eCommerce – Golden Rules For Selling Legal Services Online

Setting up an eCommerce for the online sale of legal services is not an easy task, and many mistakes can be made along the way. From the business model to the website’s design, claims policy, orders, shipments, and a thousand other things.

Only a few firms are taking advantage of online sales / eCommerce, using it as a complementary channel to the traditional relationship maintained with customers.

To make the eCommerce of your professional office profitable and an actual case of success, we have proposed to make this article that will examine one by one the ten golden rules or most essential keys to make an eCommerce move forward. We do so, taking into account both the economic and financial aspects and the marketing or usability of the website.

Ten Tips For Your ecommerce


One of the main concerns of any eCommerce is making buyers feel safe. There are still many people who have qualms when buying online, so there is little guarantee that can be given. An SSL certificate and secure payment methods are essential.

Accessible cart

Having the shopping cart accessible and accessing it and eliminating or multiplying products that we want to purchase. If this type of procedure is cumbersome, the interest in our eCommerce will decline, and the client will desist from proceeding with the purchase.


Having a rating of services and evaluations in online sales is essential. By seeing different opinions, customers will know how to choose better, and the store will give them more confidence.

Contact and return

Having a contact and return page is very important to achieve maximum customer satisfaction and feel that the store wants to sell and support you.


Loyalty is another of the strategies that eCommerce must pursue. In this place, it is a question of establishing discount programs for people who return to buy in our store. A satisfied customer returns.

Social Networks

One aspect that should not be neglected is that of social networks. Social networks are useful to inform about what we sell in our eCommerce, but, above all, they are helpful to attract new customers and interact with those we already have.

Avoid hidden charges

It is essential that when a person sees in our eCommerce that a product/service is worth € 15, they do not find that the shipping price is doubled. Customers penalize this.

Product sheets

In addition to the image and the opinions, it is highly recommended to have the technical characteristics of the product/service visible in our eCommerce. Not every purchase is impulsive, and having them help many make up their minds.

Simplicity of registration

Registration should be as easy as possible. In addition, it is recommended that you can configure a shopping cart and then proceed to the registration without losing the saved.


SEO continues to be one of the best options that one can choose when having an eCommerce dedicated to the online sale of legal services and getting the most out of it in search engines. SEO continues to be of vital importance since people continue to use search engines to find what they need, and that is why a good positioning can depend on whether our products work or not.

Also Read: eCommerce -Tips To Buy Products Online Safely


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