online marketing Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Thu, 16 Nov 2023 11:15:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 online marketing Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Tools To Manage a Successful E-Commerce Wed, 15 Jun 2022 07:11:47 +0000 There is a market of 30 billion dollars that grows every year, with a trend that will continue at least in the medium term: electronic commerce or e-commerce. The Covid-19 pandemic boosted this business model between 2019 and 2020.  The trend continued in 2022. In the case of the United States, the world’s leading economy, […]

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There is a market of 30 billion dollars that grows every year, with a trend that will continue at least in the medium term: electronic commerce or e-commerce.

The Covid-19 pandemic boosted this business model between 2019 and 2020.  The trend continued in 2022. In the case of the United States, the world’s leading economy, the rise in electronic commerce was 19%, according to the Statista outlook report.

These data demonstrate the value of e-commerce, the prospects in the medium term, and how it has become an indispensable means for business growth today.

But an online store or offering products through the Internet is not only about having a web page to offer them, but also the user experience must be transferred to the digital medium while taking advantage of the tools offered by the ecosystem of the web to get to know customers better, optimize costs, simplify processes, make the business more efficient in general.

For this, there is a series of tools that cover each one of the aspects of the business that go from the creation of the web page, optimization of the online and offline website to be found by the target audience through search engines, management of images, process automation, payment simplification, knowing the impact of marketing campaigns, to name a few.

In a world, as competitive as e-commerce is, taking advantage of digitization is imperative to be at the forefront, especially when it comes to knowing the customer, their preferences and improving the user experience.

Website Plugins

It all starts with the website. Today practically all companies have a website, but those who want to be part of e-commerce must adapt it for sales. This means including the necessary plugins to optimize the entire purchase process, from the deployment of products or services, through payment and shipping options (when applicable), to monitoring to have feedback on the process experienced by the customer.

Plugins are additional programs which take care of specific actions. They are usually part of the configuration of the platform used to create the page, but the variety of these will vary depending on the plan contracted with the venue that hosts the web page.

WordPress is one of the most popular, and within it, dozens of plugins can be incorporated into the virtual store (or are included depending on the plan). Sometimes, a monthly subscription must be paid for specific plugins.

When talking about an online store, one of the most used plugins in WooCommerce, which allows the creation of virtual stores, Approximately a quarter of e-commerce in the world is powered by WooCommerce.

It is an open-source program through which you can sell any product or service, from physical items, and online services, to content subscriptions, for example. Its integrations allow you to accept payments through various forms such as debit cards, credit cards, PayPal, electronic transfers, and Mercado Pago (Mercado Libre).

Likewise, it allows the registration of products, their editing, reactivation of an abandoned shopping cart, recurring payment, and Facebook store, to name some of the features of this plugin.

The fact that it is open-source software is one of its differentiating characteristics, allowing the company to connect with other software and thus maintain its identity in its online store. However, precisely the fact of having open source can be one of the complexities of the plugin since the integration of other software to WooCommerce may require programming professionals to develop it.

Leaving aside the functionalities of the payment process in the virtual store, other plugins that can be added are those such as Shipment Tracking, so that customers have the opportunity to track their orders; Menu Caching to optimize page load time; Automate Woo, as a marketing tool, to name a few.

The latter allows you to send follow-up emails to customers to get feedback on the product or service they purchased; identify inactive past customers to “target” them with automated marketing campaigns; generate personalized promotional coupons to improve sales, among other things.

SEO Analysis

One of the most critical aspects of e-commerce is that customers find the product through the Internet, that is, in search engines, especially new prospects. For this, SEO positioning (Search Engine Optimization, for its acronym in English) is essential; therefore, the content is displayed on the page.

Yoast is a plugin that allows you to quickly optimize your posts to be indexed by search engines. These publications can range from descriptions of products or services, the copy of the page to the content of the website’s blog, the latter highly recommended when having an online store, as it not only helps in the web positioning of the company but it is also a means to show relevant information on the subject to customers and gain brand credibility.

Images, Prices, Organization

When talking about electronic commerce, no aspect should be left aside, going through the images that are used, the configuration of the page to offer the best experience to the users, the organization of the products in this virtual showcase, the administration of the business, to mention a few. For each of them, you can find various tools for e-commerce that help optimize the business.


Perhaps one of the most superficial aspects, but of great value, is the images used in the virtual store. Especially regarding physical products, their graphic representation must be attractive enough to captivate the customer. However, this can make these images too heavy for the configuration of the page, which ends up affecting the loading speed of the website, with a negative effect on the user experience.

Broken Links

Broken links and duplicate content in the virtual store are other technical reasons that impair the user experience, but there are also simple tools that help detect them.

In the case of broken links (code 404), it is essential to detect them as soon as possible to remove them from the website and identify if another has replaced the page or if it is necessary to create a new page to replace said content. Broken links not only affect the user experience but also do not add any value from the point of view of the positioning of the business on the web.

Among the tools for e-commerce, Screaming Frog is one of the most used in the world, and there are also other options such as Siteliner. The job of this software is to deeply scan each one of the pages of the website, in this case, the virtual store, for a complete analysis of its technical details, including the presence of broken links or duplicate content. Screaming Frog also analyzes off-page elements of the page for SEO optimization.


One of the critical elements for the competitiveness of a business is its prices. Within a universe as expansive as e-commerce, it is quite a challenge to develop the best strategy, but there are also e-commerce tools designed for this.

Pricing software allows you to carry out a market study to obtain relevant data for the trade-in in terms of prices, such as the behavior of competitors, the price index against them, conversion rate, and profit margin of the products, among other things.

These tools not only focus on monitoring, but through them, tasks such as automatic repricing can be automated by following business rules if deviations are detected.

Virtual Organization

The store’s organization, based on the products displayed and administratively, can also be automated.

In the first case, some tools use artificial intelligence to create a user profile and, in this way, organize the items of the virtual store according to the preferences of said person, to maximize sales; Smart Hint is one of these tools for e-commerce.

Administrative operations such as invoicing, controlling cash flow, managing inventory, and managing accounts receivable and payable can be left to programs like Tiny ERP or Bling.

Comprehensive Automation

And although the use of a whole series of new tools for e-commerce can be a headache for the administrators of a virtual store, some programs allow the integration of different tools to simplify and optimize processes within electronic commerce.

For example, you can have sales software integrated with the CRM platform to follow up with customers when they cancel an order and get feedback on that decision.

There is a lot of information generated by each application that is an input for others. 

Customer Management In E-commerce

Interaction with customers is always vital, even more so in an environment where they cannot be contacted physically but virtually. Within this specific context of e-commerce, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools play a fundamental role, as they allow all buyer information to be in one place.

This way, the strategy can be complemented with marketing campaigns, segment customers to send exclusive promotions and real-time metrics, and automate tasks such as sending emails after a purchase. These are just a few of the features.

Through this type of tool for e-commerce, customer satisfaction can be ensured through comprehensive experiences for users. Among the most used CRM software are Shopify and Hubspot.

Performance Analysis

Finally, once all the tools are in place, it will be necessary to evaluate the behavior of the virtual store, the marketing campaigns, and the user experience. All aspects must be measured to know what is being done well and what is not.

The business decisions that are made today must be based on data, and e-commerce is full of them. The best-known tool to analyze this data is Google Analytics, which allows you to have a global vision of the traffic that you have on the web page and identify where they come from, and how they interact on the page, among many elements that are analyzed and that are placed at the disposal of the administrators of the company.

In general, there are countless tools for e-commerce that can be used to automate and optimize each aspect of the business in a virtual store and whose objective is to help companies maximize profits within the new and competitive world of digital commerce.

Also Read: Big Data – The Strategic Ally Of Electronic Commerce

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Successful Business Online Presence – How To Take Advantage Of Social Networks? Tue, 08 Feb 2022 06:23:14 +0000 The world is digital, and everything takes place on social networks, on the web, between communities, reaching users across the globe. Not having a solid presence on social media means missing out on many opportunities, from conversion to reputation to lead nurturing and customer loyalty. The company’s online presence on social networks is not accessible, […]

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The world is digital, and everything takes place on social networks, on the web, between communities, reaching users across the globe. Not having a solid presence on social media means missing out on many opportunities, from conversion to reputation to lead nurturing and customer loyalty.

The company’s online presence on social networks is not accessible, and it is necessary to pay attention to several factors. Let’s find out everything there is to know together.

Why Choose Social Networks For Companies?

Social networks were born mainly for leisure, making new friends and sharing passions. Their success has overwhelmed users worldwide, so much so that many have thought of applying the tools available to companies as well.

To exploit all this potential, a particular strategy must be built that considers several factors. First of all, it is impossible to be present on all available platforms, and a company should choose which ones to use.

But how do you understand which path to take? It is good to understand the target audience, the type of strategy you want to implement, and the social network that can give greater visibility to the brand. Not only that, control of competitors certainly helps to understand if the reference social network is the right one or not.

Instagram and Facebook are the most used, allowing you to interact with users and more tools/features continuously. A company that wants to aim for success will have to use the tools to carry out specific analyses that tell when – how much and where we talk about the subject and the type of product/service presented.

Communication must be adequate so that users can form a close-knit community.

To achieve all this, it is essential to contact an SEO consultant to find the right strategy for a successful online presence, thanks also to social networks.

Among the purposes of this collaboration is to intercept the target audience and study the sector in a precise manner. What are the tools to use? How to set up posts and stories? How to attract potential customers? This is why an expert can make a difference.

What Is Published On Social Networks For Companies?

The social networks used for companies should not be considered entertainment but have good contents that can intrigue, involve, and retain the customer. By the time you understand what users want and like, you’re halfway there.

In addition to advertising products and services on social networks, it is good to deal with coherent topics of various kinds related to your business. Content Marketing reflects on Social Networks: all articles or events published on the blog can be shared on social networks, creating a discussion and sharing that will bring a wider audience.

The fundamental concept remains to intercept the target audience’s needs and propose everything consistent with the brand. The contents must be original and updated, and treated in detail.

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Branding And Performance – An Integrated Strategy Tue, 18 Jan 2022 05:59:08 +0000 When we talk about Performance Marketing, we usually refer to Results Marketing, whose objective is to respond to the target to whom it is directed. When we speak about Branding, we talk about actions aimed at building and positioning (or enhancing) values ​​and promises of the brand in the consumer’s mind. Today, I never tire […]

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When we talk about Performance Marketing, we usually refer to Results Marketing, whose objective is to respond to the target to whom it is directed. When we speak about Branding, we talk about actions aimed at building and positioning (or enhancing) values ​​and promises of the brand in the consumer’s mind.

Today, I never tire of hearing “mantras” from both sides that sentence the importance of one strategy over the other, posts, publications, and opinions of all kinds in which things like “Here the important thing is the results, the rest does not matter.” Well, is that true? Can you get results without having to do them? I think by now, we all know the answer.

Marketing (at least in my head) is about making things easy for our customers when looking for information, buying, enjoying a satisfactory experience during their relationship with our brand, obtaining good after-sales service, etc. I always try to avoid isolated and unidirectional concepts such as that “on” and “off” are different things or that digital is the future. For me, Marketing is the Marketing of today and 50 years ago. What changes are consumer habits and the devices we use, the amount of data available, and the sophistication of the process, which increasingly brings the user closer to the transaction in an increasingly convergent process?

Fortunately for me, I have the immense luck of dedicating something similar to creating strategies that help clients sell more. My work is oriented towards the results part (Performance), which does not mean that I work a lot. Single-channel or single discipline. Quite the opposite. As I said at one point at the beginning, how can it be collected without sowing? How is it possible that a discipline whose purpose is to manage and capitalize on demand (once again, Performance Marketing) does so without other domains generating it?

That’s where I talk about integration. When I teach, I often ask if a strategy is good or bad, or what is the moment to invest in a particular brand or results in action. The answer is always and always will be the same: it depends. The investment cycle in brand stocks and earnings stocks is cyclical and, hyperbole, infinite. Periodic brand actions should be carried out, not only for launches but regularly, to continue maintaining the appropriate levels of awareness and positioning that generate that demand that the Performance actions later collect.

Just as we have to be clear that Brand and Performance are complementary actions, I would like to end by pointing out that there is no such thing as “on” and “off,” that one cannot live without the other, and that a spot TV builds a brand like an impact from an outdoor billboard or a banner in an editorial headline, the important thing is that all channels work towards the same goal.

And you, do you consider that it is invested in a balanced way in your company? Do you believe that an integrated strategy is the best way to do Marketing? Can Performance be done without investing in a brand? Please share your thoughts in the comments!

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A Review of the Digital Marketing Industry Fri, 14 Jan 2022 10:06:44 +0000 Digital marketing industry is growing rapidly, especially since the last two years. Most businesses shifted their outdoor marketing budget to digital marketing in 2020 and the trend does not seem to slow down anytime soon.  According to Grand View Research, the global digital marketing industry was valued at $49.43 billion in 2020. The same study […]

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Digital marketing industry is growing rapidly, especially since the last two years. Most businesses shifted their outdoor marketing budget to digital marketing in 2020 and the trend does not seem to slow down anytime soon. 

According to Grand View Research, the global digital marketing industry was valued at $49.43 billion in 2020. The same study suggests that the digital marketing industry will grow at a CAGR of 18.2% from 2021 to 2028. 

However, this doesn’t mean, digital marketing is an easy thing. It is crucial to know what to do, if not, you will likely lose a lot of time and efforts in the long run. 

So, what’s the solution? While the best solution is to outsource the task to a digital marketing agency, you can also consider learning the trick and doing it yourself. 

When learning yourself, you need to update yourself with the latest trends and best practices all the time. 

When outsourcing the task, make sure to read the reviews. For instance, you can read the FirstCom Solutions Glassdoor to understand if they are the right choice for your business. 

More tips to Reviewing a Digital Marketing Agency or a Freelancer

Since doing digital marketing yourself is a challenging task, especially when you already have a business to run. To make things easier, consider hiring a digital marketing agency or a freelancer. And while you do that, here are some tips to help you get the most out of your investment. 

1 – Define Outcomes

It is crucial to define your expectations with digital marketing. 

  • Do you want to boost brand awareness?
  • Do you want to increase your website traffic?
  • Do you want to get more leads?

Unless you define what you want from digital marketing, you cannot determine success. Plus, it will be a waste of money. 

2- Ask for a Framework

A framework refers to a plan of action for your marketing campaign. It is crucial to understand what framework does the digital marketing agency applies to drive results. 

As a rule of thumb, a framework should include:

  • Your marketing goals
  • Tools that will be used in the campaign
  • Their approach to meet your goals with every campaign
  • The expected return on investment
  • The process to track and measure the campaign performance

3- Look for the Agency’s Experience in Your Industry

It is crucial to know whether the agency or the freelancer has worked in your industry. If so, which company has they worked for? What was the outcome? Did they generate a positive ROI? If yes, how long did it take to generate a positive ROI? 

If they have created a case study or have a testimonial from a company in your industry, that would be even great to help you understand the agency’s experience. This will help you determine if they are the right choice for you. 

4- What results are they promising? 

This is also an important aspect of digital marketing. If they are promising moons and stars, it’s probably time to find a new agency. 

It is worth mentioning that they can guarantee a positive ROI, but if they are promising a specific number, it’s a red flag. That’s because, no one knows what will happen in the future. 

So, don’t get drawn into the promises of quick results when hiring an agency. 

5- Do they practice what they preach?

If the agency promises stellar marketing campaigns or a visually-appealing website, but doesn’t have the same for their company, this is a massive red flag.

Therefore, look if they have generated the results, they’re promising for themselves. If not, it’s time to find a different agency.  

Also Read: Five Digital Marketing Strategies To Launch Your Product

Marketing Yourself

While marketing your company is important, it is also crucial to build your own brand. As an entrepreneur, make sure to build a personal brand so people trust you and your business. The best way to do so is by getting active on LinkedIn. Make sure to engage with your audience and create quality content regularly. Although it will take time, it will be worth your efforts.
Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments.

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How Can Your Ecommerce Store Benefit from Translation Services? Sat, 18 Dec 2021 09:36:49 +0000 Selling anything to anybody requires effective communication, whether this is written or spoken. Without a mutual understanding and a connection between seller and buyer, the entire interaction tends to break down. For those of you wishing to branch out onto a global stage with your eCommerce store, you may be well aware of how prominent […]

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Selling anything to anybody requires effective communication, whether this is written or spoken. Without a mutual understanding and a connection between seller and buyer, the entire interaction tends to break down.
For those of you wishing to branch out onto a global stage with your eCommerce store, you may be well aware of how prominent a problem a language barrier can be.
If you happened to be sat on the fence about whether or not to invest in some translation services, you might be surprised to hear about some of these great benefits.

Web Localization

To target international audiences in a way that resonates, all of your content, and the tone in which you present it, needs to be localized.

Without sufficiently localizing your content, your brand will likely come off as inauthentic at best, and at worst, culturally offensive or illegal.

A wonderful translation company like Global Voices can utilize their expertise and deliver a service that greatly supports your brand in this area.

A commitment to translation accuracy is crucial when trying to convince a new audience that your products are legitimate, so do not hesitate to contact the professionals for a little help.

Forming Business Partnerships

Sometimes, expanding your borders in business means forming valuable connections with other companies and organizations.
This can be especially true of online businesses wishing to expand globally, as establishing a dependable local network can bolster their presence to no end.
However, without a native understanding of the language, this can be exceptionally tricky. A great translation service will likely be able to offer dependable interpretation assistance for precisely this eventuality.

A More Accessible Website

If you are about to make a big online purchase of any kind, you will likely want to know what the website is saying and how to find that product in the first place.
A well-translated and localized website can be a joy to navigate and greatly increase your brand’s overall accessibility.
For an eCommerce website to grow successfully, customers need to be able to reach it and engage with it as easily as possible.
By reducing barriers and optimizing your site for international trade, you should be able to see the profit margins begin to widen before too long.

Targeted Marketing

Targeted marketing can be effective when it is not intrusive or annoying in any way. Many businesses rely on targeted email marketing to boost their sales figures across the board, but it starts to get a lot more convoluted when a language barrier stands in the way.

Imagine seeing an offer for a product in your inbox, and it was in a language you could not read – the chances of it avoiding the spam folder are slim to none.

If you want to engage in targeted marketing of any kind, translation services and an accurate and reliable one are of the utmost importance.

The world of eCommerce is always changing, and it often takes getting the right tools to stay ahead of the game.

Also Read: eCommerce – Golden Rules For Selling Legal Services Online

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eCommerce – Golden Rules For Selling Legal Services Online Sat, 04 Dec 2021 19:20:04 +0000 Setting up an eCommerce for the online sale of legal services is not an easy task, and many mistakes can be made along the way. From the business model to the website’s design, claims policy, orders, shipments, and a thousand other things. Only a few firms are taking advantage of online sales / eCommerce, using […]

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Setting up an eCommerce for the online sale of legal services is not an easy task, and many mistakes can be made along the way. From the business model to the website’s design, claims policy, orders, shipments, and a thousand other things.

Only a few firms are taking advantage of online sales / eCommerce, using it as a complementary channel to the traditional relationship maintained with customers.

To make the eCommerce of your professional office profitable and an actual case of success, we have proposed to make this article that will examine one by one the ten golden rules or most essential keys to make an eCommerce move forward. We do so, taking into account both the economic and financial aspects and the marketing or usability of the website.

Ten Tips For Your ecommerce


One of the main concerns of any eCommerce is making buyers feel safe. There are still many people who have qualms when buying online, so there is little guarantee that can be given. An SSL certificate and secure payment methods are essential.

Accessible cart

Having the shopping cart accessible and accessing it and eliminating or multiplying products that we want to purchase. If this type of procedure is cumbersome, the interest in our eCommerce will decline, and the client will desist from proceeding with the purchase.


Having a rating of services and evaluations in online sales is essential. By seeing different opinions, customers will know how to choose better, and the store will give them more confidence.

Contact and return

Having a contact and return page is very important to achieve maximum customer satisfaction and feel that the store wants to sell and support you.


Loyalty is another of the strategies that eCommerce must pursue. In this place, it is a question of establishing discount programs for people who return to buy in our store. A satisfied customer returns.

Social Networks

One aspect that should not be neglected is that of social networks. Social networks are useful to inform about what we sell in our eCommerce, but, above all, they are helpful to attract new customers and interact with those we already have.

Avoid hidden charges

It is essential that when a person sees in our eCommerce that a product/service is worth € 15, they do not find that the shipping price is doubled. Customers penalize this.

Product sheets

In addition to the image and the opinions, it is highly recommended to have the technical characteristics of the product/service visible in our eCommerce. Not every purchase is impulsive, and having them help many make up their minds.

Simplicity of registration

Registration should be as easy as possible. In addition, it is recommended that you can configure a shopping cart and then proceed to the registration without losing the saved.


SEO continues to be one of the best options that one can choose when having an eCommerce dedicated to the online sale of legal services and getting the most out of it in search engines. SEO continues to be of vital importance since people continue to use search engines to find what they need, and that is why a good positioning can depend on whether our products work or not.

Also Read: eCommerce -Tips To Buy Products Online Safely

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Terms To Consider When Designing An Online Strategy Wed, 01 Dec 2021 06:54:11 +0000 Starting a business from scratch is complicated. Before undertaking, we must consider several strategies and specific knowledge that helps us give that push. The “How do I start?” may be the start of a promising future. We must define certain aspects such as our business model, clients, brand, or services. It is an extended process […]

The post Terms To Consider When Designing An Online Strategy appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Starting a business from scratch is complicated. Before undertaking, we must consider several strategies and specific knowledge that helps us give that push. The “How do I start?” may be the start of a promising future. We must define certain aspects such as our business model, clients, brand, or services. It is an extended process dedicated to researching and creating the structure of our business. If you think your idea is a business opportunity. We are on the right track. In these 5 points, we will summarize the aspects that we must consider when designing an online strategy.

Market Study

What is market research? What use would it do to me? And if I do, where would I focus it? The market study is based on the analysis of the clients and that of your competition. We obtain valuable information that allows us to make certain decisions and lead us on the right path.

We can focus on these two aspects:

Who will be my target audience?

Targeting specific people or a more general audience will depend on our choice. We must know what type of people will be interested in our business and understand what and how to offer our services with those results.

Who is my competition?

Question if our business deserves to have a competitive price and look for who will be our central competent:

  • Research your strategies
  • Know who succeeds, who does not …
  • How to overcome them
  • Generate new ideas.
  • Highlight


Do we have all the necessary means to achieve our goal? How long will it take us? Marketing objectives make business objectives are met. Knowing the product that you are going to sell, you have to focus on its destination. What will my goal be? We should not focus only on the put option. First, we have to make the product known and that the public value it. The SMART criteria perfectly define these goals based on a mnemonic:

  • Specific (Specific): Positively define the objectives.
  • Measurable (Measurable): Measure achievement
  • Achievable (Achievable): Attractive targets
  • Realistic (Realistic): realistic and attainable goal. Look at our budget.
  • Timely (A time): Measure at what time will be our goal.

Online Presence

Should my business have an online presence? The answer is yes. Today it is something fundamental. To find a company, the public uses the Google search engine as a rule. If they do not see it, they will directly think that it does not exist. Having a website is the beginning.

In the online presence, there are also Social Networks. Create and research which accounts will be the most beneficial for your business. Text, photos, product catalog, videos, and other resources are essential. Accessibility is another plus point. If you consider it, create an app so that your users/clients can have you on their mobile devices and directly access the content.

Content Marketing

Making a thread of the previous point, what contents should I show? Content marketing is a valuable discipline within online marketing. The goal is to attract and retain customers with quality, original, attractive and creative content to establish contact with them and generate a positive reaction. We can start by creating a blog on our page. Helps increase user interest. With information, purchases of a product … and the possibility of sharing it through various social networks. Another online marketing strategy, which has become one of the most used in recent years.

Another way of disseminating content is through E-Book. Write the range of great value for your clients and with an adequate volume to be read on the computer. Include it on your website or blog in a visible way so that users can download it. There are free and paid. But if you are starting, the ideal would be in an accessible format so that your visits and customers increase. If over time it goes well and you see some payment feasible. It is your free choice. The Newsletter is an ideal complement to blog posts. It is about giving visibility to the contents and making them virilize every so often to keep them informed. Images, videos, or infographics usually accompany them.

Web Traffic

We are interested in having a movement of visits on our website. Not only worrying about the number of visits, but also about interested visitors. We must offer products that we are willing to share with the user/client and not claim what is not available. This simple fact would mean a drop in our web traffic. That is the loss of loyalty and the number of customers.

Working every day is part of growing a business. React to changes and find solutions, renew, be creative with content, invest in advertising or not …

If you want to know where your visitors come from, a handy tool is Google Analytics in the acquisition section.

Email Marketing

Email is key to obtaining benefits, even for small businesses. They are even more effective than social media. As a communication channel, it is pretty accessible, and the message to the user/client is direct. Almost half of the emails read are through mobile devices. Having a responsive design template would be an excellent point to consider. We must create a strategy in our database to achieve our objectives. Some tools are ideal for these campaigns.

Online Advertising

What type of advertising is right for my business? Google and Bing have an online ad system that works very well to position itself in the first lines of the search engine. Advertising on Google Adwords is one of the most feasible: “AdWords connects you with your potential customers at the right time, showing relevant ads to the right of the search results. “

Also, video campaigns on YouTube are beneficial for advertising and social networks such as Twitter Companies, Instagram, Facebook Ad …

As a great business opportunity for brands and companies, there are different types of ads and advertising in online marketing. It is essential to know its advantages, know how to do it, and integrate it into your online strategy.

Internet Sales

Internet sales are constantly growing. It has been our main goal since we decided to dive into this adventure. It is not about selling and getting a large number of clients. One must renew and be constant. Take care of already loyal users/customers and future stakeholders. Be aware of what happens in your market … Large companies have the advantage of being established. Both small businesses and individuals have one of the most essential. Direct contact with the customer. Starting from this advantage, how to sell on the Internet? The most recurrent routes are online stores and mobile commerce (M-Commerce).

To create your online store, you must have an economic investment. Today, it is not necessary to start with a large budget or have excellent computer skills. We can find primary and helpful information about online marketing to help us do it ourselves. But you also have to know that there are regulations. One of the main questions is, Should I register as a freelancer to have my online store? The answer is yes. When selling over the Internet, it is invoiced.

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Important Steps To Get Started With Online Marketing Fri, 13 Aug 2021 14:03:31 +0000 So That SMEs Can Quickly Reach Their Customers Online. The first steps in unfamiliar areas always seem the hardest to us. But to all small and local companies that ask us whether it is worthwhile for them to be active online, we answer clearly and unequivocally: yes! And there is no doubt: it is neither […]

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So That SMEs Can Quickly Reach Their Customers Online.

The first steps in unfamiliar areas always seem the hardest to us. But to all small and local companies that ask us whether it is worthwhile for them to be active online, we answer clearly and unequivocally: yes! And there is no doubt: it is neither generally nor in the course of advancing digitization or the findings from the corona pandemic about reducing or even abolishing the presence and availability on site. But on the contrary. It’s about creating additional accessibility that supports you in preparation for your work on-site and your chances for the growth of your business to enlarge sustainably.

After all, the Internet is used by 89 percent of users to search specifically for information about services or goods. How can I use that as an SME for my success? What options do I have online, and how can I put them into practice? The most important thing is to get the best out of basic measures with the first steps that build on each other in a meaningful way, with which you are guaranteed not to go wrong, and success is achieved after a short time. It is also essential to know which goals are to be completed and what suits your company. So let’s say your business is starting from scratch when it comes to online marketing: Here are the basic steps to get you started.

It’s all in The Mix: Digital Presence, Findability, Reputation and Knowledge

1: Create a Digital Presence

The important things first. To market your offer online successfully, you need a central location where precisely that can be found for interested parties 24 hours a day, seven days a week: this place is your website! This must be optimized for mobile use, technically flawless, and user-friendly works. This also depends on the content with which you position yourself as an expert in your field. Here you can, for example, present your service portfolio in detail and communicate with your visitors as required. You can offer the content and answers to essential questions that interest your target group and present concrete solutions to their problems with your services and products. Here visitors can always find the latest campaigns, special offers, or promotions. And you put yourself in a position to react flexibly at any time: be it the communication of changed opening times, new contact channels, or job offers.

See your website as a stage of its own, on which you can present your willingness to provide service and expand your corporate image right from the start. After all, you want to turn your visitors into customers, address applicants who are willing to change, or win new business partners. Your website also forms the best basis for further online marketing measures and your presence on other channels. Additional tip: You can also use the option of company entries in the most important online directories, such as Google My Business. Service companies, craftsmen, and shops, in particular, ensure that interested parties who are currently looking for your service on the Internet also receive the most up-to-date and, therefore, correct contact details for your company and, of course, the direct link. To your new website!

2: Ensure Findability

For your website to be found, it is advisable to advertise where your target group is looking for services or products: in the most crucial search engines. Your gaze immediately falls on the search results that are higher up. Search engine advertising for your offer on Google and Bing helps you appear like a company with an ad in precisely this area, attract attention, and set yourself apart from your competition. This is how you can draw the attention of potential customers or applicants using any (and even a tiny budget) regionally or nationally and forward them directly to your website!

3: Inspire Confidence

Think about your behavior when you find out about new products, services, or products. We are most likely to trust their quality when others have already tested them and found them good. There is nothing you can do to promote your expertise more than with good reviews from satisfied customers. In particular, the ratings and reviews on Google (especially in the Google My Business profile mentioned above ) are highly relevant and help more users make decisions for or against hiring a company. So ask your customers in direct contact or online to rate you online in your directory entries.

Also Read: Qualities And Skills Of The Business Administrator

4: Build Knowledge

The first steps have been taken, and you are curious how you can proceed or optimize your existing measures? So that you can keep track of other simple advertising options on the Internet, a guide tailored to small and medium-sized companies would be advisable. But where do you get this information from without “Googling” for hours, ultimately getting bogged down in an infinite number of online articles with English “marketing blah blah” and in the end without fundamental knowledge? The answer: A specialist who has many years of experience looking after small and medium-sized companies in all industries, knows their needs and speaks the same language. Use, for example, free white papers, video instructions or live webinars,

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Seven Tips – So That a Company Can Be Found Online Mon, 12 Jul 2021 13:09:30 +0000 An Engaging Website For The Company A company website is, of course, essential for a presence on the Internet. Customers and interested parties should find all necessary information here, Which products or services are offered? How can you be contacted? References also make a good impression. However, you should make sure that the website is […]

The post Seven Tips – So That a Company Can Be Found Online appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

An Engaging Website For The Company

A company website is, of course, essential for a presence on the Internet. Customers and interested parties should find all necessary information here, Which products or services are offered? How can you be contacted? References also make a good impression. However, you should make sure that the website is attractively designed and at the same time straightforward.

The Mobile Capability of The Website

A company website should be optimized for mobile devices. The number of search queries that are made via smartphone or tablet is constantly increasing. At Google, they already make up over 50 per cent.

Search Engine Optimization

Potential new customers who do not yet know a company can best find a company using a search engine. With a share of 95 per cent, Google is the most popular. For the website to be as high as possible in the search results, it must be optimized. The best way to do this is to get support – because the better you do in the ranking, the higher the potential for new customers. So use your chance of an optimal display in the search results and start with search engine optimization (SEO) today.

Paid Search Advertising

If a company is mainly active in a specific area, you should also rely on regionality for visibility on the Internet. With Google MyBusiness, a company is displayed when searching in the region and the location is shown on a map. So the customer can immediately estimate the distance.

Use Social Media Channels.

Social media such as Facebook and Instagram are booming. And service providers are also being sought more and more frequently here. Therefore you should use these portals for your own company. Create a company account and report here regularly about news or present current projects with pictures.

Entry in The Business Directory

It used to be common practice to look for service providers in the print editions of business directories. Today you research online – using the digital counterparts.

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Strengths And Weaknesses In An Online Marketing Strategy Thu, 08 Apr 2021 09:11:20 +0000 To be successful with an online marketing strategy it is necessary to consider how the strengths and weaknesses of your business will precisely affect its marketing. For this it is important that you carry out an honest and rigorous analysis, looking for strengths and weaknesses, as well as threats and opportunities. What are your strengths […]

The post Strengths And Weaknesses In An Online Marketing Strategy appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

To be successful with an online marketing strategy it is necessary to consider how the strengths and weaknesses of your business will precisely affect its marketing.

For this it is important that you carry out an honest and rigorous analysis, looking for strengths and weaknesses, as well as threats and opportunities.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

First of all, it is necessary that you know exactly what we mean by strengths and weaknesses in eCommerce. And these terms are closely related to the SWOT Study and at the same time, they give you a global vision of the situation of your online business. In fact, the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a business (whether online or physical) can help you improve those aspects in which you “sin” and enhance those that distinguish you from your competition.

Therefore, knowing each of them will help you determine the different aspects of your eCommerce, as explained in the eCommerce News article.

We can define strengths as those capabilities that a person has, or a business, that make it stand out. In other words, they represent a positive differentiation from other people or businesses. In this case, we could say that they are the positive, identifying, and differential features of a business.

For example, imagine you have an online toy store. And it occurs to you to put a section in which an image is presented and they can add the toys they want. In addition, you offer the possibility of using 3D so that that room is shown in the house and interacts with the toys. That is a strength of your business because you are generating something that no one has, and therefore it is an important feature to highlight in a marketing strategy.

Let’s talk about the weaknesses. Unlike the previous ones, weaknesses are those characteristics that prevent or hinder the proper development of your business strategy. In other words, we are talking about those factors that are going to harm you and that you need to take into account to improve your eCommerce.

To give you an example, with the same toy store, a weakness would be your seniority. Sure, there are many competitors who have been in the sector for longer, and that means they have loyal customers or a more or less fixed customer base. On the other hand, not you. Therefore, we are talking about a weakness, something that you must improve and at the same time disadvantages that you have compared to your competition.

SWOT study: why it is so important

Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of an eCommerce involves carrying out an internal analysis of your business. In other words, it would be to prepare a first part of the SWOT analysis. But what is SWOT analysis?

The acronym SWOT refers to Weaknesses, Threats, Strengths, and Opportunities. It is an analysis that is carried out based on internal aspects (Weaknesses and Strengths) and external (Opportunities and Threats).

This document is very important to be able to analyze what is the current situation of your eCommerce and thus be able to make appropriate and consistent decisions with your business. What does it have to do with online marketing strategy? A lot of.

Specifically, in an online marketing strategy, it is not only necessary to know those factors that make you stand out from the competitors, but you must also know them. That is why discovering the good and the bad of your business is so important because this way you can promote a strategy based on its strength while working to turn those weaknesses into strengths (or, at least, to make them disappear and not be a negative aspect for your eCommerce).

How to carry out a SWOT study in an online marketing strategy

Now that you know how important it is to know the Strengths and Weaknesses, as well as the Threats and Opportunities, the next question you can ask yourself is regarding doing it. That is, how do you do a SWOT analysis in an online marketing strategy for eCommerce?

The SWOT analysis is almost always represented in a 2 × 2 matrix, or in a 2.2 table, in such a way that the internal and external analysis are grouped, and the four concepts are related in such a way that the matrix would be So:

Weaknesses – Threats

Strengths – Opportunities

In this way, the first column would correspond to the internal analysis, while the second would encompass aspects of an external analysis.

And how is it done? Following these steps:

We talk about those factors that can be both strengths and weaknesses.  For instance:

  • Your brand.
  • Production costs.
  • Human capital.
  • Customer relations.
  • Networking.
  • Social media.
  • Skills and knowledge.

You should make a comprehensive list of everything related internally. Then, you have to separate it into two sections, the strengths, and the weaknesses. How to distinguish them? In the strengths, you must put those factors that generate an advantage over your competitors.

For example better-known brands, better networking, more attractive products, better prices …

On the other hand, you would have weaknesses. These are those that will make you less competitive, such as lack of experience, internal problems, old facilities, not having a position in eCommerce, not having social networks …

As with internal factors, it is also necessary to do with external factors but always based on the fact that the competition is online since we are talking about eCommerce.

In this case, factors such as suppliers, distributors, economic factors, changes in customer behavior, older competitors… can determine your opportunities and threats.

Develop your online marketing strategy enhancing the advantages of your eCommerce

Now that you know all the factors that can influence the progress of your eCommerce, it is time to develop an online marketing strategy that focuses on benefiting from your Strengths and Opportunities, at the same time that you turn Weaknesses into something good, and curb them. Threats

For example, imagine that weakness is not having social networks. An online marketing strategy would be to create these networks and give them a brand “personality”, that is, give them life and maintain contact with users who may be interested in your product or business.

Next, and in a practical way, you will be able to know what are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of an eCommerce business. Thus, you will be able to see the result that you could obtain from a SWOT analysis.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of your eCommerce business?

When it comes to an online marketing strategy, it is a good idea to conduct market research on your current customers. This will help you build a more honest view of your reputation as a company in the market.


  • Some examples of strengths may include
  • Personal and flexible customer service
  • Multiple special features or benefits that your products offer
  • Have advanced or specialized knowledge


  • Regarding the weaknesses
  • Not having the necessary financial resources
  • Lack of a good reputation in the market
  • Have inefficient accounting systems

Online Marketing Strategy: What About Opportunities and Threats?

In this online marketing strategy for eCommerce businesses, it is also important to include both opportunities and threats. In this sense we have:


  • Increase the demand of a certain market segment
  • Use the Internet to reach new markets
  • The use of technologies that improve the quality of products


  • The emergence of new competitors
  • Better, more attractive, or sophisticated, even cheaper versions of the product on offer
  • New laws that increase expenses
  • A slowdown in the economy that reduces global demand

In any case, once you have completed this analysis, you can measure the potential effects of each element to shape your online marketing strategy. Considering all these aspects, it is more likely to create an online marketing strategy in line with current requirements and with greater chances of success.

Also Read: Digital Marketing – Understanding Technology In Current Marketing

The post Strengths And Weaknesses In An Online Marketing Strategy appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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