jobs Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Fri, 13 Oct 2023 14:53:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 jobs Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Is It Worth Studying For The IELTS In Singapore? Fri, 10 Feb 2023 12:52:23 +0000 Are you planning your future in Singapore for higher studies? IELTS in Singapore will help you get there. Eligibility tests such as IELTS and TOEFL scores are necessary to pursue your education in Singapore. If you want to enrol for the master’s degree, you must have a master’s degree with a minimum percentage of 55 […]

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Are you planning your future in Singapore for higher studies? IELTS in Singapore will help you get there. Eligibility tests such as IELTS and TOEFL scores are necessary to pursue your education in Singapore. If you want to enrol for the master’s degree, you must have a master’s degree with a minimum percentage of 55 or above.

The main purpose of taking IELTS is to reflect your English language ability. You have a minimum score of 6.5. If you intend to take the IELTS, one of the best options is to study in Singapore. 

Why are you required to take the IELTS?

IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, is one of the most familiar English language tests. It will assess and evaluate your English skills, such as writing, reading, speaking, and listening.
IELTS is the eligibility criteria to study, work, and live abroad, and it is accepted by approximately 10,000 organisations and over 140 countries worldwide. IELTS helps you get into countries whose main language is English, and it helps you apply for university courses as well as jobs.
If you qualify for the IELTS test with English language skills, it helps you get a better job worldwide and also get good jobs and promotions in your home country.
If you plan to emigrate to other countries, IELTS helps you meet the immigration requirements.

What are the benefits of taking the IELTS exam in Singapore?

IELTS is not taking the test or answering the questions; it is one of the serious exams where you race against the timer. 

  • IELTS certification is accepted worldwide and will help you get jobs and study in different universities and institutions.
  • It helps you boost your resume, and interviewers will have a good impression of you to crack any job interviews.
  • With IELTS training, you can significantly improve your English skills and levels, as well as sharpen your reading, listening, writing, and speaking abilities. and real-life conversation skills.
  • It helps you get jobs or pursue your higher education in different countries such as Canada, the USA, the UK, Ireland, Australia, etc.
  • It will assist you in understanding where you are with your English-speaking skills and in improving them.

Start assessing your English skills and capabilities; understand where you are struggling the most; and focus on improving that area, whether it is speaking, writing, or reading, which helps you stay on top of grammar and vocabulary. 
There are two components to the IELTS exam, such as the IELTS Academic and the IELTS General Training, which are similar to speaking and listening skills. 
IELTS exams consist of listening, reading, and writing, and you must achieve the minimum score to apply for foreign studies or jobs. 
If you prepare for the exams, you can meet the IELTS objectives. Apply now for the preparatory course if you are flexible with timings and fees in Singapore. Inquire now about the IELTS Preparatory Course and gain the ability to study or work in any country.

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How To Start A Freelance Project Well? Fri, 12 Aug 2022 06:34:41 +0000 Freelancing is an attractive prospect. Whether fresh out of school, in professional retraining or even seniors, freelancer status can suit everyone. However, many people don’t take the plunge because they don’t know how to start. However, this may turn out to be less complicated than it seems. Having self-confidence is undoubtedly the essential quality to […]

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Freelancing is an attractive prospect. Whether fresh out of school, in professional retraining or even seniors, freelancer status can suit everyone. However, many people don’t take the plunge because they don’t know how to start. However, this may turn out to be less complicated than it seems. Having self-confidence is undoubtedly the essential quality to get created. Today, we no longer have to start alone. There are alternatives. Among these, wage portage is serious, combining many advantages between entrepreneurial freedom and security.

Identify Your Skills

Before starting, it is preferable to identify our qualities and our skills. For those who already have work experience, it is very likely that their CV already contains one or more freelance work opportunities.

You may need to think outside the box – not all of us are graphic designers or consultants. However, you may find that your “secondary” skills can provide freelance work opportunities.

For example, if you are a good copywriter, you certainly have the potential to develop a freelance web writing business or work in communications. Don’t be paralyzed by a bias that you don’t have the necessary skills or experience. You’ll be surprised how little experience you need to get started.

A little confidence in your abilities will go a long way.

Go To Specialization

When choosing your activity to become a freelancer, you should focus on a specific sector. For example, as a graphic designer, you may choose to do branding work only for digital startups.

This specialization will make you much more attractive to a specific set of potential customers and give you a greater chance of success. You can try to please everyone, but you’ll probably only cause indifference. As a freelancer, you are not a mass distribution brand; on the contrary, your specialty will make you attractive.

With a specific orientation, potential customers are much more likely to take you seriously than if offered a generic service. Companies want to work with freelancers who seem to have been created to serve them specifically. You can make this illusion through specialization. Potential customers are everywhere: from Google to social media to your home.

Stand Out From The Competition By Creating Your Brand

If you plan to succeed in the world of freelancing, you will need to create a strong brand that will set you apart from the competition.

Your brand is your identity (meaning your website, blog and social media accounts), and it should communicate what you sell and what you do that makes you different from others.

This is an important step you must take the time to
think about: it will significantly determine your business strategy and success. In this idea, the creation of your website is essential.

Being Able To Show Off Your Work

Many potential clients are not concerned with the freelancer’s qualifications; they just want to see what he’s done in the past and decide if it’s right for them.

Therefore, if you are good at what you do and can demonstrate your skills with a quality portfolio and positive customer testimonials, you are more likely to succeed. The difficulty, however, lies in building a portfolio without experience. To work for well-paying clients, you must show that you’re worth a lot by doing a good job. So don’t be afraid to volunteer for the right clients when you’re just starting so you can build a reputation and then show off what you’re capable of.

Ultimately, finding contracts as a freelancer is a numbers game: the more potential clients you contact, the more likely you are to find work. This is the equation to keep in mind.

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Employee Experience – Three Techniques To Use Today Tue, 28 Jun 2022 05:34:42 +0000 Today the importance of customer experience for organizations is well known. There are various frameworks, techniques and methods to detect opportunities and increase customers’ value from the services and products we generate. But, just as the customer experience is a clear objective of organizations, we must not lose sight of the knowledge of the employees […]

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Today the importance of customer experience for organizations is well known. There are various frameworks, techniques and methods to detect opportunities and increase customers’ value from the services and products we generate.

But, just as the customer experience is a clear objective of organizations, we must not lose sight of the knowledge of the employees (EX). In the current context where, in one way or another, organizations are addressing transformation processes, we must be aware of the role that people play as a lever for said transformation and that they are the ones who can lead it to success and settle it, make it sustainable and evolve it.

These times, our mouths are filled with concepts such as collaboration, the culture of continuous improvement, and agility… all this would be impossible without keeping in mind and working focused on enhancing the employee experience.

They are the people who can make an organization truly agile, collaborative and focused on continuous improvement. But for this, you have to empower the teams, take care of their feedback and achieve the employees‘ commitment.

We present some of the techniques that can help us to know the experience of our employees to improve it:

Skill Matrix: a technique used to find out a team’s capacity in skills and knowledge. It is not just about detecting the gaps in knowledge or skills of the teams, but rather using it as a source to find out what the employees want to learn. We seek a balance between our group’s interests and the organization’s objectives.

Moving motivators technique that will allow knowing the motivations of people. With this dynamic, we will discover what drives our employees when making decisions and what moves them to behave in a certain way, two key points of the employee’s experience in their day-to-day life in the organization.

Reskilling in this method, two very important elements converge, the need to recycle the knowledge and skills that come with moments of transformation and the opportunities for evolution and professional growth for employees. Combining the organization’s needs to follow the path marked out at a strategic level with the interests and desires of each of our collaborators is vital to ensure employee experience in the medium/long term that we are looking for.

There are a lot of talks these days about retaining talent; Using these techniques will allow managing the motivations, interests and, ultimately, the “engagement” of the people in the organization. With continuous training and the improvement of their day-to-day activities, employees perceive that the organization is investing in them. This improves their professional profile and directly impacts the organization’s reputation.

Also Read: Four Types Of Employees In Every Office

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How To Make The Right Decisions in Jobs Under Pressure Thu, 03 Mar 2022 06:42:25 +0000 Decision-making is part of assuming leadership in any work environment, especially when performing work under pressure. Regardless of the work environment, unexpected situations require you to act immediately and decide with intelligence and intuition to solve a problem. During the day, business decisions are part of any job’s regular logistics. Still, unexpected events test anyone’s […]

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Decision-making is part of assuming leadership in any work environment, especially when performing work under pressure. Regardless of the work environment, unexpected situations require you to act immediately and decide with intelligence and intuition to solve a problem.

During the day, business decisions are part of any job’s regular logistics. Still, unexpected events test anyone’s leadership and management skills.

A moment of crisis can destabilize even the safest leader. Without a doubt, he probably carries the greatest weight in any work context for being at the head of a group of people, a company or even a movement. When it comes to making labor decisions, it is the leader’s figure who somehow has the challenge of having the last word, which may or may not define the resolution of a conflict.

Making the right decision in a leadership position implies various characteristics, which go beyond professional experience or years of experience. It will also depend on certain values, skills, attitudes and temperaments while working under pressure and not always in the same scenarios.

Considering the current high competitiveness in the labor market and the speed with which operations take place in any environment, everyone, in any function, faces circumstances that require decision-making in critical situations. The ability to perform under pressure is usually a characteristic of people considered an advantage or skill, even taken into account when choosing an employee for a specific position.

It is essential to understand that working under pressure should not be the norm and that, in a healthy work environment, working in these conditions is not necessarily the most effective or the best evidence of the talent of the employee or boss; however, at any time circumstances will arise in which time will be limited to decide, testing the competence of the person, especially in leadership positions.

Working under pressure should not always be taken as something negative; on many occasions, circumstances like these bring out many skills and aptitudes from each person or an entire team that would probably not be evident if it were not for the moment. These situations can be a great way to assess yourself or the staff you work with for future promotions.

For decision-making in crises, it is important to consider certain guidelines, which help resolve the event safely and consciously, as well as avoid hasty decisions, which can trigger irreparable consequences that put risk to the team or the company.

Clear The Mind

Staying calm is the best way to gain clarity when making decisions under pressure. Generally, those in leadership positions face circumstances in which their decision to manage it can affect the company, the employees, and even the customers. For this reason, it is necessary to generate calm both in your environment and in yourself.

The immediate and impulsive reaction can be harmful, so it is advisable to take a few minutes to visualize a positive scenario, even if all the negative consequences are considered, but do not work from anguish but optimism. This is also an excellent way to build trust in the entire work team and the clients.

Analyze The Desired Result

To act in these critical situations coherently, it is necessary to be aware of the event presented and analyze the expected result; in this way, it is possible to find the action to be carried out to reach that result.

It isn’t easy to find the way if the destination is unclear. For this reason, it is important to be clear about the objective to be achieved to understand what must be done to achieve it.

Part of analyzing the desired result is considering that there is probably no single solution to the problem, nor does it consist of a single decision. In most cases, the result is achieved thanks to several choices, one after another, which will emerge as all the objectives are defined.

Assess The Key Factors

Labor decisions, especially if it involves work under pressure, consists in taking into account different factors that will undoubtedly influence each action used. One of the most important factors is knowing all the necessary information and data about the problem and making sure you have the tools and instruments to be able to carry out the decision made.

It is essential to know what, how, when, who, where, and why within the circumstance presented to give a diagnosis and have a broad view of the event before making a decision.

In many scenarios, to make labor decisions, it will be necessary to have the management of another department, personnel from another area, a subordinate, or an agent external to the company, which will become one of those key factors. However, the definitive solution lies on the shoulders of the leader.

Trust In Intuition

After talking about analysis and evaluation, people may think that reasoning is above intuition in making work decisions; however, it is not necessarily so. Many studies have shown that relying on intuition when working under pressure can give positive results, especially when there is very little time to resolve the event presented.

When making decisions in extreme situations, we rarely have all the elements needed, and we usually face problems that are not clearly defined; so it is more common than you think to use intuition.

Intuition, even when it may seem like something purely emotional, can become a great alternative since it is built based on previous experiences, memories or through the example of other situations or people. Applying intuition in a job under pressure depends on factors related to behavior, such as the ability to analyze and understand, interpersonal intelligence, and their level of awareness of their strengths, weaknesses, and role in the event.

Take The Consequences

As mentioned, any decision taken may entail risks for both the company and its employees. It is not always possible to guarantee an exact result, so it is always recommended to consider each action’s effect to find a solution. The solution, and thus be prepared for the consequences, whether positive or negative.

Those who hold leadership positions are generally the ones who bear the responsibility for decision-making, with a high probability that they may affect not only the leader but an entire team, third parties and even the reputation or heritage of the company. Business.

Part of accepting the consequences is keeping in mind that any decision-making affects everyone in one way or another. The actions taken may be a positive or negative example for the rest of the team and possible future company leaders. The process of accepting the consequences also highlights certain human values, such as humility to admit mistakes in cases where the results are not what was expected, gratitude for the collaboration and support of the parties involved, as well as the maturity to receive praise in positive scenarios and calls for attention in unsatisfactory results.

You are never prepared for the worst-case scenarios, but you can do better if you know and list all the probabilities of each of the decisions to be made.

Generate Odds

Once you are prepared to face the consequences, a very important technique for making sound decisions is to consider all the probabilities to predict the results. This is possible by making lists of pros and cons, listing all possible scenarios and ruling out actions that lead to a less satisfactory result than expected.

Without a doubt, there are more possibilities to make a better decision by concentrating on quality and not quantity. By this, we mean that it is easier to simplify the actions by generating all the probabilities. A better result is expected with a single forceful step than with a series of scattered actions or decisions.

Establishing pros and cons helps rule out not-so-effective actions to apply a more successful one. Depending on the situation and context, this simplification could mean significant savings in time, energy, working hours, meetings, resources, and even costs.

Listen To The Opinions Of Others

Leadership goes beyond a position of power, and it also implies involving your team in actions and decisions, although as a leader, you have the last word. It is common to lose perspective during work under pressure, so listening to the rest of the team and nurturing yourself with other points of view can determine the right decisions.

The ego can be an intelligent agent capable of hindering decision-making in leadership positions. The leader is not only qualified with numbers, percentages and figures achieved, and there are also qualitative characteristics that involve values ​​such as empathy and humility, which humanize his management and thus be able to take into account his work team, without losing the notion of your responsibility and position as boss.

Being a leader does not mean doing all the work, and it is also important to delegate and not give an impression of individualism. On the contrary, it is a great opportunity to let the team know that their opinions are valuable and important. In this way, it is more likely to count on the voluntary support of the team in the following crises, to prepare them by example for upcoming events and thus to train future leaders in them.

Making sound decisions under pressure is not a finite skill. It is a continuous learning process, a skill that can be learned and improved while gaining experience in any work environment. Probably during any person’s career, the right decisions will be easier to make over time and after a series of wrong choices that, without a doubt, are part of professional growth.

It is important to understand that decision making is not a process that culminates in a positive or negative result; It is from that moment that a new method of reviewing these results must begin to document the correct strategies and decisions, and in this way, use them as a reference in possible scenarios that may be repeated or in unprecedented situations.

Also Read: Digitalization – The New Digital Jobs

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How To Write a Genuinely Excellent CV? Tue, 14 Dec 2021 16:00:28 +0000 Writing a resume with all the trimmings often distinguishes between finding a job and being without it. It is not rhetoric: according to statistics, recruiters look at the CVs for only a few seconds, so it is necessary to develop a CV that is not just a shopping list with data and some sterile information. […]

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Writing a resume with all the trimmings often distinguishes between finding a job and being without it. It is not rhetoric: according to statistics, recruiters look at the CVs for only a few seconds, so it is necessary to develop a CV that is not just a shopping list with data and some sterile information. On the contrary, we must try to create a curriculum vitae that can talk about us, our experiences, our strengths (which must always be valued), in short, those elements, skills, qualifications that have formed and made us unique.

Writing a curriculum vitae, in a nutshell, is an art ( and not just for those who go abroad ). And to do it better you need to have a little experience and know-how to follow some valuable and practical tips that allow you to make your CV less boring, more appealing and above all in line with the type of job you are looking for: because the curriculum vitae it should be changed every time you apply for a different position.

What are the best tips for writing a curriculum vitae that does not end up in the trash can immediately but can be seriously considered by those who select the various documents? Here are some ideas that can be useful for making a curriculum vitae that you will be proud of and that can make a difference when you present yourself for a job offer.

Choose The Format

The first step in writing an excellent curriculum vitae is choosing the suitable format: this choice is crucial.

The perfect format does not exist, but the one preferred by the company may live. This depends on the recruiters, and in some cases, it is also specified in the job offer, in case adapt by preparing different formats among the most common and keeping them updated.

On the other hand, if a particular format is not requested, choose the one that best represents you. 

To write an excellent curriculum vitae, you can use a tool that allows you to create an online curriculum vitae. The PC will not do the work for you, but in this way, the curriculum vitae will be well ordered, with a clean and precise appearance, without streaks and without ‘home made’ solutions that can make when the CV is printed look poorly professional.

What To Write In The Curriculum Vitae

Beyond the form, there is the substance. To draw up a good curriculum vitae, you must remember that the summary is always necessary and that you only have to dwell on where it is essential (for example, to underline the role, in your training experience, of an activity or job that you think will be very useful. for selection purposes).

The curriculum vitae must always contain:

  • Photography, preferably a passport photo on a white background (done in seconds), to be professional. You have to have a recognizable, clean and simple look.
  • personal data and contacts
  • the study, education, and training experiences, with dates and qualifications, awarded
  • the professional experiences that have been had, from the most recent to the initial ones
  • Professional skills (they go beyond professional experience and indicate transversal skills acquired, such as cash management skills, customer skills, article editing, etc.).
  • linguistic knowledge, possibly referring to the European Framework to be able to give an objective idea of ​​the knowledge
  • their computer skills, and level
  • Personal, communicative and organizational skills. This box should also be filled in depending on the job you are applying for: if you are applying for a leadership role, you can emphasize your natural skills, experiences, and abilities.

Also Read: 5 Things To Remember While Applying For A Job

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Job Tools: Why is PDFBear Useful at Work Tue, 17 Aug 2021 12:26:53 +0000 We all want an easy life, a life without stress and hardships. But as much as we want that life, it’s not possible. We all need to go to work to pay our bills, feed our family, and buy the things that we want. But because we have a job doesn’t mean our life has […]

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We all want an easy life, a life without stress and hardships. But as much as we want that life, it’s not possible. We all need to go to work to pay our bills, feed our family, and buy the things that we want. But because we have a job doesn’t mean our life has to be complicated and stressful. With the aid of technology, we can make our everyday tasks at work easy.

One great way to make our life at work easy is by using PDFBear. It is a great platform to help us alleviate our work-related sufferings. When it comes to managing your PDF files, this is the perfect tool for you. It offers more than 20 useful services that are efficient and effective in accomplishing your PDF-related tasks at work.

Converts files

You can use various file formats for your file, but not all of them perform the same. Depending on your task, some formats can be beneficial, but some of them are not. So when your file is in the format that is not suitable for your goal, the best thing you can do is convert them. And when it comes to converting files, there is no better tool to use than PDFBear.

I can convert numerous file formats, including PDF to PPT, Word, Excel, JPG, PNG, PDFA, vice versa, and a lot more. This platform converts your file in just three easy steps: uploading your file, making the necessary changes, and finally, downloading your newly converted document. Converting documents at work will never be the same when you use PDFBear.

Reduce file size

Having enough computer memory is very important for your device to work correctly and avoid lagging issues. With that in mind, we tend to do everything we can to prevent these issues. That includes external storage devices and deleting random files that we might use in the future. But there is a more practical solution to this problem, the PDFBear compress tool.

With this feature, you will be able to reduce your file size to a significant level. It compresses your file to decrease its size up to 70%. But wait, there is more. When performing this file size reduction, PDFBear does it without ruining its content. This tool is indeed efficient and very safe.

Fix Damaged Files

Files, whether virtual or hard copy, can be damaged. For virtual files, it can be caused by a malware attack, or a glitch may occur while writing your document to your device drivers. But whatever causes the damage, it can be frustrating when this happens. But don’t lose hope; you can still fix your file and bring it back to its original form like nothing happened.

With its Repair PDF tool, your problem with broken files will all go away. With it, you will not be going to ask for professional help and spend so much money because it offers an affordable subscription rate and it is effortless to use.

Why Choose PDFBear?

There are tons of software and platforms to use when dealing with PDF files, but PDFBear is undeniably the best. You should choose this platform because first, it does so much without asking so much from you. It doesn’t consume space on your device because it is an online file manager that allows you to manage files using your web browser.

That also means that you will not be required to upgrade your device or buy computers with high specs because, again, the processes done using PDFBear are all done using any web browser on your device. So whether your device is running on IOS, Android, Linux, or Windows, you can enjoy their services as long as you have a browser in it.

Most importantly, it is the safest file manager on the web. The website is designed to protect the privacy and security of the users. One excellent security feature that they have is it removes all the data and history of all your transactions on their website. All these features are essential in accomplishing your tasks at work.


The Adulting stage of our lives is the most challenging part of every human being’s life. I think every working adult can attest to that. Waking up early every day, cooking our breakfast, cleaning the dishes, doing all the household chores, all of these alone take up so much of our energy. That is why we should make our tasks at work easier as much as possible.

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How Artificial intelligence Helps In Recruiting Fri, 18 Jun 2021 07:07:06 +0000 Artificial intelligence (AI), the simulation of human intelligence through software, is one of the promising trends in digitization. In recruiting, too, there are the first AI solutions that promise faster and more precise matching than human resource searches and selection. Read here why this promise is at least questionable. Artificial Intelligence In Recruiting Artificial intelligence […]

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Artificial intelligence (AI), the simulation of human intelligence through software, is one of the promising trends in digitization. In recruiting, too, there are the first AI solutions that promise faster and more precise matching than human resource searches and selection. Read here why this promise is at least questionable.

Artificial Intelligence In Recruiting

Artificial intelligence (AI) can support recruiting in various ways: Chatbots are used, which – similar to Siri or Alexa – can answer fundamental questions about a position or a company.

In addition, such an assistant can support creating a job advertisement based on all job advertisements on this topic.

And last but not least, applications can be analyzed and rated based on experience with successful employees in the relevant area, including an analysis of the appearance in social media and online.

Even interviews can be conducted by AI technologies, which can be dragged to fitness over the voice, the choice of words or facial expressions, and other features to conclude.

Recruiting departments are increasingly dealing with digital tools to manage unstructured interviews, assessments, personal recommendations, and a lot of data in an effective and structured way. Recently, tools have been pouring onto the market that use AI and data-driven algorithms to facilitate or even take over the search for suitable candidates.

In the age of digital transformation, everyone is talking about AI. So it makes sense to transfer this approach to the topic of IT recruiting as well. Unfortunately, existing tools are still in their infancy and will probably not be the panacea for finding talent in the future.

Analysis Data Is Backwards-Looking

The basis of AI technologies in recruiting is usually based on the attributes of the previous “top performers” in the company or other companies. Then we are looking for applicants who have the same characteristics.

Data analytical approaches are based on previous experience. So if men were more likely to have worked in this job in the past, an algorithm could inadvertently lead to a strengthening of men in the job.

New properties that are supposed to drive innovations that have not yet been recorded in any algorithm are ignored.

Insufficient Data Is Available.

To use comprehensive AI tools in recruiting at all, huge amounts of data and empirical values on positions, companies and the respective employees with all their characteristics and performance evaluations are required.

This hurdle can be overcome in the future. However, it will be some time before the relevant data from companies and employees is available in a wide variety of contexts.

Cultural Fit

The theme of gut feeling and cultural fair play in recruiting remains a big role, especially since most of our decisions are controlled subconsciously. AI technologies in HR advertise greater fairness and transparency in recruitment, which certainly also offers opportunities.

On the other hand, emotions, team fit and other factors that algorithms cannot fully capture can still be assessed much more efficiently by people.

Data Protection & Discretion

The analysis of an applicant’s qualifications may not be viewed critically. If, however, emotions, facial expressions, profiles in social media and the web, etc., are analyzed – then the question of data protection arises in addition to the likely low acceptance.

Conversely, when it comes to chatbots, the question arises as to whether companies are willing to answer internal company questions to every website visitor via a chatbot.

The initial personal interview, for example, with the headhunter, is much more discreet and only reveals insider information to selected people.

Candidates Find The Use of AI in Recruiting To Be Unappreciative.

We are currently experiencing a candidate market that is determined by applicants, especially in the MINT area. Therefore, one should ask oneself to what extent AI technologies benefit the CANDIDATE.

While chatbots and preselection of application documents still meet with acceptance, the use of AI telephone interviews and personality profiles is rejected by most applicants.

Especially for positions where there are only a few applicants, AI technologies are more likely to deter applicants. If a candidate first has to talk to a machine before a person takes time for him, it feels more like a number in the system than appreciation.

Also Read: Top Reasons To Invest In Chatbots & Automation & CRM Software


Artificial intelligence is an exciting field that is already partly a reality today in online recruiting and will continue to support human recruiters in their work and make them more efficient in the future. AI tools can be useful additions to a company’s HR.

A preselection of applications or the initial assessment of characteristics of a candidate can provide excellent support and relief for the HR department.

For simple jobs, AI can also be suitable for the initial interview. In the highly specialized field, where the worker drives the market, the human factor will be crucial at a very early stage in attracting a candidate’s interest. The use of AI will only be marginally worthwhile here.

Overall, decision criteria and skills such as sensing talent, cultural fit and knowledge of human nature will hardly be replaced by AI technologies in the foreseeable future.

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Building a Career in Computer Science: What You Need to Know Wed, 03 Feb 2021 07:42:07 +0000 Computer science is a vast subject, with an array of specialisms to explore. In general, however, it refers to how information is used, stored and processed and its subsequent application. As a computer scientist, you may be adept at creating new algorithms to be used by machines, for example. Alternatively, you may specialize in developing […]

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Computer science is a vast subject, with an array of specialisms to explore. In general, however, it refers to how information is used, stored and processed and its subsequent application. As a computer scientist, you may be adept at creating new algorithms to be used by machines, for example. Alternatively, you may specialize in developing new software and find new ways for data to be processed.

Unsurprisingly, computer science is a field that’s evolving at a rapid pace. We use technology in every aspect of our lives and we’re always hungry for more. From communicating via social media to managing our homes with smart tech and IoT, we rely on computer scientists to come up with new breakthroughs all the time.

If you’re interested in technology and considering your career options, this makes computer science an attractive option. With the potential to specialize in a niche that meets your interests and a growing career profile, choosing to work in computer science can be an exciting and lucrative way to earn a living.

Of course, you’ll need to do some research and take steps to ensure you’re prepared for what a career in computer science requires. Like any profession, it can take time to develop the skills and knowledge you’ll need to operate successfully. To get started, take a look at what you’ll need to build a successful career in computer science:


Most people working within computer science begin by obtaining a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. Although you can choose to study computer science at undergraduate level, this isn’t usually a pre-requisite. Instead, you might choose to study for a bachelor’s degree in Information Science, Computer Engineering, Cybersecurity or Information Technology and Information Systems.

While an undergraduate degree is a great way to begin your career, you can advance your knowledge, skills and employability by enrolling in advanced-level study. Completing a master’s gives you the opportunity to specialize in a particular area or further your expertise, for example, and may open up a wider range of career options.

Remember – it’s important to think outside the box when you’re considering which degree subjects are right for you. Although there are many courses which are directly linked to computer science, other subjects can help you to build a career in computer science too.

Choosing a degree topic that has a broad application enables you to keep your options open and explore a variety of careers. With an Applied Statistics degree, for example, you may choose to build a career in computer science, or you may segue into another area. Check out this blog post to see how versatile this type of degree can be.

Furthermore, not all computer science, IT or cybersecurity courses contain the same content or modules. This means it’s essential to compare course providers to determine which program is right for you. Some computer science degrees may feature cybersecurity heavily, for example, whereas others may not. Similarly, some degree providers may offer multiple optical modules, while others may have a somewhat narrow selection.

By researching potential courses and providers, as well as considering your future career development, you can choose the right program for you.


Building a successful career in any industry means gaining experience. If you’ve studied a related field at undergraduate or postgraduate level, you may already have an idea of the area you want to work in. If so, you can focus on gaining experience within this specialism. Alternatively, many major employers offer graduate training and career returner programs which enable you to gain practical experience across numerous disciplines. This can be a great way to gain real-life experience of what your day-to-day work could entail and will help you to decide what specialism or sub-sector is right for you.

However, developing your professional profile in computer science doesn’t rest solely on your work experience. Due to the nature of the industry, you can gain a significant amount of experience by enhancing your own knowledge and practicing your skills. If you want to be a programmer, for example, learning a selection of programming languages, writing your own code and developing your own programs will stand you in good stead for the future.

Similarly, there are many informal groups for aspiring computer science professionals to join. Developers, statisticians and programmers often work together to create new software or contribute to open-source projects, for example. By doing so, you can make contacts within your industry, as well as gaining valuable experience.

As you gain experience, either formally or informally, it’s advisable to create and maintain a portfolio of your work. This will help you to impress prospective employers with your abilities and motivation, as well as verifying your skills and experience.

Develop ‘Soft Skills’

Sometimes known as transferable skills, ‘soft skills’ give you the ability to operate well in the workplace. Whether you’re working with others or operating independently, you’ll need to be able to employ soft skills to help you succeed. This isn’t solely restricted to a career in computer science, as soft skills are relevant in any profession. Indeed, they’re termed, ‘transferable skills’, because they can be transferred to any workplace or profession. Despite this, they’re an important element of your professional capabilities and will enable you to progress through your chosen industry. Some of the most important soft skills to focus on for a career in computer science include:

  • Verbal and written communication
  • Teamwork
  • Analytical thinking
  • Time management
  • Problem-solving
  • Reliability
  • Creativity
  • Adaptability
  • Organization

Many transferable skills give you the foundation leadership skills you’ll require if you aspire to take on a C-suite role. If you want to lead teams, manage departments or become an executive, for example, you’ll need to know how to motivate employees, consistently hit targets, and shape the future of your organization. By focusing heavily on your soft skills now, you can develop the aptitude you need to become a successful manager if you choose to take on a leadership role in the future.

Commercial Awareness

When you’re working within the computer science industry, your role will involve helping your employer and/or clients to achieve their objectives. Although your qualifications, training and experience will give you advanced skills in programming, hardware, software development or any other niche, it’s important not to overlook the commercial aspect of your role.

Your employer may want you to develop a platform that improves efficiency within a specific department, for example. Alternatively, a client may be looking for hardware that will increase automation and reduce their operating costs.

In these situations, your role isn’t necessarily to build the most advanced solutions, nor one that’s packed full of features. Instead, you’ll need to align your goals to the overarching objective of the project and deliver value based on the remits of the task.

When you can align your professional knowledge with commercial awareness and business insight, you’ll be recognized for your ability to enhance the organization and/or meet client needs. As a result, you’ll increase your own employability and optimize your professional reputation.

Industry Knowledge

As computer science is a varied and multi-disciplinary industry, you won’t necessarily be expected to keep up to date with every breakthrough that’s predicted to happen. However, you’ll will need to know where the future of your specialism is headed and what impact this may have on your employer or your employer’s industry.

This foresight will enable you to futureproof your specialism in the context of your role and provide solutions to new issues as they arise or before. By doing so, you’ll prove your worth to the organization and have the opportunity to play a role in shaping its future.

As technology develops at such a rapid speed, it can be difficult for non-tech professionals to keep up with what’s happening and to translate it into a business context. Your role may be the link they need between managing a successful enterprise and incorporating the latest tech, so don’t overlook the importance of being at the forefront of your sector or specialism.

What Are the Benefits of Working in Computer Science?

As a growing industry, computer science is a great career choice. You’ll find new jobs being created all the time, which is great news for your employability and job security. Furthermore, the wide range of applications and specialties ensures you’ll be able to choose a role that meets your needs, reflects your interests and provides you with job satisfaction.

Whether you choose to become a Programmer, Network Architect, Security Analyst, Software Developer or any other type of computer science professional, you’ll have the option to build a career on your own terms and work in an environment that suits you. From being a full-time employee working on site, to traveling the world or starting your own enterprise, there are endless options for reputable computer scientists. What’s more – as technology continues to evolve and becomes more embedded in our day-to-day lives, a career in computer science will only become more varied, exciting and fulfilling.

The post Building a Career in Computer Science: What You Need to Know appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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