business development Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Fri, 20 Oct 2023 14:46:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 business development Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 The Top Sales Strategies In 2023 For Founders Tue, 04 Apr 2023 11:47:08 +0000 Increasing sales is one of the key challenges for companies, especially startups. In today’s highly competitive business world, effective sales strategies are essential to position your company successfully. Successfully implementing sales strategies requires a well-founded analysis of the target group and the optimization of the sales funnel and sales channels. This comprehensive guide shares the […]

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Increasing sales is one of the key challenges for companies, especially startups. In today’s highly competitive business world, effective sales strategies are essential to position your company successfully. Successfully implementing sales strategies requires a well-founded analysis of the target group and the optimization of the sales funnel and sales channels.

This comprehensive guide shares the top 10 sales strategies startups need to know in 2023 to double their sales in record time. The strategies are based on proven methods and best practices recommended by leading experts in sales and marketing. One of the most important strategies is the target group analysis, which makes it possible to precisely determine the needs and wishes of the target group. The correct segmentation of the target group is crucial to place the sales message in a targeted manner. To do this, companies must identify the various segments of the target group and formulate relevant sales messages based on this.

Another important aspect is the optimization of sales channels. Every company has individual sales channels that match its goals and target groups. Careful selection of distribution channels is necessary to reach customers where they are. Companies should pay attention to the different properties of the sales channels to achieve the highest possible effectiveness.
Another essential part of the top 10 sales strategies is optimizing the sales funnel. The sales funnel is an important tool to visualize the sales process and guide the prospect through the different stages. The sales funnel analysis and the optimization of the individual phases significantly contribute to increasing sales.

In addition to the target group analysis, the optimization of the sales channels and the sales funnel, other strategies are also very important. This includes, among other things, the automation of processes, the use of influencer marketing, the personalization of sales messages and increasing customer loyalty.

In addition to the top 10 sales strategies, this guide will provide readers with practical tips and best practices to make implementing the strategies easier. Readers will learn how to adapt the various strategies to their business models and how to implement them in practice successfully.

Also Read: Digital Sales – How To Attract Customers And Retain Them?

Sales Strategy: Target Group Analysis

Audience analysis is one of the most important sales strategies to increase sales. A precise analysis of the target group enables companies to tailor their sales messages to the needs and wishes of their potential customers. This section introduces the different aspects of audience analysis and explains how companies can best segment their audience and formulate appropriate sales messages.

Customer Segmentation

Customer segmentation is a central part of target group analysis. The aim is to divide the target group into different segments to respond specifically to the needs and wishes of the respective group. Successful customer segmentation requires precise knowledge of customers and a thorough analysis of the market and competitive situation.

There are different approaches to segmenting the target group. One possibility is geographical segmentation, in which the target group is divided according to geographical characteristics such as country, region or city. Another possibility is demographic segmentation, in which the target group is divided according to age, gender or income.

Another option is behaviour-based segmentation, where the target group is divided according to behaviours, interests and preferences. This approach enables companies to tailor their sales messages to the needs and desires of their customers.

Create Buyer Personas

A buyer persona is a fictional person who represents a group of customers. Successful creation of buyer personas requires a thorough analysis of the target group and a precise knowledge of the needs and wishes of the customers.

Steps to create a buyer persona

Various steps are necessary to create a buyer persona. First, companies must analyze their target audience and identify the most important characteristics. They then need to use a personas template to define the key characteristics of the buyer persona.

A buyer persona should include age, gender, work experience, interests, and needs. In addition, companies should also consider information such as preferred communication channels and purchase motivations.

Buyer personas can also be created by surveying customers or analyzing customer data. Companies can gain valuable insights into their target group by analyzing customer interactions, purchase histories or demographic information.

Target Group Analysis In Practice

A successful target group analysis requires thorough preparation and precise analysis of the target group. An analysis of the target group can be carried out using various methods, such as customer surveys, market research or customer data analysis.

Selection Of Suitable Sales Channels

Companies must carefully analyze their target group and buying habits to select the appropriate sales channels. They should also consider which sales channels best suit their products or services. Businesses can choose between offline sales channels, online sales channels, and social media sales channels.

Multichannel Sales Strategies

Multichannel sales strategies describe a sales strategy in which companies use several sales channels in parallel. The various sales channels, such as online and offline, social media, or mobile, can be combined. Multichannel sales enable companies to reach their customers on different channels and to convey a consistent brand message.

Optimize And Track Sales Channels.

A successful multichannel sales strategy requires continuous monitoring and optimization of the sales channels. The sales channels must be regularly checked for their effectiveness and adjusted to ensure the success of the sales strategy. It is important to use the right key figures and to track the sales channels regularly. Using the right tools and applying best practices can help streamline sales channels and increase success.

Also Read: Five Practical Tips For Effective Sales Prospecting

Sales Strategy: Sales Funnel Optimization

Sales funnel optimization is a key part of any successful sales strategy. The sales funnel describes the path a potential customer takes from the first contact with the company to the conclusion of the purchase. Optimizing the sales funnel can help increase conversion rate and sales.

Definition of Sales-Funnels

The sales funnel is a graphical representation of the sales process, broken into several stages. The first phase is the awareness phase, in which a potential customer becomes aware of the company. In the second phase, the interest phase, the potential customer shows interest in the company’s products or services. In the third consideration phase, the potential customer checks the offered solutions and compares them with the alternatives. In the fourth phase, the decision phase, the potential customer decides and makes a purchase. After completing the purchase, the loyalty phase follows in the fifth phase, which is about retaining the customer in the long term and making him a loyal customer.

Sales Funnel Optimization in Practice

The optimization of the sales funnel, in practice, requires a precise analysis of the existing sales process and targeted measures to optimize the individual phases. It is also important to continuously test and iterate the sales funnel to check the optimization measures’ success and continuously improve the sales process.


In times of increasingly tough competition, companies need to develop targeted sales strategies to increase sales success in the long term. The selection of suitable sales channels and optimizing the sales funnel play a central role here. Through a targeted analysis and optimization of the sales funnel, companies can increase sales success and improve the efficiency of the sales process.

The target group analysis is the starting point of every successful sales strategy. Through targeted customer segmentation and the creation of buyer personas, companies can define their target group more precisely and address them in a targeted manner. When selecting a sales channel, it is important to tailor the various channels to the target group’s needs and to develop multichannel strategies to increase the reach and effectiveness of the sales process.

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How To Properly Manage Your Business Relationships? Mon, 06 Feb 2023 12:37:49 +0000 Extending your address book is essential when you are an entrepreneur. But in the business world, quality is often more important than quantity. Once a commercial relationship has been established (with a partner, a client, a potential employee, etc.), it is essential to maintain it, maintain it, and even improve it. Organize To Maintain A […]

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Extending your address book is essential when you are an entrepreneur. But in the business world, quality is often more important than quantity. Once a commercial relationship has been established (with a partner, a client, a potential employee, etc.), it is essential to maintain it, maintain it, and even improve it.

Organize To Maintain A Good Business Relationship.

At first, everything is a question of organization.

Maintaining your business relationships with your customers and employees can be time-consuming: you must devote time to them. This is why it requires precise organization. You must distribute your time well between prospecting, building loyalty, following up on customers, and after-sales service – without forgetting other tasks unrelated to your commercial relations.

Remember that the relationships to be maintained are multiple. Indeed, maintaining your relationships with your customers is essential to continue selling and developing your network. However, pay attention to your working relationship to benefit your customer relationship. Maintaining a good relationship with your employees, suppliers, and other partners is equally important. Having good cohesion within your work team will also make things easier in terms of commercial relations.

Your business relationships include physical relationships (individuals you see that you rub shoulders with in person) and digital relationships (individuals you may never have met but are part of your online customers or your remote employees).

So that’s our first advice: manage your time correctly, don’t neglect certain stages of professional relationships for the benefit of others, or neglect sure of your relationships for the benefit of others. Always make sure you are available and responsive to your customers and partners.

By Which Means To Get In Touch With Its Customers And Collaborators?

To maintain good business relations, it is essential to communicate. You communicate with your customers and with your partners. However, there are many different means of communication. What means of communication should be favoured, and in what circumstances?


The primary means of communication between humans remains this: discussion. To maintain a relationship, whatever it is, it is always well seen to pay a visit. Business relationships are no exception.

This method can concern relations with good customers or up-and-coming prospects and relations with collaborators. 

Of course, the commercial visit has a large number of disadvantages:

  • The commercial visit takes time and requires organization;
  • The sales visit costs money: you have to either do it yourself or send a paid salesperson;
  • The commercial visit is only sometimes a very appropriate means of communication and only applies to certain situations. If it is not suitable, it risks constituting a diplomatic misstep in your commercial relations.

The commercial visit is only suitable in some instances, which sometimes even require it:

  • To show appreciation and respect for your most loyal customers, you have to make sure that the visit is profitable. Only go to see the customers who bring you a significant turnover;
  • To demonstrate the use of a product that is complicated to use;
  • To convince prospects with high potential, who could bring you big sales if you manage to convert them;
  • Show your continued interest in a collaborator, especially if you are still in the business relationship consolidation phase.


The significant advantage of the telephone is that it is less expensive than the visit and takes less time. A phone call can sometimes have the same effect as a visit and much less inconvenience.

This is the most popular mode of communication in the prospecting phase.

Even if the telephone is a mode of communication known to all, you must know how to use it. Salespeople who do prospecting by phone must be trained. In addition, the ideal is for the relationship between the salesperson and the prospect/customer to be monitored. If the customer is always in contact with the same salesperson, and the latter remembers him and his file, the relationship will not only be better.

Once the prospect has been converted into a customer, the salesperson in charge of prospecting can continue to follow up with the customer. This will also enhance the effectiveness of loyalty.

The telephone, although less direct than the visit, remains the most practical means of communication while retaining a part of authenticity. The customer hears the salesperson’s voice: it is, therefore, not a question of a completely disembodied means of communication, like email, for example.


Of course, in the 21st century, it is only possible to talk about commercial relations by going through the social networks box. Companies must find a way to avoid social networks in their communication strategy. This also applies to business relations.

There are many social networks, and these are more or less suitable depending on the utility you want to give them. For example, the LinkedIn network is specially designed to connect professionals who can mutually benefit each other. The main advantage is that it targets contacts interested in specific profiles.

Other networks, like Facebook or Instagram, are more public. They can have an advantage when it comes to making themselves known to as many people as possible or even maintaining a community of customers. On Instagram, you can exist daily through the “stories” feature and share with your followers the underside of your business, for example. Through your publications, you can share your news, tips, reductions, and events around your company with your community. Why not organize a contest and offer benefits to the winner?

What is certain is that at all levels of your commercial relations, there is a suitable social network.


We must distinguish between paper and electronic mail, but we will discuss both here.

Of course, the paper mail method is getting lost and also losing its effectiveness as online means of communication grow in popularity. But in some situations, it can still with its small effect.

On the other hand, electronic mail is a means of communication whose effectiveness should be maintained. This is, for example, the mode of communication that you will choose to send newsletters to your customers.

Tip: when you have a new client, have them fill out an information form and ask them to fill in their email address. Then put it on the mailing list for your circular. Send regularly (once a week, once a month…) a newsletter containing all the latest news from your company to keep in touch.

On the other hand, email is not a suitable means of communication for most commercial exchanges: it is not a marketing tool. It can be helpful for occasional communication because it is a more professional digital means of communication than social networks and less restrictive than the telephone.

Between these four means of communication, it’s up to you to see which one suits you best and under what circumstances!

If communication and organization are the keys to maintaining good business relations, you can look into more diversified methods. Here are some tips to help you maintain good business relationships with your customers and employees.

5 Tips For Retaining Your Customers

Set up a good loyalty program.

Please don’t neglect your company’s loyalty program: your customers should feel rewarded. Set up a points system with a gift or a discount, for example!

Create a close relationship with your customers.

Social networks are the key to this advice: be close to your customers, show them the “human” side of your business and involve them in your daily life. This will allow you to gain their affection and loyalty.

Vary your communication methods.

To satisfy your customers, renew your communication methods!

Organize promotional operations

Show your customers that you are thinking of them by allowing them to access your services at reduced prices from time to time. 

Take care of your after-sales service.

Offering good services also means accepting that perfection does not exist. If your customers aren’t happy or can’t use their products correctly, you need to listen to them and give them the help they need!

5 Tips For Retaining Your Employees


Communication is the key to all healthy relationships… This commonplace is valid in love, friendship, and work! It is essential to know how to communicate between colleagues and collaborators. Lack of communication can lead to awkward situations or heavy atmospheres…


To retain an employee or a partner, the latter must enjoy coming to work or interacting with you. 

Take care of the working environment of your employees. This is, of course, valid for the employees who work directly with you (take care of the offices, listen to their needs). But it is also valid for the collaborators with whom you often work remotely: put them in confidence and make your communication pleasant.


In the case of teams that work together daily, consider setting up routines or “team building” events to strengthen the bonds between colleagues. 

It is also possible to strengthen team cohesion with occasional or regular collaborators who do not share your workspace daily. Think, for example, of the seminars organized or other events, which can be an opportunity to get to know each other.


Give importance to your collaborators by making them feel that their opinion interests you. Ask them to participate, especially when making important decisions that affect them.


Reward your employees for their loyalty. Of course, you can’t

As apply with your employees a loyalty system as with your customers. On the other hand, you can offer them benefits in kind or social benefits: equipment for more comfort at work, a company vehicle, or even good mutual insurance and gift vouchers.

Any business relationship begins with contact between human beings. It is essential to remember this when you want to manage your commercial relations with your customers or employees properly!

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Decision-Making Tools In Project Management Tue, 18 May 2021 07:52:51 +0000 Uncertainty is something inherent in any project since each of the elements that come together (both those specific and those related to the organization where it is carried out) and each of the people who intervene in it (either directly or directly). with the ability to influence their development), as well as their interactions, are […]

The post Decision-Making Tools In Project Management appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Uncertainty is something inherent in any project since each of the elements that come together (both those specific and those related to the organization where it is carried out) and each of the people who intervene in it (either directly or directly). with the ability to influence their development), as well as their interactions, are potential sources of problems.

Therefore, it is necessary to have tools and techniques to help solve these problems. Two of those tools are the cause and effect diagram, and the 5 whys technique.

What Is A Problem In Project Management?

One of the meanings of the term “problem” is a “set of facts or circumstances that make it difficult to achieve some goal”. In the framework of project management, we have to interpret this definition by adding that it is a situation in which we want to achieve an objective and we know (or we think we know) that there are one or more ways to achieve it, although we doubt between several options.

Therefore, when we face a problem in the management of a project, we will have to analyze it based on the objectives of this and the objective starting data, to identify the space in which we can solve it and search for a solution or solutions.

How Does Decision-Making Work In Problem-Solving?

When we identify a problem, if we know how to solve it, we will limit ourselves to applying the procedure or routine that we know. If not, we will have to determine how to act. In this sense, almost certainly, there will be different options and we will have to choose the most beneficial.

The usual decision-making process is as follows:  


The first thing we must do when faced with a problem is to identify it as best as possible, depending on the objectives of our project.

If you come to the conclusion that the problem completely prevents you from achieving the objectives of your project, you should consider that the situation is impossible and it will not be worth your time to deal with it.

If you consider that the situation can be redirected, remember the expression “a well-posed problem is a half-solved problem”.


The next step is to define the specific problem. To describe it correctly, you have to collect quality, verified, and updated information, taking into account the starting point and what you want to achieve when you solve it.


The third step is to determine the origin of the problem and identify possible alternatives to solve it. Something very important to find these possible alternatives is that you focus on the solution and not on the problem.

Sort out

When you know the main or root cause of a problem, that is, the cause that originates it, you can give it a solution. It is the moment to open your mind and not reject any of the options that may occur to you; If you work in a team, encourage creative thinking in the group, as this will allow you to develop more options.

For each of the options that arise, think about the positive and negative consequences they may have, the time and resources you will need to put them into practice, etc. You must do it objectively and realistically.


Finally, after weighing the different options, you will have to implement the solution that you consider most appropriate. Depending on its magnitude, you will have to think in terms of an action plan, dates, processes, monitoring system, etc.

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