industry Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Fri, 19 Jun 2020 06:01:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 industry Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Marketing In The Time Of COVID Sun, 24 May 2020 11:36:08 +0000 COVID has accelerated digital transformation in all sectors. Also in marketing. Many companies have stepped up their digital messages to take advantage of the increased use of electronic messages by consumers. It has been a radical leap in which “webinars have played a key role in sharing our knowledge and welcoming other industry experts to […]

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COVID has accelerated digital transformation in all sectors. Also in marketing. Many companies have stepped up their digital messages to take advantage of the increased use of electronic messages by consumers. It has been a radical leap in which “webinars have played a key role in sharing our knowledge and welcoming other industry experts to share ideas. The focus should be on generating value, even though our intention at the moment is to “sell, sell, sell,”.

“However, it should be noted that with fewer channels available during the Covid-19, there is also more digital competition than before. For example, Linkedin is saturated, you only need to see the number of invitations we receive daily to attend webinars during Covid-19. This is just the beginning. Marketing specialists will need to turn their actions around to stand out, but also to be efficient, now more than ever. For example, can you transfer your video content through YouTube and other channels? Can you turn the audio into an upgrade podcast? Digital content must be reused to be truly valuable. ”


In sectors most affected by the crisis, such as the automobile or travel industry, the challenge is greater. “At times like this, you need your customers to support your brand. But is the brand in the first or last place where you want to spend money now? This is a difficult decision that the best marketing managers must make. ”

“Risk haunts both large companies, which may be too slow to react, and many small ones, who will die from not having enough resources to make such a sharp turn in their marketing strategy. Developing a marketing strategy right now is not an easy task, as there is no stability in the market and a long-term approach cannot be planned. People will not want to buy a new car or product because they fear the blow to their pocket in the coming months. This will affect the demand chain. But if people can’t buy, what can be advertised? ”

“An example: Disney is not going to announce Disneyworld. They change their business strategy and use performance marketing to give a big boost to their streaming television product, Disney plus. This is where they will see the results because it is online. “

“Another case. Fast-food chain Mcdonalds focuses on their brand image as they temporarily close, promoting a brand campaign of social alienation. ”

“But the casuistry is varied. Amazon, for example, is also promoting the video now more than ever, rather than delivery, in this case the opposite. The increased demand gives them a headache. “

“Tourism is the industry that will have the hardest time, because people may be afraid to take a plane and be close again, so it is estimated that they will not be able to return to normal before 12 to 18 months. For example, the government of France has announced that it will help, under some conditions, the automaker Renault and the airline Air France to overcome the crisis caused by the coronavirus with a loan of seven billion euros and five billion euros, respectively. When the industry picks up, the digital channels that will function as online advertising, print ads, and webinars will increase super fast to balance business loss. ”


“The questions to be asked in the short term are clear: What can be promoted now? Is it time to announce a product or create brand awareness? From there, looking to the future, we must be aware that the previous channels will slowly grow again. But the mix will have permanently changed after this crisis, especially after investing many resources to reach the digital audience. “

“The forecast is that the new normal, in terms of marketing campaigns, does not arrive until after the summer and that Black Friday is very important for brands, even more, important than in previous years.

Given this situation and to try to save 2020, brands, instead of investing in Black Friday advertising campaigns for a day or two, will do so over a longer period of time. “

“Brands will invest their budget in performance marketing during the third quarter in an attempt to try to save their 2020. And advertising will be one of the best options to restart the engine. But change is here to stay. The way we all market will be different because we have been forced to learn new ways, challenge the status quo at all levels, from multi-million dollar businesses to the florist around the corner, “.

Also Read: Dangers Of Connecting To Public WIFI And Keys To Avoid Them

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Three Recommendations To Address The Digital Divide In SMEs Wed, 04 Mar 2020 04:35:28 +0000 Change the culture of SMEs regarding technology and its contribution to competitiveness, efficiency, and productivity, acquire the necessary training and skills – well through the formation of internal talent, or through the recruitment of new talents – and improve conventional financing channels, as well as finding new sources of financing, are the three recommendations that […]

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Change the culture of SMEs regarding technology and its contribution to competitiveness, efficiency, and productivity, acquire the necessary training and skills – well through the formation of internal talent, or through the recruitment of new talents – and improve conventional financing channels, as well as finding new sources of financing, are the three recommendations that I can think of to promote the digital transformation of SMEs.

Although small and medium-sized companies continue to be clear about the multiple advantages of the digitalization of their processes and operations, the truth is that these types of organizations continue to present a significant delay in this regard, compared to larger companies.

Although I recognize that we have experienced significant progress, especially with regard to the use of process-oriented technology, the truth is that the pace at which progress is still too slow and, worse, not very efficient.

To try to compensate for the gap that still exists between technology, people and processes, I propose three recommendations to keep in mind:

Change The Culture of SMEs Regarding Technology

Although small and medium-sized companies have, more or less clear, what they want, they have not just identified which solutions are best suited to achieve the proposed objectives. This means that what many SMEs understand by implementing technology to boost the digitalization of their processes has nothing to do with making digital to optimize their business models, let alone develop new models that help them identify new opportunities. That is, modernizing a website or being more active in social networks – although it can be very beneficial – does not mean that the organization has a clear digital strategy.

SMEs are becoming aware that replicating the operation and methodologies of the world off to the online environment, does not make sense, especially because the consumer does not behave the same, does not have the same level of demand or has the same options to compare or decide.

Training To Acquire or Improve The Digital Skills & Abilities Necessary

Training to acquire or improve the digital skills and abilities necessary to make the pace of change greater. It went through the Internet and continues to happen – albeit to a lesser extent – with the Cloud, that many organizations were reluctant to use this technology, especially due to ignorance of their security or even loss of control. However, the information campaigns that have been launched from the different agents that make up the value chain, the intense training that has been implemented and the practical verification of the advantages they provide, have been the levers that have driven its internalization, not only in the SME ecosystem.

In this regard, it is important to note that the change in corporate culture that is needed to modify conventional work models must always be accompanied by a change in the human resources environment. The idea is to encourage collaboration and exchange, not only of information but of knowledge between employees with more digital skills and those who show a greater need for training in this regard. Of course, organizations must also be open to hiring new talent, whose digital knowledge can easily permeate all areas of the business. Therefore, making all employees move towards digital will be one of the keys to making the company, in itself, drive its own digitalization process.

Search For New Sources Of Financing

To stop relying on both conventional sources of financing. In this sense, optimizing the financial management of the business with specific technological solutions will allow the construction of a “financial” system around the data and, thereby, improve performance by minimizing risks and improving control over liquidity and treasury.

Planning, disaggregating, analyzing and controlling costs also helps to make smarter decisions, either regarding prices or regarding suppliers. But, in addition, it allows us to determine the profitability of the products and/or services and make decisions in real-time to accelerate or stop their commercialization as appropriate. On the other hand, establishing an efficient collection and payment system will also allow the organization to obtain financing from its suppliers and thereby establish a more profitable, more flexible and adapted system.

Also Read: The Risks of Not Backing up Data in the Company

The post Three Recommendations To Address The Digital Divide In SMEs appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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