SHOPPING Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Fri, 23 Jun 2023 06:34:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SHOPPING Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Mobile Commerce – How To Succeed? Fri, 23 Jun 2023 06:34:27 +0000 It is no longer a secret that many digital events now take place on mobile devices. Smartphones are changing the e-commerce world, and not just since Corona. The keyword: mobile commerce, or m-commerce for short. In this article, you will find out how to use your smartphone as a trustworthy shopping companion for you and […]

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It is no longer a secret that many digital events now take place on mobile devices. Smartphones are changing the e-commerce world, and not just since Corona. The keyword: mobile commerce, or m-commerce for short. In this article, you will find out how to use your smartphone as a trustworthy shopping companion for you and your company.

Mobile Commerce – More Than A Stripped-Down Desktop

Is the same content in green? Rather not. What works on the desktop does not automatically make the user happy because mobile commerce does not mean optimizing applications for mobile use afterward. Instead, it is a question of aligning them with mobility right from conception. So mobile first.
To reach users on the go, you must understand which use cases mobile devices also allow you to serve them specifically as a shop operator. These include, for example, receiving push messages, taking photos or scanning QR codes, and using them as a second screen, for example, parallel to the television program.
With a well-thought-out Mobile First approach, new sales channels can be opened up here in a targeted manner, not least because the “Support Your Local Dealer” mentality has reached many people since the pandemic. For online retailers and shop operators, there is an excellent opportunity in the mobile sector, which often harbors enormous potential.

Attention Shop Operators

A look at the numbers shows that mobile commerce is booming. Mobile sales are constantly increasing, and the number of users of laptops and desktop PCs has been declining for years. Smartphones are on the way to becoming the number one internet device. But how do you address the relevant target group via smartphone and get them to make the desired purchase with little friction loss? What opportunities does this open up for shop operators in mobile commerce?

Social Commerce, Mobile Payment and Shopping Apps

To win over users in the relevant phases of smartphone and tablet use, there are several screws that shop operators can tweak both in terms of content and technology. The goal is always to integrate your shop as unobtrusively as possible into the everyday world of the target group so that potential customers are happy to interact with the corresponding products and applications. So it’s about offering users real added value and not taking the wind out of their sails with poor usability and cumbersome content.

Social Commerce

The expansion of e-commerce via social media describes the brand-strategic use of social networks. It offers the possibility of using the latter to directly sell products (e.g., via tagged products or by integrating buy buttons). The aim here is to use existing networks consistently and thus enable the community to have a consistent shopping experience, regardless of which touchpoint it is at. Because one thing is clear: social commerce does not stand for itself. Instead, it is a facet of the mobile marketing mix that can contribute to a coherent overall picture.

Mobile Payments

Mobile payment via smartphone is still in its infancy in this country, but there are already various providers of payment apps. Many new smartphones already have the necessary technology, and retailers are also increasingly converting. However, the uncertainty about “mobile payment” is still high among many users. Shortly, the focus will be primarily on data protection-compliant authentication and reducing time-consuming data entry.

Shopping Apps

The technical possibilities are making it increasingly easier for retailers to reach customers directly on their smartphones. For short, progressive web apps, PWAs are finding their way into increasingly more online shops and bringing all the advantages of websites and apps in a compact package. Shopping apps can often be wonderfully personalized and help shop operators to establish a direct line to their customers. But uncomplicated shopping experiences can also be realized in this way.

Practical Tips For Shop Operators


Ensure transparency, especially with purchase-critical information such as availability, delivery time and additional costs.

(Additional) content

Convince with realistic product images and descriptions, instructions for finding the correct sizes or with 3D views optimized for mobile use.


Pay attention to intuitive operation and clear navigation elements. Also, optimize the loading times and monitor use cases and content design.  


Make sure there are no lengthy registration processes to complete before purchasing. Offer a purchase without registration or via a guest account. Social log-in or one-click check-out are also possible.

Intelligent Search Function

Upgrade your search functionality. For example, avoid zero-hit pages with a search function with error tolerance or push marketing functions in a targeted manner using your search function.

Shipping And Returns

Communicate return policies and shipping information clearly to build trust and a sense of security.

Payment & Delivery

Advertise different delivery and payment methods and thus ensure flexibility on the part of the user.  

Customer Service

Convince a digital customer service that can, for example, accept incoming customer inquiries via live chat.


Monitor your competition and optimally prepare relevant content for mobile devices. Tip: create special applications (mobile only).


The e-commerce structure is changing. To skillfully use the potential of the smartphone and enable seamless shopping experiences, one thing is critical: breaking up familiar structures and thought patterns. Mobile commerce requires rethinking. Mobile commerce requires thinking ahead. At the same time, however, it also offers enormous potential and promotes sustainable mobile marketing in e-commerce. Ultimately, however, each retailer must decide which measures make sense for their company.

Also Read: Social Media – The New Possibilities of Communication

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eCommerce -Tips To Buy Products Online Safely Sat, 15 May 2021 07:24:54 +0000 These are our recommendations to keep in mind to buy in eCommerce safely. Electronic commerce does not stop growing. It is a phenomenon with a clear increasing trend at a global level since the last few years that; In addition, it has been accelerated by the pandemic. Buying online is very convenient: you can buy […]

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These are our recommendations to keep in mind to buy in eCommerce safely.

Electronic commerce does not stop growing. It is a phenomenon with a clear increasing trend at a global level since the last few years that; In addition, it has been accelerated by the pandemic. Buying online is very convenient: you can buy quickly from anywhere and at any time, you can access many more shop windows and product catalogs than when buying in a physical store, you buy easily and, in addition, you receive the product directly at your home. The benefits are endless, but despite being more and more widespread, online trading carries some dangers. Here are some recommendations to avoid them.

These are our tips to buy online safely:

Find Out About The Store’s Reputation

Buy on official websites. If you don’t know the store, find out who’s behind it. Look for legal texts on the web with the information of the company and its CIF that give truth to its identity and trust seals that certify the security of the web. We also recommend reviewing the return policy; if it does not exist, you should be suspicious.

You can also rely on online reviews. For this, Google Maps and social networks are very useful, also search blogs, news, etc.

Also Read: Marketplace And eCommerce: Differences And Advantages

Use Secure Payment Methods

The time of payment is when you should be most attentive and take maximum precautions. You don’t want your bank details to be visible to untrustworthy sources.

You doubt the reliability of the website if it only offers a payment option to complete the transaction. A red flag when shopping online is that a website makes you pay through unusual methods such as a check.

If they offer multiple, choose only those that have credible backing, such as a large bank, which is a regulated entity. This is the case of Instant Credit, Sabadell Consumer Finance’s digital installment payment solution that allows you to pay in installments for purchases quickly, safely, and without paper.

Visit Websites With Security Certificates

When you browse e-commerce, make sure it has the HTTPS security certificate, you can check it in your browser bar. HTTPS refers to a Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol and serves as a guarantee that exchanges on the web are done safely. That is, other users will not be able to intercept our information on that web server.

Avoid Using Public WiFi Networks

Public WiFi networks are more exposed to potential cyberattacks. To provide an extra layer of security, always buy using a private connection.

Create Strong Passwords

If you register in eCommerce and save your bank details to be able to make future purchases in a more agile way, use strong passwords. According to data from the Cyber ​​Security Center, in 2019, 23 million people worldwide were hacked because they used the password 123456!

Update Browser, Mobile, And Computer

Keeping both your devices and your browser up to date with the latest updates protects you from possible malicious software.

These simple tips can help keep your e-commerce shopping experience free from unexpected scares. Don’t forget to put them into practice on your next online purchase!

Also Read Big Data – An Essential Tool To Boost eCommerce

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The mission of The Social Media Manager In An eCommerce Thu, 19 Mar 2020 13:47:41 +0000 The figure of Social Media Manager is one of the new professions that the digital age has brought with it, new profiles that until very recently were not even known. Why is Social Media necessary for eCommerce? The mission of this figure is to plan strategies in the different social networks , differentiating itself from […]

The post The mission of The Social Media Manager In An eCommerce appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

The figure of Social Media Manager is one of the new professions that the digital age has brought with it, new profiles that until very recently were not even known.

Why is Social Media necessary for eCommerce?

  • The mission of this figure is to plan strategies in the different social networks , differentiating itself from the Community Manager in that the latter executes said digital marketing strategies.
  • However, in an eCommerce there are variants and Social Media must be adapted to the conditions of an electronic commerce.
  • It has a special relevance in the structure of an online store or commerce because it is in charge of defining policies through the means linked to new technologies. With a higher incidence on social networks, the Internet or other sources of information. And with an ever-increasing presence by users or by the companies that come to these channels to carry out their work plans from now on.
  • While, on the other hand, it cannot be forgotten that other characteristics provided by the figure of the Community Manager are those derived from taking charge of executing a digital strategy, without ever having to plan it. It is a small nuance that can better serve for the real understanding of your tasks within an online company.

Functions Of The Social Media Manager

Therefore, the functions of the Social Media Manager in an eCommerce are the following:

  • Lead and create a social media strategy for a commercial  brand One of the aspects that must be met is to satisfy the demands of digital companies. Its objective is to differentiate itself from the competition and thus achieve a better sale of the services, products or articles of online businesses.
  • Budgetary control in order to optimize all resources and direct them to different campaigns to overcome the various adversities that may arise.
  • Organization of the times in a rational and balanced way . It is not just a matter of wanting it, but of proposing it with a lot of discipline. And encourage this performance among the company’s employees.
  • Optimize what has been done , since this professional task is, after all, a human resource that companies currently have to give greater visibility to their trademark and the products that are marketed.
  • Analyzing the results as the basis of what will be applied in a strategy is another of the most relevant tasks among the functions of the Social Media Manager.
  • Working under pressure and having a profile that knows how to manage the pressures that an eCommerce entails to be able to face a crisis of online reputation, product rotation, etc., and thus have everything up-to-date, is one of the most demanded aspects in profiles from Social Media Manager.
  • Communication skills . The figure of the Social Media Manager must be a great communicator in order to optimally transmit the ideas and decisions of the company to the rest of the team.

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