What is CRM? and How Can It Help You To Manage Your Business?

CRM is the acronym for Customer Relationship Management. It is a strategy that prioritizes the client and their needs, intending…

2 years ago

How To Make your clients or Customer recommend you?

Do you know word of mouth? That is, recommend something (a brand or a product) to those who are part…

3 years ago

Top Reasons Of Website Downtime

Website downtime is a nightmare forever for the online business owner. A down website means losing out on customers and…

3 years ago

Benefits Of Having Business Intelligence tools

The one known as Business Intelligence or Business Intelligence aims to help and facilitate decision-making by those responsible for companies.…

3 years ago

Artificial Intelligence – The Best Ally To Take Advantage Of The Digital Sales Channel

Artificial intelligence directly affects customer intelligence and therefore can be applied to all businesses, thus making the most of the…

3 years ago