brands Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Tue, 31 May 2022 06:17:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 brands Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 What Is Branding – And Why Is It Essential To Implement It In Your Business Tue, 31 May 2022 06:16:29 +0000 In such a competitive world, being able to sell and get customers is no longer enough for the survival of our business. It is essential to build loyalty and create lasting long-term relationships. This article will discover to what extent it is necessary and some basic strategies to start doing it. A fact that, although […]

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In such a competitive world, being able to sell and get customers is no longer enough for the survival of our business. It is essential to build loyalty and create lasting long-term relationships. This article will discover to what extent it is necessary and some basic strategies to start doing it.

A fact that, although it may seem strange, has its explanation. This happens because the purchase decisions are not rational but purely emotional, although later, we justify them with data and objective arguments. And for this reason, the big brands invest so much money in making consumers perceive them or feel a certain way.

For this reason, in today’s article, we will talk about this whole discipline called branding. Among the topics that we will deal with, we will see what exactly branding is dedicated to, applying it in business, when it is more interesting to invest in working on it and how to start doing it.

What Is Branding, And What Is It Really For?

In essence, branding is the tool used by brands to conquer the minds and hearts of consumers because, as you already know, emotions are what drive us to buy and consume. 

In this sense, branding is a discipline within marketing that encompasses all the specific actions carried out by a brand related to positioning, purpose and values ​​to create conscious and unconscious connections with the public to influence their marketing decisions. Purchase.

In other words, this discipline is dedicated to making a brand known and desired so that it does not become just another. In short, it serves to establish a differentiation concerning the competition so that “they can no longer compete” because they no longer do so for price or product quality but values, personality, beliefs or, in other words, for our particular way of being and doing things.

It is a tool that is not only used by businesses but that we all use in one way or another. Whether applying for a job, an internship or selling our project, branding or “the brand” can make that slight big difference that makes them remember us and take us into account. It’s about having something that makes us connect with people. 

In short, that slight big difference is still a strategy, and that is what branding is essentially about.

For all the above, some of the benefits that branding can bring to a business are:

  • Customer recognition, they remember us, and we are no longer just another product or service.
  • Customer loyalty, since it is easier to create an emotional bond with someone “human” and a long-term relationship. 
  • Greater confidence because the brand is humanized.
  • It gives you a clear strategy to move forward as a business when launching new products or services and marketing campaigns that work. 
  • It helps get many more clients since a universe with which they can feel identified and attracted is created. 
  • It generates more economic profits because marketing is much more effective and efficient and increases the repeat purchase rate.

When Is It Essential To Work on Branding, And How To Work On It?

Despite all these benefits, working on branding should not always be a priority. Although it is perfect for our business, “creating a brand” requires a lot of time and money, so we must know how to choose the right time.

When we are starting a new business and validating it, it is not the most crucial investment. However, it is interesting to learn about branding to choose, for example, the name of our brand strategically, since this can benefit us in the long term.

Level 1. New Market. 

These are those products or services that, because they are new, do not have direct competition. As you can imagine, this phase usually lasts a short time and more for large markets where there is a great opportunity. This causes new competitors to quickly launch themselves to try to take a piece of the cake.

Branding is usually not too important if you are in a new market since the product or service you promote already differentiates itself. You should take it into account to start working on it when the competitors begin to arrive. In this case, marketing has to explain our main benefit in a clear, direct, and straightforward way.  

Level 2. The Competition Arrives. 

At this point, there is no longer a virgin market, but competitors begin to arrive attracted by the profits generated. 

If you are in a level 2 market, it is essential to start working on some differentiation from your competitors. We will focus on the benefits and characteristics of our product or service concerning others, and all marketing must revolve around it. 

Level 3. Differentiation. 

Here the market already identifies the product or service and knows the alternatives within the market. In this case, the client has a choice, so we have to stand out so that the client decides for us.

If you are in a level 3 market, it is interesting to tend to the specialization of the offer, that is, to create much more specific products or services thinking about our type of client or types of clients. It is essential to know our clients much better than before to align the offer and all the communication concerning their tastes or needs.

Level 4. Credibility.

At this point, the market starts to get quite challenging due to a supply glut. It is essential to show what we are selling more than ever, and that means that we must work hard on testimonials, reviews, and social proof in this phase.

If you are in a level 4 market, you must rely on social proof to grow. That means that you should collect a lot of testimonials or opinions, either through Amazon, Google or the resources you generate. 

Level 5. Connect.

At this final stage, we can only focus on the brand’s values, purpose, and philosophy. In this phase, the focus when buying is no longer on the product or service due to the excellent saturation but on the emotional component that we manage to communicate and transmit. A feature that has to do with personal convictions or lifestyle. 

If you are in a level 5 market, you should spend a large part of your budget on branding. If you are starting and have few resources, entering a market with these characteristics may not be the best thing to do. In that case, you should review your business model first and introduce innovation. 

Also Read: Why Is Personal Branding The Key To Your Success?

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How Can SMEs Save on Purchases From Suppliers? Sun, 01 May 2022 08:25:00 +0000 According to a recent survey, the investment of companies in purchases from suppliers absorbs almost seven out of every ten euros of their income. We are indeed talking about a very high proportion that exceeds payroll payments. But there are ways to achieve substantial savings in purchasing raw materials and services without sacrificing quality or […]

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According to a recent survey, the investment of companies in purchases from suppliers absorbs almost seven out of every ten euros of their income. We are indeed talking about a very high proportion that exceeds payroll payments. But there are ways to achieve substantial savings in purchasing raw materials and services without sacrificing quality or reducing the human team.

Do you want to know how to optimize your company’s purchasing budget without affecting other vital aspects? Continue reading this text, and you will find recommendations to help you achieve it.

Critical Selection Criteria To Save on Purchases From Suppliers

Whether your business is in its infancy or, for some reason, you have to incorporate or replace suppliers, it is essential to know how to choose them. It may seem obvious, but those who provide raw materials and services play a vital role in the value chain of your business. The quality of your products and even your prestige as a company largely depends on them. For this reason, we suggest you:

  • First, carefully evaluate and compare various options and offers. It is even advisable to choose one more supplier for each area as an alternative. This will allow assuming possible increases in demand or unforeseen drops in the supply or provision of services.
  • Gather as much information as possible about your potential suppliers. Check out their websites and social media. In the latter case, read and rate their content to verify their knowledge and experience in the area in which they specialize. Visit them or request a visit from a commercial to your company; You can also ask for advice through the support channel. Find out what other organizations they supply goods and services to; check the testimonials of these clients on the website or contact them directly. All this will help you check their quality, responsibility, and reputation.
  • You should also consider the location of your suppliers. Keep in mind that the shorter the distance from your base, the easier it will be to reduce delivery times. On the other hand, it will also be possible to minimize logistical eventuality.

Take Into Consideration The Value For Money When Purchasing From Suppliers.

According to estimates, a saving of just 5% on purchases can increase almost a third of the organization’s profitability. Even if you need to reduce costs, you must still maintain or improve the level of your products. The idea is that you choose the fairest offers for purchases from suppliers according to your quality requirements. Sometimes cheap is expensive, and the most costly is not always the best.

Planning Is Decisive in Saving on Purchases From Suppliers.

If you have an ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) solution to monitor your supply chain, you can know and manage your supply on time. Otherwise, it is necessary to always plan it based on reliable demand perspectives to have the quantity required in high and low seasons. With this, in addition to saving on purchases from suppliers, it is possible to avoid warehouse saturation.

Based on this, a well-managed purchasing plan includes three basic actions:

A complete list of all the necessary supplies and services

That is a detailed list of raw materials, parts, and consumables for the maintenance of machinery and tools that guarantee the organization’s operation. In this relationship, communication resources and Internet connectivity cannot be lacking in ineffective contact with suppliers, customers, and points of sale.

It is also essential to consider the safety equipment for the personnel there. It is important to note that the new normal after the coronavirus pandemic requires companies to supply PPE to their staff. With this personal protection equipment, it is possible to reduce contagion risks, which would avoid costly casualties of collaborators.

Specifically, this list must include all essential external supplies and services for proper planning of budgets and payments in order of priority.

Monitor supply logistics after purchases from suppliers

Once the required supplies have been defined and payment conditions have been negotiated, it is critical to coordinate delivery logistics with the corresponding monitoring of the process. For this purpose, it is essential to have at least one person from the purchasing or administration department in charge of this follow-up.

This collaborator must maintain communication with the supplier and check with his help the cargo itinerary. In parallel, it will evaluate the effectiveness of the supplier in terms of delivery times and conditions of the supplies.

Manage the warehouse

Without a doubt, another basic rule to save on purchases from suppliers is to control the stock properly. It will be of little use to us to comply with the two previous premises if we are not efficient in managing supplies after they arrive at the warehouse. Indeed, the management of resources in a company includes employees’ awareness of the rational use of supplies and tools.

But it is also essential to study all the processes and procedures to constantly optimize them, seeking to save and improve the employee experience.

Establishing a Win-Win Relationship is Vital When Purchasing From Suppliers.

Finally, it is essential to remember that ideally, those who guarantee supplies, rather than suppliers, should be our partners. In other words, it is advisable to establish a relationship of trust with them based on constant communication and negotiations that meet the expectations of both parties. This helps us build solid links that make cooperation viable both in prosperous times and in tough times like the present.

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4 Effective Tips for Increasing Brand Awareness Thu, 17 Mar 2022 18:37:06 +0000 On average, it takes people 5 to 7 impressions to remember a brand. If you don’t have a good marketing strategy, then you might have a tough time getting anyone to remember you. And if no one can recall your brand, then you won’t be able to sell your products and services!Building a brand can […]

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On average, it takes people 5 to 7 impressions to remember a brand. If you don’t have a good marketing strategy, then you might have a tough time getting anyone to remember you. And if no one can recall your brand, then you won’t be able to sell your products and services!
Building a brand can take some work, but once you have a good foundation, it’ll pay off. But as with many types of marketing, growing a brand can be difficult to do.
Here are 4 effective tips to try for increasing brand awareness!

Determine Your Target Audience

Many businesses mistakenly think that the more people they reach, the better. But in reality, that’s just a waste of marketing dollars and in the worst-case scenario, they might alienate potential customers.

Before you start any marketing campaign, you need to first determine who your target audience is. For example, if you sell smoothies, then your target audience might be young people in their 20s to 30s who are into fitness.

By determining who you want to speak to, you can make your future campaigns more focused and efficient.

Take Advantage of Social Media

Social media is where everyone gathers, so if your business doesn’t have accounts, you’re missing out!
Depending on the platform you’re on, social media is a great way for you to showcase your employees, store, products, services, processes, etc. It puts a face and personality behind the brand, which helps people remember you better.
Plus, it’s a great way to reshare content you’ve generated.

Make Videos

Along the lines of using social media, you should make videos. Humans are visual creatures, so videos are an excellent way to convey ideas that they might not otherwise find interesting or memorable.

With some great YouTube video ideas, you’ll be able to generate interest and increase brand awareness.

Work With a Marketing Agency

As we’ve mentioned above, growing a brand can be challenging, especially if you don’t have much marketing experience. You can try implementing some branding tips, but working with a marketing agency can help your business skyrocket.
These experienced professionals will know exactly what you need to improve and give you a tailored plan. As a result, you won’t have to spend time or energy on increasing brand awareness; they’ll do it for you!

Start Increasing Brand Awareness

If you didn’t know where to start for increasing brand awareness, we hope that this article has given you some fantastic branding ideas.
While there are some ways to improve brand awareness on your own, don’t be afraid to consult with an expert. They’ll be able to streamline the process and get you results in no time, so consider setting aside part of your marketing budget for this. The customers you bring in will make up for this money spent in no time!
To grow your small business brand even further, read our other informative posts now.

Also Read: Strengths And Weaknesses In An Online Marketing Strategy

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Why Is Personal Branding The Key To Your Success? Wed, 09 Mar 2022 08:39:21 +0000 Surely you are more than used to hearing about personal branding. The different social networks and blogs are full of recommendations for starting a personal brand and taking advantage of it. And you are likely wondering what it means for you and if it is as necessary as everyone says. Like almost everything in life, […]

The post Why Is Personal Branding The Key To Your Success? appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Surely you are more than used to hearing about personal branding. The different social networks and blogs are full of recommendations for starting a personal brand and taking advantage of it. And you are likely wondering what it means for you and if it is as necessary as everyone says.

Like almost everything in life, it will depend on your goals. You will be able to stay away from all these trends, which is still possible today, but you must be clear about its advantages and then decide if you will take advantage of them.

Do you want to know the main advantages of having a strong personal brand on social networks?

  • It helps to differentiate yourself within the labour market, becoming a recognized leader or expert in your niche of knowledge. It is a cover letter in the eyes of the digital community, which of course, will have repercussions in the offline world.
  • A strong enough personal brand makes it more feasible to consider self-employment or start a small business since you will have established an initial base of potential clients. If you have connected with your audience through the content, you publish and the knowledge or skills you have disclosed, you have already made part of the journey, with people willing to listen to you and see what you can offer them.
  • As you focus on topics you are passionate about, it will be something pleasant, and it almost does not seem like a job. And this is said with a small mouth because the effort involved is great, but it is true that if you master the subject and you like it, it will be a path that you will like to travel.
  • When you reach a good personal brand, you will see how it grows exponentially over time. The higher your reputation, the more opportunities multiply and that, in turn, further improves your reputation.
  • Having a position in the network will help you when it comes to finding work.

If the advantages have convinced you, it is time to roll up your sleeves and put your hands in flour. Start at the beginning, and first of all, it is very important that you reflect on yourself and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who am I?
  • What do I want to do?
  • What goals do I want to achieve?
  • And so, since you know yourself better than anyone, ask yourself:
  • What can I offer to others?
  • What are my values?
  • Who is the community profile that I am targeting?
  • How do I report it?

Once you have clear answers to these questions, the most complex part, go straight ahead and pick up the pace towards a successful personal brand.

Are you immersed in the process of creating your brand? Tell us how it goes and if you think you can get something out of it.

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Business 101: A Guide to Making a Great Impression Fri, 03 Sep 2021 15:52:49 +0000 Why is it that some people can grasp the attention of a room with what appears to be little to no effort whatsoever? Is it their posture? Their tone? Maybe it’s their choice of attire. In many ways, it’s their ability to make an impression that lasts, one that draws the eye of intrigue and […]

The post Business 101: A Guide to Making a Great Impression appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

Why is it that some people can grasp the attention of a room with what appears to be little to no effort whatsoever? Is it their posture? Their tone? Maybe it’s their choice of attire. In many ways, it’s their ability to make an impression that lasts, one that draws the eye of intrigue and speaks volumes in its concision.
Thankfully, this can be learned, and with a little practice and attention to detail, you too will be well on the way to mastering the enigmatic concept of the first impression.

Why is it Important?

In business, you are often representing a brand, and a good first impression can evoke a sense of quality and authenticity regarding what it is that said brand has to offer. Moreover, it can provide solid foundations on which to build effective working relationships between colleagues, customers, and competitors alike.

Personal Branding

Promoting yourself is essentially the act of personal branding, creating an image for yourself that evokes your best qualities and portrays what you wish to say. It helps to set yourself apart from others, an important factor when it comes to making good impressions.

This pertains to every form of communication you might need to explore, and in the age of remote working, practicing professionalism in your emails is perhaps more crucial than ever.

A great way to make your emails come across as more authentic while simultaneously selling your personal brand is to create a superb email signature, one that shows off your sophistication and gives recipients an extra level of insight and interactivity. You might want to check out if you need some expert help in selecting the best signature for you and your team.

Research is a Must

Even if you possess the gift of the gab, preparing yourself for meeting new people by doing your research can ensure you have some info to fall back on. This can add value to your meeting, give yourself some relevant talking points and show people that you respect them enough to find out about them.


Respectfulness works best when you respect yourself and adhere to your own set of personal standards, a set that should not be infringed upon by negative external influences. By bearing this in mind, you may be able to carry yourself with increased confidence, special something, a spring in the step that leaves an inspiring first impression for all those you come across.


The initial greeting is, in many ways, the cornerstone example of the first impression test. By being polite, available to listen, and approachable, you can create the space for open and effective dialogue.
Although politeness is, in a sense, free, it can still be difficult to adopt a positive, easy-going attitude at the end of a long day. In this regard, it is important to remember that those you meet for the first time will likely know nothing of your long day, so keeping up your own standards is important, and you can always complain about them later if needs be.

Be Yourself!

Sometimes, people can underestimate the value of simply being themselves, because after all, that is the best way to be truly genuine.

Also Read: Qualities And Skills of The Business Administrator

The post Business 101: A Guide to Making a Great Impression appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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