ERP Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Mon, 27 Nov 2023 18:38:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ERP Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 5 REASONS WHY EVERY BUSINESS NEEDS A CRM? Tue, 18 Apr 2023 06:53:27 +0000 In today’s digital world, businesses of all sizes depend on effectively managing their customer relationships. Midsize businesses need an effective way to manage customer information, track sales activity, and grow their business. A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is one of the best solutions to overcome these challenges. This blog post will discuss why every […]

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In today’s digital world, businesses of all sizes depend on effectively managing their customer relationships. Midsize businesses need an effective way to manage customer information, track sales activity, and grow their business. A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is one of the best solutions to overcome these challenges. This blog post will discuss why every midsize business needs a CRM system.

Centralizing Customer Data

Midsize companies often store customer information in different systems or platforms, making it difficult to manage and analyze this data. A CRM system can help collect and organize customer information in one central location, making retrieving and analyzing relevant information easier. This can help to understand customer needs and preferences better and to develop targeted marketing campaigns and sales activities.

Better Customer Interactions

Another important benefit of a CRM system is that it can help companies achieve better customer interactions. An effective customer relationship is based on a company’s ability to understand and respond to customer needs. A CRM system can help track customer inquiries and complaints and store customer histories and preferences for more personalized customer care.

Improved Team Communication

CRM systems enable companies to share and exchange information and data between departments. This allows employees to work together better and process customer requirements faster and more effectively. A CRM system can also ensure that everyone in a company is on the same page, making it easier to serve customers and achieve business goals.

Increasing Sales Effectiveness

Another important benefit of a CRM system is that it can help companies increase their sales effectiveness. A CRM system can help track and optimize sales processes and activities to capitalize on potential sales opportunities better. A CRM system can also help businesses prioritize sales opportunities and forecast sales by analyzing sales data.

Customer Feedback Management

A CRM system can also help to manage and leverage customer feedback. Businesses can collect and analyze customer feedback to improve products and services and increase customer satisfaction. By tracking customer feedback, a CRM system can help better understand customer needs and preferences and develop targeted marketing campaigns.

Also Read: The Infinite Possibilities of The Metaverse Worlds

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Agility In Large Companies Sat, 09 Jul 2022 06:58:58 +0000 How software is developed, operated, and used is increasingly changing companies. Ideas reserved for start-ups just a few years ago are increasingly finding their way into established large companies. To produce software faster and faster, not only the organization of a company but also the systems have to be changed. Many companies still think about […]

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How software is developed, operated, and used is increasingly changing companies. Ideas reserved for start-ups just a few years ago are increasingly finding their way into established large companies. To produce software faster and faster, not only the organization of a company but also the systems have to be changed. Many companies still think about agile and classic software development methods in black and white, and the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. Combining the advantages of agile software development with planning security is essential. Organizations need to tame agility for it to unfold its full potential. A whole range of instruments and concepts are available to decision-makers in companies.

The Right Level of Agility

The right balance between planning and flexibility depends on several factors. The decisive factor here is the personal attitude of those involved in the project: the more agile they are, the greater the elegant share in the project work. Other indicators are the size of the project, its importance, the dynamics of the environment, the corporate culture, and the industry know-how of the development team. Finding the optimal balance of planning and agility can be time-consuming. Various concepts can help here: In addition to DevOps and continuous integration or continuous delivery, the interaction room is a suitable concept here.

A Space With Limitless Possibilities

The interaction room is a medium that allows business and IT experts to communicate better with each other. This is made possible by the open, non-IT-fixed presentation of processes. It also will enable representatives from the specialist departments to get involved in discussions. This Interaction Room is an actual walk-in room with four walls. The project team members visualize processes on these walls. Together with the IT experts, they determine solutions for a project’s central topics and questions in coordination rounds. This is visualized by assigning symbols to individual aspects of the project. The Interaction Room is a method that draws interest in the progress of the project and contributes to the vision of the software to be continuously developed further by all those involved. One wall is labeled with the models of the business processes, the second wall is used to write down technical object models, and the team uses the third to write down the backlog and log the project progress. On the fourth wall, they depict the integration map. This map provides information about which existing software systems have to be integrated with the system to be created.

Agile Right Down To IT Operations

Agile development means producing software at short, regular intervals. The right processes and framework conditions must be created for this. Those responsible can only decide on a case-by-case basis which organizational form or mixture of organizational structures is suitable for a company. But some indicators show whether the trends are more towards DevOps or classic CIO organizations:

Systems that change slowly and are hardly exposed to structural adjustments are not a trigger for the introduction of DevOps structure.

DevOps lend themselves to structures with clear dividing lines in the form of loosely coupled, asynchronous integrated services. These prerequisites are often given in younger systems, which applies to surface-intensive and customer-visible systems at the beginning of their life cycle. It is in such an environment that DevOps can work best.

By their very nature, mobile applications are suitable candidates for a DevOps organizational form, if only because they change quickly and must always be available.

Continuous Integration And Continuous Delivery: Giving Agility A System

For companies to be able to put software developed in an agile manner into operation at the frequency with which the developer publishes it, those responsible not only have to adapt the organization but also the systems. The whole thing aims to automatically produce and provide both the software and the development, test, and productive environments. Since updates can come relatively quickly, installation routines are now required that constantly check whether modified software can be implemented.

This idea underlies continuous integration and continuous delivery. In contrast to automation approaches, which have a limited range of functions, there are now many different options: from addressing heterogeneous infrastructures to the automated provision of environments and their integration into the existing IT infrastructure. This also includes tools for implementing monitoring and logging mechanisms, automated testing, managing software components, and orchestrating the entire process. Automation not only speeds up IT processes it also makes troubleshooting easier. It avoids problems arising from the different development, test, and production environment configurations, managing software components, and orchestrating the entire process. Automation not only speeds up IT processes it also makes troubleshooting easier. It avoids problems arising from the different development, test, and production environment configurations, managing software components, and orchestrating the entire process. Automation not only speeds up IT processes but also makes troubleshooting more accessible, and it avoids problems arising from the different configurations of development, test, and production environments.

Budgets In Agile Projects: Squaring The Circle?

Agile thinking extends not only beyond departmental boundaries but also company boundaries. If companies rely on external capacities for software development, it is essential that they are equally interested in the agile development of lean software. But how should something be budgeted that is not precisely specified? A calculation according to expenditure is highly problematic for the client since the costs can theoretically increase indefinitely. Therefore, real agile software projects rarely occur in practice.

IT Is Now At The Table.

The way companies develop, operate, and use software is changing fundamentally at the moment. Ideas reserved for start-ups a few years ago are now finding their way into established large companies. This will show in the future whether the interaction between IT and other departments will be successful.

Also Read: Why Introduce The Agile Methodology In Your Company

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SAP Business One Partner in India Helps Small & Midsize Businesses Recover from the Effects of the Pandemic Mon, 16 Aug 2021 09:41:32 +0000 The ongoing pandemic has been keeping small and medium-scale enterprises on the edge of business restrategizing as challenges such as disruption, risk, change, and volatility have become real-time happenings. These key challenges have made numerous industries reinvent themselves and turn digital since it is the new norm. Be it supply chain or logistics, disruptions have […]

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The ongoing pandemic has been keeping small and medium-scale enterprises on the edge of business restrategizing as challenges such as disruption, risk, change, and volatility have become real-time happenings. These key challenges have made numerous industries reinvent themselves and turn digital since it is the new norm. Be it supply chain or logistics, disruptions have hit them badly. Therefore, deploying enterprises on the cloud has become the need of the hour. Cloud technology has evolved as a digital boon to many industries that are struggling to revive from the effects of the pandemic.

If you have a small or midsize enterprise and are pondering over digitizing your business management systems, consider cloud platforms if increasing your resilience is the top priority.

There are many vibrant examples of adding cloud technology to businesses and improving resilience. A cloud-based ERP such as SAP Business One can make revolutionary changes to your business management systems. But, to make ERP an on-the-go resource for your business, you need a trusted and expert SAP Business One partner in India. The partner helps you with their outstanding execution approach, remarkable value addition abilities, and astounding customer-centric service. Running your business with such a partner can help you achieve many milestones. In the meantime, do not ignore the benefits of cloud ERP.

Cloud ERP Benefits

Cloud ERP has made significant changes in the way businesses make product strategies, shifting components sourcing and delivering sustainable, trusted, and profitable products.

The cloud ERP helps small and midsize businesses:

  • Boost visibility into the budget, cash and revenue.
  • Proactively enhances supply chain network management.
  • Render a flexible and remote work experience in a secure and compliant environment.

By accumulating your data in a solitary system that manages every business aspect, you can see your cash position at a moment’s notice, allowing you to foresee requirements before they appear. Cloud ERP efficiently integrates customer activity with operations, order attainment, and post-services. The top management can easily take note of the cash-to-cash cycle as it often has to make quick decisions in a pressurized situation. This all happens with apt security and control.

Cloud ERP can be very effective but needs true hands to run properly and effectively. SAP Business One partner in India ensures businesses get the maximum of the centralized application. Some of the benefits are:

Outstanding Execution Approach Capabilities

Several factors decide the success or failure of ERP implementation projects, and one of the main reasons for its failure is the lack of a methodical approach and planning. The reason gets more proactive in the SME segment where customers themselves may not be capable of producing a very organized approach to such initiatives. Then the SAP partner in India steps in and helps its customers with the following abilities:

  • Excellently understands the needs of customer’s business
  • Provides a clear definition of scope
  • Offers painstaking planning and review
  • Leads to drive changes
  • Works as a solitary team that includes customers and SAP partner executives

Astounding Customer-Centric Approach

Though most customers love to hear everything about the application, their prime focuses remain on SAP Business One price lists. Pricing of a product is a critical aspect in making the deal a success or a failure. But, it is not the end. SAP partner ensures that the price lists must be flexible and cost-effective to gain the confidence of the customer.

On the other hand, through successive interactions, the partner comes closer to customers and crafts solutions that resolve many unstated needs that sometimes do not evolve in the formal interactions.

Remarkable Value Addition Abilities

With years of industry experience in the manufacturing and IT sectors and exposure to several ERP implementations in the domestic and international markets, the SAP partner precisely understands business processes. Also, it addresses a procedure required or an execution-related issue.

These value additions are the top priority of the SAP partner and it dedicatedly executes these values to make the customer’s journey smooth and productive.


SAP Business One partner in India ensures the cloud ERP works effectively for customer’s business. To make this possible, the partner brings forth its exemplary services and revives businesses from the impact of the global pandemic. The services include a customer-centric approach, value addition and execution perspective.

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What to Expect When Comparing ERP Features Thu, 28 Jan 2021 09:47:39 +0000 Business owners need advanced technology to learn more about their organizations. With enterprise resource planning strategies, the business can take a better approach to improve their business and how they serve customers. The strategies offer a wealth of features that improve the way the company operates and how they eliminate problem areas that are too […]

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Business owners need advanced technology to learn more about their organizations. With enterprise resource planning strategies, the business can take a better approach to improve their business and how they serve customers. The strategies offer a wealth of features that improve the way the company operates and how they eliminate problem areas that are too costly for the company.
The features make it easier for the business owner to compare data and get the most out of their current resources and change those that are inferior. ERP comparison features make the process simpler and more efficient.

Using Charts and Graphs

Businesses create charts and graphs to compare data and make decisions about the business, its services, and products. The charts and graphs show business growth and what the company will need to do in the future to increase its profits and improve the business overall. It is vital to use the data correctly when creating these options, and business owners use them during sales meetings when discussing projects with investors, and during conferences with existing partners. Business owners can see ERP comparison charts by contacting an ERP vendor now.

Setting Up Cues

Cues allow the business owner to format their reports to show specific values, such as the total sales for the day or open invoices. They can set up cues at any time through the ERP system, and the owner can generate detailed reports about their business. By assessing their data, the business owner learns more about their organization and discovers better ways to serve customers and maximize their profits.
When using the cues, the business owner can cross-search for specific criteria and find detailed data about all aspects of their organization. This includes setting up reports for individual workers and discovering better ways to improve their customer relationships. The customized reporting features improve data collection and address specific information the business owner needs quickly.

Create Comparisons to Gauge Performance of the Venture

Companies start new business ventures to maximize their profits and introduce new products to consumers. These startup companies must be evaluated frequently to conduct feasibility studies. If the companies aren’t performing, the business can shut them down before they cause a major financial loss. However, the business owner must complete comparisons between their ventures to determine what has the most potential for success over others.

By using vital features offered through ERP, the business owner plans for the unforeseen and prevents financial hardships that affect their primary company negatively. Performance assessments show the business owner what changes could improve the startups and generate the most profits.

Comparing Changes in Overhead Costs

Overhead costs can place a serious burden on a business owner if they are mismanaged. By using the ERP system, the business owner can plan ahead and compare the cost of supplies among local vendors. They can alter their orders whenever supplies are cheaper with competing vendors and save money.
The details will also show them where they can cut costs and use the funds more wisely. If they have too many workers, the company could outsource some services to save money and avoid the full cost of hiring excess workers. If they have projects that emerge less frequently, they could utilize independent contractors to complete the projects and save money on worker’s compensation coverage.

Evaluating the Repercussions of Business Choices

By creating visualizations of actions and consequences, the business owner makes decisions based on current data. The real-world assessments help the business owner predict the outcome of ventures before starting them. For example, if the economy is bad, the business will not want to start ventures that will not become profitable quickly. They will want to wait until the economy is booming.
The current data may show trends where they could offer customers limited edition products that generate more profits without requiring the company to create the products on a full-time basis. This could help them compensate for financial losses during the year when sales decrease in other areas.

Charting Customer Behaviors

An evaluation of customer behaviors shows when customers are more likely to purchase new products. For example, a business that sells beauty products could send marketing information to a customer that purchases skincare products once a month. The marketing information could present the customer with a special offer if they increase their purchase. This is a strategy that increases sales and serves the customers more effectively.
If the customer purchases a specific type of product each year, the company could market items that are similar when these products are available to the public. Personalizing the marketing materials makes the customers feel appreciated and generates more trust in the company.

Also Read: ERP – The Advantages Of ERP In Business Management

Evaluating Financial Data and Learning When to Invest

Business owners use the features of ERP to evaluate financial data and learn when to invest in new ventures or projects. They can assess their current earnings and incoming profits to compare how much free capital they have. The business owner can learn more about possible investments by conducting research and collecting data, too.
With the ERP, the company’s data remains accurate, and the business owner won’t have to worry about making mistakes or overspending because of miscalculations. All financial data is available to workers that need it, and each file is updated throughout the organization each time a change is made.

Assessing the Advantages of E-Commerce Startups

Companies can also plan for setting up e-commerce startups that increase profits and allow the company to sell products when their physical locations are closed for the day. These investments could maximize profits and open the door to global markets.
Business owners set up new designs for their infrastructure to address problem areas and strengthen the organization. With ERP, the business owner takes a realistic look at their organization and finds what isn’t working and what aspects need fine-tuning. The planning process helps the business owners find better ways to decrease overhead and get the most out of their investments. By reviewing the features of ERP, business owners discover how enterprise resource planning could improve their business from the ground up.

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Benefits Of Having Business Intelligence tools Mon, 07 Dec 2020 07:28:14 +0000 The one known as Business Intelligence or Business Intelligence aims to help and facilitate decision-making by those responsible for companies. And it is that, in the over-informed world, in which we live, where we have infinite access to data, it is tremendously difficult to obtain quality information and draw conclusions. All areas under control Many […]

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The one known as Business Intelligence or Business Intelligence aims to help and facilitate decision-making by those responsible for companies. And it is that, in the over-informed world, in which we live, where we have infinite access to data, it is tremendously difficult to obtain quality information and draw conclusions.

All areas under control

Many people think that Business Intelligence tools are only useful for CEOs of companies. In the end, they are the ones who have to make the most important decisions. However, Business Intelligence can provide us with specific dashboards and reports on each and every one of the areas of our organization. From accounting to logistics, through marketing and sales.

In this way, the information can be shared in real-time among the different members of the company, facilitating decision-making by the area managers.

Excel vs Business Intelligence

Despite the advantages that Business Intelligence brings, the vast majority of companies continue to rely on their traditional systems. Thus, only one in four SMEs has a BI solution, while 54% continue to use Microsoft Excel exclusively for the preparation of their financial reports.

However, spreadsheets don’t always help you make operational decisions. That is to say, we can introduce a large amount of data, but when it comes to extracting that information, the problem or problems arise:

  • It takes a lot of time and a lot of resources
  • Does not update in real-time
  • We can make mistakes when entering manual data
  • Visually unattractive

Benefits of Business Intelligence

Due to the introduction of ERPs in companies, managers, and heads of departments increasingly have more information to analyze: accounting, customer and opportunity management, supplier data …

As we said, Business Intelligence tools are a perfect solution for both SMEs and large companies that want to make correct decisions based on data and information in real-time. What does Business Intelligence offer us?

  1. Right data at the right time

Business Intelligence allows having all the data of the company structured and above all centralized. As a consequence, agility when making decisions is increased and the vision of the business is broadened.

This avoids making decisions based on assumptions, intuitions, or speculation. With BI, decisions are made based on concrete and real data.

  1. Custom reports

It allows adapting the Business Intelligence reports to the needs of each of the company departments. With this, those responsible for the different areas will have updated information in real-time on the data that really interests them.

  1. Attractive dashboards

Create your own dashboards, with your key indicators and your filters. Also, do it in a matter of minutes, however, you want and with the data you want.

One of the great advantages of Business Intelligence is that most of the tools provide very visual dashboards that are very easy to interpret.

  1. Collaboration

Custom reports facilitate communication, allowing you to share information with the rest of the company. Each department has the data it needs and, at the same time, the management team can have access to all of them.

  1. Time-saving

Inefficiency is one of the great problems of not having a Business Intelligence tool. In fact, users can spend a lot of time searching for information and, if found, it may be out of date.

Sage Enterprise Intelligence

In short, the implementation of Business Intelligence or Business Intelligence systems is a commitment to the centralization of data and to clear and precise information.

Also Read: What is Business Intelligence & Cloud Computing

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What Is An ERP And What Does It Bring To Users? Fri, 21 Aug 2020 07:27:22 +0000 The figures of the 2019 edition of the digital observatory, published by the General Directorate of Enterprises reveal that only 39% of some European companies use an ERP (or Integrated Management Software) It is true that ERP implementation projects are most of the time expensive, and the implementation period considered too long (16 to 25 […]

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The figures of the 2019 edition of the digital observatory, published by the General Directorate of Enterprises reveal that only 39% of some European companies use an ERP (or Integrated Management Software) It is true that ERP implementation projects are most of the time expensive, and the implementation period considered too long (16 to 25 months on average), remains that the adoption of an ERP is clearly a factor in improving the productivity of companies and their performance, according to a study carried out by the firm Accenture.

The emergence of ERP

The first computer applications were programs coded by developers and programmers internal to companies, what is called “homemade or specific”. In fact, they wrote programs meeting the specifications that were requested of them and described in the specifications issued by the contracting authorities. Thus, each company developed its own applications, relying on the famous syndrome that no two companies operate in the same way. Which obviously was expensive, to develop but also to maintain and upgrade. However, software editors will show that the reuse of code and programs allows them to be more productive, and therefore less expensive, to develop business software, called software packages,

In 1972, 5 IBM developer engineers created the company SAP in Germany. They have in their baggage their experience acquired at Big Blue, in the implementation of programs using an MRP system (Material Requirements Planning), then MRP II (Manufacturing Resources Planning), which laid the first foundations of integrated systems where the functions planning control, scheduling are interrelated with supplies, purchases, stocks, financial management, management control….

During those years, only large industrial customers used these software packages, because the computing and data manipulation capacities required very powerful computers for the time, and very expensive, based on a technology and an architecture called “Mainframes”.

Gradually these systems evolved towards what is called ERP, (Enterprise Resource Planning) whose main characteristics are based on modularity (accounting module, Purchasing module, etc.), being configurable to best adapt to the organization of the entity, on the transversality of the processes between the various functions of a company, and their automation. Clearly, the organization of the ERP is no longer based on a silo system, each entity having all the information in real-time, generated by the other entities, and this in an automated way, without any need to re-enter information, thus avoiding human errors, and also increasing productivity. Another major characteristic is the use of a single database, to avoid any duplication of data, and thus ensure the uniqueness and integrity of the data.

Also Read: ERP – The Advantages Of ERP In Business Management

The explosion of the ERP market

A pioneer in this field, the success of the company SAP AG (now SAP SE) was not long in coming, and the version of their SAP R / 2 ERP (succeeding an initial version R) has equipped a large number of large industrial customers who could afford it in the 1980s. Alongside this, other offerings like Salesforce Training started to emerge to equip professionals with the skills to navigate these complex systems. The other companies continued to use “in-house” applications that were still as difficult to develop and maintain, and for which the return on investment was just as long. The advantage was that these applications met the specifications specific to each company, and therefore, were supposed to give them a competitive advantage. Except that the rapid changes in business processes imposed by technological developments, economic markets, and global competition were difficult to implement because it required long and costly works and projects. This is why the application chains at that time had a very long lifespan.

But the arrival of new types of servers in the 90s, much smaller, much cheaper, but still quite powerful, and using a distributed (decentralized) architecture of the Client-Server type, will revolutionize the ERP market (and the IT market in general). First under the open UNIX operating system, then under Windows when the x86 processors were powerful enough, sales of software packages, and sales of ERP exploded, the hardware platforms being less expensive, to acquire and to be kept in operation.

The advantages of an ERP

As we have seen, the major benefit expected from an ERP is to increase the overall performance of the company, by playing on several factors. The organization of the company will be based more and more on processes, and not functions. And the automation of these processes can only improve productivity, by optimizing the efficiency of the operational staff, the information circulating automatically and in real-time, accelerating its processing, without re-entering the data, thus limiting human errors.

The information circulating quickly and having gained in reliability is thus more easily and quickly exploitable by the decision-makers. Especially since decision-making modules are often either linked or integrated into the ERP.

In addition, market publishers are developing their product according to new technologies and innovations (SAP S / 4 HANA uses the processing of large volumes of data in memory, which further accelerates their processing) and also current best practices. This generally gives their products the best practices and features on the market.

Many companies have long hesitated to take the step of installing an ERP, using “in-house” applications and software or very well-configured Excel-type office tools, allowing them to monitor their daily activity. But an information system based on such tools is not designed to ensure the sustainability of the company in changing environments, such as strong internal and/or external growth, or in the case of multi-site, multinational sites, etc…, the solidity of the IS not being sufficient, and the maintenance of in-house tools becoming very heavy and tedious. Moreover, a highly publicized SME in the Montpellier region, specializing in its early days in scaffolding rental, was fiercely attached to its spreadsheets… but opted for an ERP by becoming an international construction group, through its multiple acquisitions. All is not white, of course, because the personalization of an ERP is not trivial, and frequently, it is more than advised to take advantage of it to standardize its processes to limit the modifications of the software package. Not to mention that the support of an integrator is almost necessary for the implementation, training, and very often the management of the project.

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ERP, yes, but how?

The question arises for many organizations, not specifically for their ERP. But as soon as this very often constitutes the heart of the information system, should companies, will they evolve towards the cloud, and / or SaaS offers?

Today, many companies hesitate to take the plunge, because it is difficult to entrust its IS to an external service provider, given the risks in terms of security and confidentiality. Depending on the type of business, it is clear that the choices may differ. Indeed, a start-up or a VSE will have more interest in opting for a SaaS-type solution, which will avoid the investment of acquiring hardware, software, secure premises to house them, and of course technical skills. to operate and maintain them. Furthermore, given the current risks of cyber attacks, it seems more secure to entrust your IS to a structure that implements the latest technologies in cybersecurity.

For SMEs, mid-cap companies, and large companies, the options are different and more numerous, because it will be possible for them to gradually move to the cloud, and to migrate step by step, business by business, to these outsourced solutions, whether the public cloud, but more surely private or hybrid. When it comes to Saas mode, the example of Salesforce in CRM shows the relevance of this approach. But the information systems department must retain all the legitimacy to maintain the consistency of the company’s information system by participating in the choice of options with the business lines, towards this evolution which seems inevitable. Many large publishers on the market offer its solutions in Cloud and On-Premise mode, companies still have the choice… .but for how long?

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ERP – The Advantages Of ERP In Business Management Wed, 08 Jul 2020 08:32:04 +0000 Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP system software, also known as ERP, or Integrated Management Software, is a tool that is more than vital for any company wishing to improve its organization. But what do we know about this system and its advantages?  What is ERP? ERP distribution management software allows you to consolidate the database of the […]

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Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP system softwarealso known as ERP, or Integrated Management Software, is a tool that is more than vital for any company wishing to improve its organization. But what do we know about this system and its advantages? 

What is ERP?

ERP distribution management software allows you to consolidate the database of the entire company and better manage it via a single platform with all the services (called modules) within the company such as production, stock, accounting, and many more. All departments, therefore, have access to the same database and the same information. When an employee enters or changes data within a department, the database is immediately updated throughout the company. If, for example, a sale was made during the day and the salesperson enters it into the database, this modification will be instantly applied to the other services., such as accounting, inventory management, production management, etc. There is therefore no need to check or enter this new sale in the database of each service. Remember that ERP is not only aimed at large companies, but also at SMEs that want to better organize their activities.


Large companies such as SMEs can choose the modules to integrate into the ERP according to their needs. The publishers offer tailor-made versions, aimed at meeting the requirements of companies, whatever the size and whatever the sector of activity. Indeed, there are different versions for different sectors of activity.

Commercial management

This module includes inventory management, which allows you to keep an eye on the available stock, the stock already reserved but also to manage supplies. Purchasing management helps to better manage suppliers, prices, and supplier deadlines. It also allows you to control quotes as well as orders placed with suppliers, possible imports, etc.

The commercial management module also includes sales management. It facilitates the management of prices as well as items for sale. It offers a better overview of the quotes drawn up, the purchase orders as well as the delivery.

To maintain good relationships with customers, CRM management is an integral part of this business management module. It allows you to manage contacts while classifying the exchanges already made with customers. This module includes the management of ongoing marketing campaigns and their impact.

Accounting management

Whether general, auxiliary, or analytical accounting, this module allows you to keep an eye on the financial situation of the company as well as on all financial movements in the company, even the smallest.

This module allows you to update the FEC or the File of accounting entries in real-time. Remember that any business is obliged to present this file to the tax authorities. This file relates all the accounts of the company.

Production management

This module makes it possible to manage the list of nomenclatures (elements necessary in the manufacture of a product), the manufacturing process but also allows better quality monitoring. It allows the monitoring of the site over time in the case of a construction of a detached house for example.

Decision reporting

The decisional reporting is based on the various data of the company to make a statement of the evolution of the company by taking into account the production and the costs incurred.

What would you gain from setting up an ERP?

The implementation of an ERP in your company offers you a multitude of advantages:

  • First, it gives you the opportunity to improve the organization within your company. By centralizing and automating data, this system allows you to remain reactive and above all very competitive in your activity.
  • Centralized data prevents loss of time and allows each department to work simultaneously.
  • The risk of errors is minimal, even almost nonexistent with this system since there is no longer any risk of the data being duplicated.
  • It is not uncommon to lose some data when the data is entered manually. ERP quickly loses data that can be precious to you.
  • Optimization of management processes (economic and financial flows),
  • The consistency and homogeneity of the information (a single item file, a single customer file, etc.) which makes it possible to comply with standards,
  • The integrity and uniqueness of the Information System,
  • Sharing the same information system facilitating internal communication or mobility,
  • The globalization of training (same logic, same ergonomics),
  • A productivity aid,
  • Centralized control of the company,
  • Help in making a quick decision.

But the disadvantages?

The use of an ERP is not without drawbacks:

  • It is a complex system that requires a certain know-how. It will, therefore, be necessary to think of in-depth training for your employees, but also a period of adaptation that can be longer depending on each person.
  • However, the game is worth the effort as you can optimize productivity with this system. An ERP processes a very large database, so think about using a tool that offers powerful servers that will allow you to navigate smoothly.
  • Once implemented, an ERP is difficult to uninstall. So you find yourself a little “hooked” to the ERP editor. It is therefore more than important to think carefully before choosing a publisher.
  • Request for organization and thoroughness,
  • The complex implementation,
  • Good knowledge and questioning of business processes,
  • Difficulties of appropriation by the personnel of the company linked to the changes,
  • Every ERP has at least one Achilles heel: the modules are of unequal value.

The post ERP – The Advantages Of ERP In Business Management appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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