communication Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Tue, 25 Apr 2023 09:08:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 communication Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 How Business Communication Is Changing Tue, 25 Apr 2023 09:08:08 +0000 Digitization is increasingly changing our working world and the way we communicate with each other. When companies only used the telephone and fax for communication, they were long gone. But what will business communication look like in the future? Companies Rely On A Digitization Strategy The need for a digitization strategy has now arrived, especially […]

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Digitization is increasingly changing our working world and the way we communicate with each other. When companies only used the telephone and fax for communication, they were long gone. But what will business communication look like in the future?

Companies Rely On A Digitization Strategy

The need for a digitization strategy has now arrived, especially in larger companies with 1,000 or more employees. But the smaller companies are also gradually following suit. 79 percent of those surveyed stated they had a holistic strategy for their digitization projects. More than half of the companies have also developed a concept for smart business communication.

Trends And Developments

Use of a colorful mix of communication channels

Telephony, e-mail, chat, and social networks – the communication channels are constantly evolving, just like the variety of end devices that are used: whether it’s a standard telephone, PC, tablet, laptop, or smartphone. As digitization progresses, companies must also adapt to the habits of their customers.

Better networking

The demands of employees in their workplace have also increased. More and more employees want to work from their home office or on the road during a business trip. These flexible working models require appropriate intelligent communication solutions. Companies are responding accordingly: 22 percent of those surveyed stated that they wanted to offer their employees a modern workplace with the help of technical solutions.

More frequent use of cloud solutions

The use of on-premise solutions has declined sharply in recent years. Companies are increasingly thinking about on-demand solutions. For example, the cloud telephone system is gradually replacing conventional telecommunications. No wonder, as it offers many advantages:

  • The advantages at a glance:
  • Flexibility (e.g., for seasonal business)
  • Maximum scalability
  • location independence
  • Easier networking of different locations and external workstations
  • cost-cutting
  • Greater reliability through operation in redundant data centers
  • Integration into business applications such as CRM or ERP
  • Virtual conference rooms with desktop and file sharing
  • Future security through continuous updates from the providers
  • Integration into mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops)
  • Unlimited choice of end devices
  • Easier administration
  • CTI integration
  • No more maintenance

Improving customer service

To ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty in the future, it is important to be available via various communication channels. Modern communication solutions can help you to offer your customers a better service. With the integration of UCC solutions in CRM solutions (e.g., Salesforce), customer communication can be significantly improved with little effort. This way, employees can be relieved of time-consuming routine activities, and the callers can be assigned optimally.


Professional life has changed enormously in recent decades and is increasingly determined by networked work. Working from home is becoming increasingly important for employees because it enables a better work-life balance. Many companies have recognized the need to accommodate their employees regarding modern workplace and home office options and plan to modernize their workplaces.

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How To Carry Out Customer Follow-Up? Thu, 11 Aug 2022 06:32:00 +0000 Doing a good follow-up does not mean that you have to harass your client. On the contrary, you must be able to know their needs and anticipate their demands before your competitors. You have all the elements to be present at the right time. Many covet the client that you had to take from a […]

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Doing a good follow-up does not mean that you have to harass your client. On the contrary, you must be able to know their needs and anticipate their demands before your competitors. You have all the elements to be present at the right time.

Many covet the client that you had to take from a colleague. Tell yourself that if you have been able to work with him, it is probably because your competitor has not been able to take advantage of his strategic advantage to maintain his position.

The most important thing is to understand your client’s latent demand properly, that is, to understand what he expects from a service provider, independently of your service.

Start By Understanding Your Customer’s Needs.

Some people expect their mechanic to fix their car when something goes wrong. Others also want the same mechanic to spend time explaining the repairs he has carried out on the vehicle. Still, others will expect the professional also to be able to inform them about future car models.

These examples show you that your activity does not delimit the scope of actions and interventions requested.

Indeed, some customers expect more from you than you offer on paper. How much attention does your customer expect from you? We advise you to take some time with your interviewer to address this issue specifically.

It would help if you quickly assimilated the functioning of your new client. You can even, depending on him and your performance, ask him how he imagines your partnership.

Like many online sites that offer you to receive a newsletter or information about new brand products, do not hesitate to ask your customer what he expects from you and make sure you adapt. It depends not only on his personality but also on his or your activity.

Demonstrate Professionalism

Your follow-up is part of the commercial development of your freelance activity, so pay attention to your prospect’s reaction.

Some will expect regular contact from you, while others will be satisfied with a call once or twice a year. You need to understand how everyone understands monitoring. It is the key to your success.

For your client, it is proof of professionalism and, for you, a way of fully understanding their expectations and retaining them over the long term.

Follow Up Regularly And Get To Know each Other.

Regular monitoring will allow you to work over the long term with your various clients. This can apply to all areas of your life, both professional and personal.

First, ensure you know and fully understand the workings of the company you will be working with.

If you have managed to retain a customer, it is because you have been able to collect information and complete it. Now that you are introduced to the company, you must know how to identify suitable relays.

It is often not enough to stick to the boss or manager to get the correct information, which will be helpful for you to set up an accurate customer follow-up.

You must be in contact with the person directly concerned by your provision of service. Depending on your activity, this can be an assistant, a salesperson or a manager.

This will allow you, on the one hand, to deepen the famous human relationship so meaningful in your approach and to obtain valuable information.

On the other hand, you can create allies internally; and thanks to this relationship, to the connivance that you establish, there is a chance that your partner will prevent your competitors from reaching your contact.

Use And Combine The Proper Means Of Communication.

To work on this closeness and this privileged attention, you have at your disposal three tools that have already proven themselves during your prospecting: email, telephone and physical meeting.

You will then juggle these different means of communication, depending on the intensity of the follow-up desired. As you deepen your relationship with your customer, you will know the best way to reconnect with them.

The Phone

This means of communication will allow you a few minutes to make a general point and maintain the human side of your relationship. In any case, do not be embarrassed by your approach, be brief and concise, especially at the beginning of your meeting.

Obviously, and that’s the whole point of knowing your client well, there are important moments in the life of a company that you should identify because they are conducive to making contact: back to school, trade shows, a birthday, activity peaks… Remember, you have already noted this information in your customer file thanks to the data gathered during your telephone contacts or on the website of your prospect’s company!

First, clearly state the reason for your call. You are not here to talk about everything and nothing. If you consider everything that has been said, all the professionals with whom you will ensure this customer follow-up will be sensitive to your attention and fully understand your approach.

The important thing here is to show that you are present and that you are paying particular attention to your prospect. Combined with email, the telephone is an excellent way to stay in touch.


This means of communication and making contact is less intrusive but does not allow you to have as much impact as a telephone. Don’t be “one tool”. If you just send emails, you are much less likely to be able to exchange and develop your business relationship.

Simply sending an email brings little or no result. It comes down to doing emailing, whose return rate is almost nil.

The email allows you to make the relationship last after your call, to complete what has been said. This also allows your prospect to find your contact information when he needs it via the search engine of his email.

The power of the phone is to allow you to start building a stronger relationship with your contact. It is essential to be able to stand out from the competition.

Adapt your communication according to your objective and your client. Some will prefer telephone contact, and others may be more complicated to reach and will communicate with you by email.

The Physical Meeting

Always try to make a physical appointment. This is the best way to reinforce the monitoring work you do throughout the year. Pay close attention to latent demand. Some will ask to see you regularly, while it will be difficult for you to meet the others several times.

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Differences Between Fiber And Cable For Connectivity Fri, 08 Apr 2022 06:15:35 +0000 Even though there are notable differences between fiber and cable, the evolution of both network technologies has taken significant steps forward in a short time; Little more than fifteen years have separated us from analog modems (and their characteristic noises) to the implementation of the various xDSL options (ADSL and VDSL). Their speed is considerable: […]

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Even though there are notable differences between fiber and cable, the evolution of both network technologies has taken significant steps forward in a short time; Little more than fifteen years have separated us from analog modems (and their characteristic noises) to the implementation of the various xDSL options (ADSL and VDSL).

Their speed is considerable: generally, several tens of Mbps. For this reason, the deployment of fiber optic and coaxial cable networks carried out in recent years (for example, by the network system Vodafone) brings companies closer to the possibility of having the advantages of these high-speed connections.

The fact that the 100 Mbps threshold is exceeded considerably widens the range of options. This means that we can have other types of services through our connected devices and the usual internet access. But what are the differences between fiber and cable? Which is better of the two? What possibilities do one and the other offer us?

Fiber Optics – Without a Doubt, The System To Highlight

There is no doubt that fiber optic connections are a transmission medium with excellent characteristics. The high capacity to transmit data and the low attenuation stand out among them. The latter allows linking many kilometers of fiber optic cables with hardly any signal loss.

The fact that they transport photons of light and not an electric current favors that they do not suffer any alteration due to possible electromagnetic interference.

We must know that these interferences seriously affect the usual systems based on copper cable.

Let’s Know What Fiber Optics Is

It is a thread made of a transparent material, usually plastic, through which light pulses are sent. These light pulses represent and contain the binary data to be transmitted. This fact is based on a theoretical principle known as Snell’s Law. Said law regarding the propagation of light along the optical fiber explains the refraction phenomena that light produces in different ways.

Whether it is one type of medium or another, and with its different physical properties, the value and behavior of this refraction of light will be different in each case.

Optical Fiber Transmission Speed

The possibilities of fiber optic transmission speed are very high since it works with frequencies of the THz order. This means values ​​higher than 100, 200 or 300 Mbps. 

Bandwidth is extensive, and this is one of the main differences between fiber and cable. In this way, channels are offered symmetric speeds for uploading and downloading.

Security In Communications Is One Of The Critical Differences Between Fiber And Cable.

In the case of fiber, transmissions cannot be intercepted by an illegitimate user without being detected. However, in systems based on copper cable, there is the possibility of making splices; these types of actions may not be detected by either the receiver or the transmitter.

Characteristics of Coaxial Cable

Coaxial cables carry data using electrical signals, one of the fundamental differences between fiber and cable. These coaxial cables are susceptible to electromagnetic interference.

These cables are much more prone to signal attenuation caused by cable losses when the cable is of considerable length. To ensure that this signal does not weaken, it is necessary to place signal amplifiers distributed in each section.

Coaxial Cable is Often the Final Part of The Network Installation.

This means that this coaxial cable is installed in the last section of the network. These networks are called HFC (Hybrid Fiber Coaxial) type, and sometimes they are sold as a pure fiber optic installation, but they are not.

In a pure fiber-optic network, this reaches entirely within the company. The fiber is connected to an ONT (Optical Network Terminal), and then it is responsible for transforming the photons into electricity.

Another difference between fiber and cable is that the fiber only reaches a certain point in a typical HFC scheme. Later, it is deployed to each company through coaxial cable. For this reason, the total speed of the network would be distributed among all the companies that share that part of the network.

Summary And Conclusions of The Differences Between Fiber and Cable

Transmission speed is also a determining factor in the differences between fiber and cable, with fiber optics being a clear winner.

Also Read: What Is Fiber Optic And What Are Its Types?

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12 Best Public Speaking Tips to Help You Conquer Your Fear Tue, 01 Feb 2022 14:46:43 +0000 Are you expecting a big presentation in the near future? Do you want to get a perfect grade in that class of yours? Few people hear the words “public speaking” and get excited. Studies show that over 77% of people have some form or level of fear of public speaking. Many experience sweaty palms, dry […]

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Are you expecting a big presentation in the near future? Do you want to get a perfect grade in that class of yours? Few people hear the words “public speaking” and get excited.

Studies show that over 77% of people have some form or level of fear of public speaking. Many experience sweaty palms, dry mouth, or even nausea at the thought of going on stage. However, there are ways to conquer public speaking.

Whether you want to ace a presentation or improve your speaking skills, these public speaking tips will come in handy. Read on to learn how to get over public speaking fear.

1. Perfect Your Speech

First things first, plan and perfect your speech. Getting your speech out of the way will give you one less thing to worry about on presentation day. In addition, perfecting your speech until you’re happy with it can give you a confidence boost.

You want to audience to listen to something worth hearing. Empty thoughts and no main idea is about as good as bad speaker. Always tie your points back to a central theme.

2. Tour the Venue

A great way to prep yourself for presentation day is touring the venue. If you’re performing in an unfamiliar venue, it can derail your speech. Even if you’re in a classroom or office you use every day; it helps to walk around the venue.
You may feel surprised how different a room looks from the stage. Practice holding a microphone if you’ll have one while speaking onstage. Walking around the venue can also give you an idea of where to look during the speech.

3. Choose a Topic You’ll Love

Nothing is easier to talk about than a topic you’re passionate about. If possible, choose a topic you’re familiar with and even like. There’s less room for error the more you know and care about your topic.
If you stumble during your speech, you won’t find it hard to get back on track. You can finish writing your speech sooner so that you’d have more time to practice. Your passion for a topic may even be enough to distract you from public speaking fear and jitters.

4. Use Relaxation Techniques

Simple relaxation techniques can help you prime yourself for the speech. Breathing exercises and listening to calming music are only some methods. It’s all about finding what works for you.

5. It’s a Conversation, Not a Presentation

In relation to the previous point, a different approach to public speaking can help you shake your nerves. It’s easy to see public speaking as a presentation where you need to impress and show off. However, it’s much better to think of it as having a conversation with a friend.
Thinking about the potential for judgment will only increase the fear of it. A change in perspective will help you worry less about how you’ll look. Instead, you’ll become more focused on effective ways to get your point across.

6. Don’t Rush

It can be tempting to rush through your speech to get it over with. However, pacing yourself allows you to express your points well. Proper pacing can also prevent you from stuttering or stumbling over your words.
Don’t feel intimidated by the occasional pause in your speech. Take it as an opportunity to breathe and gather your thoughts. It also gives the audience a chance to absorb the information they received.

7. Use Humor

Laughter is the best medicine when it comes to public speaking fear. Humor is great at providing emotional relief at times of great distress. An icebreaker can help you shake the nerves and create a bond with the audience.

People tend to be more open to someone who can make them laugh. It also allows you to leave a great first impression and end the speech in a satisfying way.

However, keep in mind to use humor in an inclusive manner. Don’t let anyone in the room feel left out and use references everyone can understand.

8. Consider Using Visual Aids

Visual aids can help you make your presentation more engaging. Highlighting your points with slides will also help your audience remember them better. In addition, visual aids can help turn the attention away from you.
Staring back at a room full of people can give you more anxiety for a presentation. Divert their attention with a slideshow using photos, graphs, and charts.

9. Use Bullet Points But Don’t Rely on Them

Bullet points can help you remember your main ideas if your speech is quite lengthy. It’s best not to read your speech as it will make you sound robotic and insincere.

10. Look for More Opportunities to Speak

Experience is the best way to master public speaking. While you may not have enough time to become a talk show host, there are plenty of ways to practice prior to your speech. Mastering public speaking is a learning process, and error is only natural.
Mistakes help you learn, so embrace them in small and manageable ways. Speak out more in the office or during class recitation. Don’t be afraid to make small talk with strangers, like the cashier or bus driver, on your daily commute.

11. Practice With a Friend

Ask a friend to help you practice for your speech. You won’t feel as nervous, and you’ll get valuable feedback to help you perfect the speech. Get input on the clarity of your voice and topics and if they noticed any nervous tics.

12. Use Speeko

Speeko, available at, is the perfect app to help you practice public speaking. This app uses automated speech recognition and AI to listen to you talk.

It bases scores on various metrics, like pacing and word choice. Speeko will then give you some public speaking tips to help you perfect your speech.

Public Speaking Tips to Get Over Your Fear

Speaking in front of an audience is not everyone’s idea of fun. However, with these public speaking tips, you won’t have to fear it again. If you want to learn more about giving a great speech, check out our other blog posts.

Also Read: Video Conferencing Fatigue – How To Deal With It?

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