SMS Archives - TechReviewsCorner Corner For All Technology News & Updates Thu, 12 Oct 2023 06:37:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SMS Archives - TechReviewsCorner 32 32 Mass Marketing: The Advantages Of Mass Marketing Wed, 22 Jul 2020 08:37:53 +0000 When designing the Marketing strategy of a company it is essential to know our target audience in-depth, as well as their behavior and their preferences and habits when purchasing a product or service. If we have not determined the type of user that is the focus of the business, the sales and customer service strategies […]

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When designing the Marketing strategy of a company it is essential to know our target audience in-depth, as well as their behavior and their preferences and habits when purchasing a product or service. If we have not determined the type of user that is the focus of the business, the sales and customer service strategies will not be defined accordingly.

This is one of the factors that define the success or failure of a company. But just as important is deciding which communication channel we are going to use in each of the stages of the purchasing process, in order to communicate with the client in a direct and, above all, effective way.

And it is that, due to the appearance, in recent years, of new and numerous ways of contacting a company, this process must be carried out thoroughly. Many years ago, there was only the telephone channel as a way of establishing contact between users and the company, but currently, the range of possibilities has been increased, offering very varied alternatives.

The sending SMS from the Contact Center is one of these channels, and although not the most used, provides a number of advantages that no other applications we offer. For this reason, it is important to know what we can use it for and how so that we are able to get the most out of it at all times and in any scheduled or unscheduled situation.

What is the use of sending SMS from a Contact Center

The uses that we can give to sending SMS from this contact platform are diverse, but to carry them out it is necessary that the recipient specifies that he gives his consent, since otherwise, we will not be able to use this tool.

That is, the client or user must have approved the receipt of this type of message before we proceed to do so.

These are the two most useful uses:

Notifications: First of all, sending SMS is really useful to notify the customer of important situations, such as the shipment of a product, or to inform them that their order is ready to be picked up, or has been canceled, for example.

Promotions: Another interesting use of sending SMS is to send certain users personalized promotions. Thus, we can send coupons, which can be exchanged in the store showing the received SMS, or discounts and offers.

Therefore, depending on the objective that we pursue with its use, there are two types of SMS marketing campaigns. The first is campaign messages, which are usually used to communicate promotions (discounts, coupons, offers …) or general information (alerts, invitations to events, information on new products, updates …). They are used in SMS Marketing campaigns that seek to sell.

As a second alternative, we have transactional messages: they communicate relevant and specific information to a particular user. Their objective is to notify, so they are usually SMS to confirm an order or attendance at an event and alerts such as updates and cancellations.

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SMS and Email Marketing – Two Determining Tools In The Digital Strategy For Companies Thu, 02 Jul 2020 09:24:15 +0000 Profitable, effective, and capable of generating leads, SMS Marketing and Email Marketing are two channels of communication with our clients that must be part of our digital strategy with help of email and sms marketing software. Email Marketing The use of email as a marketing tool has established itself as one of the most effective […]

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Profitable, effective, and capable of generating leads, SMS Marketing and Email Marketing are two channels of communication with our clients that must be part of our digital strategy with help of email and sms marketing software.

Email Marketing

The use of email as a marketing tool has established itself as one of the most effective strategies in the online environment, characterized by its effectiveness, speed, and versatility. Personalization allows us to have a high degree of interaction with the user. One of the requirements to take into account when making this type of shipment is to ensure that access to the database complies with current legal regulations on data protection.

Among the objectives of email marketing are, among others, attracting new customers, maintaining the existing relationship between customer and brand and increasing their loyalty, informing about new activities, launches, events, etc. planned. In this way, the company will be able to interact directly with its receivers and measure the impact of the action.

Benefits of email marketing

Some of the most outstanding benefits that email marketing offers are:

  • It is one of the cheapest tools, in addition to being highly effective in maintaining contact between brand and customer, current and/or potential.
  • It is a tool that allows you to measure the success of each campaign/shipment made in real-time.
  • Manage shipments through an email marketing tool
  • Automate shipments and the possibility of performing A / B tests.
  • Increase loyalty.
  • Personalize the message and content according to the user’s interests.

Designing an email marketing strategy

When designing the email marketing strategy, the following steps should be taken into account:

  • Establish the objectives / KPI of the campaign, which must be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and with a specific time).
  • Define the target audience and segment the database accordingly.
  • Plan the campaign, taking into account the segmentation carried out and the frequency or ideal moment of the shipment.
  • Creation (and design) of the content.
  • Take the A / B test.
  • Send the e-mailing.
  • Monitoring and analysis of the results obtained.

Also Read: Backlinking – Strategies For Building Backlinks

SMS Marketing

The SMS Marketing is sending automated text messages to a database that have signed up through your phone number for SMS Receive commercial or transactional information. Among its multiple objectives, the communication of offers, promotions, recommendations, incidents, or alerts stands out.

Benefits of SMS Marketing

In addition to the multiple objectives that can be achieved, some of the benefits are:

  • It offers a high opening rate (98%), which makes it an effective, direct, and complementary channel for other actions.
  • You can customize the message and add the sender.
  • Campaign delivery at an affordable price.
  • It is a little exploited channel, so its use will provide a different value compared to the competition.
  • Increase the conversion rate by combining SMS marketing campaigns with the creation of responsive and effective pages.

Good practices when making an SMS Marketing strategy

  • Have the consent of the clients and offer the possibility of unsubscribing from the service in an agile way.
  • Send only information that adds value.
  • Take care of the calendar and schedule of shipments, avoiding the foreseeable hours of rest and weekends.
  • Personalize the message, including both the sender and the recipient’s name, and segment the database based on the interests of the subscribers.
  • Derive the included links to an optimized landing page.
  • Identify, through the reports obtained, how to improve subsequent campaigns.

Also Read: Digital Marketing Has Made Human To Establish Trustful And Secure Relationships

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How Does SMS Marketing Impact Your Company’s Strategy? Thu, 05 Mar 2020 09:01:58 +0000 Today 92% of the population has a mobile phone and marketing departments have taken advantage of the SMS to open a direct line of communication with their customers Thanks to new technologies and multiple platforms, companies have new opportunities to reach a much broader spectrum, which represents a considerable growth in lead generation and sales. […]

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Today 92% of the population has a mobile phone and marketing departments have taken advantage of the SMS to open a direct line of communication with their customers

Thanks to new technologies and multiple platforms, companies have new opportunities to reach a much broader spectrum, which represents a considerable growth in lead generation and sales.

Mobile marketing or also known as SMS marketing is the automated sending of text messages . Its mission is mainly to communicate offers, promotions, communications, resolve doubts, incidents and alerts.

It is not that looking for clients is an arduous task and requires a huge job. Customers do not come alone, for that reason companies have to go out and look for them and establish lating communication and relationships.

A Very Effective Way To Interact With Customers

This has caused the development of tools to facilitate this activity. Today 92% of the population has a mobile phone and marketing departments have taken advantage of the SMS to open a direct line of communication with their customers .

Mobile marketing or SMS marketing is a very effective way to interact with customers, but it must be done correctly so as not to fall into spam.

SMS marketing must be carried out under a strategy and following some basic criteria :

  • Have the clients’ consent to receive information through this channel
  • Take special care of the shipping schedule . Mobile messages open almost immediately, for that reason you have to take into account when they are sent, so as not to bother consumers at the same time. It should be noted that some countries have restrictions when it comes to sending commercial messages.
  • Include a sender , that is, the name of the company. We want customers to know that it is us and with so many frauds committed by this channel, consumers should know who send,s them a coupon or an offer.

In most of the companies they have ample Databases that is why it is necessary that to make mass shipments is to have tools such as Spot Hit, a company specialized in mobile marketing , with an online loyalty / prospecting campaign management platform, dedicated to the companies. Therefore, companies create campaigns to send SMS text messages, email, voice, by letter and can rent prospecting files.

What Does SMS Marketing Contribute?

The benefits of SMS marketing for company strategies are numerous and there are already many companies that perceive them in their relationship with customers and in their income statement:

  • Sending campaigns at an economical price
  • You can customize the message and add the sender, which is very important
  • A direct channel and although companies are not taking advantage of it so much, it is a trend in full growth
  • It should be noted that it has an opening rate of almost 98%. When users receive an SMS even if out of curiosity they open it. Therefore, if the text is attractive, there is a much higher probability that the client interacts and is interested in our proposal.
  • Metrics, with the appropriate platforms, can analyze the opening data and the effectiveness of the campaign.
  • Define the message, short texts, keywords and call to action
  • Various uses and purposes: offers, notices, alerts, doubts, purchase confirmation, new catalog announcement, customer service channel or remember a default
  • Short messages, no more than 160 characters.

SMS marketing, in addition to providing immediacy with customers, allows us to take advantage of this channel so that the client feels special, taking care of it is a key factor for loyalty .

The objective of the SMS is not limited to sending promotions, this channel can also be used to conduct surveys and ask for customer ratings, thus improving your customer service and experience.

The Value Of A Planned Strategy

Using SMS marketing is a technique that works, but to be really effective you have to follow a planned strategy and use platforms with a multitude of functionalities that will greatly facilitate the work of the marketing and commercial departments.

For example;

  • Secure delivery
  • Segmentation
  • Create your own templates
  • Contact Management
  • Shipment Tracking
  • Organize your network

SMS marketing is a perfect complement to email marketing and in a short time you can see the results, especially if you rely on a platform like Spot Hit, which offers, among other features, an easy-to-use interface, advisor at your disposal, Registration without obligation and a free trial.

Also Read: Twitter And The Benefits It Brings To E-Commerce

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