training Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Sun, 10 Apr 2022 14:47:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 training Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Business Coaching – What It Is, What It Is For? Sun, 10 Apr 2022 14:47:03 +0000 What Is Business Coaching? Business coaching is the branch of coaching most oriented toward the professional and work world. How could it be otherwise? Business coaching is focused on the human team of the organization. If we think about it carefully, most of us will spend a large part of our lives in some professional […]

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What Is Business Coaching?

Business coaching is the branch of coaching most oriented toward the professional and work world. How could it be otherwise? Business coaching is focused on the human team of the organization.

If we think about it carefully, most of us will spend a large part of our lives in some professional activity. During this time, it is normal for both the organizations and companies we work for to change, the people who work for them, and the vital moment they are going through. Both the vision we have about our professional activity and the motivation that pushed us to develop it, or the situation with our co-workers can change, which can make us lose perspective on our place at work.

It is in these difficult moments of change that business coaching makes sense. In short, this form of leadership consulting is a powerful tool for raising awareness of our problems, fears or motivations, and also a fantastic tool for solving all the problems related to these circumstances.

What Does a ‘Coach’ Do?

The fundamental tool of the coach is the well-known technique. That is, ask questions to provoke a process of internal reflection. The objective of provoking this introspection is that the person in this form ends their process having explicitly discovered valuable and applicable knowledge that positively improves their lives.

What Is Business Coaching Used For?

Business coaching is used when there is a situation of change. Although its applications are extensible to any section or work situation in which people intervene, it is instrumental in the following circumstances:

  • Team building: Business coaching is beneficial to develop better group cohesion. Through group dynamics or individually with each team member, you can work to improve communication, cooperation, solidarity, and the group’s resilience in the face of any challenge.
  • Organizational conflicts: Even working in the same organization as workers, we do not always perceive that our goals are shared, which can cause conflict between some people. This can affect the work environment, causing some people’s motivation to work. It is essential to tackle this situation in the best possible way to achieve optimal performance. Business coaching is beneficial in these cases.
  • Professional development tool: Organizations usually have their workers identified according to their development potential. Both in the case of people who are promoted and in the case of people who are demoted, business coaching is a tool to help them understand their new position in the company.

Advantages of Applying Business Coaching

Depending on the field of application of business coaching, its advantages can be very diverse. At a general level, the main advantages would be:

Increase the level of organizational awareness

Business coaching helps employees understand their role within the organization. Understanding the meaning of your work helps workers be clear about their purpose within the organization chart. Understanding that one is part of a whole increases commitment levels at work.

Improvement in the decision-making process

Business coaching works to get people in the organization to make decisions with the greatest possible conviction. Especially at the managerial level, this can make a significant difference when embarking on new projects, deciding the direction of each of them, appropriately selecting the company’s objectives based on values, etc.

feeling that you matter

That the organization implements tools to improve the satisfaction of its employees shows that it cares about them. This, without a doubt, will have a positive effect on the employee-company relationship from the first minute.

What Are The Objectives of Business Coaching?

  • Increase the chances of future success: Of course, to achieve success, the first thing to do is define what success means to us. Business coaching helps people define their goals based on their values ​​and establish a roadmap to achieve them.
  • Improve internal communication: Business coaching provides techniques to communicate more efficiently with colleagues and superiors so that the organization’s internal communication is more fluid.
  • Have a positive impact on workers’ lives: The ultimate goal of business coaching is to explain the new knowledge discovered by their coaches and develop a practical application map to improve satisfaction with their professional life.

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Benefits Of Employee Training In 2022 Sat, 05 Feb 2022 11:51:12 +0000 According to a recently published report, that confirms that with the most progress in developing digital skills. We are leaders as leaders in the progress of the advancement in the integration of digital technology in companies. What does that imply? Employee training. Expand the digital skills and competencies of employees, a process that must start […]

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According to a recently published report, that confirms that with the most progress in developing digital skills. We are leaders as leaders in the progress of the advancement in the integration of digital technology in companies. What does that imply? Employee training. Expand the digital skills and competencies of employees, a process that must start at the C-Level since it is the level that drives this transformation.

Giving added value to employees is a way of making them feel part of the company, and the company will also benefit from the professional growth of its employees. As Henry Ford once said: “There is only one thing more expensive than training people and having them leave: not training them and having them stay”. Data? 43% of companies choose to train internal staff when implementing AI solutions in their business.

What Are The Benefits of Employee Training?


Training employees will allow them to have new skills and knowledge, which may be the factor that arouses their curiosity in new areas that they can apply to their daily work, which will make their work improve. An example could be the training of the Marketing team or Managers in analytics. Why? Their vision of the business will be expanded, and they will discover that they can analyze the data resulting from their department and make decisions based on figures and even new products arising in the business or synergies with other departments or potential collaborators.


But training a person implies that they acquire new knowledge, but it can also lead to the discovery or improvement of specific skills. This is key in the environment of continuous change in which all sectors find themselves since they are more directly or indirectly affected by Revolution 4.0. The application of new technologies, new work methodologies, more innovation and disruptive workspaces make it necessary for today’s professionals to have specific skills and, above all, the ability to adapt to change.


The new work methodologies are adapted to each organization in all companies. Training the Human Resources department in Agile methodologies will improve product quality and detect errors early, which means greater productivity. Indeed, a well-formed team is more productive.

Having a staff receiving continuous training on the most cutting-edge topics from great active professionals will undoubtedly make the company’s competitiveness maximum and continuously growing. Train internal talent and know-how to find and retain the new talent necessary to carry out the transformation of the company, something key at this time.


Offering training to those employees who are fundamental, not essential, in the company will be a way of, in addition to improving their knowledge and skills, that they feel linked to the company. A talent drain can be the lack of commitment to employees, and perhaps not everything can be solved with high compensation. An employee who notices that his company cares and invests in him and his professional career will be happy and satisfied in his job.


With training, both employee and employer benefit. And when we talk about employee training, we are referring to the executive or intermediate level and the senior management level. The Management Committee is aware that the keys to digital transformation in the company is essential in this time of digital metamorphosis. Discovering the benefits of entrepreneurship, the technological keys for digitization and how this change will affect the creation of products and services, work processes, the relationship with the client and the culture and organization of the company is essential.

It should also be borne in mind that to complement the In-Company Training, for a specific implementation of transformation processes, a particular, specialized talent is needed and, on many occasions, scarce in the market. Many companies want to take the step of change but are faced with the problem of not locating professionals with the specific skills that their company needs. 

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How To Manage Training, Networking, And Coworking Mon, 28 Dec 2020 14:50:08 +0000 Training, Networking and Coworking, although they are three different concepts, are related. Perhaps it can be a waste of time in a busy work schedule to attend networking events; although I think otherwise. The human being must have the need to communicate, creating conversations, flowing to interact with spontaneity, generating trust. Networking is a way […]

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Training, Networking and Coworking, although they are three different concepts, are related. Perhaps it can be a waste of time in a busy work schedule to attend networking events; although I think otherwise.

The human being must have the need to communicate, creating conversations, flowing to interact with spontaneity, generating trust.

Networking is a way to break the ice to interact with entrepreneurs and share our personal and work experiences; in addition to common interests and concerns.
There are many groups that promote this type of activity. They are usually free, with prior confirmation of attendance. You can choose any topic that interests you or is related to your business; or something new that catches your attention: discovers a new sector, complete your training.

Regarding training, networking, and coworking, we think that you can always learn something new in the day, so any training talk can become an opportunity for personal growth by sharing business experiences, providing information from different job profiles that will make it enriching for its variety

As we talked about before, it is a way of relating; Therefore, attending a networking meeting will be productive and fun at the same time.

Nor should we forget our business, since we have the possibility of meeting new contacts to expand our agenda. It may be very opportune to attract customers at the moment, but we are convinced that this will happen in the short term in the future.


The meaning of training is the degree of knowledge applied to a subject . You will ask yourself the reason for talking about training in a post focused on professional personal relationships, it is simple: in networking events, you will learn about any topic related to the meeting itself. If it were coworking, you will share experiences and new ideas with your work space colleagues, so in both cases, you can increase knowledge in an indirect way.

What is Coworking

Speaking of training, networking and coworking; The latter refers to the group of professionals who share the same workplace on a physical level, sharing expenses, providing ideas and knowledge. Obviously, they must have an open mind for collaboration at any level. It is a suitable formula to adjust expenses and grow professionally.

Meaning of Networking

We can define networking as the way to expand professional contacts, generally participating in events related to a specific topic integrated into professional social groups to create lasting relationships over time with a common benefit.

Networking Strategy

The ideal is to prepare the event in advance to achieve our objectives, we give you some ideas to make it more productive:

  • Optimize your profiles on social networks with the keywords that identify your work activity. Remember to provide valuable content on your social networks and use hashtags
  • Prepare your elevator pitch or speech for your new contacts or if you participate in any way in the event
  • Don’t forget your cards
  • You should always have a proactive attitude, being communicative to highlight your strengths supported by your experience.
  • After the event, you have to promote the link created, through social networks, by making phone calls. This way, you will have a good network of contacts.

Objectives of Networking

It is always positive, setting goals for our event. Initially, we will locate the people we are interested in knowing, thinking about the benefit we can bring them, giving credibility to our value proposition , always thinking focusing on the Win to Win.

Advantages of Networking

By participating in the meetings, we will have the possibility to expand our business opportunities by sharing common interests as we discussed earlier. Some advantages could be:

  1. Possibility of job improvements
  2. Meet investors who could collaborate in our project
  3. Expansion of new partners for our company
  4. Get feedback on our service or product, expanding the market vision
  5. Get leads to contact in the short term
  6. Improve personal relationships
  7. Low cost to get the contacts
  8. Greater visibility for our project
  9. Expand professional synergies

Types of Networking

We can differentiate three types:

  • Personal: seek social relationships
  • Strategic: focused on the business field
  • Operational: aimed at the company itself to coordinate the different departments and achieve fluidity in work processes


As we have been talking throughout the post, I want to make it clear that networking or coworking is not pursuing our goal, nor asking for favors, or looking for the rally; far from it, transmit a version that is not sincere and transparent about ourselves.

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