What Is The Role of Animated Videos In Content Marketing?

Content marketing, online marketing, inbound marketing, etc. are the commonly used buzzwords that many marketers use to boost their brand visibility and increase sales. Here one thing you might note is that content is the only activity based on all the marketing strategies.

Suppose you are unable to create extraordinary and appealing content. In that case, you might not be able to increase the customer’s attention span, which will further affect the brand reputation and sales. That’s where animated explainer videos come into the picture. Combining videos and content altogether will not only make your info more likable but also glue your audience to the screen. 

Animated videos have the power to engage the audience, entertain people, and explain complex concepts in a simplified way. Thus, if you also aim to educate, inform, and engage people, there is no better way to use videos in content marketing. 

Are you still pondering over the role of animated videos in content marketing? Need not fret! Have a look at the below-added reasons for using animated videos in content marketing. 

Reasons for adding videos in Content Marketing

Let’s begin…

Videos connect with different audience

Content is something that is commonly ready by different people from different locations. That’s why marketers are more concerned about sharing the content that people actually want to. No matter which type of audience you are targeting, incorporating a video in normal content adds value to your information which will further inspire the audience to react more readily.

According to the statistics, 78% of the people say that animated videos help them in generating excellent traffic to the website. So, if you wish to build a strong connection with the audience by posting good quality content, then don’t miss using videos in it.

Videos generate quality leads

Content and videos go hand in hand. If both are used correctly and in the right way, then it will not only boost the content quality but also increase the chances of converting visitors into leads. If your content is appealing, then visitors can easily make the decision to make a purchase, which further boosts the ROI. And this can be easily done through videos.

According to the research, 84% of customers say that just after watching an excellent video by a brand, they are able to make the decision of purchasing the products easily. So, if you also want to see a boost in your business ROI, then make the best use of video content marketing.

Videos are highly versatile

Another advantage of using videos is its versatility. No matter on which platform you post the content, videos are the one form that can be added without any hassle. As per the stats, it is found that 80% of the web traffic is coming from videos.

Suppose you want to build a strong presence on different social platforms like Facebook, websites, Quora, LinkedIn, etc. In that case, you can utilize videos easily; say, once you produce a full-length video, then you can further make its short clips that can be projected on different platforms in a new format.

Thus, videos are the easiest content style that can be utilized on different platforms to capture visitors’ attention without breaking the banks.

Videos are here to stay

Videos are one of the most emerging content forms that are helping businesses to reach their targets. Around 95% of marketers say that videos help people understand the products/services better. By looking at the analytics and demand of videos, it would not be wrong to say video marketing is a successful strategy that will be going to stay for many more years.

So, if you want to be at the top of the trends and get appreciable returns, then you can prefer providing details or information through entertaining and inspiring videos.

Videos explain complex concepts easily

I totally understand how challenging it is to explain the ideas through the text. Explaining the same ideas as per your imagination in the form of words is something that needs a lot of hard work. But with visual content like animated videos, you can easily pitch the right audience and can transfer the same message with ease.

Irrespective of any concept or analogy, videos will help you in sharing the best information which owns the ability to capture the right audience. So, if you are stuck somewhere in bringing any concept in front of people, then there is no better way than videos.

Videos open fresh channels

Last but not least, the advantage of using videos is gaining fresh channels of exposure. Videos are one of the most effective ways to spread information across different social media channels. According to the research, video content generates 1200% more shares and likes in comparison to others. 

If you post more shareable content, then the chances of increasing the visibility are also enhanced. So, start getting more exposure by opening fresh channels through videos. 

Prefer reading- The 13 Most Common Mistakes In A Content Marketing Strategy.

The Final Say

Hopefully, the above points that are added above clearly explain why many successful businesses are more aligned towards animated videos. No matter which business you are running, having extraordinary videos will help you in creating emotionally driven sales without putting in much effort.

So, get ready to enter into a new phase of video content marketing and see a good boost in your results. Still, if you have any confusion, do share in the comments below.


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