content writing Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Mon, 18 Apr 2022 16:23:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 content writing Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Developing New Perspectives for Your Content: What’s Your Point of View Mon, 04 Apr 2022 15:35:50 +0000 You may have seen the phrase “content is king” around, but the phrase still stands to this day. In a B2B landscape, competition is inevitable, which is why all businesses invest in building relevant, high-quality content that’s engaging and useful to readers. Publishing valuable content is an effective strategy to grow leads, engagement, and conversions. […]

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You may have seen the phrase “content is king” around, but the phrase still stands to this day. In a B2B landscape, competition is inevitable, which is why all businesses invest in building relevant, high-quality content that’s engaging and useful to readers.

Publishing valuable content is an effective strategy to grow leads, engagement, and conversions. So, what kind of content should you be producing? The answer is high-quality content.

High-quality content means content pieces created to achieve specific goals. The best way to ensure that your content will deliver and translate to your audiences is by creating content that’s:

  • useful;
  • easy to understand;
  • helpful;
  • accurate;
  • educational;
  • and provides the best answer for your customer queries.

Continue reading to find out some of the best practices for effective content marketing.

Best Practices for Effective Content Marketing

Your customers have to come first

Businesses should put themselves in their customers’ place. What are their common questions or concerns? How do they make their purchasing decision?

This is how a brand should think. Figure out your audience’s problem and how your products/services will solve that problem. Your audience is probably looking for resources to help with their problems, so you might as well give them the answer they’re looking for through relevant content articles or graphics.

Use empirical and accurate data to understand what your audience needs

When researching what type of content your audience would want to see, it’s best to understand them first. Researching and studying your customers’ likes and dislikes, interests, demographics, and psychographics can give you a deeper insight into their wants and needs.

After fetching the data, you can then use it to create high-quality content around their pain points and interests you think would best appeal to your audience. Leverage data to gauge how they would receive the content, and then make the adjustments.

Try delving into live streaming

Consumers have become more careful about purchasing things. Since the pandemic, brands worldwide have switched to providing their consumers with new ways to shop. However, consumers have been keener on seeing the product in use rather than having a website describe it to them. Even though websites tend to have videos and product photos, some brands are delving into live streaming.

Live streaming content like demonstrating how to use a product or even selling them live can boost your visual content marketing strategy. This is the closest some of your audience will get to experience your brand. You can live stream for different purposes, not just for selling. You can make product announcements, talk about an upcoming promotion, product demonstrations, or even a Q&A session to engage your audience more.

Give value to your brand

It hasn’t been the easiest two years, and if there’s anything that the pandemic has taught us, that is to find meaning and purpose in everything, even in business. No matter what industry you’re in, your business should be sensitive to the current needs of the consumers. You can focus on values in your content through some of the ways below:

  • Show your customers how they can make use of your products and services.
  • Share out how you give back to the community.
  • Present your customers with low-risk promotions like free trials or guarantees.

Utilize multi-channel marketing for your business

With the constant advancements in technology, brands marketers have been looking for new ways to adapt to the changing times of commerce. Consumers are being more explorative, seeking new ways for brands to amp up the customer experience. Here below are some ways you can boost your brand’s user experience platform.

  • Account-Based Marketing
    • ABM is a sales and marketing technique where marketers use the information provided by the sales team to know more about their audience to cater campaigns to them.
  • Audio Content
    • According to a HubSpot survey, 53% of professionals find audio content like podcasts effective in engagement and brand awareness. 80% plan to invest more into audio content and podcasts in 2022.
  • Voice Search
    • 12% of HubSpot marketers are currently leveraging voice search in their strategy, 41% of the 12% state they plan to increase their investments in voice search in 2022.
  • Artificial Integration
    • AI isn’t to replace humans but to improve customer assistance by helping them solve their problems quicker and more thoroughly. AI is also great for collecting and analyzing data and making data-driven decisions.
  • High-Quality Search Engine Optimization
    • 61% of marketers say that improving search engine optimization (SEO) is their top inbound marketing priority to increase their online organic presence.
  • Influencer Marketing
    • Influencers are often masters of the platform they’ve chosen, so it makes sense to collaborate, especially if you’re just starting to penetrate the platform.

Staying on one channel won’t be enough to meet the demand of the ever-changing customer journey and experience. To continue creating high-quality content, you need to reach a broader audience base and access more data. You can do this with added marketing integrations.

Develop Your Business Perspective

Because of the constant changes to marketing strategies, using only one channel to promote your brand can be detrimental to your business. Developing new perspectives for your content will drive you closer to your audience and allow you to listen to their needs better.

Integrating high-quality content is one of the most challenging areas of marketing, but it’s an area you can work on. Don’t miss the opportunity to grow and attract targeted audiences.

Also Read: The 13 Most Common Mistakes In a Content Marketing Strategy

The post Developing New Perspectives for Your Content: What’s Your Point of View appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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11 Powerful Tactics For Writing Clickable Headlines Sat, 11 Dec 2021 12:22:16 +0000 You will be surprised, but statistically, 8 out of 10 people read headlines, only two of them open the link itself. This is why it is so important to put in a lot of effort to create a headline that can grab the attention of your audience and induce them to take action, whether it […]

The post 11 Powerful Tactics For Writing Clickable Headlines appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

You will be surprised, but statistically, 8 out of 10 people read headlines, only two of them open the link itself. This is why it is so important to put in a lot of effort to create a headline that can grab the attention of your audience and induce them to take action, whether it is clicking on an ad, signing up for a newsletter, watching a video, clicking from the SERP, or reading a post.

A headline is one of the strongest leverages to attract people to a website or landing page. Split testing the headlines allows you to see a difference of 20%, 50%, and even 500%. 

In this article, you will find 11 simple techniques for writing clickable headlines.

Choose Words That Evoke Strong Emotions.

Words with emotional marketing value are words that evoke emotion in potential buyers.

According to the Advanced Marketing Institute, most professional copywriters use 30-40% of words with emotional marketing value in their headlines, while the titles of the best in the business have 50-75% of those words.

CoSchedule decided to do a headline performance study to see if high emotional marketing value correlates with article popularity. As a result, it was found that articles with a large number of shares in social networks (over 1000) had a higher rate than less popular articles.

Emotions affect people. They involve them and force them to act.

Write Multiple Headings For Each Page.

Creativity is like a muscle: it takes a lot of practice and getting out of your comfort zone to develop it.

Coming up with several headlines for each ad, article, or pop-up, you activate your brain, especially those areas responsible for creativity. Searching for different approaches and ideas will help you find new opportunities to attract your audience, and A / C testing will help you choose the best ones.

Gradually, your titles will get better and better.

Include Numbers

Conductor’s research found that the most popular headlines are those that include numbers:
Why are people attracted to such headlines?

Numbers give a link specificity: the user gets a clearer idea of ​​the content of where it leads.

In addition, a joint study by Outbrain and Hubspot found that headlines with odd numbers receive 20% more clicks than headlines with even numbers.

Use Brackets ()

Research by Outbrain and Hubspot found that headlines containing brackets get 38% more clicks.

Here are some ideas on how you can use parentheses in your titles:

Bonus Mention: Mentioning a free bonus may encourage some people to click on the headline, especially if your bonus seems valuable to them:

  • Initial Draft: 7 Steps to Writing Viral Content
  • Revised Draft: 7 Steps to Writing Viral Content (Free Checklist)

Add real data

  • Initial Draft: How I Started My Ecommerce Business
  • Modified Version: How I Started My Ecommerce Business (and Made Over $ 100,000 in One Year)

Instill curiosity: This is another tactic used to get people to click on your headline. The only condition: the reader should enjoy viewing your material.

Use A Dash (-) and a Colon (:)

Dashes and colons, like parentheses, can also improve the clickability of headlines. An Outbrain study found that headlines that include energy generated 9% more clicks.

Here are some ways you can include a dash in your title:

Short terms with the keyword (keyword) at the beginning of the header. This tactic will work for you if you are using specific keywords for SEO purposes.

Example: SEO Myths: 5 Common SEO Misconceptions

A short introductory phrase. You can use a brief essential word to make your headline more interesting.

Example: Breaking news: A tiger escaped from the zoo

Clarification at the end. You can also add a short phrase at the end of the title.

Example: How My Bank Account Was Hacked – The Complete Story

The dash and colon allow you to add more information to the title, making it more attractive to potential readers. 

Interrogative Construction

According to research published in Social Influence Journal, interrogative headlines get 50-350% more clicks on Twitter than regular headlines.
Headings in an interrogative form often make the reader curious and want to know the answer to the question.

Create an Information Gap

The curiosity gap is a powerful copywriting technique that provides just enough information to make readers curious and want to click on a headline. This technique helped Copyhackers increase the number of clicks on Mad Mimi’s SEP page by 927%.
This technique should be used with caution: avoid writing clickbait headlines. Readers need to feel that the article they read has satisfied their curiosity. Otherwise, you may lose the trust of your audience.

Negative Headlines

Here’s an example of a headline written in positive and negative terms:

Typical headline: 5 tactics marketers use for SEO
“Positive” Headline: 5 Powerful Techniques Marketers Can Use To Increase SEO Traffic
Negative headline: 5 common marketer mistakes that lead to SEO failures
In a study of over 65,000 headlines, Outbrain found that “negative” headlines received 30% more clicks than regular headlines. Another interesting finding was that “positive” headlines received 29% fewer clicks.

So why do “negative” headlines work better than “positive” ones?

This is most likely because authors very often overuse “positive” titles and specific keywords like “free” and “best.” In addition, their success is because many people are more focused on avoiding any negative experience than on achieving positive results.

Rewrite Subheadings at Least Once

If you want to master writing effective headlines even faster while improving the quality of your articles, then make it a rule to rewrite your subheadings at least once.

Before reading any text, most people “scan” it with their eyes. Interesting subheadings can convince them to delay and click on a link.

Emphasis On Clarity

With the vast amount of content we have on the Internet today, it’s no surprise that people appreciate clarity in headlines. They want to know precisely what they will receive by clicking on the link. Frequently, marketers try to be creative and come up with headlines that stand out or even shock. However, sometimes the best option is to write a simple, straightforward headline.


Writing headlines is a skill that takes time to master. If your goal is to get more ad clicks, video views, or newsletter signups, start creating multiple headlines and even subheadings for each of your campaigns.

Despite the research data presented here, remember that there is no one perfect heading formula.

The post 11 Powerful Tactics For Writing Clickable Headlines appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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The 13 Most Common Mistakes In a Content Marketing Strategy Mon, 19 Jul 2021 07:21:54 +0000 Here are some of the biggest mistakes made in inbound marketing, and especially in content marketing. Some will be obvious to the more experienced but are still being committed. Others, on the other hand, are produced at a more advanced level. Avoiding mistakes in content marketing strategies is essential for them to succeed. Since sometimes […]

The post The 13 Most Common Mistakes In a Content Marketing Strategy appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Here are some of the biggest mistakes made in inbound marketing, and especially in content marketing. Some will be obvious to the more experienced but are still being committed. Others, on the other hand, are produced at a more advanced level. Avoiding mistakes in content marketing strategies is essential for them to succeed. Since sometimes it is not enough to detect where the errors are in the design, some very brief indications are also added about the direction to follow to correct these errors:

2 – Lack of Objectives, Which is Usually Linked To a Lack of Strategy

Working without specific objectives is practically going blind, so it is necessary to set an aim following the SMART criteria: that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and is well limited in time. The achievement or not of the objectives will be the main indicator that shows if the strategy is working or a review is needed.

3 – Prioritize Quantity Over Quality

Currently, millions of people and thousands of companies publish content on the web daily, and it is necessary to stand out. It’s already difficult to reach audiences by generating good content, so generating harmful content is a trip to nowhere. It is possible to be tempted to publish poor quality content for the sake of meeting objectives, but it should be avoided. If quality suffers, due to the need, for example, to comply with several monthly publications, the strategy must be reformulated.

4 – Offer Little Relevant Content

The marketer must be aware of his target audience and what his business is and must offer consistent content. It is possible to think of some type of content that, potentially, can generate a lot of traffic. Still, if the type of business and the audience to which it is oriented are not considered, the traffic generated will be poor quality traffic that will remain far from reaching the end of the funnel.

5 – Do Not Think About People

When working with statistics, it is easy to forget that human beings are hidden behind each figure and that they are the reason for the company’s existence. It works for people, thinking about their tastes and interests rather than the traffic that search engines can bring. You have to develop the content by thinking about the type of audience you want to reach. The more specific the group, the more effective the content will be.

Also Read: Why Unite Gamification, Marketing, And Technology?

6 – Limit Yourself To Creating Content

What is contributed to the network, no matter how good it is, does not spread alone? The publication of content must be accompanied by a good promotional campaign to reach the maximum number of users possible. A step that, of course, must also be codified within the marketing plan. For this, there are three means: their own, controlled by the company itself, which include endless resources, such as blogging, mailing, etc .; paid ones, such as ads and paid per click; and the won, which, are the mentions obtained in other places on the web, mainly, in social networks. Although all these means complement each other, it is interesting to take them into account, separately, to know which ones it would be necessary to reinforce.

7 – Give Little Importance To Titles

It is necessary to insist that content marketing operates in a territory where competition is fierce, both for quantity and quality. The target audience does not have time to read everything. Therefore, the title chosen for a post has to be attractive and hooky. You have to think about it and meditate on it to attract attention, always without forgetting the type of user sought since not all titles are suitable for everyone. It may be the case that getting an introduction or the right title takes almost as long as the content itself, but it is crucial not to miss it.

8 – Do Not Take Into Account The Phases of The Funnel

Few people are aware of the importance of adapting content to the different phases of the funnel. It helps to maximize conversions since the number of lost users along the way is reduced to a minimum. For example, the content in the upper part of the tunnel mainly seeks to attract traffic and must be purely informative or educational. In the middle zone, once the user’s interest has been achieved, commercial content can be entered that allows them to start evaluating their options. Once at the bottom of the funnel, the content is fully commercial and will help the audience make the best decision.

9 – Inappropriate Use or Absence of Calls To Action (CTA)

CTAs are very useful resources that are sometimes misused. Like everything in marketing, a call to action must have a specific purpose and objective, a what and a why. The CTA must have clear language that advises the public on what to do and convinces them why they should do it. There has to be a very clear value proposition and, of course, that the landing page’s content is consistent with the message.

10 – Bypass SEO

SEO positioning is one of the key concepts in content marketing. Most of the traffic that a web page gets is achieved thanks to SEO, and having a strategy, in this sense, is crucial. Countless guides and tips are circulating on the Internet to improve search engine positioning, and the amount of information is such that it may overwhelm an inexperienced marketer. Still, many of the important things, such as creating optimal titles or publishing regularly, come alone when quality content is published. If, in addition, attention is paid to keywords, internal links are used, URLs are optimized, and descriptive names are used for the images that are uploaded, much of the way is already covered.

12 – Obsessed With SEO

Sometimes an obsession with a keyword or being on the first page can hurt the quality of content. SEO is important, but you can’t lose sight that you have to target people, not search engines. Additionally, search engine results are difficult to predict and generally not immediate. It is advisable to be patient in this regard.

13 – Do Not Track Results

Everything that is done must be perfectly measured and controlled to know if the strategy is working or failing, and in that case, know exactly what is failing. Therefore, it is important to have a good analytical tool. Still, it would be advisable to go a little further and resort to satisfaction surveys or other ways of knowing, in as much detail as possible, the opinions and preferences of the user, always causing minimal inconvenience.

These, then, are the most typical errors. Preventing them or, if they occur, correcting them in time, the results of a content marketing strategy can be substantially improved. As has already been seen, the fundamental thing is that this strategy exists, that there is a follow-up of the actions and that it has very specific and well-defined objectives. You can find many useful tools to develop it on the Internet, from templates to idea generators. For the rest, it is as simple as focusing on producing quality content, focused on potential clients or users, and using the web tools to ensure adequate dissemination. Doing this is laying the foundation for a successful campaign. Finally, do not forget the most serious mistake: impatience. Sometimes, perspective is lost, eager for work to pay off immediately, but do not give up. Often, the results are made to wait, but if things are done well and the errors indicated above are avoided, they will eventually arrive.

The post The 13 Most Common Mistakes In a Content Marketing Strategy appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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