer data, they can make purchases on your behalf or sell databases using forms on the black market ( Dark Web ).

How to protect yourself from Formjacking

What security measures should be implemented to prevent a Formjacking attack in your online store? The answer to this question is to always keep all the security processes of our website updated, as well as putting special interest in payment gateways and forms that record customer data. In this sense, there are specific tools for eCommerce that must always be taken into account.
To this must be added the need to maintain permanent backup copies of our customer databases and have adequate training to prevent actions that may compromise the computer security of our company’s website.
From the clients’ point of view, any online transaction that is carried out must have basic computer security precautions and never enter the data and passwords of our credit card directly.
In the case of Formjacking, it must be taken into account that it is activated through JavaScript, so it is advisable not to authorize its loading when making an online payment, discarding its activation in our browser by default.

In the same way, it is convenient to have all our security filters and patches conveniently updated to, in this way, avoid any type of attack on our device.


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Ethical Hacking – How Can It Benefit Organizations? https://www.techreviewscorner.com/ethical-hacking/ https://www.techreviewscorner.com/ethical-hacking/#respond Mon, 30 Mar 2020 14:54:40 +0000 https://www.techreviewscorner.com/?p=406 Cybercrime is one of the top concerns of businesses, which are exposed to increasing threats and attacks. Organizations must protect their critical data and know-how to manage the cloud, and in certain sectors, critical systems that could be the target of attack and have serious consequences for companies and for society must be protected. The […]

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Cybercrime is one of the top concerns of businesses, which are exposed to increasing threats and attacks. Organizations must protect their critical data and know-how to manage the cloud, and in certain sectors, critical systems that could be the target of attack and have serious consequences for companies and for society must be protected. The big problem with cybercrime is that it is not static, but it evolves very quickly. And this is where ethical hacking appears.

The “photo” of the most frequent cyberattacks last January does not have much to do with the current “photo”, because criminals are looking for new ways to deceive people, bypass security or distribute their malware. To protect the business, its critical data, and systems, it is necessary to have a state-of-the-art security platform, and the appropriately qualified personnel to supervise security. But that is not enough. Companies must stay ahead of cybercriminals, detecting vulnerabilities in advance.

Who is in charge of ethical hacking?

In order to help companies detect their most hidden vulnerabilities and security holes, the figure of the ethical hacker emerges. An ethical hacker is a person with advanced knowledge who is able to enter a network to search for vulnerabilities. When it does, it performs a series of tests to understand how they can be patched and reports to the network administrator. All this, without any intention of committing a crime of any kind.

The ethical hacker performs what is known as penetration tests, or penetration tests, which consist of accessing a network bypassing any existing security measure in order to make a report, so to speak, to companies. There are two options: that the company knows it (and that there is a contract between both parties), or that it does not know it. There are even cases of ethical hackers that enter into particular routers to fix a security flaw and install a patch, such as Alexey.

In the case of people, learning that someone has fixed their router without first knowing it (and not even knowing they had a problem) provokes angry reactions. It is not for less, since, in fact, someone has entered your local network and, at least potentially, has been able to access sensitive information. Although the hacker claims he has done nothing, it is not too comforting.

In the case of companies, the thing can reach higher in legal terms. It is always illegal to enter a system without prior permission, both for individuals and companies, but the latter can take legal action more easily. But many of them are hiring ethical hackers to help them improve security. The advantages seem obvious:

  • Companies anticipate potential new attacks by fixing vulnerabilities in their network.
  • Company professionals can be made aware of the crucial importance of computer security, keeping equipment up-to-date and following all recommendations in that area.
  • In addition, thanks to the ethical hacker it is feasible to improve internal security processes.

Increasingly, ethical hackers are more relevant and, as professionals, have increased demand. In addition, there are dozens of courses and even training academies for professionals who wish to study the subject in depth. Proof of the good future prospects of these professionals we have this week, in which the Cyber ​​Ethical Days, 1st Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking Congress, Congress in which topics such as ethical hacking and techniques and solutions for protecting organizations from cybercriminals.

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