CRM Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Fri, 20 Oct 2023 14:46:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CRM Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 The Way To Agile Maintenance Wed, 01 Mar 2023 16:09:38 +0000 Lean In Maintenance That is very different. For many companies, there is still a large gap between the desirable best practice state and the current situation that I encounter on the ground. However, many companies or people responsible for maintenance are committed to improving their individual activities and work processes. I see the greatest challenge […]

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Lean In Maintenance

That is very different. For many companies, there is still a large gap between the desirable best practice state and the current situation that I encounter on the ground. However, many companies or people responsible for maintenance are committed to improving their individual activities and work processes. I see the greatest challenge in the conflict between optimization efforts and the so-called “day-to-day business.” At the same time, we also find the coveted levers of greatest effectiveness.

Is Agile Maintenance The Future?

What are the megatrends in the world of work, and how do you think Agile maintenance will change?

That’s a very exciting question. First of all, structural change in the world of work is already underway, with the keyword “VUCA.” In short, this can be summarized as follows: The world of work is becoming faster and increasingly volatile. Of course, there have always been changes and the urge to accelerate, but the demands placed on the actors are taking on a new quality. This is not the least due to the increasing complexity. In the field of maintenance, I see four specific areas that require more intensive discussion:

  • First of all, there are people with their skills. It will be a challenge to reconcile the requirements arising from the changed world of work with the interests and skills of future generations.
  • Second, the implementation of Industry 4.0. Here the scenarios range from a refusal or ignorance of the digitization of the working world to an almost idolatrous admiration of every digital gimmick, no matter how trivial. For example, I would like to mention the call for paperless maintenance. “First the tablet, and then (maybe at some point) we’ll look at the processes.”
  • The third topic area will be data as a strategic resource. This means, for example, the experience and knowledge of the maintenance department as well as the know-how of the machine manufacturers.
  • The internal value of maintenance is a fourth and increasingly important topic. Will maintenance succeed in emerging from the shadowy existence of production? I see far more opportunities than risks in this.

Without Self-Organization, There Is No Agility.

Can you give us a few concrete examples from your practice of how an agile organization works?

First, I would like to explain the term “agility” in more detail. Agility means that an organization (e.g., the maintenance department) can adapt flexibly to changes and react quickly. A key element of this is self-organization. When work teams first submit a thousand applications and have to work their way through hierarchies, they cannot act and react quickly. “Acting,” in particular, will become increasingly important. Take a look at the situation of the maintenance departments in medium and large companies.

What happens if the company’s utilization rate skyrockets or drops just as rapidly? Or if, for example, a reorganization takes place? It is often enough for a manager to leave the company or for a new one to join. I often observe that departments need to improve their performance as a result. Some are even pushed to the limit of their willingness to perform. And then, look at organizations that have autonomous or at least semi-autonomous work teams. As long as there are no significant changes to their working framework, these teams work flexibly and are extremely resistant to environmental disturbances. A well-known organizational approach to establishing these competencies in maintenance is, among other things, the approach of a decentralized system and process responsibility. Or the TPM model that most readers are familiar with.

Finally, each company and each organizational unit must be considered individually. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions for applying agile maintenance. Before you start thinking about solutions, learn to understand the problem first! I talk about exactly how this works in my seminars.

Also Read: What Is The Financial Market, And What Are Its Segments?

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Agility In Large Companies Sat, 09 Jul 2022 06:58:58 +0000 How software is developed, operated, and used is increasingly changing companies. Ideas reserved for start-ups just a few years ago are increasingly finding their way into established large companies. To produce software faster and faster, not only the organization of a company but also the systems have to be changed. Many companies still think about […]

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How software is developed, operated, and used is increasingly changing companies. Ideas reserved for start-ups just a few years ago are increasingly finding their way into established large companies. To produce software faster and faster, not only the organization of a company but also the systems have to be changed. Many companies still think about agile and classic software development methods in black and white, and the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. Combining the advantages of agile software development with planning security is essential. Organizations need to tame agility for it to unfold its full potential. A whole range of instruments and concepts are available to decision-makers in companies.

The Right Level of Agility

The right balance between planning and flexibility depends on several factors. The decisive factor here is the personal attitude of those involved in the project: the more agile they are, the greater the elegant share in the project work. Other indicators are the size of the project, its importance, the dynamics of the environment, the corporate culture, and the industry know-how of the development team. Finding the optimal balance of planning and agility can be time-consuming. Various concepts can help here: In addition to DevOps and continuous integration or continuous delivery, the interaction room is a suitable concept here.

A Space With Limitless Possibilities

The interaction room is a medium that allows business and IT experts to communicate better with each other. This is made possible by the open, non-IT-fixed presentation of processes. It also will enable representatives from the specialist departments to get involved in discussions. This Interaction Room is an actual walk-in room with four walls. The project team members visualize processes on these walls. Together with the IT experts, they determine solutions for a project’s central topics and questions in coordination rounds. This is visualized by assigning symbols to individual aspects of the project. The Interaction Room is a method that draws interest in the progress of the project and contributes to the vision of the software to be continuously developed further by all those involved. One wall is labeled with the models of the business processes, the second wall is used to write down technical object models, and the team uses the third to write down the backlog and log the project progress. On the fourth wall, they depict the integration map. This map provides information about which existing software systems have to be integrated with the system to be created.

Agile Right Down To IT Operations

Agile development means producing software at short, regular intervals. The right processes and framework conditions must be created for this. Those responsible can only decide on a case-by-case basis which organizational form or mixture of organizational structures is suitable for a company. But some indicators show whether the trends are more towards DevOps or classic CIO organizations:

Systems that change slowly and are hardly exposed to structural adjustments are not a trigger for the introduction of DevOps structure.

DevOps lend themselves to structures with clear dividing lines in the form of loosely coupled, asynchronous integrated services. These prerequisites are often given in younger systems, which applies to surface-intensive and customer-visible systems at the beginning of their life cycle. It is in such an environment that DevOps can work best.

By their very nature, mobile applications are suitable candidates for a DevOps organizational form, if only because they change quickly and must always be available.

Continuous Integration And Continuous Delivery: Giving Agility A System

For companies to be able to put software developed in an agile manner into operation at the frequency with which the developer publishes it, those responsible not only have to adapt the organization but also the systems. The whole thing aims to automatically produce and provide both the software and the development, test, and productive environments. Since updates can come relatively quickly, installation routines are now required that constantly check whether modified software can be implemented.

This idea underlies continuous integration and continuous delivery. In contrast to automation approaches, which have a limited range of functions, there are now many different options: from addressing heterogeneous infrastructures to the automated provision of environments and their integration into the existing IT infrastructure. This also includes tools for implementing monitoring and logging mechanisms, automated testing, managing software components, and orchestrating the entire process. Automation not only speeds up IT processes it also makes troubleshooting easier. It avoids problems arising from the different development, test, and production environment configurations, managing software components, and orchestrating the entire process. Automation not only speeds up IT processes it also makes troubleshooting easier. It avoids problems arising from the different development, test, and production environment configurations, managing software components, and orchestrating the entire process. Automation not only speeds up IT processes but also makes troubleshooting more accessible, and it avoids problems arising from the different configurations of development, test, and production environments.

Budgets In Agile Projects: Squaring The Circle?

Agile thinking extends not only beyond departmental boundaries but also company boundaries. If companies rely on external capacities for software development, it is essential that they are equally interested in the agile development of lean software. But how should something be budgeted that is not precisely specified? A calculation according to expenditure is highly problematic for the client since the costs can theoretically increase indefinitely. Therefore, real agile software projects rarely occur in practice.

IT Is Now At The Table.

The way companies develop, operate, and use software is changing fundamentally at the moment. Ideas reserved for start-ups a few years ago are now finding their way into established large companies. This will show in the future whether the interaction between IT and other departments will be successful.

Also Read: Why Introduce The Agile Methodology In Your Company

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Why All Businesses Should Conduct SWOT Analysis Wed, 25 May 2022 05:58:42 +0000 Understanding your company’s position in the relevant industry and acknowledging where and how you can improve is critical for success. This information helps business owners streamline processes strategically instead of wasting resources and efforts to improve. To succeed, be it an individual startup or a large firm, it must understand and acknowledge its strengths and […]

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Understanding your company’s position in the relevant industry and acknowledging where and how you can improve is critical for success. This information helps business owners streamline processes strategically instead of wasting resources and efforts to improve.
To succeed, be it an individual startup or a large firm, it must understand and acknowledge its strengths and weaknesses and identify opportunities and roadblocks. Using an effective SWOT analysis template is one of the most beneficial tools to measure an organization’s current status to position itself better in the future.
This article will help you explore everything you need to know about SWOT analysis, why you should use it for your business, and how to execute it.

Why You Should Conduct A SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis helps a company evaluate its position in a competitive market. Moreover, it highlights the necessary initiatives that should be taken to improve strategies, helping business developers create a more effective company roadmap.

This analysis aims to identify complex issues and assist in resolving them. There are several benefits of SWOT analysis, some of which are:

  • Organizations gain visibility over their current operations, enabling them to understand and devise their overall performance
  • A company can easily develop a plan to meet its goals while adapting to changing trends in the market
  • It allows businesses to address weaknesses, roadblocks, and areas of improvement to ensure success
  • It highlights external factors such as market and economic trends, which companies can leverage to give themselves a competitive edge
  • It identifies areas of the company that are performing well, so they may be able to further capitalize on it

When To Do SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a collaborative effort, as input is needed from different departments such as; customer service, accountant, advisor, product designer, etc., to build a more holistic picture.

Whether it’s a startup business or an established one, a SWOT analysis can be conducted to assess the internal health of a business and devise strategies to move forward.

SWOT analysis is a great technique to generate problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity skills in the team. Moreover, a SWOT analysis should be performed once in six months for better results.

How To Execute A Successful SWOT Analysis

To make the most out of SWOT analysis, a business should have a clear objective and goal. For example, you could use a SWOT analysis template to determine whether you should launch a new product or service now or later.

Once you’ve determined the objective of your business, it’s time to conduct thorough market research in your relevant industry.

By conducting market research, you will discover where your organization stands in its respective industry. It also plays a major role in creating products and services which are more consumer-centric.

Strengths are internal factors that identify where your company is doing well. List the strengths that offer an advantage to your business and the things that your competitors can’t beat.

Similar to strengths, it’s also important to address the weaknesses that could block your way to success. Remember that SWOT analysis doesn’t aim to highlight your business’s negative impact or performance; instead – it’s a practice that helps identify potential roadblocks.

SWOT analysis is usually done by developing a grid where you specify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Create a grid by inputting the strengths of your business in the upper left corner and then weaknesses in the upper right corner. The business’s opportunities should come in the bottom left while the threats at the bottom right.

Once the grid is ready, fill in each section by asking yourself questions, such as:

For Strengths

  • What is it that your business is doing well?
  • What unique product or services your business has to offer?
  • What is it that gives your business an edge over its competitors?

For Weaknesses

  • What resources or in which areas does your business lack?
  • Which aspect(s) can potentially hinder the success of your business?

For Opportunities

● What resources should you use to generate desired results?
● Which steps can help your business stand out in your industry?

For Threats

● What are some potential external conditions that could damage your performance?
● What are your competitors doing better than you?


As a business continues to grow, it’s essential to keep track of changes and improvements done along the way. These four factors provide a comprehensive roadmap for the future so a company can easily assess where it stands in the market and how far it has come.

Also Read: How To Make a Business Plan and Other Tips On Entrepreneurship

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How To Crack The Professional Product Owner Certification? Mon, 28 Feb 2022 08:42:44 +0000 Undertaking the perfect product owner certification professionally is very much advisable for people so that everybody will be able to clear the exam in the very first attempt very successfully without any kind of doubt. Following different kinds of tips and tricks in the whole process is very much advisable for people so that everybody […]

The post How To Crack The Professional Product Owner Certification? appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Undertaking the perfect product owner certification professionally is very much advisable for people so that everybody will be able to clear the exam in the very first attempt very successfully without any kind of doubt. Following different kinds of tips and tricks in the whole process is very much advisable for people so that everybody will be able to deal with things very successfully without any kind of chaos. Following are some of the most important tips which people need to follow at the time of preparing for the product owner certification examination:

  1. Understanding and comprehensively reading the scrum guide is very much important for individuals so that everybody can become very much familiar with the basic technicalities and will be able to enjoy the perfect source of answers for the assessment without any kind of doubt.
  2. Reading and thoroughly understanding basic things is very much advisable for people so that everybody will be able to enjoy the perfect technicalities without any kind of hassle.
  3. Reading and understanding the evidence-based management guide is very much advisable for people so that everybody will be able to enjoy the perfect product value without any kind of chaos.
  4. Having a good hold over the review of the agile closely is very much advisable for people so that everybody will be able to easily access the quick definitions of the key terms without any kind of doubt and further make sure that scrum terms will be crystal feel the minds of people without any kind of hassle.
  5. Being very much clear about the different kinds of open assessments available in the industry is very much advisable for people so that everybody will be able to deal with things very well throughout the process.
  6. It is very much advisable for people to have a clear idea about the basic technicalities in the form of examination format so that everybody can attempt the examination like a pro throughout the process without any kind of doubt.
  7. Having a clear idea about the product owner learning part in the industry is another very important thing to be taken into consideration so that familiarity can be easily achieved and there will be no chance of any kind of chaos.
  8. Undertaking the mock tests in this particular case is very much advisable for people to have a clear idea about the actual conditions of the real exam without any kind of doubt and memorising different kinds of questions in the industry is another very important component real-world assessment.
  9. Paying proper attention to the timing aspect in this particular case is very much important for people so that everybody will be able to deal with things very well and there is no chance of any kind of doubt in the whole process.
  10. Reviewing the grocery and further making sure that everybody will be able to get the perfect feeling of real examination is very much important for people so that comprehensive practice can be carried out without any kind of chaos.

Hence, undertaking the best possible major IT certifications in the industry is very much advisable for candidates to become successful and more employable in the industry.

Also Read: Important Reasons to Get a Credit Card in 2022

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Design The Digital Workplace With Process Management Thu, 09 Dec 2021 10:44:13 +0000 The future workplace will not only include work that is independent of time and place, such as the home office. Above all, information must be provided so that it can be used effectively and efficiently directly. Functioning process management brings people, data, documents, tasks, and required tools together. Definition: What Is Process Management? Process management […]

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The future workplace will not only include work that is independent of time and place, such as the home office. Above all, information must be provided so that it can be used effectively and efficiently directly. Functioning process management brings people, data, documents, tasks, and required tools together.

Definition: What Is Process Management?

Process management means the definition, documentation, control and automation, evaluation, and, ultimately, the constant review and improvement of work processes.

Why Is Process Management Important For The Digital Workplace? 

Internal and external business processes’ internal and external requirements are constantly increasing, and they have to be traversed faster and faster.

On the other hand, non-digital and digital processes are increasing in complexity. The number of variants per process is growing, and the dependencies between different business processes are increasing. The requirements for compliance with legal, contractual and organizational regulations (compliance, risk management) are also increasing.

In addition, more and more cross-departmental processes are developing in companies, all of which are small or large cogs in a company’s transmission.

A cross-industry example of this is the purchase-to-pay process, which includes the topics of requirement notification, procurement, delivery, storage, and invoice settlement.

Objective – Efficiency And Effectiveness Through Process Management

The goal of process management is to support and improve relevant business processes. To support effective work, software manufacturers offer different tools: These offer functions on the different levels of process management.

The Tasks of Process Management

Various areas of application are summarized under the keyword process management:

Representation/modeling of processes
the execution of processes
the analysis of processes

First, relevant processes are identified and specified using models in the first stage. In addition, efficiency and effectiveness advantages are sought directly, which can be realized by adapting the processes. The representation or the documentation, as well as the planning and modeling, help to secure knowledge in work processes and to initiate continuous improvement.

Further analysis functions offer the possibility of evaluating processes according to key figures such as throughput times or costs and identifying bottlenecks. This can help to discover new synergy effects and make processes more effective.

A cost-benefit calculation for individual activities is also possible. In this way, companies evaluate their processes based on their profitability, and simulation components can compare alternatives.

Due to the possibilities of documentation and evaluation, there are also obligations to provide evidence, e.g., B. Compliance or risk management is supported. In this way, violations in these areas can also be identified quickly.

Workflow functions are provided for the execution of processes. The systems can automate sub-tasks. If input from a human specialist user is required, the tools offer appropriate masks.

BPM systems also have many options for calling up data and functions from third-party systems or transferring content to them. Monitoring components help control and monitor the workflows (e.g., deadline management).

However, without clear goals and the right organizational framework, such initiatives fail.

Process Management Methods

The management of business processes is an essential corporate task. The knowledge in business processes must be recorded, managed, developed, and, above all, used. 

For this purpose, process management is divided into two areas: (technical) process modeling and process execution in workflows.

The Modeling of Work Processes 

The modeling of business processes creates the basis for achieving process management goals. Companies specify and secure the relationships by documenting the processes, decisions, people, and resources involved.

Well-known use cases are certifications, quality management, risk management, or various business improvement measures. 

As part of an analysis, performance parameters can be defined and, based on this, and relationships can be evaluated, condensed, and used for decisions. The simulation offers possibilities to develop and evaluate alternatives with little effort.

Workflow Management

Workflows work through business processes with the help of a system. The user is guided through the process, and the process-relevant information is obtained in the appropriate masks. Clear assignment of tasks, substitute concepts, and deadlines with escalation mechanisms ensure processing. 

The system can automate Sub-steps. There are many ways to process processes with little effort. 

If all information is available and there is no freedom of choice, the system automatically carries out the corresponding steps (e.g., calculation of information, generation of documents). 

The system generates a corresponding mask if the content has to be supplemented or assessed by a person. The user can make the entries there.

Workflows can also access existing information from third-party systems by using databases, interfaces, etc., and writing (interim) results back to the specialist systems. 

In this way, process management systems connect the applications and sub-processes to form overarching processes. The control logic and any additional aspects are mapped in the BPM system, existing specialist logic, and the corresponding data are integrated from the specialist systems.

In addition, models are used in the development and adaptation of software. Requirements and framework conditions are recorded, coordinated with the departments, and specified according to the intended use. The range of applications is very broad: Models can be used from the pure definition of processes as a specification for the implementation of the automatic generation of executable programs.

Process mining plays a special role in business process management, as it reconstructs processes across systems using real data. In particular, delays and deviations from specifications can be identified.

Process Management Software & Tools

The different BPM usage scenarios have produced different market segments. There is a special focus on process modeling tools and software focusing on workflows.

Various solutions have been developed to support the control and execution of processes. In addition to highly structured workflows, the user can also define ad-hoc workflows directly as required.

Systems for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) enable simple manual activities through assistance programs. Case management/collaboration refers to flexible collaboration based on shared files and tasks.

A major trend is the combination of different ways of working. The support of highly regulated and automatable processes through predefined, rule-based workflows is combined with a more flexible type of collaboration. Systems are offered as collaboration solutions that can quickly define simple task chains and allow other people to add to processes. Temporary rights are usually assigned here to support the joint processing of tasks.

In addition to the special systems, many other system categories offer at least basic process support. Most of the time, workflows are offered in the respective specialist world, for example, accounting releases in ERP systems (Enterprise Resource Planning) or the support of an acquisition process in a CRM system (Customer Relationship Management).

ECM systems (Enterprise Content Management) enable overarching processes and have advantages, especially when documents and files are integrated. “

Further Training in The Field of Process Management

Would you like to achieve your desired goal of effective and efficient processes? 

There are many different systems on the software market that support the digital implementation of business processes. It is often difficult for (future) users to assess which system type is particularly suitable for which processes or problems and which are not.

Also Read: Decision-Making Tools In Project Management

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What is CRM? and How Can It Help You To Manage Your Business? Wed, 04 Aug 2021 05:34:50 +0000 CRM is the acronym for Customer Relationship Management. It is a strategy that prioritizes the client and their needs, intending to offer better products and services according to the particularities of each client. If you need to manage your contacts or have a clearer vision of your sales, CRM software can help you improve business […]

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CRM is the acronym for Customer Relationship Management. It is a strategy that prioritizes the client and their needs, intending to offer better products and services according to the particularities of each client.

If you need to manage your contacts or have a clearer vision of your sales, CRM software can help you improve business efficiency, retain your customers and find new ones.

How Does Customer Management Benefit Your Company?

Most companies spend much of their time on sales and marketing as a way to get leads. However, the key to success is also betting on strategies that allow them to retain current customers. This is because the costs associated with finding new customers are higher than maintaining current ones.

CRM software works as a database of current and potential customers. This automation ensures the organization in increasing revenue, sales, and profits. But first of all, you must know your client very well and understand what they need. By storing all the details of your customers, while you keep track of the interactions, this software offers you several advantages in the management of your company:

Create a Database

The primary function of this software is to create a database that includes all the contacts of your clients. However, this tool can do much more than just store data.

Record Activities

A CRM also allows you to record calls, contacts, emails, schedule meetings, and respond to customer-related issues. With this system, it is possible to record each interaction and know the complete history of the relationship between the company and the consumer. This allows you to get to know the customer better and create personalized strategies for subsequent contacts.

Manage Customer Interactions

Find out when is the right time to make calls or send emails. CRM lets you know when a consumer hasn’t been contacted for some time or how many emails or phone calls turn into sales. With this information, you can understand how many calls or messages you will have to reach your goals.

Check Reports

The ability to view reports makes it easy to plan customer management strategies. The most relevant data is organized and presented in a straightforward way, which helps with decision-making.

Automate Processes

Technology is the best ally for process automation and counteracts low productivity by simplifying and streamlining work. In addition, the margin of error in the processes decreases significantly.

A CRM can help you get the most relevant information from your customers, and at the same time, allows you to reach your potential customers. Using this software will enable you to optimize all processes while maintaining healthy relationships.

When you contact a client, all the information about this interaction will be recorded in the system. The updated information from the client guarantees more value for your business since it allows you to respond to the individual needs of each one.

These are some of the advantages of CRM technology:

  • More personal, up-to-date, and relevant conversations, increasing customer satisfaction;
  • Customer loyalty.
  • More sales.
  • Increase in income.

What Types of CRM Are There?

Businesses can choose from three main types of CRM, depending on their needs.

Operational CRM

Operational CRM relies on marketing and sales to compile a comprehensive database of each customer’s history. It provides a global view of each customer’s interactions with the company and is very useful for organizing contacts and tracking the activities and profiles of each one.

Analytical CRM

Analyze customer data and identify patterns to help make better decisions. It is used to understand better why customers buy or not specific products, collect more data on the target audience, and improve the sales strategy and process.

Collaborative CRM

Collaborative CRM allows you to organize and share customer information with internal and external stakeholders. It helps improve communication between departments and optimizes customer loyalty strategies.

Once you know the benefits that each type of CRM can offer you, you must choose the most appropriate for your business. Keep in mind that each company is different and has different objectives.

Also Read: Online Sales Become A Strategic Point For Companies & Hoe CRM Will Help Them

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