CMS Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Fri, 31 Mar 2023 13:33:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CMS Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Promote Your Business On a Small Budget Through Content Creation Thu, 07 Jul 2022 05:23:05 +0000 Are you looking to develop your business with the internet, but you don’t have the means to launch advertising campaigns and don’t have the expertise of a marketing team? Creating content on the internet can be a compelling way to get your business off the ground with little money. And contrary to popular belief, you […]

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Are you looking to develop your business with the internet, but you don’t have the means to launch advertising campaigns and don’t have the expertise of a marketing team?

Creating content on the internet can be a compelling way to get your business off the ground with little money. And contrary to popular belief, you don’t necessarily need great expertise in marketing or sales.

Whether you are an e-tailer, freelancer, consultant, lawyer, or window seller, content creation can help you grow your business from the moment your customers go online.

This technique applies both with a target of individuals (B2C) and with a target of professionals (B2B).

As a software publisher with a B2B target, we opted for this strategy (which suits us well because we have always loved creating content). Unlike most of our competitors, we do not advertise (or only very exceptionally) and do not need it. Our customers come to us independently, and we have excellent conversion rates.

In this article, we will talk about content creation (Content Marketing) and explain how you can use it to get your business off the ground!

Can Anyone Do Content Marketing?

Today, almost everyone creates content on the internet, and it has become natural. When you write a status on Facebook, post a photo on Instagram, or upload a holiday movie to YouTube, you create content!

almost everyone creates content on the internet

But then “Content Marketing” what does it mean? Well, Content Marketing is when you use the content you post on the internet as a strategy to acquire new customers. It’s still content creation, but with a plan. You’ll publish the right content in the right place and work to make it work for your business!

How Much Does It Cost To Create Content?

How much does content creation cost? As with everything, I want to say it depends! So, to be relevant in our case, it must be compared with other ways of obtaining customers.

Concretely, publishing content on the internet is almost free. If you’re posting text on social media, you only need a computer or a phone. If you want to write a blog, there are free tools, where your only cost will be to pay for a domain name (14 € per year). If you want to make videos, maybe you will invest in some equipment, but nothing prevents you from starting with your phone!

How about comparing a content strategy to a classic acquisition strategy like advertising? Facebook or Google advertising, for example, has a cost. Launching a campaign can be expensive. If you want this to work, you need to hire an expert. Once the advertising has been set up and optimized, you will have to pay every month for the distribution of your campaign.

Why Is Content Marketing So Powerful?

Good content creation with an effective strategy is compelling in the long run!

What you have to understand is that content creation is a long-term investment. Unlike an advertising campaign that you have to pay for every month, a blog article, you only write it once, and if it brings you 5000 visitors per month, it’s 5000 visitors per month that cost you nothing and potentially remain “for life.”

It is the same with videos. If you spend one day making a video that generates 500 views per month, tell yourself that this video will bring you maybe 60,000 views over ten years, with only one day’s work. And each picture can allow you to reach a potential customer.

We tend to be wary of advertising messages because we know they are created with the sole objective of selling you a product. On the other hand, we trust those who make content on the internet much more, especially if it is helpful to us. Thus, with “Content Marketing,” you have six times more chance of convincing an Internet user to buy your product

How To Sell Through Content Creation?

For someone to buy your product, that person must already know that you exist. The more you see a brand, the more likely you think about it when you need to buy something. For example, I’m sure if I ask many people if they know of a company that sells VPNs, everyone will say “NordVPN.” Why? Because with millions of sponsored videos on YouTube, it’s by far the brand of VPN you see the most, even if you don’t care about the subject.

So, the more people who know about your brand or product, the more you will sell, making sense. And this is true whether you have an e-commerce site, whether you are a craftsman who works with wood, or whether you are a software creator or a plumber.

So how do you get more people to know about your business?

You will probably think: I need to make a page where I present my products!

Well, yes, and no.

Of course, you must create sales pages that talk about your products. But the subtlety is that you must find a roundabout way for your future customers to arrive on this page.

How Do You Establish a Content Strategy That Works?

Get Inside The Customer’s Head.

To establish a content creation strategy that works, you must do this exercise: Put yourself in your client’s shoes! Try to identify who he is, his problem, and his habits.

Going back to the example of the vacuum cleaner seller, the customer’s need is not limited to “Buying a vacuum cleaner.” Buying is rarely needed, and vacuuming isn’t necessary; it’s the solution. The customer’s needs could be: “Clean my apartment” or “How to clean a large area efficiently?”.

Once you have identified one or more of your customer’s needs, you can start creating content! And since it’s a subject you know well (usually if you sell vacuum cleaners, you know a little about cleaning), it will be easy!

In the case of the vacuum cleaner, you could write a blog post with tips for cleaning or a top 10 essential tools to clean your apartment effectively. You could also create videos in which you compare vacuum cleaners or give techniques to be more efficient when vacuuming a large area without hurting your back!

You Don’t Have To Talk About Your Product.

The important thing is to address the right person who is likely to buy your product. She has to see your site, brand, and logo, but not necessarily your product! At least not directly.

If the person viewing your content feels like you’re giving them free advice on a topic they’re interested in, then that person will have a favorable view of your brand and be more likely to trust you.

The goal is not to convert everyone. If your article reaches 5000 people, there may only be ten who will be interested in your product, but that’s okay! If you try in every way to convert every visitor, you risk scaring everyone away.

Try to bring something valuable and exciting to your audience, talk about what appeals to you, and do it authentically. Then, part of your audience will naturally turn into customers, and you will be rewarded.

Content Creation: What Are The Benefits?

The Authority Effect In SEO

SEO is all the techniques to optimize your site so that it arrives as high as possible in the results of search engines like Google.

In SEO, there is an indicator called authority. It is a score that Google will assign to your website based on your popularity. The more authority your site has, the more likely you appear in search results.

What is very interesting for you is that if you create, for example, a blog article, and it works very well (a lot of people read it), the overall authority score of your site will increase. And so, since your authority goes up, Google has a better chance of highlighting your site, so if on this site you have pages that you use to sell products, these will also be positively impacted!

In summary, creating exciting content allows you to boost your entire site and generate more income, even if your content does not speak directly about your products.

You Inspire Confidence

This is another side effect of content creation. If you offer quality content and people follow you on social networks, if you have subscribers on YouTube (if you have a channel), that’s reassuring for your future customers.

In marketing, this is called reassurance or social proof, and these are elements that will reassure your prospects and give you credibility.

When paying for a product or service on the internet, we often try to look a little at what the brand does before buying to be sure that it is not a scam.

For example, if you are a craftsman who manufactures wooden products, you can create a YouTube channel where people can see you working, explain what you do, talk about your passion for wood, etc. This kind of content will make you more credible and authentic to future customers, who will be more likely to buy your products and even give you more money. They will have the impression of knowing you a little and then be confident that they will not pay for industrial work relocated to a factory in China.

To Conclude

Content creation is an investment over time. It doesn’t cost much money and can be a potent lever to get your business off the ground if you sell online. It’s something that is reasonably accessible. No need to have attended a significant marketing school! If you are passionate about your work, your customers, or the product you create, talk about it on video or in writing, in your blog, on YouTube, or social networks! It will work if you take the time and create quality content regularly!

Also Read: Developing New Perspectives for Your Content: What’s Your Point of View

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Which Content Management System Suits My Company? Thu, 19 May 2022 05:48:12 +0000 If you want to operate a company website and are not a professional web developer by chance, you can hardly avoid a CMS ( Content Management System) today. If several users are involved in page maintenance, and the content constantly changes, a suitable content management system is even indispensable. This article introduces four of the […]

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If you want to operate a company website and are not a professional web developer by chance, you can hardly avoid a CMS ( Content Management System) today. If several users are involved in page maintenance, and the content constantly changes, a suitable content management system is even indispensable. This article introduces four of the most used CMS and gives an overview of the respective systems’ strengths, weaknesses, and unique features.

An Explanation of Terms In Advance

Content management systems (CMS) were developed to organize and distribute content. They contain a website’s content separately from the presentation of the published information. Unique content is saved in a commonly used format and allows the site or blog administrators to access and edit it using familiar tools. A content management system typically consists of a frontend and a backend area. The backend area serves as the actual administration area, where the creation and maintenance of the website take place. The front end is the existing website as displayed to the user in the browser. A content management system enables the basic web programming, layout and content to be separated. The provider often provides the user with ready-made designs, color specifications and paragraph formats. In this way, inexperienced users can easily customize websites without programming knowledge, and content can be collected more easily.

The Agony of Choice

Given many systems on the market, anyone who wants to find the right content management system for their own company must first clarify what their requirements are. Possible questions here could be:

  • What goal are you pursuing with your website?
  • Are you looking for multi location web design for a local business or franchise?
  • What content should be offered?
  • How many people are involved in administration?
  • Do you want to manage multiple websites at the same time?
  • How clear and user-friendly is the system?
  • Are extensions and plug-ins required?
  • headless vs coupled vs decoupled cms: Which is best?
  • What about search engine optimization?

Here are four popular content management systems presented briefly and concisely because the primary aim is to show the different focal points and possible uses of the systems.


What started as simple blog management software is now the world’s most widely used CMS. With WordPress, even complex websites, shops, or community platforms can be easily set up. Countless functions, templates and extensions allow maximum customization of your website. However, due to this extreme expandability, the CMS has also become more complex and cumbersome in recent years.


  • Fast, easy installation
  • A considerable number of partly free designs and templates
  • Numerous extensions such as plug-ins and widgets enable additional functions.
  • WordPress is generally considered to be very search engine friendly.
  • Mobile WordPress apps and publishing tools expand and simplify management.


  • The management of multi-page, extensive portals is sometimes still cumbersome.
  • WordPress can only handle manageable streams of visitors (a few hundred to several thousand visitors per day).
  • WordPress is the optimal choice for blogging or news portals and smaller sites from SMEs with a manageable site structure. The existing plug-ins offer additional functionality.


Joomla ranks second and has established itself in open-source CMS in recent years. Joomla is easy to learn even without much previous knowledge, and the installation is also considered fast and largely problem-free. The system provides the user with a variety of tools that allow changes to be made without making adjustments to the core of the system.


  • Installation and management to handle without specialist knowledge.
  • Extremely user-friendly generation of templates
  • The sizeable adjacent user community, numerous user guides and tutorials


  • Complex text formatting is often tricky.
  • Rights management and approval processes are somewhat immature.
  • Updates must be made manually via extensions, which sometimes requires a lot of work and specialist knowledge.
  • Joomla is also suitable for more complex page structures but is not as flexible as other content management systems since only one main content element can be assigned. Joomla is, therefore, suitable for small to large sites insofar as no release workflows and multi-domain installations are provided.

Also Read: Digitalization – The New Digital Jobs

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What Is VPS And How Does a VPS work? Thu, 05 May 2022 15:27:05 +0000 More popularly known as a VPS, a virtual private server is a virtual OS running on a physical server. Unlike shared hosting, you have a specific independent space within a physical server, with a series of resources assigned exclusively for you. Therefore, it is a virtual and separate workspace located within a physical server. How […]

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More popularly known as a VPS, a virtual private server is a virtual OS running on a physical server. Unlike shared hosting, you have a specific independent space within a physical server, with a series of resources assigned exclusively for you. Therefore, it is a virtual and separate workspace located within a physical server.

How Does a VPS Work?

The VPS servers like work through the VPS technology. A technology whose main function is the generation of a certain number of autonomous partitions on a single physical server. They are completely independent partitions from each other, so that each one of them has its own file system, as well as software and resources.

In this way, all the physical server resources are distributed equally among the different partitions, VPS servers. From the operational point of view, they are dedicated servers. However, each client does not have a physical server exclusively for him but rather a reserved hosting within this unit.

Thus, the VPS server is halfway between shared hosting and a dedicated server. There are many situations in which a user or a specific company must bet on a server of this type. On the one hand, when shared hosting becomes too small and is no longer capable of responding to the needs or traffic of the website in question, on the other hand, somewhat related to the previous point, when the site requires more incredible speed and isolation.

And finally, when you need to get multiple domains up and running.

One of the characteristics that define the VPS Server is that each customer can choose the operating system that suits him best. Thus, we can find Windows VPS Server, VPS Linux Hosting, and VPS Ubuntu. Which of these is the best option depends on the use that will be given to it. If you are going to use Microsoft applications, the best option is Windows; if, on the other hand, if you prefer to implement accessible technologies, the best available option is Linux.

Differences Between VPS Vs Shared Hosting Vs Dedicated Hosting

To understand what a Virtual Private Server is, it is worth first pointing out the different types of servers, and we can classify them into three large groups.

On the one hand, a shared hosting (perfect for small projects) consists of a physical server that hosts several websites and domains. It is characterized in that all clients share the resources, and there is no separate partition for each of them; Thus, if a client’s website consumes a large number of resources because it has a traffic spike, the rest of the clients on the server will be affected and on the other hand, dedicated.

Server hosting. In it, a single client has the entire physical server in question so that you can manage your resources as best suits you.

And finally, halfway between the previous two, the VPS. In the same way as shared hosting, several websites and domains are hosted on the same physical server. However, each client has a separate container. Therefore, the environment is quite similar to that provided by a dedicated server, but with shared hosting.

Let’s take as an example a client who needs 1,000 resources for their website. You may not be interested in paying for a dedicated server, which offers you 3,000 resources to yourself, but they also do not want a shared hosting where another client can consume part of their resources. Therefore, in this case, the VPS is precisely tailored to what you need; a separate partition with 1,000 available resources that you can administer and manage as you see fit.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of A VPS

We enter the final part of this article, talking in a very summarized way about the advantages and disadvantages of this type of virtual server, referring to some of the characteristics that we have mentioned previously.

We start with the advantages of a VPS server compared to any other web hosting service :

  • VPS servers are just as customizable as a dedicated server but at a lower price. The only thing that changes is the power and resources available, although depending on the virtualization technology, there may be some penalties for some things (such as disk I/O).
  • VPS servers are much more potent than most shared hosting and much more customizable and configurable.
  • We can choose which control panel and services we install to serve our web page and the operating system (in the case of KVM, we can even install Windows if we want).
  • VPS servers are usually more scalable than shared hosting or elastic hosting.

And now we go with some disadvantages of this type of product:

  • A “VPS hosting” will always require more technical knowledge than shared hosting or elastic hosting. If you want to forget everything, you have to hire a sysadmin to manage your VPS server.
  • Unless the VPS server is managed, the server’s security and its websites are your responsibility. You will be solely responsible for securing the server and preventing infection on a website from reaching the entire server.

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How To Update WordPress? Fri, 18 Mar 2022 08:28:29 +0000 Your WordPress site consists of three main components. The first component is the core of WordPress – the primary content management system on which your website runs. The second component is a theme that ensures your site looks like, and the last component is plugins. Plugins are pieces of code that have been programmed by […]

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Your WordPress site consists of three main components. The first component is the core of WordPress – the primary content management system on which your website runs. The second component is a theme that ensures your site looks like, and the last component is plugins. Plugins are pieces of code that have been programmed by various developers and made available to all WordPress users. Plugins provide multiple functionalities. Some take care of security. Others add a contact form, gallery, or speed up the website to the site.

Why Should You Update WordPress Regularly?

All three of the components mentioned above of your WordPress website are constantly evolving. Thanks to updates, their creators bring new functionalities, adapt components to new ones and ensure their security.

Security is the most crucial reason you should not neglect to update your WordPress site.

Hackers attacking websites are still trying to discover new cracks in the code and gain control of the website. When developers detect a vulnerability in their code, they fix it by rewriting it to a more secure code and then updating the theme or plugin version. Updating WordPress regularly will significantly reduce the risk of a hacker attack on your site.

How To Update WordPress?

We have good news for you. Updating WordPress is not difficult at all. WordPress will notify you directly in the admin interface that a new update is available. It will remind you even in several places, so you will have difficulty reviewing the updates.

Log in

A website/wp-admin fill in the login details and log in to the WordPress interface. Please note that you must have full rights as an “Administrator” in your account to update WordPress.

Back Up The Page

It is a good idea to back up your page before each Update. As explained above, updates are new code uploaded to your site. Warning! While this is an exceptional event rather than a rule, any update can disrupt the look or functionality of your website. Therefore, especially before major WordPress kernel updates, backup your site for safety. Most good hosting companies provide automatic regular updates, in which case you no longer need to back up the page yourself. If an error occurs after the Update, hosting will help you restore the page from backup. Check with your hosting provider to see if your hosting plan includes regular automatic website updates.

Go To The Updates Section.

In the right black pane of the WordPress admin interface, click on the “Updates” box at the top. Here you have all WordPress updates listed in one place. The first is the WordPress kernel update, followed by a list of plugins and topics.

Updates WordPress

Just click the “Update Now ” button, and WordPress will automatically update to the new version.

For plugins and themes, you can click the left square next to the plugin image you want to update, or click “Select All” and then click ” Update Plugins ” and ” Update Topics .”

Check The Website

Please check your website after any updates. Find out if she looks and behaves as she should. If you have a contact form on the website, send yourself a test request after each significant Update.

You may notice that updates come pretty often. However, you don’t have to check the site every day to see any updates. Of course, the more often you find time for updates, the better. We recommend that you refresh the page at least once a month.

If you do not want to update the WordPress page yourself, we have a solution for you. In addition to creating WordPress websites, we also provide a monthly support plan, including regular updates of the entire system. 

Also Read: How To Create A Website With WordPress In 5 Minutes

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How Much Does a Website Cost And How To Do It In 2021 Sat, 30 Oct 2021 08:19:25 +0000 To ensure success in the digital market, it is necessary to have a professional website where new clients can find you and the meeting point with regular clients. The best thing is that companies of any size or industry can invest in this type of technological resource, one that a few years ago was somewhat […]

The post How Much Does a Website Cost And How To Do It In 2021 appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

To ensure success in the digital market, it is necessary to have a professional website where new clients can find you and the meeting point with regular clients.

The best thing is that companies of any size or industry can invest in this type of technological resource, one that a few years ago was somewhat expensive.

If you wonder how much a web page costs, you should know that it is much less than a few years ago when it was necessary to hire expert programming professionals.

Luckily, today many tools do not require knowledge of programming or some code.

For example, some options offer pre-designed templates, which can be edited with some freedom using “drag and drop” technology; not to mention that there are many tutorials that allow you to make a web page without knowing anything, just following a series of steps.

However, the type of website you want, as well as your availability of ideas, time, and resources, will likely determine the option you choose.

In addition, how much it costs to make a web page depends not only on the chosen tool but also on other design elements and the domain, hosting, and operating tools.

Read on if you want to know how much it costs to have a first-rate website.

What Does It Take To Create a Professional Website?

To start creating your website, you should first define what goals you want to achieve through it.

This is important because some websites must be more elaborate by nature.

After defining your goals, you will have to choose between the options mentioned above:

  • Hire a professional developer
  • Use a platform to create your website yourself.

The difference in value between the two options can be high. Still, the ideal option can vary from one business to another depending on various factors, including the availability of resources.

Authoring platforms have made website customization more affordable, which is why today, it is entirely possible to use these tools for professional results. That is, you can create cheap web pages with excellent performance and good design.

In addition, many even give you the option of creating your website for yourself (with an additional payment, of course), so you can enjoy an even more personalized site since true experts in this tool will know how to make the most of its functions.

Another point to keep in mind is that, unfortunately, hiring a programmer does not guarantee a good job.

Also Read: Chatbots In Digital Marketing Communication

Why Is It Important to Have a Website?

The digital market and the virtualization of services have made the online presence essential for any business.

Here are the main advantages of creating a professional, attractive website that makes it easy for visitors to navigate:

Digital Marketing And Diffusion

It is very important to have a page of your brand (be it personal or business) that reflects your visual identity and is focused on your audience.

Using SEO techniques will be more likely to attract organic traffic. That is, attract those who surf the Internet and not only receive visits from people who go directly to your website by putting the name in the search engine or entering from a link on social networks or similar platforms.

However, budgeting for how much a personalized web page costs requires including certain marketing tools.

Interaction With Clients

It is necessary to offer integrated and efficient solutions in various marketing and communication channels to ensure comfort, reliability, and practicality when solving the needs of consumers.

Many examples of web pages facilitate communication with the audience by establishing various contact channels such as email, social networks, or even a chatbot, live chat, or WhatsApp.

This will facilitate customer communication with the brand, as they will have more options to get in touch.

Greater Engagement

It is important to understand that consumer behavior is determined by trends, which in the age of social media and streaming tend to change rapidly.

Today, anyone can use the Internet to search and compare prices. Therefore, it is important to bear in mind that there are several options on the Internet, and customers will prefer the brand with which they have a closer emotional relationship.

So get ready to adapt to trends and offer quality content that brings you closer to your customers.

How Much Does a Professional Website Cost?

The evolution of technology and the accessibility of website builder-style tools have made creating websites a much easier task.

To better understand the costs of this process, it is necessary to know the elements that make up a website, the various types of sites, and other relevant factors such as deadlines, quality, maintenance, and more.

Read on to know the most relevant elements and thus successfully calculate how much it costs to make a web page:

Types of Websites

Several elements must be considered when designing a website. The choice of the site’s category will define much of the process of creating your pages and the costs to put and maintain them online.

  • Number of pages,
  • Elements within pages,
  • Design,
  • Functioning,
  • Integrations.

In general, those are the axes that govern how much a personalized web page costs.

This is why personal or branded sites are more accessible, blogs have a slightly higher cost, and sites with more pages, such as E-commerce, tend to be the most expensive, especially if they are created from scratch.

To better understand your brand’s needs, here are the main types of websites:

Institutional site: it has some pages to show information about a company: about us, history, products, and services, among other similar pages, in addition to publicizing the service channels.

It is a good alternative for those who need a space on the Internet but do not have much content to share.

Blog: It is usually an addition to the institutional site. It offers the option for brands to publish updates on their activities and share valuable content with the audience, whether they are followers or people who find them organically.

Within the blog format, news sites can be included, usually highlighting each news on its page.

There are several options to create a free blog that can be a great step and then move on if there is scalability.

OnePage: OnePage gathers all the company’s information on a single page, employing the scroll down like the applications for mobile devices.

Hot site: A “microsite” is a page designed to highlight news and perform specific actions, such as product launches and event broadcasts. Similar to a landing page.

E-commerce: also known as a virtual store, online store, or electronic commerce. These are more complex sites and allow consumers to purchase products (including digital products) and contract services. They require a certain level of elaboration, so it is recommended to prefer specialized platforms or hire professional developers.

Quality Accommodation

Hosting or hosting is an essential service for a website to function with quality and efficiency. In this case, generally, the best hostings go hand in hand with higher prices, so value for money is a factor to consider.

This is the service where your website will be stored and all its content, including multimedia files. That is why it is very important to have an option that guarantees high availability and makes regular copies.

Choosing good hosting is what will ensure that your pages remain online 24 hours a day. Therefore, investment in this area is essential.

In addition, you must identify what type of accommodation your project will need. There are affordable options such as shared hosting and other more expensive ones, such as VPS, a private server.

You can get hosting options from 1 USD (US dollars) to around 80 USD and even more every month. It all depends on the size of your website.

You will find that this is a determining factor when calculating how much it costs to have a web page.

Domain Name

The domain is the name of your website, which users and search engines will use to access it. This email address must be related to your business name and must be available for use.

The value of the domains is quite affordable, and even many hosting or website creation services offer free domains for the first year.

Prices to register a domain name starting at less than 10 USD. However, some domains are considerably more expensive, as some top-level domains have a higher registration cost.

Smart Design

Intelligent design is a variable that unites the technical and the visual. This is a very important element because it is linked to the image that the brand is interested in transmitting to its audience.

A professional website needs to maintain a balance between usability and design, complementing the experience for mobile and desktop users.

Therefore, adapting the visual identity of your business to the colors, images, texts, and buttons of your pages is essential.

When planning the creation of your website, consider hiring a design professional or choosing a template that ensures optimal results and in a responsive format.

Website Builders vs. CMS

The traditional way of building a website is through programming with lines of code. Doing this from scratch can take a lot of time and resources, and considerable technical knowledge.

However, a CMS ( Content Management System, or Content Management System ) like WordPress gives greater creative freedom.

Your most effective alternative is website builder platforms or website builders. These tools facilitate this type of development and allow people without programming and design knowledge to create websites and obtain professional results.

Also, a website builder might have different prices depending on the type of website you want to create. For example, if you want to create an E-commerce, you should know that these tend to have more expensive plans, although quite affordable.

The distinction is worth calculating how much it costs to create a web page as website builders can offer free plans of less than 5 USD and monthly subscriptions of up to 25 USD or more. It all depends on the size of the site and the features you want to add.

One point to keep in mind is that online stores could pay commissions for sales and commissions for using certain payment methods.

When using a CMS, you may need advice from a professional who will charge by the hour for your work. That is in addition to the fact that you may have to buy plugins or extensions to add functions to your site and a template or themes if you want a special design.

Extensions, Integrations, And Additional Features

It is necessary to add certain additional elements at the price of how much it costs to have a web page.

For example, some extensions add features to your site and are paid monthly or annually. Digital marketing tools, customer service, lead and customer management, metrics, and analytics, among many others, could come at a price for providing their services despite being integrated into website building platforms.

The prices vary according to the service, so it does not make sense even if you want to share them since many factors are at play.

Ready To Create Your Professional Website?

Now that you estimate how much a web page costs, it is time to prepare your budget to begin that transition towards digitization that will lead you to have more clients or a larger audience.

We hope that the content of our article has helped you with valuable information about this process.

The post How Much Does a Website Cost And How To Do It In 2021 appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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How To Create A Website With WordPress In 5 Minutes Sat, 11 Sep 2021 08:17:08 +0000 Do you need to promote your business or create a portal to share your ideas? You are in the right place: in this guide, I want to show you the easiest way to create a website with WordPress, using services that do most of the work for you. Even if you don’t have the faintest […]

The post How To Create A Website With WordPress In 5 Minutes appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Do you need to promote your business or create a portal to share your ideas? You are in the right place: in this guide, I want to show you the easiest way to create a website with WordPress, using services that do most of the work for you.

Even if you don’t have the faintest idea and knowledge of programming or the internet or the like, following the tutorial, you will be able to make your site in 5 minutes, ready to be published on the web and accessible to all.

Until recently, few were able to create internet pages. Today there is a myriad of tools that make the creation of entire portals a real walk.

WordPress is one of these and, thanks to its great potential, you can create your website by yourself, make it grow and maybe find new customers online. So if you can’t afford to pay an experienced programmer and have time to dedicate to a new project, take a few minutes to read the instructions below and find out how easy it is to take the first steps in getting your business online.

What Is WordPress?

Before diving into the tutorial, let’s understand what WordPress is, the program we will use to create your site. WordPress is a CMS, acronym Content Management System, or a content management system.

Born as software to create blogs, it is a very advanced and versatile platform with which professional websites and even top-level online shops can easily be created.

The biggest advantage of this software is that it creates your website with WordPress. You don’t need to write a single line of code: you can get spectacular results, even without programming, using so-called themes that will give your site a beautiful look.

Please note that this tutorial does not concern the direct service but the creation of an autonomous site that does not include the subscription plan for this service. The main difference is the price, which is much lower, and the greater features available if you want to customize your portal. Plus, you’ll need to find a domain and hosting for the site, but you’ll see it’s super easy.

How To Make a Site With WordPress

If you understand what this platform is and how it works, let’s dive into the tutorial. Remember that, even if everything is not quite clear to you, there is no problem: below you will see how to create a website with wordpress is so simple that it takes 5 minutes, if not less.

The CMS is now one of the most used for creating sites and blogs: we also use it for Gufo. It. It has evolved so much over the years that, on the one hand, it is very easy to use even by the less experienced. On the other hand, it offers advanced options dedicated to real professionals who carry out important projects. In practice, it is good both to start and, eventually, to grow your project on a large scale and take it to the highest levels.

To make a site with WordPress, follow the 4 steps listed below.

Also Read: 7 Tips for Starting and Running a Blog

Choose Hosting And Domain.

Each website needs a domain, the name (in our case, it is, and hosting, that is, the space on the web where the files and pages are.

Keep in mind that normally you would have to register a domain, buy a hosting on which to install WordPress, connect the two, and do so many other operations that are impossible for those new to this world, or in any case, take a lifetime. Fortunately, today some services do all the work for you and are not expensive!

Choose The Theme

Once you have registered the domain and paid for the hosting, your site will be online in no time. If you go to the main page, you will see that it already has a shape, a font, some colors, and a menu.

Everything related to the graphics is called Theme. You can change it in a few seconds by simply accessing the site’s administration panel, usually reached by typing in the browser site name. it/wp-admin.

To change a Theme in WordPress, when you are on the main screen, go to the left side menu and select Appearance > Themes. On the page that opens, click on Add new. At this point, you can search among the many themes present, both paid and free. The choice is so great that you will surely find one that suits your needs and tastes. Select the one you like and click on the activate button – you can also preview it before activating it to understand how your site will change.

Set a Static Page as Your Home Page

Having chosen the Theme you like, you will surely have noticed that your site now looks much more professional and polished. The amazing thing is that you got there without writing a single line of code and without any particular difficulty. However, there is still a very small step, a little more technical, which takes a few minutes.

Since WordPress was born as a platform for creating blogs, you will see the new articles and not a typical presentation page of a website on the main page. If it is a blog you are trying to do, you have already succeeded and can skip this step.

However, the purpose of this tutorial is to create a site, so there is still another small setting to do, that is, to set a static Page as the Home Page and if we want one dedicated to the Blog. First, we create the two new pages by going to Pages > Add page, and we also write just the title Home to get started. We click on Publish. We repeat the process and call the new Blog page, after which we publish it. Now let’s change the home page of our site.

To set up a static page and make it the main page in WordPress, you need to:

  • go to Settings > Reading
  • Check A static page
  • Select the page you want as Home and the eventual page for the Blog (optional)
  • Click Save changes.

As you see, nothing is difficult, and you can see where to find the settings in the screenshot above.

Add Content

Your site has been created and is probably already active to be visited. Now you are ready to write all the content you want, embellish the interface with images, publish even more pages or posts and create a truly amazing project from which to learn a lot. Let’s see how to do it.

By default, WordPress provides the ability to write pages and articles, in which, in addition to simple text, you can add photos, videos, and audio files. While pages are perfect for static text, such as your presentation or your company, articles are ideal for news, events, insights, etc.

Keep in mind that by changing the Theme, you may have added demo content to show you how the site is structured and what you can change. I recommend you edit them or directly delete them and start from scratch.

To create new pages and articles, add new photos or media, select the + New item that you find in the control bar at the top, and from which you can choose what you want to write or upload. As you can see in the screenshot above, you can also select what to add from the left menu,

If you want advice on how to make a site even more beautiful and discover all the features of WordPress, there are lots of guides online, as well as lots of videos that you can read and watch.

Why Create a Website?

There are many reasons to learn how to make a website. We are all now online, and the internet is a very useful resource for looking for information and finding new customers or job opportunities.

Whether it’s for personal or professional growth, the web is one of the best places to focus. Knowing how to create a website is one of the most useful notions you can learn today. More and more companies are taking their offer online to increase the catchment area, and more and more people want to communicate their opinions with the whole world.

WordPress is one of the tools that I recommend you learn to use because, from simple blogs, you can create important business sites and even a complete professional ecommerce portal. Although the platform is free, there is a myriad of extensions such as WooCommerce that will allow you to add and sell products.

Frequent Questions

In today’s guide, we have seen how with WordPress, it takes almost nothing to start, neither as an investment nor as technical knowledge. To make a website grow well, however, there must be dedication, continuity, and the desire to learn many new things that, at this point, you probably don’t even know exist. This, however, will be the subject of other articles we will write about it.

We conclude today’s tutorial with a small section dedicated to answers to the most frequently asked questions of those who engage in this enterprise. If you still have doubts about it, don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

How Do I Choose The Right Domain?

The domain is the address of your site. I recommend that you choose a name that is easy to remember, short to write, without dashes and numbers unless your business name requires them.

What Is A CMS?

A CMS (Content Management System) is content management software that helps you automatically insert new pages, articles, photos, media, and products into your site without the need for technical knowledge.

The post How To Create A Website With WordPress In 5 Minutes appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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