covid Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Mon, 18 Apr 2022 15:15:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 covid Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 3 Major Benefits of Online School Thu, 07 Apr 2022 13:54:29 +0000 Whether you’re looking to advance your career or want to learn a little more about the world around you, an online learning program could be just what you need. In recent years, online learning has become more popular than ever before, so it’s never been easier to find and enroll in the perfect program to […]

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Whether you’re looking to advance your career or want to learn a little more about the world around you, an online learning program could be just what you need.

In recent years, online learning has become more popular than ever before, so it’s never been easier to find and enroll in the perfect program to suit your needs and help you reach your goal. And, unlike traditional higher education, online learning is more readily available and allows students a lot more freedom.

Are you considering enrolling in online classes but aren’t sure if online learning is the right fit for you? Allow us to convince you. Here are three of the best benefits of online school.

1. Save Money

One of the best benefits of enrolling in an online study program is that odds are it will be much more affordable than a program at a standard university — in more ways than one!

Apart from tuition and the cost of classes being significantly less than what you could expect to pay at a traditional school, due to the nature of online learning, you’ll also be able to save big time on all of the other costs that go with going back to school.

There’s a good chance you won’t have to pay for a textbook in your online class. On top of that, you won’t have to worry about the costs of commuting, including gas and parking passes. If you’re looking for a way to advance your education without breaking the bank, you may want to consider an online school.

2. Increase Your Prospects

As with traditional higher education, one of the most significant benefits of pursuing an online course is furthering your career prospects. Whether you’re looking to take your current career to the next level or are trying to break into a completely different field, an online learning program can help.

For example, by enrolling in a program like an online healthcare school, you’ll be able to jump into a lucrative and rewarding profession in the healthcare industry. Just make sure that the course you choose allows you to obtain a certificate in PALS as it’ll definitely come in handy when in the medical field. Or, if you’re looking to give yourself a leg up in your existing career, you can add a new skill to your resume by doing something like learning another language.

3. Make Your Own Schedule

Finally, one of the most prevalent online school benefits is that you can attend your classes whenever you can. Generally speaking, online learning programs don’t have fixed meeting times. So, you can “attend” whenever works best for you. You can also break up lectures into smaller chunks of time to better fit within your schedule.

So, whether you work a full-time job during the day, have kids, or both, you’ll be able to work online learning into even the busiest schedule.

The Best Benefits of Online School

It’s never too late to go back to school, and thanks to online learning, practically anyone can take the leap into higher education no matter what they have going on in their current life.

Now that you know more about the benefits of online school, it’s time to figure out which program is right for you.

Are you looking for more advice on getting started in an online learning program? We’ve got you covered! Check out the rest of our blog for more helpful articles today!

Also Read: Tips For Studying At Home

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Good Teleworking Practices Everyone Should know In 2021 Fri, 30 Apr 2021 08:57:51 +0000 What are the good teleworking practices to know in order to transform this new working environment into total success?Between new professional aspirations and confinement, the home office has intensified in recent months, suggesting a number of advantages: savings, flexibility, increased productivity, etc. But the period of confinement had this particular: teleworking was sometimes suffered, total […]

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What are the good teleworking practices to know in order to transform this new working environment into total success?
Between new professional aspirations and confinement, the home office has intensified in recent months, suggesting a number of advantages: savings, flexibility, increased productivity, etc.

But the period of confinement had this particular: teleworking was sometimes suffered, total and carried out in cohabitation with his relatives. All the more reason to look into the best practices to put in place to avoid pitfalls as best as possible!

There are 10 of them, and we reveal them to you in this article. 

Use a teleworking charter

In order to lay down a framework and establish clear rules, it is recommended that companies draw up a charter of good practices in teleworking. By defining the conditions of the home office, the employer is reassured and each employee has the same level of information.

This charter may, for example, relate to the definition:

  • teleworking days, some companies preferring to maintain mandatory face-to-face days in order to preserve team cohesion
  • In possible workplaces. Does the employee have to work at home? Is working remotely with relatives or from a coworking space possible? 
  • time slots during which everyone must stay connected;
  • communication rules. Which channels to favor? Should we allow an employee not to be disturbed while performing tasks requiring high concentration? 
  • Also Read: Massive Use Of Teleworking For IT Professions In 2021

Adopt Good Management Practices In Teleworking

If you are a manager, you will have to adopt a number of practices to offer a better telecommuting experience to both the employee and the company.

Some good practices for learning to manage remotely  :

  • Avoid micro-management. It is already not recommended in normal times, and all the more so in teleworking where the desire to control everything is more felt among some managers.
  • So how do you do it? Set goals and deadlines for your teams, then let them organize themselves to achieve them on time.
  • Take care of communication. Always be clear about the objectives and challenges of the missions entrusted to your employees. Also establish frameworks for your exchanges, by establishing in advance the recurrence of the points as well as their object.
  • Empower and trust. It is recognized, an employee who feels empowered is more engaged and productive. So even in the context of remote work, trust!
  • Remain available. Even if you give your teams some freedom, be available and responsive when they need your support. 
  • Listening. Some employees sometimes encounter difficulties, especially in the event of forced teleworking. By way of illustration, confinement has forced some parents to juggle their professional missions and their children. Show empathy and adapt, for example by adjusting meeting times.
  • Support the handling of tools. Finally, note that managerial support also operates within the framework of the appropriation of digital tools. If they prove to be absolutely essential in such a context, keep in mind that some teleworkers encounter great difficulties in using them.

Use The Right Tools To Collaborate

The homework needs to continue to communicate and collaborate with his team, without the virtual becomes a barrier.

To do this, it is important to use professional tools designed to facilitate and secure exchanges and processes.

For example :

  • Communication software → like Slack, these tools are recommended for spontaneous communication, when you need to unblock a situation, to raise a difficulty for example. They also allow you to stay connected to the company and reachable, a pledge of confidence for your managers.
  • Videoconferencing software → solutions such as Zoom are essential for keeping work meetings and other one-to-one meetings at a distance. In addition, they make it possible to humanize long-distance relationships, a benefit for isolated people.
  • Document management software → with a tool like Google Drive, you create, share and store your work documents. It is also possible to collaborate remotely on the same text, spreadsheet, etc.
  • Project management software → project management solutions, such as Project Monitor, make it possible to distribute and monitor the various tasks and missions and to organize work and resources in general.
  • Collaborative platforms → this software, like SharePlace, go even further by offering a wide range of functionalities relating to collaboration and communication (project management, task management, document management, messaging, etc.).

Guarantee IT Security

The confinement linked to the Covid-19 pandemic has seen an increase in cyber attacks … all the more so in a context where many companies do not sufficiently train their employees on IT risks.

Some good practices to know:

  • If your company has an IT security charter, adhere to it scrupulously, particularly when you practice at home.
  • Use only the material provided by your company, and never your personal tools. In fact, your professional computer is already configured to ensure its security, in particular in terms of antivirus. Likewise, do not install applications that are not authorized by your company.
  • Secure your access to the various company tools. We recommend that you use a password manager such as  LockPass, this software allows you to centralize all the identifiers of your organization, share some of them, and simplify access to your applications.
  • Be sure to install the various updates, which are often offered to address security vulnerabilities.
  • Stay alert for phishing attempts. Beware, for example, of emails and attachments from unknown senders.
  • Also Read: Teleworking In Digital Marketing

Have The Right Equipment

If we have seen that you must first use the computer or mobile phone provided by the company, we also suggest that you have:

  • an external screen, useful if you work with several tabs;
  • a headset and a microphone to ensure your videoconferences with complete peace of mind, especially if you exercise near your loved ones;
  • and of course a good wifi connection.

Work From A Dedicated Space

Whenever possible (because we are not all in the same boat), recreate a real workspace in your home. Avoid going about your tasks from your bed or sofa, as this forces you to adopt positions that are not very ergonomic and not recommended for your health.

The ideal remains to dedicate a room of your home to your teleworking, or at least an office. Not only do these adjustments prove to be beneficial for your posture and your productivity, but you also create a necessary border between professional and personal life.

Make The Rules

Getting organized at home requires discipline … for you and your loved ones.

For example, set daily and weekly goals and strive to meet them. Also set yourself strict schedules (start and end times of the day in particular), with break times, as you would in the office.

At the same time, establish rules with the people who live with you so that you are not disturbed all the time during your work. In particular, communicate your meeting times, or the time slots during which you need maximum concentration. And of course, plan joint breaks with them, like at lunchtime.

Structure Your Working Day

Knowing where to start is sometimes more complicated in telework than face-to-face. This is why we suggest that you structure your day, using an online agenda for example. This allows in particular:

  • to plan the urgent tasks or those that require more concentration in the morning, before fatigue will be felt;
  • to avoid multitasking, a practice is known to seriously affect productivity;
  • to inform your colleagues of the time slots during which you do not wish to be disturbed;
  • to take breaks, which are essential for recharging your batteries.

Create Moments Of Conviviality With Your Colleagues

Informal communications are a pillar of the company. And good news, it is possible to reproduce them remotely!

Your company should not deprive yourself of it, because moments of conviviality and spontaneous exchanges maintain the social bond between employees, but also prevent the isolation of certain people in the event of forced teleworking. Encouragement, celebrating victories, taking the news … more than ever we need it in the home office.


Remember, the border between professional and private life is narrowing in teleworking. That’s why you need to learn how to disconnect  :

  • It is out of the question to check your emails in the evening after your working day. The right to disconnect also applies at home!
  • Take advantage of your lunch break to do some exercise or meditation. You will quickly see the benefits that these practices bring to your health, both physical and mental.
  • Listen to your body. When the need arises, take a break to get yourself some tea or stretch your legs.

All these moments of disconnection are so many opportunities to recharge your batteries and to come back even more productive in order to get down to your missions with the greatest efficiency.

Also Read: In 2021 Companies Will Make The Final Leap Towards Digitization

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Crisis Marketing – New Opportunities After COVID-19 Sat, 13 Jun 2020 14:32:06 +0000 Experts capture all their professional experience in Crisis Marketing, new opportunities after COVID-19, a book that seeks to help companies make this way out of the crisis easier. Without magic recipes (that do not exist), applying their own methodology and common sense to a new context. Context and analysis, learn from mistakes The objective of […]

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Experts capture all their professional experience in Crisis Marketing, new opportunities after COVID-19, a book that seeks to help companies make this way out of the crisis easier. Without magic recipes (that do not exist), applying their own methodology and common sense to a new context.

Context and analysis, learn from mistakes

The objective of the first block is to give a contextual view of this crisis and others that have hit globally to begin to position itself and become aware of what lies ahead. We need to stop to think about what is happening around us, but above all, what is the meaning of our company in this society, what is our contribution of value beyond sales, what is it that makes the company work and we rise up? every morning to get it ahead. And equally important, we must rethink what our relationship with our clients is like, and what it should be like after the coronavirus.

Crises as generators of change

This second block defines how we should prepare to get out of the crisis, what things should be taken into account, and redefined so that, when it hits the market again, it is done with the best possible preparation. If you are going to go out into a market where the rules have changed, how can you expect the results to come if everything is done the same as before?

Post-confinement marketing strategies

You can think from the point of view of the actual exit from the confinement, or how the moment when we launch ourselves back to the market when the company is ready. Having placed yourself in context and prepared in the best way, it is time to look at marketing with new eyes and go back to your roots. There is a marketing from less to more and from the inside out, a marketing that follows a methodology and applies common sense to a new situation. You will learn to use digital channels with a new approach that brings you closer to your customers, and, of course, how to target them towards sales.

Keys you should never forget

To finish the book, a summary of the best practices that have been described in the three previous blocks is provided, to serve as a guide and be of practical application on a daily basis.

COVID-19 Solidarity

The book arises with the need to shoulder, not only to help companies to get out of this difficult situation but also to help people who are suffering the consequences of the coronavirus every day. For this reason, part of the profits from book sales will be donated to alleviate the consequences of COVID-19 to the initiative against the coronavirus that is helping homeless people, vulnerable families, the elderly, families at risk of social exclusion as a consequence of the coronavirus and to mitigate the international health crisis with protection materials, water, sanitation, and hygiene programs, food distribution, etc.

Also Read: Successful Marketing With Search Engines

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A SuperComputer To kill COVID-19 Fri, 27 Mar 2020 11:30:21 +0000 A team of researchers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the United States, belonging to the American Department of Energy, is using Summit, the world’s most powerful supercomputer, to help fight COVID-19. This supercomputer, developed by IBM for this department, is being used to identify and study drug compounds that can be used to […]

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A team of researchers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the United States, belonging to the American Department of Energy, is using Summit, the world’s most powerful supercomputer, to help fight COVID-19. This supercomputer, developed by IBM for this department, is being used to identify and study drug compounds that can be used to find a cure for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, responsible for COVID-19.

Viruses infect cells by attaching to them and injecting their genetic material into the host cell. To understand how viruses work, researchers grow the microorganism and study how it reacts when different drug compounds are applied to it, but this can be a very slow process if computers that can perform digital simulations are not used to reduce the range of potential variables. And even with them, there are challenges. Computer simulations can examine how different variables react with different viruses. The problem is that each of these individual variables can be made up of millions or even billions of unique data, so their analysis is very difficult and time-consuming using basic hardware.

However, thanks to the power of the Summit supercomputer, Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers have been able to simulate 8,000 compounds in a matter of days. If this procedure had been developed with a conventional computer, the process would have taken months. Using Summit, the researchers have identified 77 small molecules of drug compounds that have been shown to have the potential to damage COVID-19’s ability to attack and infect host cells.

“Summit was needed to quickly get the simulation results we wanted. It took us a day or two in what would have taken months with a normal computer, “said Jeremy Smith, director of the University of Tennessee / ORNL Center for Molecular Biophysics and principal investigator of the study. “Our results do not mean that we have found a cure or treatment for COVID-19. However, we are very hopeful that our computational findings will serve the studies and provide a framework that experimenters will use to further investigate these compounds. Only then will we know if any of them exhibits the necessary characteristics to mitigate this virus

The world’s most powerful supercomputer

The researchers have been able to take advantage of the enormous capacity of data processing from Summit, the world’s most powerful and smartest supercomputer, with a peak performance of 200 petaflops, similar to a power greater than that of a million high-end laptops. This allows you to examine thousands upon thousands of variables, and create models and simulations to help find answers to the world’s most complex problems. Since debuting in 2018 as the world’s most powerful supercomputer, Summit has been part of groundbreaking research focused on, for example, understanding the origins of the universe, helping to understand the opioid crisis in the United States, or showing how humans could land. In mars. Summit runs on 9,216 IBM Power9 CPUs and over 27,000 NVIDIA V100 Tensor Core GPUs and takes up space similar to that of two tennis courts.

This research is only one example of the different supercomputing initiatives that are currently being developed to fight against COVID-19, both in the private and public spheres. Another example of this is Sierra, the second most powerful supercomputer in the world, also developed by IBM, and capable of doing more calculations in a second than a human could do in 31,000 million years. The Lawrence Livermore Lab of the United States is using Sierra to try to figure out which antibodies could attack the virus and neutralize it.

Free IBM Clinical Development

On the other hand, IBM Watson Health has made IBM Clinical Development (ICD) technology available to national health entities, free of charge. This system can help expedite the clinical trials required for the accelerated development of COVID-19-fighting drugs. The system centralizes and organizes clinical trial data and provides 24-hour access, 7 days a week, through a single URL from any web-enabled device.

IBM software was first offered to Chinese health officials, and with the spread of the disease, IBM is now offering it free of charge to a broader network of national health entities. This product has been on the market for several years and is being used by clinical research centers and organizations participating in clinical trials sponsored by pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to carry out their work in monitoring clinical trials.

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