B2B MARKETING Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Tue, 16 May 2023 05:16:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 https://www.techreviewscorner.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/TRC3.jpg B2B MARKETING Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 How To Use Digital Marketing In The Industrial Sector To Stand Out In A Saturated Market https://www.techreviewscorner.com/how-to-use-digital-marketing-in-the-industrial-sector/ https://www.techreviewscorner.com/how-to-use-digital-marketing-in-the-industrial-sector/#respond Tue, 16 May 2023 05:16:14 +0000 https://www.techreviewscorner.com/?p=5130 The purchasing process has changed. It doesn’t matter if you are a B2C or B2B manufacturer; your potential buyers are going to spend significant time in their purchase decision process researching you online before considering contacting you. The reality is that 88 percent of consumers begin their purchase process online. A significant portion of B2B […]

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The purchasing process has changed. It doesn’t matter if you are a B2C or B2B manufacturer; your potential buyers are going to spend significant time in their purchase decision process researching you online before considering contacting you. The reality is that 88 percent of consumers begin their purchase process online. A significant portion of B2B buyers’ purchase-related activity (27 percent) involves doing their own research online.
The use of digital marketing has multiple benefits in promoting your B2B business: return on investment is easier to measure with digital campaigns, a good online experience can radically differentiate your company from the competition, and effective digital marketing campaigns can quickly boost the generation of new leads.
Below, we show you some digital marketing formulas manufacturers can use to stand out in such a competitive market.

Optimize Your B2B Website To Be SEO-Friendly.

Your website is the equivalent of an always-on store, where visitors can view your products and learn more about your business anytime. Not optimizing your website for search engines like Google or Bing is like opening a physical store in an empty city: no one knows it exists, so no one can benefit from your products or services, no matter how good they are. 

Getting your website optimized for SEO is like giving your store a privileged location on the Internet, allowing it to give the best of itself.  

Some tips to help the SEO of your website:

  • Identify the keywords your ideal customers/buyers are using, and then make sure those keywords are strategically placed on your web page, including page titles, H1 titles, meta descriptions, and even image alt text. 
  • Ensure your page loads quickly ( you can do a speed test here ), and remove or adjust any components that slow down page load time. Site speed is an important factor in the ranking and positioning of web pages. More importantly, a slow-loading site can negatively affect your conversion rate.
  • Avoid duplicate content on your pages. It isn’t good for search engines but for the user to read the same thing on multiple pages. Tailor your content to your audience and provide value through your website. 

Create Content For Customers And Prospects In Your Industry or B2B Company.

Content creation is a great way to position your industry company as a thought leader. With regular content posting, your current and potential customers can interact with your website regularly and consider your team as thought leaders in the industry.
Here are some tips for creating great content for manufacturers in the industrial sector :
Content ideas include creating a blog, publishing online guides, developing infographics, or producing short videos. Find out what topics are important to your customers by consulting your sales and customer service team or speaking with your most important customers.
Remember those SEO-friendly keywords I mentioned earlier? Be sure to incorporate them into your content.

Interact On Social Networks.

Social media platforms are, for many companies, very valuable places to make valuable contacts, including for companies in the industrial sector. An effective social media strategy requires dedication to posting the right content on the right channels. You can also use social media to connect directly with your customers and answer their questions. 

Some tips for managing your social media accounts:

  • If you will use social media as a support or customer service option, make sure you have one person (or more) on your team dedicated to monitoring social media. Customer expectations for response time are high: most people expect a response within the first 24 hours. Slow response times or, worse, no response at all can drive customers away from your business.
  • Just like your website must be optimized for search engines, social media posts must be optimized for distribution. Use appropriate (but not too many!) hashtags related to your business.

Launch Personalized Email Campaigns.

Email marketing is a valuable tool in any digital marketing strategy: it can convert subscribers to the company’s content into satisfied customers. It is one of the digital marketing tools with which you will obtain the best ROI. 

You must be careful with the recipients you are addressing, the subject lines, and the content you are writing, even when you launch the campaigns.  

Some tips for writing successful email marketing campaigns :

  • Try to match the content of the email with your Buyer Persona. What type of content are your buyers interested in? Product promotions? Advice on the use of the product? Videos? Email personalization isn’t just about including the recipient’s name in the body. Incorporate the type of content they want to see, and they will be more likely to open emails.
  • Don’t forget to include a call to action or the next step you’d like the recipient to take. Whether that means clicking through to your web page, purchasing a product, or subscribing to your blog, you must ensure you provide value on the other side of the click. 

Explore Paid Media Campaigns.

Digital advertising opportunities can also add value to your business, helping you reach potential customers where they already are: on search engines or social media. In a competitive industry, you can use Google Search Ads to get ahead of your competition so that your product or business appears at the top of search results. Or you can advertise on social networks to reach customers who spend part of their time on them. 

Tips to get started with your Paid Media campaigns

  • More money doesn’t automatically mean more leads or sales for search ads. You will need to carefully select the keywords to bid on to target the right audiences. Don’t forget negative keywords; They can help exclude you from appearing in searches that don’t match your services. 
  • Regarding Social ads, you have to know your buyers well. The finer the targeting of your ads, the better conversions you will get with them. These filters can include your customer demographics, interests, and behaviors. 

Take Advantage of Existing Tools To Optimize Your Company’s Digital Marketing In The Industrial Sector.

The right marketing technology often backs a strong digital industry marketing strategy. You don’t need all the tools in the world, but you will need some tools to help you create, launch, and track your campaigns. Evaluate the needs and objectives of your campaigns and combine them with the tools that best suit your team. 

Tips for finding the right marketing tools:

  • The tools can help you manage customer relationships and data, automate marketing activities, send emails, post on social media, and much more.
  • Sometimes you need a platform that can combine multiple tools into one, whether you need to collect contact information, nurture customers after a purchase, or track your sales pipeline. HubSpot, for example, offers CRM, marketing, sales, and customer service capabilities. Mailchimp can serve as your CRM tool and email marketing platform. 
  • If you are a manufacturer looking to stand out in your industry, digital marketing can be the tool to differentiate yourself from your competitors. These tactics can help you reach potential buyers, make them aware of your services, and convert them into satisfied customers.

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Inbound Marketing & Account-Based Marketing – The Winning Strategies of B2B? https://www.techreviewscorner.com/inbound-marketing-account-based-marketing-the-winning-strategies-of-b2b/ https://www.techreviewscorner.com/inbound-marketing-account-based-marketing-the-winning-strategies-of-b2b/#respond Thu, 21 Oct 2021 05:55:01 +0000 https://www.techreviewscorner.com/?p=2825 Are you a B2B company and want to set up a differentiating digital strategy adapted to your sector? Two winning strategies are available to you: inbound marketing and account-based marketing (ABM). B2B being in substantial evolution, these two strategies are set to gain momentum in the years to come. Find out why one or the […]

The post Inbound Marketing & Account-Based Marketing – The Winning Strategies of B2B? appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Are you a B2B company and want to set up a differentiating digital strategy adapted to your sector? Two winning strategies are available to you: inbound marketing and account-based marketing (ABM).

B2B being in substantial evolution, these two strategies are set to gain momentum in the years to come. Find out why one or the other of these strategies, very different but complementary! They are currently in vogue and are developing very strongly and rapidly.

How To Set Up An Inbound Marketing Strategy?

Inbound marketing is a B2B strategy that attracts your ideal prospects, also called persona, to convert them into leads and then transform them into customers through marketing automation, lead nurturing and content creation actions.

Step 1: Define Your Buyer’s Personas 

To attract your personas, you have to start by defining them. This way, you will know who to contact, why and how.

After having created your persona (s), it is essential to understand the stages that make up their customer journey, leading them to their purchasing decision.

The creation of personas allows you to identify your customers’ problems and how you position yourself to respond to them. This is the first step in building your editorial strategy.

Step 2: Create Downloadable Content and Blog Posts

To set up an Inbound Marketing strategy, you will have to create content on the web for your personas. Within this content, do not talk about yourself but rather respond to issues your prospects may encounter.

Creating content that meets your prospects’ challenges is the best or the only way for them to download your content and thus turn it into a lead!

Here are some examples of Inbound Marketing content that you can set up:

  • Blog post
  • Webinar
  • White Book
  • Infographics
  • Podcast
  • Customer cases
  • Tool
  • Marketing video
  • Checklist

Once your content is created, you must promote it to make it shine and reach your target: share on your social networks, your website or blog, generate SEA campaigns with particular attention to your keywords and your targeting, create an emailing campaign by segmenting your database, etc.

Step 3: Create Landing Pages and Forms That Will Collect Information About Your Leads

When your prospect wants to download your content, you will land him on a landing page to make him fill out a form to send him the content by email. Within this form, you fill in the fields you want: name, first name, email, phone number …

You will also be able to collect behavioural data (which article he read, on which pages he browses, etc.) to subsequently be able to personalize your content and better respond to the challenges of prospects. Thus, you will make him understand that you are a credible interlocutor.

Step 4: Set Up Marketing Automation To Personalize Your Messages And Score Your Leads

Send personalized messages throughout the customer journey (acquisition, loyalty, etc.): you will thus create a customized relationship and increase efficiency.

Also, set up a lead scoring system. This consists of assigning a score to your leads, allowing their engagement and quality to be measured according to their behaviour. Thanks to marketing automation, this attribution is done automatically: the more points a lead has, the more commercially attractive it is!

These lead scoring and marketing automation actions are often linked to a strategy called lead nurturing.

Also Read: B2B Digital Marketing Automation Report 2021

Step 5: Convert a Lead Into a Customer!

Never forget the end goal: convert your leads into customers.

Once your leads have reached a score threshold (defined by you beforehand) and they are sufficiently qualified (first name, last name, department, phone number, etc.), you can then send them to your sales teams. They thus have the complete history of the behavioural data of the leads and are ready to start prospecting actions with them.

The Advantages of Inbound Marketing

It appeals to your prospects!

The era is in “permission marketing”: the consumer is in power, and he wants to consent to communicate with you.

She concludes long sales cycles!

With Inbound Marketing, you stay in the consumer’s mind, and you will close the sales.

It builds customer loyalty!

Once your prospect has been transformed into a customer, inbound marketing will not give up and will make them become an ambassador.

It accelerates your profitability!

Studies show that companies with an inbound marketing strategy have a better ROI.

How To Set Up an Account-Based Marketing Strategy?

Account-based marketing (ABM) concentrates its efforts on a list of target customers called “strategic accounts”. So you don’t exhaust yourself selling to everyone!

This strategy allows you to make more gross margins, upsell, attack or explore a new market or develop customers similar to (also called the one to few). This strategy should create something that you have never made before.

Step 1: Identify Your Strategic Accounts

Build a contact mapping to know who to target in a company. These must be specific vital accounts. For your strategy to be profitable, these accounts must be large enough or have substantial business potential.

Step 2: Perform Research on Your Identified Profiles

You need to know your strategic accounts both inside and out! Find out about the company’s key figures, the brand’s identity, projects, values, issues, etc.

Google, Twitter, Linked In, and the company’s website will be your allies for its research.

Step 3: Push Hyper-Personalized Content

To design your hyper-personalized campaigns, identify the channels that work best for your target (digital content, physical demonstration, etc.) as well as the ideal frequency.

Here are some examples of account-based marketing content that you can set up:

  • White Book
  • Box
  • Sample
  • Email
  • Inmail
  • Mail
  • Invitation to an event

Creativity has its place within an ABM strategy, for example, focusing on sending personalized goodies.

Step 4: Engage Your Target Accounts

Make yourself known to your target accounts. Connect to LinkedIn, first get a telephone discovery meeting, for example.

Then schedule a physical meeting. Then comes the time to send the business proposal.

Remember to contextualize your commercial approach and be “customer-centric” properly!

The Advantages of Account-Based Marketing

It is efficient!

With ABM, you don’t focus on the number of leads but the quality of information and contacts. By concentrating on prospects with high potential to become customers, you gain inefficiency.

It optimizes conversions!

ABM content is relevant and personalized. It converts more.

It promotes marketing!

Smarketing is aligning your sales and marketing teams. Your teams work more collaboratively.

It has a better return on investment!

With ABM, you do not exhaust your resources for prospects with low added value. Instead, you focus on high potential accounts.

It saves your customers time!

Your customers are in a hurry. They will appreciate that you save them time.

Should I Be Doing Inbound Marketing Only, ABM Only, or Both?

These two strategies are both different and complementary. Depending on your business and your offer, you may or may not be able to implement these two strategies.

Who Is Inbound Marketing For?

The inbound marketing strategy is made for you:

  • If your persona uses the internet when doing research.
  • If you are on a long buying cycle (4 to 6 months).
  • If you are targeting a particular professional function (a CFO, a CIO, a Marketing Director, etc.).
  • If you are in a large market.
  • If you need to evangelize your offering.

Who is Account-Based Marketing For?

The ABM strategy is made for you:

  • If you have a significant value proposition/promise.
  • If you are in a small market, a market segment, a new territory, on the pursuit of customers of your competitors.
  • If your account decides with several stakeholders (the CEO, the CFO, the marketing department, the department concerned).
  • If you can acquire these accounts with a hyper-personalization strategy.

Also Read: Apple vs. Samsung vs. Google – Three Heavyweights Meet

The post Inbound Marketing & Account-Based Marketing – The Winning Strategies of B2B? appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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