internet security Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Thu, 13 Apr 2023 07:27:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 internet security Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Identity Theft On The Internet – The Keys To Respond Thu, 13 Apr 2023 07:27:13 +0000 Phishing is a type of cyberattack that can get you into serious trouble. Sometimes, people with malicious intent track personal information that they later use to impersonate their victims in front of companies, institutions, or even others around them. On the plus side, this type of cyber threat, like most network risks, can be avoided […]

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Phishing is a type of cyberattack that can get you into serious trouble. Sometimes, people with malicious intent track personal information that they later use to impersonate their victims in front of companies, institutions, or even others around them. On the plus side, this type of cyber threat, like most network risks, can be avoided with a few simple precautions and using the right security tools.
However, it is convenient that you know what to do in the event of identity theft to minimize the damage in the event that this situation was to occur or if you have indications that it has already happened.

What Is Identity Theft?

It is a malicious activity that seeks to impersonate another person. There are different reasons: to commit fraud, obtain data, practice cyberbullying, or obtain financial benefits through blackmail. Do not think that only famous people or politicians suffer from it, since to avoid being a victim of this type of threat, it is best not to let your guard down and always maintain certain precautions.
Keep in mind that spoofing can be done relatively quickly. For example, by creating a fake profile on a social network and acting like you are the person you say you are. This threatens anyone’s security and reputation since the account impersonating the identity could issue, for example, a defamatory statement that affects the prestige of the affected person or the distrust of those they know.
Furthermore, the usurpation can be carried out through account theft. The most straightforward technique is a brute force attack, which aims to discover the password by trying thousands of combinations until the correct one is found. If it is weak, the attacker can succeed and guess the password. Once you have gained account control, you can change the password and recovery methods. Any data or information contained in the account would be available to you.

How To Detect Account Hijacking?

There are different ways to detect that an account hijacking has occurred. Some are indirect, meaning the offender has done something involving you. For example, you could receive a call from a collection agency demanding the payment of a debt in your name or see the granting of a mortgage or loan rejected.
You may receive a confirmation email for renting an apartment or that you have made a particular purchase in a store you have never visited. Money will also likely disappear from your bank account if the criminal has taken it. And on social networks, you could see posts on your profiles that you have not made, such as a photo of people you do not know or data from your private life.
Another way to detect impersonation is by trying to access your account. If you have tried different methods and cannot enter, you may face a robbery. Before considering this situation, you must have exhausted all the alternatives. Consider this the last possible scenario since you will likely have forgotten the password.
You could also appear registered on numerous Internet platforms or, directly not have access to those you already had previously. For example, you try logging into your account from a website to view streaming content or an online store, and you can’t. You exhaust all password recovery options and still get no results. In this context, you are likely to face identity theft.

Steps To Follow In Case of Identity Theft

If you suffer from it, you cannot sit idly by but keep calm because this situation has a solution. Also, remember that both the platform where the usurpation took place and the State Security Forces and Corps will be willing to help you. We recommend following these steps to facilitate quick and effective action:

Document what is happening

It would help if you documented what is happening before you report phishing. Try to review and exhaust all the options offered by the platforms to recover your account. You must come with unequivocal proof of your situation. Get copies of possible emails, messages and screenshots of criminal acts.

In case you are unsuccessful in the recovery and have collected enough evidence, it is time to report. Get in touch with the platforms. For example, you will find links to all the available social networks on the Internet User Safety Office website. These direct you to the pages dedicated to reporting impersonation so that you will always have their support. 

Alert your friends and family.

You must notify your contacts of what is happening. Not only will they witness what happened, but you will also alert them that you do not control your accounts. In this way, you avoid misunderstandings with those you appreciate, an additional problem that can lead to identity theft. In addition, they can help you maintain control over your profile by alerting other people.

Go to authority

If you know you are being the victim of a case of identity theft, do not hesitate to go to the authorities. The Police or the Civil Guard has units specialized in cybercrime. They are instrumental in severe cases where it has not been possible to recover your profiles in other ways or if crimes are committed using your name.

Remember that platforms like Facebook or Twitter allow you to report a possible usurpation. They will study your situation and act accordingly while the authorities investigate what happened and look for the people responsible. Usually, you will recover your accounts in a short time.

Guidelines To Prevent Identity Theft

Prevention is the key to protecting yourself from identity theft. Luckily, there are different guidelines that you can follow to save yourself from this severe problem. In addition, many are easy to apply but unquestionably effective.

Do not show your passwords in public.

Showing your passwords publicly is a grave mistake. Anyone who wants to hurt you will have a golden opportunity. They won’t have to go to any lengths to impersonate you, as they know how to access your profile. This is a situation that you can easily avoid by being careful. Also, if someone asks for your credentials, wait to provide them.

No platform will ask you to give them your password, which they usually inform. So, in the face of this type of request, the best option is to remain cautious and not give any information. Remember that prevention is the key to browsing safely. Just as you wouldn’t give a stranger your home address, don’t give out your account passwords either.

Do not enter secure pages.

Secure pages have different certificates that demonstrate the measures they take. One of them is the HTTPS protocol ( hypertext transfer protocol secure ), which protects the integrity and confidentiality of your data. If you enter a website that does not have it, avoid registering with them.

To check if it uses HTTPS, click on its address. It should start like this: https://. If it is not present, you are on an insecure page, potentially dangerous for you. The owner may not have activated this protocol, but try to prevent the consequences before dealing with them.

Avoid strange links

If a link takes you to a web page with misspellings, bad presentation, or that does not have the HTTPS protocol, you may be in a false one. Suspicious links can reach you through social networks, email, SMS or WhatsApp messages. If you do not know its origin or the sender must be correctly identified, do not enter them.

Use two-step authentication systems.

Your security always starts with having a strong password with a robust code (a combination of uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols). However, a two-step authentication system is a perfect complement to deter any criminal from accessing your accounts. Creating several protection barriers gives you greater security and peace of mind.

An example of this authentication system is the one used by banks and some web pages. The first part is a password, which you must provide, and the second consists of a code sent to your mobile phone by SMS message. This makes it difficult to remove an account since your device is needed to verify access. You can also verify your identity by email, a security question (to which only you know the answer) and biometrics (facial recognition, fingerprint, etc.), among others. In short, try to act proactively to avoid impersonating Internet identity. These situations can get complicated and lead you to lose your accounts on the network. Always resort to the platforms to find a solution and report to the Police or the Civil Guard to avoid greater evils.

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How To Secure Your Computer Network Sun, 12 Mar 2023 16:03:19 +0000 The modern world is technology driven, and computer networks underpin many aspects of everyday life. Computer network security is now a significant issue for businesses and individuals because it protects their data and systems against potential threats. Securing computer networks involves implementing measures to prevent, detect, and manage cybersecurity incidents. These measures may include controls […]

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The modern world is technology driven, and computer networks underpin many aspects of everyday life. Computer network security is now a significant issue for businesses and individuals because it protects their data and systems against potential threats.

Securing computer networks involves implementing measures to prevent, detect, and manage cybersecurity incidents. These measures may include controls for who has access to the network, complex and robust password management solutions, and encryption of sensitive data to protect its confidentiality.

Computer network security is an important issue that requires constant attention to ensure data protection, service availability and information integrity.

Securing computer networks is a crucial area of ​​our daily lives.

It is essential to understand the basic principles of computer security to ensure the safety and integrity of the network. The main principles for good computer network security include firewalls, data filtering, data encryption, application of critical updates and protection against malware.

The fundamentals of computer network security aim to protect the network from unauthorized access attempts, malware, and any other potential threats. These principles include identifying and authenticating users, encrypting data, implementing data access control policies, and implementing network monitoring tools. Securing the network requires constant attention to ensure all necessary steps are taken to keep the system operating optimally.

Each of these principles can be implemented by different means, but together they help to ensure that your network is protected against attacks and other threats encountered on the Internet.

Choose The Right Software To Secure Your Network.

Securing a computer network is a task that requires sustained attention from the user.

To succeed, choosing software that offers the best features and tools to protect your network is essential. The software available in the market varies widely in terms of efficiency and features.

Some may offer advanced protection against hackers and malicious clients, while others may focus on more straightforward tasks such as email filtering and virus protection.

It is essential to take the time to compare several softwares to choose the one that will provide the best level of security for your network.

Implement Appropriate Security Measures.

The primary purpose of securing a computer network is to ensure data confidentiality, integrity and availability.

To do this, it is necessary to implement adequate security measures using appropriate hardware and software.

Standard measures include the use of a firewall to control access to networks and services, encryption of data to protect their sensitive content, and control of user access through a robust authentication system.

Other technologies can be implemented to strengthen further IT systems, such as antivirus or anti-spam solutions and configuration management tools.

Finally, it is essential to ensure that the software installed on the network is kept up to date to limit the potential attack surface.

Use Strong And Secure Passwords.

Securing a computer network requires the use of solid and secure passwords. Indeed, these passwords must be strong enough not to be easily guessed or hacked.

It is, therefore, important that users create passwords that are not too simple and that they change their passwords regularly.

Using phrases or expressions instead of a single word is also advisable, as this makes the password harder to guess.

In addition, each user must have a password to avoid any possibility of unauthorized access from an outside source.

When the appropriate security measures are taken, the risk of hacking is significantly reduced, and the computer system remains protected against external threats.

Keep The Security System Up To Date.

It is essential to keep the security system up to date to ensure the security of computer networks.

Regularly updating software and systems can help prevent computer attacks and malicious intrusions.

Updates can also ensure that security settings remain consistent and effective, allowing network administrators to monitor threats in real-time actively.

Updates may also allow users to access additional features provided by the security system, such as identity theft protection and strong authentication.

Therefore, it is good practice to carry out proactive maintenance of the system to ensure an optimal level of security for computer networks.

This process includes implementing technical, organizational and physical measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer systems.

Securing computer networks includes a variety of techniques that can be employed to detect, prevent and respond to threats. These techniques include access control, data encryption, IP address filtering, and real-time monitoring. Effectively securing a computer network is essential to protect sensitive data and present a barrier to illicit use of the network infrastructure.

Computer Network Security Best Practices

Computer networks are increasingly critical for businesses, and adequate security measures must be implemented to ensure their protection.

Best practices for securing computer networks include data encryption, firewalls, and antimalware tools.

Using strong and unique passwords is also essential to protect access to sensitive points in the network. Training employees in the proper use of IT can also help prevent potential attacks, monitor network traffic, and rigorously enforce security policies. Finally, it is essential to constantly perform security tests and audits on the network to ensure it is well protected.

Secure Your Computer Network In 3 Simple Steps.

The first thing to do is to choose strong passwords for your administrator accounts and other users. You should also install a firewall and antivirus/antimalware solution to block unauthorized access attempts. Regularly updating the operating system software and any third-party software used on the network is essential.

It is good practice to regularly back up data to ensure that it is always available in the event of a computer attack. Finally, it is advisable to perform security tests on the network occasionally to ensure that no threat is present.

The following steps can be taken to ensure the security of your network:

  • Install antivirus and antimalware software on all computers connected to your network. Make sure they are constantly updated to provide optimal protection against online threats.
  • Configure a firewall on your network’s router or server to monitor incoming and outgoing traffic and block any suspicious traffic. Also, use strong encryption and authentication technologies to ensure the confidentiality of data transmitted over the network.
  • Create separate user accounts with different access levels for each user to limit access to sensitive data to only authorized users.

Essential Tools And Strategies For Optimal Network Security

Essential IT network security tools and strategies are essential for protecting sensitive data and IT assets. The first step is to assess the risk and the level of security your business needs. Once the security strategy has been decided, you can use tools and technologies to protect your network.

Standard tools include firewalls, antivirus/antimalware solutions, threat monitoring systems, and robust authentication solutions.

Appropriate procedures and policies must also be in place to ensure that your network is appropriately administered and monitored. Finally, an adequate backup system must be in place to ensure that your data will not be lost or altered if a threat occurs.

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Ten Simple Tips To Improve IT Security In The Company Sat, 12 Feb 2022 06:04:24 +0000 IT security is often underestimated in companies, although it can often be significantly and cheaply improved significantly. Arguments like “know who I’d be interested in” or “I don’t have time for” are just excuses. The risk of attacks and troubleshooting costs are higher than you think. After a pair of articles on mobile security – […]

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IT security is often underestimated in companies, although it can often be significantly and cheaply improved significantly. Arguments like “know who I’d be interested in” or “I don’t have time for” are just excuses. The risk of attacks and troubleshooting costs are higher than you think.

After a pair of articles on mobile security – Protecting corporate data on mobile devices and How to protect data on a lost or stolen mobile device, we bring you a summary of security tips. See how easily you can protect your business in the virtual world.

Back Up Everything Regularly

We all know how important backup is. But how many people are backing up? Hand on heart. Where do you have an accounting deposit? Customer database? Company photos or videos, or other important documents?

You can use Dropbox, Google Disk or OneDrive for backup. Thanks to your cloud, if you do not trust foreign cloud solutions, you can use domestic providers or have data only with you. In the worst case, make regular backups to an external drive manually. It’s not convenient, and you can’t do it too often, but at least some backup is better than none.

Encrypt The Corporate WIFI And Separate The Internal Network From The One Used By The Visitors

Always password protects your corporate WIFI. Use a strong encryption algorithm (WPA2-PSK (AES)) and a strong password. If the router has default WIFI, check its settings and change the password. Change your password regularly, at least once every six months.

INFO: Many WIFI routers allow you to set up the so-called Guest zone – customer zone. This is a separate WIFI network that visitors to your company can use. From this WIFI, guests cannot connect to your printer or computer, and at the same time, you significantly reduce the risk of stealing company data.

Do Not Use Public WIFI

The security risk of unencrypted and public wireless networks is high. Anyone with password knowledge can connect to the network and try various attacks. Never send personal information, login details or bank card details via such WIFI networks.

TIP: If you already need to use the public network – in a cafe, airport or hotel, connect using a VPN – a virtual private network. This is a solution where your device will appear as part of another network. The main advantages are anonymity and security, and your communication will be encrypted and secure. For example, the creator of the Opera browser offers a simple and free solution. Download the Opera VPN app for Android or iOS. All you have to do is install the application, turn on VPN in your browser, and you can safely browse the Internet with Opera.

Protect Your Emails

There are two ways to read and write emails through a web interface – typically Gmail or a Microsoft Outlook email client. With the web interface, you don’t have the option to set up a connection, and you’re almost certainly logging in with an encrypted connection. You have already set connection parameters for the email client, and you can connect to the email server both encrypted and unencrypted. Your emails can be read with an unencrypted connection. Therefore, check how you are connected.

TIP: Verify the connection settings in Microsoft Outlook using the settings File – Account settings (select Account settings) – select the email account you want to verify – Change – Additional settings, Advanced tab. If you see the SSL connection type, you are connecting encrypted.

Use Strong And Unique Passwords

This rule has been with us since the beginning of computer systems. Basic principles for creating a strong password:

  • Do not use well-known words – admin, password, admin.
  • Use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters such as.,?! * /.
  • The minimum password length should be eight characters.
  • Change your passwords regularly.
  • Each password should be unique.

Password Access The Device

There is one main rule in the world of security. The system is only as secure as its weakest point. Therefore, you need to set a password on your devices. Of course, please do not write this password on the piece of paper next to the computer and change it regularly.

Use a Security Certificate (Green Lock) On The Company Website.

Certificates are currently free and dramatically increase security. All data that is sent or received will be encrypted using this certificate. Because Google takes security very seriously, it rewards sites that use the encrypted HTTPS protocol in the URL with better search rankings. In early 2017, Chrome will mark non-HTTPS sites as unsafe

Do Not Use Foreign USB

Abroad, it is popular to leave thrown USB keys near companies. These USBs contain viruses and infect the entire corporate network when inserted into a computer. It is important that you use an updated antivirus program and not unnecessarily insert third-party devices into computers.

Do Not Open Suspicious Emails

A very simple way to infect your device is to send an email with a virus in an attachment. Therefore, do not open attachments from unknown senders and use an updated antivirus program.

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Why A Zero Trust Security Platform Is The Best Way To Protect Your Data Wed, 03 Nov 2021 16:49:30 +0000 In recent years, there has been a move to allow employees to use unmanaged devices to connect to business applications over the Internet. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated moves in this direction. When people connect any device they want to an organization’s network, Zero Trust architecture becomes a must. Unfortunately, there has been substantial confusion about […]

The post Why A Zero Trust Security Platform Is The Best Way To Protect Your Data appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

In recent years, there has been a move to allow employees to use unmanaged devices to connect to business applications over the Internet. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated moves in this direction.

When people connect any device they want to an organization’s network, Zero Trust architecture becomes a must. Unfortunately, there has been substantial confusion about what Zero Trust means.

What Is Zero Trust Security?

Zero Trust security eliminates the idea of trust from an organization’s network architecture. It prevents successful data breaches because all devices, identities, and users must prove who they are before they are given access to data. When answering the question, what is zero trust security, it is good to think about the motto, “Never trust, always verify.”

Zscaler describes Zero Trust as the framework that allows specific capabilities to secure an organization in the modern, cloud-based world. At the heart of Zero Trust is the concept of least privileged access. This assumes that no user’s application should ever be inherently trusted.

The Zero Trust concept begins with the idea that everything is hostile and should be treated as such. Only when a user, application, or system establishes trust will access be granted. Trust is determined using the user’s identity and contextual information.

For example, a user may verify their identity. However, a Zero Trust system will also evaluate the user’s location based on their IP address. Suppose a user typically attempts to access a system from Minneapolis, Minnesota, and now they are trying to access it from Tegucigalpa, Honduras. In that case, their access request is out of the context of what is considered the norm and should raise red flags.

Another example of context is a user who verifies they are attempting to access information from a known IP address but is trying to access information at a time outside of the norm. For example, trying to access information during non-working hours would raise red flags. These policies serve as gatekeepers and protect an organization’s network every step of the way.

Why Is a Zero Trust Security Platform the Best Way to Protect Your Data?

The idea of assuming that everything is hostile seems like the intuitive thing to do. However, since the 1990s, corporations have approached security and identity management from the standpoint of creating a perimeter that uses endpoint-based controls. If IP addresses, protocols, and ports were approved, they were trusted to communicate inside the network.

This is dangerous, especially if workers are bringing in their own devices. Zero Trust approaches all traffic, be it inside the perimeter or outside the perimeter, as hostile. If workloads do not have the correct fingerprint or identity, they are hostile, blocked from communicating, and treated like a danger.

The environment agnostic approach to security allows applications and services to be secure even if communication occurs across network environments. There is no need for architectural changes or policy updates.

Keep Your Organization Safe

The most significant benefit of Zero Trust is that it keeps your organization safe. It securely connects users and devices to applications, allowing businesses to enact policies that work over all networks.

Also Read: How Can We Make Identities More Secure On The Network?

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