Seven Tips For Successful Video Content Marketing In 2022

Media consumption behavior has changed significantly in recent years. While print media used to be the source of information, the Internet age brought about new possibilities for distributing information and content, and social networks have reinforced this. Here, you can find out why you should rely on video content as an online marketing manager and what you need to consider.

Users like to consume content in a passive form. Videos are particularly suitable here, for example, to present and explain products, answer questions or provide additional information. Below we have put together some tips for successful video content marketing:

Produce Quality and Relevant Videos.

On YouTube alone, 100 hours of video material are uploaded every minute. Your video must stand out from the crowd regarding content and quality. Customers will only click on your videos if they offer added value and the user is interested in them. Put yourself in the position of your customer and think about which topics could be of interest to him. Other people in the company may also be able to help you with this. Ask customer service to see what questions come up the most.

There are also a few things to keep in mind when creating videos for social media: Use professional video editing tools like Premiere Pro to stand out from the competition. But there are also many small tools and apps that you can use to achieve stunning results.

Optimize Your Videos For Google and Co.

Search engines love video content and display it prominently if you keep a few points in mind. This includes, for example, a good video description, an appealing title and, of course, good content.

Optimize Your Videos For Mobile Use.

Many users, especially younger ones, watch videos on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. Your video needs to look just as good on these devices as on a big computer screen. This primarily affects the readability of texts and the recognizability of details in the video.

Provide Your Video With a Good Thumbnail.

After uploading the video, all video platforms give you a selection of thumbnails that you can use for the video. However, it is often possible to upload the pictures you designed in advance. Use this opportunity! A good thumbnail can increase click rates enormously. However, the following applies here: Be honest and not annoy your customers with deceptive thumbnails.

Observe The Technical Specifications For Your Video.

If you distribute videos on platforms such as Youtube and Co., it is unlikely that your video will cause problems on different devices due to the conversion of the services. However, if you upload your videos to your webspace, you must ensure that the format can be displayed on as many devices as possible. Your server must also be powerful enough to make the video available to several users simultaneously.

Share Your Videos on Social Networks.

Almost 4.7 billion pieces of content are shared by users on Facebook every day – videos are shared much more often than regular status updates. Use this multiplier and benefit your company from the increased reach.

Use Relationships!

Find partners who are interested in sharing your video. In the best case, these partners bring many followers and serve as high-quality multipliers. You can find more information on blogger relations in our white paper.

As an online marketing manager, if you observe the points mentioned above, you will undoubtedly be able to achieve good results with your videos.

Also Read: Content Marketing on LinkedIn For Branding and Customer Acquisition


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