email Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Thu, 16 Nov 2023 11:01:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 email Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Ten Tips For Successful Email Campaigns Fri, 14 Jul 2023 07:23:00 +0000 Do you want to start creating an email campaign? Emailings are simple marketing tools that allow you to meet your objectives. We explain everything to you! Do you want to introduce your new products or services, build loyalty, prospect, or keep in touch with your target? Email campaigns will help you reach your target directly. […]

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Do you want to start creating an email campaign? Emailings are simple marketing tools that allow you to meet your objectives. We explain everything to you!
Do you want to introduce your new products or services, build loyalty, prospect, or keep in touch with your target? Email campaigns will help you reach your target directly.
Both a communication tool and a commercial tool, to avoid falling directly into the baskets of your targets, several rules must be respected toto hope to be read and appreciated by your recipients!
Do you have a lot of questions about carrying out emailing campaigns? Do not panic; in this article, we give you valuable advice for the success of your email campaigns.
Discover here our advice for the success of your emailing campaigns.

Ten Tips For Your Emailing Campaigns.

Implementing an emailing campaign is, above all, a work of reflection with the creation of a concrete and adapted strategy to meet your objectives. If you thought email campaigns were done in minutes, think again! 

We reveal the best advice for your emails. 

Define your goals 

First of all, you need to define your goals. Specifying your objectives will allow you to give the starting point for your emailing. 

So think about your campaign goal: 

  • Do you want to increase your notoriety? 
  • Do you want your target to buy products? 
  • Do you want your target to download a brochure? 
  • Do you want your target to participate in a contest? 
  • Do you want your target to visit your site? 

In short, the objectives are numerous, you will understand, but they are important to lay the foundations of your emailing. 

Also Read: Detect Fake Emails, QR Codes, And Deep Fakes

Target your audience 

After defining your goals, targeting the right contacts is key to maximizing impact and engagement. 

To carry out relevant and effective targeting, you need to understand your leads (in other words, your potential customers, prospects, or contacts). 

The more you know your target, the easier it will be for you to satisfy them. Consider this: Why would your email more likely interest your contacts than another? By knowing the target and analyzing their interests and behaviors, you will be able to meet their needs. 

These analyzes will allow you to target the message with dedicated and adapted communication actions. 

Targeting allows you to reach people likely to be interested in your emailing. Explanations with an example. 

Your company offers items (clothing, accessories) from birth to 14 years of age. You cannot send an email about “the essentials of your child’s first three years” to your entire base. Contacts with children over the age of 4 will not be interested and will find the content you offer inappropriate and unsuitable for their needs. They could then unsubscribe, and you will lose valuable contacts.

Hence, targeting and segmenting contact lists to submit content they wish to receive is important. 

Work on your object, but not only…

The object is THE important thing that should not be overlooked! This object will or will not encourage your target to open your email.

Your subject must make the recipient want to open your email; it must be short, invite the opening of the email, and arouse curiosity. Answering all of this in just a few words is possible! 

The subject should call to action, be explicit, and be relevant to the content of the email. Limit yourself to a maximum of 50 characters. 

Some formulas work better than others; you can include: 

  • A figure: “The top 5 solid cosmetics.” 
  • A notion of urgency “Only five days left to take advantage of your reduction.” 
  • One or more superlatives: “Most beautiful.” 
  • Emojis for more proximity 

Take care of your object, yes, but not only…

The pre-header must be worked so that the recipient wants to know more. It allows you to give your target a first preview of the content and thus gives an additional opportunity to encourage the opening of the email. It must therefore be optimized so that it is displayed at best. 

We advise you to limit yourself to 35 characters so that it can be displayed. 

The sender’s name and address are equally important. They must inspire confidence and reassure your recipient. If your name or email address is too original and your recipient does not know you, distrust and fear will be in order. 

Bet on the simplicity and ease of recognizing your brand so that your contacts feel safe. 

Bet on personalization 

Your target highly values personalization. So why not use it? 

In particular, you can refer to your customer’s previous purchases by offering them similar items or items to complete. 

The more you personalize your email, the more your target will appreciate your content. Do not hesitate to mention your recipient’s first name in the email’s body “Hello Louise! We have concocted a selection of products just for you. » 

Be concise 

That’s it, and your email is open! 

Now on to the content. Clear, precise, and concise content. Don’t be too long. Choose short and attractive content so that your contacts read your email completely.

Think that your interlocutors need more time to give you. This little time is precious, so make the most of it! Insert a call to action; your targets will immediately understand what you expect from them: “I take advantage of it” or “I discover.”

As you will have understood, the message must be clear, easy to understand and short. 

Take care of the form. 

After the content, the form. It is just as important as the content. Nobody wants to read a badly presented message. 

It takes a lot of work to have a nice layout. For that : 

You can hire a graphic designer in a communication agency to help you build attractive models with professional visual content. 

You can also use online email creation platforms like Mailchimp.

Optimize sending schedules 

To maximize your chances of opening: send your emails at the right time. Avoid Monday morning (too many emails to deal with) and Friday afternoon (leaving for the weekend). 

Adapt the sending according to the offer you propose. 

Test your emails 

Test to ensure everything works, that the email displays correctly, and that it is pleasant to read. 

You can also set up A/B testing to compare several sendings of the same email by changing a few characteristics to optimize your return on investment. This A/B testing will allow you to analyze what works best. 

In particular, you can test: 

  • Sending time 
  • The format 
  • Calls to Action 
  • The hooks
  • The object 
  • And many others…

Offer the unsubscribe option. 

Give your contacts the freedom to unsubscribe discreetly. You cannot please everyone, which is why this option must be present to facilitate unsubscribing. 

Analyze your results to improve. 

It is important to measure the results obtained to identify your strengths and weaknesses and improve and perfect yourself on your next emailing campaigns.

Here are the things you can analyze: 

  • The open rate determines the number of emails opened compared to the number of emails sent. The subject is decisive in the opening of your emails.
  • The click-through rate corresponds to the number of links clicked in your emails compared to the number of emails sent. 
  • The unsubscribe rate represents the number of unsubscribes compared to the number of emails sent.
  • The bounce rate determines the number of emails that could not be delivered compared to the number of emails sent.

With all this information, you can conclude the elements that please and do not please your target. 

The Final Word

Nothing beats implementing a solid strategy to succeed in your emailing campaigns, which over time, will need to be optimized with adjustments thanks to the analysis of the results obtained.
The mailings must be of high quality by offering real added value while creating a relationship of trust with your contacts.
You now have all the elements in your possession to get started. So what are you waiting for?

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What Is The Purpose of Electronically Signing An Email? Wed, 13 Apr 2022 12:18:14 +0000 Phishing emails are becoming more and more sophisticated: As a non-professional, the emails that allegedly arrive in the inbox from PayPal, Sparkasse & Co. can often hardly be distinguished from real messages. At the same time, every day, confidential documents and information sent via email end up in the outbox of every company – what […]

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Phishing emails are becoming more and more sophisticated: As a non-professional, the emails that allegedly arrive in the inbox from PayPal, Sparkasse & Co. can often hardly be distinguished from real messages. At the same time, every day, confidential documents and information sent via email end up in the outbox of every company – what could go wrong? In day-to-day business, you don’t think much about the fact that all this information can also end up in the wrong hands after it’s been sent.

In other words: Our electronic messages are not (any longer) protected. In addition to phishing, there are several other methods used by hackers to obtain confidential data such as passwords, credit card data, and access to company-internal cloud storage systems.

One option to solve that problem is an electronic email signature. It’s about a letter seal: The electronic signature means that the recipient can see who the email’s sender is and whether the content arrives precisely as it was sent. Therefore, the electronic signature is not to be confused with the usual email signature, which can usually be seen under the written text in business email communication and lists the sender’s contact information.

The Digital Signature: What Is It?

Is the sender really who he says he is? Can it be ruled out that the content of the email message was stopped and manipulated on the way from the sender to me as the recipient? With the help of an electronic signature, only emails should end up in the inbox for which the answer to all these questions is “yes”.

From a technical point of view, the electronic signature, also known as a digital signature, is a certificate sent together with a regular email. With the help of the certificate, on the one hand, the sender’s identification can be undisputedly checked, and on the other hand, the recipient can be sure that the text has remained untouched on the way.

Sign Emails Electronically: Here’s How

If you want to sign an email electronically, there are two established options: S/MIME and OpenPGP. The procedures operate according to the same principle – based on hash values ​​paired with a public-private necessary procedure – but use different data formats. The decisive factor when choosing a method is the support provided by your mail client because many software solutions support either one or the other method, but not both at the same time.

A digital signature is a type of asymmetric encryption. The sender of an email also sends two keys – one private and one public. The key pair must be certified by an official certification authority. If an email is sent, this happens: Using a hash function, the content is provided with a checksum, which is encrypted again with the private key and attached to the email. The checksum is decrypted using the key and recalculated when the mail arrives at the recipient. If the newly calculated checksum matches the encrypted checksum sent, you can ensure that the text has remained untouched. And the public key? For example, this can also be sent with the email message, or it must be obtained from the recipient via a publicly accessible directory.

Secure Your Emails With Company-Wide Signatures

Some mail clients offer corresponding configurations for electronic signatures, which – once established – do all this automatically in the background. However, anyone speculating about the company-wide use of a digital signature should also consider signing using a gateway that signs all outgoing emails centrally. Otherwise, the effort is extremely high since an authentic attestation is required for each employee and must be entered in the mail program. In addition to the simplified configuration and the central administration, the benefit of a gateway is that the signature of incoming mails is checked before they even land on the mail server and can cause damage here.

But be careful: Although gateway certificates, usually for all email addresses under a domain, are standardized worldwide, some mail clients cannot (yet?) process them correctly and trigger error messages in the recipient. On the other hand, it could make more sense only to certify specific team mailboxes such as accounting@ or application@ – especially the mailboxes that work with confidential data.

Encrypt & Sign Emails: For Secure Email Traffic

Email encryption and the digital signature are two different things – but both are important. As I said, the signature is like a seal on a letter – it is guaranteed that nobody has changed the text along the way. At the same time, the electronic signature ensures that the sender is who he claims to be.

Nevertheless, in theory, the content of the letter is understandable in the way of several – for example, if you hold the sealed letter up to the light. Intending to prevent this, advanced encryption makes sense. This ensures that the letter is put into an opaque envelope so that no one can read the content except the sender and the recipient.

Where Are Electronic Signatures Used?

Initially, the electronic signature was mainly used in public administration and less in the private sector. Thanks to a growing spread in e-commerce, however, the topic is becoming more and more accessible to a large number of people and is gaining in presence and awareness. More and more companies are already using electronic signatures for individual use cases, such as when contracts are signed and sent electronically.

Also Read: Several Tips for Employers, Employees and Bank Holidays

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Gmail Ads – Create Your Campaign Sat, 15 Jan 2022 10:11:00 +0000 Learn about Google Ads ad campaigns to reach your potential customers through email. With Gmail Ads, you can gain visibility at an affordable price, taking advantage of Internet ads. Gmail Ads Gmail Ads are displayed through email, shown at the top of users’ inboxes. Some formats are expandable when you click on the ad, supporting […]

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Learn about Google Ads ad campaigns to reach your potential customers through email. With Gmail Ads, you can gain visibility at an affordable price, taking advantage of Internet ads.

Gmail Ads

Gmail Ads are displayed through email, shown at the top of users’ inboxes. Some formats are expandable when you click on the ad, supporting video and images, different from Google Ads ads.

This type of ad has several advantages:

  • Economic click price
  • Bypass the spam filter of the prospect’s inbox
  • Flexibility in segmentation

Gmail Ads Campaign

We are going to assess how to create an ad campaign easily:

Please create a new campaign within Google Ads and select an objective. However, I usually leave it blank to have more variables when configuring the ad campaigns. I think you are doing a display campaign. Therefore, select, display, and Gmail.

Complete the standard settings in Google ad campaigns: ad location (country, province, city), language, daily budget, and bid. In addition, you can include:

  • The ad scheduling by days and hours.
  • Duration of the campaign.
  • Devices where the ads will be seen. 

By creating ad groups, segment according to your interests to reach your potential customers. You can do it by audiences, remarketing, keywords or demographics. Ideally, create three ad groups and avoid automatic targeting to succeed with your ads. In addition, you can target your ads by audiences:

  • Segmentation audiences by customer list with emails. 
  • Segment by similar audiences, taking the customer list as a reference.

Gmail Ads

You have two options to create your ads:

  • Designing your ads and uploading them to the platform
  • Create them through Google Ads

The best option is to create them within Google Ads because you will avoid display problems to be displayed in all available formats.

Select the option from the drop-down menu and fill in the fields to create the ads. Try to attract the user’s attention with attractive images, calls to action, and offers or promotions to attract them to your business

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Why Should You Use Mailroom by PackageX for Student Housing Properties? Thu, 11 Nov 2021 13:45:09 +0000 When you think of the word “student housing,” dorms and on-campus accommodations come to mind, but that is finally changing due to the introduction of luxury off-campus student housing. These off-campus properties are located close to the university campus and are primarily rented out to its students, although the property does not belong to the […]

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When you think of the word “student housing,” dorms and on-campus accommodations come to mind, but that is finally changing due to the introduction of luxury off-campus student housing. These off-campus properties are located close to the university campus and are primarily rented out to its students, although the property does not belong to the university.  This kind of off-campus student housing is considered one of the best living arrangements for students.

Many mails are delivered every day through the pipeline to students living in housing properties. This number just keeps increasing as the popularity of ordering everything online, whether it is medicine or clothes, grows day by day. Mailroom management also plays a huge role in connecting students living far away from home to their families and friends by managing packages from home.

Managing university mailroom is a difficult task to handle as the number of packages ordered through online shopping and packages sent from home keeps on increasing every day. Through the usage of notifications, intelligent scheduling, and customization, PackageX’s mailroom management software ensures that the whole mail operation runs efficiently. This software is time-saving and prevents the hassle of paper clips and documentation.

Benefits of Mailroom by PackageX

Here is a list of why you should use mailroom management software, i.e., Mailroom by PackageX for student housing properties:

Advanced OCR Technology

Using AI-based Optical Character Recognition (OCR), the Mailroom by PackageX allows you to scan any type of document, whether QR codes, barcodes, or handwritten labels; it automatically extracts relevant information. This is especially beneficial as the margin of error is low and doesn’t take much time, also you get what you desire with ease and accuracy.

Smart Scheduling

The Mailroom app allows you to scan up to 50 packages in a go without any disturbance. All of this, in return, improves satisfaction, saves uptime by reducing unneeded messages, and ensures the smooth flow of delivery.

Seamless Integrations

Mailroom offers a new approach to parcel management. It provides seamless integrations for parcel lockers to automate self-served pickup. Intelligent parcel lockers allow the recipients to safely keep their packages without worrying about being stolen or mishandled.

Moreover, Mailroom also integrates with its sister app, Dispatch by PackageX offers the best traditional and on-demand courier services. Its retailers spread throughout the country and offer same-day shipping at economical rates that are a steal. Dispatch by PackageX helps you generate discounted shipping labels for national, same-day, and specialty couriers.

No Pricey Equipment

There is no prerequisite to using any hardware to use the Mailroom app. All you need is a smartphone with a camera that works as a scanner and eradicates the need for an affluent devoted image scanner for the job. Using a smartphone to scan and intelligent track your delivery means no extra pricey equipment is required. It uses your phone’s rear camera to scan the labels on the mail within seconds, which reads the recipient’s information.

Safe and Secure Delivery

Using Mailroom by PackageX prevents package theft by requiring proof of delivery; it could be a signature or photo of the receiver with the package. If any package goes missing or is misplaced, you have access to a complete chain of custody.


This app allows an effective way to set an alternative, whether they’re available on the premises or not. Or save up a fair amount of time through a quick pick up option from the Mailroom. It also tracks their preferences for holding or delivering their packages. The Mailroom app grants you the autonomy to retain, forward, or destroy their mail, just one tap away. They can choose the fate of their parcels through Mailroom Connect, which offers an astounding collection of features.

Time-Saving Process

Using a smartphone to scan and smart track your delivery will save a lot of your time. You can check incoming package labels, log the data, and send instant notifications with photos to package recipients in seconds.


The Mailroom system assists you in sending automated reminders via an email or text message, all within a click. It grants you the option to add labels or any special notes to the package, which the recipients view as a plus point.


It allows you to quickly notify the recipients about the deliveries of their packages throughout the delivery process. You can effortlessly send automated reminders in an email or text, making the process efficient and convenient.

Updated and Easy Tracking

Mailroom by PackageX allows the user to track their packages. It eradicates the need to call the Mailroom and check the status of their package. It also ensures recording every package hand-off along the way up to its final destination. This app has eased the process of tracking the package, making it easier for students to follow.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

This digital Mailroom by PackageX helps in improving customer satisfaction as everything is streamlined. It also offers 24/7 support in case of any issue. The hands-on customer support team is here to answer all queries. The Mailroom is easy to use, so the operators can be trained to use this software within three days.


Rental operations will improve significantly for students and property owners if they start using mail management software. PackageX mailroom management software focuses on value-added work by ensuring students can obtain an ideal housing property to live in and creates an enjoyable management experience. It also provides the students with the ability to stay in touch with their families. It has automated the entire process, all the while maintaining the efficiency of the delivery cycle. The innovative features of PackageX make it a significant and valuable asset for students who require housing property.

Also Read: Email marketing In B2B – How Well Are Your Mailings Working?

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Email marketing In B2B – How Well Are Your Mailings Working? Mon, 10 May 2021 06:44:35 +0000 In B2B, email marketing is one of the most important levers for communicating with (potential) customers. We have analyzed a study and give you 11 tips for better B2B email marketing. Email marketing in B2B: at least since the GDPR, email marketing in B2B has become a challenge. Regardless of whether it is newsletters or […]

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In B2B, email marketing is one of the most important levers for communicating with (potential) customers. We have analyzed a study and give you 11 tips for better B2B email marketing.

Email marketing in B2B: at least since the GDPR, email marketing in B2B has become a challenge. Regardless of whether it is newsletters or promotional emails – marketers need a declaration of consent (double opt-in) to contact users via email. In addition, you often have to deal with difficult topics in B2B marketing. In the article, you will find out what email marketing is, how you can use it in B2B and we use a benchmark to show how successful B2B email marketing is in comparison. We also have 11 tips for your email marketing.

The average open rate of B2B marketing emails is 26. This is the result of the Email Marketing Benchmark 2020 by Episerver. Are you over or under? On average, only one in four opens your email at all. In the first part of the article, we will analyze the study for you and then explain how you can make your email marketing more successful in 11 steps.

What Is Email Marketing? Definition:

Email marketing describes the process of sending emails to different groups of customers or prospects. For example, new products or news can be the focus. Often, however, e-mail marketing also serves to increase customer loyalty through newsletters or discount campaigns that are sent by e-mail.

Due to the progress of digitization, the sending of emails is becoming more and more automated. A marketing automation system also supports this.

E-Mail Marketing Study – What The Results Mean

According to the benchmark, only every 4th of the addressed target group opens your email at all. The opening rate unique is the percentage ratio between the number of tracked openings of a mailing and the messages delivered.

Whereas the absolute opening rate – i.e. all, including repeated openings – looks much better. In B2B, this is 62%. This means that some of the recipients even open your e-mails several times, for example, because they want to reread the text of the message or want to delve into the topics of the newsletter.

These multiple openers are particularly interesting for you as a company. Because they are keenly interested in your products and most likely didn’t just accidentally open the email and then delete it directly.

Also Read: Gadget Trends – Applications For Video Surveillance Cameras In B2B [2021]

11 Tips For Better Email Marketing In B2B

Get Personal

The first and most important tip is to personalize your emails. If you write to a mailing list with 5000 contacts and everyone receives the same e-mail without addressing them personally, then this is – especially in B2B marketing – a likely unsuccessful undertaking.

Of course, this point differs depending on the purpose of the email, but the more I feel spoken to and understood, the more likely I have a positive association with the company.

You have already defined different buyer personas for your content marketing (if not, you will find a template behind the link with which you can easily do this). Use these different interest groups to reach you in a targeted and accurate manner in your e-mails. It starts with the subject.

For example, an engineer might want to be addressed differently and read different information in your e-mail than a managing director.

Your Sender Should Be Real

The same applies to the sender. A personal (real) sender is much more popular than a general email address, such as sales @ XY or marketing @ XY.

Testing, testing, testing

I know, damn complex, but necessary. If you are at the beginning of your e-mail marketing measures or readjust them, you should test what goes down well with your target group. In this way, you can validly substantiate and justify your email marketing strategy and at the same time find new ideas and starting points on how you can inspire the recipients even more.

  • There are a few points to consider:
  • If you want to test the subject or the sender, then you have to pay attention to the opening rate.
  • If you want to check your call-to-action, you should examine the links for the respective URL
  • Do little tests. If you test two completely different emails and the performance doesn’t differ, you don’t know what the problem was.

What was it?

  • The subject
  • The first sentence
  • The sender
  • The CTA
  • The layout

But not all at once, but one after the other.

Short And To The Point, Please

The spice lies in the brevity – yes, actually, even more, empty phrases. But when it comes to email marketing, it gets to the point. Both the subject line should be crisp, exciting, and meaningful – as the study proves – as well as the mail itself.

The shorter and more concise the email looks when it is opened, the more likely it will be read. However, if you overload the recipient with floods of text, he is more likely to close the mail again. Get to the point quickly and keep this in mind in your writing – it is not important what you want to say, but what the recipient wants to read.

The Speech Has To Be Right

Of course, you should be friendly, charming and maybe a little funny. If you want to make the recipient aware of a problem that your product can solve, then suggest understanding – this leads to positive associations.

Package the problem and solution, for example, in a story. Use the expertise from content marketing and storytelling for this. Nevertheless, be clear in your message and also in the aim of the mailing.

A Call To Action Is Essential

The question: “What should the recipient of my mailing do?” is immensely important. Because it provides information about which call-to-action (CTA) you need to incorporate. This can be, for example, a consultation or a link to a further landing page/microsite.

In the best-case scenario, you only have one CTA per email.

Also Read: The Best Providers To Set Up An Online Business

It All Depends On Appearance

Opinions are divided on the format – i.e. HTML or text mail. I can only speak from my experience here and text mails worked a lot better for us. Because a text mailing doesn’t feel like a mass mailing and at first glance even looks like personal mail. However, our newsletter is still an HTML mailing with images to better convey the content. You should test what works better for you and your recipients.


Today, many recipients read their emails on their smartphones, even in B2B. So be sure to test whether your email also looks good on the go.

Who does not want it, already has it

For marketing, bulk, and sales emails, you must give recipients the option to unsubscribe. Many companies hide the unsubscribe button. I advise against that. Firstly, there have been severe penalties since the GDPR and, secondly, your emails are more often declared as spam. If this happens too often, you may be blocked by the mail providers. Email marketing without the user’s consent is taboo anyway – by the way, it was before the GDPR.


Marketing Automation Systems (MAS) are the miracles of modern marketing. Sooner or later, such software will be worthwhile for most companies. If you can automate the mailing effort, email marketing will be faster, more personalized, and easier. You can carry out tests more easily and the evaluation is also ensured by such tools.


If you have sent a mailing, you should analyze and evaluate the entire campaign afterward. This is the only way you can make the right improvement measures for upcoming email marketing campaigns.

Conclusion: Email Marketing In B2B

If you are wondering why your e-mails are not performing the way you would like them to, expect very different answers. Because the performance of your email marketing depends on a variety of indicators, for example:

  • Technical requirements: spam filter, email clients, etc.
  • Recipient base: Have correct, up-to-date addresses
  • Presentation: subject line, address, and layout
  • Trust: sender, reputation, seriousness
  • User focus: Relevant topic, personalization

All of these points help to carry technical trends from the market into the company. Because another task in technical marketing is market observation. Competitive analysis and future trends play an important role.

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How To Protect Yourself Against Email Attacks Wed, 25 Nov 2020 07:44:08 +0000 Authorities and public establishments are increasingly more the centers of attention of cybercriminals. They are eye-catching pursuits for a number of reasons: Among different things, they frequently very own and system massive quantities of touchy and consequently treasured data – specifically non-public data. In addition, many public establishments function structures that belong to the vital […]

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Authorities and public establishments are increasingly more the centers of attention of cybercriminals. They are eye-catching pursuits for a number of reasons: Among different things, they frequently very own and system massive quantities of touchy and consequently treasured data – specifically non-public data. In addition, many public establishments function structures that belong to the vital infrastructures, for instance in the place of ​​supply.

94 percent of all attacks come via email

For many years, the most necessary vector of incursion thru which cyber criminals assault the IT structures of authorities organizations and corporations has been email. For example, ninety four percentage of all cyber threats that companies blocked in 2019 have been transmitted through malicious emails. In order to be in a position to ward off such attacks, no longer solely worker education however additionally contemporary technical protecting measures are necessary.

However, traditional virus scanners are now not enough: Like all IT, cybercriminals are additionally evolving. They are continuously refining their assault techniques and their malware (malware) in order to come to be even greater successful. Conventional, signature-based antivirus options can’t maintain up with this speedy pace. They consequently do now not provide any superb protection.

Constantly new attacks

Another phenomenon that traditional virus scanners are overwhelmed with is polymorphic malware. While it adjustments some of its look traits independently, its unsafe function, for instance as ransomware, stays unchanged. Six new malware samples (individual variations of malware) are created round the world each and every second. This versatility ability that many assaults in their particular structure solely show up once. In order to guard itself correctly towards this, the malware ought to be detected the place it takes its form: in the enterprise itself.

Sandboxing corresponds to the state of the art for mail security

Sandboxing is one of the most high-quality applied sciences for this and corresponds to the nation of the artwork for mail security. A sandbox is a vicinity remoted from the relaxation of the machine in which the software program can run in a blanketed manner. This permits the conduct of software to be determined except endangering the relaxation of the device environment.

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Have you Applied Email Marketing for your App Promotion? Thu, 03 Sep 2020 07:15:14 +0000 With over 3 billion smartphone users worldwide, and 90% of them spending their time on mobile apps, it is no surprise that the mobile app industry is making strides. We have numerous apps on our phone that we actively use for various purposes. With new apps coming in every day, the competition in the app […]

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With over 3 billion smartphone users worldwide, and 90% of them spending their time on mobile apps, it is no surprise that the mobile app industry is making strides. We have numerous apps on our phone that we actively use for various purposes. With new apps coming in every day, the competition in the app store is growing at a steady pace. This has led to business owners coming up with new tactics to build their brand and engage app users.

Email marketing is widely used by app marketers as a key driver for customer acquisition and retention. It allows app marketers to directly reach users regularly and notify them of promotional deals. Email marketing works better than social media marketing, SEO, PPC and content marketing, as it offers a more targeted viewership and has higher click-through rates. From acquiring new customers, onboarding app users, promoting offers and deals, to increasing app reviews, getting feedback and retaining customers, app developers can use email marketing to effectively engage users.

If you are looking to begin with email marketing for your mobile app or overhaul your existing strategy, here are a few best practices to be kept in mind.

1. Plan a Strategy

For your app marketing campaign to be successful, you need to have a well-defined strategy in place. Set your email marketing goals and determine what you want to achieve out of your campaigns. Whether you want to achieve higher ROI or drive better engagement, gain new users or simply create brand awareness, define the purpose of your app marketing campaign. This will help you move in the right direction and turn your marketing goals into reality.

2. Choose an ESP

Once your goals are set, choose an ESP based on your product, budget, and the type of emails in your campaign. There are numerous ESPs to choose from, depending on the type of your business. For example, a startup product would need a different ESP than an eCommerce company having millions of monthly users and visitors. Email service providers have various advanced features such as email builders, third party integrations, security tools, and error detection capabilities. Research and choose the features that correspond to your unique business needs.

3. Build and Segment Email Lists

Building a subscriber list is the first step towards building a successful email marketing campaign. App development companies can build subscriber lists by using subscription forms and sign-up forms on their product website. Giving the users exciting offers to download and use the app or offering free downloadable resources is another great way to entice users to opt-in to your email list. Once you have the subscriber list, the next most important step is to segment the users as per their interests, preferences, demographics, and behavior, to target them better.

4. Create Targeted and Personalized Emails

With a segmented email list, you can send targeted emails to specifically focused groups of users. This will make sure the right emails reach the right users, at the right time. Create emails based on user preferences, their buying habits, geographical location, preferences, etc. and add an element of personalization to make the messages resonate more with their needs. Personalized emails are proven to boost trust among users and increase the chances of your emails being opened and read. also go through email list verification

5. Follow Email Design Best Practices

Your subscribers receive hundreds of emails in their inbox regularly. For your app promotion email to stand out in the crowded inbox, it is vital to create top-notch emails that attract user attention. Make the email look professional by using a clean layout and including the right colors. Present your content in a simple, yet effective way by making it crisp and highly personalized. Include a prominent CTA that grabs attention and encourages the users to click and use interactive elements such as images, GIFs and videos to make the emails more engaging. Also, make sure you include social sharing links and unsubscribe links to make it easy for the users to take action.

6. Make your Emails Mobile-Friendly

Majority of your users access their emails on smartphones and hence, you must make your emails mobile-friendly. To ensure the success of your app promotion campaigns, the emails you send must render perfectly irrespective of the screen size or device used to view it. To build such emails, you can use responsive Mailchimp email templates, Salesforce templates or Pardot templates.

7. Test your Emails

Before you hit the send button, it is very important to test your emails. Double-check the links, design elements and message of your email and test it for various devices and email clients to ensure it is error-free and rendering well. Use various combinations of subject lines, CTA placement, send times, etc. to see what works best.

8. Take Feedback and Track Results

For effective email marketing, it is crucial to know if your efforts are paying off. Once you send your emails, the next step is to monitor its performance. Track the open rate, click-through rate, unsubscribe rate, bounce rate, etc. to see how your emails are being received by the subscribers. Also, take timely feedback and reviews from the users to ensure your emails are relevant and effective.

Get Started!

If you are new to using email marketing for your app promotion, following the above practices will help you design and deploy an effective strategy. If you need help, get Mailchimp experts or Salesforce marketing cloud email specialists on the board to strategize, execute, and improve your app promotion campaigns.

The post Have you Applied Email Marketing for your App Promotion? appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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SMS and Email Marketing – Two Determining Tools In The Digital Strategy For Companies Thu, 02 Jul 2020 09:24:15 +0000 Profitable, effective, and capable of generating leads, SMS Marketing and Email Marketing are two channels of communication with our clients that must be part of our digital strategy with help of email and sms marketing software. Email Marketing The use of email as a marketing tool has established itself as one of the most effective […]

The post SMS and Email Marketing – Two Determining Tools In The Digital Strategy For Companies appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Profitable, effective, and capable of generating leads, SMS Marketing and Email Marketing are two channels of communication with our clients that must be part of our digital strategy with help of email and sms marketing software.

Email Marketing

The use of email as a marketing tool has established itself as one of the most effective strategies in the online environment, characterized by its effectiveness, speed, and versatility. Personalization allows us to have a high degree of interaction with the user. One of the requirements to take into account when making this type of shipment is to ensure that access to the database complies with current legal regulations on data protection.

Among the objectives of email marketing are, among others, attracting new customers, maintaining the existing relationship between customer and brand and increasing their loyalty, informing about new activities, launches, events, etc. planned. In this way, the company will be able to interact directly with its receivers and measure the impact of the action.

Benefits of email marketing

Some of the most outstanding benefits that email marketing offers are:

  • It is one of the cheapest tools, in addition to being highly effective in maintaining contact between brand and customer, current and/or potential.
  • It is a tool that allows you to measure the success of each campaign/shipment made in real-time.
  • Manage shipments through an email marketing tool
  • Automate shipments and the possibility of performing A / B tests.
  • Increase loyalty.
  • Personalize the message and content according to the user’s interests.

Designing an email marketing strategy

When designing the email marketing strategy, the following steps should be taken into account:

  • Establish the objectives / KPI of the campaign, which must be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and with a specific time).
  • Define the target audience and segment the database accordingly.
  • Plan the campaign, taking into account the segmentation carried out and the frequency or ideal moment of the shipment.
  • Creation (and design) of the content.
  • Take the A / B test.
  • Send the e-mailing.
  • Monitoring and analysis of the results obtained.

Also Read: Backlinking – Strategies For Building Backlinks

SMS Marketing

The SMS Marketing is sending automated text messages to a database that have signed up through your phone number for SMS Receive commercial or transactional information. Among its multiple objectives, the communication of offers, promotions, recommendations, incidents, or alerts stands out.

Benefits of SMS Marketing

In addition to the multiple objectives that can be achieved, some of the benefits are:

  • It offers a high opening rate (98%), which makes it an effective, direct, and complementary channel for other actions.
  • You can customize the message and add the sender.
  • Campaign delivery at an affordable price.
  • It is a little exploited channel, so its use will provide a different value compared to the competition.
  • Increase the conversion rate by combining SMS marketing campaigns with the creation of responsive and effective pages.

Good practices when making an SMS Marketing strategy

  • Have the consent of the clients and offer the possibility of unsubscribing from the service in an agile way.
  • Send only information that adds value.
  • Take care of the calendar and schedule of shipments, avoiding the foreseeable hours of rest and weekends.
  • Personalize the message, including both the sender and the recipient’s name, and segment the database based on the interests of the subscribers.
  • Derive the included links to an optimized landing page.
  • Identify, through the reports obtained, how to improve subsequent campaigns.

Also Read: Digital Marketing Has Made Human To Establish Trustful And Secure Relationships

The post SMS and Email Marketing – Two Determining Tools In The Digital Strategy For Companies appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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