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Did you know it’s easy to make an extra $2000 a month through blogging alone?

Did you know you can also make millions a year while working 10 hours or less a week?

Does it sound like a scam? It’s not.

Blogging can be one of the most fun and lucrative careers, so it’s time to get on board; a perk is that it’s easy to integrate into your current lifestyle. Just blog about what you know to start. However, in order to vastly up your blog’s potential as an income stream, you’ll want to know all about advertising blogs.

Keep reading to learn how to increase traffic to your blog and more.

1. Create Quality Content

Your number one focus should be on quality content. Quality can be optimized in different ways, starting with SEO. 


Paying attention to SEO is one of the best things you can do for your blog traffic.

Let’s review how the internet works to explain this. Take Google for example one of the metrics Google uses to decide what to show is how valuable a site’s content is. They gauge value by how many other websites cite the website in question through links.

It’s also kind of a cycle: the higher ranked your site is, the more other sites will find you and then link back to you.

What can you do to greatly increase the chance you’ll get ranked?

That’s through doing SEO research like paying attention to the quality of your links, your information, your sentence structure, and your keyword usage.

Content Quality

Google’s algorithm has thousands of facets. It evaluates for plagiarism, bots, authentic links, and more. One of the surefire ways to get noticed is to produce quality content; the content speaks for itself.

Make sure your articles are free of grammar issues, formatted for readability, and peppered with engaging or useful headlines.

The search engines can tell.

2. Utilize Social Media

Once you’ve got your blog set up, you’ll want to cross-promote it. Content creation on multiple platforms is king.

Have you seen those food influencers on TikTok? Their videos may rack up millions of likes or views, but that’s not where the real money is.

They make money by revealing some information in their TikTok video and directing visitors to their blog for the full recipe. That blog will have ads, and the more people visit their blog from the TikTok and view their ads, the more money the blogger makes.

That’s how bloggers can hit millions of dollars in income a year–funneling people to their website through other social media channels.

We can’t emphasize enough the benefit of being on social media. All it will cost is your time, but it could have the absolute biggest return if you go viral on any one of your channels. For maximum exposure, be on multiple platforms.

Have a Unified Brand Aesthetic

97% of Fortune 500 companies are on social media. To compete in that space, your personal brand should be recognizable.

You don’t need everything to be done by a professional graphic designer, but providing similar content on all your platforms increases your brand visibility.

Have logos, similar handles, and use similar fonts in all your graphics and videos.

3. Have a Mobile-Friendly Interface

In keeping with web design trends, you’ll want to make sure your website has a mobile-friendly interface.

Nothing is more of a turnoff than a website that just breaks when you try to open it on your phone or one horribly formatted for phones. This tip synergizes with the previous one.

Most people will be using social media from the comfort of their phones. They’ll be on Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. They’ll click from those platforms to your blog, so you best make sure your blog has a mobile-friendly format.

You may have heard that desktop websites drive sales more than mobile ones. This is true, but customers need multiple engagements with your content before they are likely to make a purchase or subscribe.

Some of those engagements will be through mobile, and if your platform is completely unusable there, viewers will be completely turned off.

4. Drive Content Engagement With Visuals

In short, make sure visuals are accompanying any text you put out. Better yet, vary your content with videos, TikToks, and more.

Let’s take a culinary blog for example.

A high-effort, high-traffic post may have a beautifully edited video of you making the recipe, a write-up about the recipe, and then the actual recipe itself, for this you have to buy domain name.

A blog about bullet journalling should have high-quality images of the different journal spreads you create. A blog about gardening should show pictures of what you’ve grown or gardening centers you’ve visited in the city.

Viewers are a lot more likely to keep engaging with your content if there are attractive visuals to match.

5. Cultivate Loyal Readers Through Email

Email outreach is the best way to build long-term relationships with your readers.
For one, it reminds people (everyone has a busy life!) that you exist. It’s not meant to shout in their ear to visit your blog, but it can be a gentle nudge that can re-engage inactive readers with your content.
Pair these emails with informational content, promotions, and more, and you have an easy channel to promote both website traffic and sales conversions.
Use your emails to shout out to your readers that engage with you, or to promote other blogs. Pay it forward. You never know who will promote you in return.

Advertising Blogs for More Traffic and Organic Engagement

Want to increase blog traffic? Advertising blogs using several channels is the best way to do it.
In this guide, we’ve covered social media, email, SEO, and more. Know that there are tons of options available to you, including paid advertising and hiring freelancers to create content for you.
As you grow your content, we’re here with you along the way. Check out our marketing section for more tips.

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10 Reasons You Need A Digital Marketing Strategy In 2022 Tue, 22 Feb 2022 11:52:30 +0000 Marketing has grown with time, in today’s digital time, you can optimize your marketing campaigns in many ways. You can create, customize, and personalize your marketing campaigns to target a very specific kind of audience. All these advancements over traditional marketing allow businesses to accelerate their result and grow rapidly. What is Digital Marketing? In […]

The post 10 Reasons You Need A Digital Marketing Strategy In 2022 appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Marketing has grown with time, in today’s digital time, you can optimize your marketing campaigns in many ways. You can create, customize, and personalize your marketing campaigns to target a very specific kind of audience. All these advancements over traditional marketing allow businesses to accelerate their result and grow rapidly.

What is Digital Marketing?

In simple terms, Digital Marketing is promoting your business using various digital channels to reach your target audience. You can use multiple digital channels like search engines, social media, emails, applications, etc. Digital marketing can be a very interactive way of marketing your products/services.

7 Reasons You Need To Adopt Digital Marketing Strategies in 2022

Times are changing and to run your business in such a competitive environment, you need to adopt new ways of reaching your audience. That’s where Digital marketing can change the way you are marketing your products/services. These 7 strategies are the reasons why you should also look at promoting your business through different digital channels. A digital marketing course in Vadodara can help you learn everything about it.

1. Campaign Flexibility

When you create your Digital marketing campaigns, you will be able to do trial and error, change plans in between, or take another approach to your campaign. Whereas traditional marketing is not so flexible and you do not have the freedom to make such changes. This campaign flexibility also allows you to come up with a new approach and personalize your campaigns to your target audience.

2. Budget Manageability


One of the most important reasons digital marketing is being adopted. You can easily manage your budget when it comes to digital marketing. Whereas traditional marketing does not allow you such freedom. You can easily strategize how much budget you would like to make for a single campaign or set up any restrictions within the campaign. You do not have to commit to the running period of a campaign. Stop when you feel you have achieved your goal. On a plus point, all your budget strategies and numbers are already digitally recorded.

3. Personalisation

The possibility is endless with digital marketing personalization. Traditional marketing does not allow you to personalize within your target group. Whereas digital marketing does allow you to personalize to a greater limit even within your target audience. You can target them with specific ads and analyze their behaviour. You can also use Google Analytics to understand your customer base and make changes. Personalisation gives a sense of importance to your audience and builds loyalty.

4. Multiple media channels

Texts alone will not make your content engaging, you must use a variety of media channel options that can be enabled through digital marketing. For example, you can use social media to make your content more engaging with a mixture of text, images, and videos. This will increase customer engagement.

5. Mobile audience


As we know, today mobile accessibility has increased by some margin. Now, imagine how beneficial it would be for your business if you are able to connect with these audiences. Your ads reach these mobile audiences through emails, text messages, or engaging content on social media. This can easily create an online presence for your business and keep you in the competition. Ignoring such a huge base may slowly run you out of business.

6. Affordability

As we discussed earlier about budget manageability, connecting to that, digital marketing can prove to be more affordable than traditional marketing. The cost may differ on different marketing platforms but they prove to be cheaper in the long run and if your approach is right. You can also manage your ad spending according to your results and make your budget much more flexible. After a while, you will be able to make the most out of your money and make your campaign not just effective but efficient as well.

7. Brand Awareness

As everyone today is online, creating your brand’s presence online has become that important. You could easily use digital marketing strategies to spread awareness of your brand among your target audience. This is also connected to your customer engagement strategies that will allow you to measure your progress. In the end, know how well your brand is known within your target audience.

8. Performance Tracking


It can be such a useful feature of digital marketing. Tracking, there are various applications or websites, that lets you track your performance online. The most popularly used is Google Analytics. You can track your audience’s activity on your website, what they like, what part or page of your website is not working, etc. Using a call to action also allows you to measure specific kinds of goals. This allows you to improve and be innovative with your approach.

9. Convenience of E-retail

The popularity of e-commerce is increasing day by day. It is much more convenient for customers to shop from e-commerce while sitting at home. It also saves you from the effort of creating a physical place that could take up so much time to just commence your business. Instead, e-commerce takes up so much less time and you can instantly innovate to attract more and more customers.

10. Integrated Strategy

It is not seen as an important factor but digital marketing run in silos can prove to lack a sense of growth in the long run. It is best utilized when integrated with all marketing and media departments. When you are using your digital marketing strategies in an integrated manner, you will be able to increase your day to day efficiency as well.

MIP Academy can help you learn everything related to digital marketing with certification.

In Conclusion

Coping up with change is crucial in such a competitive business environment. Therefore we would recommend forming a plan and committing to going digital with your business. It will show you your business growth potential and allow you to take subsequent steps to take your business to another level.

Also Read: Five Digital Marketing Strategies To Launch Your Product

The post 10 Reasons You Need A Digital Marketing Strategy In 2022 appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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