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In this particular 2022 that has changed our lives due to the impact of COVID-19, technology is an important cushion that minimizes the impact suffered by people and companies.

This success represents a boost in the digitization of organizations and marks the future roadmap. Technologies that manage to provide greater flexibility will enable companies to adapt to changes quickly and efficiently.

What Technologies Lead Companies To Invest?

The four main strategic pillars attracting the most technological investments from companies for 2022 are digital transformation, operational efficiency, customer-centric innovation and cybersecurity, the first two being the highest priority.

As for more specific technological trends, up to ten types are distinguished: virtual and augmented reality, blockchain, big data, cybersecurity, RPA, machine learning, cloud, digital channels, internet of things and others. Among them, the most relevant are: big data, cloud and digital channels, to which the participants contributed their visions in this meeting.

The Cloud Revolution

This great growth is explained by the investments of large companies and the incentives they provide to smaller ones to facilitate their transition to this technology, which offers interesting opportunities:

  • Innovation: the products are available to everyone, thus facilitating the production of new advances.
  • Flexibility: the cloud allows you to manage resources comfortably.
  • Low cost: it is a cheaper system than the traditional ones.

On the other hand, there are several risks associated with this technology that must also be taken into account:

  • Security: This content’s heterogeneity and great accessibility make it more insecure.
  • Cost – If not properly optimized, the cloud can become more expensive than others.

A company’s transition to the cloud must be carried out efficiently to take full advantage of its benefits. The first step to achieving this is to have an initial plan analyzing the intended starting point and the intended objective. In addition, there are four other main challenges to consider:

  • Expense control: although this technology represents cost savings, it is necessary to adjust them properly within the budget.
  • Team Management – ​​This technology is most beneficial with flat organizational models and an agile structure.
  • Security: the increase above in risks that the cloud implies a new security policy with more complex and effective systems.
  • Maximize the value of information: Cloud allows data to be handled quickly and easily, so you should take full advantage of this visibility.

The cloud is also bringing about a remarkable change in the human factor because the information is no longer exclusively in the hands of the main person in charge of an organization. Still, rather anyone can self-manage their environment more independently. This supposes a more open environment, where the best solution is to commit to specialized talent training.

How To Transform Towards Customer-Centric?

Innovation will be one of the priorities in companies. According to the survey above, 65% of them will have a group dedicated to that field and 56% of those who invest in digital channels put customer-centric innovation first.

  • Marketing automation + CRM: these two solutions allow you to choose the right channel, time and content to offer each customer what they need.
  • Artificial intelligence: this technology enables, from big data, the creation of algorithms to offer each person the products that best align with their interests.
  • Marketplace: digitization makes it easier to sell your products and reach agreements with third parties to increase the offer.
  • Digital transformation in the BackOffice: the company no longer operates around a physical catalog but has adapted its resources and processes to the online context.

The Benefits Of RPA

Another great technological trend is machine learning, which focuses on facilitating operations, and, related to it, RPA (Robotic process Automation), which has a top 3 priority in technological investment for 16% of companies by 2021.

This technology emulates the tasks of a human through robotics and offers important advantages for organizations, making them more productive and competitive. Among them, six mainly stand out:

  • Error minimization
  • Greater speed and productivity in tasks
  • Cost reduction and better process traceability
  • Elimination of processes that do not provide added value so that people can focus on relevant tasks
  • easily scalable
  • Greater regulatory compliance

Big Data – The Engine of Innovations

Technological advances make digital processes increasingly complex, and it is essential to analyze them. For this reason, big data is tremendously useful for companies, and two out of three indicate it as one of the three priorities for technological investment.
The pandemic has accelerated the trend of remote work and, with it, the conversion of the digital home user to a corporate digital user. Therefore, companies seek to know what the experience of their remote employees is like.

This monitoring of the digital experience allows organizations to improve operational efficiency, digital infrastructures, employee satisfaction and security. This monitoring should be expanded in the future with the notable increase in the level of devices and connectivity that the development of the Internet of Things implies.

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RPA for Financial Management Of The Company https://www.techreviewscorner.com/rpa-for-financial-management/ https://www.techreviewscorner.com/rpa-for-financial-management/#respond Mon, 10 Aug 2020 14:26:34 +0000 https://www.techreviewscorner.com/?p=1040 Managing a company is not that easy nowadays within a changing business world and new threats occurring all the time. That’s why companies tend to optimize their costs and make the management of the financial more agile. That’s why business automation and its different types have taken a special place among the customized digital products. […]

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Managing a company is not that easy nowadays within a changing business world and new threats occurring all the time. That’s why companies tend to optimize their costs and make the management of the financial more agile. That’s why business automation and its different types have taken a special place among the customized digital products. In recent years, many entrepreneurs applied robotic process automation (RPA) for analytics and improvements in the financial system of their companies. It’s very efficient in the means of time and cost reduction and brings a well-organized structure to the company’s daily routine. Besides, RPA helps increase the accuracy of the data analysis, speed, and quality of customer support, and makes further financial operations more secure and safe. So, applying the RPA solutions for accounting is just the right decision.

Improving the quality of routine tasks

You still spend much time on internal coaching to improve the accuracy of your employees? That’s a good strategy until it shows good results, and don’t take much time and effort. Automation and software development for businesses now offer many innovative solutions that reduce the employees’ workload and, at the same time, bring accuracy, speed, and stability to the fulfillment of the daily tasks. Human dimension has remained one of the topics all the specialists in HR haven’t found a cure for. RPA allows a company manager to give some routine monotonous actions to the robots. And here we have a couple of preconditions to do it. If your business demands creative solutions and unique financial approaches, your professional employees better spend time on more sophisticated tasks and save time for them. On the other hand, robots are faster in typing, data collection, and data analysis in general. Even the most energetic employees might get tired or annoyed with repeatable tasks. So, in order to prevent the employee burnouts, it’s the right decision to apply RPA. Robots don’t need additional notifications and never forget the general flow of the actions. They don’t need to be paid for extra hours and never go on vacation.

Managing financial risks

Working with a big client base always demands accuracy in client authentication. When you expect a transaction from a new customer or a new business partner, you should make sure their financial history is clear. Money-laundering and frauds nowadays have developed very sophisticated mechanism, and sometimes even intelligence agencies can’t track them on time. If you decide to give this task to human employees, it will cost your earth, and in the end, you won’t be able to get the data upgrade on time in all the cases. The information about your payment addressees must be always up-to-date, and you have to get all the needed updates as soon as they occur. Using the open sources, RPA will collect and save detailed information about the transactional subjects, provide 24/7 control over financial operations, and alarm on anything suspicious.  In the end, you will always have a well-organized database of trusted business contacts. You may add the function to your RPA to require the information from banks, financial organizations, and the government to minimize the risk. Collecting data from the open accounts on social media will also help you track the financial volatility of your clients, and predict some future changes.

Making the performance of the company more efficient

All the minor tasks in your company must be cost- and time-efficient. The performance of your company can be improved by providing speed to all the stages of the work. Not all the data your company operates is structured, so for human employees, its analysis will take much time. Robots can structure, enter, and analyze the incoming data simultaneously. As a result, you’ll need less time to perform the task with the help of ROA in comparison to the time the human employee will spend on the same task. So, more data will be processed within less time. During manual data entry, especially when we need to enter some financial information, full of codes and numbers, there’s a huge possibility of mistakes that will injure the whole database and won’t let it function properly. On the contrary, robots insert the information into the database with complete accuracy. Fewer man-hours spent on minor tasks will help you save money. RPA is a real find for small companies who are not interested in expanding the staff. Robots will fulfill as many tasks as you want and lead to general cost reduction within the performance increase.

Improving customer experience

Many companies operating in the field of accounting and finance, collect a big amount of information provided by their clients. If they want to process it manually, using different applications for different tasks, it will take ages to organize a customer’s profile. Besides, ROI, interest rates, and many other financial conditions might be repeatable, so entering this information and its further structuring will last very long. If you add RPA to your financial management system, your customers will definitely benefit from it. They will not have to wait long hours to get their account created or add some changes to the profile. On the other hand, it’s important to process all the requests and inquiries from your customers on time. That will affect their loyalty in the long-term perspective. Thanks to the speed of data processing, robots will manage all the requests immediately, and in the general cases, which do not demand sophisticated decision-making or situational thinking, they can provide quick feedback with the general instructions and solve the minor problems of your customers.

If you are eager to improve all the above-mentioned issues in your company, then it’s time to order a customized RPA for your company. Don’t forget, that robotic automation differs from mobile development. The system doesn’t need to be fancy. It must cover all your needs in the means of speed, the accuracy of data analysis, and have the possibility to collect data from as many sources as possible.

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AI Changes Application Development https://www.techreviewscorner.com/ai-changes-application-development/ https://www.techreviewscorner.com/ai-changes-application-development/#respond Thu, 07 May 2020 15:08:53 +0000 https://www.techreviewscorner.com/?p=481 Artificial Intelligence is gaining more and more headlines. Mainly associated with machine learning, it is not always understood that it affects the world of software and application development. Its uses are multiple and automation is one of the main beneficiaries. In some reports it is revealed that the robotic process automation software market will reach […]

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Artificial Intelligence is gaining more and more headlines. Mainly associated with machine learning, it is not always understood that it affects the world of software and application development. Its uses are multiple and automation is one of the main beneficiaries. In some reports it is revealed that the robotic process automation software market will reach a compound annual growth rate of 44.5% until 2023. This has its consequences in such a way that companies will stop looking for physical and manual skills to start to do it with those profiles that stand out in technological, social, and emotional skills.

Moment of change

  • We are facing a moment of change. Due to the boom that automation is going to experience, companies are going to start to rethink the organization of work. A reorganization that will affect the employees who are going to see how they are going to change their occupation and the companies are going to invest in training so that they train these new skills.
  • As is clear from the study, most companies are aware that the implementation of automation will have a positive impact on their organization. These include that there will be greater employee satisfaction, and improvement in customer service, the creation of new income opportunities, competitive differentiation, and cost savings.
  • Yes, automation is going to change the way companies operate. If the vector of artificial intelligence is added to this type of tool, thanks to which programming goes to the background since it will not be necessary to have programming knowledge for the development of applications thanks to the platforms of RPA.
  • That is, like any disruptive technology, automation and RPA enter where a gap can be made that is none other than the reduction of costs, and also, in this case, the reduction of derived problems. But the advantages are much more extensive.
    Artificial intelligence is going to change many technologies “Artificial Intelligence is mainly software, it is about simulating behaviors of the human brain with software. It is true that you need some servers or some type of hardware to process the algorithms, but when you talk about AI, you almost always talk about algorithms like Neural Networks, GAN, etc. that are software. Robotization is something else. It is about stimulating or helping the human in more physical jobs. In this case, it is usually associated with physical robots,
  • Society associates AI with physical robots, but RPA also benefits from artificial intelligence. The introduction of Artificial Intelligence and robotic process automation are transforming the world of software and the way it is developed. Thanks to these two tools, routine tasks of this work are being standardized and there is an important help to identify improvements in the development of new applications from the customer’s point of view.

Natural language and trends

  • If we talk about Artificial Intelligence, natural language processing is where most progress has been made in terms of process automation. It makes it possible, for example, to dive into our data, the business user does not require queries or advanced knowledge, but uses something as natural as their voice and language. In the business intelligence sector,
  • But although natural language processing represents the quintessence of AI in process automation right now, there is a factor that will also change this world as it is known until now. One of them is the one that refers to programming and specifically the intelligent programming assistants that will radically change the way in which business applications are developed.
  • It is an ever-closer reality: artificial intelligence will produce inevitable changes in the programming sector and the work of programmers, in the sense that they will have to reorient their skills since the developer profile being sought will change. Programmers will have to specialize to practice their profession in automation environments marked by the rise of AI.
  • Many programming environments today include intelligent functions to guide the programmer in his tasks. Although in most cases they suggest the best way to auto-complete the code, few do so based on the context in which we find ourselves. “To include more context, but above all to learn from the best and not just be based on rules, these systems are already learning from open source repositories on GitHub or allowing learning from the company’s own. Perhaps programmers will in the future be able to focus on high-level strategy or architecture, leaving implementation details to attendees, but currently, the help they receive is not enough to blindly trust the suggestions and is often no better than one.

Debugging errors

Debugging is one of the keys while developing any application. This is to eliminate the errors from the code. Using specific tools, developers inspect this code, find the errors that have occurred in the programming, and correct them. It is, in short, an arduous task that AI promises to simplify or even eliminate within the work that any programmer has. Application development, even more in agile environments and DevOps, requires a clear Quality Assurance (QA) strategy for the continuous and early identification of defects.

Program without programmers

At this point, all that remains is to try to guess as if you could ever develop an application without having to resort to human labor. At the moment, we already have low-code and even non-code platforms that allow us to create applications with hardly any programming knowledge, but will there come a time when we will launch a wizard to create a certain application and be a machine? to develop it in a short period of time, without errors and without security flaws? Well, it seems that it is not, at least in the short or medium term.

However, in certain environments and if these are simple applications that are not essential in the business of a company, we may see this possibility more closely.

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