Step By Step To The Facebook Ad

Facebook Advertising enables companies to make their ads and content visible to a specific audience through targeted targeting – the costs here are based on the desired reach. Advertisements appear on Facebook primarily in the newsfeed of your recipients or to the right of the same. Anyone who advertises on Facebook collects valuable insights into current and potential customers and prospects. The data collected by a Facebook ad, in turn, allows online marketing managers better targeting for even more effective advertising. We give you a step-by-step jump start and tell you tips and tricks of Facebook advertising.

Before You Start

Before you aimlessly launch ads into Facebook orbit, here are a few things to consider:

  • Become aware of your goals: There is no tangible success without goals. So before you invest a valuable advertising budget, you should be clear about the goal of your Facebook ad. Most companies that advertise on Facebook aim to increase brand awareness or conversion optimization.
  • Know your target audience: Facebook hosts millions of accounts from international users of all ages and interest groups. So take the time to define your target group as narrowly as possible in advance – so that your Facebook ad also appears in the newsfeed of the people who want and should see it.
  • Change your ads regularly: On the one hand, you ensure that your recipients do not get tired of your ads and click on them less. On the other hand, you also avoid increasing the CPC (cost per click) by Facebook due to their falling click rates.

Set Goals

When setting a strategy for your Facebook ad, it’s important to make sure your goals are SMART – Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, and Time-bound. “Smart” goals ensure a better ROI (return on investment) – in short, they support your Facebook ads’ greatest possible success.

In the case of a specialist conference, a formulated goal could be as follows: With the help of a Facebook ad, we would like to acquire 200 registrations in one month.

Choose a Marketing Objective For Your Campaign

Now that a goal has been formulated, a marketing goal for your Facebook ad must first be selected in the Facebook Ad Manager. In the case of our example, a conference, the goal would be “Get more attendees to your event.” If you want to attract users to your blog, webshop, or website, “Forward people to a destination outside of Facebook” would be the right choice.

Determine Target Group, Budget, And Period.

This step is critical to the success of your campaign. Targeting options include location, age, gender, language, interests, and behavior.

With so-called custom audiences, you can also reach people who already know your company and remove them from your campaign focus to reach completely untouched groups of people.

The budget you choose always represents the highest amount to be spent. For example, if you choose a daily budget, the amount is distributed evenly over the number of days.

Now you have to determine the optimization for the delivery of your ad. clicks or impressions. For example, if you optimize an ad for likes, your ads will be shown to groups of people who tend to like your page quickly. You can then use an advertising schedule to specify exactly when and how often your ad should be played. If your Facebook ad is to be displayed internationally, make sure that your users are awake and active on Facebook in the appropriate time zone to see the ad.

What Should Your Ad Look Like?

Here you can finally get creative! This is where the ad image, headline, body text, and the actual position of your ad are defined. Possible formats are up to five individual images, videos, or slide shows – but the headline must not be longer than 25 characters. So make sure – in a nutshell, your headline is still compelling and interesting enough to entice users to click. In addition to the headline, 90 characters are also available for the descriptive text.

Complete And Set Up Reporting

After your ad has been reviewed and approved by Facebook, you will receive a confirmation email. But anyone who assumes that the work is now done is wrong. To measure and monitor the success or failure of your ads, it is important to set up what is known as reporting. The easiest way for the inexperienced to set up ad reporting is through the Advertiser Help Center. The Ads Manager automatically outputs all the data from your active ads for the last 30 days. However, the columns and metrics of the reporting can be personalized with a few clicks – so you can only display the data and results you want to see. In addition, all abbreviations and meanings of the various metrics are listed and clearly explained in the Ads Manager help area. If you want to be on the safe side, you can also download the reporting free of charge to archive it for the long term.



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