ads Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Fri, 01 Sep 2023 14:04:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ads Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 4 Tips to Boost Your Amazon Ad Returns Thu, 03 Aug 2023 11:52:38 +0000 Amazon continues to grow at an exponential rate and that’s both good and bad news for sellers. On one hand, Amazon is reaching more customers in 2023 than ever before, but on the other hand, the platform is simultaneously growing its list of sellers. The opportunities are certainly there, but so is the competition. The […]

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Amazon continues to grow at an exponential rate and that’s both good and bad news for sellers. On one hand, Amazon is reaching more customers in 2023 than ever before, but on the other hand, the platform is simultaneously growing its list of sellers. The opportunities are certainly there, but so is the competition. The question is, what can we do to make our businesses grow on Amazon amidst the fierce competition? Let’s take a look and find out.

Work with a Verified Amazon Ads Partner

It’s always an advantage to work with professional marketers who have experience with a platform that you are trying to make your mark on. An Amazon-verified ads partner is a marketing expert who specializes in running successful ad campaigns on Amazon and has been verified. To know more regarding what an expert Amazon ad partner can do to boost your seller status on Amazon, talk to an agency like

Don’t Run Misleading Campaigns

Don’t run misleading ad campaigns on Amazon because it simply does not work. That is not to say misleading won’t work anywhere on the web, but it’s a very poor marketing strategy. However, there’s more at stake on Amazon for sellers who promote ad campaigns that are misleading. Amazon has a sound returns policy, which means that its profits and reputation are at stake if it runs ads that disgruntle its customer base.
If the world’s largest eCommerce platform finds out that a seller is using misleading campaigns intentionally to boost their sales, they will at best send the seller an official warning, but at worse, they might be banned from selling on Amazon indefinitely. Even if it goes unnoticed, your brand will be tarnished by a bad reputation, and you will lose money from all those returned products.

Utilize Amazon’s Auto Targeting

Artificial intelligence is embedded in nearly every aspect of the Amazon business platform and some of those smart tools can be really useful for sellers. Amazon’s automatic targeting is an AI-powered marketing automation feature where targeted ads are shown to potential customers automatically by the algorithm. It augments manual targeting to boost your conversion rates.

Lean Down Your Target Demographic

When sellers first open an account with Amazon, they tend to lose their way a bit due to the sheer size and scope of the opportunities on offer. While it’s true that the scope is massive on Amazon, your focus should be on scaling that scope in sync with your business’s capabilities and brand presence. Make sure that each ad campaign you run on Amazon is focused on a select few groups that fall within your target demographics.
There is no point in creating generalized ad campaigns with a wider demographic range if the actual products are not relevant to most of them. It’s a poor use of your marketing budget, so nail down your target audience for each campaign and make sure that whatever it is that you are trying to promote has direct relevance to the entire target demographic.

Also Read: Business Mindfulness – The Trend Of Conscious Businesses

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Programmatic Advertising – What Is It And What Are Its Advantages Fri, 09 Jun 2023 05:59:13 +0000 For a brand to enhance its presence in the digital environment, it must plan a marketing strategy in which digital advertising is present.A well-designed advertising campaign must have a prior research process that identifies the ideal type of audience, the most appropriate channels to transmit it, and the type of message that should be used […]

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For a brand to enhance its presence in the digital environment, it must plan a marketing strategy in which digital advertising is present.
A well-designed advertising campaign must have a prior research process that identifies the ideal type of audience, the most appropriate channels to transmit it, and the type of message that should be used to achieve the objectives set.
Surely, there is an advertising campaign that you remember, regardless of the passage of time.
Programmatic advertising is becoming one of the best allies for brands that want to boost their digital presence on a large scale.

What Is Programmatic Advertising?

Programmatic advertising is the digital advertising model comprising the automated acquisition of advertising space on websites, online magazines and newspapers, blogs, etc.) by advertisers.

Currently, 85% of advertisers and 72% of publishers use programmatic advertising since it allows a greater return on advertising investment.

Programmatic ad buying differs from traditional ad buying in that it relies on data and algorithms to strategically serve automated ads to users based on things like their buying histories and behavior.

In addition, by not having to resort to a long acquisition process, which includes proposals, bids, quotes, and negotiations, implementing a programmatic advertising campaign is much more agile and faster.

As in the operation of any advertising purchase, we can distinguish two main actors: applicants and suppliers.

  • Advertisers are on the demand side; they buy advertising space and choose the audience they want to impact with their product/service ads.
  • And publishers, media, or blogs are the bidding party in charge of generating income by selling their advertising space.

As a general rule, publishers or media choose which ads they want to advertise in their spaces, at what price, and what type of advertisers they accept, while these others choose the audiences to impact and the maximum amount they wish to pay.

How Does Programmatic Advertising Work?

Programmatic advertising represents a total change in the strategic approach concerning the

the traditional advertising inventory buying and selling model in the online medium goes from a “Site Centric” approach to a “User Centric” one.

This change of approach based on the purchase of audiences is caused by the advancement of technology: the use of algorithms allows the analysis of thousands of data on the behavior of web users and offers important differences:

  • Buying impressions (ad inventory) occurs in real-time.
  • Each advertising impact opportunity is evaluated in real-time, depending on the user’s profile, the site, and its bid price.
  • Each impression/impact opportunity is considered and valued individually and independently.

These changes help optimize campaigns in real-time to create effective strategies aimed at impacting the right user on the right website and at the right time and using an appropriate and personalized message and offer.

Technology In The Programmatic Ecosystem.

From a technological point of view, programmatic buying is an automation of buying and selling Advertising inventory in which three platforms are involved: Ad Exchange, DSP, and SSPs.

AdExchange is the platform where advertisers and publishers buy and sell digital ad impressions fully automatedly through a series of real-time bids.

  • They manage the relationship between DSPs and SSPs and obtain a Commission
  • There are two types of Ad Exchanges: Open Exchanges and Private Exchanges

DSP (Demand-side Platform) is the demand-side platform that allows agencies and advertisers to buy ad inventory on different platforms.

  • They use their Tracking system by implementing pixels
  • They use optimization algorithms in the purchase of inventory and prediction methods to maximize the ROAS of campaigns.
  • They integrate Data (Audience Segments) from the DMPs to evaluate the impression to buy.

SSP (Sell-Side Platform) is the technological platform publishers use to market their advertising inventory, whether in the display, native, video, or audio formats.

Advantages of Programmatic Advertising

Currently, programmatic advertising is the leading method of buying and selling advertising space in the digital environment.

But programmatic advertising does not work by itself despite its benefits and technological advances. Like any other strategy, it requires further data analysis to develop an adequate strategy that allows us to obtain the established objectives.

Compared to other online advertising models, programmatic advertising offers great advantages.

User segmentation and personalized messages

Not all Users are the same or have the same expectations. The programmatic purchase allows us to use user data (historical and in real-time) and enables us to approach the personalization of the advertising message.

This translates into two great advantages:

  • Possibility of segmenting the target audience we want to impact.
  • Design personalized messages that fit individual preferences based on the profile of the audience.
  • Content adaptation to attributes, behavior, context, device, location, etc…
  • Consistent in terms of when the user is concerned with the brand (conversion funnel), location, and channel (paid search, paid social, programmatic, emailing, SMS, . . .).
  • Consistency in terms of message, offer, value proposition, and price presented in the ad and following the content of the landing page to which we take users.
  • Combine different advertising formats from a single platform: Display + Video + Audio + TV + Outdoor.

Greater positioning and reach

Programmatic advertising generates a greater reach than other types of digital advertising thanks to the fact that online platforms allow users to be reached anywhere in the world.

Transparency and control

Programmatic buying platforms offer complete and detailed information on any aspect of our campaign and obtain real data on what type of customer views the ad and who interacts with it, the sites on which our ads are published, the cost per line of the campaign, the creatives that work best, the operation by dates, time slots, devices, and much more, all practically in real-time.

Measurement of results in real-time and return on investment

As we anticipated in the previous point, one of the things that brings the most value to advertisers is the possibility of measuring results in real-time and, consequently, being able to make adjustments to the campaigns based on the return on investment.

Agility in purchasing processes

Programmatic ad buying differs from traditional ad buying by not having to resort to a lengthy acquisition process, which includes proposals and negotiations. This means that the time required to launch a campaign is considerably reduced in most cases.

Now that we know what programmatic advertising is and all the advantages it offers as a leading method for buying and selling advertising space, what are your main future challenges and opportunities to remain efficient and competitive?

Also Read: The Dilemma of Attribution In Digital Marketing

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Content Marketing For Business – Definition And Benefits Fri, 26 May 2023 10:18:47 +0000 One of the most important tasks of content marketing is to pick up the customer’s current interests, problems and challenges. Helpful tips and useful information convey trust, credibility and competence. Storytelling is also a popular method in content marketing. Case studies of customer projects, examples and stories make the content livelier and more authentic. Content […]

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One of the most important tasks of content marketing is to pick up the customer’s current interests, problems and challenges. Helpful tips and useful information convey trust, credibility and competence. Storytelling is also a popular method in content marketing. Case studies of customer projects, examples and stories make the content livelier and more authentic.
Content marketing is the most powerful tool for increasing awareness and generating customer contacts. Businesses use content marketing to acquire new customers and drive sales using website analytics, keyword research, and targeted strategy recommendations.
Content marketing is all about well-performing content. These are not just a few nice sentences on a website, but the key to a convincing sales success. The competition is fierce, and purchasing decisions are often based on research and trust.
As a rule, customers today use the possibilities of the Internet to find out about products and services that interest them. They find out about the latest trends and exchange ideas on various platforms. Content marketing can be used to address potential customers by conveying content about products and services or industry topics interestingly.

Very Simple: Instead of Offering Your Product, Offer a Solution!

The conveying of context and valuable information is essential for content marketing. It’s about the benefit or the value perceived by the customer. If your content is valuable, it will be read, shared and resonated with your customers. Also, timing and targeting are crucial to get your audience interested in your product or service.

Content Marketing Allows Brands To Differentiate Themselves Through Storytelling.

As part of the noticeably increasing relevance of content marketing, more and more marketers are discussing terms such as storytelling, transmedia storytelling or visual storytelling. Storytelling is about the narrative method by which explicit and tacit knowledge is taken in and passed on as a metaphor. By involving the audience, the knowledge to be conveyed becomes easier to understand and internalize. This way, a story can be retold much more easily.

Why Is Content Marketing So Important?

The importance of content marketing in digital marketing is demonstrated by its ability to increase the quality of traffic to your website. When it comes to attracting attention and generating high-quality leads that support healthy sales growth, content is the key to success.
Unique content sets you apart from your competitors. Your company establishes itself as the leading authority in the industry, and you show your customers that you know your stuff.
The most effective way to drive traffic to your website is through the content you develop for your blog, SEO, and social media marketing. While many important elements fall under these categories, it all boils down to the quality of your content.
The higher the quality of content, the more valuable it is to your audience and the more likely they are to engage with your business. The more they engage with your business and spend time on your website, the more likely they will develop trust in your brand and convert them into prospects and customers.

What Forms of Content Marketing Are There?

There are different forms of content marketing. Here are the most important ones:

Texts – In all areas of content marketing, the text plays an important role. For example, even if a video is the landing page’s focus, it is usually framed with text. Depending on the service or product, different text formats are suitable: blog posts, media releases, newsletters, case studies or even recipes. The types of text can also be differentiated: storytelling, portraits, checklists, listicles, news reports, customer feedback or field reports.

Videos – Videos are also playing an increasingly important role in content marketing. Why actually? Emotions can be shown with videos. A majority of customers prefer video messages to text. As with text, videos come in a variety of formats and content. This includes, for example, corporate videos, branding videos, product videos, commercials, animated videos, tutorials and webinars.

E-mails/newsletters – A regular newsletter can be used to maintain and strengthen customer loyalty. Newsletter marketing keeps customers informed about new products, services and promotions. Insights behind the scenes of a company increase acceptance and sympathy among customers. In addition, targeted queries offer the opportunity to make purchases that have not yet been made. When it comes to newsletters, less is more. Simply designed newsletters without attachments often work better than complex content that sometimes cannot even be opened in the inbox.

Pictures – A good picture says more than a thousand words. This also applies to content marketing. Images can loosen up texts or clarify more complex text passages. Infographics, animated images, image galleries or virtual tours can add additional value.

Content Marketing and SEO – What’s The Difference?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the technical processes (on-page optimization) and marketing measures (off-page optimization) to improve visibility within the organic search results and thus increase traffic on a website or blog.
Content marketing is a communication and business strategy to publicize and promote a company or brand based on providing valuable content in corporate communications. Content marketing focuses on creating genuinely interesting content that is useful and helpful to a target audience, such as B. Tips, how-tos, industry information, storytelling, and user-generated content.
A successful content marketing strategy is based on close observation and dialogue with the target group. Feedback from comments, social media discussions, and customer service serves as the basis for creating content that addresses current challenges and issues.

No SEO Without Content Marketing

Successful online business strategies combine content marketing and SEO. Today, SEO is all about content and social engagement. This is where a content marketing strategy comes in. However, marketing content must be created and advertised according to SEO aspects such as search relevance, keywords, linking and cross-media promotion (off-page SEO). Of course, you’ll have to rely on working agencies specialized for your industry. If you’re in the SaaS industry, then you’ll have to work with an SEO agency for SaaS because they have the necessary industry understanding, know what SEO strategies work best for SaaS companies, and have the content knowledge required for boosting your site’s performance.

SEO is no longer just a technical task for a webmaster. At the same time, a few basic technical things to consider in technical SEO make it easier for search engines to index a website, such as meta tags, keywords, responsiveness, page speed, etc. (on-page SEO). But none of this is good for SEO alone if you don’t also provide the right content that customers are looking for. Because only what is sought can also be found.

The Perfect Content Marketing Strategy

A content marketing strategy can be used, for example, to win new customers in a targeted manner, improve/change the company’s image or increase awareness of a brand, product or person.

Only when you know what content the respective target group needs and how often, what types of content are suitable and through which channels this target group can best be reached can content marketing achieve what many hope for.

The following questions are particularly important when strategically planning content:

  • What do you want to achieve with your content?
  • Who do you want to reach with your content?
  • When and where do you want to publish your content?
  • What are you willing to invest in your content?
  • How do you check the achievement of the goals?


Content marketing is an online trend and SEO hype, but its concept has been established for decades and has proven its sales-promoting effect. It is not for nothing that a comprehensive content marketing strategy has become an integral part of today’s SEO concepts. The increasing customer orientation in recent years has left lasting marks on both the search engine algorithm and the SEO scene. And that’s just as well.

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What Types of Ads Are on Facebook, And What Are They For? Fri, 24 Feb 2023 17:44:08 +0000 Social networks are currently one of the most important and efficient advertising platforms. With millions of active users, these tools provide a wide audience for any company and business. Today, precisely, we will see what types of ads on Facebook you can carry out. Social networks also allow excellent audience segmentation and ad personalization capabilities. […]

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Social networks are currently one of the most important and efficient advertising platforms. With millions of active users, these tools provide a wide audience for any company and business. Today, precisely, we will see what types of ads on Facebook you can carry out.

Social networks also allow excellent audience segmentation and ad personalization capabilities. This will make it easier for you to reach your target audience. On the other hand, you will be able to measure the success of your advertising campaign and optimize it in real-time.

Facebook As An Advertising Platform

And since we are talking about social networks, Facebook is undoubtedly one of the best advertising platforms for your business. This social network gives you various options to reach your target audience. In addition, you will be able to segment your ads by interests, demographics, location, and much more.

As we will see below, Facebook offers various advertising formats, from image ads to videos, story ads, messenger, etc. With its tracking tools, advertisers can measure the success and impact of their advertising campaign.

What Types of Ads Are on Facebook? Main Formats

We are going to know, next, the different types of ads that you have at your disposal on Facebook. The choice of one or the other will depend on what you want to promote, the reach you want to have, and the audience to which it is directed.

Image ads (simple and carousel)

Image ads are the most popular and easiest ads on Facebook. They usually include images and texts to convey and announce what is desired. The carousel format allows advertisers to add up to 5 images to provide a slightly more global idea of ​​the product or service they want to promote. In addition, you will be able to place even 5 different URLS in the images.

video ads

Another of the most popular types of Facebook ads is video ads. You can use images, sound, and movement to tell a story. The duration of these ads is variable since you can create short or longer videos. A more attractive and dynamic ad type to capture more audience attention.

Ads in stories

Ads in stories, for their part, allow you to reach your audience in an immersive environment and on a full screen. Since 2018, these ads can be created from within the Meta Ads Manager. They are ads that achieve greater reach, brand awareness, video views, conversions, quality traffic, and lead generation.

Ads by messenger

Messenger ads are the last of the types of Facebook ads that can help your business. We are talking here about ads with which you can help users start a conversation with your business. This is a great way to personalize your experience with your potential customers. These ads direct people to a messenger chat to communicate with the company.

What Should I Do To Get The Most Out Of Them?

But before deciding the type of ad you want to launch, it is very important that you clearly define your audience. Only in this way will you be able to create personalized ads that directly address your target audience. On the other hand, you must use attractive and high-quality images and text to attract users’ attention.

At the same time, it is of great interest that you use relevant keywords in the different types of ads on Facebook. In turn, you must plan an effective targeting campaign to reach the right audience.

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The Dilemma of Attribution In Digital Marketing Sat, 16 Jul 2022 07:15:40 +0000 At this point in the marketing world, some are less suspicious of conventional advertising than digital. In other words: what some ask of online advertising is not required of traditional media. As we have a more remarkable ability to trace user behavior through analyzing their behavior on social networks and web pages, many companies seek […]

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At this point in the marketing world, some are less suspicious of conventional advertising than digital. In other words: what some ask of online advertising is not required of traditional media. As we have a more remarkable ability to trace user behavior through analyzing their behavior on social networks and web pages, many companies seek to make the results of campaigns in these areas more reliable and predictable. “How many sales are you going to assure me?” Some ask. “How many registrations am I going to get?” Others insist. It does not matter if the recommended investment is less than the cost of a radio spot, a canvas on a building, or a billboard at an urban intersection. If digital, we require that sales attribution (who claims success) be accurate.

What Can Go Wrong In An Attribution Process

The terrain of the allocation is swampy. We want to be confident in knowing how many conversion processes have occurred in our online store thanks to a successful ad on a mobile media network or what traffic is due directly to a series of dynamic creatives in a particular social network. However, there are factors that we must take into account to clarify what the data offers us.

It is not easy to associate a direct purchase with an advertising campaign. The regulations require that payment operations be carried out on secure platforms managed by financial institutions or intermediary companies, such as Paypal. Once the client leaves our environment to pay the cost of the operation, they may not return to our site and leave us without closing the circle of the sale in our analytics. Likewise, it could not complete the purchase due to a bad experience, an unexpected cut in the service, or a bad design of that service outside of us. The attribution wobbles a bit.

On other occasions, relating a transaction to a campaign is something that we must associate with a specific impact (for example, the memory of a banner that was shown to us in a recent period) or with a repetitive result (the famous retargeting). Conversion pixels were invented to correct the gap between seeing an ad and making a purchase decision, which can be fair or biased, depending on how they are configured. Can we consider that seeing a campaign a week ago is still decisive for us to land on the advertiser’s site to make a purchase, or is this movement the consequence of a set of elements, such as the effect of conventional media?

Is Precision Lacking In Digital Marketing?

All of the above does not mean that we should distrust digital marketing. On the contrary, we must consider that the attributions of one environment and another are different, and the audiences, too.

Never before have we had more data and greater precision in knowing the results of our campaigns. We see their ability to generate traffic, which creatives work best, which elements attract attention, which calls to action work and which do not, and what path our customers take to reach the shopping cart. We can even use quick action tools like discount codes or tracking links to enrich the information we have about our customers. That power does not have a poster hanging from a banner or a brochure attached with a brush to the car’s windshield wiper.

Still, there is mistrust. If it’s digital, it must be accurate. If it is conventional, it should only generate visibility. Well, neither one nor the other. Each format, support, and space plays in a different field but with complementary objectives, often aiming at different profiles. Choosing the media mix is ​​critical, but the key is comparing the right metrics before and after launching a campaign.

Also Read: 10 Reasons You Need A Digital Marketing Strategy In 2022

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Offline Marketing – Integrate It Into Your Online Strategy Thu, 30 Dec 2021 06:15:01 +0000 Social media campaigns, content strategies, email automation … it might seem that there is no room for offline marketing nowadays. However, it is the perfect complement to all the company’s activities on the Internet. Despite the time that we all spend daily on the Internet, the reality is that not all of our day to […]

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Social media campaigns, content strategies, email automation … it might seem that there is no room for offline marketing nowadays. However, it is the perfect complement to all the company’s activities on the Internet. Despite the time that we all spend daily on the Internet, the reality is that not all of our day to day takes place in the virtual environment and, therefore, the contacts with the brand that occur in the proximity of the physical space, they can make a big difference.

What Is Offline Marketing?

Offline marketing is any advertising or promotional practice that uses traditional media to publicize a brand and its products. These can be all kinds of strategies, as long as they cover television, radio, billboards, print media, and in-person events. There are no limitations as long as it is about media that have nothing to do with the Internet. Therefore, we can find business cards, t-shirts, banners or billboards, newspapers, magazines, flyers, radio advertising, car wraps, or even tattoos.

Nowadays, it is pretty standard for offline marketing to complement the primary strategy. Most of the time, traditional marketing methods support online efforts.

Also Read: Difference In Online and Offline Marketing

How Do You Know If Offline Marketing Works And Pays Off?

While Google Analytics is an excellent resource for measuring the progress of online marketing campaigns, what about offline marketing?

Bearing in mind that decisions in this area are made based on data (and not intuition), it is necessary to find those sources of information to confirm if the strategy in place is correct or needs adjustments.

Among the methods that make it possible to know if an offline campaign is successful, some of the most effective relate it to the initiatives underway on the Internet.

Thus, it is advisable to resort to:

  • Promotional codes to use on the web.
  • Business cards with a link to a landing page.
  • The form requires explaining where the brand has been heard of.
  • Take advantage of offline brand tracking software.
  • Use of QR codes.

The “old school” marketing methods have not disappeared with the rise of the digital age, and that is why the possibility of integrating them into the online strategy must be kept in mind.

But while they can be handy for certain businesses, they are also quite challenging to track down. There are many ways to measure the ROI of traditional advertising, and it is essential to find the one that best suits the company’s needs.

It Is Necessary To Measure The Success Of Offline Marketing.

Use filters, verify traffic analysis without references, look for changes in the volume of search for brands, see where discount codes are used … There are many ways to know the origin of a customer or lead.

The marketing campaigns offline are an excellent way to generate business and traffic. But, without proper monitoring, they do not provide all the value that could be derived from this type of initiative.

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Why Do I Need An Influencer Agency? Mon, 27 Dec 2021 07:32:30 +0000 Influencer marketing has been a reality for years. However, the term “influencer” is not always well understood. When we talk about people with millions of followers on social media, we often refer to them who upload photos in hotels with infinity pools and seem to spend their lives at parties and places with VIP access. […]

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Influencer marketing has been a reality for years.

However, the term “influencer” is not always well understood. When we talk about people with millions of followers on social media, we often refer to them who upload photos in hotels with infinity pools and seem to spend their lives at parties and places with VIP access.

An influencer is nothing other than a person who can influence others, which has existed all his life. We all have a friend whom we consult when choosing a restaurant or a family member whose book recommendations are essential.

When this influence comes from the hands of someone outside our immediate environment and goes online, either through blogs or social networks, that is when we put that “influencer” label on it.

An influencer is a person who has this ability to influence but whose message is amplified to a community that comes to him for inspiration, advice or help when making a purchase decision.

Brands realized for some time that “influencers” spoke from you to you with their target audience and with their customers, making them a real treasure and an unbeatable marketing tool.
Traditional, one-way advertising with “my product is the best” messages no longer works and has been replaced by more credible recommendations from real people.

Now, how do I know which influencers to choose for my campaigns? How do I know that I have to pay or ask an influencer for their recommendation to be effective?

This is where influencer agencies come into play, a fundamental piece on which the success of a campaign can depend and which can save us a lot of time, money and effort.

Why Does a Brand Need An Influencer Agency?

The main reasons for Ismael are the agency’s ability to audit the influencers’ profiles and validate that they do not have false followers and that they are credible when recommending the brand.
But in addition, experts tells us, the agencies play a fundamental role when defining the strategy (something key to determining the success or failure of the campaign) and are in charge of the contracts, briefings and communication with the influencer, something that in Large campaigns can take a lot of time and effort.

Do I Hire An Influencer Agency, or Do I Use Software To Help Me Manage Them?

“There is software that allows you to search for influencers and audit them to see if they are suitable for your brand, but then you have to maintain the relationship with them, adjust strategies, interact and see the conditions of the contract.

If the campaign is with one or two influencers, it is not a problem, but if you want to do a campaign with fifty influencers and send them the briefing, follow up and manage the payments, no software can solve it. “

What Benefits Do I Get From Hiring An Agency If I Am An Influencer?

“If you are an influencer with a large following, you need a representation agency, just like if you are an actor or a singer.

Agencies save a lot of management time, help you get more campaigns and take care of the contracts.

Usually, an agency takes a commission of 20 or 25% of the influencer’s income, but in return, you can get many more campaigns than you would have at your fingertips on your own.

In addition, it is a variable fee. If they don’t get you campaigns, they don’t charge you anything, so there is no fixed monthly cost. “

Also Read: Why Do Influencer Marketing?

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What Is Endomarketing And How Is It Applied In The Company? Mon, 23 Aug 2021 06:54:55 +0000 Have you heard of endomarketing? Also known as internal marketing, it is becoming a more and more critical factor for companies. Focused on improving the employee experience, endomarketing uses marketing tools towards workers themselves and not towards customers. We are facing an activity that arises from the synergy between the marketing and human resources departments. […]

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Have you heard of endomarketing? Also known as internal marketing, it is becoming a more and more critical factor for companies.

Focused on improving the employee experience, endomarketing uses marketing tools towards workers themselves and not towards customers.

We are facing an activity that arises from the synergy between the marketing and human resources departments. And is that most of the actions to improve employee satisfaction and their commitment to the company come from the latter department.

What Is Endomarketing?

The objective of endomarketing is to improve the commitment of workers to the company. More remarkable results are obtained with greater motivation: commitment increases, rotation decreases, and qualified talent are attracted.

In the strategies carried out, it is possible to focus on improving the relationship and the internal well-being of the workers and the company’s collaborators.

It is about working for all those who create the final product or service for the customer. The underlying idea is to improve commitment to the goals and objectives of the company, making them feel like theirs.

To achieve this, the worker must be perceived as a potential internal customer . Having workers who feel good about the company and the services and products will be much easier for the external customer to have a favorable opinion.

In this sense, the idea is that there are not very marked hierarchies within the internal communication and that this is bidirectional. It will be easier for coordinated and integrated workers to offer their ideas or spread them.

In short, endomarketing tries to retain your human resource.

Advantages of Endomarketing in Your Company

These are the main benefits of doing endomarketing in your company:

Increased Motivation

Motivation is essential in the company. Having employees who go to work every day with enthusiasm, who feel like doing things and contributing is a great advantage whatever the scope of the company’s activity and its role.

The endomarketing generates that extra motivation that is always necessary to excel and achieve success.

Productivity Improvement

The higher the motivation, the higher the productivity. It has been repeatedly shown that companies with too much pressure or a lousy work environment suffer from productivity.

However, those who do endomarketing and care about their employees’ well-being achieve much higher results. Investing in this aspect is as important as investing in machinery or human capital. If we do it well, it will pay off in the medium term.

Lower Employee Turnover

Another underlying advantage of endomarketing is achieving a lower staff turnover rate. When workers feel more identified with the company and are more comfortable with it, it is more difficult to seek other job opportunities actively.

Investing in endomarketing means savings in investment in training a new employee by keeping them for longer and not having to explain processes, training, etc …

Greater Loyalty and Commitment

Loyalty and commitment to the company are also crucial both for employees and collaborators.

For this reason, endomarketing strategies must also be aimed at them. The greater loyalty and commitment there is, the more likely it is that a more significant effort can be counted on to get ahead in adverse circumstances.

Better and Healthier Organizational Climate 

The organizational climate directly affects the performance of the team. As soon as the company commits to the quality of work, both the processes and the flow of activities improve significantly.

This supposes an improvement not only in the results of the company and in the achievement of objectives but also in how it is perceived from within it.

More information: What is a healthy company, and what benefits does it have?

Higher well-being 

Working always ends up being stressful. It is also the task of endomarketing to find a way to promote better occupational health to have better mental health on the part of the team.

In this way, not only are casualties avoided, but stress is reduced, and productivity is improved.


How to Implement an Endomarketing Plan?

To implement an endomarketing plan in the company, you have to follow four different steps. The first thing is to define who is going to be in charge of it.

In large multinationals, there are complete internal marketing or communication departments in charge of them. However, it is usually a joint work of human resources with marketing in small and medium-sized companies.

Once those responsible have been established, it is necessary to analyze the internal and external elements, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company, set an endomarketing plan, and, later, measure the results.

Analysis of External Elements

This is usually the most common mistake when it comes to internal marketing. A company is not sealed and closed compartment without external influences, but quite the opposite.

Therefore, the first step is to analyze what is happening in our sector. It is essential to know what salaries other companies pay, the employee benefits if they have flexible compensation and other similar aspects.

It is easy to understand that if there are many job opportunities in our sector, we are not those who pay the most or offer the most additional benefits. It will take a more significant effort to retain talent and identify with the company.

If not, it will be easier to take pride in our internal marketing actions.

Identify Strengths and Weaknesses of The Company.

As important as being clear about what happens outside the company is to know what is happening inside. Are the employees satisfied? What are they missing? What are our added value points?

In this regard, employee satisfaction surveys are our main allies to keep in mind what is happening. Remember that they must be anonymous, and there should be no retaliation if the results are not as expected.

Just as important as identifying weaknesses is knowing what we are doing well.

On many occasions, there are internal marketing actions that do not require even an outlay of money. On the contrary, it can bring an essential return in occupational health, productivity, and motivation.

Other times it will be necessary to invest, and it will be required to calibrate if the benefits are going to compensate for the investment required. This is generally the case, but we can look at other success stories and look for the most effective ways to

Establish an Internal Marketing Plan

The endomarketing or internal marketing plan will be the documents in which objectives and measures are established to improve the weaknesses detected or improve the strengths in the company.

If, for example, we have detected that decisions are always vertical and employees do not feel that they are being taken into account, quality circles can be implemented.

If salaries are below the industry average and there is insufficient liquidity to raise them, other benefits such as teleworking, flexible hours, or flexible remuneration can be established.

If you don’t feel opportunities for improvement or are considered individually, create an employee experience map.

If the teams are not sufficiently cohesive, we can carry out team-building activities to give some examples.

Whatever the measures, the important thing is to set them as SMART objectives: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and in a whole period.

It is not about putting “create a better work environment” but, for example, improving the perception of the work environment by 30% this year. For this, the different actions or awareness-raising activities will be carried out (and break them down).

How do you measure a point like in the previous one? Well, with the employee satisfaction survey.

Measure Results and Act Accordingly

As we mentioned in the previous point, measuring the results is essential.

There is no use in making organizational and financial efforts to improve employee satisfaction if we are not monitoring its operation.

All measures must be followed to see what results they have had and, subsequently, act accordingly.

If a measure has not worked, it is necessary to check what has failed and seek to solve the problem. If it has worked, it may help us to hit the key for further measurements.

It is also important not to rest on your laurels. The company must continue to evolve because competitors will too, and new opportunities emerge for employees to be happy and motivated.

The post What Is Endomarketing And How Is It Applied In The Company? appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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Important Steps To Get Started With Online Marketing Fri, 13 Aug 2021 14:03:31 +0000 So That SMEs Can Quickly Reach Their Customers Online. The first steps in unfamiliar areas always seem the hardest to us. But to all small and local companies that ask us whether it is worthwhile for them to be active online, we answer clearly and unequivocally: yes! And there is no doubt: it is neither […]

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So That SMEs Can Quickly Reach Their Customers Online.

The first steps in unfamiliar areas always seem the hardest to us. But to all small and local companies that ask us whether it is worthwhile for them to be active online, we answer clearly and unequivocally: yes! And there is no doubt: it is neither generally nor in the course of advancing digitization or the findings from the corona pandemic about reducing or even abolishing the presence and availability on site. But on the contrary. It’s about creating additional accessibility that supports you in preparation for your work on-site and your chances for the growth of your business to enlarge sustainably.

After all, the Internet is used by 89 percent of users to search specifically for information about services or goods. How can I use that as an SME for my success? What options do I have online, and how can I put them into practice? The most important thing is to get the best out of basic measures with the first steps that build on each other in a meaningful way, with which you are guaranteed not to go wrong, and success is achieved after a short time. It is also essential to know which goals are to be completed and what suits your company. So let’s say your business is starting from scratch when it comes to online marketing: Here are the basic steps to get you started.

It’s all in The Mix: Digital Presence, Findability, Reputation and Knowledge

1: Create a Digital Presence

The important things first. To market your offer online successfully, you need a central location where precisely that can be found for interested parties 24 hours a day, seven days a week: this place is your website! This must be optimized for mobile use, technically flawless, and user-friendly works. This also depends on the content with which you position yourself as an expert in your field. Here you can, for example, present your service portfolio in detail and communicate with your visitors as required. You can offer the content and answers to essential questions that interest your target group and present concrete solutions to their problems with your services and products. Here visitors can always find the latest campaigns, special offers, or promotions. And you put yourself in a position to react flexibly at any time: be it the communication of changed opening times, new contact channels, or job offers.

See your website as a stage of its own, on which you can present your willingness to provide service and expand your corporate image right from the start. After all, you want to turn your visitors into customers, address applicants who are willing to change, or win new business partners. Your website also forms the best basis for further online marketing measures and your presence on other channels. Additional tip: You can also use the option of company entries in the most important online directories, such as Google My Business. Service companies, craftsmen, and shops, in particular, ensure that interested parties who are currently looking for your service on the Internet also receive the most up-to-date and, therefore, correct contact details for your company and, of course, the direct link. To your new website!

2: Ensure Findability

For your website to be found, it is advisable to advertise where your target group is looking for services or products: in the most crucial search engines. Your gaze immediately falls on the search results that are higher up. Search engine advertising for your offer on Google and Bing helps you appear like a company with an ad in precisely this area, attract attention, and set yourself apart from your competition. This is how you can draw the attention of potential customers or applicants using any (and even a tiny budget) regionally or nationally and forward them directly to your website!

3: Inspire Confidence

Think about your behavior when you find out about new products, services, or products. We are most likely to trust their quality when others have already tested them and found them good. There is nothing you can do to promote your expertise more than with good reviews from satisfied customers. In particular, the ratings and reviews on Google (especially in the Google My Business profile mentioned above ) are highly relevant and help more users make decisions for or against hiring a company. So ask your customers in direct contact or online to rate you online in your directory entries.

Also Read: Qualities And Skills Of The Business Administrator

4: Build Knowledge

The first steps have been taken, and you are curious how you can proceed or optimize your existing measures? So that you can keep track of other simple advertising options on the Internet, a guide tailored to small and medium-sized companies would be advisable. But where do you get this information from without “Googling” for hours, ultimately getting bogged down in an infinite number of online articles with English “marketing blah blah” and in the end without fundamental knowledge? The answer: A specialist who has many years of experience looking after small and medium-sized companies in all industries, knows their needs and speaks the same language. Use, for example, free white papers, video instructions or live webinars,

The post Important Steps To Get Started With Online Marketing appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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Advantages And Importance Of Facebook For Companies Mon, 07 Sep 2020 05:26:56 +0000 If you want to improve your online business, it is very likely that you can take advantage of some social networks. In particular, today we will see the benefits of Facebook for businesses. First of all, you should avoid making the mistake of confusing the fan page that your company or business should have on […]

The post Advantages And Importance Of Facebook For Companies appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

If you want to improve your online business, it is very likely that you can take advantage of some social networks. In particular, today we will see the benefits of Facebook for businesses.

First of all, you should avoid making the mistake of confusing the fan page that your company or business should have on Facebook with your personal page on the social network. A well-managed company page has the following advantages, among others :

It is another way of communication. Beyond your website or other tools, Facebook is, today, an essential communication channel so that users can keep up to date with news, offers or any topic that you want to share from your company. Sometimes it is easier to reach your customers through Facebook than through the email marketing campaigns themselves because Facebook users are quite active.

You will generate branding. A fan page allows you to develop the image of your brand and bring it closer to users.
Increase engagement. Your followers will be able to see your publications and interact with the news of your company. If you work correctly and continuously, Facebook is a way to improve engagement and get more indirect visits to your website.

It is a tool to improve web traffic. Post frequently and don’t forget about Facebook Ads. We are not going to tell you what the necessary frequency is, because it depends on each case, but from three weekly publications to more than one daily is generally recommended. Everything will depend on the business profile, client, etc. And to give your business a punch, advertising on Facebook Ads is usually very effective with a good campaign and will bring more traffic to your website.

You will be able to analyze the results . With the Facebook analysis tool, you can go from the audience segments that follow you to the best time to post. If you know how to work on your company’s Facebook page and you have professional or expert professionals in this social network, you will surely get results that will surprise you.

You will be closer to your audience. You will be able to answer questions or attend complaints, even thank the positive reviews that they may want to share in this way.

The importance of a Facebook page for your company is summarized in these advantages that you can implement with a correct Facebook strategy for companies.

Also Read: Facebook Marketplace – What Is Facebook Marketplace

The post Advantages And Importance Of Facebook For Companies appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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