Tag: artificial intelligence

A Beginners Guide: How to Start Using AI Tech in Your Business

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has been rapidly gaining popularity among businesses. You can use AI to improve your business in many ways, including improving customer experience, increasing efficiency, and reducing costs. This article will cover what a beginner should know on how to start using AI in your business. It will also discuss the benefits […]

Machine Learning And Deep Learning Increasingly Necessary For Companies

Machine learning and deep learning are two concepts related to artificial intelligence. Thanks to the development of the digital age, both branches are acquiring enormous importance. But what do they consist of? Before explaining these two technologies, it is necessary to remember the definition of their origin: Artificial Intelligence. This resides in the capacity of […]

Chatbots In Digital Marketing Communication

Chatbots are intended to replace employees in service. What are chatbots? How can they be used in practice? What areas of application and experiences are there? The article illuminates the topic and gives answers. Chatbots as digital service employees Chatbots are emerging as a serious competitor for apps right now. They are independent of operating […]

What Types of Problems Can We Solve With Machine Learning Techniques?

Machine learning can be used to address different types of problems. These can be grouped into categories according to the kind of technique with which their resolution is undertaken. This article aims to give you an overview of machine learning paradigms and the types of problems they are commonly used for. Machine Learning Paradigms As […]

How To Reskill Your Workforce For Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is considered the most disruptive technology, and it is changing how we work. Many of our tiresome and repetitive tasks are being automated. According to an economist, Robert Gordon, any work that requires less knowledge and requires less human interaction is prone to automation. Your business needs to refine; McKinsey predicts that 800 […]

The Artificial Intelligence In Three phases To Autonomous IT

Artificial intelligence (AI) is permeating more and more areas. In addition to devices and machines, the new technologies now also support IT operations: They enable networks to operate autonomously, for example. For companies that want to take this path, the IT system house Circular Information Systems recommends an approach in 3 stages. Chatbots answer customer […]

These Technologies And Digital Trends Will Influence The Market

Technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence and blockchain have sparked the imagination of insurers over the past five years.  In the past, where smart technologies could be adapted, there was too often a lack of profitability, a sparkling business idea or customer acceptance. The view of the insurance industry is therefore […]

What Can Artificial Intelligence Do In Your Business?

Have you also come in contact with the latest buzzwords artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)?Maybe think about what it is and what it can be used for within a company?I did so and took the opportunity to try to learn more about what it is and how it can be used. Artificial intelligence […]

Clarifying The Concepts Of Various Technology Terms – Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Big Data, and Data Science

The world of technology, like any other, is not immune to fads. And these fads cause certain words and concepts to be used arbitrarily, like simple marketing hollow words, which in the end lose substance and validity from misusing them. So every time there is a technology on the rise, certain buzzwords are generated that […]


The mythical goal of building intelligent machines has grown strongly on the agendas of scientists since the second half of the last century. With the rapid evolution of electronics and the subsequent development of processors, decisive steps have been taken. Currently, the development of artificial intelligence (AI) as an autonomous discipline is undergoing a decisive […]

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