Cybersecurity Errors Of SMEs In 2021

In any business, it is important to protect the security of the information and data that are handled, as well as the computer programs that are used, but in the case of small and medium-sized companies, guaranteeing cybersecurity is something even more crucial, since Consequences of not doing so can be dire for the survival of the business.

Cybercriminals are becoming more cunning and fine-tuning their strategies to deceive Internet users and businesses. In the corporate environment, extreme caution is essential and there is no better solution than the prevention and adoption of a clear and defined cybersecurity policy. In this sense, awareness and knowledge of threats are key to not giving a respite to the cybercriminal.

What are the main mistakes SMEs face in cybersecurity?

We review the main ones so that, once identified, we have more weapons to avoid falling into them:

Bad choice of passwords:  you should not make it easy for hackers to access your applications and online services, so it is essential to choose passwords that are difficult to find out. The main mistake you can make is to choose an easily recognizable sequence of numbers (for example, 111111) or to put the name of your pet or city of birth. It is recommended that you choose a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols, alternating upper and lower case letters, and always select a different password for each of the services we use. Of course, you should not keep a written list of passwords that could fall into the hands of cybercriminals and expose all your accounts. And also, you should always use different passwords for different services.

Smartphones and shared equipment:  given that personal device such as mobiles, computers and tablets are increasingly used for professional purposes, and corporate networks are accessed from them at any time and from anywhere, it is necessary that you take extreme measures of protection to prevent loss of sensitive information or cybercriminals access to shared files.

Cloud storage:  attacks on cloud storage systems have intensified in recent months. Sometimes, they not only seek to steal personal information from compromised accounts but also attempt to infect the computers that access the service. Cloud technology is perfect for hiding attacks under shared files of unknown origin. Not having cybersecurity prevention and action policy for the cloud services you use is a mistake that will make things very easy for cybercriminals.

Internet of things:  the popularization of devices and household appliances with the ability to connect to the Internet multiplies the access points to the Internet in corporate environments and requires extreme measures in terms of cybersecurity.

Email:  email continues to be one of the main gateways to cybersecurity threats for SMEs. Not having antispam filters and not training employees in the use of common sense when not opening unknown files or emails from suspicious senders, can jeopardize the entire security system of the company.

Also Read: The Art Of Cyber Risk Prediction And How To Stay One Step Ahead Of Cyber Attacks


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