trading Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Fri, 13 Oct 2023 14:57:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 trading Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 A Complete Guide on Currency Trading for Beginners Fri, 29 Jul 2022 16:32:32 +0000 Currency Trading for beginners entails purchasing one currency while concurrently selling another. Currency exchange takes place in pairs to make these transactions easier. What is Currency Trading? forex trading for beginners means a wealth of opportunities. Currency appreciation or depreciation can be caused by central bank meetings, unemployment rates, and other economic data releases. Trading […]

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Currency Trading for beginners entails purchasing one currency while concurrently selling another. Currency exchange takes place in pairs to make these transactions easier.

What is Currency Trading?

forex trading for beginners means a wealth of opportunities. Currency appreciation or depreciation can be caused by central bank meetings, unemployment rates, and other economic data releases.

Trading currencies is a relative activity; as a result, whenever you buy one currency, another or several currencies in exchange must be necessarily sold. 

How Does Currency Trading Work?

Currency crosses and currency baskets are the two ways to trade currencies.

Trading currency crosses requires a more detailed understanding of how one currency may move against another single currency. Therefore, exchange rates you can purchase or sell are frequently quoted for these markets. 

Many beginners in forex trading may employ currency baskets that call for a basic understanding of the general direction of a market, such as the US dollar against a basket of other currencies, typically including pounds, euros, yen, and more.

Types of Forex Trading Markets

Each currency has an exchange rate against every other currency, and these values constitute the core of the whole foreign exchange market. 

What distinguishes forex trading from the foreign exchange? How Do They Affect Currency Trading?

With only minor differences, the terms foreign exchange, forex, and forex trading all refer to the same market:

The broad phrase “foreign exchange,” which includes both spot and derivative markets, is frequently used to refer to all exchange rates and currencies.

Monetary units like the dollar, yen, or euro refer to the means of exchange used by a country or region. When trading currencies, you usually use derivatives like futures and options to gain access to them. Spot, or cash exchange rate markets have a high degree of specificity in their structure and pricing, and these markets are commonly identified by the term “Forex.”

Advantages of Currency Trading

Know why Currency trading for beginners is a good investment option.

Low Entry Barriers:

No minimum capital requirement makes it possible for anyone to start a forex trading account. Your broker will provide you leverage, up to 100X, meaning that if you have Rs.10, 000 in your forex trading account, you can open positions worth up to Rs.10 lakhs.


Leverage is a brief loan your broker provides against the money in your trading account. An insignificant trader can take significant positions in the currency market and make endless profits because of leverages that can reach 100x.


There is a limited chance of long-term insider price manipulation by central banks or market participants because information relating to changes in interest rates and currency exchange rates is easily accessible.

Low Transaction Costs:

In the equities market, brokers impose a flat fee for every trade regardless of the trade’s size, which impacts your profit margin. On the other hand, brokers make money in Forex trading from the spread or the difference between the asking price and the bid price.

No cap on returns and less reliance on fundamental analysis:

You can earn endless earnings in the currency market because of features like a 24-hour market, high leverage, and a daily turnover of 6.6 trillion US dollars. Technical analysis rather than fundamental research is used more frequently in the currency market. Therefore, making money depends more on your trading approach than on market fundamentals.

Disadvantages of Forex trading  

Market volatility:

Every second, currency changes, and these changes are more pronounced during geopolitical unrest or election seasons. Even a negative change of 1 or 2 pips might result in significant losses for investors during such periods.

Humans are not robots:

The international currency markets are open around the clock in all time zones. However, certain currency markets close at 5:00 pm every day.

Since numerous time zones make it challenging for traders to follow price swings, they frequently miss out on potential opportunities.

High leverages – a double-edged sword:

Anything in excess can make things go wrong with your budget. Ample leverage enables you to take prominent positions in the market, but even a slight negative change can result in enormous losses. Therefore, it’s crucial to know your level of risk tolerance and practice-wise money management.

Brokerage costs:

Through the spread, brokers profit from Forex trading. Therefore, your transaction costs will be higher with more comprehensive spreads. In contrast to interbank trades, where a pip is charged, traditional brokers charge anywhere from 3 to 20 pips.

Some discount brokers have a flat fee schedule. Regardless of the magnitude of the trade, they may charge as little as 30 cents for each transaction.


The currency market is much less regulated globally than the stock markets, despite being jointly controlled by the central banks and SEBI. Resultantly, banks and brokers hold a large portion of the world’s currency market, which can result in fraud, unfair pricing manipulation, counterparty risk, etc.

What Difference Do Currency Futures and Currency ETFs Make?

Although currency exchange-traded funds can provide easy exposure similar to futures, their capital requirements may be significantly greater. Futures can compensate for the historically low volatility of foreign exchange markets with their elegant and effective margin mechanism. On the other hand, ETFs offer margins to most traders between 50% and 100%, regardless of how volatile the underlying market is. Due to this, both amateur and experienced traders may find currency futures significantly more appealing than ETFs.

How to Trade Currencies

Currency trades are excellent for portfolio diversification because foreign exchange markets have little to no link to stock markets. In addition, by trading currency futures, many people try to predict the value of exchange rates in the future or reduce their currency risk.

Although exchange rates might shift significantly and trend for a long time, they typically stay within a specific range. 

How do changes in interest rates impact trading in foreign currencies? 

Another thing to know about forex trading for beginners is the impact of interest rates, which is more indirect. The automatic response would be for US dollars to increase if, for instance, interest rates rose in the US. However, the impact of interest rates on currencies is more relative because they are valued against other currencies whose regions also experience changes in interest rates. Therefore, the value of US dollars may decline if the euro or pound interest rates rises.

How to trade currencies online

Exchanging currencies online is the best method to profit from its difference. This straightforward step-by-step process outlines the fundamental steps in currency pair trading, which is not as difficult as it may seem.

Choose a currency pair: The broker will ask you to choose a base currency when you trade forex online. Then, you can exchange this currency for another. You will only be able to trade currencies in pairs.

Conduct market analysis:  After careful investigation of the forex market, exchange currency pairs. Trading platforms offer a wealth of technical tools for carrying out such research. In addition, forex traders can gain valuable insights into political, environmental, and social variables by reviewing historical charts, current trends, and keeping an eye on the news.

It is crucial that forex trading be carried out with an informed investigation of technical and fundamental data and not only on instinct.


A crucial element of the larger forex market is forex trading and currency pairs. The daily turnover of the currency market has low volatility and strong liquidity. Trading currency pairings can be profitable through speculative CFD trading or by purchasing foreign money with the expectation that its value would increase. The first step to trading on the forex market is learning how to exchange currencies.

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Common Mistakes Made By Crypto Traders Thu, 26 May 2022 07:02:14 +0000 These days, many investors, businesses, and developers are taking an interest in cryptocurrency by wanting a slice of this potentially rewarding pie one way or the other. According to research for regulators in the United Kingdom, the Financial Conduct Authority has indicated that roughly 2.3 million Britains alone own cryptocurrency in one form or the […]

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These days, many investors, businesses, and developers are taking an interest in cryptocurrency by wanting a slice of this potentially rewarding pie one way or the other. According to research for regulators in the United Kingdom, the Financial Conduct Authority has indicated that roughly 2.3 million Britains alone own cryptocurrency in one form or the other. And these statistics exclude investors from other parts of the world. 

A point spread can do a lot in helping a player want to make a more informed decision for their next point spread bet, but it’s quite surprising to find that with all the crypto resources and information available online, there are still many crypto investors that make these distinct common errors that leave them facing a potential loss yet again. If you’re interested in knowing what these common crypto mistakes are, then you can keep reading for more. 

Buying Cryptocurrency Simply Because The Price Is Low

Behind any smart trade, the rule is to buy low so you can sell high when the opportunity presents itself. But when you’re on the search for crypto to invest in, choosing to purchase the crypto simply because it’s at a low price doesn’t always mean that you’re in for a bargain. Sometimes, you need to do some digging on why exactly the price has dropped at that particular moment.

When a crypto’s user rate has fallen, don’t be too quick to buy. Watch out for this closely because, in many cases, this happens when the developers of the crypto decide to leave the project, and updates are no longer being done correctly on the coin, making the crypto insecure to invest in.

Going “All-In”

Some trading platforms go around encouraging traders to maximize their money by investing their funds as much as possible. Once a site suggests this, know that there’s a high possibility that you’re likely trading on a suspect trading platform that’s providing you with a quick route to the poor house.

For a more realistic and reasonable crypto investment tip, it’s best to invest in a certain proportion of your capital. A reasonable estimate would be something like 5%.

Thinking You Can Make Easy Money From Crypto Investing

There’s no easy way to make money off of trading any kind of financial asset whether it be shares, stocks, or cryptos. Even commodities like gold and silver can’t be traded as a way to make easy money. Those who go around telling you that this is possible are trying to trick you into making a crypto mistake and it’s within your own best interests to not heed to this advice.

Not Remembering Your Crypto Keyphrase

When you have a hardware wallet that’s used for storing purchased crypto offline, you’re assigned a keyphrase that works like a key to your digital wallet. If you happen to forget this keyphrase and can’t seem to find the details, then just know that there’s no way of retrieving this again, because losing your keyphrase is like losing the only key you have to your bank vault.

Getting Scammed

As you go about your journey as a crypto trader, you’ll come across many crypto deals. If a deal leaves you feeling as though it’s too good to be true, then it likely is. Here are four common scams that you should be very careful of:

  • Cloud Multiplier Scams: This is where scammers will send you emails and texts with deals that promise returns that are double or triple your initial investment. This will later prove to be too good to be true. 
  • Pump And Dump: This is where crypto owners will deflate prices to exceptionally low prices for people to rush in and buy, and then inflate the prices right after so they can sell their coin at a higher price right before the coin crashes. 
  • Malicious Wallet Software: This is where criminals encourage investors to store their cryptos in less known digital wallets to then rob them of their money.
  • Fake Coins: This is when you invest in a fake coin and the criminal goes about stealing your identity and money. 

Also Read: What’s the Difference Between Cryptocurrencies and Stocks?

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How To Start Your Stock-Trading Career as a Beginner? Thu, 12 Aug 2021 11:38:25 +0000 Stock-trading is one of the most profitable trading careers as of today. Thousands of stock traders across the world make millions of dollars through careful stock-trading strategies and experience. In fact, the international stock markets are famed to be sites ‘that never sleep.’ However, stock-trading can involve a lot of risk and invite heavy losses […]

The post How To Start Your Stock-Trading Career as a Beginner? appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Stock-trading is one of the most profitable trading careers as of today. Thousands of stock traders across the world make millions of dollars through careful stock-trading strategies and experience. In fact, the international stock markets are famed to be sites ‘that never sleep.’

However, stock-trading can involve a lot of risk and invite heavy losses without careful strategy, deliberation, and experience. If you want to be a stock trader, you should start small and learn how to trade stocks as much as possible through relevant courses or intensive research.

Here is a list of some easy steps that can help you become an experienced stock trader.

  1. Opening a trial stockbroker account: Even a basic stock-trading practice requires you to connect with an online broker who can initiate transactions on your behalf. Fortunately, there are plenty of online brokerage platforms and apps for beginners who can provide the right guidance. From excellent market research to ease of usage, these platforms can help you get your feet wet gradually in the pool of stock trading.
  2. Reading diverse books and articles on the subject: Books can provide a lot of information and guidance and are an inexpensive way of improving your trading knowledge. There are several experienced stock trading professionals like William O’Neil whose books are worth reading for beginners. In addition, there are plenty of other resources online such as articles and blogs on stock-market trading that can keep you updated on the latest trading trends.
  3. Finding a good and experienced mentor: Despite being well-read on the subject, you would still benefit from the experience and guidance of a real-life trading mentor. They can help you develop a fundamental understanding of different stock markets and their differences. An experienced mentor can also recommend useful resources, pep you up during your rough patches and share their experience with you. Your mentor can be a co-worker, family friend, spouse or even an acquaintance. If you don’t know any experienced trader in your circle, you can turn to online forums to get your questions answered or find an able mentor.
  4. Studying the journey of successful stock traders: Even if you have a great mentor to guide you, you can still get your daily dose of inspiration, perspective, and appreciation of the craft by reading about successful stock investors like Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch. Learning about their journey can help you relate to their struggles and get the motivation to overcome your trading challenges. Additionally, interviews or books written by these investors often contain many handy tips and tricks of the game which can enhance your trading skills.
  5. Keenly following the stock market: An updated knowledge of international stock markets is crucial for a stock trading career. You can expose yourself to the necessary third-party analysis and trading jargon simply by following the stock market each day and reading the headline stories.

Your stock-trading learning journey wouldn’t end in a day, and it is important to be patient. With stock markets changing every day, even experienced stock traders regularly need to update their knowledge and trading skills.

Invest in a good stock-trading programme today to become an established trader in the future.

The post How To Start Your Stock-Trading Career as a Beginner? appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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