Big Data, Cybersecurity and Cloud Systems, The Disciplines Where There Is Employment

The digital sector is more than consecrated. From that stability, many new jobs have arisen (and do not stop doing so) to cover needs as necessary as good data management, programming, the cloud, or cybersecurity, among others.

These are specialties that are only a few years old, but there is an increasing demand for professional profiles who know how to handle them since today there are not enough of them. That is why it is a great time to train in them since this way you will become a diamond in the rough for many companies.

Changing your professional profile, renewing yourself, or becoming another version of yourself is possible and an excellent bet for the future.

Today in this post, we break down three digital disciplines that have a high rate of employability:

Big Data

Did you know that 80% of business decisions are made based on data? 

Every step and every action that is taken in the digital environment is supported and based on data analytics that will tell us if we are on the right track or not. 

Good data management translates into benefits for any company, whether economic, production, or innovation, among many others. 

We call Big Data that technology that stores, monitors, and analyzes the excellent level of information that all companies have. 

It is becoming more and more necessary to find profiles that operate in the world of data. 

Training in Big Data will help you for positions like these:

  • Data analyst
  • Data architect
  • Data scientist
  • Big data auditor
  • Data and Analytics Manager


Another critical position that has generated the most jobs in recent years is cybersecurity experts. More than 825,000 vacancies in cybersecurity are already being required by 2022. Without a doubt, a tremendous professional bet.

Since as business and digital activity grow, more cyberattacks will be carried out. That is why it is more necessary than ever to have the figure of the cybersecurity professional capable of protecting all the data and information of the companies, thus avoiding million-dollar losses. 

These are the professional opportunities to which you can choose if you train in cybersecurity:

  • Security Systems Architect
  • Security and Ethical Hacking Consultant
  • Computer forensic analyst
  • Cybersecurity Sales Engineer
  • Data protection manager
  • Risk analyst

Cloud Systems

This type of system allows companies to have a multitude of services through the internet through a fixed monthly payment. These are very diverse applications and tools depending on the storage and functionalities that each company needs. One of the significant advantages of these services is that the data is in a secure environment, and the information can be obtained instantly and in real-time.

These are some of the professional opportunities to choose after training in cloud systems:

  • Cloud Systems Administrator
  • Cloud Systems Architect
  • Software Engineer

Without a doubt, these three disciplines are a safe bet if you are looking to specialize in digital or want to give your professional career a spin. 

A great option and unique opportunity if you are unemployed or unemployed right now are the free courses of the Upgrade Program. 

Do you want to know more about these courses? We summarize the primary keys!

  • They are free and face-to-face training 100%
  • Aimed at unemployed people registered as job seekers
  • You don’t need to have previous knowledge in these subjects to access any of these three courses
  • These are training 100% oriented towards employability
  • They are practical and very dynamic courses
  • The duration of the sessions is 220 hours, with classes that include modules on job orientation and employability.

If you are looking for a job and want to train in these digital disciplines, look at the web and find the edition that best suits you. 

Also Read: How Will 5G Revolutionize The Cloud & Big Data?


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