digital transformation Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Sun, 04 Sep 2022 05:47:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 digital transformation Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Advantages Of Promoting Teleworking Among Your Workers Sun, 04 Sep 2022 03:13:00 +0000 Nowadays, many companies see more and more interesting the option of allowing their employees to work from home. Promoting teleworking among professionals offers the possibility of better reconciling work and family life as well as having more time to, for example, train and improve learning that allows better performance in the company. Teleworking has numerous […]

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Nowadays, many companies see more and more interesting the option of allowing their employees to work from home. Promoting teleworking among professionals offers the possibility of better reconciling work and family life as well as having more time to, for example, train and improve learning that allows better performance in the company. Teleworking has numerous advantages for both employees and the companies themselves, such as the possibility of enabling workers to organize their schedule as long as the work is established at a particular time and does not affect performance.

Currently, teleworking is offered in many companies, regardless of the sector to which they belong, since most of the daily tasks do not require the worker’s physical presence in a specific place. Workers can carry out their work remotely thanks to the digital transformation. Their home is their office. However, this does not prevent them from participating in the company’s daily schedule in virtual meetings, calls, emails and decision-making in real-time. However, some sectors that promote teleworking is an almost impossible task, such as customer service. The employee is forced to work in person due to functions such as receiving clients at the office that prevent them from working from home. Below we analyze all the advantages that teleworking offers both for employees and for the company.

Lower Cost In Facilities And Infrastructures

The costs for facilities and furniture represent the second-highest value in the budget items of most companies. Therefore, more and more companies are promoting teleworking. Instead of assigning employees a permanent position in the office, they reserve it only for the days they need it. In this way, the company only pays for the space it needs to establish its office, which is much smaller and thus eliminates a multitude of expenses such as utilities, insurance, taxes, cleaning, maintenance, repair or security.

Accelerate Business Speed

The ability of a company to flexibly increase staff and tasks is a weapon of great competitive power. Teleworking allows workers to be located in the areas or regions where they do business, providing more effective support and achieving greater control over it. In this way, a global strategy where work follows the schedules of different countries through offshoring allows companies to achieve productivity 24 hours, seven days a week.

Business Continuity

Companies that offer telework to their employees must guarantee them uninterrupted access to all the data and applications that are necessary for them. A well-developed virtual structure that allows maintaining good teleworking conditions will provide an efficient basis to keep the business running in the face of any interruption, planned or not, such as a maintenance task or a natural disaster.

Work Without Borders

Teleworking offers the possibility of creating multi-geographic work teams made up of managers, clients and partners from different companies from various locations. Until a few years ago, these teams worked through conferences or meetings that they held in person in a specific place, and that involved a significant investment of time and money, forcing members to spend a lot of time outside their homes. Now, teleworking offers the possibility of carrying out all these meetings and meetings digitally, saving on the costs and time that these trips require.

Also Read: COVID-19 – Tips For Teleworking Without Losing Productivity

Recruit The Best Employees

All companies that want to hire new personnel must face a generational change that brings a large number of highly qualified professionals who are perfectly knowledgeable about new technologies. The teleworking modality allows hiring personnel beyond geographical limitations, allowing the most talented employees to be obtained regardless of residence.

Increase Employee Retention Rate

When an employee adopts telecommuting, employment, personal business, and family life are rarely kept separate. Mobile work policies offer workers the flexibility they need to balance work and family life. This formula is beneficial for the company as it allows employees to increase their performance while keeping them satisfied and predisposed to continue working thanks to good working conditions.

Running a business is not a simple matter. To increase job performance and retain talent, it is essential to allow optimal work and family reconciliation conditions for workers. Thanks to the advantages offered by new technologies, it is possible to achieve this. In addition to teleworking, other tools can help you automate other management processes in your company.

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Digital Media – Help Further Education, And Training Mon, 11 Apr 2022 10:59:05 +0000 Digitization, online shops, and websites are still topics that are more of a deterrent than a joy for many. It is not easy for restaurateurs and local retailers to fight for survival at the same time and to get their digital media in shape during this particular time. Instagram and Co. For Retail Websites are […]

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Digitization, online shops, and websites are still topics that are more of a deterrent than a joy for many. It is not easy for restaurateurs and local retailers to fight for survival at the same time and to get their digital media in shape during this particular time.

Instagram and Co. For Retail

Websites are still the digital media flagship for products, services, and other offers. It is the gathering place for a digital shop, gallery, contact information, and current offers.

How and where people use digital media varies greatly. The website is the source of information for some, and others prefer to use Instagram, Facebook, or other social media channels. 

They depend on who belongs to the previous customer base and the desired customers, i.e., those who have not yet been included. Where are they staying digitally, and how can we draw their attention to our offers?

And that is precisely what further training or advice is about. Depending on your needs or desires, or existing expertise. Here is a selection of topics that we can address in additional training: 

  • Creation of a social media channel including profile, settings, and background information.
  • Editing and professionalization of an existing pipeline. 
  • Additional training on maintaining a social media channel, including tricks and tips.
  • Discussion and editing of content (images and texts) 
  • Strategic advice and implementation – tips on efficiency and social media management.

In an initial meeting, we talk about your wishes and ideas. We also look at the existing knowledge and material. And then, we agree on the first steps and get started. Easy, and together we will get it done promptly! 

A Website Consists of Up-To-Date Content And Cool Features.

If you would like to use the funding for “further training,” then it can be helpful for you, …

… to understand more about your website and to implement it yourself.

… or to get advice on what is possible and individually suitable for your business.

In the digital age, websites that are outdated or not modern or designed in the retailer’s brand design are noticeable. However, much more important is the aspect that a website should be found by the search engines so that products become visible, local customers are always provided with up-to-date information, and, of course, also to win new customers. Logo!

More Visibility, More Interaction, More Know-How

Digital media have the potential to increase the visibility of your business or your products. On the one hand, it is essential to proceed efficiently and professionally. On the other hand

We can clarify the following questions as part of a funded further training course:

a) Which social media channel is the right one for your company?
b) What ingredients does your website need, and what is the right mix of these ingredients?
c) What does it take for your customers to “feel digitally comfortable” with you and for the first impression to leave a direct mark?
d) What options are there for budgeting with the existing budget for digitization so that it brings something sustainable.

Do you have further questions? Then get in touch with me, and let’s see what the answer is and how we can implement it for you!!

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Importance Of Training In Digital Skills Tue, 05 Apr 2022 11:29:12 +0000 Digital transformation is here to stay. Companies are increasingly using technological and digital tools that help them streamline processes. Today’s day is full of screens, applications, and devices that make our lives easier. Knowing how to handle the different digital tools is the key to being up to date, both from an individual and business […]

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Digital transformation is here to stay. Companies are increasingly using technological and digital tools that help them streamline processes. Today’s day is full of screens, applications, and devices that make our lives easier. Knowing how to handle the different digital tools is the key to being up to date, both from an individual and business point of view. For this reason, training in digital skills is a fundamental issue.

What Are Digital Skills?

They are those skills that allow using devices, information access networks, and communication applications to solve problems, collaborate, communicate, perform tasks, and create content, among other things. The objective of these skills is to contribute to a significant development in the work environment.

Bearing in mind that, today, digital technology is already widespread and that its scope will increase in the coming years, having digital skills training is essential to develop fully. In fact, according to UNESCO, in this new digital age, these types of skills will be included in literacy programs, hand in hand with traditional skills such as calculation, reading, and writing.

Why Is Training In Digital Skills Essential?

Within the field of digital skills, the areas to train range from handling an instant messaging application as popular as WhatsApp to specific Big Data programs. However, when we talk about training in digital skills, we refer specifically to those that every individual and company must know to carry out their activity effectively.

Among the essential skills, we can highlight the following:

Google Tools

Knowing how to use them is essential, both to enhance employability and productivity from the individual’s point of view and to optimize processes, establish effective communications and plan tasks efficiently within companies. Google tools are among the most used, both business and individual. Within these, we can distinguish the following:

Communication Tools.

Accounts with Google Hangouts, a cross-platform messaging application; Google Keep, which is used to organize personal information through note files; and Google Meet, a platform for video conferencing.


Google Calendar is a calendar and electronic schedule that can be synchronized with the contacts stored in Gmail. This allows you to share events and make invitations.


Google Drive is an internet file hosting service with a capacity of 15 GB, and these can be edited online and shared with other users.

Office Automation

Included here are Google Docs, an online word processor; Google Spreadsheet, which allows you to enter data and calculate functions; and Google Slides, which create attractive documents to show results.

Virtual Space


It is a tool designed for collaborative work and project management by creating virtual boards where the lists of pending and completed tasks are published.


It is a program designed to facilitate the internal communication of teams. It allows you to organize work by projects and store files.


Although it is mainly known for its email function, it also allows you to use the calendar to organize meetings and can be combined with Word and Excel.

Why Is Training in Digital Skills Necessary in Companies?

Having staff trained in digital skills is an essential advantage for your business. Thanks to this, your employees will acquire new knowledge, but all their improvements will have an overall positive impact on the company. Some of the benefits are:

  • Increased efficiency and productivity: Familiarity with digital tools speeds up the work of working people. In this way, they will be able to accomplish more work in less time.
  • Improved communication: By having tools that directly connect the different company employees, it will be easier to communicate and transmit information. In addition, communications will be made in a more organized and visible way.
  • Fewer errors: having digitized documents and files in which different versions can also be stored makes it possible to detect and correct any errors that may arise more easily and quickly.

Also Read: The Digital Medium – The Medium Of The Future

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Digital Marketing – Who Should You Write For? Sat, 23 Oct 2021 07:30:17 +0000 The digital transformation of businesses and buyer behaviour has not finished being a hot topic simply because these changes substantially impact the buying journey and business practices in all company sectors. Activities. Write For Clients You Don’t Have! It is easier to write for your existing clients because you know them well. However, this editorial […]

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The digital transformation of businesses and buyer behaviour has not finished being a hot topic simply because these changes substantially impact the buying journey and business practices in all company sectors. Activities.

Write For Clients You Don’t Have!

It is easier to write for your existing clients because you know them well.

However, this editorial strategy is precisely the same as continuing to talk only about you and your products. To grow your business and show your value, you need to write for customers you don’t have!

Today, the buyer starts his purchasing process independently: 57% of the commercial operation is done before speaking to a sales representative. He uses the internet to seek answers to his problems; he is not looking for you!

Thus, the results that will go up in “response engines” such as Google or Bing must provide very qualitative information and allow you to be taken into consideration by the buyer.

To succeed, you must move from the fingerprinting stage through your presence on the web to build a trustworthy reputation as an expert, thanks to the quality of the content you distribute.

How Do You Write For Clients You Don’t Have?

We recommend that you set up a short diagram: three steps to get straight to the point!

The first step, essential to any editorial strategy, is to know your customers better by creating a persona. This fictional representation of your target prospects allows you to understand their behaviours and motivations better.

It is carried out based on interviews with customers and prospects, but above all, internal interviews with the marketing and sales teams.

Yes, salespeople are one of your best sources of inspiration because they are confronted every day with the objections and expectations of prospects and customers.

Data To The Aid of Intuition

What will make the difference in your content? Creativity, their value and the constant search to be remarkable among your targets!

Where you decide on your editorial topics or your marketing actions by intuition, today, you have the keys to success thanks to data collection.

Whether declarative or behavioural on visitors’ navigation to your website, prospects and customers in your digital actions, they provide you with vital information.

This data confirms the relevance of your digital marketing actions or your editorial choices by monitoring your performance on social networks, your site and blog, and your communication tools (landing page, button of call to action…).

Performance management is “direct” to accelerate, correct and improve systems.

Also Read: Chatbots In Digital Marketing Communication

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The Digital Age Marks The Era Of A New Type Of Marketing. Mon, 06 Sep 2021 06:23:22 +0000 By the end of 2022, 70% of the world’s population will access the Internet. This is a game-changer for companies, especially in terms of marketing. The word that will have marked the last decade is undoubtedly the anglicism “business model,” which constitutes a fundamental subject for many successful books in the field of management (more […]

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By the end of 2022, 70% of the world’s population will access the Internet. This is a game-changer for companies, especially in terms of marketing.

The word that will have marked the last decade is undoubtedly the anglicism “business model,” which constitutes a fundamental subject for many successful books in the field of management (more than 300 references of management books on Amazon). The success of the University of St Gallen (in Switzerland) at the top of the Financial Times ranking of the best universities in the world is not far from the success of their “browser,” a variation in the form of a game of the 55 business models that govern the business world. The very idea of ​​the business model is not new. Still, this question has taken a real turn since the end of the 1990s because the various changes, in particular related to digital, have allowed the emergence of new means to monetize invoice goods. And services. New models appear from the actual purchase – production/operation/transformation – sale model and offer new opportunities. The question of how to earn money for the business has therefore become more complex. The concept of the value chain, born of industrial procedures, taught to generations of business school students, is outdated because it no longer allows representing the richness and variety offered today. A simple micro-enterprise or start-up can become a giant in a few years when it took dozens for brands that have been established for a long time.

Switch From A Logic of Products To A Logic of Services

Digital is at the heart of these economic transformations. It disrupts traditional operations and changes how private and public institutions conduct their activities, regardless of their sector. It revolutionizes both the way of doing business, of communicating and the way of interacting with customers. For example, the automotive industry is moving from a logic of products (purchase of a car) to a logic of service offer(financing, security offers, etc.), and the distribution sector from a logic of relations between companies (B2B – the manufacturer sells through a distribution network) to ties with the general public (B2C – the manufacturer sells directly to the end customer). At the same time, companies with a hundred-year history in production tend to develop services. Now to sell a product, they must learn to charge for use through service, as illustrated in the case of the automobile.

Many companies have understood the fundamental nature of this development. They have already started to introduce digital technologies into their operations. So that the integration of digital technology can bring tangible improvements within the businesses, it is necessary to review its strategy to integrate this new component. Setting up an ecosystem makes it possible to manage all the activity flows of a company or a community: customers, suppliers, associated data, services, etc. Its potential is significant in terms of synergies, considering customer needs, speed of access to new markets, or even the capacity to deploy and size new offers.

Information Transport

The second industrial revolution saw the birth of industries (automobile, aeronautics) which were its spearhead. The outstanding question is to know the equivalent of these sectors in 2020, that is to say, the real economic sectors born of the new industrial revolution. The first industrial revolution had allowed the rapid and long-distance transport of goods, the second the transport of people, the third was to be that of the transportation of information. Over the past decade, several hypotheses have emerged to support that the famous “new model” had been found. After the explosion of the bubble in the early 2000s, the Internet made a comeback and returned to the heart of these new models with a natural mass effect this time around.
Undoubtedly, traditional management and the medium / long-term strategy of companies are affected. The MIT Initiative on the digital economy is overhauling part of the conceptual bases due to the impact of platforms. With an open, multi-sectoral approach, the classic concepts of “value chains,” even Porter’s “Five Forces,” which have been the alpha and omega of strategy for 30 years, need to be revisited. The platform economy brings up to date the approaches, which appeared in the 1990s. Competition can no longer be analyzed solely through the prism of Porter, who did not know the digital in the foundation of its matrix. The strategy no longer boils down to killing the competitor but instead making the pie more prominent (the market, the new consumer, the importance of the link with the customer, the network effect, etc.).

Adapt And Quickly

All the players have to gain or lose depending on their reaction time. Traditional players have not lost and can still come back by surfing the current waves (Nike and connected objects, Schneider Electric, and data to improve production). The actors born since 1994 (like Amazon) have taken a step ahead in a few years but can also be threatened, as in their time were the pioneers Altavista, Netscape, or myspace, by actors from other sectors coming in their field or by future start-ups. Governments and administrations must also move forward on the issue of their service offerings for citizens and the lot of regulation or the taking into account societal changes.

All of these transformations require thinking about market access differently, and therefore it is marketing that is impacted today. These innovations are forcing marketing practitioners to revisit traditional business models and think differently. A source of commercial innovation between 1950 and 1980, marketing had become, in the 1990s and the beginning of the 21st century. In this more routine profession, the same models of “brief” and “recommendations” were replicated in companies. Stars of the time. It is indeed new marketing which appears and makes old-fashioned that of the end of the 20th century ( see the 16th edition of Marketing Management, published in 2019and deeply revised to take into account these changes supported by three major trends: the role of digital and associated innovations (big data, internet of things), the development of CSR practices and the emergence in this field of Chinese companies). In fifteen years, these companies have lost their leadership on best marketing practices, to the benefit of companies confronted with these changes in economic models: marketing at Alibaba, Amazon Prime, SpaceX, Snapchat, or Facebook is now the benchmark (still in the 16th edition of Marketing Management, out of all the case studies, 20 concern digital platform marketing, 9 mass distribution, food and beverages, 5 luxury goods, 3 clothing, and cosmetics.). This new marketing is now structured around four fundamental challenges:

1- Building partner ecosystems by being able to offer offers intended for several players, or even competitors; open innovation (heresy in specific sectors where intellectual property seems to prohibit it), with the ability to work with start-ups, through the possibility of building offers with different actors (“bundle”), is playing the role of the constructor of these offers.

2- Continuously identify good use cases, that is to say, how customers will perceive the usefulness for them of taking such and such a service at such a cost for such an action. This requires being able to build new uses, monetizing them (which is often the most significant obstacle), and accelerating the frequency of the release of new offers (and therefore reducing the “time to market”). It’s also about using digital as a way to sell differently.

3- Meet customer expectations, even if it means changing your business model, if necessary. It is a question of going further than “the customer is at the center”… From now on, the customer is in control: greater transparency on the quality, on the price, on the activity, on his consumption of service offers, implementation of new combinations where we can help the customer to sell to his customers (B2B2C, that is to say, the sale at several levels, but also the development of C2C platform, from consumer to consumer ).

4- Being agile, a fashionable term but which underlies a new way of organizing, of breaking down silos, of being able to defend a holistic approach; these changes in “go to market” strategy and business models have an impact on the organization, which must adapt to openness to other players, to new models, to new modes of collaboration and through even working.

Also Read: Why All Companies Should Embrace the Digital Age

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