cyber Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Thu, 20 Jan 2022 06:25:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cyber Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Cyber ​​Distancing – Working Safely From The Home Network Thu, 20 Jan 2022 06:25:18 +0000 The substantial increase in home offices has blurred the boundaries between work and private life for many employees. If companies do not use virtual desktop technology that separates the employees’ homes from the work environment, data can be at risk. At some companies, the employees’ home networks are equipped with levels of security such as […]

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The substantial increase in home offices has blurred the boundaries between work and private life for many employees. If companies do not use virtual desktop technology that separates the employees’ homes from the work environment, data can be at risk. At some companies, the employees’ home networks are equipped with levels of security such as industrial next-generation firewalls, two-factor authenticated WLAN hotspots, and other security solutions. However, employees only use their private rental router in some cases, including the supplied standard settings. However, this creates security risks for business data traffic.

The following recommendations show how employees can make their home network environment more secure and practice cyber distancing with appropriate behavior to maintain a digital distance between home and work:

Optimizations For The Home Network

Some home network recommendations sound complicated, but they are easy to implement. All users have to do is access the home page of their router. Usually, this information is located on the router itself and the default password. When users enter this information in the navigation bar of their web browser, they are prompted for a username and password. You can then modify the default settings.

  • WiFi network SSID not broadcast: If the SSID or network name is broadcast, it means that anyone in the vicinity can pick up the signal and try to access the network.
  • Change default passwords: It is recommended to change the administrative password on the router. Sometimes the device already comes with a complex password, but it is even better if only the user knows the password.
  • Secure password for WLAN access with WPA2 encryption: A secure password is usually more than 20 characters long and consists of numbers, letters, and symbols.
  • Make sure remote access is disabled: This setting allows remote control of the network but also opens a backdoor for hackers. Users should therefore ensure that this setting is deactivated in the configurations. To do this, you can search for the keyword »Remote Access. «
  • Updating the Router’s Firmware: Routers generally do not have an automatic update facility, but the firmware must be up-to-date and free of bugs and vulnerabilities. This should be checked approximately every six months.
  • IoT devices: IoT devices can cause massive security gaps in the network, especially since many devices are equipped with weak standard credentials and user-defined ports that can inform attackers of their existence. Users should therefore update the password and modify the standard ports. This requires what is known as port forwarding on the router to a new harbor that the user assigns.

Basic Recommendations For Working From Home

  • Don’t click on email links and attachments: Email’s primary attack vector for COVID-19 phishing attacks. There has been a massive increase in campaigns that use the pandemic to their advantage.
  • Validate links: Users can first move the mouse pointer over links to see which web address they lead to. If you want to check the specified website, it is advisable to enter the web address into the browser instead of calling it up directly from an email.
  • Validate email sender: When users receive an email, they should check the full sender address and not just rely on the displayed name.
  • VPN: If possible, users should stay connected to their work environment via a VPN. Most organizations already have a VPN for remote work connections, but adding an extra layer of security to your network is also a good idea. Cyber ​​distancing the device and ensuring that all data between the work and home network is sent over an encrypted channel can protect data and company resources.
  • Antivirus solution and patches: If employees use their private laptop in the home office for work, it is essential to ensure that it is always up to date and that updates and patches are regularly updated. The installation of an antivirus solution provides additional protection.

With the above essential tips, employees can make their home office much more secure to protect themselves from attacks by cybercriminals.

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The Business of Internet Security and the Dark Web Thu, 22 Oct 2020 10:06:49 +0000 These days we do everything online, from shopping to internet banking — even conducting medical appointments and job interviews. Every second, millions of people are handing masses of personal information over to businesses via the internet, often without a second thought for their own privacy and safety. The vast majority of the time we have […]

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These days we do everything online, from shopping to internet banking — even conducting medical appointments and job interviews. Every second, millions of people are handing masses of personal information over to businesses via the internet, often without a second thought for their own privacy and safety.

The vast majority of the time we have little to worry about. Most reputable companies invest heavily in internet security and value the trust of their client’s place in them. After all, there’s little worse press than a large-scale data breach.

Unfortunately, these kinds of situations can happen, through either carelessness or the cunning practices of cybercriminals. A data breach occurs when personal information is accessed, disclosed without authorization, or is lost. Data breaches can hurt businesses immensely through the loss of reputation and legal ramifications, but they can result in even worse outcomes for individuals — personal and financial distress and damage that can take years to repair.

Digital data breaches often result in your personal information ending up on the dark web, where it can be sold by cybercriminals and result in identity theft and fraud. No one wants this to happen, which is why it is so important for businesses and individuals to educate themselves on the best internet security practices with VPN providers like privacidadenlared.

What is personal data?

The term ‘personal data’ is broad and covers a wide variety of information. You can think of it as any details that could be used to identify you. This includes:

  • Name, date of birth, signature.
  • Sensitive information: racial or ethnic origin, political opinion, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or criminal record.
  • Health information, such as medical records.
  • Financial information: credit or bank account details, tax file number.
  • Contact information: home address, email address, telephone number.
  • Employment details: salary, work address, job title.

Some information may not be considered personal data when looked at in isolation but when combined with other details it may be used to identify a person and therefore comes under the classification of personal data.

What are the responsibilities of businesses when it comes to my data?

Every country has privacy acts in place that are required to be upheld by businesses when collecting and storing personal information from consumers. In Australia, the Privacy Act is designed to protect individuals and give them power and control over the way that their personal information is handled.

Businesses that have responsibilities under the Privacy Act are required to protect their customers’ information from theft, misuse, loss or unauthorised access. They must comply with the Australian Privacy Principles and implement practises and procedures to ensure that they are handling personal information in the correct manner. Doing so will hopefully prevent an unwanted security breach.

Businesses also have a responsibility to educate their employees on safe data handling practices. Being able to recognize potential threats is an important skill and will allow companies to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.

What does the dark web have to do with all of this?

The dark web has quite a reputation for being an objectionable corner on the internet. This is both justifiable and a little off the mark. It’s true that the dark web is home to illegal activity, due to the fact that users cannot be easily tracked or identified. However this also lends the server to being an environment through which people living under oppressive governments can communicate and speak out to journalists from other countries. Both good and bad things happen on the dark web.

Cybercriminals however use the dark web to sell personal information that has been obtained through data breaches. This can range from credit card information to passport details and can be used to commit identity theft and drain bank accounts. This is one of the reasons why businesses should do everything in their power to ensure that they are complying with appropriate privacy legislation and practices.

What can I do if I have been the victim of a data breach?

Unfortunately once your information is on the dark web it’s very hard to have it removed. There is no governing body of this section of the internet.

If a business has informed you that your information has been breached, it is highly recommended that you take action quickly to reduce any potential harm. Change your passwords to all online accounts and check banking statements for any unusual activity. Contact relevant government bodies if your driver’s license, passport, or Medicare information has been shared and alert the ATO to keep a lookout for any suspicious activity relating to your tax file number.

Data breaches can be distressing, which is why it is also a good idea to reach out to support services, family and friends.

If you are a business and have been a victim of a data breach, you have a legal responsibility to inform all affected customers and also report the situation to the Australian Government. It is recommended that business adopt a proactive approach to data safety, understanding their vulnerabilities and seeking expert advice to protect themselves and their customers.

Many internet security companies offer dark web monitoring services, which can scan the dark web and alert you if your personal information is found. Consider investing in a program such as this — even if you cannot get the information removed, it is better to know that it is there so that appropriate reactionary steps can be taken.

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Ethical Hacking – How Can It Benefit Organizations? Mon, 30 Mar 2020 14:54:40 +0000 Cybercrime is one of the top concerns of businesses, which are exposed to increasing threats and attacks. Organizations must protect their critical data and know-how to manage the cloud, and in certain sectors, critical systems that could be the target of attack and have serious consequences for companies and for society must be protected. The […]

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Cybercrime is one of the top concerns of businesses, which are exposed to increasing threats and attacks. Organizations must protect their critical data and know-how to manage the cloud, and in certain sectors, critical systems that could be the target of attack and have serious consequences for companies and for society must be protected. The big problem with cybercrime is that it is not static, but it evolves very quickly. And this is where ethical hacking appears.

The “photo” of the most frequent cyberattacks last January does not have much to do with the current “photo”, because criminals are looking for new ways to deceive people, bypass security or distribute their malware. To protect the business, its critical data, and systems, it is necessary to have a state-of-the-art security platform, and the appropriately qualified personnel to supervise security. But that is not enough. Companies must stay ahead of cybercriminals, detecting vulnerabilities in advance.

Who is in charge of ethical hacking?

In order to help companies detect their most hidden vulnerabilities and security holes, the figure of the ethical hacker emerges. An ethical hacker is a person with advanced knowledge who is able to enter a network to search for vulnerabilities. When it does, it performs a series of tests to understand how they can be patched and reports to the network administrator. All this, without any intention of committing a crime of any kind.

The ethical hacker performs what is known as penetration tests, or penetration tests, which consist of accessing a network bypassing any existing security measure in order to make a report, so to speak, to companies. There are two options: that the company knows it (and that there is a contract between both parties), or that it does not know it. There are even cases of ethical hackers that enter into particular routers to fix a security flaw and install a patch, such as Alexey.

In the case of people, learning that someone has fixed their router without first knowing it (and not even knowing they had a problem) provokes angry reactions. It is not for less, since, in fact, someone has entered your local network and, at least potentially, has been able to access sensitive information. Although the hacker claims he has done nothing, it is not too comforting.

In the case of companies, the thing can reach higher in legal terms. It is always illegal to enter a system without prior permission, both for individuals and companies, but the latter can take legal action more easily. But many of them are hiring ethical hackers to help them improve security. The advantages seem obvious:

  • Companies anticipate potential new attacks by fixing vulnerabilities in their network.
  • Company professionals can be made aware of the crucial importance of computer security, keeping equipment up-to-date and following all recommendations in that area.
  • In addition, thanks to the ethical hacker it is feasible to improve internal security processes.

Increasingly, ethical hackers are more relevant and, as professionals, have increased demand. In addition, there are dozens of courses and even training academies for professionals who wish to study the subject in depth. Proof of the good future prospects of these professionals we have this week, in which the Cyber ​​Ethical Days, 1st Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking Congress, Congress in which topics such as ethical hacking and techniques and solutions for protecting organizations from cybercriminals.

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