How AI Changes eLearning?

“ELearning” represents the most modern teaching method on any digital device. It is the implementation of information technology in developing, distributing, and managing education or teaching. With the rapid advancement of technology and improvement in teaching systems, it is enjoyed by the masses today.

ELearning is an effective tool for connecting with students or employees and imparting valuable information to them remotely. The development of information technologies also affected education and significantly improved the teaching process. The Internet and today’s highly technical equipment of workplaces and households have contributed to the fact that distance education courses are now available to everyone.

What Does Elearning Mean?

According to The Economic Times, eLearning is a training system whose main characteristic is that it is carried out through the Internet or connected to the network.

We know that there are different meanings of what elearning is, different definitions for this concept, and different ways of putting it into practice.

That is why we wanted to write this post, to have this reference of what we are best at. Some terms that indeed sound familiar to you and that often mean the same thing as e-learning are the following:

  • Tel training
  • Distance training
  • Virtual teaching
  • Online teaching or training.

Although all of them have nuances, we are most of the time referring to the same thing: training (workers, students…) using technology.

What Are The Main Characteristics Of elearning?

According to the previous definition, we can list a series of fundamental characteristics that help us understand what e-learning is:

  • Ease of use.
  • Multimedia system (text, audio, video, image).
  • The distances between the emitter and receiver disappear.
  • It’s interactive.
  • It is accessible.
  • The learning methodologies are adapted to the subject and the student.

Cybersecurity In eLearning

Everyone must be aware of privacy and cyber threats while doing electronic learning. Today, we see many phishing attacks and data thefts from our devices while using the Internet. To avoid smishing activities and protect our data, we must follow some precautionary measures like AI bias explained by ExpressVPN. 

Below We bought you some extra steps to take care of your data from cybercriminals.

  • Avoiding email scams
  • Collaborate with the IT team
  • Protect data and materials with the help of secure storage.
  • Avoid Malware Attacks With BYOD Protection.
  • Protect sensitive information by Managing user identity.

AI And eLearning

Machine learning and artificial intelligence have a much more profound impact on our lives than one might think at first glance. We are confronted with them daily, and they greatly influence all aspects of the excellent management of a company, including the effective management of vocational training.

Consider, for example, payments made without contact with a credit card, series suggestions by Netflix, or job offers on LinkedIn: all these actions are based on artificial intelligence, as explained by SimpliLearn.

Many options exist in the training field to improve the learner experience and the learning outcome: voice recognition, machine learning, or augmented reality.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence In eLearning

Among the advantages of e-Learning, we highlight the following:

Reduction of the cost of training: while the investment is initial and maintenance, we avoid the costs of transfer, accommodation, or didactic material that are required when the activity is face-to-face. This is especially important when we talk about large organizations with different locations across the globe.

Immediacy: Once connected, any communication can be carried out quickly and agilely, both by the students and by the students with the tutors.

Flexibility: while face-to-face training requires closed calendars, online training enjoys the flexibility that allows us to connect at any time, as long as there is Internet available.

Training quality: In organizations with geographically dispersed employees, everyone receives the same quality of training without depending on different trainers with more or less knowledge and pedagogical skills.

Uses Of AI In Electronic Learning

  • Smart content
  • Intelligent tutoring systems
  • Automate admin tasks
  • Tutoring support outside the classroom
  • Virtual facilitators
  • Content analytics
  • Universal access
  • Teacher and AI collaboration

Examples Of Artificial Intelligence in eLearning

  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google’s TensorFlow
  • IBM’s Watson
  • Amazon Web Services

Also Read: Difference Between E-Commerce & eLearning


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