The advance of the Internet of Things and its growth expectations in the coming years requires the creation of specific…

4 years ago

[CPC]Cost Per Click – Reference Online Advertising Model

In the language of digital marketing, many anglicisms and acronyms are used that may be strange to those who approach…

4 years ago

Big Data As A Fundamental Element In Business Strategy

Increasingly, companies are aware of the value that the use of real-time analytics brings to their businesses, which is why…

4 years ago

Remote Engineering In The Times Of Corona

The coronavirus makes it difficult to maintain production chains that require personal presence in groups. Augmented Reality could greatly advance…

4 years ago

Networking – The Engine Of Companies

In an increasingly competitive world, it is more vital than ever for any company to take advantage of all the…

4 years ago

Ethical Hacking – How Can It Benefit Organizations?

Cybercrime is one of the top concerns of businesses, which are exposed to increasing threats and attacks. Organizations must protect…

4 years ago

Risks That Consumers Still See In IoT Security?

We live in exciting times in which technological developments are opening the doors to services and devices never seen before.…

4 years ago

DATABASE: A Database For Every Need

One question I am frequently asked is: why do we offer so many different database products? From my point of…

4 years ago

5 Key Steps To Face Cloud Compliance Challenge

Cloud technology is becoming a key piece for many companies, due to the multiple benefits it brings. However, there are…

4 years ago

IoT: Benefits Of IoT For The Transport And Logistics Sector

In terms of logistics and transport, connected technology, IoT devices, and increasingly sophisticated communication networks allow improving production processes in…

4 years ago