networking Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Sun, 12 Mar 2023 16:03:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 networking Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 How To Secure Your Computer Network Sun, 12 Mar 2023 16:03:19 +0000 The modern world is technology driven, and computer networks underpin many aspects of everyday life. Computer network security is now a significant issue for businesses and individuals because it protects their data and systems against potential threats. Securing computer networks involves implementing measures to prevent, detect, and manage cybersecurity incidents. These measures may include controls […]

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The modern world is technology driven, and computer networks underpin many aspects of everyday life. Computer network security is now a significant issue for businesses and individuals because it protects their data and systems against potential threats.

Securing computer networks involves implementing measures to prevent, detect, and manage cybersecurity incidents. These measures may include controls for who has access to the network, complex and robust password management solutions, and encryption of sensitive data to protect its confidentiality.

Computer network security is an important issue that requires constant attention to ensure data protection, service availability and information integrity.

Securing computer networks is a crucial area of ​​our daily lives.

It is essential to understand the basic principles of computer security to ensure the safety and integrity of the network. The main principles for good computer network security include firewalls, data filtering, data encryption, application of critical updates and protection against malware.

The fundamentals of computer network security aim to protect the network from unauthorized access attempts, malware, and any other potential threats. These principles include identifying and authenticating users, encrypting data, implementing data access control policies, and implementing network monitoring tools. Securing the network requires constant attention to ensure all necessary steps are taken to keep the system operating optimally.

Each of these principles can be implemented by different means, but together they help to ensure that your network is protected against attacks and other threats encountered on the Internet.

Choose The Right Software To Secure Your Network.

Securing a computer network is a task that requires sustained attention from the user.

To succeed, choosing software that offers the best features and tools to protect your network is essential. The software available in the market varies widely in terms of efficiency and features.

Some may offer advanced protection against hackers and malicious clients, while others may focus on more straightforward tasks such as email filtering and virus protection.

It is essential to take the time to compare several softwares to choose the one that will provide the best level of security for your network.

Implement Appropriate Security Measures.

The primary purpose of securing a computer network is to ensure data confidentiality, integrity and availability.

To do this, it is necessary to implement adequate security measures using appropriate hardware and software.

Standard measures include the use of a firewall to control access to networks and services, encryption of data to protect their sensitive content, and control of user access through a robust authentication system.

Other technologies can be implemented to strengthen further IT systems, such as antivirus or anti-spam solutions and configuration management tools.

Finally, it is essential to ensure that the software installed on the network is kept up to date to limit the potential attack surface.

Use Strong And Secure Passwords.

Securing a computer network requires the use of solid and secure passwords. Indeed, these passwords must be strong enough not to be easily guessed or hacked.

It is, therefore, important that users create passwords that are not too simple and that they change their passwords regularly.

Using phrases or expressions instead of a single word is also advisable, as this makes the password harder to guess.

In addition, each user must have a password to avoid any possibility of unauthorized access from an outside source.

When the appropriate security measures are taken, the risk of hacking is significantly reduced, and the computer system remains protected against external threats.

Keep The Security System Up To Date.

It is essential to keep the security system up to date to ensure the security of computer networks.

Regularly updating software and systems can help prevent computer attacks and malicious intrusions.

Updates can also ensure that security settings remain consistent and effective, allowing network administrators to monitor threats in real-time actively.

Updates may also allow users to access additional features provided by the security system, such as identity theft protection and strong authentication.

Therefore, it is good practice to carry out proactive maintenance of the system to ensure an optimal level of security for computer networks.

This process includes implementing technical, organizational and physical measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer systems.

Securing computer networks includes a variety of techniques that can be employed to detect, prevent and respond to threats. These techniques include access control, data encryption, IP address filtering, and real-time monitoring. Effectively securing a computer network is essential to protect sensitive data and present a barrier to illicit use of the network infrastructure.

Computer Network Security Best Practices

Computer networks are increasingly critical for businesses, and adequate security measures must be implemented to ensure their protection.

Best practices for securing computer networks include data encryption, firewalls, and antimalware tools.

Using strong and unique passwords is also essential to protect access to sensitive points in the network. Training employees in the proper use of IT can also help prevent potential attacks, monitor network traffic, and rigorously enforce security policies. Finally, it is essential to constantly perform security tests and audits on the network to ensure it is well protected.

Secure Your Computer Network In 3 Simple Steps.

The first thing to do is to choose strong passwords for your administrator accounts and other users. You should also install a firewall and antivirus/antimalware solution to block unauthorized access attempts. Regularly updating the operating system software and any third-party software used on the network is essential.

It is good practice to regularly back up data to ensure that it is always available in the event of a computer attack. Finally, it is advisable to perform security tests on the network occasionally to ensure that no threat is present.

The following steps can be taken to ensure the security of your network:

  • Install antivirus and antimalware software on all computers connected to your network. Make sure they are constantly updated to provide optimal protection against online threats.
  • Configure a firewall on your network’s router or server to monitor incoming and outgoing traffic and block any suspicious traffic. Also, use strong encryption and authentication technologies to ensure the confidentiality of data transmitted over the network.
  • Create separate user accounts with different access levels for each user to limit access to sensitive data to only authorized users.

Essential Tools And Strategies For Optimal Network Security

Essential IT network security tools and strategies are essential for protecting sensitive data and IT assets. The first step is to assess the risk and the level of security your business needs. Once the security strategy has been decided, you can use tools and technologies to protect your network.

Standard tools include firewalls, antivirus/antimalware solutions, threat monitoring systems, and robust authentication solutions.

Appropriate procedures and policies must also be in place to ensure that your network is appropriately administered and monitored. Finally, an adequate backup system must be in place to ensure that your data will not be lost or altered if a threat occurs.

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Reducing The Complexity Of 5G Networks Tue, 05 Jul 2022 07:30:45 +0000 After a slow start, the implementation processes of AI-in-5G platforms are picking up speed. The company aims to provide customers and partners with new applications and services as quickly as possible so that the introduction of AI in companies can succeed in 2022. Why private 5G networks have only been rolled out slowly so far […]

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After a slow start, the implementation processes of AI-in-5G platforms are picking up speed. The company aims to provide customers and partners with new applications and services as quickly as possible so that the introduction of AI in companies can succeed in 2022.

  • Why private 5G networks have only been rolled out slowly so far
  • Why AI is about to break through in 5G platforms
  • Which factors are now accelerating the AI-on-5G expansion
  • Which application scenarios are conceivable for AI/5G-based platforms

In 2019, the reasons for adopting 5G technology in enterprises seemed promising: high-speed connections connecting hundreds of end devices with better latency and a higher security standard compared to 4G LTE. Added to this was the prospect of additional revenue from new applications and services. With a view to 2022, network operators are now realizing in retrospect that the implementation was and is anything but easy.

Aside from pandemic-related restrictions and the associated remote working, enterprises have been slow to roll out private 5G networks due to the high cost and complexity of implementation. Compared to setting up a WLAN, where IT pros are well-versed in setting up the networks on company premises and warehouses, configuring and optimizing cellular networks takes much more work. The setup process has traditionally relied on a few companies and purpose-built devices.

Another reason why the introduction of the 5G standard in companies has been slow so far is that financial resources are reluctant to be made available, especially in the initial phase of a technology, even if it can be used to develop new applications and services that promise higher returns.

Accelerating Factors For AI On 5G

The good news is that network equipment manufacturers, software, and cloud service providers are now paying more attention. AI-on-5G (AI in 5G platforms) is poised for a significant breakthrough this year. One of the reasons for this is that companies have already received attractive offers for software-defined solutions that drastically reduce their costs and hybrid cloud-on-premises installations or innovative pay-as-you-go models.

This is confirmed by a PWC survey of global companies in 2021: Around 52 percent of companies have pushed ahead with their plans to implement AI due to the pandemic. Eighty-six percent indicated that AI would become the new mainstream technology in their company in the coming years.

Three essential factors, in particular, accelerate the deployment of AI-on-5G:

Flexible, More Efficient Equipment

AI-on-5G creates a software-defined ecosystem that can use off-the-shelf servers that do not require telecom-specific, bespoke hardware. These servers are a good fit because they are compatible with existing IT management and orchestration tools, and in addition, they can be used for other IT applications. The combination of AI and 5G technologies on standard hardware and software orchestration stacks will play a crucial role in developing numerous new applications and pave the way for further new business prospects for consumers and companies.

Inexpensive and efficient AI-on-5G platforms help companies address many of today’s challenges. With their flexibility and accessibility, they contribute to a democratization of the market, similar to the early days of PCs or Wi-Fi.

The companies can determine the configuration of the servers themselves. For example, they can add industrial automation software, intelligent video analytics, voice technology, face recognition, and a software-defined 3GPP-compliant 5G vRAN VNF.

Hybrid Deployment

Models Another critical factor is that the 5G network workload and AI/ML applications will be hosted on an on-premises server, in the cloud, or in a hybrid cloud solution. Additionally, organizations can maintain application and data sovereignty or neutrality by using corporate-owned devices, telco cloud, or hyperscale cloud services.

To ensure this level of flexibility, the 5G software-defined stack is ideally run as a container, allowing it to be treated like a native cloud application. So the 5G stack doesn’t need bespoke hardware or custom silicon-based accelerators.

Convergence of AI And OT Solutions Emerging

Edge AI applications are driving the growth of intelligent spaces, including smart factories. These factories use cameras and other sensors to inspect and predictively maintain machines. However, discovering a non-perfect operating condition is only the first step; after detecting the error, appropriate action must be taken to fix it. The process requires, on the one hand, a connection between the AI ​​and software-defined 5G applications running on the IT equipment and, on the other hand, the monitoring and control of the machines, which traditionally run on separate OT systems that comprise the assembly lines, robotic arms or managed placement machines.

The integration of IT and OT systems is crucial to implementing the concept of factory automation over a 5G network and realizing the benefits of 5G. This year is expected to see greater integration of AI and traditional OT management solutions that will simplify the adoption of edge AI in industrial environments.

The Promise Becomes a Reality.

The promise that 5G will unlock new possibilities for edge computing is more tangible today than ever. Key benefits of 5G include network slicing, which allows dedicated bandwidth to specific applications, ultra-low latency in non-wired environments, increased security, better isolation, and increased mobility and range.

AI-on-5G will unlock new AI use cases. These include Industry 4.0 applications such as plant automation, intelligent robots, in-line monitoring and inspection, automotive systems such as toll roads and vehicle telemetry systems, and intelligent spaces in retail, cities, and the supply chain. The ease of deployment and management of these software-defined systems is a crucial requirement for their adoption.

Also Read: The Fifth-Generation Technology – 5G Expands In The World

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What Will The Arrival of 6G Networks Bring in 2030? Fri, 06 May 2022 08:13:27 +0000 The world of telephony has changed dramatically in just a few decades. We have gone from being tied to a landline phone to calling from anywhere. Wireless technology also came with the Internet connection, video calls and social networks. Currently, many sites are still waiting for the full implementation of 5G networks. However, the unstoppable […]

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The world of telephony has changed dramatically in just a few decades. We have gone from being tied to a landline phone to calling from anywhere. Wireless technology also came with the Internet connection, video calls and social networks. Currently, many sites are still waiting for the full implementation of 5G networks. However, the unstoppable progress in fields such as telephony allows us to look to the future and discover the possibilities of the next generation. Today we are talking about 6G connectivity.

What Is 6G?

Different generations of mobile connectivity have historically existed in wireless technology and telephony. When we talk about 6G, we refer to the sixth generation of technologies related to mobile connections. As has been frequent in the succession of the different ages, the next one will be faster and more efficient.

In short, 6G is nothing more than the evolution of the current 5G. Let’s not forget that the latter was a giant step forward concerning 4G connectivity. But how exactly are 5G and its successor different? In the next section, we answer that question.

What Is The Difference Between 6G and The Current 5G?

The main difference between both technologies is the improvement in aspects such as latency, data transmission speed and the supposed applications that they may have. Currently, demonstrations have been made on how 5G connectivity helps in fields as necessary as medicine. Thanks to high-speed networks, it is expected that even surgical operations can be carried out remotely.

But not everything is speed. 6G would also bring some new technologies to the field of telephony. For example, some specialists suggest that it will be able to use terahertz frequencies, and some companies have already managed to send data with this technology. Another possible difference is that 6G networks could decentralize connectivity, and it would go far beyond the wired network, allowing multiple devices to act as antennas. Therefore, the dependence on the operators would be reduced.

What Advantages Will 6G Connectivity Bring?

Many of the differences between 6G networks compared to 5G will translate into advantages for users. But they will also collaborate to improve communications in different professional and educational fields. Let’s look at the full potential that 6G networks will have shortly.

Latency Reduction

The advances that some countries are achieving, such as South Korea, propose a wireless technology with minimal latency. According to what they suggest from the Asian country, the first facilities prepared for 6G will be able to reduce this variable to a tenth, always taking 5G as a reference. In this way, the latency of 6G would become 0.1 milliseconds. What does that mean? Plain and simple that the connections between two points will be made almost in real-time.

Increase Download Speed

Another noticeable improvement of 6G networks is that the download and transmission speed, in general, will increase considerably. Samsung declared last year that with the new technologies implemented in telephony, peaks of up to 1000 Gbps could be reached. The consequences of having such a transmission rate are apparent. It will be possible to consume content faster and of higher quality and in formats that today are a utopia.

Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality-Powered

6G networks will also substantially impact fields such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality. In both, it is necessary to have a fast and reliable connection. And that is precisely what the next generation of connectivity promises. The proposals of certain companies go through promoting the use of holograms in high definition. As expected, this will have diverse applications in the real world.

What Interest Does 6G Mobile Technology Have Right Now?

Currently, the list of countries working to develop the new generation of mobile networks is long. For example, China has launched an experimental satellite capable of transmitting in 6G. Some of the proposed uses are monitoring crops, forest fires, or obtaining high-value environmental data. This country is one of the most substantial bets on 6G technology, having to its credit more than 35% of the patents related to the new generation of connectivity.

The United States is another country actively participating in the 6G race. In this case, the investments are being made by private companies. For example, the alliance between AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile, which are leading an initiative called the Next G Alliance . With it, they intend to organize and promote 6G research in North America. This alliance already started a program in 2020 to coordinate working groups to develop 6G technology. For comparison, 18% of all 6G patents are found in the United States.

When Will 6G Arrive?

Up to this point, we have already told you everything we know about the 6G networks. Now you know some of the advantages that, in theory, they will bring to society. We also highlight the progress they will represent if we compare them with the current connections through 5G. But you are probably wondering when 6G networks will arrive. Although many countries have spent years investigating how to deploy this new technology, the truth is that its implementation still has to wait. Forecasts vary depending on who makes them, but the future of telephony through 6G connectivity will likely be a reality around 2030. Time will tell.

Also Read: The Fifth-Generation Technology – 5G Expands In The World

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Network Penetration Testing And Everything Relevant About It Sun, 20 Feb 2022 10:48:12 +0000 Network penetration testing is the process of attempting to penetrate a computer network or system from the outside, often using automated tools. It is different from regular penetration testing because it specifically targets networks and systems rather than individual devices. Network penetration testing can be an important part of your security plan, as it can […]

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Network penetration testing is the process of attempting to penetrate a computer network or system from the outside, often using automated tools. It is different from regular penetration testing because it specifically targets networks and systems rather than individual devices. Network penetration testing can be an important part of your security plan, as it can help you identify vulnerabilities before someone else does.

In this post, we will discuss the basics of network penetration testing and everything you need to know about it.

How Is Network Penetration Testing Different From Regular Penetration Testing?

Network penetration testing is different from regular penetration testing because it specifically targets networks and systems rather than individual devices while trying to gain access to the computer network system. 

In general terms, there are two types of tests: black box (blind) and white-hat hacker’s attacks which are very similar in concept but differ greatly in execution due to differences between them such as black box testers have no access whatsoever to your environment while white hats will typically be given credentials for some level of access – typically only administrator privileges on servers that they need to test against. The goal of every pentest team should always be finding vulnerabilities before someone else does!

Why Is Network Penetration Testing Important?

Network penetration testing is an important part of your security plan because it can help in the identification of loopholes or vulnerabilities before any potential data breach. By doing so, you can help protect your organization from any potential attacks from hackers. Additionally, network penetration testing can also help you assess your risk posture and understand the potential impact of a cyberattack.

What Are The Common Types Of Network Penetration Tests?

There are several different types of network penetration tests available: internal audits, external assessments, and web application security scanning (WAS). Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, Internal Audits provide a complete picture but only focus on your organization; External Assessments are more comprehensive than Internal Audits because they look at other companies too! WAS Scans give an overview of what might be happening with third-party code that could potentially expose sensitive information about customers or employees – which means there’s no way for you to know beforehand exactly where all the risks lie without running these tests.

What Are The Basic Features Of Network Penetration Testing?

There are several basic features that are included in most network penetration tests:

  • Identification of systems and services on the network
  • Enumeration of users and groups
  • Identification of open ports and services
  • Scanning for vulnerable applications
  • Exploitation of known vulnerabilities
  • Report writing
  • Recommendations on how to fix the problems found during testing.

Steps For Network Penetration Testing

  • Step 1 –

The first step is to identify all assets (including computers and networks) that could be compromised if an attacker were wanting to gain access.

  • Step 2 –

Next, enumerate users on the system with their roles so they can be properly assessed during testing. This may include administrators or other high-level personnel who might have more privileges than others such as being able to create new accounts for themselves without needing approval from anyone else! It also includes regular employees who may not know much about security but could still pose a risk because of their access level within your organization’s network – for example by having administrative rights over servers which would enable them to install malware onto these machines remotely from home or elsewhere outside of work hours when there aren’t any employees around anymore.

  • Step 3 –

Once all assets have been identified and their roles enumerated, you should then create a list of vulnerabilities that could exist for each asset type (e.g., servers, etc). This includes software packages such as Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat Reader which may not be up-to-date with security patches from the manufacturer – making it easier for hackers to exploit known flaws within these applications in order to gain access over time if left unchecked!

  • Step 4 – 

Finally, run an external assessment on your organization’s network to identify potential security threats outside its boundaries; this will allow you to get more detailed information about what kinds of things are happening externally without having access inside where they might be occurring internally too (e.g., servers, etc). You may also want to consider running an internal audit if possible since this will give you a clearer picture of what potential risks exist within your organization’s network boundaries as well!

  • Step 5 –

The last step is to run some basic penetration tests or a software penetration test on any systems or networks identified by the external assessment that could pose a risk for your company – such as servers hosting sensitive information like credit card numbers (e.g., web applications), databases containing customer data  (e.g., databases), etc.) If you don’t have access inside these systems/networks then consider doing some basic testing externally instead – this will allow us to identify potential vulnerabilities without needing any credentials from within them first!

  • Step 6 –

It is also recommended that after completing all of these steps, an internal audit be performed on your organization’s network to ensure there are no other security threats lurking undetected – such as outdated software packages or misconfigured firewalls which could leave it open for easy exploitation by hackers looking at exploiting known flaws within those applications in order gain access over time if left unchecked! This type of test may involve running multiple scans against different assets across your company; however, they should only ever be performed by authorized individuals who have been properly trained in how to use these tools and understand the potential risks involved!

Tools For Network Penetration Testing

  • Astra’s Pentest: Astra’s Pentest is another scanning tool with a focus on web applications and IT networks; it has features like vulnerability detection and reporting that make for an easy-to-use interface when dealing with large amounts of data. The company and its pentesting services also provide more test cases for applications while doling out a very comprehensive, detailed vulnerability report. The tools also provide an enhanced vulnerability section so that the issue can be sorted based on the security requirements of each organization.
  • Nmap: Nmap is a tool for network mapping and port scanning that can be used to discover hosts on networks as well as what services they offer. It also has a scripting language that allows users to create their own scripts so they do not have repetitive tasks manually done every time they run nmap – this makes it easier than ever before!
  • Metasploit Framework: Metasploit is an open-source framework written in Ruby (which means anyone can contribute code) that helps you with penetration testing by providing tools like exploit development kits or payload generators which will make developing exploits much faster, simpler, and more reliable; the goal of metasploitable being “to provide information security professionals with a platform where they can learn about different types of attacks and how to defend against them” (Metasploit’s).
  • Wireshark: Wireshark is a packet analyzer which means it allows users to see what data packets are being sent between computers on the network as well any other information about those packets such as source address destination port number etc. It also has filters so you can filter out certain types of sources from showing up in your results if need be! The tool does not require installation since all necessary files come packaged with the program itself, making this portable for use at home too!
  • Nessus: Nessus is an automated vulnerability scanner that looks for known issues within systems by running through lists of known vulnerabilities and trying to exploit them. It also provides detailed reports on the findings which can help organizations remediate any issues that are discovered – making this a great tool for improving security posture over time!
  • Netsparker: Netsparker is another scanner that focuses more specifically on web applications than Nessus does but still has many of the same features as that product such as reporting capabilities and vulnerability detection. This tool will also find any issues with cross-site scripting attacks (XSS) or other types for those who are looking out for these specific vulnerabilities in their networks!
  • Nikto: Nikto is an open-source server information gathering tool that can be used to look up details about servers from a remote location – this includes things like what software they have installed, how old it might be since the last update time etcetera — making this very beneficial when trying figure out potential security holes within company’s infrastructure! It will also check if there are known vulnerabilities in any software packages running on your machine as well which may help you patch up some holes before hackers find them!

There are many other tools that could be mentioned when it comes to Network Penetration Testing, but the ones listed above should give you an idea of some of the more commonly used utilities. It is important to keep in mind that while these can be great resources and aides, they should not be your only line of defense – having a strong security posture starts with having well-configured systems as well as properly trained personnel! And always remember, if in doubt – ASK! There are plenty of people within the information security community who are more than happy to help out those who are looking to learn.


Finally, because network penetration testing is essential in your security plan, by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, you can help protect your organization from potential attacks. Additionally, network penetration testing can also help you assess your risk posture and understand the potential impact of a cyberattack. The above mentioned are just a few examples of some of the most popular network penetration testing tools available today; however, there are many more out there so do your research before selecting the ones that will work best for you and your organization’s specific needs.

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What Will Change When 5G Becomes The Standard? Wed, 13 Oct 2021 16:09:28 +0000 5G – A Revolution We live in a time and world that is increasingly dominated by technology. Day-to-day life without access to any aspect of the electronic devices and the worldwide link is in principle neither imaginable nor feasible. And development is progressing rapidly. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have been important topics in the […]

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5G – A Revolution

We live in a time and world that is increasingly dominated by technology. Day-to-day life without access to any aspect of the electronic devices and the worldwide link is in principle neither imaginable nor feasible. And development is progressing rapidly. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have been important topics in the recent past, but also big data and cybersecurity are rarely missing in the technology news. In mobile communications standards, 5G is the topic of the hour and is hotly debated. Initially falsely and unnecessarily labeled as harmful by skeptics, the tension about the future, standardized implementation is now high.

The network is gradually expanding, and large telecommunications companies can offer their customers ever-better network coverage. These are the first steps towards a new standard that will shortly replace the fastest connection LTE or 4G. Many modern devices such as smartphones or tablets are already able to use 5G, which lays the foundation for end consumers. It will take some time, however, before the 5G standard is implemented across the board.

In theory, users surf the 4G network at up to 1000 megabits per second, which can only be achieved in the best case and is not feasible in practice. Fifty megabits per second is a much more realistic speed with 4G and is sufficient in everyday use. The third generation of the mobile radio standard (3G) has existed since 2000, and the further development of HSDPA + has also been available since 2006. The maximum speed, in theory, was 42 megabits per second.

The leap from the third to the fourth generation was accordingly noticeable but not exorbitantly high. The upcoming development towards 5G, on the other hand, should mean enormous growth and thus be significantly faster. Up to 10 gigabits per second should be possible, even if so far, these are only estimates since the ultimate speed has yet to be shown. Nonetheless, there will be a major upheaval that can open up entirely new possibilities for our digital world. Find out what these are and how life will change when 5G becomes the actual standard here.

5G And Mobile Devices

Anyone in a large crowd, such as at major events, will notice that the services of the mobile phone providers can quickly become overloaded. Calls or the use of high-speed Internet are then a real problem, simply because many devices dial into the same network. With the fifth generation, that will be a thing of the past, as the focus is on an enormously robust and high-bandwidth connection that should enable a wirelessly connected society. That means data transfer in real-time and with low latency. Therefore, smartphones will be able to maintain a fast and reliable connection to all Internet-based services, which means that even very demanding apps will no longer be a problem.

This will have a significant impact, especially in the entertainment sector. The high-resolution live broadcast of events in real-time can be made available to a broad masses and thus offer completely new options in entertainment. Gaming will also evolve accordingly. In complex games, hundreds of players can compete against each other smoothly and across platforms. This development can already be observed, but it will become much more sophisticated and complex.
Due to the trend towards cloud-based processing of data, the importance of your hardware is also fading into the background. Thanks to the strong connection to the cloud, energy-intensive processes can be outsourced entirely, and the broad masses of high-performance devices have even more options. Accordingly, offers of unlimited data volume will be found more frequently in the future, as it is simply easier for providers to deliver precisely that to customers.

Also Read: How Will 5G Revolutionize The Cloud & Big Data?

Economy, Storage, Mobility, and Security

The economy will also benefit from the faster network, especially on a global scale. Increased productivity and effectiveness are keywords that will lead to new products and services. Faster data exchange and a secure and solid connection have become more and more critical for companies, especially in the last few months, and teleworking could thus become the perfect standard. For manufacturing companies, 5G opens up a whole new way of dealing with automated processes that can be carried out more reliably than ever before.

In warehousing, robots could do a large part of the work controlled in real-time from the other end of the world. Another advantage is that there is no need for cables, which are still the norm in sorting machines, conveyor belts, and internal communication. The changes in this area are so substantial that the concept of warehousing and department stores could fundamentally change.

The impact of 5G on security will also play an important role. On the one hand, it is about public safety, in which the high bandwidth and high speed can deliver high-resolution video material, for example. Situations can be better recognized and assessed, and the routes of first aiders can be chosen more safely and, for example, adapted to the current traffic. On the other hand, security must also be guaranteed when it comes to mobility. Autonomous driving only works without problems if there is a high-speed connection between the vehicle and the server, which can react in real-time if necessary.

Some exciting areas and topics could experience a real revolution through 5G. High bandwidth and barely noticeable latency will influence our working and private lives. Then it is possible to speak of a linked physical and digital world, the possibilities and potential of which are huge. However, when that is ultimately the case remains to be seen.

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SD-WAN In The Post-COVID Era Sat, 17 Jul 2021 07:33:55 +0000 The SD-WAN networking market is one of the most important developments in recent times regarding business connectivity. But the real impact that a before and after means for this technology is marked by the global pandemic of 2020. In the next post, we analyze the evolution and the general increase of these solutions in the […]

The post SD-WAN In The Post-COVID Era appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

The SD-WAN networking market is one of the most important developments in recent times regarding business connectivity.

But the real impact that a before and after means for this technology is marked by the global pandemic of 2020.

In the next post, we analyze the evolution and the general increase of these solutions in the post-COVID Era.

The Digital Transformation of Two Years in Two Months!

Undoubtedly, the pandemic and the halt in most business activities have radically slowed activity with the consequent economic recession.

However, the dizzying pace at which organizations have had to transform their business management (collaborative tools and network systems) is impressive.

It has been experienced how VPNs and other types of remote access technologies have come under great pressure.

The most radical change occurs with the pandemic that has completely changed the entire organization and location when it comes to working.

Employees have moved the office home in bulk by connecting from different locations and through multiple devices, connecting across a public network across the board.

This is a real challenge for offices that need their professionals to connect securely to their business network.

SD-WAN networks come into play for the improvement and implementation of solutions.

According to a study of 250 companies, 40% of them expect to spend more on network infrastructure in the next year.

In addition, almost half of those surveyed (48%) recognized that they would increase their budget in automated platforms that tend to reduce manual network management.

43% reported that they plan to increase investment in cloud management platforms.

The Great Challenge of SD-WAN Deployments

Starting in 2021 and with the post-COVID Era, business organizations must think of long-term solutions capable of addressing the new needs for telecommuting.

This implies a large-scale challenge that includes, among others, the optimization of applications in the cloud, more dynamic networks and an objective view of the activity to be able to carry it out efficiently.

The takeoff of SD-WAN globally in recent months advances the mission of independent management of WAN networks.

Providers of this type of network envision the defence of private networks that think about the end-user and guarantee the ability to provide optimal customer service.

Technology providers at this time, especially for SD-WAN solutions, are the key to clarifying any doubt about the implementation and efficiency of this type of network.

Also Read: A Complete Look At The Network Trends In 2021

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How Can We Make Identities More Secure On The Network? Sat, 29 May 2021 15:24:41 +0000 The digital identity of people and entities is one of the most desirable sweets for cybercriminals. More and more attacks seek to seize those identities since their possession is synonymous with benefit for criminals. Impersonation allows you to do damage from within an organization, extract confidential information and much more. Therefore, one of the main […]

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The digital identity of people and entities is one of the most desirable sweets for cybercriminals. More and more attacks seek to seize those identities since their possession is synonymous with benefit for criminals. Impersonation allows you to do damage from within an organization, extract confidential information and much more.

Therefore, one of the main tasks of a company’s security team is to make the digital identities of its personnel, machines and, above all, the institution more secure.

Digital identities must be protected from external criminals. Still, they must also be defended against failures or errors caused by workers and, something that we cannot rule out, from the evil intentions of disenchanted employees. No less than 80% of security incidents are caused by improper handling of privileged accounts.

What Is Digital Identity?

In the same way that our official documents identify us before the authorities, or in the health centre, in the digital world, it is necessary to identify people and objects concerning a connected device, be it a smartphone, a tablet, a PC or a laptop. Shortly, the devices will be even more varied.

On the dark web, identities and digital certificates are highly sought after. SSL or TLS certificates can cost several thousand dollars in some markets, for example. Stolen identities for sale on the dark web number in the millions.

To prevent our digital identity from being stolen, we must be careful and take all possible precautions to shield that information. The generation, storage and processing of identity data must be exquisitely secure. Still, it is known that most attacks on identity begin with a weak password, to take the most obvious example.

Also Read: Digital Marketing – Understanding Technology In Current Marketing

Solutions Designed To Protect Digital Identity

Solutions to protect digital identity range from IoT machines and devices through access management, management of privileged accounts to any element that identifies us on the network.

These solutions are based not only on the issuance of TLS / SSL certificates but also on developing complex public critical infrastructures (PKI) for industrial customers, authorities, governments, and organizations.

In addition, we provide access management services, which allows companies to protect access to their data based on their needs optimally. It is rule-based access management that grants access only to authenticated and authorized users, with different approaches. On the other hand, with single sign-on, users access numerous systems and services with a single sign-on process, significantly increasing security.

Also Read: The Role Of APIs In Digital Transformation

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A Complete Look At The Network Trends In 2021 Mon, 08 Mar 2021 10:55:18 +0000 A reliable, secure, and resilient network plays a central role when it comes to digitization, cloud, or automation. Opengear, the provider of out-of-band management solutions for the protection of critical infrastructures, explains which topics will dominate network management in 2021.    The year 2020 clearly demonstrated to companies that, in view of the corona pandemic, have […]

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A reliable, secure, and resilient network plays a central role when it comes to digitization, cloud, or automation. Opengear, the provider of out-of-band management solutions for the protection of critical infrastructures, explains which topics will dominate network management in 2021.   

The year 2020 clearly demonstrated to companies that, in view of the corona pandemic, have increasingly relied on cloud services and home offices, their dependence on trouble-free and reliable network connections. At the same time, applications such as IoT or process automation increased, and with them the volume of data processed. A stable and reliable network is therefore a must and a basic requirement. The following topics will bring network resilience even more into focus in 2021.

IoT becomes IoE

In the Internet of Everything, the networking of people, processes, data, and things is promoted and linked to form an intelligent unit. Everything is connected via the Internet so that the data is provided in real-time. In 2021, the use of intelligent sensors, AI-controlled cameras, immersive AV media (media that serve the auditory and visual senses of humans through sound and images), or self-controlling machines will increase rapidly. The result is networked with the smallest ramifications.

5G is coming

The introduction of 5G will pick up speed in 2021 thanks to the high data rates and low latency times that are essential for areas such as autonomous driving. Many of the applications and services are operated at the edge of the network, as a result of which edge computing is increasing. Larger companies, in particular, will set up private LTE and 5G networks in order to support their own specific applications at their own locations within the framework of campus networks.

Cloud is getting bigger and more distributed

The explosive growth of IoT devices and microservices will drive the adoption of rapidly deployable, smaller data centers to support distributed cloud usage. In the distributed cloud, public cloud services are distributed across different physical locations, which increases the demands on the infrastructure and scalability of both cloud providers and the companies that use these services.

Age of hyper-automation

The idea behind hyper-automation is that everything that can be automated will also be automated. This helps to complete tasks and processes faster, more efficiently, and with fewer errors. As networks become increasingly marginalized, they need smarter management tools. The change from a command-line interface to NetOps automation will therefore be decisive for “Anywhere Operations”. In 2021, AI-powered tools for self-management and self-healing systems, remote monitoring and provisioning, and threat detection and recovery will become a necessity.

A new paradigm for remote access

There will still be pandemic-related restrictions in 2021, so technicians cannot be on-site in a data center or remote location. At the same time, cloud migrations and edge implementations are increasing. This requires new tools for secure remote implementations such as zero-touch provisioning (ZTP) and TPM chips to protect against hardware tampering. Tools for creating standard settings are also necessary, for example, if a software stack running virtualized network functions has to be updated due to an error.

SD-WAN market will grow

More and more companies are now relying on software-defined wide area networks in order to connect branches cheaply to a company data center, to establish reliable access to cloud services, and distribute their traffic skillfully via various network technologies. The network security must be adjusted accordingly. SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) will play a major role in this in 2021: The cloud-based architecture bundles WAN services and Security-as-a-Service functions and provides them as a common service. This provides simple security and network tool that is independent of where employees and resources are located. Security policies can be defined centrally, but are effective locally at the edge of the network.

Blockchain on the rise

The corona crisis is accelerating technological change in many areas, including the use of blockchain technology. In particular, projects with a realistic approach and high business benefits are promoted regardless of the industry. The introduction of cryptocurrencies by large companies like PayPal is also contributing to this.

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How To Manage Training, Networking, And Coworking Mon, 28 Dec 2020 14:50:08 +0000 Training, Networking and Coworking, although they are three different concepts, are related. Perhaps it can be a waste of time in a busy work schedule to attend networking events; although I think otherwise. The human being must have the need to communicate, creating conversations, flowing to interact with spontaneity, generating trust. Networking is a way […]

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Training, Networking and Coworking, although they are three different concepts, are related. Perhaps it can be a waste of time in a busy work schedule to attend networking events; although I think otherwise.

The human being must have the need to communicate, creating conversations, flowing to interact with spontaneity, generating trust.

Networking is a way to break the ice to interact with entrepreneurs and share our personal and work experiences; in addition to common interests and concerns.
There are many groups that promote this type of activity. They are usually free, with prior confirmation of attendance. You can choose any topic that interests you or is related to your business; or something new that catches your attention: discovers a new sector, complete your training.

Regarding training, networking, and coworking, we think that you can always learn something new in the day, so any training talk can become an opportunity for personal growth by sharing business experiences, providing information from different job profiles that will make it enriching for its variety

As we talked about before, it is a way of relating; Therefore, attending a networking meeting will be productive and fun at the same time.

Nor should we forget our business, since we have the possibility of meeting new contacts to expand our agenda. It may be very opportune to attract customers at the moment, but we are convinced that this will happen in the short term in the future.


The meaning of training is the degree of knowledge applied to a subject . You will ask yourself the reason for talking about training in a post focused on professional personal relationships, it is simple: in networking events, you will learn about any topic related to the meeting itself. If it were coworking, you will share experiences and new ideas with your work space colleagues, so in both cases, you can increase knowledge in an indirect way.

What is Coworking

Speaking of training, networking and coworking; The latter refers to the group of professionals who share the same workplace on a physical level, sharing expenses, providing ideas and knowledge. Obviously, they must have an open mind for collaboration at any level. It is a suitable formula to adjust expenses and grow professionally.

Meaning of Networking

We can define networking as the way to expand professional contacts, generally participating in events related to a specific topic integrated into professional social groups to create lasting relationships over time with a common benefit.

Networking Strategy

The ideal is to prepare the event in advance to achieve our objectives, we give you some ideas to make it more productive:

  • Optimize your profiles on social networks with the keywords that identify your work activity. Remember to provide valuable content on your social networks and use hashtags
  • Prepare your elevator pitch or speech for your new contacts or if you participate in any way in the event
  • Don’t forget your cards
  • You should always have a proactive attitude, being communicative to highlight your strengths supported by your experience.
  • After the event, you have to promote the link created, through social networks, by making phone calls. This way, you will have a good network of contacts.

Objectives of Networking

It is always positive, setting goals for our event. Initially, we will locate the people we are interested in knowing, thinking about the benefit we can bring them, giving credibility to our value proposition , always thinking focusing on the Win to Win.

Advantages of Networking

By participating in the meetings, we will have the possibility to expand our business opportunities by sharing common interests as we discussed earlier. Some advantages could be:

  1. Possibility of job improvements
  2. Meet investors who could collaborate in our project
  3. Expansion of new partners for our company
  4. Get feedback on our service or product, expanding the market vision
  5. Get leads to contact in the short term
  6. Improve personal relationships
  7. Low cost to get the contacts
  8. Greater visibility for our project
  9. Expand professional synergies

Types of Networking

We can differentiate three types:

  • Personal: seek social relationships
  • Strategic: focused on the business field
  • Operational: aimed at the company itself to coordinate the different departments and achieve fluidity in work processes


As we have been talking throughout the post, I want to make it clear that networking or coworking is not pursuing our goal, nor asking for favors, or looking for the rally; far from it, transmit a version that is not sincere and transparent about ourselves.

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Networking – The Engine Of Companies Mon, 11 May 2020 12:36:25 +0000 In an increasingly competitive world, it is more vital than ever for any company to take advantage of all the possibilities available to generate business opportunities. And, in this sense, networking is a very effective formula for this. What is it and what are the best ways to do it? The 3 advantages of networking […]

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In an increasingly competitive world, it is more vital than ever for any company to take advantage of all the possibilities available to generate business opportunities. And, in this sense, networking is a very effective formula for this. What is it and what are the best ways to do it?

The 3 advantages of networking

In the business world, networking is the activity aimed at expanding the network of professional contacts. It is a complex process but very necessary for any company and professional. But what is it really for?

The truth is that the advantages of networking are multiple, but these are some of the most outstanding:

  • In the first place, networking helps to forge ties with influential people from whom we can learn to improve the management of our business or, simply, to grow as professionals.
  • On the other hand, this practice is very useful to attract new customers by showing the world what we do and how far we can go. But not only that: we can also find new suppliers, investors, and even incorporate talent into our organization.
  • But, in addition, networking helps to create and develop new business niches and possible collaborations with other companies and professionals. The strength is in the joining!

How to network effectively

They say that a professional is worth what his agenda is worth, and although it is true that other aspects must also be valued, the truth is that our network of contacts is key. Networking contributes precisely to expanding that network, in addition to reviving it and improving its quality.

In the middle of the digital age, we have at our disposal various ways of networking. And while some are more traditional, others are more linked to the Internet. Which are?

Social networks

One of the great advantages of the Internet is its ability to concentrate on people with the same professional interests or concerns in specific spaces. The clearest example is specialized social networks such as LinkedIn or Twitter, in which it is very easy to connect with professionals, companies, and experts from the sectors that interest us most.


Designing a good content strategy is vital to position our brand, but also to network. And it is that creating, publishing, and disseminating quality content will help us attract people interested in the topics in which we are experts. But, in addition, it will allow us to promote our products and services and meet other professionals from whom we can learn and with whom we can develop projects.


But not all networking is done online. Attending specialized events is also very beneficial to soak up knowledge and establish business contacts with influential people and companies. An example is eShow Barcelona, an e-commerce and digital marketing fair that will be held on April 11 and 12.


It is a reality: coworking philosophy is increasingly widespread in the business world. That is, living with other companies and professionals in the same office. Sharing workspace has the advantage that we can forge lasting professional relationships through daily contact.

In short, networking is a formula that we should not ignore if we want to establish a wide, varied, and active network of contacts. And you never know when we are going to need the help, knowledge, or collaboration of any of the people in our network.

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