Big Data and AI are Transforming The Customer Experience

Technology alters people’s lives and, therefore, it is also changing businesses and how they focus on certain areas of their activity. Businesses have more means than ever to understand their customers’ needs and, in the same way, customers have more information on hand than ever.

That’s why companies try to offer an engaging and helpful customer service experience in every respect. With the evolution of technologies like artificial intelligence, Big Data, and blockchain, the customer service experience has evolved and improved a lot. These technologies offer companies a deep understanding of the latest trends and consumer behavior.

Gartner was already advancing in 2011 that, this same year 2020, 85% of customer interactions would be managed without involving a human being. Now, people don’t have to depend on humans to make purchases or contract services because applications make that task easier. The bots, without going any further, can solve many commercial questions without the need to contact customer service or support personnel.

The customer experience needs these technologies, especially in terms of Big Data and AI treatment, because the amount of data grows exponentially almost every day that passes, but also because customer expectations have grown significantly.

Analyzing and maintaining a large volume of data and, at the same time, providing customer-centric solutions are the fundamental reasons why the call center industry is turning to automation to improve and enhance the customer experience.

Here are some of the ways AI technologies can be used with Big Data to improve the customer experience:

  • Improve the customer experience through chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI.
  • AI is effectively using predictive personalization to improve the user experience. By incorporating this predictive personalization into the daily life of consumers, it becomes more effective, in turn.
  • There are tools such as facial recognition software, text analysis, and machine learning that can be used by companies to know what their customers are seeing at any given moment, determine the appropriate messages or how to communicate them at the ideal moment, and all in real-time.
  • Visual analysis of customers and their expressions, along with analysis of text and feelings through voice, helps companies gauge emotions to lead to a different type of communication.
  • These technologies support data-driven, real-time decision making.

This trend will only advance, and the constant developments in the field of emotion processing will bring about a real revolution in the medium-term customer experience.


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