online advertising Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Sun, 30 Jul 2023 13:48:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 online advertising Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Content Marketing For Business – Definition And Benefits Fri, 26 May 2023 10:18:47 +0000 One of the most important tasks of content marketing is to pick up the customer’s current interests, problems and challenges. Helpful tips and useful information convey trust, credibility and competence. Storytelling is also a popular method in content marketing. Case studies of customer projects, examples and stories make the content livelier and more authentic. Content […]

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One of the most important tasks of content marketing is to pick up the customer’s current interests, problems and challenges. Helpful tips and useful information convey trust, credibility and competence. Storytelling is also a popular method in content marketing. Case studies of customer projects, examples and stories make the content livelier and more authentic.
Content marketing is the most powerful tool for increasing awareness and generating customer contacts. Businesses use content marketing to acquire new customers and drive sales using website analytics, keyword research, and targeted strategy recommendations.
Content marketing is all about well-performing content. These are not just a few nice sentences on a website, but the key to a convincing sales success. The competition is fierce, and purchasing decisions are often based on research and trust.
As a rule, customers today use the possibilities of the Internet to find out about products and services that interest them. They find out about the latest trends and exchange ideas on various platforms. Content marketing can be used to address potential customers by conveying content about products and services or industry topics interestingly.

Very Simple: Instead of Offering Your Product, Offer a Solution!

The conveying of context and valuable information is essential for content marketing. It’s about the benefit or the value perceived by the customer. If your content is valuable, it will be read, shared and resonated with your customers. Also, timing and targeting are crucial to get your audience interested in your product or service.

Content Marketing Allows Brands To Differentiate Themselves Through Storytelling.

As part of the noticeably increasing relevance of content marketing, more and more marketers are discussing terms such as storytelling, transmedia storytelling or visual storytelling. Storytelling is about the narrative method by which explicit and tacit knowledge is taken in and passed on as a metaphor. By involving the audience, the knowledge to be conveyed becomes easier to understand and internalize. This way, a story can be retold much more easily.

Why Is Content Marketing So Important?

The importance of content marketing in digital marketing is demonstrated by its ability to increase the quality of traffic to your website. When it comes to attracting attention and generating high-quality leads that support healthy sales growth, content is the key to success.
Unique content sets you apart from your competitors. Your company establishes itself as the leading authority in the industry, and you show your customers that you know your stuff.
The most effective way to drive traffic to your website is through the content you develop for your blog, SEO, and social media marketing. While many important elements fall under these categories, it all boils down to the quality of your content.
The higher the quality of content, the more valuable it is to your audience and the more likely they are to engage with your business. The more they engage with your business and spend time on your website, the more likely they will develop trust in your brand and convert them into prospects and customers.

What Forms of Content Marketing Are There?

There are different forms of content marketing. Here are the most important ones:

Texts – In all areas of content marketing, the text plays an important role. For example, even if a video is the landing page’s focus, it is usually framed with text. Depending on the service or product, different text formats are suitable: blog posts, media releases, newsletters, case studies or even recipes. The types of text can also be differentiated: storytelling, portraits, checklists, listicles, news reports, customer feedback or field reports.

Videos – Videos are also playing an increasingly important role in content marketing. Why actually? Emotions can be shown with videos. A majority of customers prefer video messages to text. As with text, videos come in a variety of formats and content. This includes, for example, corporate videos, branding videos, product videos, commercials, animated videos, tutorials and webinars.

E-mails/newsletters – A regular newsletter can be used to maintain and strengthen customer loyalty. Newsletter marketing keeps customers informed about new products, services and promotions. Insights behind the scenes of a company increase acceptance and sympathy among customers. In addition, targeted queries offer the opportunity to make purchases that have not yet been made. When it comes to newsletters, less is more. Simply designed newsletters without attachments often work better than complex content that sometimes cannot even be opened in the inbox.

Pictures – A good picture says more than a thousand words. This also applies to content marketing. Images can loosen up texts or clarify more complex text passages. Infographics, animated images, image galleries or virtual tours can add additional value.

Content Marketing and SEO – What’s The Difference?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the technical processes (on-page optimization) and marketing measures (off-page optimization) to improve visibility within the organic search results and thus increase traffic on a website or blog.
Content marketing is a communication and business strategy to publicize and promote a company or brand based on providing valuable content in corporate communications. Content marketing focuses on creating genuinely interesting content that is useful and helpful to a target audience, such as B. Tips, how-tos, industry information, storytelling, and user-generated content.
A successful content marketing strategy is based on close observation and dialogue with the target group. Feedback from comments, social media discussions, and customer service serves as the basis for creating content that addresses current challenges and issues.

No SEO Without Content Marketing

Successful online business strategies combine content marketing and SEO. Today, SEO is all about content and social engagement. This is where a content marketing strategy comes in. However, marketing content must be created and advertised according to SEO aspects such as search relevance, keywords, linking and cross-media promotion (off-page SEO). Of course, you’ll have to rely on working agencies specialized for your industry. If you’re in the SaaS industry, then you’ll have to work with an SEO agency for SaaS because they have the necessary industry understanding, know what SEO strategies work best for SaaS companies, and have the content knowledge required for boosting your site’s performance.

SEO is no longer just a technical task for a webmaster. At the same time, a few basic technical things to consider in technical SEO make it easier for search engines to index a website, such as meta tags, keywords, responsiveness, page speed, etc. (on-page SEO). But none of this is good for SEO alone if you don’t also provide the right content that customers are looking for. Because only what is sought can also be found.

The Perfect Content Marketing Strategy

A content marketing strategy can be used, for example, to win new customers in a targeted manner, improve/change the company’s image or increase awareness of a brand, product or person.

Only when you know what content the respective target group needs and how often, what types of content are suitable and through which channels this target group can best be reached can content marketing achieve what many hope for.

The following questions are particularly important when strategically planning content:

  • What do you want to achieve with your content?
  • Who do you want to reach with your content?
  • When and where do you want to publish your content?
  • What are you willing to invest in your content?
  • How do you check the achievement of the goals?


Content marketing is an online trend and SEO hype, but its concept has been established for decades and has proven its sales-promoting effect. It is not for nothing that a comprehensive content marketing strategy has become an integral part of today’s SEO concepts. The increasing customer orientation in recent years has left lasting marks on both the search engine algorithm and the SEO scene. And that’s just as well.

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The Dilemma of Attribution In Digital Marketing Sat, 16 Jul 2022 07:15:40 +0000 At this point in the marketing world, some are less suspicious of conventional advertising than digital. In other words: what some ask of online advertising is not required of traditional media. As we have a more remarkable ability to trace user behavior through analyzing their behavior on social networks and web pages, many companies seek […]

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At this point in the marketing world, some are less suspicious of conventional advertising than digital. In other words: what some ask of online advertising is not required of traditional media. As we have a more remarkable ability to trace user behavior through analyzing their behavior on social networks and web pages, many companies seek to make the results of campaigns in these areas more reliable and predictable. “How many sales are you going to assure me?” Some ask. “How many registrations am I going to get?” Others insist. It does not matter if the recommended investment is less than the cost of a radio spot, a canvas on a building, or a billboard at an urban intersection. If digital, we require that sales attribution (who claims success) be accurate.

What Can Go Wrong In An Attribution Process

The terrain of the allocation is swampy. We want to be confident in knowing how many conversion processes have occurred in our online store thanks to a successful ad on a mobile media network or what traffic is due directly to a series of dynamic creatives in a particular social network. However, there are factors that we must take into account to clarify what the data offers us.

It is not easy to associate a direct purchase with an advertising campaign. The regulations require that payment operations be carried out on secure platforms managed by financial institutions or intermediary companies, such as Paypal. Once the client leaves our environment to pay the cost of the operation, they may not return to our site and leave us without closing the circle of the sale in our analytics. Likewise, it could not complete the purchase due to a bad experience, an unexpected cut in the service, or a bad design of that service outside of us. The attribution wobbles a bit.

On other occasions, relating a transaction to a campaign is something that we must associate with a specific impact (for example, the memory of a banner that was shown to us in a recent period) or with a repetitive result (the famous retargeting). Conversion pixels were invented to correct the gap between seeing an ad and making a purchase decision, which can be fair or biased, depending on how they are configured. Can we consider that seeing a campaign a week ago is still decisive for us to land on the advertiser’s site to make a purchase, or is this movement the consequence of a set of elements, such as the effect of conventional media?

Is Precision Lacking In Digital Marketing?

All of the above does not mean that we should distrust digital marketing. On the contrary, we must consider that the attributions of one environment and another are different, and the audiences, too.

Never before have we had more data and greater precision in knowing the results of our campaigns. We see their ability to generate traffic, which creatives work best, which elements attract attention, which calls to action work and which do not, and what path our customers take to reach the shopping cart. We can even use quick action tools like discount codes or tracking links to enrich the information we have about our customers. That power does not have a poster hanging from a banner or a brochure attached with a brush to the car’s windshield wiper.

Still, there is mistrust. If it’s digital, it must be accurate. If it is conventional, it should only generate visibility. Well, neither one nor the other. Each format, support, and space plays in a different field but with complementary objectives, often aiming at different profiles. Choosing the media mix is ​​critical, but the key is comparing the right metrics before and after launching a campaign.

Also Read: 10 Reasons You Need A Digital Marketing Strategy In 2022

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Why Your Business Needs SEO-optimized Landing Pages? Fri, 04 Feb 2022 07:33:00 +0000 Landing pages are a vital element of effective SEO and digital marketing campaigns. Whether you are improving your market reach or advertising a new product or service, a user-friendly, SEO-optimized landing page can help you achieve your business goals.In many cases, a properly designed landing page provides website visitors an initial glimpse of what your […]

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Landing pages are a vital element of effective SEO and digital marketing campaigns. Whether you are improving your market reach or advertising a new product or service, a user-friendly, SEO-optimized landing page can help you achieve your business goals.
In many cases, a properly designed landing page provides website visitors an initial glimpse of what your brand name is all about and impacts their decision-making process. A solid landing page is an indispensable asset that can be customized to your brand objectives and marketing demands.

Landing pages help you engage quality leads and prospects and get them on the path to real conversion. Landing page design and development, however, are not easy tasks. For a well-designed landing page, you need to create an engaging landing page SEO content and user-friendly landing page design that align with your business goals and prospects’ intent to leverage conversion opportunities.
A landing page is a section of a website that users “land” on when they click through pay-per-click or social media ads, email links or a call to action (CTA) button on a different page.
Landing pages are designed to be precise and drive a particular action rather than a place to go for research and information gathering. Landing pages nurture leads from the upper CRO funnel and guide them towards goal completion. Once your prospects know about your business and click on a call to action button or link at the top of your CRO funnel, it is simpler to increase their brand engagement through your well-designed landing page and convert them into paying customers.
The main difference between a landing page and other web pages, such as your website homepage, “About Us” page and product/service page, is landing pages target segmented customer populations. These pages are disconnected from a website’s navigation and designed mainly to convince online users to take necessary action like sign up for a particular event, subscribe to newsletters, book an appointment, etc. Let’s know the reasons why your business needs a well-designed landing page.

Increase Potential Leads

Landing page optimization is the perfect way to improve your brand name recognition, drive quality leads and traffic to your website and enhance your SEO and CRO. Knowing how to design a landing page is essential to acquiring more leads and enhancing your chances of conversion. If you are running a healthcare business and not sure how to get started with your landing page optimization or which calls to action effectively attract quality leads, you can hire a professional healthcare web development agency.

Create Valuable Data and Actions

Landing pages enable you to collect prospect demographics required to contact leads and move them along your conversion rate optimization funnel. The most common landing page examples, such as lead capture landing pages and splash landing pages, contain a short form that asks for contact details or relevant information, such as their name, email address, and other contact information.

Offer an Exceptional User Experience

Google rankings mean nothing if users click on the website and they are unable to easily understand it or complete the business’s goal. Alternatively, if a user wants to contact a business, make an appointment or purchase, but the process is complex or does not make any sense, the opportunity will be lost due to bad CRO.
This results in low conversion rates, high bounce rates, and low website duration. Using effective landing page SEO practices allows you to make a good first impression on your prospects and build brand credibility.

Improve Your Campaigns

Landing pages are not only designed to support SEO and PPC campaigns; they are also useful platforms for social media marketing, search engine marketing (SEM), email marketing, and eCommerce optimization.
To ensure the sustainable online growth of your business, a professional SEO agency offers landing page design and optimization services. Professionals create the client’s landing page templates to include localized call-to-action buttons and create a sense of urgency on the SEO-optimized landing page content.

Final thoughts

Without the help of experienced landing page professionals, you risk losing targeting audience and conversion opportunities. SEO professionals know and understand your business, all products/services and, most importantly, the client’s business goals. They discuss everything in detail and collect logos and other brand guidelines to design a landing page using high conversion elements customized to your business goals.

Also Read: What is CRM? and How Can It Help You To Manage Your Business?

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Offline Marketing – Integrate It Into Your Online Strategy Thu, 30 Dec 2021 06:15:01 +0000 Social media campaigns, content strategies, email automation … it might seem that there is no room for offline marketing nowadays. However, it is the perfect complement to all the company’s activities on the Internet. Despite the time that we all spend daily on the Internet, the reality is that not all of our day to […]

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Social media campaigns, content strategies, email automation … it might seem that there is no room for offline marketing nowadays. However, it is the perfect complement to all the company’s activities on the Internet. Despite the time that we all spend daily on the Internet, the reality is that not all of our day to day takes place in the virtual environment and, therefore, the contacts with the brand that occur in the proximity of the physical space, they can make a big difference.

What Is Offline Marketing?

Offline marketing is any advertising or promotional practice that uses traditional media to publicize a brand and its products. These can be all kinds of strategies, as long as they cover television, radio, billboards, print media, and in-person events. There are no limitations as long as it is about media that have nothing to do with the Internet. Therefore, we can find business cards, t-shirts, banners or billboards, newspapers, magazines, flyers, radio advertising, car wraps, or even tattoos.

Nowadays, it is pretty standard for offline marketing to complement the primary strategy. Most of the time, traditional marketing methods support online efforts.

Also Read: Difference In Online and Offline Marketing

How Do You Know If Offline Marketing Works And Pays Off?

While Google Analytics is an excellent resource for measuring the progress of online marketing campaigns, what about offline marketing?

Bearing in mind that decisions in this area are made based on data (and not intuition), it is necessary to find those sources of information to confirm if the strategy in place is correct or needs adjustments.

Among the methods that make it possible to know if an offline campaign is successful, some of the most effective relate it to the initiatives underway on the Internet.

Thus, it is advisable to resort to:

  • Promotional codes to use on the web.
  • Business cards with a link to a landing page.
  • The form requires explaining where the brand has been heard of.
  • Take advantage of offline brand tracking software.
  • Use of QR codes.

The “old school” marketing methods have not disappeared with the rise of the digital age, and that is why the possibility of integrating them into the online strategy must be kept in mind.

But while they can be handy for certain businesses, they are also quite challenging to track down. There are many ways to measure the ROI of traditional advertising, and it is essential to find the one that best suits the company’s needs.

It Is Necessary To Measure The Success Of Offline Marketing.

Use filters, verify traffic analysis without references, look for changes in the volume of search for brands, see where discount codes are used … There are many ways to know the origin of a customer or lead.

The marketing campaigns offline are an excellent way to generate business and traffic. But, without proper monitoring, they do not provide all the value that could be derived from this type of initiative.

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