Digital Marketing

A Review of the Digital Marketing Industry

Digital marketing industry is growing rapidly, especially since the last two years. Most businesses shifted their outdoor marketing budget to digital marketing in 2020 and the trend does not seem to slow down anytime soon. 

According to Grand View Research, the global digital marketing industry was valued at $49.43 billion in 2020. The same study suggests that the digital marketing industry will grow at a CAGR of 18.2% from 2021 to 2028. 

However, this doesn’t mean, digital marketing is an easy thing. It is crucial to know what to do, if not, you will likely lose a lot of time and efforts in the long run. 

So, what’s the solution? While the best solution is to outsource the task to a digital marketing agency, you can also consider learning the trick and doing it yourself. 

When learning yourself, you need to update yourself with the latest trends and best practices all the time. 

When outsourcing the task, make sure to read the reviews. For instance, you can read the FirstCom Solutions Glassdoor to understand if they are the right choice for your business. 

More tips to Reviewing a Digital Marketing Agency or a Freelancer

Since doing digital marketing yourself is a challenging task, especially when you already have a business to run. To make things easier, consider hiring a digital marketing agency or a freelancer. And while you do that, here are some tips to help you get the most out of your investment. 

1 – Define Outcomes

It is crucial to define your expectations with digital marketing. 

  • Do you want to boost brand awareness?
  • Do you want to increase your website traffic?
  • Do you want to get more leads?

Unless you define what you want from digital marketing, you cannot determine success. Plus, it will be a waste of money. 

2- Ask for a Framework

A framework refers to a plan of action for your marketing campaign. It is crucial to understand what framework does the digital marketing agency applies to drive results. 

As a rule of thumb, a framework should include:

  • Your marketing goals
  • Tools that will be used in the campaign
  • Their approach to meet your goals with every campaign
  • The expected return on investment
  • The process to track and measure the campaign performance

3- Look for the Agency’s Experience in Your Industry

It is crucial to know whether the agency or the freelancer has worked in your industry. If so, which company has they worked for? What was the outcome? Did they generate a positive ROI? If yes, how long did it take to generate a positive ROI? 

If they have created a case study or have a testimonial from a company in your industry, that would be even great to help you understand the agency’s experience. This will help you determine if they are the right choice for you. 

4- What results are they promising?

This is also an important aspect of digital marketing. If they are promising moons and stars, it’s probably time to find a new agency. 

It is worth mentioning that they can guarantee a positive ROI, but if they are promising a specific number, it’s a red flag. That’s because, no one knows what will happen in the future. 

So, don’t get drawn into the promises of quick results when hiring an agency. 

5- Do they practice what they preach?

If the agency promises stellar marketing campaigns or a visually-appealing website, but doesn’t have the same for their company, this is a massive red flag.

Therefore, look if they have generated the results, they’re promising for themselves. If not, it’s time to find a different agency.  

Also Read: Five Digital Marketing Strategies To Launch Your Product

Marketing Yourself

While marketing your company is important, it is also crucial to build your own brand. As an entrepreneur, make sure to build a personal brand so people trust you and your business. The best way to do so is by getting active on LinkedIn. Make sure to engage with your audience and create quality content regularly. Although it will take time, it will be worth your efforts.
Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments.


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