advertising Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Tue, 13 Jun 2023 06:48:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 advertising Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 How To Use Pinterest To Increase Traffic And Sales In e-commerce Tue, 13 Jun 2023 06:48:31 +0000 Advertisers usually reach for proven social networks or advertising systems When they think about channels that could boost their sales and bring new potential customers to the web. Performance channels such as Meta, Google or price comparators are gradually becoming a standard that should not be missing from any company’s marketing strategy. Other platforms, which […]

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Advertisers usually reach for proven social networks or advertising systems When they think about channels that could boost their sales and bring new potential customers to the web. Performance channels such as Meta, Google or price comparators are gradually becoming a standard that should not be missing from any company’s marketing strategy. Other platforms, which are often neglected, offer a better competitive advantage in the form of a lower price for advertising or greater advertising visibility.
Recently, especially in the digital environment, it has become a trend to focus more and more on eye-catching and attractive visual content. Social networks are growing in popularity among users every year, and thus the number of advertisers who try to impress their target audience with personalized advertising also increases. Suppose people are looking for ideas for recipes, interior design, free time or other inspirations. In that case, they will look at the new things on the Pinterest board and the usual Instagram or TikTok.

Which Advertiser Is Pinterest Suitable For, And How To Score On It

Pinterest is a very specific platform where the visual content just mentioned is the most important. Therefore, consider whether you can also present your product appropriately so the target audience is interested. To begin with, you can only test a few product categories that you think have the greatest potential for success.
When targeting, always try to focus as much as possible on a specific audience and personalize the content as much as possible. The creation of personas will also help you define what your potential customer is interested in, their purchasing behaviour, or their demographic data. All this information will subsequently help you better set up the campaign itself and create relevant creative, which is the most important bridge between the platform and your e-shop.

Have You Decided To Sell on Pinterest Yet?

As with other platforms, it is necessary to create a company account. However, Pinterest’s user interface is intuitive and simple, so even a beginner should have no problem getting started with advertising. However, if you do not feel up to it, contact a specialist or a marketing agency, who will certainly be happy to help you with the settings or professional advice. 

First, it is important to upload the product catalogue to the created store so that your products can be displayed in all places where users shop – on the board, from search or pins. If you have quality content ready, you can promote it through paid advertising. It differs from regular posts only by the “Sponsored” label. 

When creating a campaign, it is very important to define its goal, which determines what advertising formats will be available to you during creation. After choosing the target, the basic setting of the campaign follows, including defining the target group to which the advertisement will be displayed. You can choose acquisition, where you focus on acquiring new potential customers who don’t know your brand yet or retargeting.

This retargets users who have already viewed your products or performed a certain action, for example, placing a product in the cart. In addition to specifying the target group in more detail, you can also focus on specific keywords closely related to your products.

Also Read: Social Media – The New Possibilities of Communication

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Programmatic Advertising – What Is It And What Are Its Advantages Fri, 09 Jun 2023 05:59:13 +0000 For a brand to enhance its presence in the digital environment, it must plan a marketing strategy in which digital advertising is present.A well-designed advertising campaign must have a prior research process that identifies the ideal type of audience, the most appropriate channels to transmit it, and the type of message that should be used […]

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For a brand to enhance its presence in the digital environment, it must plan a marketing strategy in which digital advertising is present.
A well-designed advertising campaign must have a prior research process that identifies the ideal type of audience, the most appropriate channels to transmit it, and the type of message that should be used to achieve the objectives set.
Surely, there is an advertising campaign that you remember, regardless of the passage of time.
Programmatic advertising is becoming one of the best allies for brands that want to boost their digital presence on a large scale.

What Is Programmatic Advertising?

Programmatic advertising is the digital advertising model comprising the automated acquisition of advertising space on websites, online magazines and newspapers, blogs, etc.) by advertisers.

Currently, 85% of advertisers and 72% of publishers use programmatic advertising since it allows a greater return on advertising investment.

Programmatic ad buying differs from traditional ad buying in that it relies on data and algorithms to strategically serve automated ads to users based on things like their buying histories and behavior.

In addition, by not having to resort to a long acquisition process, which includes proposals, bids, quotes, and negotiations, implementing a programmatic advertising campaign is much more agile and faster.

As in the operation of any advertising purchase, we can distinguish two main actors: applicants and suppliers.

  • Advertisers are on the demand side; they buy advertising space and choose the audience they want to impact with their product/service ads.
  • And publishers, media, or blogs are the bidding party in charge of generating income by selling their advertising space.

As a general rule, publishers or media choose which ads they want to advertise in their spaces, at what price, and what type of advertisers they accept, while these others choose the audiences to impact and the maximum amount they wish to pay.

How Does Programmatic Advertising Work?

Programmatic advertising represents a total change in the strategic approach concerning the

the traditional advertising inventory buying and selling model in the online medium goes from a “Site Centric” approach to a “User Centric” one.

This change of approach based on the purchase of audiences is caused by the advancement of technology: the use of algorithms allows the analysis of thousands of data on the behavior of web users and offers important differences:

  • Buying impressions (ad inventory) occurs in real-time.
  • Each advertising impact opportunity is evaluated in real-time, depending on the user’s profile, the site, and its bid price.
  • Each impression/impact opportunity is considered and valued individually and independently.

These changes help optimize campaigns in real-time to create effective strategies aimed at impacting the right user on the right website and at the right time and using an appropriate and personalized message and offer.

Technology In The Programmatic Ecosystem.

From a technological point of view, programmatic buying is an automation of buying and selling Advertising inventory in which three platforms are involved: Ad Exchange, DSP, and SSPs.

AdExchange is the platform where advertisers and publishers buy and sell digital ad impressions fully automatedly through a series of real-time bids.

  • They manage the relationship between DSPs and SSPs and obtain a Commission
  • There are two types of Ad Exchanges: Open Exchanges and Private Exchanges

DSP (Demand-side Platform) is the demand-side platform that allows agencies and advertisers to buy ad inventory on different platforms.

  • They use their Tracking system by implementing pixels
  • They use optimization algorithms in the purchase of inventory and prediction methods to maximize the ROAS of campaigns.
  • They integrate Data (Audience Segments) from the DMPs to evaluate the impression to buy.

SSP (Sell-Side Platform) is the technological platform publishers use to market their advertising inventory, whether in the display, native, video, or audio formats.

Advantages of Programmatic Advertising

Currently, programmatic advertising is the leading method of buying and selling advertising space in the digital environment.

But programmatic advertising does not work by itself despite its benefits and technological advances. Like any other strategy, it requires further data analysis to develop an adequate strategy that allows us to obtain the established objectives.

Compared to other online advertising models, programmatic advertising offers great advantages.

User segmentation and personalized messages

Not all Users are the same or have the same expectations. The programmatic purchase allows us to use user data (historical and in real-time) and enables us to approach the personalization of the advertising message.

This translates into two great advantages:

  • Possibility of segmenting the target audience we want to impact.
  • Design personalized messages that fit individual preferences based on the profile of the audience.
  • Content adaptation to attributes, behavior, context, device, location, etc…
  • Consistent in terms of when the user is concerned with the brand (conversion funnel), location, and channel (paid search, paid social, programmatic, emailing, SMS, . . .).
  • Consistency in terms of message, offer, value proposition, and price presented in the ad and following the content of the landing page to which we take users.
  • Combine different advertising formats from a single platform: Display + Video + Audio + TV + Outdoor.

Greater positioning and reach

Programmatic advertising generates a greater reach than other types of digital advertising thanks to the fact that online platforms allow users to be reached anywhere in the world.

Transparency and control

Programmatic buying platforms offer complete and detailed information on any aspect of our campaign and obtain real data on what type of customer views the ad and who interacts with it, the sites on which our ads are published, the cost per line of the campaign, the creatives that work best, the operation by dates, time slots, devices, and much more, all practically in real-time.

Measurement of results in real-time and return on investment

As we anticipated in the previous point, one of the things that brings the most value to advertisers is the possibility of measuring results in real-time and, consequently, being able to make adjustments to the campaigns based on the return on investment.

Agility in purchasing processes

Programmatic ad buying differs from traditional ad buying by not having to resort to a lengthy acquisition process, which includes proposals and negotiations. This means that the time required to launch a campaign is considerably reduced in most cases.

Now that we know what programmatic advertising is and all the advantages it offers as a leading method for buying and selling advertising space, what are your main future challenges and opportunities to remain efficient and competitive?

Also Read: The Dilemma of Attribution In Digital Marketing

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Inbound Marketing For Industries Resistant To The Crisis Fri, 12 May 2023 12:09:52 +0000 The threat of a global economic crisis is still lurking, slowing down the market and making companies need to find ways to protect their income from imminent price increases and budget cuts. For companies that are not affected by this instability (technological, medical, financial sector, etc.), short-term actions are not yet necessary, although they should […]

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The threat of a global economic crisis is still lurking, slowing down the market and making companies need to find ways to protect their income from imminent price increases and budget cuts. For companies that are not affected by this instability (technological, medical, financial sector, etc.), short-term actions are not yet necessary, although they should not be careless; It’s time to start thinking about the long term.
In this context, inbound marketing is the best ally to benefit existing customers and anticipate the future needs of potential customers. As? By creating valuable content and personalized experiences based on your specific needs.
In this article, we explain why you should bet on inbound marketing even if your company resists economic instability. We tell you how companies in the main crisis-proof sectors are taking advantage of it: technology, the medical and financial sector, retail, and education.

How Can Inbound Marketing Help Businesses Resilient To Turmoil?

If your company belongs to a “crisis-proof” sector, you may wonder why you should bet on marketing if users demand your services even when they have financial difficulties.

However, now is the best time to update your marketing strategy to find new ways to attract new customers, retain existing ones, and anticipate the needs of your potential customers.

Inbound marketing is a methodology that attracts customers with valuable content and experiences tailored to them. It allows you to connect with them through the following:

  • Attraction: Attract the right people with valuable content.
  • Commitment: Present ideas and solutions that address your pain points and goals.
  • Seduction: Provides continuous support throughout the process.

By applying inbound marketing strategies in your company, you will achieve the following:

  • Cost reduction.
  • Greater trust and credibility.
  • Traffic and quality leads.
  • Opportunities to learn.

How do you implement crisis-proof inbound marketing in your company? Here are some examples of how companies from different sectors have applied it.

Technology Companies: Driving Growth and Providing Lifetime Value To The Customer

The main challenge faced by technology companies is the lack of knowledge on the part of users. Many people who use them only take advantage of specific features or need to combine the platform with other similar ones to get the most out of it.

That is why the main challenge for technology companies is to become a unique solution that allows them to provide lifetime value to their customers. In this context, inbound marketing is essential to collect data that lets us know where and how users use the platform. With this information, you will be able to :

  • Integrate the data with a platform like Hubspot.
  • Generate reports.
  • Create lead nurturing campaigns focused on the most frequently used functionalities.

Medical sector: Betting on digitization

Even before COVID-19 hit in the spring of 2020, the healthcare industry faced a digitization problem. The digital native population is expected to be marketed through digital media (for example, being able to book an appointment regardless of whether the consultation is open or not).

On the other hand, older users have also started looking for information about their healthcare online.

For this reason, an important part of digitizing companies in the medical sector is creating content based on localized SEO (blog articles, electronic books, and infographics).

Financial sector: Prioritizing the use of platforms

Younger generations, like millennials and Generation Z, want more financial education and online trading options.

Fintech companies need to understand their buyer demographics and psychographics to create more brand awareness and educational content through blog articles, eBooks, and influencer marketing.

Retail: Creating memorable experiences

Shoppers still crave the experiences, sense of community, support, and convenience of in-person shopping. Physical stores will succeed if they provide online and in-store experiences, serving their customers’ needs in both places.

Retail companies must understand their audience, discover what they value, and market them appropriately through online sales or content that illustrates the in-person experience.

Education: Providing more digital alternatives

Universities and colleges are reassessing their value proposition, experience provided, and delivery channels to ensure all potential markets are reached, and student needs are met.

Much like the shift to remote work in the corporate world, some students prefer a digital learning experience (though not all), opening up new opportunities for universities and students.

Inbound marketing, a commitment to the future

It is not possible to know what changes the future will bring. So even if your industry is crisis-proof (at least for now), implementing inbound marketing will help you :

  • Understand your customers, their values ​​, and their needs.
  • Adapt to the changing needs of future generations.
  •  Identify new channels in which to promote your services.

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Five Tips To Improve The Efficiency Of Your Sales Teams Tue, 21 Jun 2022 13:20:10 +0000 Identifying the motivating factors of your team is essential for the company’s productivity. Take off your turnover and increase your performance. Discover our five tips to gather around your employees ready to surpass themselves for more significant commercial objectives! Data Analysis The data analysis is divided into three parts. The first concerns all the data […]

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Identifying the motivating factors of your team is essential for the company’s productivity. Take off your turnover and increase your performance. Discover our five tips to gather around your employees ready to surpass themselves for more significant commercial objectives!

Data Analysis

The data analysis is divided into three parts. The first concerns all the data on the web, such as the frequentation of its site or its popularity on social networks. It is essential to know your statistics to see the commitment of your consumers to the brand. For physical canvassing, analyses allow you to send your sales people to qualified prospects who will be more interested in the product or service you are selling than if the canvassing was random and thoughtless. Look for quality rather than quantity.

Also, you can base yourself on the characteristics (sector, type of business) of your current customers who make the most turnover to find your future customers and better target them. Finally, remember to analyze the data of your merchant site: the state of its stocks, which products have sold the best, which products have the most margin, etc. These results will allow you to determine the appropriate business strategy to implement.

Blog And Social Networks

They have now become essential for an optimal marketing strategy. They allow you to nationalize and internationalize your clientele. To make you known outside your physical store and open up new horizons for your business.

Show your expertise on your blog and share valuable information with your customers. You will thus develop their loyalty, and why not obtain new customers through this communication channel. It is a unique marketing lever that you must use at all costs. But watch out for invasive advertising that could scare away your readers. I prefer advice to promotions. Train yourself in natural referencing (SEO) and paid to reference (SEA) to increase your site’s visibility.
Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin… use these social networks wisely to share interactive content and gain new subscribers. Your goal is to minimize the cost of acquiring your customers. Make your business accessible to as many people as possible and develop a real content strategy.


CRM has several advantages. First of all, CRM software makes it possible to measure the productivity of your sales representatives based on several indicators such as customer satisfaction, the average value of sales or the ratio of deals concluded/deals lost.

With a CRM, you can also automate the management of your customers with the centralization of all the information available in a single platform. By entering the information in the customer files, you will have access to all their contact details to contact them at the appropriate time. Similarly, you can enter supplier records in your CRM to better manage your replenishments. This significant time saving allows your employees to be efficient in their work.

Manage And Train Your Team

It is estimated that in the second half of 2020, 71% of French people will buy their products online, according to data from the Observatory of Internet Uses. Therefore, it is more than necessary to train your salespeople in digital so that your company does not miss the digital turn. With the increasing digitalization of the world, the power to adapt has become a valuable skill. Coupled with a CRM adapted to your VSE or SME, you will obtain a powerful tool to organize your strategy.

Determine priorities with your team to optimize time management. Set up To-Do lists with specific and quantifiable objectives with a deadline.

Take Breaks

Too much work can affect productivity. Learn to take breaks and not give your team unachievable goals. Motivation must remain present to increase your results tenfold.

Burn-out quickly happens in a company when the working atmosphere is terrible, and the pressure is too high. In addition, you must find meaning in what you do and know how to communicate the company’s values ​​to your team. To promote a good atmosphere, you can install “relax” corners for informal discussions such as the coffee machine or table football.

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What Is Branding – And Why Is It Essential To Implement It In Your Business Tue, 31 May 2022 06:16:29 +0000 In such a competitive world, being able to sell and get customers is no longer enough for the survival of our business. It is essential to build loyalty and create lasting long-term relationships. This article will discover to what extent it is necessary and some basic strategies to start doing it. A fact that, although […]

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In such a competitive world, being able to sell and get customers is no longer enough for the survival of our business. It is essential to build loyalty and create lasting long-term relationships. This article will discover to what extent it is necessary and some basic strategies to start doing it.

A fact that, although it may seem strange, has its explanation. This happens because the purchase decisions are not rational but purely emotional, although later, we justify them with data and objective arguments. And for this reason, the big brands invest so much money in making consumers perceive them or feel a certain way.

For this reason, in today’s article, we will talk about this whole discipline called branding. Among the topics that we will deal with, we will see what exactly branding is dedicated to, applying it in business, when it is more interesting to invest in working on it and how to start doing it.

What Is Branding, And What Is It Really For?

In essence, branding is the tool used by brands to conquer the minds and hearts of consumers because, as you already know, emotions are what drive us to buy and consume. 

In this sense, branding is a discipline within marketing that encompasses all the specific actions carried out by a brand related to positioning, purpose and values ​​to create conscious and unconscious connections with the public to influence their marketing decisions. Purchase.

In other words, this discipline is dedicated to making a brand known and desired so that it does not become just another. In short, it serves to establish a differentiation concerning the competition so that “they can no longer compete” because they no longer do so for price or product quality but values, personality, beliefs or, in other words, for our particular way of being and doing things.

It is a tool that is not only used by businesses but that we all use in one way or another. Whether applying for a job, an internship or selling our project, branding or “the brand” can make that slight big difference that makes them remember us and take us into account. It’s about having something that makes us connect with people. 

In short, that slight big difference is still a strategy, and that is what branding is essentially about.

For all the above, some of the benefits that branding can bring to a business are:

  • Customer recognition, they remember us, and we are no longer just another product or service.
  • Customer loyalty, since it is easier to create an emotional bond with someone “human” and a long-term relationship. 
  • Greater confidence because the brand is humanized.
  • It gives you a clear strategy to move forward as a business when launching new products or services and marketing campaigns that work. 
  • It helps get many more clients since a universe with which they can feel identified and attracted is created. 
  • It generates more economic profits because marketing is much more effective and efficient and increases the repeat purchase rate.

When Is It Essential To Work on Branding, And How To Work On It?

Despite all these benefits, working on branding should not always be a priority. Although it is perfect for our business, “creating a brand” requires a lot of time and money, so we must know how to choose the right time.

When we are starting a new business and validating it, it is not the most crucial investment. However, it is interesting to learn about branding to choose, for example, the name of our brand strategically, since this can benefit us in the long term.

Level 1. New Market. 

These are those products or services that, because they are new, do not have direct competition. As you can imagine, this phase usually lasts a short time and more for large markets where there is a great opportunity. This causes new competitors to quickly launch themselves to try to take a piece of the cake.

Branding is usually not too important if you are in a new market since the product or service you promote already differentiates itself. You should take it into account to start working on it when the competitors begin to arrive. In this case, marketing has to explain our main benefit in a clear, direct, and straightforward way.  

Level 2. The Competition Arrives. 

At this point, there is no longer a virgin market, but competitors begin to arrive attracted by the profits generated. 

If you are in a level 2 market, it is essential to start working on some differentiation from your competitors. We will focus on the benefits and characteristics of our product or service concerning others, and all marketing must revolve around it. 

Level 3. Differentiation. 

Here the market already identifies the product or service and knows the alternatives within the market. In this case, the client has a choice, so we have to stand out so that the client decides for us.

If you are in a level 3 market, it is interesting to tend to the specialization of the offer, that is, to create much more specific products or services thinking about our type of client or types of clients. It is essential to know our clients much better than before to align the offer and all the communication concerning their tastes or needs.

Level 4. Credibility.

At this point, the market starts to get quite challenging due to a supply glut. It is essential to show what we are selling more than ever, and that means that we must work hard on testimonials, reviews, and social proof in this phase.

If you are in a level 4 market, you must rely on social proof to grow. That means that you should collect a lot of testimonials or opinions, either through Amazon, Google or the resources you generate. 

Level 5. Connect.

At this final stage, we can only focus on the brand’s values, purpose, and philosophy. In this phase, the focus when buying is no longer on the product or service due to the excellent saturation but on the emotional component that we manage to communicate and transmit. A feature that has to do with personal convictions or lifestyle. 

If you are in a level 5 market, you should spend a large part of your budget on branding. If you are starting and have few resources, entering a market with these characteristics may not be the best thing to do. In that case, you should review your business model first and introduce innovation. 

Also Read: Why Is Personal Branding The Key To Your Success?

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Step By Step To The Facebook Ad Fri, 27 May 2022 06:45:40 +0000 Facebook Advertising enables companies to make their ads and content visible to a specific audience through targeted targeting – the costs here are based on the desired reach. Advertisements appear on Facebook primarily in the newsfeed of your recipients or to the right of the same. Anyone who advertises on Facebook collects valuable insights into […]

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Facebook Advertising enables companies to make their ads and content visible to a specific audience through targeted targeting – the costs here are based on the desired reach. Advertisements appear on Facebook primarily in the newsfeed of your recipients or to the right of the same. Anyone who advertises on Facebook collects valuable insights into current and potential customers and prospects. The data collected by a Facebook ad, in turn, allows online marketing managers better targeting for even more effective advertising. We give you a step-by-step jump start and tell you tips and tricks of Facebook advertising.

Before You Start

Before you aimlessly launch ads into Facebook orbit, here are a few things to consider:

  • Become aware of your goals: There is no tangible success without goals. So before you invest a valuable advertising budget, you should be clear about the goal of your Facebook ad. Most companies that advertise on Facebook aim to increase brand awareness or conversion optimization.
  • Know your target audience: Facebook hosts millions of accounts from international users of all ages and interest groups. So take the time to define your target group as narrowly as possible in advance – so that your Facebook ad also appears in the newsfeed of the people who want and should see it.
  • Change your ads regularly: On the one hand, you ensure that your recipients do not get tired of your ads and click on them less. On the other hand, you also avoid increasing the CPC (cost per click) by Facebook due to their falling click rates.

Set Goals

When setting a strategy for your Facebook ad, it’s important to make sure your goals are SMART – Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, and Time-bound. “Smart” goals ensure a better ROI (return on investment) – in short, they support your Facebook ads’ greatest possible success.

In the case of a specialist conference, a formulated goal could be as follows: With the help of a Facebook ad, we would like to acquire 200 registrations in one month.

Choose a Marketing Objective For Your Campaign

Now that a goal has been formulated, a marketing goal for your Facebook ad must first be selected in the Facebook Ad Manager. In the case of our example, a conference, the goal would be “Get more attendees to your event.” If you want to attract users to your blog, webshop, or website, “Forward people to a destination outside of Facebook” would be the right choice.

Determine Target Group, Budget, And Period.

This step is critical to the success of your campaign. Targeting options include location, age, gender, language, interests, and behavior.

With so-called custom audiences, you can also reach people who already know your company and remove them from your campaign focus to reach completely untouched groups of people.

The budget you choose always represents the highest amount to be spent. For example, if you choose a daily budget, the amount is distributed evenly over the number of days.

Now you have to determine the optimization for the delivery of your ad. clicks or impressions. For example, if you optimize an ad for likes, your ads will be shown to groups of people who tend to like your page quickly. You can then use an advertising schedule to specify exactly when and how often your ad should be played. If your Facebook ad is to be displayed internationally, make sure that your users are awake and active on Facebook in the appropriate time zone to see the ad.

What Should Your Ad Look Like?

Here you can finally get creative! This is where the ad image, headline, body text, and the actual position of your ad are defined. Possible formats are up to five individual images, videos, or slide shows – but the headline must not be longer than 25 characters. So make sure – in a nutshell, your headline is still compelling and interesting enough to entice users to click. In addition to the headline, 90 characters are also available for the descriptive text.

Complete And Set Up Reporting

After your ad has been reviewed and approved by Facebook, you will receive a confirmation email. But anyone who assumes that the work is now done is wrong. To measure and monitor the success or failure of your ads, it is important to set up what is known as reporting. The easiest way for the inexperienced to set up ad reporting is through the Advertiser Help Center. The Ads Manager automatically outputs all the data from your active ads for the last 30 days. However, the columns and metrics of the reporting can be personalized with a few clicks – so you can only display the data and results you want to see. In addition, all abbreviations and meanings of the various metrics are listed and clearly explained in the Ads Manager help area. If you want to be on the safe side, you can also download the reporting free of charge to archive it for the long term.


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Applying Neuromarketing To Your Business or Company Sat, 16 Apr 2022 10:03:34 +0000 In the following article, we will delve into the advantages that you can obtain by applying Neuromarketing to your business and how this is a fundamental tool for attracting clients, forming part of one of the main axes that support the correct development of any company. We must bear in mind that the analysis and […]

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In the following article, we will delve into the advantages that you can obtain by applying Neuromarketing to your business and how this is a fundamental tool for attracting clients, forming part of one of the main axes that support the correct development of any company.

We must bear in mind that the analysis and interpretation of potential clients can make the difference between a possible sale or the loss of that client.

Therefore, we will analyze the concept itself and derive its application.

What Is Neuromarketing?

We can define the concept of Neuromarketing as a business application discipline. Its objective is to predict the behavior of consumers in the product marketing process.

In other words, it consists of applying the technologies derived from neuroscience to the concept of marketing and its use in the company—all this with the ultimate goal of carrying out adequate sales management and achieving the desired profit.

Neuromarketing will be able to provide information, better understand consumer behavior in the face of possible stimuli derived from advertising, and achieve more effective decision-making.

Through its application, it is possible to check the level of attention and the responses at a sensory level offered by the consumer through its different stimuli.

This may be a way of knowing how the brain reacts to different advertising campaigns. In this way, you can understand the possible behavior of consumers or potential customers who purchase the product.

To achieve a proper investigation of this study, different strategies based on collecting information from consumers are used. 

These techniques can be divided into geometry and biometry.

Actions such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, or magnetoencephalography derive from the first. On the other hand, regarding the second, we can find electrical conductance of the skin or, for example, Eye-Tracking, which refers to eye tracking to find out what attracts the individual’s attention.

Typologies of Neuromarketing

In its general scope, we can say that Neuromarketing is mainly oriented in 3 ways:

  • Auditory: This area would consist of those sounds that allow association through a memory that derives from a means of promotion or advertising. In this case, the environment is based on music or sounds or the use of certain melodies that may be pleasant to consumers.
  • Visual: They would consist of those images visualized by the consumer and familiar to him due to the impact caused in his memory.
  • Kinesthetic: It would consist of the impact or influence on the consumer through smell, taste, or touch.

Neuromarketing vs. Emotional Marketing

It is common at times that there is confusion between both concepts. Although both are related to human behavior, both focus on different points.

Emotional marketing focuses primarily on emotions and how they influence product selection. It is based on less objective aspects but of great importance in decision-making.

However, Neuromarketing focuses on how the consumer’s brain works, and it focuses on measuring the consumer’s reaction to different stimuli.

His analysis is focused on more aspects of the brain and not just emotion.

Benefits of Applying Neuromarketing To Your Business

The main advantage derived from the application of Neuromarketing is knowing in greater depth how to get the attention of the target audience.

This mechanism is capable of knowing the stimuli of consumers without the need to carry out traditional procedures, such as interviews or surveys.

In general, the advantages of Neuromarketing would be the following:

  • Know the different points of view, allowing observation in another way over traditional procedures. This makes it easier to achieve a more significant impact in marketing campaigns.
  • It allows the analysis and evaluation of the consumer without directly influencing him. This is contrary to traditional procedures. It facilitates both a conscious and subconscious analysis of the individual.
  • Greater precision is achieved thanks to new technological procedures adapted to the behavior and thoughts of consumers.
  • It is capable of improving the consumer experience. In this way, the organization can approach the actual needs of the individual and the satisfaction in the different processes.
  • Allows the identification of behavior patterns. This facilitates the adaptation of campaigns and the transformation of more personalized products, thus allowing easier management.

Also Read: The Different Forms Of Online Advertising And Their Advantages

The post Applying Neuromarketing To Your Business or Company appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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