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The e-learning media are virtual learning spaces that allow and facilitate the user or student experience of distance learning. These tools are available for educational centers and companies. They are also called Virtual Campuses or Learning Management Systems (LMS).

These systems can create ” virtual classrooms, “in which the interaction between teachers and students occurs and between the students themselves. This system also allows you to carry out evaluations, upload files and tasks, and create forums, chats, video conferences, and additional tools.

There are some terms that we can relate to e-learning, although they all refer to training, what varies is the way of learning and obtaining the resources, that is, the use made of technology. Among these terms that we mention, we can find:

  • tele training
  • Distance training
  • virtual teaching
  • online teaching

Also Read: Mobile Learning And What Advantages It Offers

How Does E-learning Help Companies?

As we have explained before, E-learning is a form of education carried out through the Internet. The Internet makes it possible for the student to interact with the material, search and find out.

Although e-learning training may indeed be more designed for a child or primary educational environment, companies are increasingly interested in it mainly due to the following reasons:

  • It provides excellent simplicity when using it without requiring a great learning process.
  • It allows you to use images, text, video, audio, and many more formats in the training.
  • It is economical for the student and the companies.
  • It is interactive and encourages interaction between teachers and students.
  • Barriers between teacher-students are eliminated.
  • It is accessible and intuitive.

Advantages of Using E-learning Platforms

We are going to summarize the 3 main advantages that stand out from e-learning, although there are many more:

  • One of the first is its flexibility; since there are no closed calendars and being online, you enjoy connecting from anywhere.
  • Immediacy is another excellent factor of this type of training since once you are online, you can communicate quickly and agilely between the students and between students and teachers.
  • Reduction of costs, since the investment is initial, other expenses such as the cost of transfer, accommodation, or material are avoided. This is more important if we refer to large entities or companies.

As you can see, these are significant advantages for opting for e-learning, but we must not forget that it is also straightforward to use and saves time.

The E-learning Revolution In Education

Thanks to the e-learning revolution, student-teacher roles have been modified, and other professional profiles hitherto unknown in teaching have even been added.
With e-learning, the vision towards the student has changed, who is now at the center of the training process, since the teacher or tutor can focus the class on each student depending on their qualities and skills.
There has been a significant increase in self-training, and there is less and less dependence on the teacher, so many of the activities can be done without the tutor’s help.
And another of the most important things to highlight is that many companies currently value teamwork, and this is where this is put into practice since many of the proposed activities are collaborative dynamics.
But this does not end here, and it is that thanks to e-learning, new jobs have been developed and created, such as content designers, activities, and dynamics. A job that years ago was unthinkable to arrive, but that with the revolution and evolution of technologies has arrived.
But not only has this changed, but even how the contents are presented has changed. If we take a few steps back to when a subject was given, it took up dozens of pages, and now that is summarized in a video or an infographic.

How To Choose The Best E-learning Platform?

First, you have to explain how these platforms are offered since there are different ways. Thus, we can find venues with ASP (Application Service Provider) modality installed on our servers or on-site, that is, on client servers.

Currently, many e-learning platforms have great flexibility and many functionalities. To know which platform to choose, you must do an in-depth analysis and assess the available options.

To know how to choose the best e-learning platform, we must take into account a series of factors:

  • Usability: we have to assess if the platform is intuitive and if user access is easy without complications or problems. We must think about the profile of the technology since not all users have the same level of computing or new technologies.
  • Adaptability and flexibility are related to the above since a good e-learning platform has to allow us to adapt it to our project, study plans, pedagogical styles, etc. In addition, in this sense, we must ensure that the platform is responsive and adapts smoothly to all kinds of devices.
  • If we refer to technical specifications, we must consider what kind of specifications we have: technical specifications, stability, capacity, infrastructure, databases, browsers, or security level.
  • With linear learning, didactic resources will be the most fundamental part of our training. We must offer our students diverse and entertaining content as well as readable. The platform provides us with the tools to carry out the collaborative activities necessary for these pieces of training.
  • Simplicity and intuitive operation to help trainers share their resources and elements.
  • Thanks to the traceability that e-learning allows, we can do a more individualized follow-up of the student since it will enable us to obtain personalized statistics and reports.
  • We must pay attention to the possibility of defining roles, that is, there are roles such as administrator, user, student, tutor, trainer… and apply the necessary privileges to each position to be able to carry out the training action correctly.

As we can see, many factors must be considered when choosing an e-learning platform, but the essential thing is to know the needs of the students and the type of content you want to use.

Also Read: Is The Metaverse Important To My Business?

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Mobile Learning And What Advantages It Offers https://www.techreviewscorner.com/mobile-learning-and-what-advantages-it-offers/ https://www.techreviewscorner.com/mobile-learning-and-what-advantages-it-offers/#respond Fri, 19 May 2023 10:52:07 +0000 https://www.techreviewscorner.com/?p=5142 What Is Mobile Learning? Mobile learning is a form of learning that uses mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets to acquire knowledge and skills. This allows students to access information anytime, anywhere, giving them greater flexibility and autonomy in their learning process.This concept will make it possible to exploit one of the most potent […]

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What Is Mobile Learning?

Mobile learning is a form of learning that uses mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets to acquire knowledge and skills. This allows students to access information anytime, anywhere, giving them greater flexibility and autonomy in their learning process.
This concept will make it possible to exploit one of the most potent advantages of e-learning: learning is not restricted to time and space but rather is a perennial process. The best way to address this challenge is through an autonomous and gamified e-learning platform.

Relationship Of Mobile Learning With E-learning

Mobile learning, also called m-learning, is an extension of e-learning. It is characterized by using mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, or laptops. This quality allows you to provide access to education and learning anywhere, anytime.

But is it okay to adapt a web design to so many devices? You usually have this concern.

User interface elements such as images, videos, buttons, and text automatically adapt to the user’s screen and device. The result is a consistent and engaging mobile learning experience on any device. Among other advantages of teaching through mobile phones are:

  • Autonomy: Students can access the content at their own pace from any available hardware. This is especially important in adult education.
  • Immediate interaction: students interact and receive immediate feedback in real-time. It covers communication through chats, forums, or instant messaging platforms. It is also reflected in the automatic input of learning activities such as quizzes, games, or simulations.
  • Gamify teaching: the great challenge of completing online training lies in making it entertaining. Through interactive games, quizzes, and trivia, the student has fun while learning.

Advantages of Mobile Learning

Online learning on mobile has several advantages compared to traditional ways of teaching. They have continued providing benefits since they erupted in the pedagogical panorama. Learning e-learning courses with a mobile phone outperforms lifelong face-to-face courses in these six aspects:

  • Flexibility: Students can access online learning materials and activities anytime and from anywhere. This allows them to study in a personalized way.
  • Accessibility: any mobile with an Internet connection becomes a window to learning. Today, much of society uses these devices more than the rest.
  • Time and money savings: apprentices do not have to travel to a physical study point, which significantly reduces costs.
  • Continuous updating: something unthinkable at other times. The content is constantly updated, which means access to the most recent and relevant information.
  • Interactivity: Online activities, group discussions, and games can increase student engagement and motivation.
  • Resource savings: are you considering assembling your e-learning course? This transmission of knowledge saves costs in teaching material, transport, and accommodation. It can be vital to the profitability of an educational business.

Implement Courses Adapted To Mobile Learning.

To be successful in an educational venture, it is crucial to include a responsive design and gamification of the content. Developing content to teach online is another essential step. To this end, the following steps are usually followed:

  • Define the objectives: It is necessary to define the specific goals of the course and the target audience to which it is directed. The design of the contents must be ordered according to the acquired competencies and configure activities consistent with them.
  • Design the contents: The contents and activities of the course must be designed, considering the objectives and the target audience. Different types like text, images, videos, animations, and others can be used.
  • Develop resources: This refers to all the materials that will be used in the course, such as content, activities, and assessments, among others.
  • Produce the contents: The contents of the course must be produced, whether in text, images, or videos, among others. Opting for alternatives without the need for coding is preferable, which speeds up its implementation.
  • Platform configuration: Intuitive platforms make myriad configuration options available to the teacher, from Virtual Classrooms to meetings by Zoom or Teams.
  • Carry out tests: It is crucial to carry out tests of the course before its launch to detect possible errors and elements to improve.

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Everything You Need to Know About an Online MBA https://www.techreviewscorner.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-an-online-mba/ https://www.techreviewscorner.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-an-online-mba/#respond Tue, 18 May 2021 17:13:50 +0000 https://www.techreviewscorner.com/?p=2068 There are so many reasons why you should earn an online MBA. It can help you solidify your business experience, help prepare you for a transition into management, or even help prepare you to start your own business. It is one of the most universal degrees for all professionals looking to take their careers to […]

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There are so many reasons why you should earn an online MBA. It can help you solidify your business experience, help prepare you for a transition into management, or even help prepare you to start your own business. It is one of the most universal degrees for all professionals looking to take their careers to the next level. An online MBA isn’t always necessary, of course, but for those who do see the value in their online MBA the benefits can keep on giving.

Not everyone will be a natural leader. Not everyone will understand leadership, or management, or how to direct a team, much less an entire department. To get you from where you are now, to that leadership role you dream of, an online MBA can be precisely what you need.

However, there are many things to consider, like what concentration you want to go for, to what to look for as a prospective student, all the way to how to actually take advantage of the opportunities that remote learning can offer.

To help you find and successfully complete an online MBA, use this guide. It will go through every consideration you should make before enrolling and provides some simple tips to help you successfully finish your MBA on your schedule.

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When Should You Enroll in an MBA Program?

Most master’s programs can be done either immediately after you have achieved your bachelor’s during your career or even later on in your career. They are very flexible, and the student demographic ranges from those in their early twenties all the way to seniors.

With an MBA, however, you will almost always be an older student. This is because an MBA is not something that you earn after a bachelor’s degree. It is not something that builds on the knowledge and will help you when you first start your career.

MBAs are specifically there for those who have progressed fairly far in their career and are ready to take their job to the executive level. There are many different concentrations to keep your education laser-focused on your specific career and field, making them very relevant and very valuable for those in almost every business.

What Are the Pros of Taking an Online MBA?

If you know that an MBA is right for you, then the next question is whether or not to take that MBA online. Thankfully, for most, an eLearning MBA is an easy choice to make.

Online degrees are great because they make it simple to juggle work, your personal responsibilities, and your education. You can also, in most cases, apply from almost anywhere in the country, so you can enroll in a top program no matter where you are.

Not having to relocate to attend university is a big plus for most professionals. You don’t want to leave your city to complete your MBA. You also don’t want to have to suffer through things like night school, especially if you aren’t thrilled with the institutions near you and what they can offer.

Online degrees make it simple to juggle your efforts and give you a better quality education overall. As what you learn is hands-off, there is no reason for you to learn in-person, either.

What Are the Cons of Taking an Online MBA?

There are cons to taking a distanced MBA; however, it is important to note that most cons can be avoided by finding the right eLearning MBA for you.

  • It can be more difficult to stay on task when you are in charge of your schedule
  • Not all digital MBAs are going to be well made and will therefore feel clunky or difficult to use and learn from.
  • It can be difficult to get on to a top MBA program when it is online since the student pool is from a larger area.

Most of these cons can be avoided by finding a top-rated, accredited MBA and being patient. Popular degrees are popular for a reason, and you might not be accepted for the next intake admission. Just be patient, continue to focus on your career, and reapply later or wait until your turn is on the waiting list.

What Should You Look for When Enrolling in an MBA?

There are so many things that you should look for in an online MBA.

1. The Ability to Take it at Your Own Pace

The ability to take your degree at your own pace is one of the primary reasons to complete a degree online instead of in a traditional learning environment. If you cannot, then it likely isn’t worthwhile or alternatively not well designed.

There should be the option to take the degree on either an accelerated basis, where you can often finish the degree in around 12 months or part-time. In this part-time option, you take on just one course at a time and can finish your online MBA in around 18 months.

For those who are looking to continue with their full-time job while they take on an online degree, part-time is the way to go. It doesn’t even matter if you can comfortably take on one course at a time and have time to spare, either. Your health and wellbeing are very important, and if you can comfortably manage one course and your career, give the rest of your time and energy to yourself.

This way, you can strike a healthy balance that allows you to complete the tasks you have set aside for yourself and go well and beyond. Always spare yourself the energy and the mental space, just in case. On slow days you can just hang out at home or do something fun. When the time calls for it, you will have the time and energy to really make your mark, either in your degree or alternatively with your career.

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2. Ensure it Has Accreditation

Accreditation in some degrees is not essential, especially if the institution itself is well known. Where it is essential is with an MBA, with medical degrees, law degrees, and any other degree that is one of the legal requirements you need to achieve before you can earn a license.

Accreditation simply ensures that the degree in question reaches a set of standards. You can find exceptional accredited degrees and ones that are okay. Regardless, when your online MBA is accredited, you know it has reached a certain standard. Never enroll in an uncredited MBA. All the top universities will have had their MBA programs accredited.

3. Find the Right Concentration

There are many concentrations to choose from when it comes to your eLearning MBA. The most popular options include management, executive leadership, human resource development, healthcare administration, or organizational consulting.

4. Check the Reviews and The Educating Staff

There are many online resources out there that can help you understand how the online degree you are looking at compares to competitors. One of the best places to start is with official rankings. When doing this, be careful. You won’t get a clear picture if you look at the university ranking. It can be a very, very well regarded university, but if it has only just started offering an online business degree, then chances are the bugs won’t be worked through, and you’ll be forced to learn from an incomplete platform.

Always check the rankings specifically for the online discipline that you are looking to enroll in. This way, you can get a clear picture of the value of the degree in question, specifically on an online platform. If you don’t, you may find yourself disappointed. A top-rated MBA is not going to be the same as a top online MBA.

That is just the start, however. You will also want to either find reviews for the degree or if you are a social bug, you can start your network and get in touch with recent graduates to learn more about the degree and their experience.

It is also a good idea to look up who will be educating you. You will ideally want a good mixture of professionals and professors. Not everyone who educates or has a hand in your education needs to have a Ph.D., but they do need to have experience in the field you want to go in. If they are someone you look up to and who is well regarded by previous students, then the faculty is a good one.

Tips and Tricks to Successfully Complete your Remote MBA

Online degrees are the future, especially when it comes to post-graduate degrees that are being specifically taken to advance your career. The eLearning market is expanding, more players are entering the field, and the tools being created to facilitate more natural and accessible education online are growing.

No amount of tools or programs, however, can replace the benefit of these tips and tricks.

Be Consistent With Your Sleep Routine

Nothing will replace a good night’s rest. You could have coffee after coffee and not perform as well as you would if you got a solid 8 to 10 hours of sleep that night. Of course, getting a deep sleep where you wake feeling rested can feel like an absolute fairy tale, but with the right sleep routine, it can become an everyday occurrence in your life.

You can try every trick in the book to see what works and what doesn’t, but chances are the best tip you will hear is to be consistent with when you go to sleep and when you wake up. You do this, and your body works with you. You will feel tired when it’s time to go to sleep, and you will naturally wake up when you need to. This tip makes your body’s internal clockwork with you so that you can get a more consistent experience night after night.

Choose Brain Foods

There are many foods that are great for brain health. You will want to eat these and even cut out damaging foods like those that are high in fat and sugar. This way, you can get your brain to work better. It will just naturally be easier to think, process information, and commit what you learn to memory.

Brain foods include things like blueberries, broccoli, and nuts. If you aren’t used to eating these, make small switches. If you want to eat healthier overall, try to find healthier alternatives of your favorites and make essential switches to feel better overall and learn better as a result.

Stick to a Study Routine

Routine makes doing things feel easy. If you try to jump into working full time and then taking up your online degree, you are going to flounder. It’s exhausting to do something else that requires concentration after you finish a full day of work, but if you are used to it, you can manage your energy levels and expectations from the start.

Before you start your degree, you should take out some time after work to do something productive. Read a journal that relates to your degree or career. Take a free online course to get you warmed up to the real deal. Try to learn during this time, and slowly extend how long you spend doing this.

Start with 15 minutes a day, then expand that to 30, then an hour, or whatever the amount of time you want to spend on your degree is per day. When you are finally ready to start your degree, you will be right on top of it all.


You can gain so much from attaining an online MBA. You can expand your skillset. You can get yourself ready for executive-level positions. You can get yourself ready for a global business opportunity. With the ability to complete your degree online, you can even continue to work while you study, which is by far the best way to achieve your every career goal.

The post Everything You Need to Know About an Online MBA appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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Distraction in Home Learning? Tips To Avoid this https://www.techreviewscorner.com/home-learning/ https://www.techreviewscorner.com/home-learning/#respond Wed, 17 Jun 2020 14:24:54 +0000 https://www.techreviewscorner.com/?p=773 Do you want to continue your education from home? We have already explained what the advantages are and how you can best start with them in our article on “learning at home”. But what if you get constantly distracted? The best friend calls, the news service sends push messages about the current corona crisis, or […]

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Do you want to continue your education from home? We have already explained what the advantages are and how you can best start with them in our article on “learning at home”. But what if you get constantly distracted? The best friend calls, the news service sends push messages about the current corona crisis, or outside the window, the neighbor tries in vain to hoist a much too big package into his much too small car. You are no longer on the job – do you know that? Especially the “sitting alone in front of the PC” is difficult for many. Because somehow everything seems to be more interesting than learning. So that you can avoid the distraction of home learning and organize yourself well, we give practical tips – and of course, they don’t just help with learning,

10 tips to help you avoid distraction while home learning

The announcement:

Let family members or roommates know that you need to learn now and don’t want to be disturbed by a certain time. You are also welcome to state the time from which you can speak again or be available for leisure activities.

The starting point:

Make sure that you have slept in for your learning phase, that the hunger has been satisfied, but that you don’t feel overcrowded or that you just have to go to the toilet again. The most important to-dos in the household or at work should also be done so that you are not already stressed and start your home learning completely elsewhere.

The workplace:

Find a quiet place where you are optimally not disturbed so easily. A study is ideal, otherwise, another room that is not currently being used.


If possible, close the door of your temporary work area to really have peace and quiet to study. If the entrance is visibly closed, nobody will burst in quickly and the greatest possible distraction is averted.

The desk:

Clean up your workplace so that you only have the bare essentials in the immediate vicinity. A slip of paper, little space or other projects only annoy and ultimately guarantee the distraction from concentrated learning.

The smartphone:

Place your smartphone outside of your field of vision before you start learning – it is best not to take it with you into the room where you want to study. Smartphones, tablets, and Co. are one of the worst distractions in-home learning!

The notifications:

Turn off anything that could distract you. Even if you have already banished your smartphone from your study room in an exemplary manner, you should not forget the notifications that you could receive via your learning medium – your PC, your tablet, or whatever else you need to learn. Make sure that any distractions caused by push notifications, popping windows, or beeps are switched off.

The work schedule:

Large packages of tasks, in particular, can deter and demotivate, the hurdle simply looks huge. How are you supposed to do it? These challenges favor being distracted. You can prevent this by dividing it into small steps, either from the start or as soon as you are faced with a large task, which you then work through. So the task loses threat and any kind of distraction has much smaller chances for you.

Point of time:

If it is difficult for you to have peace at home, try to vary your time to learn to minimize distractions during home learning. For example, if your family usually gets up at 9 a.m. on the weekend, you get up at 7 a.m., have a coffee, wake up in peace and then learn an hour in the morning. What do you mean?

The word “No!”

Distractions can usually not be completely eliminated during home learning – unfortunately. Because you cannot influence everyone yourself. Inquiries or troublemakers are not as easy to put aside as your smartphone. It is, therefore, all the more important that you confidently say “No!” To temptations, inquiries, or opportunities that are a distraction from home learning. So if you have just started learning, maybe you are fully on the topic, then answer family members or friends with a clear “No!” When it comes to spontaneous barbecues, helping in the garden or important errands. If this seems too hard for you, then combine the answer with a compromise that, for example, you can learn another two hours and then drive to the hardware store.

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The post Distraction in Home Learning? Tips To Avoid this appeared first on TechReviewsCorner.

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Difference Between E-Commerce & eLearning https://www.techreviewscorner.com/e-commerce-elearning/ https://www.techreviewscorner.com/e-commerce-elearning/#respond Sun, 31 May 2020 01:21:00 +0000 https://www.techreviewscorner.com/?p=688 E-commerce Also known as electronic commerce, it is all the actions of sale of goods, services, or products carried out in an electronic medium and through the use of the network. The operation is carried out entirely by electronic means, without the need for physical contact between the buyer and the seller. This has numerous […]

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Also known as electronic commerce, it is all the actions of sale of goods, services, or products carried out in an electronic medium and through the use of the network.

The operation is carried out entirely by electronic means, without the need for physical contact between the buyer and the seller. This has numerous advantages for the seller, who does not need to open a physical store, go to the place of sale, or physically display the product.

It also allows you to reach a much broader market niche due to the globalization of the network, in which it is not limited to a specific geographic space. For the buyer, there are also benefits such as buying from home, having a wide range of products available 24 hours and in a more organized way, saving time on the move, and also avoiding the persuasive techniques of the dependents.

Online Marketing

All kinds of marketing that is done through the Internet. Any campaign online that requires the participation of the user through the network: advertising per click, mass mailers, social media campaigns, blogs …

All this encompasses online marketing, a type of marketing with a close relationship with the customer promoting their participation and the possible virtualization of the campaign, in addition to its retention and attracting new consumers.

Examples and more information
In recent years it has experienced great growth, and this is due to the fact that its Return on Investment (ROI) can be precisely tracked compared to traditional marketing channels and to the ultra-segmentation capacity of the target. But it is currently more stagnant, according to the 2019 eCommerce evolution and outlook report prepared by the eCommerce Observatory, where 47% of companies do not have in mind to increase their online marketing budget.




Its meaning in English would be electronic learning. It is a training system that takes place online, interactively, and in which teaching programs are taught through the use of new electronic means of communication without the need to be physically present in the classroom.

There is a physical separation between the student and the teacher, who communicate through audiovisual, printed, videoconference … The main tool used is the Internet and interactive content. Physical contact is also carried out through tutoring to optimize the use of content.

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