router Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Mon, 02 Oct 2023 12:07:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 router Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 How To Detect A Secure Public Wi-Fi Network And How To Navigate In It? Tue, 23 May 2023 06:44:42 +0000 Wi-Fi technology is a wireless Internet connection system. In this way, you can navigate at high speed when you are near a modem or router . You’ll probably enjoy this trailer at home, but we’re going to turn our attention to public Wi-Fi . Do you usually connect to her? Do you know how to […]

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Wi-Fi technology is a wireless Internet connection system. In this way, you can navigate at high speed when you are near a modem or router . You’ll probably enjoy this trailer at home, but we’re going to turn our attention to public Wi-Fi . Do you usually connect to her? Do you know how to do it safely?

What Are Public Wi-Fi Networks?

Public Wi-Fi networks are the connection systems that are basically available in free transit spaces . For example, those found in catering businesses, hotels and shopping centers. Also included in this category are those offered by institutions at their headquarters or on the street for citizen use.

You should know that there are two types of public Wi-Fi:

  • Those that do not need an access password. They are generally available on the streets or in shopping malls.
  • Those that do need an access password and where a lot of people connect, such as cafeterias or universities, to name two examples.

It is important that you take into account the second point. A network that requires a password or a simple registration can be considered public if a large number of people connect . For what reason? Mainly, because you are sharing an online environment with more people than you do not know their intentions.

In turn, a public Wi-Fi does not have to be free. Many hotels, for example, have a pay-per-day system for their guests. In these situations, we must not forget that we are exposed to information theft on our devices, so we must act carefully.

Also Read: How Free Wi-Fi Will Boost Your Business Profitability

Risks of Using An Unsecured Public Wi-Fi Network

As we mentioned before, when you use a public network, you are sharing an environment with more people. This is where the main risk of this very normal practice in our daily lives lies. However, there are other risks behind this that you should be aware of. Obviously, we are referring to unsecured networks, never to those with adequate levels of protection.

Check that the public Wi-Fi network is real

It may sound strange, but the main risk of public networks is that sometimes they don’t even exist . Let’s explain it with an example: you arrive at a restaurant and you detect a wifi with the name of the place. Without hesitation, you connect with your mobile phone and start browsing. But what if the business has no network?

If the previous question is negative, you may have fallen into the trap of someone who lives nearby. Many times, cybercriminals change their network name to target devices. Then they steal personal information and carry out other practices that affect our interests.

Protect yourself against data theft

When a person with bad intentions can access our phone, we are giving them access to a large amount of personal information. Among them, there may be photos, videos, received and sent messages, emails, passwords for social networks, applications, etc.

For any hacker (cyber criminal) it is quite easy . You only have to enter the files of our phone to access everything you want. In addition, they can often copy our most important data or simply steal it. In any case, it represents a serious loss of privacy that you should avoid.

virus infection

Another of the dangers that we can suffer is receiving malicious files on our computer or mobile phone. What does this mean? That someone else can quickly infect our devices with a virus. In this case, the consequences can be very varied, but the following stand out:

  • Theft of data for extortion or identity theft.
  • Kidnapping of the device to demand a financial payment.
  • Complete loss of control of the mobile phone or computer.

Legal issues

It’s very common to confuse a public network with a password less network, which is why we divided the two categories above. However, the problem arises when we connect to a private Wi-Fi thinking that it belongs to the place where we are having coffee.

In Spain, connecting to a private network without authorization (popularly called “wifi theft”) is prohibited. Depending on the severity, the fines could be more or less substantial. In any case, it is necessary to be careful and always know where we are connecting to.

How To Identify a Secure Wi-Fi Connection?

There are several keys that can help you identify a secure Wi-Fi connection . First of all, remember: if you are not sure if the network is reliable, do not connect .

Find out the security protocol

The Wi-Fi network security protocol is, in general terms, the type of protection with which it is configured. You can check it by checking the connection properties from your device (in the Settings > Wi-Fi menu). Ideally, it should be encrypted with WPA-2 encryption to protect your data and require you to enter a password.

Confirm that it is the correct network

To avoid several of the problems that we have mentioned, you must make sure that you are connecting to the correct network. Names like “free Wi-Fi” or “free Internet” are often bait, so be wary of them. The best thing is always that you ask the person in charge of the premises about what the network is.

Take precautions when registering

If a wireless network does not have a password, it will probably ask you to register . This happens a lot in large facilities, such as shopping malls or universities. In this situation, check carefully what information is being asked for. Never provide data that you would not want to provide in another context.

Check the conditions well

Very few people read the terms of use before accepting them. However, this is quite a dangerous practice, since we are giving authorization for something we do not know. Therefore, it is essential that you take your time to examine the conditions in detail. If you are not going to be able to make sure, never accept them.

Also Read: Wi-Fi 6 or 5G: Which One Is Better?

How To Protect Devices When Browsing Public Networks?

If you have detected that the network is secure, you can connect. Of course, there may still be a risk, since you do not know with whom you are sharing the connection. It does not mean that you do not have to use it, but it does mean that you should take several precautions .

Browse secure pages

In reality, you always have to exclusively browse secure pages, even if you connect from your network. However, it is more dangerous in these situations. To know if a website is secure, you should look at two aspects:

  • That the link begins with “https” (not “http”) before accessing.
  • A lock icon appears to the left of the address (once you’re inside).

Do not enter sensitive pages

There are pages that you should never visit from a public network, since your access data could be stolen. Among them, the following stand out:

  • Bank accounts.
  • Social networks.
  • Personal and professional email.
  • Company website.
  • Insurer portal.

Install an antivirus

The antivirus should be an essential complement on your phone or computer and not only for these situations. The best thing is that you have a suitable protection program or application and updated to its latest version . In this way, it can warn you about a malicious connection or an attempted theft.

Update sensitive apps

Every time the development teams of a computer program or an application release an update, they are also increasing its level of security. Many cybercriminals take advantage of outdated apps to gain entry more easily. It is important that you always have social networks, banking applications and others updated to the latest version.

update your phone

Just as it is important that you have the applications up to date, you need to do the same with your devices. Every time you have an update notice available, accept it so they don’t stack . Otherwise, your phone would be losing security guarantees over time.

Be careful with shared files

If you receive a message from an unknown person with an attachment, be wary. It is best to block the sender if you don’t know who it is and it looks suspicious to you. It is also essential that you do not open shared files through email or SMS, as you can be a victim of phishing (criminal data theft).

So Is It Safe To Connect To Public Wi-Fi?

As you have seen, public networks can carry some kind of risk if they are not used properly. However, this does not mean that they should always be avoided. In any case, the most important thing is that you know that browsing a public Wi-Fi connection can be safe . To do this, you need to take the precautions that we have mentioned.

A piece of advice: in case you need to connect, try to do it through an official network.

The post How To Detect A Secure Public Wi-Fi Network And How To Navigate In It? appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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KEYS TO PROTECT YOUR ROUTER: AVOID MALWARE AND DETECT IF SOMEONE STEALS YOUR WIFI Wed, 04 Nov 2020 07:18:42 +0000 Protecting your router is essential to shield your wireless connection and prevent your Wifi from being stolen, but also to prevent new cyberattacks that, using it as a gateway, can access your personal data. Do you know how to protect your router from malware and detect if someone steals your Wifi? Follow these cybersecurity keys. […]


Protecting your router is essential to shield your wireless connection and prevent your Wifi from being stolen, but also to prevent new cyberattacks that, using it as a gateway, can access your personal data. Do you know how to protect your router from malware and detect if someone steals your Wifi? Follow these cybersecurity keys.

Protecting your router is essential to avoid malware

The latest cyber-attacks have highlighted the importance of protecting your router to prevent cybercriminals from accessing your Wi-Fi network and, with it, your personal data. The latest alert was launched due to the VPNFilter malware that according to the first data, could have infected more than half a million routers worldwide. 

It is not the first time that you have been alerted to the importance of protecting your router. At the end of last year, a major vulnerability in the WPA2 protocol endangered millions of wireless connections and forced to accelerate the implementation process of the new WPA3 protocol, which will be essential to protect your Wifi

Protecting your router is an essential step to shield your Wifi connection (and with it your data) and this subject is still pending. 

Security keys to protect your router

Do you know how to access your router to improve its security? Do you periodically renew your access passwords? If the answer is ‘No’, you are exposed to a cyber-attack or someone can remotely access your connection and steal your Wi-Fi. Avoid it with these keys to protect your router :

1- Change the factory settings of your router

The first step to protect your router is to access it and change the factory settings. It is important to do so because, in this way, we will be adding our own passwords and security settings

2- Periodically renew the security key of your router

Now that you know how to access your router in Windows, as in devices with IOS operating system, it is necessary that you personalize the name of your Wi-Fi network and that you change the password to access the router for a security key of guarantees. Do you know how to create strong passwords and what are the new rules for creating them? In the same way, all the experts recommend renewing the access codes to your router and your Wi-Fi network periodically to avoid problems with your cybersecurity.

3- Choose strong encryption for your Wifi network

In the configuration tab of your router, you can access options such as choosing the security encryption that will protect your Wi-Fi network. The normal thing is that by default WPA2 is selected, although it is convenient to make sure and choose only and exclusively this encryption to protect your router. Waiting for the WPA3 protocol to arrive, this is the safest option and, of course, avoid other encryption such as WEP because you would be putting your router at risk.

4- Identify which devices connect to your router

How many devices connect to your Wifi network? Do you know how to identify them to prevent them from stealing your Wi-Fi network or to prevent other computers from accessing your network? Each device (whether fixed or mobile) has an identification that allows you to know who is connected to your connection at any time, something that will allow you to protect your router from unauthorized access.

5- Create networks for guests or independent with the router

How many people have access to your Wifi keys? A good way to protect your router is the option of creating guest networks that will access a separate password from the rest of the equipment or devices that usually connect to your router (yours or those of your family members). 

6- Attentive to security updates

One of the basic rules to protect your router is to always keep it updated. As with your computer or mobile devices, your router has its own operating system and it is common that, in the face of security threats or cyberattacks, updates and security patches are announced that will prevent it from being vulnerable.

7- Activate only the options you use

You do not have to be an expert to protect your router and access the options of your configuration that allow you to disable those ports that are in use and do not use or options such as remote access to the administration of your Wi-Fi network that can be the gateway for access by cybercriminals.

5- Create networks for guests or independent with the router

How many people have access to your Wifi keys? A good way to protect your router is the option of creating guest networks that will access a separate password from the rest of the equipment or devices that usually connect to your router (yours or those of your family members). To create guest networks to protect your router, follow these steps.

6- Attentive to security updates

One of the basic rules to protect your router is to always keep it updated. As with your computer or mobile devices, your router has its own operating system and it is common that, in the face of security threats or cyberattacks, updates and security patches are announced that will prevent it from being vulnerable. Follow these steps to update the firmware of your router and do it regularly.

7- Activate only the options you use

You do not have to be an expert to protect your router and access the options of your configuration that allow you to disable those ports that are in use and do not use or options such as remote access to the administration of your Wi-Fi network that can be the gateway for access by cybercriminals.

How to detect if someone steals your Wifi

Directly related to the need to protect your router is solving the question that we have all asked ourselves at some point: How to know if someone steals your Wifi? The first step to avoid this is, as it cannot be otherwise, to have a good security key, to have properly configured your router to prevent third-party access, to have the MAC address of the connected devices controlled …

Despite this, no one is safe from third-party access to their connection. Do you suspect someone? A very simple way to check it is to disconnect all the devices that use it and, in case you see that the lights of your router keep flashing, it is very possible that you have a stranger in your Wifi.

If you want to detect strangers on your Wifi from your mobile device, you have applications such as Fing or NetScan for Android devices or IP Network Scanner or iNet Network Scanner if you have an iPhone or iPad and you want to detect strangers on your Wifi.

These are just some examples that will help you to know if someone steals your Wifi, but as we have indicated in this post, the first step to avoid it is to protect your router and configure it in the most restrictive way possible to avoid malware and user access not authorized to your Wifi network. On the Internet, the best security system is you.


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How the Internet has changed our Life? Mon, 12 Oct 2020 15:00:28 +0000 The Internet has completely transformed our lives. Internet connectivity has evolved rapidly in the past few years and today it is all about accessing the internet on the go. Nowadays, you are not linked to any one particular device but literally, every device from your smart fridge to your coffee maker is capable of connecting […]

The post How the Internet has changed our Life? appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

The Internet has completely transformed our lives. Internet connectivity has evolved rapidly in the past few years and today it is all about accessing the internet on the go. Nowadays, you are not linked to any one particular device but literally, every device from your smart fridge to your coffee maker is capable of connecting to the internet.
The internet has not only upturned our existence but has progressed itself as well. It has advanced from a static network developed to commute a short message or compact freight of bytes between two ends to an electronic leviathan that uploads and downloads enormous quantities of information.

Role of the Internet in Transforming Your Life

The internet has disrupted every aspect of our lives, some for the better and some for the worst. We have mentioned numerous ways in which it has altered our lives. So, let’s get started.

Provided Numerous Means of Communication

Out of a variety of communication options that the Internet has provided to the world, social media undoubtedly tops the list. The way in which it has intricately blended into our daily lives is appreciable.
Social media has altered our personal space, completely changing the style we communicate with our friends and family members. It has compelled us to rethink even simple daily tasks like shopping, learning, playing, etc. It has also positively impacted the economy by promoting a startup culture. Moreover, it has also given rise to electronic commerce, which has made it easier for anyone to start a business at a low cost.

Transformed the Ways of Getting Education

The availability of high-speed Internet such as the internet by Spectrum gold package has visibly affected almost all education levels by removing all barriers to provide everyone with unbounded learning possibilities. Experts see a networked structure of education in the future.

Today, you can use the Internet to generate and distribute knowledge and introduce new methods of gaining and teaching knowledge that fascinate and encourage students’ imagination anywhere, anytime. By linking and authorizing students and teachers, you can fasten the growth of the economy as well as enhance the welfare of society.

Raised Privacy and Security Concerns

Internet users are becoming more thoughtful about the idea that security and privacy are essential elements in their lives. Like everything in this world, the internet also has some disadvantages. The biggest is a breach of privacy, which results in great losses.
There is not just an increase in the awareness regarding privacy but also about different consequences of using social media. Most of you may have started using social media due to peer pressure with no actual idea of the troubles, and have learned only through your mistakes over time.
The horrible uses of social media make it to the headline every now and then. Influencers posting unsuitable comments on their private pictures, profiles, and leaked videos are common misuses of the internet.
Consumers now judge companies based on their online interactions with customers. Many firms show conceit towards customers, and even illegal activities like private-data trafficking or social media exploitation have become very common.
From this, it is very clear that contrary to what few people believe, online privacy and security are quite vulnerable. With time, the safety concern will keep increasing. Even though the majority wants to enjoy a safe online experience, it is difficult to achieve a fool-proof system, especially with children as they are unaware of cyber-crimes and often act recklessly.

Improved Personal Relationships

The Internet has completely transformed the way we communicate with our loved ones, friends, and family members. You must have noticed how simple and easy it has become today to establish connectivity. If you want to talk to a friend living miles away, you can still talk to them immediately through fast speed network like Spectrum internet. You only need an internet compatible device like smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc.

Helped in Economic Growth

One of the key driving factors behind today’s economy is indisputably the internet. It ensures that no one is left behind. The Internet has the ability to promote growth, productivity, advancement, and competitiveness in a difficult macroeconomic framework.
The internet has turned e-commerce into a reality. Small and medium-sized companies can easily use an online platform to utilize different growth opportunities. Even big firms that have a track recording of conducting business traditionally are now entering into online business.
However, there is still a lot of technological gaps in the field of business and educational spheres that need to be filled.

What Does the Future Hold?

Social Communications

Social communications have a bright future. You will witness an always-online culture in the future that is probably going to set a new trend.

Another thing that we are looking forward to is total connectivity. In the future, you will be able to take the Internet everywhere you go so you can stay in touch with your loved ones all the time. We see a world of global digitalization.

Smart Phones

Just like food and water, smartphones have become an essential part of our daily lives. Smartphone has kicked away many devices out of the industry and it will continue to do this in the future as well. For example, people are now replacing their MP3s, calculators, flashlights, etc because everything now can be accomplished with a simple phone.

Bottom Line

A few years ago no one even thought of social media and its huge impact on our lives today. After some time, you never know what else will emerge and change our lives radically. There are different areas in where, products, services, and processes can be developed all over again or improved. The future is filled up with numerous opportunities, and the future of the internet has only just kicked off.

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Dangers Of Connecting To Public WIFI And Keys To Avoid Them Tue, 19 May 2020 13:27:50 +0000 Public Wi-Fi networks allow us to access the Internet for free; A perfect solution if you want to save data on your mobile rate or work from your computer when you are out of reach of your router (for example on vacation). However, these connections also present risks. Do you know the dangers of connecting […]

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Public Wi-Fi networks allow us to access the Internet for free; A perfect solution if you want to save data on your mobile rate or work from your computer when you are out of reach of your router (for example on vacation). However, these connections also present risks. Do you know the dangers of connecting to a public Wi-Fi? Learn the keys to protect yourself.

3 Great dangers of connecting to a public Wifi

Are you away from home and looking for an Internet connection? Many establishments offer the Wifi password to their customers as one more service. In the same way, municipalities and institutions have a generalized Internet connection in commercial areas, public transport, or tourist areas.

Have you ever connected to these free Wi-Fi services? Sure you do, but do you know the dangers of connecting to a public Wifi? Do you know what you can and what not to share or to which pages it is better that you do not access this type of connection? Beware of these risks:

1- Theft of data and files

Without a doubt one of the main dangers of connecting to a Public Wifi is that our data and the files that we store on our devices are within the reach of an undetermined number of users. How can your data be stolen when you are using a Public Wifi?

  • ‘Man-in-the-middle’ attacks: This type of cyber attack could be translated as a ‘man in the middle’ attack and is directly related to the dangers of connecting to a public Wifi. What does it consist of? Basically, someone intercepts the communication between your computer and the Wi-Fi network. In this ‘journey’, your data is exposed and can be seen by this ‘Man in the middle’ who takes advantage of the lack of encryption of this type of connection.
  • Fake Wifi Connections: So simple that any user with basic computer knowledge can do it. It is enough to create a Wifi network with the name of a commercial premises or that pretends to be a public service, leave it open and start receiving connections from users whose data is exposed.
  • Data packet capturers: Another of the dangers of connecting to a public Wifi is to steal your files through software programs for capturing and analyzing data from connected devices ( Sniffer) . If you do not gain security, cybercriminals can use these programs to keep relevant files and keys.
  • Use of your cookies to steal your data: Known as Sidejacking,  this is another of the great dangers of connecting to a public Wifi. With this technique, cybercriminals access your data when you enter a page and accept the cookie policy. The attacker uses this data to impersonate your identity and create a new session with your data with all that that means.

2- Infection of the devices

If you are concerned about the theft of your data, you should not overlook another of the great dangers of connecting to a public Wifi: the infection of your device with malware. This risk is especially high when we use our smartphone or tablet to connect to a public Wi-Fi and we do not take into account basic security measures in aspects such as downloading applications or the use of messaging services such as WhatsApp.

In the same way, a public Wifi can be the entrance door so that, if you do not use the basic prevention measures, your computer equipment becomes part of a botnet network.

The routes of infection are very similar to those of data theft, but in this case, the lack of security and encryption of public Wi-Fi is used to infect your device with malware.

3- Identity theft

Derived from the previous two, identity theft is another of the great dangers of connecting to public Wi-Fi. The worst of this risk is that, if you do not take precautions, you will encounter a problem that can affect your social media profiles, your email accounts or, in the worst case, your bank balance.

Remember, when you connect to a public Wifi, your data is exposed to the entire network of computers that share the connection and, therefore, can be used to pose as you and contract services, make payments


Keys to avoid the dangers of connecting to a public Wifi

Do you know how to avoid the dangers of connecting to a public Wifi? Remember that on the Internet, the best security system is you. Many of these risks can be avoided with responsible behavior and the right tools. Do you know how to protect yourself?

  1. The first advice is that, unless it is very necessary, avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, especially those that do not require an entry key. In the case that they have it, bet on those that have a WPA or WPA2 encryption system (you will see it before entering the key) and completely discard those that have a WEP encryption.
  2. Disconnect the Wi-Fi connection from your smartphone if you are not going to use it. Otherwise, every time you go through a connection point you will be accessing your data and, consequently, you will be exposed to the dangers of connecting to a public Wifi.
  3. If you connect to your computer to a public Wifi (with or without a password), remember to delete the connection data and do not remember them on your computer. Otherwise you are opening the door to cybercriminals who can use the connection data to enter your computer.
  4. Avoid risky connections. If one of the great dangers of connecting to a public Wi-Fi is in the lack of encryption of the data, imagine if you also access pages that do not have the minimum security protocol or https: //
  5. Much of the dangers of connecting to a public Wifi are based on our behavior. Avoid making online payments, access social networks unless necessary, save passwords, update applications, or download them to your mobile phone or tablet …  
  6. Do not connect to a public Wifi if your device is outdated or you do not have your firewalls or antivirus activated and in perfect working order. Any security breach will be used to access your equipment.
  7. On your smartphone or tablet, disable the option to update and automatically synchronize your APPs when you connect to a Wifi. Your device will update your programs because it does not know that you are in a public Wifi. Be careful with this.
  8. Activate two-step verification to access your email accounts. This security recommendation is basic but much more if you want to avoid the dangers of connecting to a public Wi-Fi.
  9. If you have no choice but to connect to a public Wifi, you can avoid the dangers that come with a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection with which you will be able to encrypt your data, despite using this type of connection. 
  10. All these commandments can be summed up in one: apply common sense and keep in mind the dangers of connecting to a public Wi-Fi. Saving data can be very expensive.

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WiFi: How To Improve Your Home WiFi Network Sat, 04 Apr 2020 14:53:23 +0000 More and more households have a broadband Internet connection (fiber optics, mainly) and, also, their own private access WiFi network. The possibility of using the wireless network throughout the house allows us to enjoy our smartphones, tablets and other devices with Internet connection capacity without depending on mobile “data“. Now, these WiFi networks can be […]

The post WiFi: How To Improve Your Home WiFi Network appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

More and more households have a broadband Internet connection (fiber optics, mainly) and, also, their own private access WiFi network. The possibility of using the wireless network throughout the house allows us to enjoy our smartphones, tablets and other devices with Internet connection capacity without depending on mobile “data“.

Now, these WiFi networks can be intermittent, or they can be slower than expected in certain rooms, and many times it is a matter of making a few adjustments and “touching” something in the router to considerably improve its range.

How To Improve The WiFi Network With A Few Small Adjustments

We start from the basis that no neighbor is stealing the WiFi signal, that is, we start from the fact that we have the network protected by a good password and that we have followed all the security recommendations in this regard.

The appreciable loss of signal in some room of the house is usually due to wrong placement of the router, outdated firmware or interference caused by other WiFi networks in the nearby environment. Also you can do wifi speed test for finding the speed of the internet.

Improve The Router Position

The router should ideally be located in the center of the home. That is, at a point more or less equidistant from any other place where we want to connect. As the exact center is not normally viable, we will seek the best possible location that is close to the ideal.

In addition, it is convenient to slightly raise the position of the device to take advantage of the waves emitted downwards. We will try not to place it inside a closet, or so that the signal has to cross many partitions or walls.

Correctly Place The Antennas Of The Router

In all manufacturer photos, routers that have antennas display them vertically. However, this is not the best way to place them to maximize coverage. If we arrange them so that they are perpendicular to each other (that is, one vertically and the other horizontally, forming a 90º angle), we will be giving a maximum coverage.

Update The Router Firmware

The firmware is the software that provides the logic lowest level in a device, thus controlling electronic circuits. Also known as firmware. This software is usually in constant development to gradually optimize the performance of the devices, and in the case of routers, this is more frequent than in other types of devices.

Many routers update the firmware automatically, so you may not have to do anything. Others, however, do need manual updating, usually through the device administration page (accessible through the IP addresses and

There are other little things we can do, such as choosing between the 2.4 GHz or 5GHz band (known as “5G routers”, which have nothing to do with the 5G network ). The first is the one that has the most range and is the most used and, therefore, can suffer from more interference; the second has more channels, less used, and has less coverage.

Within each WiFi network, we have up to 13 channels to choose from. These channels will be more or less used by the WiFi networks in our surroundings and, although the router usually chooses the most underused channel to improve signal quality, it would not hurt to use an application such as WiFi Analyzer (free, Android ) to visualize more specifically the use of channels.

Also Read: A SuperComputer To Kill COVID-19

The post WiFi: How To Improve Your Home WiFi Network appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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