The mission of The Social Media Manager In An eCommerce

The figure of Social Media Manager is one of the new professions that the digital age has brought with it, new profiles that until very recently were not even known.

Why is Social Media necessary for eCommerce?

  • The mission of this figure is to plan strategies in the different social networks , differentiating itself from the Community Manager in that the latter executes said digital marketing strategies.
  • However, in an eCommerce there are variants and Social Media must be adapted to the conditions of an electronic commerce.
  • It has a special relevance in the structure of an online store or commerce because it is in charge of defining policies through the means linked to new technologies. With a higher incidence on social networks, the Internet or other sources of information. And with an ever-increasing presence by users or by the companies that come to these channels to carry out their work plans from now on.
  • While, on the other hand, it cannot be forgotten that other characteristics provided by the figure of the Community Manager are those derived from taking charge of executing a digital strategy, without ever having to plan it. It is a small nuance that can better serve for the real understanding of your tasks within an online company.

Functions Of The Social Media Manager

Therefore, the functions of the Social Media Manager in an eCommerce are the following:

  • Lead and create a social media strategy for a commercial  brand One of the aspects that must be met is to satisfy the demands of digital companies. Its objective is to differentiate itself from the competition and thus achieve a better sale of the services, products or articles of online businesses.
  • Budgetary control in order to optimize all resources and direct them to different campaigns to overcome the various adversities that may arise.
  • Organization of the times in a rational and balanced way . It is not just a matter of wanting it, but of proposing it with a lot of discipline. And encourage this performance among the company’s employees.
  • Optimize what has been done , since this professional task is, after all, a human resource that companies currently have to give greater visibility to their trademark and the products that are marketed.
  • Analyzing the results as the basis of what will be applied in a strategy is another of the most relevant tasks among the functions of the Social Media Manager.
  • Working under pressure and having a profile that knows how to manage the pressures that an eCommerce entails to be able to face a crisis of online reputation, product rotation, etc., and thus have everything up-to-date, is one of the most demanded aspects in profiles from Social Media Manager.
  • Communication skills . The figure of the Social Media Manager must be a great communicator in order to optimally transmit the ideas and decisions of the company to the rest of the team.

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