Advantages And Benefits Of Youtube For Companies & Business

Its absence in the communication strategy is nothing more than a voluntary decision of the brand. The target may not fit the image it is intended to give, but the power of video to generate engagement is undeniable.

It is widely studied in social networks such as Facebook or Instagram, and it is redundant on the video platform with the most users in the world is YouTube.

Released in 2005, and mutated from a niche for bloggers to the largest entertainment ecosystem of the 21st century, the company, now owned by Google, makes engagement its key strategy to attract advertisers and creators.

It does not matter if the product to be sold is youthful, feminine, masculine, infantile, or even for the third age. The segmentation of the multinational has reached YouTube sustained on data such as those provided by Hubspot and Forbes :

  • 83% of consumers would value sharing a video with their friends if it aligns with their interests.
  • In 2019, 80% of Internet consumption was taken up by video.
  • Users spend 2.6 times more time on websites that contain video.
  • The average video consumption time per day ranges from an hour and a half to three hours.

Hence, formats such as Branded Content or Storytelling have relied on this type of content to achieve their objectives, and YouTube has become the reference advertising space for video.

Data and more data in favor of YouTube

Since it appeared 15 years ago with the famous video “Me at the Zoo” YouTube has gone through all kinds of phases; some worse and some better, but always maintaining an upward trend.

A few months later, the cross- engagement generated by the insertion of MySpace URLs on the site by users already attracted the attention of dozens of brands in the United States.

A prolific Nike campaign first, and a large investment by the Sequoia Capital fund later, ended up fueling the interest of companies towards YouTube such as advertising support.

However, it would not be until 2007, when Google would introduce the famous 15 or 30-second spots inserted at the beginning, end, or middle of the videos themselves. They were joined by pop-ups and traditional online advertising spaces.

Currently, according to some surveys, 79% of users acknowledge having an account created on YouTube. That makes it a loudspeaker with the capacity to impact more than 3,000 million users.

The company itself assures that more than 1,000 million hours of video are consumed per day. And the market does not matter, since it operates in more than 100 countries and 80 different languages. All of them conditional on preferential consumption from mobile devices (70%).

The platform also offers a vaccine against hyper-fragmentation of the network, with a year-on-year growth of accounts with more than one million subscribers of 65%.

For a brand looking to promote yourself on the internet, it is difficult to find an alternative with the benefits that YouTube offers. Not at least for the content that generates the most engagement.

A complement of great qualitative value

For companies, YouTube means free access to television with the largest audience in the world. Packed with the competition, yes, but with an incredibly high ROI if you have a proper strategy.

And it is that, with low investment and a certain investment of material and human resources, any brand can be able to shape its image at will.

The flexibility of video allows you to easily create valuable content, and to outline the corporate personality with Branded Contentboth practical and artistic. By breaking through the commercially bureaucratic space of the corporate site, engagement comes almost immediately.

But it is also that with video it is much easier to increase the ratio of conversion leads than with written content. This is due to the power of video, yes, but especially to the possibility of channeling traffic to other platforms.

For example, the user may not be encouraged to enter the site from the comment box but could initiate a purchase process if the direct link to the said process is attached.

This is not to mention the conversion rates obtained by companies capable of creating a closed circle of traffic among all their social networks; redirecting from one to another.

Youtube does not end with Youtube, because most CMS and web code formats are prepared to accept the embedded ones of the platform. A video published there, therefore, is responsive throughout the network.

Also Read: How To Upload videos to YouTube

The golden opportunity for SMEs and freelancers

Unlike television, where quality standards are high and production companies maintain a monopoly on high costs, YouTube does not have any access barriers.

That means that a neighborhood store or an entrepreneur who just gave his first steps of the business can upload a video with precarious media. A medium quality camera and a minimum knowledge of composition and light are enough.

When advising, professionals usually recommend starting with the networking and the B2B relationships and then contact the public backed by a solid foundation.

However, YouTube allows you to follow the reverse process by playing randomly. That is, allowing unknown SMEs and companies to get a “bombshell”, and subsequently calling the attention of partners and customers.

It is proven that the presence of a brand on the platform already increases the percentage of buyers between 20 and 30%. Which for a local store represents a great benefit.

The power of positioning

The more tickets purchased, the greater the probability of being the winner. This also applies to SEO; A line of action on YouTube can be added to the basic strategy to appear on Google.

Keep in mind that the video content site is the second most used search engine every day only after Google itself. The algorithms and rules it uses are very similar to those already known, and that makes it easier to work when aligning the strategy in one place and another.

Of course, we must not forget that YouTube has its own peculiarities and that it is always interesting to document yourself before taking action. The same company offers guides to follow totally free.

Also Read: How Can We Duplicate Our Mobile Screen On A TV And Transfer Content


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